The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 17, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    "Thro Wight
T II K T I M 13 H - II to K A 1 1
11 U It N H
II A It N to V C O V N T V
O It 13 (i () N
Saturday, .Inly 17,
', .' Worry less and Work more
Ride less and Walk more
1 Frown loss and Smile more '
Drink less and J3reatho more
( Eat less and Chew more
Preach less and Do more . v
Spend less and Save more
The "Save" came last but that doesn't indicate
i it is the least important.
SAVING doesn't mean saving money alone.
We can and should save in many ways.
They are all worth while, but the Savin? of
Money is of great importance. It is the Visible Proof
J of our Ability to Save.
The man who Cannot Save is Beaten from the
J beginning.
Success is not in him.
WE can help YOU save by keeping
your Savings in the bank and paying
you interest thereon, at 4 per cent'
compounded twice each year.
First National. Bank
Mru. Aiiiiii llulnoH wan u ImihIuchh Prank Clorf In In town ui;iiln from
vlHltor to our city TuoRduy. Uoliio.
Follow thdnu Hint know mill buy' Mr. nntl Mrs, Cecil woro over from
your groaorlos
at Ilrownu Quality
Mrn. John Sovodgo is ovor from
llond lookltiK nftur 1101110 IhihIiiuhh
inattorH In thin city.
Kmmctt Hood Ih hnvlng a utonu
llro ami front proof warehouse built
rjat tlio roar of lilu Btoro. It will bo
voxz-y root.
0. W. LoWIh lian been ovor In Itlu'io
during tlio paHt wook vlHltlug. Mo
wan taking IiIh vacation from tlio N
Hrown &. Hoiih Htoro.
r r I.'... -I..- ....... 1.. r.,..., 1.1.. ti..
V.. ! J'lll.IUl Willi in 1 1 inn inn will
mom! farm tlio first of thin wook, llo
miyH ho In going to lr.ivo a lino crop
of liay tlilK season.
J. C. Sovclk wiim ovor from Dia
mond tlio other day on a Hying IiiihI
nuns trip, llo ruportH tlio family
Mm. Maggie Lnvous Bpont a fow
day 11 vlHltlug with hur hrotlmr lli'iiry
In Juntura thin wook. having uccom-
panlod Mr. Ilauloy over.
Now 7 foot Peering hinder for sale,
Including Toiikuo, Trunkn and trans
port, price $.100. N. Hrown & Sons.
Will Newton and Ii'h wlfo and
.Tiuim'm Hoed woro up from Narrows
yesterday. The mn woro hero to
iiMHlHt Mr. lltiMii In making proof on
nomo laud. Mm. Newton wiih visiting
with frlomlii.
It, T. HiiBliot nnil Iliirl Klebardsou
loft (ho lattor psrt of last wmik for
a Halting trip which will tnk thorn
Into tho Cusoada Mountain!. T1lr
first stop wan eh"dulod for the l)a
nchntoa rlvnr hut lhy oxpot later to
4H,vWM"M mo to th lakes In thu Cascades for
trout before tholr rwturn.
C. V. Heed whh III town durini; the
Charles Andemon waB brought to
tho KIiib hospital Thursday suffering
from an IntOHtlnnl trouble.
Follow thosntthnt know nnd buy
your grocerlMlt Ilrownu Quality
Storo. ' v
"Nabo" Arnold and family woro
among our visitors during tho foro
part of thlH wook. Mr. Arnold In
making tho Circle 11 ax ranch his
Adam (loorgo will rout his liny iflid
p;Kturo to any stock man with suf
Ik'ont stock to tako It all. ('ovum
two and 0110 half by throe iiiIIoh on
the meander line .of thu lalto. 717
Mr. and Mm. W. A. Tuttlo of
Aloha and Mm, I'aul Ongnon and ho 11
of Auburn, Watih, who had boon visit
ing with James Haycraft and family
for n couplu of wookH, took tholr do-
parturu Monday for tholr respective
Dnvo Craddock was down from his
Sllvlos homo tlio other day getting
supplies In preparation to begin hay
liiK. Uo offered tho uuwspnpcr man
a Job but said ho wouldn't itKreo to
board him, ho there wiih 110 bargain
tholr Silver crook homo yen'tordny.
John Gulp Ih iiuridriK n ttoru foot
bocatiHO of IhivIiik utoppod on a nail
Mlim lSthol ThompHon wan ovor
from her homo at Crane WoduoHday.
Arrhlo WmIiihIoIii of tho Woliuitoln
Mommtllo Co. at Luwon, wiih In town
yi'Hiorday on ImiiiIuohh.
It. .1. Wllllanm waa over from Sil
ver crook yesterday looking after
nomo buHlucHH affalm.
(loo. IIai;oy Ih vIhIUiik with bin
daiRhtor,, Mm. Gall llarncH, over at
Nampa. I'oloman Hklonn la looking
after It Ih utoro durltiK lilu abHcuco.
Mon'11 ImtH $ :i . 4 f .
HoRiiiar prlco, $5,50.
JiiHt a fow at HiIh prlcu at, lun:i
burtf Dalton (k Co. Adv.
Cloo. I). Hvomon, a roproHontotlvo
of the OrcKon Stale Chamber or Com
merce, Ih In thin part of tho country
In tho Intercut of the drive for fiiudii
for that organization.
F. D. ToWBloy wnH down from It Ih
mountain ranch for a fow tlayn dur
ing tho week, having brought down
nomo of tho mill crow who were look
ltiK after nomo repair work In town.
Mm. Dnltou Olhb and Mm. W.
W. Could loft yesterday morning for I
Portland whore Mm. (llhlm Inkon her
little 11011 to a Hpoclallst an to IiIh
A. 11. Mrown, tho Htookman farm-
Report of the Condition of the
TT "W 1 t 1 t w
m m . m wm w m m j
v JUNE 30, 1920
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts - - '
Bonds and Securities - -United
States Bonds - - -.. - -Furniture
and Fixtures - -. -; ' -Real
Estate Owned - - , - , - ;
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank - - '
Redemption Fund - - -: - - -
Interest Earned but not Collected . - , -
Cash and Exchange - - -
An fiAf
" I U If 1 1
j - v a 1 j
1 AA
- 1.17W
- .M 111 r,t
1 I 1 1 1 . .1 I h 'il
wiiiittliin " " C Aaa
Undivided ItoMs 13.7873i
not Earned
Interest and Discount Collected
National Currency
Reserved for Depreciation Libery Bonds
Deposits - - -
v Anr it
at a'o'eloJU In tho afternoon at Ton
or whh In WednotHlHy from IiIh rwiKCfl nwnma Hull. Tho election of a board
til tlia fttwlitd Mountain hocLIoii. He of illrcotom nnd Hitch othor biiHliiobH Mrown & Koiih.
reports lit Hocks looking well and as mnr eonie buforu thu muutliig will l
rauxs rory itnod: Ha la not obIIiuimmI Imvo attention.
Flno lino of Qunllty ( Inlblnj J
In. Moiih Siiltn and Trod-cr. v
nvar I ha
prlco of wool or sheep,
Mm. May EggloHton wa In for a ,a,r' "nu Jonu n,,u 'Mr
Hhort. vlHlt during the weok. having nnu Mr8, A,,nn ,,IKK8 ,ort ,,Uil Hu'
nnd bUHluehfl In thin part If tho coun-C,ny 0VunlnK f,,r Ontario where they
try. Sho Ih now locatod at Payetto. ! v,',lt0'1 rr thw wmk' rhy n"u," ,h
Idaho, and Is plnaHCd with her now ,rl,) 0Vur ln lh,,,r car' Th"' w,,nt
.homo. Hbo gem pohdohhIoii of tho ovt,r ,0 ,)" l,reM0,,l nt t marriage
property thin wfc. Her hrubnr.iHfr ,hi,,r H,Ktur liM nm niKH- 011
Huy Ilarron, h.h recently goivf ver Wudtiomluy.
to the vlclnl.y of IMyotto with a'
view of locating. ! s,r- MrH- ""Kh Hlako of Cal-
'Iforufa have been vlHltlug with Mm.
y S. N. Ilolton wiih In town tho foro 'Il Horton and her hoyn during
' part of thin wook and asked Thu l''o paHt weok.'. Tho IllnkoH recently
TlmoH-IIerald to express IiIh Hlnrro dlHpoHed of their farm In California
thankH to tho nolghbom who worked "J"' "n Hpomllng the Humnior touring
110 hard to nuvo IiIh now homo at tlio lio orthost. They will go from
tlmo Mt tho tiro that dofltroyed tho bore to Portland, vlHltlug with rola
old rohldonco on IiIh farm oaHt of thla Uvhh on route. Tho tourlHtH llnd It
city. Mr. IJolton Hald ho did not "."Q ploaHant to travel In tholr car
know who woro there and thorofnro bavo a complete camp equipment
could noUthank them pornonally, but which permltH their Htopplng whero-
lio wantH thorn to know he appreclat-, vr they find It doHlrablo. Ir. lilako
them. j k a brother to Mm. Horton.
m 'Jl a- ! 1 - - - T--Uwaftaa 1 i , (
out for
Come to for fishing- tackle
Bee our supply of Hods, Lines
Fills, Hooka, Leaders, etc.
Tiie oxali VruK Store
IT'H von YOU 'J'O bAy
Juirt wllut meat and how much you
Uealro ttml for us to stlpply It. Wo
do novc (him thai. Wo tako nil
juos.loii of (juallty upon oumolvox,
Imndllug only choice meats at till
tlmo. And you can ho conlldont of
getting not nlouo, tho heat, but ovory
bit you pay for. Our wolghta are us
right uh tho meats.
Mrw. Orncti Honiard, dniuhtr of
Mm. K. V. Kylvoster, him biwu vlHltlug
with hur mother nnd HlHter In thin
vicinity for (ho pant fow weeks. She
loft for hor homo 011 tho John nay
yoHterday hut It In poH.ilblo that niio
and hor hunband will return hero to
locate permanently In tho near future
James Weston and family are over
from Wilder, Idaho, having conio
over because of tho serious IIIiii'mh of
Mm. Weston's father, W. K. Smith.
Jlmmlo Ih promoting telephone linen
In that port of tho country and has
two projects coming along In onl
shape. Ho sayB It Is a lino country
with woll Improved Irrigated farms.
J. M. Jenkins, well known to the
Htockmen of thin county whom ).
has purchased stock during tho past
several yoam, spent n fow days In this
city during tho woek. Ho was onroulo
ourlng tho week. Ho was oil route
from Idaho polutH to his homo at
FohhII when he broko his car and had
to lay over hero waiting the arrival
of parts.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Myem were re
newing acquaintances In this city
during the week. Following Mr.
Myem discharge from the army they
had been residing In Spokane hut are
now looking for n now location.
They wont out to Catlow to look over
tholr hpmoHtoadu before continuing
tholr Journey on to tho southern
Tlio Tlmes-Herald (IiiiIh coiiHlder-
ablo favorable comment upon tho
proposition of paying tho county
Judge a larger salary and making
him rospmislblo for the county llnan
cos. it. Ih tho bUHlnoHHlIko way of
conducting the affalm of tho county.
Pay the right man a sulllclont sum
that ho can dovoto his tlmo to It and
then see that ho makes good. Fix It
o ho can't "push tho buck''
Percy Johnton, formerly associated
with IiIh father and Urothmr. ,1. 11. and
J. Kdwln Johnson, In civil engineer
work with headquarters In M.ilheur
county, Ih looking- aflor.hUHlnoHH af
fairs in this vicinity. Mr. Jolnisuit
now lommu at I-a Qwido and Is
connected with a in-irbla.niid granltpj
niirern. Mii. Johnson l hUImf In
Mrs. Luther Tudr and h Is visiting
t (ho home of her slstor during tho
lime they nru In this vicinity.
Mrs, Harry 11. Smith snd her nclco
Mrs. Olllon, took their departure
Tuesday for outside points. Hairy
took tjiiiu out in his t(.tr w far n.
Ueud and ontlnued on to Portland
where he gooo to consult with offices
of the tactile Urldge Co, witlj whom
ho Is omployi. Urn. HmlU left In
oomplUuco with the tidvtoe of hor
physician bocatiso of ill health. Tho
two Indies oxpoct to go to Alaska for
tho summer and will likely return
to 1101110 place on tho const for tho
winter. Mm. Smith had resided horo
for Hovoral years and wau ono of tho
active workora In tho Hod Cross dur-
llirr tlifk itai ni,. ...111 . . I
... ..u ,,. ouu will OO IlllUBOll DygaH8W, SCO O,
hor formor associates. ' jeweler, optklan.
j Vie fh-An ami family r hr
rrom tiieir homo ttt I'arma. insuo.
They wers onlletl her becMtisu of
tho sHrlitim llluoas of Mrs. Olb.sonV
fnt hor, W- K. Smith. Vic Is happy In
his now location as he has some woll
lmproved1rrlgated laud and Ih doing
Mr. and Mm. J. ft. Itcynolds woro
guests at tho homo of Mm. C. W.
Lewis for n few days thlH woek loav
lug Inter for Klamath.. Tho lloyuolds
reside at Naches, Washington, and
were out 011 an auto tour of the coun
try. Mm. lloyuolds Is a sister to
Mrs. Lewis and they havo gone to
Klamath to visit with tholr mother.
J. C. KQJjBJY. Prld.-(.
CHIP (j. SMITH. HocrHmry.
Lou I ho Lewis accompanied them
C. H. Leonard nrrlvcd homo last
night from a business trip to Port
land and other outside points. Ho was
accompanied on his return by his son
Dorman, who has been attending the
medical school of tho Stnto Unlvor-
slty. Dorman had nxpected to spend
his vacation In Corvnllls but later de
cided to come homo.
W.'H. Smith, one of tho respected
pioneer stockmen of this community,
Is very sick at his homo In this city.
He Iiiih been In poor hoalth for sever
al months ami has recontly returned
from a tour of the coast section nnd
also a visit 10 specialists in Portland.
1 1 Ih condlt'on Is ho serious that his
daughters from Idaho, Mm. JamcH
WoHton and Mm. Vie OIIihoii, uIho his
daughters at Crano, Mrs. Drlnkwatcr
and Mrs. Clay, woro called to tho par
ental homo.
Flvo rents oaoh will be paid for
Itabblts klllod within the boundaries
of our farm north of Hums. This
offer stands for HO days, und count
will bo mudu on our place. -Adv
July 8, 1920.
No (repassing ui'on
Ki . j. yofsr slok o it ., ,1.
!?: bv m v permlon
lor COHVlfl'yli of tl
tltis iijiitlctt. Jamc H
ri nilt
d iv
Mo will soon Imvo a numlxr tf
lit. . 'n bu 9.. mm ....... M i .1... . . . 1
i.i.jt..n fi.i nifiiiu uiiib ngCK,
mm.mmI.b... m. .. ........ I . I .. . I f I
und lint yoar property lUntj
()unty AINtrMct Co.
Olrl wants work Phono 11141.
Try Fiiestono
Adv. tf.
FJno line of Kakhl and Corduroy
trouHcrs. N. Drown & Sous. Adv.
Htethon Hats JO. 00. N, Hrown &
Sons. Adv.
Mrs. A. D. Jones Is now in clmrgo
of tho Smth rooming tiouao adjoin
ing tho Colo hotel. Sho will bo
phvtsed to moot her many frlonds
thero. C-12tf.
Wm. Farre
Practice tofere U. S. Lm4
DcpartMcnt and
Real Estate
lndlr4ttloiiH arc that tho
turn )f tlio land will
Mttnict many Invrntom to
llurnoy County tho com
log season. I.lhtlngs now
will hn kr it befoir pro--IM'ctlvo
f:v tors tho eo
tlim Ken xo ii.
Notice Ih hereby given that tho
annual meting of tho Hums Flour
Milling Company will bo held in
Hums on Monday, August 2, 1920,
Bend & Burns Auto Stage
All Tottrirtff Carn
Leaven Hums euvry Sumlay, Monday, M'cdnvHday, Friday
Special attention given passengeis
Quickest and cheapest route out
Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped
via Bend in our care given prompt attention
BaBa v Odeaaaaaaaa
anar v .pnajaaaaaat
.sifVffly a
I "lfiYTIMHHTB.-n0mM
You Min got it ovory day at this
cry. Como and watch us tuko It out
of tho ovnn. tint. rr!ni lir.iull and
goi.d. not our bread tastes good ve?
A'liun noi aiiHoiuioiy rrosn, ev a n "i
old, alo cakos pios, buns, etc.
! -1 "'-" -JjjjM
I Come
llavo your watch ovei'linuliMl, Start
tho old clock to tlckliiR, got that old
plcco of Jewelry Jn vo4irinj; order,
Ifavo your oyos fitted to Itivullno-
and we will an,v you money on your gcnoral iv M
Our lar buyt in quantities consequtjntly w are
to tocurc iiriccM fo you that lesMrv KuQrs cjnn't li .,.h -
Wo are apeclrtlials in a gonornl way. j;
Our counters offer dnily bnranins in women's v,tAr, !
Kitchen aucotssories, fancy work and so on through,
the list of popular articles for the hoirm.
Evcrub du
Ann t hunt
f r
Anib du
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.