The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 31, 1920, Page Page Three, Image 3

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OhlrluMi Llc Kxtornilitatrd Mum
KITeotlvely when Itinectlclao Ih
Mtuto into Liquid Holutlun
fur Ilinl Dip
(Special Information Borvlco, XI, 8.
Ihqmrimoni 01 Agncuuuro)
Thoro seomn to bo i general Bonll-
nont n mo its poultry rnlHorm against
(ho practice of illpplnR fowlH. Thin
Is probably partially on account of
tho fict t It 11 1 thu dlpn tried havo boon
,,f mt ollv or cuuntlo nnturo nmt huvo
tcmlod to noil tho fcnthorn mid In
dome c wh Injure tho Kkln of tho fowl
ami glu ,no fHthorii a thoroiigt wot
ting r ho experience of poultry
fpec i' tn of t ho Unltel atatort I)o
p.,rt. i of Atr!('Ulturo iloim not Jim
d(v i i vi r 'tcii to dipping In a hoiI
(tita ''.a ral solution. Tito dlpplliK
mcthoi' however. In mont applicable
(o tin Hoattirn SIiiIoh ami to Hum
mer tr 'huentH In tho North.
Uann Sunny Day .Ynniiry
He Had to Sleep
Sitting in Chair
Gold-Min Owner Would Simply
Hav to'Gip For Breath
Restored By Taniac.
Til" t
avohh '
cJ the
t rcqulHttn Ih a rathnr warm
v ho that tho fowln will ilry
Windy weather Hhotild bo
In dipping fowln tin doHerlb
ithorn do not got thoroughly
wot. a ml If tho operation Ih llnlnhoil
n hoar before Rundown tho fowl will
beconu thoroughly dry boforo going
to rooxt In tho rather oxIoiihIvo
tenia mado of thin mothod no til uffoct
whatever from tho (lipping nan boon
observed Ah compared with duntlng
(bin method linn an advantage In that'
It redui't'K conHlderably tho coat of
mttorlnlrt, Ih moro rapidly done, and
the dteoomllturo to tho operator U
avoided It Ih Junt an effectlvo an
Tho Hco dlo much moro quickly
following dipping than when nodlum
fluorld Ih applied In dunt form. It
apponrfl that nil thono which aro
tAiinhml hv Ihn llmilil ft In vnrv nrnm- I
ptly. and the othorH nuccomb In n few
hours .
Tepid Water Hent
In uhuik tho dipping method nil
that In necessary In a nupply of tepid
watr and a tub. If two ponionn nro
to dip at tho name time, It In ndvln
able to tiMe a largo tub. Tho watur
ihould be meaHtirod into tho tub and
three fntirtbx to 1 ouiico of commer
cial or two thlrdH of an ouueo of
chemically pure nodlum tluorld added
to each gallon of water. It In readily
dlwolvtd by Htlrrlng. Tho tub nhould
be filled within 6 or 8 Inchon of tho
top, nnd an tho amount of nolutlon In
lowered through dipping numbern
of fowlH, water with tho proper pro
portion of nodlum fluorld dlnHolved
ihould bo added from tlmo to tlmo.
In dipping tho fowln It Is bent to hold
the wlngH over tho back with tho loft
hind and quickly nubmorgo tho fowl
In tho nolutlon, leovlng tho head out
white the feather aro thoroughtly
ruffled with tho other hand ho an to
allow tho nolutlon to pouotrnto to
the nkin on different pnrtn of tho
bird. The head Ih thou ducked onco
or tw. (, tho bird Ih lifted out of
tho li. 'li and allowed to drain a few
econd and In thnn reloiiHod.Tho
total time required for an Individual
fuw) i imin 'ID to 4 T Hecnndn,
"Nvory nlgn of my chronic bron
chitis Iiiih disappeared and I have
'gntuocl fifteen pouudu uluco I heitnn
taking Tnnlac, mild N. Jonon, 400
Wobittor St, Portland, Oregon, re
cently, Mr. JoiiohJh woll known an n
minor nnd niechanlo and owiih a gold
mine In linker County, Oregon,
"While Htiitlonod In camp at WiihIi
Inglon, u, c. nbout a year ago," con
tinued Mr. Joiioh, "1 wan put on
Ktmrd duty ono wot, freezing night
nnd iih I had no heavy clothing I con
tranled a heavy cold liutlio Iiiiiuh. It
loft imTln n very weak condition and
Dually dovolopod Into chronic bron
chltln, I could not lie down, I choked
up ho, and had to got what Hleop I
could Hitting up In u chair, Some
times J would nlmply havo to gimp
for breath, I tried Hirvornl thlngH but
got no pormntiont rollof, and I contin
ued to cough ho people thought! had
connumptlon. I had a nhootlng pain
through my client and back every
tlmo I breathed nnd I had to dlafon
tluiio working on my mliio, tho out
Hide work mado mo choke up ho bad.
"A friend of mlno over near Mt.
Tobor advleod mo to take Tnnlac and
It ban certainly boon a llvo mivor to
mo. I took four bottlen and I can
now lin down bh woll an anybody,
nnd there in no nlgn of tho pain loft,
I work In my mlno every day now
nnd Tnnlac ban built mo up no won
derfully I recommend It to any ono
who needs a good medicine"
Taniac In Hold In Hunts, by Rood
nnd hi Crano by Cratio Mercantile
Co. Adv.
Wise and
U'h really unkind, nlnter, to nit up
nlghtH wondering why your neighbor
docH not go to bed. Hho may bo
waiting for you to (Iouho tho glim.
Wo, tho editor of thin nheot, nro
n dead gnmo nporl, We're willing to
wager our bent and only hut that
Ohio will furnlnh tho noxt prcnldont
of tho United Stated. Now put up
or nhut up.
Wo huvo no particular objection to
woman unurplng tho tlmo honored
prorogation of man. Wo can ovon
endure neolug them wear tho family
pnntn. Hut we havo an everlasting
nnd eternal objection to being reduc
ed to tho ill re extremity of wanhlng
our own pox. The nltfiatlou In heeoiii
Ing alarming, and wo men muni bang
together or we'll nil bang neparately
- ri-
lii htir .m there are not enough
men i go round, bifl thu trouble In
thu rc.u.U ry In to sot them to go.
A writer of unto drclaroH that the
country In rapidly becoming feminiz
ed that the women nro gradually
taking over nil of tho work of men.
Oh. Joy! What a relief It would bo
If thny would only complete the Job
in lim. for iih to take ouo royal loaf
9 Mvrm
. j 5;' iiw- M
?l l ' .3 !
bri cation
will cut down your repair bills and
add to tho life cf your car. Let us
drain your crank case and fill it with
clean Zerolene. Consult our Zero
lene Correct Lubrication Chart
there is an exact grade for each type
of engine. Keep the correct grade
of clean Zcrolcne in your crank case
Universal Garage
heforo wo c(mli In, Hut thoro'n no
Mich luck, . .
Woll might wo nay that of many of
our ontOTprlnlng clltzoiiii. Thoy do
norvo It all. and moro.
Hut ,lu the background porhnpit
thoro In ono to whom oven moro cred
it In duo tho true nnd loynl wlfo,
who Httppllen tho InnplrAllon that
urgoH mon on to greater and bettor
A cheerful nnd loving homo brlngn
to tho Htirfnco tho boot that la in any'
ItH pure nnd onnnblliig Influonco
glhgern lilul up nnd ni!n him with iho
p.'l' o eouquoiit,
II Htlmulateii tho red blond nf-tnan-hood
that makon It pohhIIiIo to avoid
tho pltfulln mid Huriuoiinl. the obnta
clim of tho buiilueim world.
"That fellow In n himller" yon
but with a wlfo who liiHplren the
iipark and faun tho tinmen of hiiHtlo-ilom.
"Miuna'n Hoy" la it term young
litem often apply to othor hoyn who
reftiHO to take part In rough and
vulgar playH.
Yen, ho in "inama'a boy" iiionii
Ing that ho In being wll trained by
a good mother who In over mindful
of tho future welfare of her non.
first blrH"oiHi!l0nlSc4nil anloJul T'l' "W? ,como ou lo our nurk tl.o
"That follow Ih a liuittlorl"
It meaun that ho In growing up u
clean minded boy, with a high re
gard for tho truth nnd tho decouclen
of llfo.
It means that ho In from day to day
dovoloplng intQ tho typo of man that
olovntou humanity and mnken nntlunn
grcnt. '
Mama's boy?
Glvo us mllllonn of thorn.
When the train came
in back in l9iO
Shct your tirt ae
sordini io thm tosdm
thmy hmvo to trnvol:
In sandy or hilly coun
try, wherever the going
la apt to be heavy 'Tha
U. 8. Nobby.
For ordlnury country
roads The U. 8. Chala
or Uco.
For front wbeclt
The U. S. Plain.
For bct reaulta
vorvvior-U.S. Royal
TEN years ago you might
have seen one or two
automobiles waiting outside
the station, when the weather
was pleasant.
Today the square is'crbwd
ed with them. And most of
the cars you generally sec
there are moderate-price cars.
Anybody who tells you that
owners of moderate-price
cars are not interested in the
quality of (heir tires has
never met very many of
We come in contact with
the small car owner every
day and we have found that
he is just as much interested
as the big car owner.
There is one tire, at least,
that makes no distinction
between small cars and large
cars so far as quality is con
cerned the U. S. Tire.
Every U. S. Tire is just
like every other in quality
the best its builders know
how to build.
Whatever the size of your
car, the service you get out
of U. S. Tires is the sams.
It isn't the car, but the man
who owns the car, that sets
the standard to which U. S.
tires are made.
We feel the same way
about it." That's why we
represent U. S. Tires in this
United States Tires