The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 17, 1920, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Hntunlay, July 17, IfHM)
J'hge Vour
T H K T I M K H 11 W H A I- 1 II U It N H , II A II N H Y COUNT)', O It K O O IV
The Times-JleraldL
Hi The Large'it Circulation Of Any
Nuwup.ipor In Homey .County.
suaacuii'TioN itXTta
One Y.r
Saturday, .July 17, iV2i)
Something tit ii Ht. lio done lit llitrnoy
county to ollinlituto Mid. rabblln. Tlmy
nro hS?tilnfr ao thick that runner
t). ronton to quit trying to tkIhu crop
i) Minus unmethliiK I tlono tn lvu
thorn rellf. Oounty Annul MeDim
IHh l hcHlogod with rciiuoatn front
trmcrn to give tliotn Homo remedy to
got rid of those- ont; ltttl tint only
method known to thu county tiKOtit Itt
rittonlnn which l pot effective dttr
f n thin purlod of tho your whutt the
r-st8 hiivo ncoena to nruon fond.
In going uhotit ovor tlta entity one
- t io( pr otirf tins Ittrutf null) bora of
r. Wd'n (it ) Ihoy ur coming down
t li tjlt-r dlnro thn ranjrn tfrn-m la dry-
; up mhI .piihrlnR tho grain fl1l
wiiit i hoy arc out on th lttlla and
i' vjt th rnp ttinir dapredjitlons.
.' , oft an tntlco.ilo. but whan thay
rile th "Hltlvatrd flrkln It la uctlwl
o'ico. Tliny re Jttat n daftttUtUlvai
iit on lii range, ton. but we don't
r ,111! It.
TU jiroT M-ttton of h boiinl? In be
ing dlruM,Hl all ortr tlta qountry and
tttileM Korn eRVrtivu iiiiMUl are'
f rward to offset this niovo U will bo
or tin bllaot thla nil ntitl curry by
n dig vain. Thorn Ih iilmolutHly no
nuortttou of tltlM helnc the fact; ihej
fartuorH ran't Iih nxpnetned to ko on j
t.r aftor year and hnvo thnso pc-Pta
t up all thoy row. WhutS tint
Of producing It' wo can't hum-tO
; 'ittlblttK for our work?
Tho IMouslou Service and the l
S. MtoloKlcal Survy nppnno tho
bounty hecatiHo of tho big expound
td Imv IK' n rim o hIiow thu ntoro
t'lTHCtlviiiii'fH of polrouliiK, hut niulur
tho L-ltttl n k I'ondi'.loiirt In llarn.iv
rouuly this method will not oradtiii'o
the wutttn uitltHW tho proposition Ik
takn up hi u systematic miiunr and
int-fi cmrliyid to polaou rabbit out
on tho orien rmiKH and on vacant
la' Jh It U out of Ihc (jutmtioK lor
tl.- f;rmcr and hoinoatvmior In take
, rntt outdoors of tliU bli;
r i .. If th ooiiuty could arnuigt)
t pn tittttii'td men In (Jet ftcbl
dorlved from offoctlvo orgititlzod poln
onltiR tltlH iioattou will offROt thuttt to
u largo oxtont.
Bllvor Crook In ciiRtlng Itn eyon at
tho prlzo to ho offorod at tho county
fair HiIh fall for tho lioHt uomntttnUy
itgrU'ttltttrnl and doutoiitlo uxhlhlt and
whon otto drlvoH through' tho valley
and houh tho waving lloldu of grain
and hi'iihkoh, It h a Hafo' UHSttinptlou
that thu contuHtttUy that noson thont
out will haviu to "go BOino! ' aIjI
It Ih oamcHtly rott0Ntod that all
fai'incrH tloitlrlng to uoctiro clunn nuod
lor ulthur fall or stirlng howMiib, got
in touch with tho County Agottt. an
hf Ih lit a poy'tlon to a'uuitro elonu,
aoclltnatod gtaln, Into to typo tuul
grown tn Ihtrnoy County at i fair
pi-leu. And that remind- tin thai It
in tiHilofl to pity ifii.00 an tturo or
nioro for nltrogon cnHuro for a'fa'fu
whim you can gut tho lattit thoro Ih
front tho Orogon AgrliMtlMiral Col
logo, olthor direct or through (ho
oilloo of tho County Agont ft.r not to
oxitood !IOo per aero.
Any farutor or Htoolitniiii having
llvtwtoi'k or farin produco for nalo or
rxchatiKo or who wmita anything in
that lino, can hnvo a freu advtrtlao
hih In tliti flrMt ocpy or th Harney
'outity Farm Huron u Nowa whlolt
w ll ho mtwA nbout wVufiUHt lat and
n-ni be mallei frco (a ry rnruttr
and atnekraan. In Ittuiiey County."
j'.it )it a Icttor hkI tell tho Cetia-
qucHtod to, got lit touch with tho How
Hocrotury at onco rognrdlng ' tho
Htntttti of tholr (Iuoh and favor tho
lodgo with tholr proHonco.
r Donnln Coopor wan ovor front tho
Sllvor trook country yoHtordny.
IMitnngor Kurlor or tho Standard
Oil Co. lit Critno. was a IiuhIiioah vln-
J Uor durlhg tho wook.
a MIiih Ilajiol Ilalihw arrived homo
front Portland laat night aim will ro
nialn ui for hoiuo llnio with hor
inothor and vIhIUiib with ffJendH.
W. V Hrown wan In l.ho oily HiIh
wi ck from IiIh atouk ranchcii to I ho
wfat. Ilo rocontlyHlilppud n (ttuiutliy
of wool out by way of' Granu' and
was ovor looking aftor tit Ih lyiiiHlgu
itionl. County Agont McDnulolH and li Ik
wlfo loft thin morning ror Jiiuioh
Paiil'H piano whore ho will look aftor
xonio work In (lonuucdon wllh IiIh
dtttloH and aluo try IiIh hand at lull
ing. Mla Sura llowoll, th ooniiiuinlty
tin ran, wu III for a fit'w ilayn thia
wck nnh npoii advlttu of her pbyal
oiun WMBl lo UMtltnapltal for.a ahort
tltro. 'Aha 1 reported bttr unlay
.i.'ni will rttuni to her eottuiar.
... Mih. V. II. Vlmw, t'hr front
Haying Supplies
We are prepared to. take care of your
wants during the haying season. Oiir
grocery stock covers exrery requirement
Special attention given all large order
O S C li. Drv GoocIj. Produco a
. ml ynt Waul or Uffv to rrnli, Wi-jromp, and oilier roltlvn. jn tho boundary of iionto of th db
11 or trad, aril what you want for;aiM, 8mw yHm hurg n fw yar'trlota nod aomo worn ooitaolldalwl.
n, huh ug iwcparw inn no. ior,.. ,ud , rmemijenrt maty 0f
tljf lad lea of uiirnii.
' -!.) I '
cocht i.ofinf.vo aikii iioadh
Mr. and Mra. Itnriy C. Minlth ar
rived home laid night Port liuiil
whe-ro thoy were called hoiuo two
wouku ago liecaiiHe'of Iho IIIiiohh of
tholr daughtor, Mm. Nolllo. Hood.
Tho patlont undorwout an operation j jrord .ropruaontatlvo In Hits part of
HN'otitiy nt a I'orilanil liuHpiini ami lit
now on tha road to recovery.
Thorw wna a mKlug of tho ootintyl
dlalrltit boundary hnat'd llila waak at
U. V. JIiihIi, iiHHlHtant milnagr or foreign coiintrlim In which tho
tho Kord Auto concern at Portland, Church of The" Im laboring
Ih In Miirnii. Mr. JIiihIi makuu occuh- will ho Htudled and IntorcHtlng Infer.
loual to uiH ovo'r (IiIb iiitrt of the tcr- motion about each brought out dur
rltory and Ih liuro to give what iihhIbI lug tho year. India Ih tho country
atiua hu can to thu liuniH fiarago, tho now under oomdderntlou.
Tho next meeting will bo It' ll m
tliu aroHliiK of Friday tho 23rd July
ni t o'clock. Another littoroitlnrr pro
grunt If plnniiRd which will !. jii
uari Iptlon , of tha coatuinci
damoiial ration of uidtoul dlnp i.
work, a abort ravlow of thu m
part of lb Jlfa of William Car nil
a abort addroaa nil tho Natur.i k. .
UlO BltltO.
StoUott hut J OO. X.
U row a
rou. Thera ih no joi- ir to una otu
ntunna exactly wlml It aaya and tha
Idaa la 10 gal Urn filrmer; to lot tho
other fellow know what ho baa to
tihipONO of.
rim fnrmer who haa itnythlug to
noil or need anything tho oilier fel
low Iiiih and dooHti't advortlHe Iho
fact In aomo way In llko the follow
throwing klHHoa at .IiIh girl In tho
dark. Ilo known what 'he Ih doing
but nobody oIho dooH,
If poHHtblo noiid In tho ad wllh a
letter giving the community farm
iiowh but If you can't JttHt hoikI the
ad anyway and then toll the County
Agent later If you Hccurod roHtillH.
I'lve conta each wilt hu paid for
Uahhlm killed within tho bottudarloa
of our farm north of Duma. TIiIh
offtr awnda for So daya, and count
will ba made on our plauw. Adv
n. imow'iN' a soV8
July 8, 1920.
moohi: i.oikm: i:i,H(ri- oki'ici-jiis
.ludgo l-'arro and CmnmlafdoiiHorH
HlijHM and Mi'Ktnuoii hnvo haoii out
making a puraoual litHportton of the
road building during tho week. Thoy
find t It I it k h prngroHHlug nicely and
through the present method of road
building they am gutting hoiuo per
manent IniprnvouientH along that
lino and not wanting iih Iiiih boon done
In tho pitHt. UouiIh are ho chmo nihil
thuHo dayn that they have tho Urol
cotiHlderatlon In public work. .
The T'uioH-Ilerald has found hov
oral pvoph favorable to tho oiitnhllHh
iiiutit of n croamery Hlncu tho publi
cation of hiMt Imiio Olio man who
baa wide uxparloheo with creamer bw
1. Ii Cullfornla anva It Is tha proper
thing to do. Tim country ran mip
oort ii Komi alved oraatnory ami hu
holiavaa a anlUclout number ooova
can to algnad up to Htnrt Hi outer
prlTto right now. TIiIh man consider
It it foiiKlhlc projnet and one that will
aud keop tliniu (hero for a couple of
yuara or mor with the oouimnitlon I The Mooio Lodge of llaruuy. Couit-
ot tho paopl living In tho Havwul ty bald a regular moating laM Friday make inouoy for jill ooncoruad
localatUa throughout tha county. It
ui:gai work; but to o.vpoot Indlvtd
uala lo go out on tho vncant govern
niitiit lamlH, way out In thu hllU. ami
e lb iambi of the abwont owuur Ik
asking more than hu can do.
Tho rabblla have In be eradicated
riid lr w ure going lo una other Ihuu
lh bounty uietbod of gotllng rtd '01
them It In up to hoiuo one to gut hus
Coiuily Agent I,. I'. .MeDiiulels (
Pirtng In full hlaat.
.indnyN ahowara did inor good
f'-'i harm.
um . .u p'eniilnjc for a prospermia.
. . ' man tblnltoth In Itlaj
. m dnndlil uuMdlnfc held at
' ,( Haiuril.-iy aveniua to
" ' . i a Farm lluraan urxanls-1
.'.i : i i ur co-opcritttnn amoaa '
i ' lc i ' 1 1 it ikI furniprx wm 'uwvei' '
weir tbaii It Im to-day.
1 '-ir-rcr h ' wa arbo miVa
il of alfalfa grow where ouo
i ! hp w batora.
: if. tb noxious weed low in
?').: and tbrtii yet buy ill pro
i xnursidf from daipngo. .
i,nr pe'gbboril II II 0(1 tip und
the county agont to arrango to
t wi"i thont for tho purpoMu of
flt-ai'Kv on thu rodont, Inaoct and
wflf-ii peatg in Harney County by tho
end of anothur Heasou. In organl.u
don thxre'lH strouglh aud hiiccohh.
hon't run away with lite Idoa that
tliH heavy iittbllclty given to silo con
st motion ittuanH that tho Cottnly
Agent thlnkK oveyouo requlreH a nllo
On Iho contrary if you havo plenty of
bay ami range and no market aud
nro mttlHilud with your prolllH, you j
in not need a olio.
Whoro rango Ih scarce, boy high,
jriff labor practically tiuobtaiiiable,
tho Kilo montiH money to all cIohhob
of Htockmen generally but to dairy
ijiott and hoof producers piirtlcular.
It la certainly gratifying to nolo
Hie manner In which tho uiihwoih to
(ho quOHtiouairoH Hont out by tho
County Agont regarding tho damogo
done by rodents and othor pcHts are
somlng In,. Tho aum totul of diunago
lono will bo Btartllng but the boneilt
:v'nltif at tin Odd KuIIowh hall ami
lie following oll'corH were appointed: J
TriiRtoOH: Henry ChrlRtotiaau, :i
voara; A. A. Traugoit. 2 yonra;
Homer Itoed, 1 year; Dictator, A. A.
Hard well; Hecrctary. .In men Itlnhard
ion; Vico IHctalor. .1. S. Tavlor; Paul
Dictator. Ohcijter Carter; Prelate, H.
D. Merry; TreitHurer. CIihh Itohn; In
Hldo Cliiiird, l.ornn McCulloch; Out
ilde (luard.
Thu regular meeting Iiiih been net
for ovury Friday night In the future
until further notice. All tho ollluera!
Another man who la making ox
ttunlvo tmprnvomoutH on bin farm In
thla vicinity, and who Iiiih a Hue lot
of alfalfa, told the writer that noth
ing would milt It I itt better than tlo
(rtlabllHhmeut of a creamery In liurna
iih hu contoinplulcd putting a herd of
dairy cowh on IiIh place provided
there wan any Inducement to engage
in that line of farming. Ho Ih llxed
lo care for a good Hlxed herd and
able to erect a hIIo If ho fludH II lo
IiIh advantage.
We Invito furtlnir dlnouwnlou of
IMatrtolH and 10 waro comolld
atml mid nro pow on tenon! iih Dis
trict Nti. 1 I.
CotiHolldallou of dUtrlelH C. 21.
30. f.9, tho rotuniH wore fnvorablo to
tho cotiHolldallon of SI and 5!) and
(IiIh coitHolldatad dlHtrlct will ,ba iih Dlatrlet No. 21.
Thirty illMrlcle are Included In a
union high hcIiooI at IIioj .luno eloo
tloiiH. TIiIh high hcIiooI Ih to be lo
rated at Crane.
Tha Mieslonnry MuatlDk Uial waa
htld In tfit CharelT of Tlio Nuarouo Pfarew and iho Govanimfittt r I.-.n.
In nitrMa on tha 9m. wni mnaldarod A fwlll offarliur will ,bo ink- . ,t
n fu'mi auooaaa. Tha 'jiroyrnli.' wa-U iH mt'otlngB which-will be ui
vet Intaroallitg ami well randorwd. fiir.lior.llio mlBBlonnry lot- r. t
Some coHtunittH worn by tha ilall,a "t "Ih olmrcli- A cordial invitation
in India woro aliown. mid nlctiirim of t oxtoudod to tho public to enjoy
tha 'thirty-live mlaaloitarloe lhlt de
nomination la Hooding to foroign
floblH IhiH year ware ilvtl to thu ran
grogatloii. The olfering amounted lo
It Ih tho plan of (.bin church to
havo a mlxHlniinry program the hoo
ond ami fourth FrldayH lit every
ntontli thronghoitt the year. .The nine
Ihoao iiteotliigH.
Hoy. and Mrs. Tntfy havo aj-nt
fourtoon ybani In active mliwlon work
In India' and It Ih exceedingly Inter
oiling and profitable to bear them
tell of HiIh Hlrango land and people.
Full lino Kiikbl and Corduroy
TrotiMini. N. Ilrowit & Soiim.
uid ineinborH proton at tho laat rewiihis luipnrJaitt ludttatry and nil ox
iiiftftlutfM have agreed to taku an ac-j pi-iwulon from man engagud In dairy
tiro part In the activity of thla r-ina. A home inarkot for our produela
niarkablu frHlornlty. and niiioug ' ahouhl appeal lo uvorybody.
mjtvi iiiiiikk piiui on purcuaaiiig inair -!)'
two bnlld.iirt. AH niaiubure are re And prlcea? Not In eight rt.
n , im,n-"-n
who w:u prut-
Johnnv WltsOU.
tlcally unknown a fow wcokn u-o.
Is today tbe world's middleweight
champ ns a renult of bU VI.
ovur Mlku O'Dowd of 8t I' ml.
WlUon Ih a Churlcatown. Mftiti.,
boy. The liout took pUco at te
Fenway A. A. in Doeiou.
hat $0.00.
Campbell fir Rcld & Wosltirn SnU'S Shillea Co.
.St. Louts National Moth ViiiiIh, III.
25,128 Head Sold inl919
To Itaiichumn who hu-o Haugo HorHOH ninl Mttlns lo Hhlp, wo
wlab to Hay thai our market will' oiler the hoM outlet thin iietiHou
of any market in the country.
Our fuollltloH for handling Mango Hothuh nro tho hoHt and mo:d
uxtoiiHlve to bo found anywhere, Dm very largo number aold by iih
litHt year Ih conclulve ovlduuco that wo hnvo tho hiiyerH. Ship im
any kind, hut bo careful aud not Hhlp anything hut ouch that are fat.
Mil, I. C. (JAM, UP, of Omaha, N'ebraka, Ih now connected with
HiIh company, he having realized that our market uifern the bent
opportunities In tho United States for range IjuhIiobh and that It
wur to Itia Intercut and that or hla Khlpportt to transfer IiIh buulneHd
IJolow are tho datoa of our Special SaloH for Iho coming hoiihoii.
CoiiHigu your horuen aud muloa to Campbell & Hold & Western
Sales StabloH Co. Arrango your Hhlpment to ntnrt 12 dayu before
Oth Salo,
7th flalo,
8th Sale,
Wrlto or wlro for any apodal ijiforinatiou.
I. C. Gallup, Nampa, Idaho.
Western lloprcHCiiUttlvo for Campbell & Hold
K. Ilrowu &
Reduce the High Cost of
Lat us ncljuat your car so it will not require so
much giiB.
When u car "pulls hard" it literally eats up the
Jf it pulls hard there is a reason. Something is
out of adjustment. It needs prompt adjustment, both
for the saving of gas and for the prevention pf undue
wear and tear on your car.
We arc Experts in the Scientific Adjust
ment of Everything Connected with a Car.
i J mm
i . y
.lMi M VTaft' imimfm
J"U'l IMMj.
tmrw l mil l
unnff summer iviontns
We intend making specials of one or two articles
every two weeka
For Two Weeks Only
Beginning Monday, July 19, 1920 .
Wash Boards - - - 45c.
Griffith & Skelley Co. Asparagus, can 20c.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor