The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 24, 1920, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    rKo Kotir
T II H T 1 M 13 H - II l! It A I, I) It U II N H , II A It K H V O O V N T V
HntuiTlny, July 1M, lono
Che Times-Herald.
ir The ljrRPit CirculAtion Of Any
Nowtpnpcr In Hnrney County.
On Yf'ir ..
iMmttlit . ,,.
flitr Monlli ...
Nulimloy, .fitly ill, I DUO
"Tito vultio of thlH lnerouHo ill. $.10
a ton would amount to $2,000,000,"
Huyn W. h. Poworn, cliloC In moIIh, "Ah
yot farmem huvo lined sulfur on only
about ono-Hlxth of tho aroa and It m
uho can bo profitably extended.
"Hulfur Ih bout applied to alfalfa
land In tbo fall nod harrowed In as It
r taken Homotlmo for It to become of
j foctlvo. An application of 100 pound
$2.oo an acre Ih ttulllolont to moot crop nv
ioo (lulrutuontH for four or llvo ycaru. The
,7n niatorlal can bo applied by hand or
ivltlt a land phiHtor Hproiulor. Whoro
laulfur coiitH $40 a ton tho Initial com
1 ' 1 ""' " 1 T of tho material for ono aero would
,, , ,, T"; . 1 "Hocont ijuotalloiiH havo boon vo
ly li. I'.. iWcDnnloIs County Auont i- r . ,
M nS ,.v,Mj , Htilf ur front dlfforont
l-'lrat hay harvest about over. iHOuruon numlm; 00 to 09 por cent
count tltno. When bollud, tighten
tho covora and cool,
If tho Intermittent bollliu; proccd
urn Ih uiiotl, boll for 1 hour on ,'l into
cohhIvo daya, lie fore each boiling
Ioohoii tho covora. Tighten oovorn af
ter each bollltiK, When tho proccHH
ItiK liriliilHluid, II To tho Jam from tho
oauuer, Cool in U Hpot froo from
drafta; tout, and Htoro. In event of
lotJcuue when Jar Ih touted, remove
rubber, put on now, wot, boiled ono,
and procoitH 15 mlnutoH moro.
Vliii'uni1 AIiIm In I'roii'iilliiir HioIIh
n - - - rr i - r --
DurliiK tho pnut year tho Uoino'lSj
EnouomlcH Mxporlmout Kotehou of
tho United Htaten Department of
Agriculture haa boon experimenting
with tho addition of a amall amount
of auld vlneijar to uouneld votf-
Hy uhIiik purity to cent ?27 to J 10 a ton do- otableH bolui; canned. ThlH work Ih
IioIuk continued, and tho reuullii thtiH
Kvoryone Hhort handed.
the women folka and babloH tho work Uverod In 10 ton ear lotn to Urcifon
Haying Supplies
We are prepared to take care of your
wants during the haying season. Our
grocery stock covers every requirement
Special attention given all large orders
Gents Furnishing Kniv of OaU VI-amva Dly Goods, Produce
douo Homohow.
polntH. On .leoouut of hIow freight
It HpoakH well for the future of a movements and proHpoctlvo lncreaie
country, however, u'hon n 12 year old ' ratun. alfalfa KroworH in, Hoetloiiii
looy or lrl hau tho Intelligence and whoro Htilfur Ih known to help are
xblllty and grit to do a dayH work In urged to order material needed now
the haylleld, that tho able bodied and to pool their ordorH In cooperu
iOaforB bunging around the pool Hon with county uguntH or county
rooniH waltlni; for higher wagon farm bureauH."
thould bo doing, ! o -
The County Agent ran place a t'AX KNorUH HHAN.M
i timbor of good men at your long i KOK WINTHIl'H L'HI-S
tvork but aside from tho local Htand-
. there hcoiiih to bo no ono In tho Corn VmmI lit Following Directions
fur Imllf'nto (lui! 1 lit 1 InlilimtinmiH nf I rim
tllllimllH lllllllltl If. IIIII..I lilH III. I,,
UClJ uv-ai&o vi 4iossio
S Lovens Hotel Bldg
-1 n
Groceries, old standi
n rm rrn rrn rrv. rr" : rrn inn rrn nn tFn rr-n rr-'n mn rFn rr'n mn rrn irn irn rrn rrn rrn nn (pr rrn mn rrn rrn rrn rrn rrri rzn r?n r?m ran r-i-t
Kreatly In reducing tho amount of:
HpolliiKn. When tho vlueRar Ih add-1 "U IcnriiMl II-.ii .Marlon OroHHo
oil, tho time or proooHMliiK can bo re-; left HIiohIuiiv IhhI July on a proo
dueixl. For liiHtance. It Ih found perMm: trip and Iiiih Hfueo never been
thai corn, which ordinarily Ih dlllleult heard from. The liuit man who Haw
lo can HueceHiifully, keepn well when htuf allvo wuh 'Dad' KalrbankH of
I tableiipoonfulH of vlneKar are added HhoHhonn.
.1. II. HuckuuiHler Ih at tho Kim;
ItoHpltal becatiHu of a bullet wound
III li Ih It'K, eutined by the aeeldintal
CroHHe told 'Dad' that ho dlHeharRo of a plHtol In tho hantlH of
VUKAHK ItRTL'HN The party who
borrowed tho alx-lnch cenirlfuja
pump from 11. C. Levotn Is re
(pieHted to return it to Mth. I.i'Voni.
Mon 'I'linn ('oinpriiNiiUil by
I'rtxluct Which Will Krrp
county wIIIIiir to work.
Whllo It Is unfortunate that many
yanchorit wore too dlHcouraged on ac-
oouut of thu pnHt three yeara drouth ' (Hrf lid InfoniiRtlou Krnlr, U. 8.
and onolttURthH of Innect and rodent Dtiartmcnt of ARrlrulturv)
;5HtH to Heed tholr lantU to Rralnl
cropit this HCiiMon, yet whoro they did "wnijr 01 mrinK "PnnH JlirH l"
0 tho yields promlHO to bo amortR tho H,or" n,os,,t mean lhnl ,ho ,,,imIh
tho RreatOHt over known in thin hoc- for ,nu'n,'rn' veKolnbln
t'on. ThlH oIho applies to hay cropa Kld" ,I,H,,0M ,H "l lh" housnlwoper'H
Mxeopt In iHolated litHtunceH whoro tho co,nmund "U durliiR tho winter
moutiiH, ho wueu huh vcRetaiiio it nt
IIh IiOrtt, In tho Harden or on the mar-
of water woh not
roRular aupply
The County ArouI wi a vlnltor at kel ",0 W,H" wo""ll, (,U,H 0"H,,h
tho JainoH Paul ranch In Ilapy Vol. f)r """ w,u'n 11 ,H out of Thu
Uy tho pant week and (he dlv,.rmile.t. fo"w"'K dlrectlotiH for caiRiliiR
tlon of crops Krow t by Mr. Paul wa Ktrll": l",""K "ro ,V"M , n'" Un,,,,(,
revelation an to Ihe pohhII.IIHv of H,ll,0M ""Part.nent of ARrleultnre.
Harney Counly noil b-i.-ked by In'el- Sl,,,,pI MmU ,,,,,,,Hr wu or KrHI'"
IiKently applied labor and water. AM ,M,n,,H for C,,I,IK IirpoHOM. lleann
root cropH won clean -ultlvated ami w,,l,'h l,av" rnWtt w,u,,n .,l,u to
wractlually mature whlln the Kraln H"y "r" t,l,llc11 '. '
rrotiK iihIiI.i from tiw, rw. i.v reHiillliiR product Ih not an HattHfact-
" n " i if
to a quart Jar proecuHed Jl hourH con- would be roiio about a mouth anil
tlnuoUHly. HtrliiR beam,, old peaH, that ho wan roIiir over Into I ho
and Hplanrh are other voRetablen l-'uneral ItaiiRo on a Rold proHpeet he
MiicceHHftilly canned by thin method. had recently heard of. That waH the
Tho addition of vinegar to canned hint Hoon of ClrottHo and IiIh bonen arc
vegotableH In the amountH mentioned probably bleachliiR In nomo Hteep
modlfloH to Homo deRreo the natural canyon runnlnR up from tho floor of
flavor of tho vegetable, but tho result Death Valloy.
Ih not objectionable to muni people "Tho performance of tho Kmex
and In many Iniitancon Is not notlcrd.-Horno Hhoo ioulnped car wan 110 huc-
ceHHful that I ajn tryltiR to pornuadn
Mr. Arnold to oqulp another party
and Head them bunk for a more do-
WITH Atrro.MOIHI.K termlued xearch now that wo know
the Roneral locality where CronHo
Motor far IVnelratot llesorl HcrIoii
I'or l'ltl Time Hut I'lmlh No
Trace of Pnopccloi1"
lont IiIh life."
1. S. leir & Co. who Ih local rep
roMoutnllve for Home Hhrm TlreH, re
cently received word of the llrnl auto
mobile trip ever made Into Death
Valley In Houthern California. A car
oiUlpieil with llorne Hhoo ConU wan
heal Into (he valley to neek luforma-'i:hi.ii:nt station
ni:i:dh 1 1 1:1. p
Knpt Hhatluck of tho KxperltiiMiit
HurIi Tudor'H lllllo hoii.
Tho accident occurred at tho Tudor
place near AlberHou on .Monday. .Mr.
lluckmiiHter wan dlRRliiR pout I10I011
and tho boy wan playliiR wlOt the flro
arm but not observed. Tho boy at
tempted to ralHO tho hamtnor and let
It down botwoon cnrtrldRen but It
nllppcd and tho dlHchnred bullet on
tored tho flenhy part of hl Icr abovo
tho knee, Roy Clark udmlnlatcrod
llrHt aid and brotiRht tho wounded
mint to Ilunirt for medical attention.
Dr. Bmith found tho wound clean and
.Mr. HuckmnHtor Ih rucoverlttR Hatiu
factorlly. o
I'Mvh centH each will bo paid for
ItehhltH killed within tho bouudnrloH
of our farm north of HtiniH. TIiIh
BtetHon hat $G,00,
S, Ilrowu &
Save Your Eyes
Cl.!f ll.ll I.'..., I. I 11. .. .Iw..! I
" ' """";offir iitamlH for 110 dayn, and count
vlHlt to neeuro Home huppIIoh. He In-, w, , our (ai.(, A,,V
forniH thin paper that the only man, mtOW.N' & fiON'8
he and IiIh tiHHlHtanl Hlchle had to jujy s 1920,
iicip ineni on ine huiiioii uao neen
Eye strain caucfl headaches,
rieroUHncaH and other trou
bles. I fit glaHses accurately
and Hclentifically.
All Work Gunrnntecd.
Office with Dr. It. F. Smith
'itrFlflllft' 111 II llliliplllir.p 1,1 tilil 11 '
' " .. . .1 .1 I ' " " "
.Mr. Hunt of Hllver Creek Ih tho e.pial ur """ yonnKer oeann. me ... , w...,r.'...Hi..iH .M r- h UHfvv ( lh nrn ,
of anythluR een by the County AKent ""01,,I,,r ,ho ,,"",,H ,m' 1,1 J',r ""'"" 0r"M,H"' " V""" w" ll'" "; , any ,,, whalever. Mr. flhattuck'
..ja -
In tho emmtv un fr .pirKiiiR me lienor uie uavor ami tlte
Mr. Paul whllu beliiR ..)M)t :' "crlalu they are to k. WiihIi,
.Mon" when It coition to talkliiR. In- Htrl"K wl"1 01,1 (,fr on,,H Hf ,hn
rJmated very HtroiiRly that certain ' ,M',l"H' NVIl0h! ,Mm,w n,ay ,MI
imrtlen from Silver Creek, Calamity. "r ,h('y ",ny ,,,, MU '" H,,orl 'coRthH.
I'olHon Creek, Catlow, and other h.-c- T,,omu cul "" re attractive
rloiiH, had hotter dlHabuno tholr mlndH'1" "l,l,,mr,l"(-,'-a
reRardH carryhiR away that prize! Wl1 ,,,rs WMt U,,t ,,r,nr
J!or the best Individual and commun-! ,,nc" 1,10 httnttH ,n " wlr" M"v' or
ity exhlbllH at thu County Fair thlit 1,1 c,1,lt,,,,!Clot" anA W""U (ncald) In
tall. For Mar of RotliiR a ralno out hot w,,,,,r or ,,vn M,"nm r,,r fro,n 3 to
of the Kdlfor of Tho TlmeH-llerald " mmmm or U"111 ' P w' bom!
In flocurliiR com-
appeared on. Funeral ItaiiRo on a roIiI , , , ,,, ..
, ' , . , . Iiiih hail dllllcully
iiiiuiiiiK inp lew iiiiiiii ih iikii. ' 1 , , ,. .,
, ,, . ... 1 potent help tho entire Heanon.
1 1111 niiiiiir iriii ii!m:riii!ii n n u -, ., , .
. . ' . . . vale conceriiH pay more wiiroh than
Iiir boon one of (ho iiiohI harardoiiH , , ,, . ' . . ,
, ., ., . , be allowed to pay and therefore
In the h Hlory of tho nouthwetl whii ,,. ,
,,.,', , , '"" will not ntay with him. The
made by O. K. Parker, a I.oh AiiReleH . . .
. ' ,,., 11 I work Ih likely to auffer from lack of
eiiRltieer and J, H. Cook who In . . . ' ....
, ., ,, ... , help uiiIohh ho Ketii Home one with 11 n
known iiri tho "Dean of tho Doner!. , . .,
Hiniri iiiiio.
Thu two men croHHod tho Funeral
ItaiiRe three tlmeH at various placen
1 TIiIh Ih an Important work and
, , ., . ,. , Hhould nppeal to Homo young man
and drove the entire leiiRth of Iho . 1.
,. , ..j. 1 w" wonts lo know moro about farm-
Deal h Valley from Furnari Creek . . .. . ,
Iiir. In addition to tho Hillary paid
nothing will bo mild about tho .loads w,t1,1,wul 1l,ronki,ll!!, nln ; Uanch to Cave Welln nt t "0II(. (.nI w.CUr n vnlunhlu mlucatlon
nloiiK the line of agriculture If ho
would lake ndvaiitaRo of It,
nf'Rood eatH. IncludliiR trout that tho 'w' n,", ,mrk ,n, JnrH whlo,, l,HVM
rounly ArouI wan able to Htoro away, j,,L,tf" h(,IU", fnr 15 n,lml- " "' ,,f'm!
DriHcrlbliiR the trip Mr. Parker
'Jam placo rubborn which have beon.Hald:
In tiiont liiHtancoH the
remark that her l,0,,,M, '" " M0,lltf"' at 1 tablenpoon Rive tbo dlrectlniiH and dlHtam e to A,,,,,nHISf. llASUH T vr
1 when he and theof K0(l" ,0 1 ",,,r, Mf wa,"r- m",r,'Hl WH,,,r- Th" rr ' Am VllMm OS ,M,'
.Million DoIIiiih Would h(. Ailded
lo Value 011 Ono Hundred
Thousand Acrcw 1
That Hulfur will mako at loam a
ton 1O1 aero Increase In ylold on
100,000 acroH of alfalfa lnuda In arid
itild semi-arid hocIIoiih of tho Htato, Ih
Indicated by fertilizer trlalH In nio-it
cf tho Important, alfalfa RrowliiR hoc
f.loiifl.of southern and eaHtem OroROti.
Campbell & Reid it Western Sales Sublet Co.
Ht. Louis Nutlotuil Stock Yards HI.
25,128 Head Sold in 191 9
To Kanchinuu who havo Hiuiro llorneH and MuIob to h)iI), we
whh to Hay that our market will offer Ihe bent outlet thlH Heason
01' any market In tho country.
Our rucilitloH for haudlliiR Uiiiiro ItorueH aro tho bent and mo.d
oxIoiihIvo to bo found an where, l'lui very larRo nuinbor iiold by ih
IiihI year In coiicIuhIvo ovldonce that wu havo tho buyorH. Bhlp un
any kind, but be careful and not uhlp anythtiiR hut ouch that aro fat.
Mil. I. O. O.M.I, CP, of Omaha, .NebraHka, Ih now connected with
thin company, ho having realized that our market offern tho bent
opportunltleH In Iho United Btatou for ratiRo IiuhIiiohh and thut It
waH to IiIh luturent and thut or IiIh Khlppunt to traiibfor hU buHlnes.H
hero, (
Holow aro the datoH of our Special BiiIoh for Ihe coiuIiir HoaHon,
CoiihIrii your horueH and iiiuIuh to Campbell & Hold & Weatoru
BaloH Stabhm Co. Arrange your aliljnnent to Htart 12 dayH beforo
advortlhed auction,
I th
nth Balu,
Sale, Tuomlay, July 27
Bale, TuoHday, Aur. 10
TuoHday, Aur. 21
Cth Balo, Tuomlay,
7th Sale, Tuomlay,
8th Balo, TuoHday,
Sopt. 7
Bopt. 21
Oct. 5
Write or wlro for any special Information,
I. C. Gallup, Nampa, Idaho.
'eslcrn ItepreHi'iitatlvo for Cumpboll & Held
et It miiHt be confcHned that the Mr.i
'ounty ARent did
I)OUho "llehavud iih
alitor woru touotlii.r I Cover beaiiH with a hot brine made thin Ih at once apparent when It Ih
Say folkw! The Harney County 'from ,MV,'i labloHpoonfulH of nail lo( realized that Ihe Kovernment recordn 1
fair for .September aoth ami October ,,l,l,r,H of ,m,,,,,R wa,"r ,,,,t 0,1 PiMl by Onear Denton. only white J - """"V. l"lu!y In Ihe olllce ,
l- Ih an aHHiired fad Vow,. ' w,,l,',, ,U,H ,,,,,!" ht)lu"1 ,r' mlnutoH. inan In Death Valley, hIiow thut onlyi"f Aliorney Oeiieral llrown. Ih In HiIh
few the fuel ,,,1,'id , 1 Rli'HH-lop Jara put one wire ball fi-10 of an Inch Ih the averar.e an- v' ' u" l"n- PlwIiiK a
xour fair and not Ihe fair of,,,, J P'l- .Ml nerew topn about j uual rainfall In Death Valley and vl"atlon upon the huida which the
ticular lowu or dlHlrht It Ih up to ,mlr "K,'t ,ro;'"lK beann under lhal the Hummer temperatureH are iih Live Stock Co. Iiiih placed up.,
ami to help make thin fair bv iittond. Htuam P"'"""" l recommemled. IiIrIi hh 110 deKreert in Iho Hhndo of ' irket. Al Iho time Ihe i.
ine, and SV TJZ't l'"""" H,"M,W "rK ,'" "!,h mh VwmVn ..U P Uh, TiT
miHon that a uood fair Ih u 1II.HI1...1 "''' I'rei-Hure of 10 pouudH. Mv !h way. that Ih the only Hhndo on 1 10 1 10 holdliiRH in thlH nee-,
uZmVclaJm ,r canner or will, a he door of Dealh Valley for one!""' I wan iiRrecd lhal .he n.ate
v 11.. m..,. 1 .. ...... houie-mado Manner made out of n hundred mllen north and noulh and !M,"""d have a wiy In the valuation
ivo y u ; l Z l i"11 r or lard can procenH tho ! acronH tho enllm width from Iho Fu- ".0 lands nd Mr. llalley la here
nut and hwp iuZ wlth yournelS!JaM ,l,r"" ,,0MM ,f 1,10 "no-perlod ! neral ItaiiRo to tho PanatnlntH. Tlilsjfr " Purpono of appralnluK thin
iirnriiiiiirii iu numi M..i.. ui... .i... , ...-im, la rmm win in rum
ora reRaruiiiR too metliodH iihoiI In " ""i"""" ' ""'"" v"
producliiR cropH or Htock that Ih bot-jWftt,,r ,H ,,0,,ll botoro HtarllnR to below hoii lovol.
tor than your and second, for tho ' -.. 1. ; . j l ffiT
.... II..I I.. t . a. . I mm . I TIW"
i ...inuii uiiti in uruur iu cream anu
maintain a value on your tundK, you demonHtrato to nthern oh well,
iih yournelf what theHo landn will pro--loco.
TIiIh appllcH equally as well!
to thoHo who doHlro to Hell iih It doofl
tiiono who aro content to remain
whore thoy aro for If you do doHlro
to remain on your holdliiRH, you do
Hlro Rood roadH, good ttchoolH and
iiRreeable nolRhborH, nnd In order to
obtain Uiomo It Ih nocoHxary to hIiow
'lOHlrable peoplo the advanliiROH of '
liurehaHliiR the holdings of IIioho who
Ocmlre to hoII. Think HiIh over and
then get tinny and prepare an ex
hibit or Home kind If IIh only a hIioiiI
of nr.iln. or hay, a plate of voRotahloa
a pou of (dilckens, a pig. or Homo
uvhlmico of hoiiHohold hU III. Only
whatever you do, don't lie one of the
pikors that attend a Talr empty hand
nd and after IooIcIiir over tho oxhlbltH
any, "Hump! I've bolter atuff at
Reduce the High Cost of
Let us adjust your car so it will not require so
much gas.
When a car "pulls hard" it literally eats up the
If it pulls hard there is a reason. Something is
out of adjustment. It needs prompt adjustment, both
for the saving of gas and for the prevention of undue
wear and tear on your car.
We arc Experts in the Scientific Adjust
ment of Everything Connected with a Car.
During Summer Months
We intend making specials of one or two articles
every two weeks
For Two Weeks Only
Beginning Monday, July 19, 1920
Wash Boards ... 45c.
Griffith & Skelley Co. Asparagus, can 20c.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Prpprietor
1 1 1 " "ML