2:t,noo.oo 1,000.00 1,000.00 10B,200,00 "a l,40l!.(iS Koport of condition of tho llAUNKV COUNTY NATIONAI, HANK nl Uur" l the- atuti' of Ot'VKoit. ut tho cIobo of buHtriWa on Juno 30th 1020. IlKHOUllGKH bona and illHcountH, Including rediscount MtlOMSCDO i:i9.tBJ.!iu OvtTlra'ls, uiiHoourud, $207.77 1 "07 77 i . i in i'i iiiiii'iii' nii ui nil iiiti : Deposited to secure circulation (U, 9. bonclu at par) I'ledtftd to Hucuro U,',$. .(lopoNltadmr vnluo) ........ I'IoiIumI to secure pbtJtul muvIukh dopiHltH(ut par) Owu' t am! unplcdKiid . 'tt MVttiKH Ct)rtltltkiitc and Thrift Hiitmpa actu- m - owned , ri.itnl U. 8. Government r t Dtlier bonds, .seeui-ltlcN, etc.; , Sciur.iies other tlian U. a. IiohiIh (not InetudliiK h'i? owned and unpledKcd .. 27,017.17 iotal IioihIh, uocurltlori, oto., othor tlinn U. H. Stoc , other than Federal ltosorvo Hank Htock .... Sti l. of Federal ltortorvo Hank (CO por cent of nub- HIT I'tlOU) Kurtii' ire and fixture , Heal ttnte owned other than banking houao Uful renervo with Federal KcHorvo Bank Csa la vaults and net aniounta duo from national h i !h Not uiioitiitH duo from bunkn, bankora, and trimt cor ' .mien (other than last two Itonia) 0lu'..i vti other lmtik In the mimo city or town of rt cii'K haul; o'.il of hint throe Ileum i i ImiiUm loeatfd oittatde city or town of re K bank and other onnh Items in fund with V. H. Tnumuror and due t S Trenail rer ; earned but not collected approximate N itea and Ullla Receivable not piiHt duo WHEN HARDING GOT HIS DAD'S OKEH AT MARION Hid f, in'e- o' 122,124.51 132, 10(3. (38 27,047.17 (300.00 2,:tC0.00 4,r.0l.77 1.000.00 .1(3,70 1. ,10 121,528.92 508.10 297.40 ll'-Hr iE&m .'' Hak wvMSFiZk- H 1,130.81 1,175.00 7,300.7(3 f.i'al 13,787.34 773.47 I.IAIUMTIKS Cnpl'il htock paid In , SurpJUi runu Undivided tirolltn Interval and dlncouiit collected or credited In ad vance of maturity and not onrnc"d(approxlniat) ClrculntliiR notes outataudlnK ... Cwhlor'a checks on own buuk outMandlnj Total v Dfaiand dcpo-lU (other tluin bunk deposit) mh ut mty uiuoponua payuoic wttmn 30 daya) Individual depotdtu aubject to check frrtttlcutci of deposit duo In Iimui than 30 daya (otiiea than for money borrowed) Total of demand ilnoiiltn Miihlnet in it Tlmo iIvKist.H ftubjoct to Heirvti( payable nflor 30 uat, or Muujeci 10 jo uuya or more notice, and tiCs'ill HUVltlffM! rcrt'Miati'H of dopohlt (other than for money bor rowed) . . ?'ot i hiivIiikh depoalta 0th r tune dcpoHlta .. 1 )'al of lime depottltn aubject to reaorvy laat ' re" lien h I'nlteil State., deposits (other than poatal mtvltiKH): t il' l M,ilen iieiiONltH. inu utl iiix denori ta of tl. M. dit nr-lnc otllcera -elf of iredlt nud Travelera' Checka Sold for nwli mid outHtaudliiK Mian.. h outer iiiau inose unovo Hlnteu 281,987.1 1 97(3.32 $77(3,192.82 50,000.00 62,000.00 13,787.34 233.55 22,700.00 773.47 228,417.(31 til.45G.93 211,304.01 6.85 70,61(1.25 970.32 1,3(35.00 2.495.41) When (Wnrrtin O. Harding, llopubtlcun presidential uomlnQO, returned to hln homo at Marlon, O , July 5, tho llrnt tlmo nluco llio nomination, ono'of tho moat IoucIiIiik uconcn wna tho meutliiK of fatlior and nan. Dr. (loo. T. Hardin, now 70 youra old, la atlll prac t Iking modlclno at Marlon. Thin photo ahowa Bonator llnrdlna and "wlfo with Dr.. Harding. The Intot la of Jainea Hloan, formor hoc rot aervlco ninu. who htia boon known aa "Jimmy" to Ihroo prualdonla ltooouvclt, Tatt and Wllnon. Ho has boon onunRod to guard Harding and haa oalabllshod hla poat on the (rout porch of the Harding home at Marloa. I NOTICK TO ( HKDITOHH HORNSBY YOUNGEST OF MAJORS' BIG STARS It t i ll t lilt IMI Ot (In total loan aiut ilNomnis .lumn altovr, thr niaount on which IntcrcM I. II a -1--. . . - . . . . (inn iiimuiiim mux imu-Koii in riiiCN in evceia or tliOM pcrmllttHl ly imw Hev. Slat) (fxcluxlvo of nolo upon lilrli total dmrj; not to exreed .1(1 cents tviii, made) whh SOSll... The number of atti-li loana wan xom:. c.n, lm r... ....... t, I l.eon .M Hrowu, Cnahler of tho above-named bank do aolumuly awear tial the above atntemeiil la true to tho beat of my knowledge and belief. I.KON M. HUOWN. Caahler tiih.ii rlliitil fiiwl uu-nrii tn t4tm e Oil. lnl i nun , J. J. I'ATTKHoON, Notary Hublh?. My Commlaalon explrea Mny 6 1924 Correct A It cat J. I'. UKCTOIt 1. C. PKTKH8KN HHNHY UALTON Dlnictorrt A P Vicifnr Rnnelc Fair II, U. I lilllUI UUUdtl 1 1 1 . (( ntluii' d from page one) j "I waa pleaaed with tho Interent In the county talr ahowit at the Com murclul Club luncheon. If every bua lueaa mini of Hurim will Individually L'l fu.lillwl llin fnir fiu llif,v nr.. ,.nl. . V M U I. I 1. 1. ...W ....I .. I . . . I' . . ' ' .,.....,. ...... luuiivuij iiiruiiKii uio uoiiuiiuruiui i! ruuMua oj couniy inira. uoou f.i.,i, n v m.n. win . ........... -wwh... , . ...... ... ,. -" nit) DOHi raira in tin anno. ' - - o lr - I will p greatly with tho Htelaou- hat JC.00. X. Hrown & a' ISOIIH. XX I AA AAA 1 if zu,uuu Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon T FAIR PRXES - - - GOOD FOODS I THIS IS A GENERAL STORE -but- WE SPECIALIZE ON FOOD it alway a fair weather price in our bargain department for groceries. ! ! conto In out of the rain of profiteers. W have an umbrella with no cadi in it. It it pockolbooe proof grocery buying, and it your oppor tunlty for a jutt return on your money, ', ', See our itamplc fur made to order huIIm. You couldn't get better values anywhere at anything like the prices. L. E. REED General Merchandise lloRera llortmliy. brilliant in flrtldor and Imtmnrm with the flt. Lout NatlonnU, tho younxant of tho "hu luiicufl" bnnobtll atarn, He m Lurn at Wlntttra, TwxaB, April , now boln Juai 24 ytiu old. Ho tiat starfbd lined 131 i. WAHHA.NT IUI.I, Notli'o Ih horohy kIvoii tiiitl thorn nro fundri on hand tiulllclmit to pay Qff all (lonoral Fund Wnrraiita H'kIh- torod up to and luoltidliiK May lit, 1020; IntcroHt ceiici'H July 2i, 1920. W. V. KINO, Comity Troimuror Hurnoy County, Ort'Kon. IN TUB COl'NTV CritJUT OF THR HTATF. OK Oil KG ON HARNKV COUNTY IN TUB MATTBIl OF TUB BRTATB OF JAMKB 1I1CKH, Docoaaod. NOT1CB IH IIBUBIIY OIVKN That tho Undrlnnod, IDA 0. HICKH him hoon duly nppolntod hy tho County Court of Itiiriwiv floiinlv. Drovnn Ail. mlnlHtratrtx of tho BHtnto of Jnmwi iiickh, Di-ci'iiKiMi; ami ium duly qunl- iiimi n h much AdtnliilHtratrix. All por noun having cliilir.M uKiilnnt wnld oNtato aro horohy notlllod to pn'HDiit tho Hiimv, duly vitIHimI, toKothor with propiir voitflHTH thcrofor, at tho otllco of F. B. Hwopo. VooKtly llulldliiK, UtiriiK, Ort'r.oii, nttoriioy for mild Ad mlulntratrl, within xlx montliH froin ditto hereof. IDA V.. IIICKH Admliilrttratrlx. Dated til Im 2 1th day of July, 1U20. o NOTH'B !OH I'CHI.X.'ATIO.V I - ' I 'N I TBI) HTATBH LAND OFFICM I IluriiM, OroKMii. July 211 1020 NOTK B Ih horohy jslvon that Brick N. .MalhowH. of HiiriiH, Oregon, who. on October G, 1919, made Additional HtoekralHliiK HomeMteiid, No. 010153. for NU'Vi, NBV' HB Vi Hoc 12 Tp, 21 H, It, 30 B., Lot 1 Bee. 7, NWtf NB4 Hectlon IS. Towmthlp 21 H., ItniiKo 31 B., Wtllamotto Meridian, Iiiih filed notice of Intention to make, Flmil Proof, to oHtiihllidi claim to tho land above doHcrlhod, before H'i;lHtcr mid Itecelvor, ut IluriiN, Oregon, on tho 2C day of AuKUHt, 1920. Claimant nunien an wltnexHeH: MndlHon T. AhIi, NoIh B. I'lirdoo, Frank H. (Iroff. and Italnh B. I'e.i body, all of lluriiH, OroKon. v. u. uu.au, ucKixtor o ROOSEVELT ON WAY HOME VISITS COX The Dtatocratie elee, Oovernor J. M. Cot of Oklo. and rraaklla D. KeeMrelt of New York, nt frat iloce the nomlnatloaa whea Roeeewlt toee4 of at Colurabui, O., en hla return from the San Fraaclaco coarentlea. Thla lower photo akoWa he mooting et tho two. Above la' the Irtt alcture of wife aad the four younger blldron of Rooaevelt, takea at the aummer .lamp at Raitport, Me. hn older hoy waa oa a Saalaf trla whea the photographer arrived, the plctere are Billet, Joha, Praaklla D.. Jr., and Anna. I NOTICH I'Olt I'l'iH.ICATIO.V "llelpl The ship Is h nkltiic.' "U'liiil do we euro? It doesn't belong to nw." Look what's happening to your ship Ych. Ii'k joiii-h. liiHtead of "ahlp" road "public utility" pur hupa even the Tidephoiie or Blectrlo MrIiI Company In your town. Hilton at low tide bavo Htraudod It on tho rockH, whllo 11 hutk 1 11 H Men of cokIh for labor mid material breakH over It Hmoko-Htack hlKh. Whether you're a Ktockhotder or not, throiiRh luvoHtmontn hy your tt-UNt company and lUHtiratico company you are part owner In the public utllltleH. Ho you are protecting your own money whuti you him) to It that they have a IiIrIi uiioukIi rato to keep koIor. Thexe public HerviintH nro uoceHHiiry for your mifoty und con venience, too. For If electric Hcrvlco wore forced to uliut down, pic ture the rofiilt Telephone commiiiilcntlon HtiHpended, llotncH deprived of electric Unlit. Theatre and "movie" 1iouhih clotted. Incronued flro rltik HlreetH uiiHiifo at nlKht. Bven now the Blectrlo Light CompunlcH nud Telephone Com paiili'ii nro uiiublo to Miipply Kervico to liuudredH of thouHunda of appllcantH. Lack of fuudn Htunds In tho way of addlnp; oqulpmont to extend the linen. Tho ronnotiH for xurh n condition nre different In different place and each cao muHt of courso bo settled on Its merits. After all. thoiiKh, ll Ihii'I n iiuchMoii of lairnehu of Reneronlty to tho CompaiileH ho much nn n matter of elf-intoro8t to you. "How can I misuro myiiolf rood electric Bervlae?" that Is your problem. Your lukvmiikirH and public Hervlco cummlHMlomi take their authority from public opinion. And public opinion divided by tho population of your community Ih you. -Adv. I'NITBI) HTATBH I, AND OFFlCB llurtiH OrcL-nn. Jnlv 1 !)() NOTICB In hereby r.lvou that Noli lie A. Iteutfro. of Niirrown, OrOKon, who, on Mny 7th, 1914, made Dcttort I.iiiiiI I'.nlrv. Nil n74M. for Wit. Sec (Inn 111, TowiiHhlp 20 H., ItaiiKO 30 B. Willamette Meridian, Iiiih tiled notice of Intention to make Final Proof, by purcliiiHo minor Hec. Act .Marcii -i. I n I T. I,i i.uhi lil lull flulm In lint I'iiiiI a , ... ............. anovo ueHcriiicu, neroro ui'KiHier nun Itecetver, at llurim, Orer.ou, on the . HllV Of AUKUHl, 1311. Uluimniit luinicH uh wiincHHCH; I m ii i, NT 1 1 ii f li nl . mill Otim Rlze more of NurrowH, Oreiton and Philip (I. Hinitii ami JacK uomnson oi HuriiH, Oregon. V. O. CO'AD, IteRlHter X-'-ltJ. .IHl'll IL -J' 1 1 .J J. ..1 1 .a-i.i.Lu J i Red Star Detrpit Vapor Stoves Costs less to operate Sanitary-no oder or smoke i No wick Fastest No excess kitchen heat Fries, boils, or bakes anything Will pay for itself in fuel saving in a few months A boon to the house keeper . S. Geer & Co. HARDWARE Some Specials Dress Goods Underware Silk Shirts Collars Gloves Shoes j Belts ! Ties Groceries We sell everything to eat, Produce Fruit and Veg tables. N. Brown & Sons