The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 31, 1920, Image 1

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    t )
Hnrnoj County' timber U hn
H't for Immediate cxploita
lion MUl xhoiild bo tHi-HiHj:
It out to aid In the rocoHMtrue.
tton work of tho station." In
rasUgalo thl virgin Icld.
Harney county roscourcc
attracting the attention of
entire Wcmt, Irrigation, vieck
raising, mines, toll and ham pr
Hpecto HN1 agricMlturo
Mwaitlng development.
NO. 40
Rev, John II. Wlchorson nrrlved In
UhlH city Thursdny evening to bogln
work ii8 pastor of tho First l'rgaby
Fronk Johnson Enthusiastic lor"ul cllrch Tho you,IK m,in ,H 11
grnuuaio inw your rrom tno omiiiiu
Over Irrigation: Haa
Watched Development
Plea "Against Lyncli Law in Engineer Ssjy Proposition is
Case Slayers Are
Pondloton, Oregon, July 27,
(Spoclul to tho Orogonlnn) Til Tny
l'resbytorlifn Theological Homlunry
iiml comon rull of energy and Iduuln.
Ho him lunl oxpcirlotico In preaching
and lecturing In tho past having
preached In Missouri, Nebraska ami
"T.. T. i.'t another pluco In Ore- iwa. nlso In Chicago,
gon where tho pooplo huvo such nn Mr. WIcherHon Ih n pleasant young
luvnni.p. ior cnoup irrigation," mild man to meet and no douht will bojlor'n body wiih laid In Its final rest
KruttK J Miaou the other dny when mmulnr with tho vouiiKor noonlo of. Inn Phico hero thin nftornoon. Tear
talkltn ' tho Harney Valloy Irrlgu- thin city. Ho hun no family. j Cut tribute wnH paid tho horolo Mhorirt Rufugo bill will! Intorforo materially
lion 1 r.ct mnttors. "You don't, Members of tho congrogutlon of of Utnntllln county ull durliiR tho with IrrlRiitlon interests In tho vlcln
roquln re than half un much wat- ti,n Presbytoriaii church aro aakod to! morning and tho early afternoon by Hy of Malhour lake, and will roturd,
tr heri as wo do at tho Ochoco or K0 to church tomorrow morning" nt 'a never-oiidlng procoHBlon of IovIhr rather than dovelop tho Mate, in not
on tin' ttnrni Springs projects," con- tho regular Horvlco hour whom tho I friends and townsmen. Rowers of out In a report adopted by tho Amor
tlnucd Mr Johnson, "for tho reason now naHtor doslrnn to mnnt thm an.llfioworH decked both tho cankot and nssoclaton of eugnoere at a moot-
One That Will Not
Develop State
A Halcm special to tho Orogonlnn
shop; That tho apjiroval by tho vot
ers of Oregon nt tho November eloc
Hon of' tho so-called Jtoosovelt lllrd
that your oll will sub-lrrlgato."
Jlr Johnson is a crank on Irri
tation, at lenHt thttt'a the way ho
puts It but iih li matter of fact ho Is
simply enthusiastic becauBo of bin
enervations and his interest In boo
lag things develop, JJo has resided
at Frinevillo practically all his life.
diocuHH plann for tho future.
A Word to Sheepmen
It will be of -interest to all nhoop-l
,nicn In IlHrnty County to know that
flw . X Fy rW frm the varies wool growers associations
11 ? T CU?,try " 0t,worKtnR with tho National Karm!
It In a pity that people aro bo noglU
gout Many, In fact moot, of tho
Chautauqua guarantor!! have failed
to pay tholr ntnall lUmoRiiniont of 50
co n to each, Tho night tho now con
tract wan HlRiicd up and tho matter
placed boforo thorn, part of tho guar
antors caino forward mid pnTd tholr
Hiiiull Hum toward cancelling tho ob
llgatlonii of tho Chautnuoua, but tho
amount fell iiliort quite u bit because
a comparatively few paid.
If tliH is rend by u dollnquont it
should havo tho effect of bringing
forth tho uoccuHtiry 50 cents. Cer
tainly no honoat person wants a fow
to ntand tho oxpennu of financing tho
Chautauqua, bcsidcH, when tho guar
untoo in signed It Is oxpected that
each will contrlbuto his or hor nharo
toward any doflclt If thoro bo ono.
Don't bo In tho cIhhb of thono who
the grnvo. Among tho coBtly floral K hold recently In Portland. Tho
plot-en wore sprinkled bouquets, slm- report was signed by Percy A. Cup-
plo In tholr majestic surroundings, Pjr Btato engineer; O. Largaard,(lon,t koop up tholr ontl ot pub,c on.
yot oloquont in tho story they told of city engineer of JPortland, and J. W. torprlsus.
roveronco ror mo nooio man wno vuiujinBHui. ine repori in pari
ban rounded up bin last denporato reads:
criminal. "0tl August 18, 1908, the Malhour
Hundreds of persona crowdod In lako ronervatioln was created by
tho Church of tho Itedeemer where presidential proclamation for tho
tho funoral snrvlcen woro conducted protection ot native birds. This roe-
by Hov. Alfred Lockwood and hun- ervatlon Includes all of Harney and
lnR icctloiiH In tho ontlro state. Ho!rH, WHCrV0 0Rr(, R , who b drods more lined tho streets and yard Malheur lakes in Harney coBnly. Ita
m today on land that a few years , nnl Pnwn, 1Iltf ' surrounding tho church, unablo to boundary lino Includes not ouly those
got clono enough to hear the Inst landn lying below tho meander lino
words of tribute. It was a sorrowful of tho lake, but also all of thoao
There wan a lump In tho logal subdivisions, any part of which
Z "i 1 nZ, . , J . ,UttrB.the wool grower may bo financed on
Zn .rZt V u . . ,u,,r" this season's wool clip until such time
hlng Krow nB 4o bushel wheat- ft norma buyor nmrkol
ku nun nuuui nun l no WRtor It . ..... ntriimnnv
...... noiui ih - Itiwlnt. (in KlviMtmHtatirx... ulinltlfl llw. CTUrUIHOll J i
could uho advantageously and what . ,'. thront of ovory person In tho vnst.touchos tho taeander line.
It will finally got when tho Irrigation ,, h(J can B0CU'r(J R ,oal of Bt :BHHemblyi an the deeds of tho valiant "Tho Inko it very shallow and per-
jnd on his o'lclal woro extolled by tho mininlor.;""l' buouiu more property oo ciassi-
that hud always boon Illuminated by and will produce hay and forago for
I lovo for his fellow men. stock. It In now propoBod to convey
Women wondered, men wero star- to tho federal government practically
I tied a little, children shook tholr tho entlro bed of Malheur lako.
project Ih In full working order.
:;.,: , " u,uu". least S6 per cent per pound on hlB,OIc"" woru ' "u .' . 1
"Junt iih soon an tho roBervoIr 1 woo lr u ,H Mllinp0d to somo wool 8troiiR mon wept llko children as tho Hod as a swamp. Most of the
filled and with normal conditions pre-LIir((hn. ,i.r h,.i,i t, h.. fnw'coinn lid wan closed over tho face i suitable for agricultural pun
Tilling in the weather lino, I'm sure
tho crops grown under that project
la ono season will pay tho cost of tho
tnliro project," said Mr. Johnson.
"You people will cover a larger area
warehouse, thoro should bo but fow
Instancon whoro tho grower cannot
hold for a higher price.
This money can be borrowed from
vitur Input bank nn a hill nf laillnir I
or It can bo borrowed from tho wool !''"' "v- Mr' Logwood "tr-
'Extensive irrigation will doubt
than tho Ochoco and under vastly L.arohottllo Comn.niM An either tho tho throng midway in his eulogy loan result in very much lesa water
moro favorablo construction comll
Hon, ho 1 hopo you all roalUo what
It meatix to tho community and what
It ocsns to. greater production.
"I liawi boon looking ovr tho
country during my travels back and
forth this Koason, and while wo aro
lolng to havo one of the biggest crop
Tears In our history on tho Ochoco, I
have tailed to seo anywhere better
alfalfa or grain than I havo seen In
this valley during thin season. Get
stay and stand behind your irriga
tion organization and push tho pro
Jct to completion Just as fast an you
tho lako up entirely and
.i ...... n uk..i rrill. run nil I nr Mnllmnr Inkii. nnH If u-ntil1
bill of ladlnif or tho wnrohouso ro- "f asserting un. wuiu oum o , . ..-...
Z ,,u wnrohouso ro a noyur Mom t(nt wm roM(iU oUhcr n
The follnwine Is a stntomont anth-'consent Ki tho lynching of Uio five drying
oil i
You Should Be There
Ij. K. McDanlcls County Afccat
Have you received an Irvltatlon to
uttond tho Field Day at tho Experi
ment Htatlon on Sunday, August 8th?
If not It was bocauso your nnmo wan
not on our mailing list an COO Invita
tions wero mailed by this office,
However, do not let tho fact that
you did not receive a card keep you
from coming for It will surely bo
worth your while.
Ita Sunday and I'm n Christian,
you sayl Suro It Is and sure you aro
On Counties of Interior;
Co-operation Necessary.
Tho following nrtlclo iu n clipping;
taken from tho Mnlhour Enlorprlw
on tho postal order which went lutu
effect tho 20 of this month, and la.i
question Hint wo should nil havo au
lntorcst In, and got togother to con
trive u method for its remedy:
Tho recent order of tho PoatolQeti
Department in tho matter of rumor
ing it'n postal clerks, of which thorn
are four on tho Ontnrlo-Crano branch
of tho Oregon Short Lino, if put lntx
full effect on Monday July 20th will
prove to bo the greatest liijuatlea
that- haa ever been perpetuatrd o
Malheur County and the counties)
contrlbutary Jieroto in the Interior.
The postal department haa ordered
an increase of salary of tho mall
clerks and that togother with tl
provisions of the new law pnnscd rc
contly, which provldos that branenca
such as ours must have flvo pontof-
flces thereon in order to bo cntitloal
to tho services of railway mall clerks
aro taken to be tho contrlbutattng;
causo of tho order as it now standa
of rocord. This ono moans that Ball
for Valo and points interior thoreto
will havo to bo routed in tho Ontario
postomco and tho mall for Hums will
bo from twenty-four to thlrty-shc
but do you know of any better way of hnurn doyaled as compared to tkm
Bimnillnv Ihn l.nril'u DllV than lull 11 fT nrnannl .Itixilliln. thn mall of
spending tho Lord's Dny than being
out under tho bluo vault of heaven
looking over tho waving hendn of
grain nnd grasses, Inhaling tho frag
rance of countloHs blosoms mado pos-
prcsont schedule; tho mall of Vata
for Instance will have to lay In On
tario until mado up and locked mp
for Valo which will take tlmo and
mall which hnn boon coming from
nlblo by tho application of tho llfo ! )o(hi in tho pnst and Is now lxInK
... ( . . . . ...... . m . . i . . . . . . .
... a. ,M.. a ....i ftnittfiittr ii t ft i iiiinv au niL'tiiiiiik ritif iiuiiw itnfma e r i wni in fififi iihimii .iijmpi v iimiAii nun nai i iit tnnf ti
'O by tlJO roderal HOSOrVO Hoard ,-,..1,1,. Mlinlhir In Alvnlil liikn op n nnll lnVnlln. In Ilia uxnlunatloil of Sutl't Shat-'nf malla.' will liavn in lav In Onlnrlo
tint rnnformirn nf thn wool Ior wnom inn uiium .uu... a.uu . --- -- - - .
lira and thn National r'urui llur- becomo a POHMO. " .... - -
era aim UIO .imuiini riru llur !u,,nm. Ilinrnrnrn. Hint llin rirnnni- nrn. tln.v nvulnti Ihnlr avulnm nf lirodllC- from Ilnlun nn Ihn Pnnv nrrlvlnif In
I CXCUllVt'H (It WAfllllliKlOU. U Oi. I 1.1 t.,a M OA l...lnil nnf tinVA 1 tllll int.iMaU .. 1 A A A m r. .1 It .amU
Tho wi-okly luncheon of Uio Com
mercial ( lub hold nt noon Friday
of thlrt wi(k wan attended by -18 of
ho hu "m mon of tho City and wiih
-Krcnt urens, both from tho point
ot atlc t dance and from tho interost
lakuii in 1 ho dlhcusHlonH.
Chan V Kills led tho discussion
m "City needH," Mr. A. It. OIhou
dUcussfd tho probloms of "Coloniza
tion" and Mr. J. J, Donegan prosent-
the highway problem. Each sub
Joct elicited dlftcunslon by a numbor
t our citltens, and all wont nwoy
from th(i tuiiclicon with a better un-eratan'JItin-
of tho probloms that con
front tl- (ommunlty and County and
bttr idea of methods bfnccomp
'lblng a- doslrod results. ' -
The r ,,r,'rtnnlty of n. llfo tlmo Is
Row I, r r, tho pooplo of thin county.
0 t,i i'j this County -ono of very
"id,on of high cIohh and do
' vp landn that will attract
.. .....a aa
i'iiui iin 11 seniors. uur ntored."
to got tho eottlorH and
touch with our country.
restored confldenco in tho wool In
dustry by suggesting a plan for flln
ancing thn wool groworn during the
present emergency, lly advanco ar
rangement with tho Federal Ileservo
Hoard, wool growers, bankers, In tho
wool section and eastern wool mar
kets, wool dealers, warohouso men,
linlti Irrltrnttnti nml rnnlrnl nf Ihn
ern Colonization Co. representative, Uk(j Hurfacfl H,multanoou,,y 0 tnRt
was In town this week, from l-rino- condton would
at al times bo uu-
vlllo, looking after somo company
Tho now Dopnrtmont of the llurnn
iraHh Htoro Is neilrlng completion.
They havo moved tho stock from tho J
fast cutting alfalfa, toll how, abort 'not possibly bo routed until tho next
handed and working an avorago of day for our local train.
1C hours a day, thoy nrn domonstrat-l Tho Editor of tho Euterprlno hfut
dor control, nnd tho best Interests
of tho ntnto cared for
carefully considered nnd well ordered .handled. United States Congrennmn Nick Btnn
plan. I If you know of a bettor way, then ot bv (olograph nnd In addition thorn-
"II is'probablo that tho stato ban you aro a poorer Christian than I to hoR also taken tho raattor up wit
Inr tho wonderful noHSlbllltlen of tho taken thin matter un with Senator
through a soils of Harney County properly .'(ion. Chamberlain, nnd with lb
1 . . . . . .... t...n.ii.. .....1 .... iii.iiif.iii vnii wnrn ir ih nnHii'r null iiwnn nv w m rnr inn vnin cnimnnr
inannfactururs nnd othorn intorost- 0111 H,niltl ni 1,10 ''UVW,,D ". " " a valid right to most of tho and " -manuracturers.
ana oinorn iniorosi convonlont to get down on your 0f Commorco. Hoth answered lin
ed in tho wool trade hold an nil day ic JJJ J"' loimrtnujntH within tho meander lino, consisting mmw onoH uuil prny tl0 Lon, to ,nod,,loly IlV0 takon sU,H to
session with tho J-mloral "OM(?rvo.I(;r tl(, MIUIUJ roof nmk,K n VOry of "PProxImntoly 47,000 acres a largo how you how ,0 do better than It In hold tho order In abeyance until
Hoard yesterday. Tho condition of tho uUrft(J(V(j am, wh() , fronl prt of which Is Hultnblo for agrlcul- to walk over tho station flolda nnd r axil Innrlnp can bo had. In th
wool mnrket caused by. tho rocont ,,....,., .... .,, lurtil mivt,oHeB Pronerly hundlod with opon mlndH boo nnd hoar how monnllmo It bohoovos all Intomst In
cessation of purchases of raw wool Is completed, which I dolajed on tho ural purposes. I roperly hand led,
wan laid before tho board and n full account of glass, It will bo ono of our thin should produce a revenue to tho . HormiH11KBH. folkH. worlh ,. ... Co..nll)!4 to worI
dlscuBslon whb had of various plann monl uttrucllvo bulldlngn from tho nchool fund of several
tevr lir
tit.. .
"UH f.i.r irrigation project undor
y, a t now is, thoro is nothing to
woven t an era of real prosperity In
county, nnd every citizen of tho
founty should do bin and hor boat to
r thi ' uccurato and full lnforma-
ton i , ),o hnndn of all yho doHlro
for financing the Industry until nor
inn! buying operations aro resinned.
Unllko most other crops, wool In mar
keted in tho nprlng and early sum
mer, and tho marketing conditions
prevailing during tho past month
havo threatened groat losses to wool
growers which might bo disastrous.
Such condition, If It develops might
cause Horlous nacrlflcp of sheep on
farm nnd rnugo, and result in reduced
supplies of, wool and mutton In
.... .......... t . .T 1 1a .I.i' uliniilM
that thoro wnn no disposition on tho
pari of anyone to maintain artificial
prices, but simply to mako urrniiRO
miMits by which lemporary Interrup
tion of tho market would bo removed
and normal marketing conditions ro-
nut nn well an tho liisldo.
IhouHiuid dollnra."
Tho plan of action finally urrlvcd
nt wan adopted iih n morn nlmplo nnd
satisfactory way of dealing with tho
situation than tho Cotton Loan Plan
of 191-1 which had been suggontud.
At tho termination of a conference
between tho Hoard nnd u sub-commlt-leo
consisting of blinkers thoroughly
familiar with tho entire ultimtlon, tho
hundred . u'lilln fnr nil nf us. regardless of our thfv havn niivnr worked for nnvthlni:
bollofn or aftlltut Ioiih. to tnko a day or any Issuo in tho past to so) tlmt
off now nnd then for recreation. Wo tho Venator postolllco for which pot
will all bo tho better for It; wo will itlon ban been mnde, In Instituted nn
nil bo able to do better work; wo put on tho railroad, so tlint tho tecU
meet othom who glvo us Inspiration; ntcalltlos of the poBtoltlco Depnrtmotit
and wo will all bo hotter cltlzoiiB. luro compiled with and tho order la ra-
Aftor all what in llfo, if It Isn't nj poinded,
collection of Just such pleasant 00-1 Establish ono of theso new posi
caslnun taken iih wo go along life's 'ofllcos that nro now bolng sought, nua
pathway? Thoso who wait till somo int Pencil, ono at Nnmorf, ton miles
future tlmo to tnko tholr ploosuro, west of Hnrpor, and a third ono, nt
oftentimes finds thoy havo lost tho .Venator. Work for all tbreo, they
Hoard authorized tho following stato
no community In tho wost ..
fills t JUUJll,
rBi fin offor irrigated lands at ,
to 0110 of tho UHiial polntn of d fnirU 1
mccs . r (M,,K twm 4o. to ?100. an
'O' V wo huvo thousands of acres
tat nr now hold nt thoso prlcon nnd
1 '8 oi, y bocniiHo our lands oro not
'orli . ij and mado known that wn
fe not flooded with onqulrlen and
"at Kcuiers aro being diverted to
"w r rts of tho woat.
butlon, obtaining from the rnllro.i
a bill of lading for Uio shipment; tho
grower may then irnw a (irniu
against this bank secured by, tho bill
of hiding. Tho Kedoral Itoservo Act
authorized any momber bank, to ac
cept a draft secured In this manner nt
the tlmo of nccoptanco, provided that
tho draft moturoa In not moro than
nix montliH from tho tlmo of nccopt-
Aftor nccoptanco such ti draft
A Bp-. ii mooting of Hums Chap
fr No 4(j O. K. fl. TnoHilov AiiKUiit iW'CO.
' 7:30 p. m. for tho purposo lionring tlm ondorsomont of a mom
' Initiation, Hy order of ,,or hl"x( ,fl "lBu, for rediscount or
LKONA THOMPSON purchaso by a Fodoral Rosorvo Hunk,
Worthy Matron, Tro Tom, (Continued on pngo four) "
RUSTY SI!0U1J)F.RS nre rare in Tl IIS MAN'S TOWN,
EVERYBODY h uScn.-(lhe ahouldciO-Ho the wheel
leaving, puthing BOOSTING foi OUR TOWN and awglibor.
ll ii a ciMrununity steadily growing mi mospenly, Thebigre
ton loi f.ucli growtji U loyally and SERVItE.
Tlie Inijuim and puLliospiritco! men LONG AGO roalued
ihnl If OUR TOWN wunlcd to maintain a ultnntial noaition, their
I .;. miist U huill ujKin the loumLlioiis ol CL0.SEST RELA-
rrlMionship is (wssible IIuoukIi Imvuig SOMETHING
to oT, itr '! u,biK the offciings KNOWN. Il i thu pruicinle
u. l......-ail, 'BOOSTING" out coiiunuiiity.
A town is no strontfei th;ir ib DU$1NESS tlie businoo el
s nicrchant.1 and nciglilNiring farmers.
The way to show ttwae honest, tmcere merchants of town
and country that you unpieciale the otand they have taken, and aw
taking every djy in BOOSTING ihis town to read the advav
tiscments palronize ihcm. BUY YOUR GOODS of ll men
who are keeping out (own in the prosperous habit
In that way you'll be doing your BOOSTING.
ability toonjoy themselves.
Attend on thai1 day wltU.all your
nro nocdod.
' It.iH,Bt!gKeflted that" Editor Ccorgti
family and .you will gojomo fcejlng e Carlor , of thoCrano Amoriciu;
that you havo oxporlonced one' of , and Editor J. A. H);ril, of tlio Hiirnoy
thoso raro occasions whoro a dny'him County news at Ilurns,, togother with
boon spoilt 'both ploasdutly and pro- f tho btiBinosa men wll'l join with iih
lllnbly to yourself, and In addition , in this Irsuo, so tlint wo will not hu
you have glvon oncournKomont by
your proflonco to mon who work long
and earnoatly without expectation of
reward other than tho fooling of
work woll dono.
subjected to this Inconvenient in
dignity that puts thousands of peoplo
nut of tho kou of tho rights of Amer
ican citlzous.
Cnmo In ono and nil nnd .Ight un
til wo nro successful In having thin
Mrs. Tom Allon loft lust week for:onlor ros0nded for nil tlmo to como.
Entorprlso whoro sho will visit hor Tftl0 tho mattor un with our rop-
son Fred for a tlmo going lator to r08ontnttvoa In both houses of thn
Portland nnd possibly California in nfttlonnl congress, by prcHontlng tho
tho hopo that tho lower nltltudo will factR (o tnom T1,ov wllI ln turn
sco thai tho residents of Wnrney nnd
of Miillienr Counties are given J115-4
bqieflt her livnlth.
Roy Dwyer la using his very best
efforts these days to furnish us with
lights. ,Ho Is using tho wator power
whon po'salblo but finds it in not ado
qunto for tho load part of tho tlmo
ami thou Louises his engine, Ho can
not got tho' proper fuel to uso In thl?
ongtno-so ho Is using n mlxturo ot
gnsollno and korosono. Mr, Dwyer
lutsfstn ho Is not making operating ox
ponnoo nt prosout but hopos for bot-
Yours very slncoroly,
Malhour Publishing Company
William .Francis F. Seemiui.
Potltlons nsklng that tho propoKl
tlon of n bounty on Jack rabblta bu
piacod on tho ballot this fall nro bo
Inir nlrnnlalAil. Thofln lntorostod anil
tor things in tho futuro whon wo ot tl08ro tQ drci,,ato ono ftr0 roqe8toa
tho irrigation project undor why and f0 j0t Chostor Dalton know ot tliour
tho community advances. deslro . ,Tt3