The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 24, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    PitKtt Might.
V II M T I ,M 13 S II H It A li I) It V It X H , II A It N 12 V P 0 V N T V , O It 13 (I 0 N
HnUtnhty, .July I! I, twin
How To Live
Worry-less and Work more
Ride less and Walk more
Frowm less and Smile more
Drink less and Breathe more
Eat less and Chew more
Preach less and Do more
Spend less and Save more
The "Save" came last 'but that doesn't indicate
.it is the least important.
SAVING doesn't mean saving money alone.
We can and should savc'in many ways. '
They are all worth while, but the Saving of
Money is of great importance. It is the Visible Proof
of our Ability to Save.
The raan who Cannot Save is Beaten from the
Success is not in him.
WE can help YOU save by keeping
your Savings in the bank and paying
you interest thereon, at 4 per cent
compounded twice each year.
f First National Bank j
IMIMMIIIMIHmmMMHMIt I ii 1 1 1 1 1 li
Claud and Frontly Smyth aro ovur
from Diamond,
Hum Timbroll whh among our bitBl
iiijHH vlHltorH during thu week,
W. D. IhilTmuii wan it bUHlnoim via
iter during thu week.
Tobo Duncan In back from Idaho
whoro ho ban boon at work.
Harold Cuwlflold and wlfo arn
npondlng a time in HIIvIcb Vulloy with
hor parontn.
Wllllnm llntiloy hnfl gone to Port
land and will vlHlt other outnldo.
polntn boforo returning homo.
Mr. and Mrn. TIioh. Vlckorn woro
vinltlng with rolatlvoa and frluudii In
tli Ih city during tho week.
Tlio "olo nwlmiiiln' pool" continued
(o bo tho moat popular ttpot In thin
Mr. nnd Mrn. Frank Dibble and
Mm. hunter Wllllunw woro In from
thulr lioiium on Silver crunk Tuomluy.
.Hoy Clark waa culling upon bin
many frlendH In llurna tho toro part
of thin wcM.
1 II. Hill wan In town tlitn week
on bUHlncHrt. Tom Ih Htlll ono of thu
followa who koopn climbing aloiiK
and maklnir UiIiikh hum.
I'utltloiiK nro being prepared thlri
wook to clrculatn to have (ho proponl
tlon of a II vo cant bounty placed on
rabbit, put on tho ballot UiIh fall.
Tht ffilr In going to have tho par
ticular attention of aomo of our clt
Izoun from thU timo until thu dato of
Hnpt. A. It. Olaon of tho P. Ii. B.
Co. wo a pannongor out by way of
Hond to Portland lunl Saturday
Frlondn In thin city have rocolvcd
a letter rocontly from Capt. A. W.
(Jownn staling ho linn recovered from
bin lllnnnn and that ho and Mrn. Go
Ira Mahon wua In town Thursday.
O. M. ltydor la horn from linker
looking aftor tho nooda of hla cun
tomora In thla city.
Itoy Ilunyard wau ronowlng ac
quaintances In thla city during tho
Paul Flnko wan down from bin
mountain homo Wodneaday to attend
tho funeral of bin frlond W. M. Smith.
0. T. Furror of tho HCtnndnrd Oil
Co,, Htatlontid at Crane, waa a bual
noHii vlallor to our city yontorduy,
Frod Korloo, a resident of tho
Donlo Hoctlou, Ih In town today. Mr.
Korluo haa renlded in that neighbor
hood for night yearn and this hi hla
first vlalt to thla city.
Chnrlon M. Faulkner wont to huke
vluw yoatorday to niuot bin family
and bring thorn back after n vlalt
with rulatlviia and friondu In that
Col. I. C. Onllup thu horno commln
Hlon man, la ugulu In thla vicinity
looking after tho tdilpmont of ntook.
Col. (lallup hna been In tbu bono bun
InuMi for many yearn and known (ho
gnmu. IIu roproHontn a reliable con
corn and will bo found dealing fair
'with all hla cunlomura.
Ham Mntherahead and family nnd
Wm. Faro loft early thin morning forj
Cunyou City whurn Mr. Mothornhcad
hnd aomo hiiHluuKH. Tho party will
Ihi Joined at Canyon by Mrn. Kami
and Knthrlno and llolda Schwartz
and they will go up to (ho Illuu Mt.
Hprlngn for a abort ntay boforo re
turning to Ilurnn. '
Married Sunday, at tho Catholic
church In thin city, W. M. Carroll nnd
Minn Leila f-'gll, Huv. Father Francis
performing tho cerutaony. Thin wed
ding wau Homethlng of a aurprlao to
the frlundH of thu young people. Doth
For a Greater Harney County
Every boy is a minature business man.
If he manages his little business affairs
with credit to himself, he will be a good
manager of big affairs later in life.
The best way in the world for a boy to
become a good manager is to have a sav
ings account, think twice before spending
and keep the account growing.
This bank wants to be a "partner" in
the affairs of eveiy sturdy, sensible boy in
Harney County by helping him to save.
Harney County
National Bank
And member of the Federal Reserve System
For a Greater Harney County
Ilert llowur waa In town tho other
John Uravcn and family worn up
from their homo near Mainour lake
I Wednesday.
Clarence Cary and family wero
guoHta of relatives and frlondn In thla
J. II. Andornon waa In town from city tho foro part of thin week.
IiIh homo near Van thu other day.
W. T. Vanderveor wan nmong our
bunlnoHrt vlnilorn tho foro part of tho
Charles W. I.ohroy, a resident of
tho HteltiH Mountain section, wan In
town for a few dayn during tho week
looking after some business affalra
and renewing ncqunlntancon.
Mr. W. C. Drown and hor three
childreu, Itoy, Loin and Dan, with
A rabbit drlvo hna boon nuggented
an an experiment to hoo what can bo
accomplished In that lino during thla
tlmo of year.
Mr. nnd Mrn. Huchannn were
among Uioho from n dlntaucu to at
tend thu funeral of the late W. K.
I. M. Davln and W. D. Iluker camn
over from Drowttoy Wodnonday. Mr.
linker rocontly cumo In from Port-' vrnn Cawltleld na driver, left Wed
land whero ho haa been living for tho nonday morning In tho Kord for a
past couple of yearn and whoro ho ban vlHlt w,, rolatlvon an dfrlendH In
purchanod a homo. Ho In back look- Malheur county and over In Idaho,
lug aftor nomo bUhluoitH utlalra. ,T I,nrly nbnont nomo two
or thruo weokn.
C. II. McKondreo, of I.altevlew, In'
In thin part of tho country on bun!-' Kn"tiont Inqulrlon from outnldo
nena. Mr. McKondreo la thu gontlo- Plnta nhowa a lively Interest In the
man who ruproHonted tho law firm progronn being made toward tho com
who propoHo InHtltutlng suit to nettle Idetlon of tho Irrigation project un-
tho riparian rlghta of land ownora on ,k''" dlntrlct recently organlml In
thu border of Malheur lake.
thin auction. Peoplo who formerly
roaldcd horn but who nro now In Irri-
Edward F. Trendwoll, Snn Fran- gated dlatrlctn In other Htaten aro
claco attorney, who lookn aftor thu keeping lu touch with tho progronn
IntoroHtrt of tho P. h. K. Co. lu thla by rending thla paper and through
auction, waa In Hurng Wodnonday enrronpondouro. Two or threo for
night accompanied by Mrn. Tread- mer runldonta havo nlgnlflcd In lettern
well and tho chlldrun. ThUy romaln- received thin week thnt thoy will ro
od over night only and loft early th turn If tho ronervolr In put In and tho
following morning for polntB to tho country mado moro productlvo by
went on tho way to California. icontrollng tho walor.
wan will npend a few wookn in Wallul" frtvorably knowu In thin
out for
Come to us for fishing tackle
See our supply of Ifods, Lines
Flies, Hooks, Leuders, etc.
The Rexall Drug Store
na our pork, lamb, beof, etc, nro,
they . nYo oven better taaUng. Wo
hand I o only thu cholcoat and bo ovon
our ohcapoHt cuta aro taatler and
tootliHomer than tho input oxponulvo
cuta from lnforlor atoek. Try them
aoon, to-day If poaxlblo. You'll onjoy
tho experience.
Walla before returning homo.
I. N. Hughel won a liUHlni'ttn vlnltor
Thurnday from bin home nt Warm
Hprlngn. Ho reportn bin boya havo
Junt completed haying on the Potter
Swamp place and will move to tho
noma runcii lur ujm'iiuiuh iu miv.u.
Minn Tlllln Cheney In hero from her
San Frnnclnco homo on a vlnlt with
relative and frlendH, She In at tbu
home of Mr. and Mrn. Simon Lowla
thin week. Minn Cheney roprtn her
father, Pinna M. Choney, In not enjoy
ing good health thin nummer.
Mrn. Homer Heed and her daugh
ter, Itnealle, left Monday on thu
(lend ptngo for Hnlcm and other
polntn. Thoy go to Salem to vlnlt
with Mrn. Ileed'n nUter for a time.
Homer oxpectn to Join them later
when they wtl take in the nlghtn In
Portland and likely vlnlt the nea-
John and Allen Illgg and their
wlven arrived homo Saturday night
from Ontario where they had been to
attend thu wedding of MIhh Hena
lllggH to Clarence Wood. Tho brldo
la favorably remembered by many of
tho puoplo of UiIh city where nhe for
merly renlded with hor mother and
Link Hutlon and wlfo and two
daughters Mrn. I. Fonter and Tom
Hutton were all In town Tunmlay
from their homen out at Wagontlro.
Mlna Itotha MIHur who accompanied
them In remained lu town for n nhort
tlmo to bo near her phynlclnn, Tho
young lady 1 9 enjoying much hotter
health than aha had for Hovural
Kd, Egll wan oyer from tho ranch
Wednesday lookl'ng after aomo hunln
nena uffalra and visiting with Ii Ih
mother and Hlstera. Kd reporta ho
,ha a nice flock of'autelopa tit bin
THtich. A fuw yearn ago thero wna
hut three hut by' carefully protect
lag the Hnliualn and. looking after
thqtn the number has bean Incroaaod
to 1G at thlH time,
F. 0. Kelly, thu Catlow post mnntor
and U. S Commlnalouur, wau burn
Thurnday for a abort tlmo on bual
iohh. Mr. Kelly nayn hla neighbor
hood In buny with cropn and that Cat
low valloy la coming right along thla
neanon In tho way of production. That
community will havo thlngn to exhib
it at tho fair thin fall nnd nhow to
tho outnldo world what it can do.
Tho Mltiaoa Campbell, two graduate
nurnos who aro woll known to many
pooplo In Ilurnn whoro thoy havo via
itod in tho pant, arrlvod hero from
Portland to npond a couple of wook a
with frlonda in thin vicinity during
tho warm woathor, Thoao young wo
men aro favorably known to many of
tho patlonta of Dra. Dlokaon, Coghlan
& DuvIh, oyo, ear, nose and throat
apoulallatn of Portland, an thoy havo
boon uiiKoclatod with that firm ror
aoveral yoara. Tho MIiihA Cnmpboll
aro guoatH at tho homo of Mra, Will
iam Hnnloy. 1
vicinity. Mr. Carrol was a deputy In
thu county clerk'n ofllco for nuveral
yearn but In now in tho employ of tho
P. h. H. Co. In Ita olllco In thla city.
Hln bride In a charming young wo
man who linn renlded lu thin commun
ity practically all her Itfu. Shu at
tended the nchooln of thin city nnd
later took a bunlncnn rourno iu South
ern California, Provtoun to hor go
ing a way to nchool nhu wan In tho
aervlco of the luter-Mountnln Tel. &
Tel. Co, but on her return nhu enter
ed tho employ of thu Flrnt National
Hank whero nhe now holdn a renpou-
alblo ponltlou and whero nhu In well
liked by all her nnnoclntOH. Thu
young peoplu havo begun hounukeep
Ing lu tho Oould renldunco. They aro
receiving the good wlnhen of a hont of
nt 2 o'clock In tho afternoon at Ton
aWanm Hnll. Tho cloctlon of a board
of dlroctoru and nuch other bualnuHH
an may coma boforo tho moating will
havo attention.
J. C. FOLEY, ProMdont.
CHIP 0. SMITH, Secretary.
Five conta each will bo paid for
Itabbltn killed within tho boundaries
of our farm north of llurna. Thin
offer ntandn for 30 dayn, and count
will bo mado on our plnco. Adv
Julr 8, 1020.
. 0' -
PAID 1.00AI.H.
Mrn. Star Duckland wan In the dtr
tllrl wnntH work. Phono 111 II.
According to iiowh dlHpatch pub
liNhed lu Wedneadny'n Ilolno Stnten
man, thu Ontario Argun htm nuffered
dnmngoH to thu amount of 91,000
from a fire that ntarted In the rear
of tho building It occupied. No do
talla were given an to Junt what wuh
doHtroycd iu the way of equipment.
o r
Wo wIhIi to extend our nlucoro
thatika to tho many frlendH for tho
kludnnaa nhown during our recont
bereavement and tho beautiful lloral
Notice In hereby given thnt tho
annual meting of the Ilurnn Flour
Milling Company will bo hold in
Ilurnn on Monday, August 2, I'XIQ,
Try Flrrhtono
Adv. tf.
Flno lino of Knkhl and Corduroy
trotiHcrn. N. Urown & Sonn. -Adv.
StotHon Ilatu $6.00. N. Drown &.
Sonn. Adv.
Mrn. A. D. Jonos In now In cbargo
of tho Smth rooming houno adjoin
ing tho Colo hotol. She will bo
pleanod to moot hor many friends
there. C-12tf.
No trcnpannlng upon my premie.
Koep your H'.ock out of my Held un
Icoa by my permlnnlon. A rcwurt!
for conviction of tho violation of
(bin notice. Jamen II. Stewart,
Wo will poon liavo a numbrr f
liuyors for Nomo flrnt cIiimn ntrxk
rnnchcN reasonably prlocd. Come la
and IlMt your proK?rty Hnrnfj
County AbntrMct Co.
Wm. Farre
Practice beferc U. S. Land
Department and
Real Estate
Indication) tiro thnt tho
luro of tho land will
attract many Inventors to
Hurticy County the com
ing aeufton. Listing now
will Imi kept before pro
poctlvo invt'Ntora tho en
tire w.whon.
Bend & Burns Auto Stage
All Touring Cars
Leaven Iiurm everu Sunday, Monday, Wedncadau, lYiday
Special attention given passengers
Quickest and cheapest route out ,
Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped
via Bend in our care given prompt attention
Havo your watch overliaultMl, Start
tho old clock to ticking, Kot that old
pleco of Jewelry In wearing order.
liavo your oyen flttwl to Heading
KIuhnom, wio O. M. SAUSUUHY
Jowolor, optklau.
That in tho kind of soda oyerv cue
likes. Our product la not of the mlU
and' water character, It la nude of
pur hyrupa, tho boat aoda water r-Q
tho highest grado Ico cronm. It
bevorugo of nourishing purity atl
tho more you drink of It tho more of
ton you will etop In for moro
I Come To Us
and we will save you money on your general needs
Our store buys in quantities consequently we are able
to secure prices fa you that lesser buyers can't touch
We are specialists in a general way.
Our counters offer daily bargains in women's wear,
kitchen accessories, fancy work and so on through
the list of popular articles for the home.
Kveryb dy
Anyb dy
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.