The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 17, 1920, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    i, nnUiy, July t7( 1020
II A It N 10 V
T I M Ifi H - H 13 It A i; J)0 O U If T Y , O R 1! O O N
Pago Throo
I l.ondtntatln ra
arrit A
Aiiltinttj lliipf,
known nttlMilc Ctir
ii i rlil of tioiitiii im
Mr .Intimity tlotit'
II (i v U. I it ., nil"
l"i In l.nniloit
tV.. II. IHiUJ, (hr
miiii nf u flfTKf'
iimii. lti itMirrlril
n it A tit i' I ti it
lioivnii. tl l.i lo
lie tin iott lie inn
liiv innii.v incci'
I'lilMmi nf (he
IipiiIii (ii fulloiv
III Hit fni(Mom
uf "Thr I'l-Uonrr
of Zrntln" nml
"The Dull? IMn
tunur.' Mr wik eCln
rnlt'J it Mnrt
linriitwli, nml hi
lliiMlul Collrr.
Ovdiril, nfcrrr lie
limk koHom In
Icltrra nml mhm
prr'lilrnf nt (he Oifnnl Ualua, irtilcti
linn- l Im I hr nua already n niaa of
murk lit IiIm iinilrrnrmliiiUp Unyn. Hy
ma) of a ttrofrnHlnn lie beenm n liar
rllir ( the MlJillr Temple Im ISTT.
Rnl If Hit rmrnill nf the law Inlrrfirea
wild Hir aniilurlHi of ft ihrllltnir tale,
ma It nrvrr km n raae In prriar.
Ill Pm( liV wbb "The frlaoer
f XciiiIa." TMih Im pnihablr
imlnrtl hi- Iii-hI knuvrn unp. II bml
larue lirnrliiK rbr Itiruril ( the
Irnre. the pnhtle ilrmnn4rd
rqnrl. wlitrh eame im "Hnpprt of
llrnliati." A tier 7.enila qulrklr !
Itre4 The Dolly ninlomirM." vralra,
hy (hrlr raay Mini delioualre urare, la
riKublr KHUKrnl Uwrrf Sterne. IIU
tLm hnve keen unrM". "The
KIdm'i Mirror" nml "TrlBtam if tHeftl,"
und be bun written playa mm "HI, aa
Tfcp Ailtrnliirp of l.ndy t'rMlll.,, A
lovrh of miri-uruB mid prrrlnloB lfd
MitlmrOnn to him p roar br h
uiiuil pnnrr nf ln(crr(lnK hla rrd
m la bla prraoaanea Mad Ibclr ilolan.
t'lltTANIA wnn not EnRlnnil, or
Hmj (luuricl hfitwvfn I)uk Ml
cliuul unil Hudolf ItiiHKcmlyll
i-uultl not lmve Kmo on, with tlio rc
timrknlile IrirhlrniK which innrltciJ lt
without more pulille notice hHni: ill
reeled to it. It In pel-hup iih Ktranito a
Ihlnc ns Ijjih ever hw?n In the hlKtory
of fonitry that the KIiir'm hrollitir
ind tho Kind's rxTHoiintor. In u tltm; of
nrofotuxl iwiico. m'ar a nhicld, uimIIk-
lurlK-d cnnritry town, uitilcr Mimlilnnco
cf nmlly, should wiiro n (U'npcnit war
lor tliv pcrt-on and life of tlnlkffi
Yet Mich wuh the PtruKKle hctwt-i'n
lllark Michael and Hudolf ItasKcndyll,
botli of tln royal Iioiiko of Klphhcr?,
but of very dlffiThiK anteccdentw. Q'Jio
one woh well known to the royal pal
ice at Strelmni; the other wan at
home n :t05 Tnrk hmo, Iondon, Wct.
The klnMilp hctMVfn the two whh quite
in accident, dntlnn from the year 17.' 13,
rttitn a diiHhlni; younR prlnco, later
known to fame iih Hudolf the Third of
Kurituniii, paid a tlnlt to Iondoit.
nicie he wuh courteously entertained
mil wuh n Krent favorite with tho
lutllPM, especially Amelia, counteHM of
li'irlMlon, unil itiironenK HiiKKeuilyll. In
the vii'l tho prlnco left Knclmid ruther
twstily uiiijer a cloud, hut not hefor
fie luid fought a Homewhat Minxulnury
iuol with CruiiiicsK Ainclla'M hiiHhaiid.
In tho j.-ur (since there have appeared
(t iiiierv.ilf In the family or ho Huh
wlylls certain hoiih who hav! heen
inhrked hy tho lonu', Khiirp,'
noe iiud the chirk1 red hair of tho royal
aguM'or mintaniii.
The yearH paw. nuinv of them, nnd
mother Hudolf of IJIphtwir? Is ahout
lo he crowned klnK of Hurltanln. Tho
nnio nose, tho wiino rod hnlr distill
wlfh him, The loyal half of the popu.
t'llloa of Hurltanln could not uleep at
nhrht tllh the coronation wan wifely
over. For tho Into kins had left an
other iri, hy u aeeond and morKiimitlc
tnarrliie. Uluvli Stichuel, duke of
Ktrclsuu and lord of Zenda. ThouRh
Mlchn.'l hore nono of the niurltH of tho
Mpliherpi, ho hud heen IiIh futhoi-'H
favorite, and ho piiHt a loiiKlnj,' eye on
he throne; nil the cut-throatH ami
Marh?i.injH of Hnrllanla Keeonded IiIh
WMi. for Michnel wuh n innn after
ll'Hr own heiirtB. ,
("iirioiiH (hat yiruni; Hudolf HanHcn
'lyll M'fiiild ho moved hy an Idle curl
Nty to wltnt'HH tho coronation of Hu
'lolf of Hiirltnnla; utlll moro curloiiH
lt he, too, Hhonhl hear the familiar
08e, the wune red hair. So thoujdit
Colonel Hupt, uldb to tho klnj,', and
"ritE von Tarlenliclm, his close friend,
8 they enmo upon the younK EnBllnh
'"an In tlm forent of4Z'nda, mukln?
"Is wuy afoot to Strelnuu. Ho, too,
thoiiuht the klnK when ho appeared a
moment later. Hut KcandulH of tho
Past can no more he concealed In Hurl
'nnln than In KiiKland. , Ah younK Huh
J'ondyit later told the tale, first tho
kins frowni-d, "then Kradually tho cor
"er of his mouth hepnn to twitch, IiIh
none came down (an mine does when I
""fill), IiIm eyeH twinkled, and, hehohl,
'0 hurKt Into the merriest fit of Irre
prwihio hiuhtor, which rung Ihrough
the u'oodH und proclaimed him a Jovial
'"Well met, coiiHlnl' ho cried, step
J1'"" up to me, chipping mo on the
nml hiiiKhlnx Mill. 'You iiiukI
forgive mo f i wan taken ahnek. A
'"on docHu't expect to en douhlo t
ws time of dny, eh, FritzV
H'l miiHt pruy perdon, lre, for my
prcminiptlnn,' snld I. 1 trunt It WtU
not forfeit your maJoHty'fl favor
"'Hy heaven! you'll alwaya enjoy
tho klng'it' eountetmnce,' ho lmiBhcd;
whether 1 like It or not "
All the gootl followHhlp In tho world,
however, could not permit royal Rcnn
rtulH of tho pant to he raked up at a
coronation. Hudolf ItiiBHctulyll tnuKt
not hhow hit face At thin mwuent In
the capital of Hudolf of lUirliHulu.
"Hut hy thunder," cried tho king, "you
han't leave Hurltanln today. For you
Hhnll til no with mo tonight, hnppcu
what will afterward,"
That wan Junt tho trouhle, "happen
whii t will afterward." One hottle M
to another, until they were all iih full
of wine iih they hud any rlitlit to lie
At last tho Ulnit net down hla KhiHH f.m"
leaned hack In IiIh chair.
" 'I .have drunk ctiotiuh nald ho.
"Tar he It from me to nintradlr
the Itlnw nald I. Indeed, IiIh i-i'iuiiM;
wuh nio.sf ulmolutely Inle ho far ns Ii
weal. Hut still another hotllotliU
Irom Hlaek Mlrluiel, prayd);; (lint he
jjrluk for the love Unit he lienrn hl.i
lirother, could the kiiik rerii"e7 lie
could not. Wiih i ho wine drunKi'dV
The morning answered yen.
"'If ho'H not crowned today.' cried
Kapt, 'I'll hiy a crown lui'a never
"'Ily henveni, why?'
"The whole natlon'n ihero to meet
him; halt the tinny aye, and Hlaek
Michael at the headshall wo Hciid
word that the kind's drunk?'
" 'That he'a III Haiti I, In correction.
"'ill I' echoed Hupt, with a wornful
ImiKh. 'They know IiIh Illness too well.
Ile'H heen III heforel Ah n mim urowH
old he hclleveB In fnte. Kato nent you
here. Kntu Hends you now to Htrelmiu.
You'll Ro?'
"'Yen, I'll o unld I, nnd I turned
injfccyoH on the proutruto llKiire of the,
" TonlRht Snpt went on In n hnnty
whisper, 'we nro to lodgo In the pal
ace. Tho moment they lenvo uh you
and I will mount our howc and ride
here nt a poll op. The klnc will he
ready, nnd he inuM rldu hack with me
to Htrelxau, und you rldu an If the
dovll were hehlnd you to the fron
tier "
Ko hecan those wondrnitH duyn of
adventure which kuw thu throne of
Hurltanln occupied hy an KlphherR
with nil the IrnccH of tho Hlock. thouRh
not "of the hlood." "Tho play actor,"
Hupert of called him, when
ho came to know the nocrct, hut "as
sood an HIphhcrK iih ever nut iiHin II,"
ilcclnred Hapt at the end,
The wild rldu to Ktri'lHiiu, with Kapt
liiHtrucllnR the KiirIIhIi Hudolf moxt
minutely In IiIh piiHt life, hlx family.
(iIh tiiHtew, pur.tullK, wenkiiunyert,
frlendH, couiiiiiuIoiih ami nerviintH iih
Iturllanlu knew them the elhpietto of
he court, what would ho expected ut
he coronation und ahove all of the
PrliiccKM Flavin.
"Clod mivo the kliiRl" cried the peo
ple after the coronation had hecu wife
y mnmiKcd.
"(loci wivo 'iiiii hothl" whimpered
Hapt iih IiIh mouth wrinkled Into a
Hut If thliiRH went well nt Slrelau
A'ltli Hudolf HaHHendyll, now crowned
ih Hudolf the Fifth of Hurltiinla nnd
tho accepted lover o'f tho Prince
Flax mi, fortune did not Hiiille on the
jther Hudolf at Zemin. For Hlaek
Vtlchael ImiMind word from there that
loured for him the myHlery of the
;oroniitloii. HIilltiR iih fiiHt iih hor'H
rould hiy feet to Hie Rrottml, he eijriii
9oor Hudolf of Hurltanln ami In Id
tlm prisoner. Hut then oiiMied a pretty
"Aye. hut ho can't Hpenk." ronnij
?npt In Brim triumph. ''Wo'ui iut iitm.
How can he c'enotiiico you without dg
iouncliiK himself? "J'IiIh In not tin
ilnir, hecnui'o wo have khlimped tin
iliiK and murdered IiIh Kcrvnnt Can
ho nxy Hint? IlmiR mo If Michnel
ivon't expoKO hluiKelf, If ho IrleK to
expose you."
Hut the moxt dlillcult Hlttintlon for n
oynl Rentlemnn and that wiik Hudolf
HaHHendyll nroao from tho Prince
Flavin. "I had to keep the prince
devoted to me nnd yet Indifferent to
mo; I had to nhnw aiTeetlon for her
and not feel It. I hud to make love
for another; und that to u Rlrl who
prlnccHH or no prlneoHH wah tho most
licnullful I had ever Keen. How I Hue-
ceded In currying out my proriun
will appear hereafter."
How they fell In love, her with her
und hIio with lilm, Ih part of tho story
And how, forRettlni; elf, ho rencueil
tho kliiR, nml rohhed himself of love
and throne nnd almost life, When he
hud fallen Horely wounded:
"Fritz," ho called, "Ih the king Htlll
"Aye, friend dear friend;" Hnhl In?,
tender rh a woman, "thnnkH to the
moKt Kiillant Rentlemun that liven, the
klnK Ih alive I"
AII'h well that endu well. Hut of
tho Prlncefi.s Fin via?
"If I enn never hold nwcot converse
apnln with her, or look upon her fnco.
or know from her her love, why, then,
this Hide tho grave, I will live uh ho
come tho man hIio loven; and for the
other Hltlo 1 uni.Ht pray a drcainlcKH
CopyrlKht, 1919, by tho Post PutilUliliiK Co,
(Tlie Itoeton I'uflt). I'rlntutl by permlH
rton of, and urrunKiinifot with, Henry
Holt & Co., authorized publisher.
Fine Sport.
"Where did you ro HiIh afternoon?"
nnkeil Mr. DuhwnUo uh ho Hipped IiIh
"Downtown," Bald Mrs. Duhwiille,
"Well, did you enjoy yournelf?"
"I certainly did. I met Mrn. (ladder
and hnd a perfectly lovely time talk
ing to her iih If I hadn't heard thut
hIio ami Mr. Onildor had Hoparated'
Dlrmlnghiim Agcllorald.
f s
Conhn$ithn tu C)wt Tonnnd DicJv X
a. .
AC Clip nuc of.
17, .In mi' h l.'pnl
iiiurc Ciiniipr Ip
Irriklnpil In pulp:
tlllllll it IlltVlll pf.
rupr In (Iip Mrrvli'i
nf lilt riMiitIr,
II I a iiiiri'iilli'i.
lili uiih lirtin
im ii fri'luliler
mii 1 1 1 n IX friiiu IVpit
Vnrlt lo Cinvr,
In n nloriuy iim
niiki iif III ilnr,
In- pmltiri'il ( lie
vlKiirmiN Ii n r il
wlilpi nf llfp Il
f n r p llir iiiiinI.
'I'IiIn trtN fiillnuril
lir mi pvpii rmiKlipr nrrlml uf fill ilun,
1'lirni iiiltpiilnrpN furnUliPil vhhl inn
Ccrlal for llirlllliiK rilmnlra In lila hl-n
Aflrr (Ma bp nrrvril In (Hp niivy In
vnrlouH rnpnvllleN, aCurliiK up Intnl
iintilc rxiirrlrnt'p (o bp rclhril lir
(liiiHunnda la (he pnxpa of hla booka.
At (hp nup of 31 lip mnrrlril. Thla
Irrllnhlp and alroBK-nlllril mun
una rniillx lalliirnrpil IhrnuRliuul hla
llfp tiy hla nlfp, lo tvboiti hp ta
ilrrplr ilrvolril. 'rhrnuiih hpr hp alian
UoMPd hla aniblllon for n naval rarrpr.
Nol until hp wan SO, bonrrrr,- did
hp bruin lo wrllp. Ilia Ural navrl nna
dull lip;ond hrllpf. Npvprlhclpaa hla
frlpnda urrpd him lo try attain. Thla
lime hp laid (hp appnp ha hla own Innit
and nrolp of palrlollam. )intoM
pf hla n hrl. "The fir" nppparpil
Im 1S3I am) mi aonn no popnlar na lo
mukp (hp tara;pat antra yet nna by an
Antrrlrnn writer.
Cuuprr hail wrltCrn hla drat nnvpl
to protp that hp pould Invpnl n itinrp
nlprraiina; (ali (ban onr bp hnil Jua(
rrnd. Hp llkrvilup wrolp bla dm) xrm
Klury to rival Hi-ott'a Thp l'lralr,M ami
In prnvp (lint (hp nulhnr nf n arn nut I
ahould bnvr lived nn ahlpboard In urilrr
to know not only (bp urran, Iml Hip
Intlninlp vtnrn nnd vrurkliiKa uf ablpa.
"TbP I'llol" m rnattarlitK. II nipt
wllh lanlaulanroua nnd brllllanl nr
ppaa In Kurope and Amprlra.
l.MK time nluro nn Amerlcnnpuh-
llnher Invited u group of men, In
cluding among cithern Hoouvclt,
Hartie.M, Kpearn, Connolly nml the
writer, to select the hIx grciitcnt ro
manceH of the Hen, "The Two Ad
mlralH" wiih the one of Cooper'n hch
tale.H Includeil hy a umiulmoiiH voli1.
Well clotH the hook deerve If m e
lection for it Ih without epilation the
urea test of nil the novel of the sea.
nil of which I have read and not a few
of which I have written,
It Iiiik more of tho hcut of Cooper,
and Ichh of IiIh worst, than any of IiIh
naval or other romance. No writer
wuh ever more at hoine on a shlp'H
deck than Cooper not even Mnrryatt.
Ami nil lit knowledge of tho great
deep, tho wny of hlp therein, the
hiiMtH mid ciiMtouiH of HiillorH, hit heen
utlllxod In full measure In HiIh Immor
tal story. It rlngH true nllko to sea
men and hiiidMiifii,
There Is a HiiliHlilhiry Htory concern
ing tho love affair or u gullnnt young
sen oilher, Sir Wychorly Wycheccuiihe,
nnd IIIiIiimI iJiitlnu-llluowiilcr. n iltmi-
mi a m lowly, iih dellcule nml mh Inane
tin ('oojmt nt hi wort could cleerlhe.
WhetiiMT -he iippi-iU'cd she wuh either
NiuTiiMhl with IiIuhIios or hili-Htlng Into
I en r. On one o'''!ilon he wepl
.Meudlly for ahove one half hour I
The Hiipposcil ilnugliler of a drunk
en, retired olllrcr und u wcuiihu of the
middle cIiish, .Mlhlicd turn out to he
tho lawful niece of one of the two ml
mlralH, JiihI In time (to soothe hi dying
hour; while her Inishnm), u VliKlnlnn.
turnH up In the nick of time with the
pa pern In IiIh hum! to prove hi hiic
cession to the ancient title and IiiiiiIh
of Wychecomhe. Alt of which Ih ex
ceHHlvely tlrcHoine.
Fortumitely tho greater part of tho
hook Ih taken up with the doing of
tho Two Admiral. The puerlh1, pit
mlcl-Vletnrhin romance will eiiHlly ho
forgotten hut the remainder will rich
ly repay the reader.
In 17-lfl when (Jeorge II reigned In
Koglnmt the young pretender, ChnrlcH
ICdwiird, made that during and unu
cch.'iful dash for u crown which ciiino
to ii Moody end a I Culloden In the fol
lowing year, It Ih that iihortlve hut
giillimt effort which furnlshcH the mo
tlvo for tho action of the novel.
Vice Admiral of the Hed Sir (lervnlHO
(hikes commanded n well tilted, well
ofllcered, well manned, hoinogeueouH
licet of slilpH-oMho-IIno which hud
heen cruising In the Hny of HlHcny. Ah
soda li.'d with him wiih Hlclinrd Hlue-
water, renr ndmlrnl of tho White, ec-
ond in command, These two men,
both wedded to tho service alone, hud
heen shljiinntcH and friend, during a
naval cnieer of nearly forty yearn.
OiikeH wiih a typical Kngllsh admiral,
a Hiiporh sailor, a downright lighter;
HI no water his complement and oppo
site, a Hiihtlo thinker and a brilliant
tactician. Tho combination wuh Ideal,
iih wuh tho completeness of a friend
ship, not to say tin aiTeetlon, uh sin
cere uh It wiih hiHtlng. Nothing hud
over hroken it; nothing, It wiih be
lieved, ever would brenk It.
In btiUmo point did tho truo friend
differ. Oaken wuh a Whig, Hluewuter
a Tory, II. did not hcciii pogHlhle, how
ever, for political consideration (o In-
teiTupt llieJr warm rolatloiiH. The
hold adventure of Charles Kihvurd
bcido fulr to do thut voi-y thing, how
over. For Hluewuter, frunk, uuworld-
ly nrtllor Hint he wat, cleverly plnyo
upon hy politlcliilui, hegiiii lo wave
between tho House of Hanover, wIiomo
commlHHloii tic held, and I he llouso of
Slewnrt, to which IiIh benrt inclined,
To bring matters to a head M. lo
Vice Atulrnl Lo Oomte de Vervillln
nulled from Cherbourg with a fleet of
such Hhlpn iih fairly entitled him to
chullenge thu Kngllnh fleet of Vlco Ad
mlrat Oaken for tho mastory of the
niirrow hciih.
The hitter, more Hum willing to try
out tho matter, ut once put td kch In
a heavy gale of wind, IiIh capital ships
weighing anchor In suci't'SHlon with
long Interval between them mi iih to
spread n liroucl clue to Intercept the
French, Hluewuter wit It IiIh division
brought up Ihe renr, Tho rear admiral
wiih obscHsed wllh the Idea Unit Do
Vervillln' course had something lo tit
with the protemlcir'H effort nnd IiIh
conscientious scruples throw hlin Into
ii plteniiH state iff Indecision. Tho
vice admiral wuh not troubled hy any
nich Kiihtle casuistry, He only saw
Die enemy whom It wuh IiIh duly to
bout when, whore und how he could,
After n fWe'i of tho mosl brilliant
tactical imiiieiiM'iN and u Kiiccctisfut
minor engagement with the whole
French Heel hy IiIh division nlone Hit.
two division lytd got separated In the
mild gale and Hluewuter had culled hhi
own ship around him thu vlco nil
tiilrnl round hluiAcIf with live si dp la
Ihe vicinity of tho French who wore
Just double In nuinher, Fur nwny to
windward tho morning disclosed the
llvo miIih uf tho renr ndmlnil'ii dlvl
Hon slowly standing down toward IiIh
htiperlor under easy sail,
Hluewuter wuh bIIII In IiIh Htnt of
painful Indecision. Ah hooii nn within
signal distance, hy using a private und
permimil code, ho sent tho following
pleading dispatch to IiIh considerate
"(loci Bake uiuko no nlgnnl engngo
Thin Hlgnnl plunged Oaken, fully
awiiro nf tho Mate of hi beloved
Junior' mind, Into tho moM terrible
dllemmu. Without the iisslntnnce of
Hluewnter'M division he could not hope
to ongiiRo the enemy with tho lent
chance nf miiccckk. On the other hand
should ho now withdraw without fight
ing ho would have fulled In IiIh duty
nnd would have been professionally
ruined and rightly. IIIh mind wan at
once miido up. Attack ho would nnd
Would tlju friendship between the
two udinlnilH stand the lent ho Im
posed upon It? Did the younger euro
more for Oaken and Kngland than for
thu young prlnco and France? A Hhort
time would determine. MiignutilmpiiH
ly refruliiliig from making any embar
rassing signal to IiIh friend, which
might force IiIh hand untimely, Oaken
boldly led down upon thu waiting
French lino and wllh IiIh llvo ship
brought them to close notion. Tho
French were cjulck to take advantage
of the opportunity given them hy tho
hesitation nf tho KngllHh rear ad
miral. Holding OukcH with five of IiIh
shlpH to leeward De Vervillln threw
the oilier five under Den Pret, IiIh
centre nuilral on (he wlndwnrd Hide of
(ho Kngllsh doubling on them, placing
them hotwcci) two II res.
Althpugh Onfce' division fought
with tlio fury of despair thu cm) wiih at
hand when the oppoitunu arrival of
Hluewuter, who could not slum! see
ing hi friend pounded to pieces unit
who threw political considerations to
the wind ami hore down on (ho
triumphant French under n pre of
sail, completely chnnuet Ihe Uhiie und
wrested victory from defeul. All of
which Ih net forth In n Mieeesslnn of
ca picture of surpassing grandeur.
Hluewuter, remorseful over his In
certitude, actually curried the French
renr admiral's ship hy boarding ut tho
head nf hi men, receiving a mortal
wound In the attack hy way of expia
tion. '
flpneo allow me only to mention
the masterly description of hlp
maneuvering and thrilling sen tlchtlng.
I can only refer to noma of tho well
drawn character In tho story; the
two splendid admirals, their captaltiH,
the olllcers nnd seamen, especially old
(lalloygn the admiral's steward, de
lineated out of ii large experience with
a sure hand. And the great Hhlpn them
selves uro Imbued with personality ho
dear to a seaiuan'H henrt.
Tho touching sceno nt tho close of
the hook, In which OiiIcch, old, Infirm,
rorgetful, praying before the lomh of
Hluewuter In the great abbey of West
minster, recalls tho last battle the
two hnd fought and with all of IiIh for
mer lira nnd fervor descrlhea again
IIioho moments of HuspeiiHO preceding
tho glorious victory, fitly round out
tho tale. And then death unite hint
with the friend he hud loved und lost.
I have rend tho hook n scoro or morfl
of tlincH wllh ever IncreitHlnc Joy. 1
envy nnyouo who takes ship for tho
first time to mill nnd light with these
two grent nmfttorn of tho hou,
(Copyright, 1M9 by rot I'uiillnhlnK Co.-
Tho notion Tout.)
Exercloo In Open Air.
"Tho child who Ih drought up In
such a way that ho Ik sensitive to
Hllght chnngeH In temperature," nalil
Dr. Llewellyn Hnrker of tho National
Committee for Mental Hygiene, "is
hound to hiiffer from It Hooner or lator.
If children ho suitably dressed and arc
early accustomed to tnklng a cool bath
In tho morning nnd to walks out of
doors each day, rain or shine, colt or
warm, the skin nnd nervous system lie-
pilro u tolerance for variations In tem
perature desirable for health. An out-of-door
life for children also leads
them unconsciously to exercise their
muscle mora than Ih possible for tho
child who Htayn Indoors."
Dufco wtui a pollco dog with tho
A. n. F. in Frnnce And ho gavo
no much valuable orvlco in carry
ing monaiigoii nnd worming his
way through llnc3, thut when ho
appeared recently nt un oaatoro
do hIiow no uh own hore he
wnn awarded a dlHtlnguIahcd ccr
vlco medal decorated.
Inland Empire Realty Co.
A. A. TKAUGOTT, rriHctr
t real Estate
Are Never Excess ive At This'Shop
THAT In because we know oar bUBlnosH, work quickly, and with no
lost motion or tlmo wasted In punllng ovor what to do.
That ia a Rood reason why OUH shop nhould bo YOUIt shop. Try uh.
Our npoclalty Electrical nnd Ignition work und Oxyacotylono
All work Guaranteed.
At the Jack McGuier former shop
J. S. Taylor, Prop.
The Maxfer Ford Truck Attachment
C. . VOEGTLY, Agent -Price
$217.50 Delivered in Burns
Nnte the big relief overload
"Smooth as silk, ch?
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt ' '
Uh m' ffT ii "7
Accensories of dress nro nr. Jin.
portruu to (ho woll-droflbed woman
an the ReWilon of tho rnout olnho
into coMume M'ludy'n hnud-hn,:
(hlH Benson hn the tlfih luouih
opening with plumy ()r tttttic la
tho plentecl Bilk bnrj below for all
tho Hltlo vanity trnpplngij.
BuriM, OrcffM
springcall and see one
Same here,? 1
fniir,!'.itmnrvllitlMi!"i ' '
: - -
C W UUIWVtllia0
tastc.quality arid valued 'f ,
Vhat's the-good word,
everywhere yoir go? , V i i
. They satisfy !
r t i ' l
, , .1 P '
l A "J
'hi It'
; V ' I "1
T f 'V? -1