G .Sulnidny, July 24, 1020 T II M TIHUH. II W UAL I) BURNS, If A It N K V 0 O U N TV, O It IJ (3 O N ' SB r awca LCftUBS HOME IN HORPV LATE FOR WORK SPRINTS OACIS FOQ RftlNV weATH&R OUTFIT. COHfcROTOLOTES HIMSELF HOME SWEET, HOME quit ainnoe. 1 S S v V Assise T t v era uptown q AMD FINOS IT by Ihtrat tH6 HOTTEST DrtV OF fH 10ft ppf rrv WARM AND A Oir F001W PECWorF Corn COnTS rtfiO TRIGS TOIIIPE UMBBltln ii Classified Advertising and Legal Notices Professional Cards Miscellaneous News A Ft v Vjpjwt)1 '-I., PROFESSIONAL CARDS Mi. B. F. SMITH lNiy.siciitn and Surgeon Hums. Oregon . r.uleme, Dr. (irilllth'H Tor n cr homo. Phone No. 14 LOST 0!t I it i' k it k i .M . I) i)r Saurmnn & Hrunot'.s :'iriuer Oluco Building Viniui So. .! HuriH, Oregon .1. W. O K A It Y Physician and Surgeon Hums - Oregon Telephone KIT. 3 DtiNMAM A DKNMAN lhydcln.i und Hurgvou Ck.ij iuswerod promptly day or night Tboiio Cranu LOSTA Shetland pony hrliltu. lit thu north ond or tho hitching rack, ploaso return to Kdlth IllggH, or til lH OIIICO. i.Ubi i'oi card elo Kodak at the landliii; Hold of tho alijilan. Finder will bo suitably rewarded If brought to thlH olllcit. 0-20 .LOUT Sunday afternoon, either on tho HtioottJ of HiiniH or on tho road loading to thu Hanloy lane, a pair of HpurH, Jtownrd for return to James II. Stowurt, UuruH. 0-1 r. Harbor Shop. Hatha at any hour of tho day, C. W. Slmmomi. Prop. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATU OF OUKOON, FOR It AH NKY COUNTY. Htirilu MnrHhall, l'lnlntirf. VH. Joano Marshall, Defendant. TO JKUSK MARSHALL: Defendant;- IN THK NAME OF THK STATU OF ORKOON: You ar horohy ro il ur led to appear and ntiHwer to thu complaint filed nKahiNt you in tho above entitled unit, on or Boforo thn limt day of tho tlmo prescribed In thn Order of Publication of thin num raotw, to-wlt, on or bnlorn tho 24 day of July, 1020; Mid data hclUK Hum F. FoMtir, whono poHt-olllco ad- WIhciiiihIii, mid that of tho wUiicshos rlitht down hkuIii. uruH m ami)-, uroKun, uiu, on uio noiorv JiuiHiur ami nocoivor, at Inil. .I.ii. nt lull. 1111(1 rll I.. 11.1. I f .1. nrtu . .. - I "vhi ui; ui ii ui;, iniv, l till ill I II 111 oftlco Sworn StutuiiKmt and Applica tion. No, OlOfifil, to purchnm) tho SK.'iBHVi, Lot 1, Section 31, Town- dhlp 2Ti S., ItntiKU 'J I 10., Wllliuiiotto HiiriiK. OroKon, on tho 2Gth day of' July, 1020. i An lixchaiiRo roumrkH that thin Claimant unman an wltnonHoii: yuar thu nallon'ti birthday wan not Frank Oovan, Frod Ooyto of Huron '..niv ur t...,i imi iirv tmii iinv. .il.li. or. u ii- il t.y iriil - ... tir . - " IHHHI'JUH wirijlill, Vil)IIU AlfiDrH, llllU A. I'J, ... Meridian, and thu tlmbrr Ihoroon, Kinlth, both of Bngovlow, OroRon. 1 ' V. O. COXAI) ItoKlHtur. under Uio provUlomi of thu act of Juno :i, 1878, and iioIh anuiidatoy, known iih thu "Tliuhiir and Stouo No matter how hnnpucked a man After having ronchod tho' lop of;1"11 tll(,rc "Iwuyn coihoh a tlmo nui f,', 1,1 " ' val" "Kjit bo1( , , , , . m.lwh(in ho can hroak uvan with llxed by appruUomont, and that, pur- " ,u"""r poojmo mconm ho uaut to hucIi application, tho laud HappoliiU-d with Ilfo . thoy Htarl wlfo' "M wl11' Crane, "'K'"' I,. II. IIIHIIAItl) I) Ii N T I S T IOST On road botwoon Durtm and tho brldo in Ilanloy lano a leather suit com bavin J, L. Gtirrott'H j name ou It. Finder will pliutno thn expiration of nix wwkit from tho ' Uuvu ut thlH ofHco. Jto of thfl flrat publloatlon of thU wMaMaaMH...,. nutnnonii; and If you fall to unnwer, .for wnnt tn,.rnof tnn i.antff will FOR RENT Ini'l'ly to thu Court for tho relief ' Iprayod for In hor complaint, to-wlt, 1 rn. .1.. ....... t .I.I.. rin.,. ...... i.. i.. NOW 01HN-HoomluK houia In ,,, bontU of .Iimtrlmony ,mw 0Xrtt. Mary Caldwell hulldliiB. Nlco In between Plaintiff and Dofendunt, I Clean bedx, Mrn. M. O. WlHdoui. and that tho Plitlntirf huvu a decree C-S-tf. Jlvorco abnolnlo from thu Mild ' ' Dofotidant, and mich other and fur TO ItKNT -OIlleoM and Htoro room Thin Hiiminoim In published by or- aiiil Umber thereon have boon ap- .1W..I.....1 .1... . I. .. .. I ... 4 rt n ' iiiiiniii, iiiv uiiiium uniiiiiiuiiu ai i HOD i fence piiHtK. Me onch, and tho laud ! Mia. 00; that Mild applicant will of-, for Dual proof in Ntipport of bin ap-i plication and sworn atatemunt on thu J ud day of AUKttHt, 1020, before Ho KlHtor and Hvcolver, ut Hurnn, Oro Kon. Any pcrnon in at liberty to protect thb jiurcho.no bnforfi entry, or lul tlato a contoHt ut uny tlmo before paU ent Ufluofl, by flllnn a corroborated allldavlt In tbln ofllco, ullegliiB facta which would defeat thn entry. V. O. C07.AI). RcRlater NOTICK VOW l'lritMCATION Farmeru RxchauKO. FOR SALE - "rut door cast photo gnllery llurus, OruKou G o. dor of tho I Ion. Win. Farro, Judito f tha County Court for Harney Cou'ntv, lOrnRon, made and ontored ou thU 10th day of Juno, 1020. I'NITKI) STATKB LAND OFFIOF. Hiinm. Oregon, Juuu HO, 1020 NOTICH Ih hereby xivim that Gor don V. Hall, of ltlluy, OroKou, who, on July (J, 015, made Homentciid lintry No OSSr.r., for si-:v,sw;, Lot I, See. T. 211 S Lota 2. a, 4, R. See. f.. T. 21 H.. It. 2f Ii.. and LitH I, 2. See. I, T. 24 S.. It. 24 K. W. M. CAR REPAIR BILLS Are Never Excessive At This Shop THAT In hecuufw) wo know our buulnewi. work quickly, and with no loHt motion or tlmo waited In putcallng over What to do. That la a good roaaon why OUH nhop nbould bo YOUR ahop. Try ua. Our Hpcclalty Klectrlcal and Ignition work an Oxyacotylena wohllnir. All work Guaranteed. At the Jack McGuier former shop J. S. Taylor, Prop. ' Attention Woolitrower 7 0 0 0 muui ncrea raiiRo lund. 400 ncroa under Dnt of hut publication Ih July dltuh fiOOO uwoh and 3000 lamba .2-, 10'0' . 1 IllUUn ft MUHiM Date of ilrrtt publication of Dili l'H 1)Uh l,m,c,, Mf..,,,t,,M,,t,M 10 m.".U." inmona In Juno 12, 1020. jUnal lliree-year Proof, to eHtabllHh eiaiiu 10 1110 1111111 anovu iieHcrioou, uo I IIAHLKS W. KI.LIS . L A W Y N K llariiH. ... Oregon 1 -n tiles In tho State Courtn and Miro tho LV S. Laud OIIIco 1. V M Culloch Uobt. M. Duncan li( l LMK'H DUNCAN liwjeiN 0ri.e tio e tbo U. S. Iiud Ol'llco HI HNS, OUKOON for tiule-ldual Location. I WM. FAllllK. I MILK AND cr.mm for rfalo. O. J Dout, llurua Feed liaru, plionn No. U8ti. 2-21 tf FOU 8ALK 7 room houne, lurje , Sophia M. KkII, tho executrix of the joim cellar, windmill & tank. 2 !'.,H,1, w,,n IU"1 , ,,'H,""","t ,r " lotH HlcopluK porch. Cheap, .m-rtf teriliH. Small ciimIi paymenl, bal-'t, County ('.iiirt lor Harney Coun auco like runt. Inland Kmplro 'ty, Oregon, her limit account (nf her Heal tv Co. u.r,-ir aumiuiHirauoM 01 1110 Hnui eniine, IUtrildeuce mid Pont Ofllcu AddroHH HiiniH, Oregon. NtyriCK OK FINAL ACCOUN' NOTK!K IS HKItKHY OIVKN That lure ltoi;lHlcr and Itecolver, at Uumx, OreKiiu, 011 tho tith day of AiiKUKt, 1020. Clnlmtint uumeH nn wltnenHOH. J. T. Choate, W. P. SturKvH, K. K. JolwiMon, and Walter KeHMliiKor all of Suutex, OruKou. V. (5. CO. AD, HoKlHter. Going All Around gays the Good Judge 99 NOTICK FOU PIMILICATION TWO STORY, Hovon room renldonco. (PliiHtered, hot and cold water, bath and modern conveniences, collar I'NITKD STATUS LAND OFFICE lluriiH, OroKon, Juno 7. 1020. NOTICK Ih hereby kIvoii Unit Km. ery Lnnfear, of (proent nddroHH) Aiiiberi;. Wlficoimln. who. on May lf. Vhii t Monday Hi. Hecond day nfliMir,. mado llomeatead Kntrv. No AiiRUHl, 1020 at ifM o'clock In tho 0701 1. for HftHKli. SK;SWVJ, forenoon nt H e County Court room : i.0i 4. Sec. 7: NNKU. NK'uNWVi In tho County Court Uouho at llunm, t ,t I, Section 18, TowiiHhlp 33 S II T. It M A N V O N H O If .l A L ' Altornry ut luw Cpi . and iirartlce beforo U. S l uid O.lleo a hpeolnlty Otf' r rv HM. next door to P. iturn-, Oreou in......... i..... i....... ..... .. 1 itml ifii ruir.. In lllnok r.r. tnl intill. ""a"' " """" i uaiKe ao !,., Miiamouu .Meridian,. FHther F Schwartz for Halo - 'J tlon lo tho nald K,m, ,,n. )(.ar IToof. to oatnbllali , WM FvnitF I llnal account and all pornouH havluKt0m ( the laud above diwcrlbed. lobleetloiiM thereto Hhould appear at tii., tiMilmonv of claimant to be Hub- I find men arc taking to the Real Tobacco Chew. The good, rich taste lasts so much longer that you find it saves you money to use this class of tobacco. Any man who usea thu Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco 'I h... Itobert Olen rami, I.. -rtl..i. I 'I'!' ""j? : JZiSZ 'Vlt,,.ll li,Um Jl0h,, ' ?,nitP', "'h8 .... i. ..- o u.f.i- i. r,,,. m, , caiiKo, If any ov nt, why the mild llnal court CominlHHlouer, ut Marinette, ' 1 Hl''ooo1l 1 cash 4 "'jarcouiil Hhoulil not bo approved and 1 1 I WM. FAltltli. jnnuwt''1- .SOPHIA H. KG LI i Afc -,,w'Mri r TBI rr smriAiiiivii i C It a . II. L e 11 a r il .Mtoriiey-at-Lair For Sale 12 lioravpower HuhsoII traetlou ciikIuo and hay baler. A burKoln. W. A. Goodman. l-II. Kxocutrlx of tho In hi will and test ament of Anton KM. deceitHUd. Lner ((. .Hon Ivoii to Collections roil SALK Tho J it men McMiuiuh, NOTICK OF FINAL ACCOUNT i I. ;il K.lato matlern I 110 liisiiranro .Notary PuWIe, !: rn.", OreRon lUU'C'i: U. KfKTKU Attorney ut Law L15J OBlcrt Pmctlce Land Scrip for aalo Valr, 9rrtta r I. In Kirn 1 ! I J I r. 'I' "I! U i 2 K., 320 acres, reduced to NOTICi: IS HKUK.IY OIVKN That .. ,r llluttle May T)lr. adtnlulHtratrlx or 1000.00. rerniH, ,.,, ,,r s p. 'vor, deceiiHed. WM. FAURH. . t hmi rendered and nreteuted for hoI- W, BIBW M. A. Mm 111 0 G K Sc I I ao A liurua, OrtgQU lt . FOIt SALK -Todd Check ProctecUr, altio prnctlcully now No. 10 Rem ington Standard Typewriter. Fred William. Uurnn, Oref?ou. 3-Clf. WK DUY, rakio and will fur-bearlni; rabbit, and other fur-bearln un kualii. Llit what you have with u. HtatJnj your lowmt prices ou large lot Hhlpuenta. The Fur A Specialty FaralnK Co., 010-517 N. P. Art.. Fargo. N. Dak. Tycho Bedlo Ranch Bec'ri Id & 30 T. i!4 a, R. 32 K., 10 ucreH of fered for 11300,00, M fOLKLL A Nt(Ju. y, Cockun piac j tfcc'n 23 & PainlexH KxlractloiH Modern Dentistry ESTRAY. 24, T. 20 S R. 32 K South of ' Lake, 100 acnw 13200.00. III II l.l ! I HI ,FOR SALK Schaffer piano in ood condition. Mrn, A. lC. ItlchardHOii, 0-20 tlement and filed lu the County Court I for Harney County, Oregon, her llnnl account of her udmlnlittratlou of the Hiild OHtato, That Monday the necond day or AuruhL 1020, nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon at the County Court room In the County Court Houha at Rurna, Harney County, Oregon, has been ap pointed oh tho day by the Court for the hearing of objections to the wild final account and all pentona having objection! thereto aliould uppear at the km Id time and plac and ahow caune, If any exiat, why the aald final account ahould not bo approved and allowed, II ATT I R MAY TYLER AdmlnlBtratrU of the entata of 8. F, Tyler, decoaaod. EH ItAYKD Cuttle It tded with 2 TANK 1 1 Kar on JoU hip, u. ed aplil la ,,(.rtmHeH biihoIIiio 23 per cent, pre- lt and crop otf rlui-; uIho cattle Veut carbon, mora power, more liandud 87 with bur ,er top on miles por Ballon. Ouaraiiteod 50 tab- nglit rlliH, marked h,. t In rlitht f,tH (JO centH. AkoiiI, J. A. HoIIIh, and crop off left. Hor es; one Hor- FloIdH, Orogon. 7-17-10-2 fl work mare branc .d 7L 011 ttlflu uud voutcd on nboulder; ono WANTED lay addla mare wlthh alur In face . branded TK connected ou loft WANTKD Olrl to do general bouBO fcoulder; two threo-yeur-old coltH, wur'f fr HU,tt,l family, Phono BOO bay Koldlng and brown maro or write P. O. Box 248, UuriiH. 0-S branded 87 with bur over on Htlflo. -U. J. McKlnnon, Drewsey. Oro. WANTKD -Quantity or aocond hand 1 y. and 2 Inch galvanlzod pipe. J. S. Tuyjor, Un versa I Oarage. 0-20 BARBER SHOPS '0H BALE A Ford ono ton truck. IflO model. Hub a good bed and wotor Ih In A I condition. $000.00 Einstein Morcautllo Co. Lawen, PROMPT worvlco and rourteoua JniKU. ml Tinrrrmn nf tlm HiliMltf llotol V 'M W .w ------ LAND NOTICES NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UNITKI) STATICS LAND OFFICII lluriiH, Oregon, June 7, 1020, NOTICK Ih hereby given that Ira K. IJurger, or Suplo". Oregon 'Who, on September 27, 1010, made Homo iitead Kntry. No. 08308, for NW14, NVjSWV,, W'jSIJV,, Section 21, TowiiHhlp 10 8., R.ingo 20 13., Wlll umetto Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final threo-yoar Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, beroro Charlea Sher man, U. 8. CommlnHloner, nt IiIh of llcu, ut Fife, Oregon, on the 28th day or July, 1020. Claimant namuH iih wUiichhoh: KIIIh Lnughlln, or Supleo, Oregon JamcH PorkiiiH, or Fire, Oregon I. II, Fooly and Crlsloy Feoly, both or Sup loo, Oregon. V. O. COZAD Register. NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. 41 rShoer we4 Shipi and sealing wax- made right here in Oregon. And hundreds of other products you'd least expect. The manufacture of these things is making Oregon a better state for you to live in. So if a merchant offers jrou any article which doesn't bear ah Oregon manufacturer's label, ask. him to give you the Oregon made kind. BUY OREGON PRODUCTS UNITISD STATKS LAND OFFICE. UuniH, Oregon, May 27, 1020. NOTICE Is hereby glvou thut Wll- Tour merchant bas a little book "which we send bim and which will tell bim in a minute if the thing you want is manufactured in Oregon. Associated Industries of Oregon II slMsasU.