T II K T I M H S II K It A Ii I) 11 U It N H 11 A It N K Y (J O U N T V i ) It 14 OON Haturifny, .July ill, HUSO. rs1 1 .rm1... .la.1:. 1 '. Don't wiiHto tlmo In pitying your Holf. You can omploy It. to better aj. vatilngo in removing the cause, i ' SI A It Y (I It I F F I ltepubllcan CVindldato For Hcliool Hiiperlutendcnt OREGON GOAT SELLS FOR RECORD PRICE awtttttth CLAYTON'S ricrritM iiahkd on M'Cl'TCIIKON NOVKIi if .l Vtaflo Two .'a Wtoevy or "Tim Myntcry Clrl" In llunionitiH, DraninUn and Appealing Klliol Clayton, the tnlmttml, benu Mltul and vorHatllp Paramount ntar, -vwW bo noon In "Tho Myatery Qlrl" t this l.lhorty thoatro noxt WodnoH wDny Miirlon Fairfax adapted thn plc tVs? rrom ono of Oeorno Ilnrr Mo "Cutehcon'H IntOHt tuut moHt popular -rtnvls "Croon Fancy" floors llnrr McCutchuon linn Iho TOepntntlnii of novor writing a dry istKrry. HIh Imagination In vivid and "5V putH a groat deal of originally to hln bookn, rduplod with a whim Vlwsl and funtnntlc humor, and n Ron tlxxs for Invention thnt roudorn thorn miuctjly different from tho nvorajco tlTatw5llcr. . "Htrcen Fancy" was a strlklnp , V.1. . - sShort-nng action beneath the"ginens"ey& JESSE L. LASKY vnrsents Fred Sto NE INT Johnny Get Your Gun " AnAKTCRAFTPiciurc ItKAIi CO WHO Y ONCKj If) KKKIj ACTOIt NOW .-p Hart HokIo Ha Good ltol "Jehnay G Your Umn." In Jegse L. La sky Ethel Oay ton Theiystery Girl Hurl IIoxlo wuh a real cownuncher n fow year ago and ho wuh practic ally ropod Into Iho pIcturoM, It nil happened wlinn ha wuh punching rat tin In Arlxonn and a moving plcturo company came along, Hart appro achod tho ptaco whom tho company wan on location and watched tin; work with IntorcHt, Tho director or tho company, kcoIiik tho Kod looking cowboy, linked him to work and Hurt irlnnod and Maid ho uiumMod ho'd try It, maybe. Thu director moiiii found that he had unearthed nomo real dramatic talent and before long Hart wan In Kouthorn California working In (bo pictured right along. In "Johnny (lot Your Uuu," tho now Artcraft picture ' In which Frod Htono makoH 1i!h third I Hereon appearance at tho Liberty thoatro Sunday, AukumI 8, Hart ipluyri tho Important part of Kill . Iliirnham, tho pal of Johnny Wlgniim, thu chief character In tho picture. Iloth hoy aro moving picture cow punrhorH. Donald Crlp directed tho picture and Henry Kotaul did tho I camera work. Tho Htipportlug cant In excellent. An Oregon brod and ralaud Angora billy coat Ii;ih bn u no v. record, fielllng at auction tor $1700 at tho Oont IlalHora' tibow' held In Ban Angtilo, Tox recently, tho hiRboHt price over paid, lor a goal. Ilo Ih a two-year-old, ruined by William Riddle of Monmouth, Oio and sold to U. M Halbort of Bonora, Tex. Mr. Ithldlo In boldluc the goit In thn plctvra above. add that they aro generally worn by women nnd glrla who have nomethlii5 worth exhibiting below tho knee. vHUtcy, but It Ik mild to have bno lui TirnvMl by Hh tranHfereiice to tho tfi!n. Tho chango In title gives a WaiT bleu or what It U nlimM. for 4Wb !laytou Iti truly a girl or tuyn Wifry nnd a very charming one. Tliere in a lot or trouble aboui ernwn Jowtda of mi Imaginary prln- irVJHy, and tho war Ih Introduced, r "Too bad that old maid can not got a hiiHhaiid," remurked a Hmart Aleck of a very charming maiden lady the other day, Hut tho "old maid" Ih fortunate In at leant one renpect nlie huxn't a (charming. Smart Aleck for a huHband. , William (J, Do.Mlllo directed thr Hh" ,H no1 u" MPHtnrt'ii Hlavo, and picture with much nklll. Tho hup h" "oin,n 1 IIV" ' Ht",ul n, ",)UHW 'porting cant Ih an excellent one, thn r on" w,l -loenn't know how to rc- ulayorH including Honry Woodward. Hm,!l ,H ow" h hex. (Marenco Hiirton, CharloH Went,' Win Kbo may bo an "old mald",u point ter Hall, .Muyiu IOoIho and I'arka of yonm, but hIio Ih honored and re- Jonei. , Hiiected. and decout people do not ............ . .. . . . Ii..i .... Imp lit .llui.llul .t'l.f.l. 4jluk I J I'llIIV irillll'KIl I'flllllWIV 111 111X11 ) llin III Hinkimi iiivi. chr.mKU tho fact that thn heroine Ih ' MiukMl ror WedueHiluy night nuikoH u reiunrk about other people. rt neon an an ambulance driver A ,,,,.. wml ,lllH,ian,,7 wi t.'ji iialtlo zone, while the hero, , It wouldn't bo ho bad after all to xytMl by Honry Woodward. Ih an ' illlVn womnn r.ir .,r,,i.,rv nf -m... Army captain, invalided',.. JVmi'-rlcan I'oHHlbly HO. Hut of Infinitely more value to tho I 'Cllj. uiut.iilu nt II... ol.il.. .1. m. ........ .... .... Iumm 1...0UUK.. .r .. innw..r-u iw.,,r I'"" """" ",u n""" world tlinu a Hiuari A10CK. nuK Ik adventure, thrill, excite! wm,l(l "I""1 book' Ml ,,,ul "'mwTSZ rjrtt anil i.timor in Mm hiopv .....i wmM ITovont tho daiiRor of any en, LHUKLrl willing In hi. Id to ho dlHtluOly l,ll,.B.,,nJ,!L,l",f!", ANNOUNCEMENTS JOSEPH M.SCHENCK FATT uARBUCKLX it CHHIHTIAN KCWNCK HOCIKT1 Servlc t lliea o'Uck, The readme rooa la tha caurcb Rdlflce, la open on Tuesday and Fri day rreai 8:30 ta 4t30 . m. Buuiay School meeta ea Sunday at 10 o'clock. Tuplla may b admitted t It. olaAiKw Up to the axe of CO yaTi, The public Ih cordially laylted ta tha Church 8 vices uud to tho Head lug Roon. , HAITIHT CIIVHGII Iltblo School at 10 A. M. l'reunhliiK at 1 1 o'clock. Kvonlng Sorvlco at 7: HO, "n. i I'rayor mooting Thurmlny, 7:110 P. M. Nov. J, J, Tlcknor, 1'uutnr. Ileul donco north of Court Houho, riiouu W121. o . m Vl rf- ' ) WYf V ' I'M 1W VII 1 Kfewoloi'. antl Optlc-ian Ii.iiirravoi. ji'lue Wutcli Jtejuulrliij; a Specialty Tho Hocret of many a woaian'H rep'j,ot been computed utatlon for beauty lien In her buIIc. Cultivate tho art. It coitta nothing but an effort and Itn value hau never Care Spring Fever with a good HPItlNCI TONIC NYAI. HI 'R I NO HAItHAI'AHII.IiA COMPOUND THY Al.li NYAI IIKMKDHIS AND I'lti:iAIt.. . TIONH You will be delighted with the way they do their work The Welcome 'Pharmacy Nral Hfere Here's the Ford Coupe, deservedly a very popular motor car because if itn all-round serviceability. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and demountable rims with 3-inch tires front and rear. Large plate glass windows. Generous sized doorsroomy seat, upholstery deep and substantial. Dust-proof and water-proof. Breezy nnd cheery in fine weather, cozy and dry in bad weather. All the established Ford merits of dependability, with small cost for opera tion and upkeep. For business and professional men who drive it is ideal and for touring and other pleasure driving it is the one car .tiint delivers all expectations. The demand is large so orders should be left with us without delay. BURNS GARAGE BURNS, OREGON ' 'J. -r-v .'SK,-zzr1.ifztr' U 7. a . ---r ,. IRRIGABLE and HAY LANDS in the heart of Harney Valley now offered at $30.00 to $110.00 an acre AH Within the Harney Valley Irrigation District Large acreage cutting hay. All with water .rights. PACIFIC LIVE STOCK COMPANY Sales Office at Burns.