Hnnipy County's timber Is nn hoI 'for Immwllnto opJotn tion Mills wlioiilit bo turning It out to aid In tlio reconstruc tion work of tlio Ration, In frigate I hi vlixln Md. Harney county's roscoiirccs are attracting tho attention of lira untlro Went. Irrigation, stock mixing, mines, oil and ga pro npocUt ami agriculture all awaiting development. VOL. XXXIU BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON JULY 24, 1020 NO. 39 COUNTY FAIR COM MITTEES ARE BUSY Premium List Augmented by Liberal Special Prizes By Business Men. Actlu u rn has begun toward nmUtiK tif county fair this fall a iuccom Several committees aru at work .1 grounds and barns, fence, pavlllo. t. aro to lu gone ovor and pat In r i air. It la a stupendous Job bcauso everything butt gono mo long ankept and tlio thieving people have carried ofY so much uutorlal. Kvon the KiiiuoWH and Bitsh liuvo buun tak en, from tbo pavilion. Tucro Is a deposition ehown by titiit'uA of Iiurus to glvo this Import Ht matter tholr support and with a tailed bunch tlio dtltlculticH cuu bu orcrcomo. Men have volunteered to iupcrmu much of tho wurn with out ! tompousuuoti una tiiowo tiro thu inuu who uru going to make thus com'taiu-Itj- put lis bout foot forwaru. Tho premium iLut Ih being compiled isd put (n readiness to bu lh.uod. Tho job la a big ouu as thu f uiiUh aro vory limited, llowovor, with tho liberality tclng shown by ludMdualn and ilrma el tula city lu offering special prizes la mvituI departments, thu lint will to quite uttractlvo, own though It will not bo up to former lists in slzo cf protMlumH. Tho intcruHt shown by the producers Is another aid toward th8iucco3 of tho undertaking. Many know clrcuniHtauct'8 aud aro not usk Inr or expecting largo prizes. The oiitertalnuiuiit commlttoo will loon havo an auuouncumout of what they will offer In tho way of amuse- menu uunng uio week. Thero will to horno raclug, games aud sports tat will outcrtalu fair visitors dur tol each afternoon. In tho evening Uhero will bo dances, shows, etc. Stmyul communities havo signl fled thulr Intention to raako a com munity exhibit and u special premium toj been offered for that exhibit. Tho Individual exhibit of farm and gur dea products will bo up to standard, u crops gonerally aro good aud tho Pwple are ready to bring tho exhibits to tho fulr, 8upt. 8hattuck of tho Experiment Station will havo ono of tho bout ox MMU from that station that haa ovor toon collected. Tho llvo atock Bhow Is whoro thuro h going to bo tho boat allowing, as tbo rccont Importation of puro bred Hock by tho Boya and Girls Puro Hred Club, m well aa individual pur- rhftliAa 1...I.I.... ...... 1.1. ..I ...... '""'"i iMiiiftn hi'w uiuuil lllio mil tommunlty to compete. This usd a greater InteroHt In tho has L llvol tock InduHtry and will bo felt moro wd moro from this tlrao on. Tho lire stock exhibits this fall should arpasn anything over noon In. Harnoy county before. Wo havo tho material "d tho ambition to go with it. Every citizen In Harnoy county bould tako a personal Intorost In tho wmlng fair and do nomothlng townrd IU hupcchs. If this lu followed out thtro n't any quoitlon bul It will "ot orty he u huccohh but a great tonetu to tVi entire country. " ' . . w..,.1M Miy jNu.ih.-j uoNFiiit- I'oUor In Animal. Husbandry, hut is IAf 1) COVKItS WIDK HCOPKiiiow working in conjunction with tho Miss S.ra Howell, Harnoy Coun- 'J Public health nurso, brought tock aomo Interesting clippings from Wwipapcrs whon sho roturnod from 'lio conforonco of nurses at Portland tbo fore nnrt of thin mnhih. Thn ! "wuHalons covered a wldo scopo and wo of much importanco to thoso "tending tho conforonco nnd thero- win no llkowlso beneficial to tho immunities whoro tho aovoral "nrses are stationed. ' Ono important matter considerod 'th the proposed law to Bcgregato 'oborculosls; another matter was tho "wusflion of a report system of tho ork of thn nubile health nurses In jbelr work In tho schools and homos, vfluGr thin livtilnm tin numn lu in a duplicate ronort insnectlmr a jchool building, ono to tbo school ard, the other to tho'counly school 'Perlntendcnt. I U wan brouKht out thut tho do- and for community nurpos in tho ndo peoplo. Wo should appreclato Wveral countios of tho Htato woro this recognlzation uhd mako tho host, Ifeator than tho supply of nurses, iof it. Gas Supply Adequate. STOCKRAISING HOME- STEADS DESIGNATED C. T. Furror, ugont of tho Htand ard Oil Co., at Crano, roports tho arrival of four tankH of gas nt that nnh.t i u..,u mu :. t. w v v t.u i n wiin nuiiu'VJii from tho oast and assurance In given that BUlllolont will bu supplied right along to moot thu domamlB. lltirnii la tho largest cotiHumlug community from thin iiupply contor and Mr. Furror doHlron tho oustdmurH of hlH concurn who llvo in thin neigh horhood to know their domauds will ; 1.101.U00 acres of laud wllltlu tho HMonslon I3ervloo of tho Oregon Ag bd hiot. An IncrouHo of one half lJOunturlo of this land district havolrlculturnl Collogu. was a Vlnllor nt cent per gnllon is announced on koro - seno which Is explained as being nee - cssary because of having to ship from tho east rathor than from California as In thu past. Census Figures Show Harney County Population Tho following figures aro taken from, tho government report of tho cencus taken the first of this year. Harney coutuy lost population during tho last ton years, tho total popula- Hon according to tho report for 1920 Is 3,992. Tho 1910 coucus showed ,0G"' Tho Ilgurcs aro given by proolncts us ioiiows: - . Alvqrd precinct 74 Anderson precinct 37lmn ,lrnu.nir h.iH, mm-limlon. Andrews precinct 13C Crano precinct ICG Crano Crook precinct 200 Curry precinct lGf Donlo product 210 Donstodt precinct 74 Diamond precinct 178 Urowsoy- precinct including Drow aoy town ;.t. 2fi0 Kgll product , as i Hnppy Valley precinct 3C Harnoy prccluct, Including Har noy city 100 Lake precinct 19 & La won precinct 1H2 North Hums precinct, Including part of Hums city 'ill 4 North Catlow precinct 148 Pino Crook precinct 149 Poison Crook precinct f 0 , - - I Saddlo Hutto precluct Sllvlos proclnct in South Hums precinct, Including part of Hums city 077 South Catlow proclnct :I0 Sunset product 3:) Vnlloy View precinct 33 Virginia proclnct C7 ! warm Hprings precinct 70 Waverly precinct IS Incorporated places: Hums city -..1,022 Drowsoy town S3 Harney city 23 Hums has gained slightly In pop illation as It lias 1,022 In 1020 ns against 004 In 1910. Drowsoy shows a gain of ono having 83 at this tlmo. Harnoy hud G8 In 1910 and now has 23. AaitlCULTUItAL COI.LKOE MAN IIKIUO FOR CONFKRKXCK A. M. Nelson, doing- speclul cxten sion worn rur me urcgon ,Agnp.ui tural College, arrived in town Thurs- j day ovonlng and spent yesterday con ferring with county Agent MoDanlels Mr. Nolson wob formorly under Prof, several county agents throughout tho K,,Uo' Tho gontloninntmay return to this place for tho fair this fall and tako part In Judging tho llvo stock. Mr. Nelson paid a hurried visit to tho Kxperimont Station whilo In this vicinity and Is much pleased with tho (work thoro' n,tho"Kh ,ound Sl"lt' " tlmo to field work becauso of lack of help, whon ho should bo looking aftor details, CAI.F CLUB MKMI1K1W GKT PAPER FREE Tho Amorlcan Hereford Journal, nnlillHlmd at Kim huh filtv. Mo., has written tho County Agont McDanlols ilm rnrnr la nnlnnlnit Mm iinmna of tho Hnrnov Countv Calf Club mombors who own Hereford calves for a period of six months free. This i, u distinction and allows tho lutor- nst taken In audi movomontH bv out- ' t nrf- hi j ti . Land Off ice is Notified That 1,401,600 Acrca Open For Entry July 30. U. 8. Land Doparttnent has recent ly notified tho local land olllco that 1 ot'ou designated as open for slock '"Using hotnontoad ontry. I T,l,H decision Is good iiowb to many "PPHcants In this territory and shows a decided victory for tho contention of Win. Farro who took tho matter up on appeal for many applicants, Mr. Farro's contentions havo prevail - ed In the decision handed down which certainly redounds to his cred- It. Thero aro 224 applications affected by this decision and this will mean qulto a change In grazing lands in tho Steins Mountain section where a considerable amount of tho land Is inoated Tho ROVBrnroont mon who woro 'Bcnt horu to c,nB9lfy thlB ,anil roporl. t,(, ,t uHUted to enlarged homo- steads on tho grounds that It would nn. .,,,,, ft ff.iniu. Mr. Farm i - - showed tho real state of affairs and nolnted out thu errors of tho field Tho brluf submitted to tho depurt- nient by Mr. Farm in'taklng tho mat tor up was general In character and covered tho eutlro territory without confining thu subjuct or roferonco to spccltlQ cases. Tho result Is that a larger area than asked for has been designated aa sultablu 'for enlarged . homestead entry. Tho new order takes effect on July 30. fXlU.VTV AOKNT GKTS MIULVKY FOR FARMERS County Agent McDnnlols Is nrrnng " to have ,.t -" J"" ' ZZi " mn of thl" counly ThtM l.ntlsa um lnann1 In llinufi vrlm nHk l"ir 'T:: .. ..'motlng bettor stock Is tho county mr mom anu wiuy win oo iuuiiu un. great benefit. Tho books cover such ,. h mn... nuujrvm tin nt wvitiiift, in,... ... ment, feeding, soils, irrigation, dairy ing, horticulture, beo culturu, homo economics, etc. Thu county agent Is In a poHltlon to - l irpiur aim moult iiunvi. uu n- , I,. , , n,..- nira any book desired from a library of several hundred Volumes on any subjoet along tho lino of agrlculturo or stock. Rfiv Xirilf HAST il f4niii uikimU.. VAiiurv mm U 4. ll fonlr r(i'0"xmitf xU, p fiROWTJI. Ini piTi; tl -r mh4 iiiimkmi 11(1,1 u ftlwttt w!Dinj In f.ivm fliil lliu lnwii ru iif is IiIkmImkmI i J iiuu it U O llli). We, ll cmtin. it U i'AIU.MS. II Iiiu!k u inluiix-j i llui ronimunitjr rt lh TRAITS J lUihiU. IVy diill iiitrd. TIM71U.M I nEVFJiPr'!) to d utnvMt mill iiliill lli rnore uJrtili tlo'li-fnL, lr pinln llii- num n OUR TOWN. Oui Ul-i,i!y nMt DUVRILS IN II IK I I0ME MAR. KET. Tly irilii- lluil il ii lU inrtrKiiitt inj (wbU-ipirilnl inen whoDOTillNCSmlkukiwii. Am) llul iwt imi rtnnoi Ai (JIG lliv- iniUi Ik- lnn liiiinM ii lulnwunL TIILS M WM'AI'ER ii o.,f nliWIU.WWhjtlW oui lon. iktiIi lo I uilnl lite Hint u ny linr of mer CmnhlKiit Hilnoilnnj for pi Ii orwi wy rf ttm N, An!iw,yiif,tl MERCHANTS l FARM WJSh NESS MEN l li lvr iliiinj ipf m ll (nkimni nf ihii if, NrHHwim 4.lniiUit U i).r FOUNDATION STONES to ii((eJul irlluig. Iluying of rtjxnwt njiiipinrnl, In I pfn-rMrd .y uvipriH-nfml Im'p in lh 4tlfinjil In gtl "flilMr" ml 'Mi Iffl" Irltrr. fufiiUu ml lnii.hlrU, Uu irtn unpuj'il ti i)lA'ERwUi"tft.KlropefiNu, ,n i 'ISUY AMIOME" TEAMWORK mnni Ml of u. lo FULL TOGETHER. 0. A. C. VISITOR BOOSTS FOR FAIR Extension Service Man Says Right Spirit Behind Will Assures Success. Orait M. NoIboii, who holda tho poMltlon of Fluid llUHhaudman of tho I tho Commercial Club lunchepn yes terdny. Thu gentleman was not call ed upon to mako any remarks at tho luncheon, but later ho discussed mat ters to a represontatlvu ot this paper In which ho gave some valuable hints on tho conducting of tho fair. 1 Mr. Nelson was iinprcbsod with tho .Interest shown lu tho fair and tho spirit of cooperation manifested, .He is verj( faveraMe to the county fair movement aa an cdueatlonal Institu tion and stimulus to greater produc tion and bettor stock. During his talk with the. nowsptper representa tive Mr. Nelon said he hoped to re turn at fair tine and give his person al aid in whatever capacity ho could. "You havo tho facilities for a good fair this fall, from my observatoln and from what 1 learn of tho llvo stock iudutry through talking with your county agent. Harnoy county is strictly a llvo stock county. According to tho 1910 census thero were in tho county sorao, 100,000 cattlo, 13,000 horses, 200, 000 sheep ami ono goat. In all prob ability tho goat was tho provorblal goat. Tho question Is, did hu show up nt tho last census? Laying all Joking asldo tho success ot Harnoy county depends to u largo oxtont on hnr llvn ntnk. HlorWinnii nhoulil hit encouraged to Wood, a better vlans of stock through tho use of hotter puro - bred, sires. With tho prosent high cost of food only good stock is prollt - ablo. It costs- no moro to ralso a good well brod beef steer and ho produces moro than a poorly bred ... . oue. Tlio day of tlio scruu siro is p4Bli ltoMw bllIlN, bufJw, and lKMU1( hring blggt-r bank baUcc. "Ono of tho greatest means of pro . . . . . FPI.M IfnWMn. iiAllllIll l. II la utlAI1 1.1 , ' receive support of tho Commercial Clubs, buslnoss men nnd every indi vidual of Harnoy county. Hoinom ber It is your fair and everything should bo dono to mako It a success While It Is a recognized fact that a fur cannot ))0 hoiti without aimiHo- , . ,, ments, caro should bo taken to keep ' , . . . out tho rank games of chanco and tho trashy shows of questionable (Continued on pugo four) n wn, m rmy lHiIry nvm ft kii4Jniinl J i) TRAuF.. AT'HOME Indian Agents Confer. Supt. Dahcock of tho Warm Springs Indian Reservation, accom panied by his daughter, arrived In thin city Thursday night whoro ho mot representatives from tho Klam ath Indian Uescrvatlon on yesterday afternoon for a couforonco. The Klamath, party included Hunt. W. 0. Went, II. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Huwarth, Tho nature of tho conference was not given out aud tho men loft for their reapuctlvo homes following the meeting hoforo a representative of this paper had a chanco to Intorvlow thorn. Tho local trlbo of Flutes was thu matter under ndvlsemout. Former Burns Citizen In Business At Pendleton J. C. Clomens and A. C, Kbert, of Cluiuons St Kbert, holders of thu In ternational Harvester Co. agency, In cluding the Doerlng and McCormlck Hues aro now onstalled in their now building on East Court street. Tho building is a modern ono of ro-in-forced concruto and hollow tlio and lu 1C0 by CO feet in size. Tho building Is occupied by tho of fices of Mr. Clomens and Mr, Kbert and by tho samplo room and repair room. In tho samplo room are shown , Titan tractors, P. ft O. plows, Ken- lucy urills, grain cleaners, two-ton luternallonul motor trucks, Dcorlng and McCormlck binders, mowers, headers and combines. International gas engines, feed grinders, Haclno threshing machines, Osborne disc, spring tooth and peg tooth harrows, Dexter washlui; inachlnnN. Int tloiial PrlmrOBO SUliaratorH. inn! nlhr!B,,Vcr lVlng CUp for tho best com . Hirmtug supplies, Including oil and'munl,y cxhlb,t tarm nli BRrdon 'accessories. Tho repair room con- j,r0(,ucJ JuJ8 Wm Farro, who had tains tho parts for tho various um.,,,0 "used hncauso of a buslne-m , chines. j appointment, had authorized tho an- Tho lines carried by Mr, Kbert and nouncomci,t ot a sultablo special Mr. Olemous aro among tho oldest prUo for nny llPnrtraont tho fair known. Thoy stuto that thoro aro now niniottoo dealrod to place It; Tho i ... .... . . TlniOH'llnrnifl will ulun tlv. n .nit. " use in umatiua county macliluesi purchased through tho International, noorlng and McCormlck 22 years ugo und still giving good service. Mr. Kbert has been with tho Inter national Co. for thn DrtHt 1H Vinrn. coming to Pendleton four years ago, Mr. Clomons was formerly In thu stock bUHluuss In llilrns, entering business asdoclatlon will. Mr. Kbert during thu past spring. Ho Is owner 'of tho building used by tho firm. Kaat Oregunlun. W. H. SMITH DIED TUESDAY W. K. Smith, another highly ro- w,lon Cli1' Uoht- M I:n will spoctod pioneer stock man of Harnoy hnyfl charge of tho program and eon county, dlod at tho family homo in ,u"1 tho 'I'1" r discussion during thu this city eurly Tuesday morning, af-1 lhon hour. Tho proposition or ter nn Illness covering many months. holding tho luncheon et noon or at Ho was suffering from cancer of thu c o'clock In tho ovonlng will bo bq stomach. ' I1'0'' l tho next mooting. Hllllo Smith wus ono of tho best' Tho n,ol,u Provldod by Mr. nnd liked mon In tho'ontlro country. Ilh ' Mrn. Pago was flno nnd " all woro was a plain cltlzon with no frills nnd P''! with u Tho service might nn accommodating1 neighbor. Ho had Mavo bo0 htirrlod up a llttlo as tho mado a succoss in the. stock business j mm ,ma' husl'iioa's to look artor and nnd had not boon dctlvoly ongngod in desired to ct 1)ack to their places that flno of recent years, leaving thd nt reasonrtblh tlmo. It should bu business moro to his sons. Ho hud "rrnnged to hayo thono taking part built a comfortahlo nnd well appoint- M0 nt t!, tablo promptly at 12 o.'qlock od homo In this city whoro :iioand Bturt '"Ki moving In ordor that Mrs. Smith spent most of tholr tlmo thoy may bo back at their IjuhIiioss by and up lo last year. Mr. Smith enJoy-h:ln l ln"ft- Too many thlnga ed vigorous health. i'u "l0 "no ()f dlsuussifln should not William H. Smith was born in nttoniplod at thoso noon meetings. Wayno county, Ohio, Fobruary n, tho talk being connnod strictly to tho 18C4. Ills pnronts croflflcd tho plains with nu ox team whon ho was an in fant of throo mouths, Thoy settled In French Pralrlo just bolow Salom whoro ho grow to manhood. Ho was married to Miss Allco Haldwlu In 1880 and thoy carao to Harnoy coun ty to mako tholr homo trlrty-four yoars ago. Soven childron woro born to thorn, Hubert, Ernest, Dolo Smith aro tho sons, Alma Olbson, uutn WoBton, Uesslo Drlnkwator, Allotta Clay, aro tho daughters. All tho chll- dron woro prosont with tho wlfo and mothor, at tho tlmo of his doath, as woro aovon grandchildren, also. Tho funoroJ sorvlco was conducted at tho family homo WodneBdny nf tor- noon by Roy. J. J. Tlcknor and Inter-' mont rondo In tho Odd FoIIowb como-, tory. Tho actlvo pall bonrors woro : tlmo to this woric anu uo in louun old tlmo frlonds qt Mr. Smith's, and , with ovorv part of tho county busl tho funoral cortogo was ono of tho ; hosh, Hy making a salary of $3,000 largest over seen in this vicinity tho cars reaching tho ontlro ' distance from tho family homo In town to tho comotory. COMMERCIAL CLUB LUNCHEON APPROVED First Noon Meeting Attended By Representative Men; Will Be Continued. Yesterday at noon thirty buslnosiN and professional mon and Mrs. M. V, Schwartz sat down to a luncheon at Page's Sweet Shop. This was tho first of tho noon day lunchoon mootlngu planned recontly by tho Commorclnl Club and from tho expressions or thoao attending It moots with approv al nnd will contlnuo. In tho abscr.c of President Fnul':.. nor tho luncheon wbb pronldcd ovor by Harry C. Smith at tho request or oo Krumholr, tho vlco president. Mr. Smith pload guilty to having boon Instrumental In pulling off thla first noon meeting as ho took It upon himself to solicit tho men to bo pres ent. Mrs. Schwartz was tho only lady represented at this luncheon but It Is hopod other ladles assoclatod with the buslnoss concerns of Burnt! will be presont in futuro. Tho discissions following tho re past wore gonoral In character, al though tho fair was given proferonca. Julian Dyrd oxplalnod tho dimcultlos under which tha fair commlttoo wati placed becouso of lack of funds; ho announced that promfums offered by Individuals and business firms would bo very nccoptnblo. This was follow ed by tho announcement that N. Hrown A Sons would give J 25 mor rhandlHo prizo for tho best milling wheat exhibited at tho fair; K. II. Conner of tho First National Hank ntnted that Institution would glvo a . "" " luma VTl lor nomo opamont. Thoro woro 0,horH nrowont who aro going to glvo special premiums. Mr. Goer responded to a call and gnvo a talk on tho benefits of n Cora- mt'rc,ul C,ub or any fK'""' rt ' 1,1,0,1 tho ,mrt of thb community K"1 ll,,nKH (,on0, Amon'J olhor oak' t,r" woro Mra- Sc,,wrz. A. A. Traug- u, uuaries w. tiiiis, juku weicomo. Rum .Moihorshuad J. K. Loggun Fred Lunahurg. It was dei'ldod upon adjnurninout that tho next lunchoon bo held nt tho sumo place at noon on next Friday Piriicuiar question boiociou ror uis- cusslon and thu speakern limited ns to time. near it In mind that each man fllgnod up is expected to bo presont noxt Friday at 12 o'clock sharp, TAXPAYERS FAVORABLE TO NIGGER SALARY Tho TlmoH-Horald la gratlllod to havo taxpayers commont favorably upon tho recont suggoBtlon that Har- noy county should raise the aalary .of Its county Judgo to ?3,000 or more a yoar and placo tho absoluto man- agomont of tho ontlro affairs of tho county In his hands. It Is pointed out that by doing this n capablo man could bo induced to dovoto his ontlro with an additional ?1,000 for travel ing oxponsoa Harnoy county would bo hotter off by many thousand dollara each yoar.