The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 17, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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THE T I M M B - II H 11 A L n II U II N H i II A It N M Y COUNTY, O It IS (i O N
T'afo Two
Hut ur day, July 17, J 020
Khori'M of Iako Placid Form Back
ground of "The Make
llollevi Wife."
:loautlful Lnko I'lncld, In tho Ad
irondack MouutaliiH In Now York,
wtH the background for many of tho
icoHt charming hcciicr pictured in
"Tho Mnkebollovu Wife," niUlo
Purko'ii now Paramount photoplay,
vftlch will ho nhown ut tho Liberty
tfceatro next WodnoHdny. Thla 1h ii
rollicking photoconiody In which MIhh
llurki' dlnpluyu her tnlontn mi n com
odlonno to tho buHt poHHlble ndvant-
In tho Htory MIhh Hurko portray.i
tho rolo of n young noddy wotnnn
who la engaged to a lawyer. She Ih
hoatons to u hnuu party nt lior homo
lu tho Adirondack when hIio and a
young nthlotlc Hocloty man Htrny off
into tho mountain together and am
loit. They nro necking tholr bear
Inprt whon a Htorm comes up and thoy
nro obliged to upend tho night lu a
cabin which tho providentially dig
Th! unusual situation U mndo tho
pretext for a demand upon tho couplo
to wed. after they havo bcon found
by a penrchtng party. Thoy agree
to this, for each. Hecrotly lovcn tho
other dojplto tho fact that thoy are
promised In other quartern. After
their marriage the groom liuHteii
away to China, ho as to permit IiIh
brldo to obtain a divorce, lint
through the Hiibstltutlon of huUciihch
this plan goc-H awry and tho couple
are later reunited under dramatic
and highly amusing clrcumtitanccH,
oh the Hequol proves.
MIhx Ilurko Ik splendidly Hiipported
In thin production, her leading man
being David Powell, a favorite
fcreon player. The picture wa
adapted Tor tho Hereon by Adrian
Oll-h'pear and directed by John
Htuurt RobortHon.
MAf;ri:niTi3 olakk
".Mr WlggM of the Cabbiigo Patch"
Her Latest I'lrturo
Marguerlto Clark, widely known iui
"tho Hwectest girl In motion pic
tures," long was recognized before
Hhe entered the silent drama, as one
of the most charming comediennes of
the Ingitlmato Htage. Since hIio en
tered tho lllm world, her progress
Iiuh been phonomonally Huccessful
and her record Ih ono of unbroken.
MIhh Clark will bo Keen in hor lat
est Paramount photoplay, "Mra
"WIkbh of tho Cabbage Patch," at tho
Lr: ''" y
Liberty thoatro Sunday, July 2B, and
It Hcemu certain that as Lovoy Mary
In Allco Hegan Itlco's ronmrkablo
atory, hIio will ncoro nnltlior triumph.
" '''''
MnWha of Hie GUb Patch
Tho character of tho iclrl of llronold
Orphanage 'ho la ovrr roady to bat
tle for JttHtlco and humanity oven
though ttho HUffnra therefor, In ono
that will be warmly appreciated by
her army of admirers.
MIhs Clark Is finely Htipported lu
HiIh ndmlrablo picture, her leading
man being (hiruth Hughes. The part
of Mrs. Wlggs U In the capablo hands
of Mury Carr. Hugh Ford dlrecte
the production.
Wise and
An Inquirer In a city paper want;
(to know if it la legal for a young man
;of thirty to udopt a young woman ol
twonly-llvo. It la with a wedding
A girl may not enthuse much over
the man, but U'h no trouble at all
to go Into raptures over the engage
ment ring.
All Is quiet In Mexico at this wilt
lug, but we make no predictions an
to an hour from now.
Home one ought to tell congress
tho uar Ih over. U'h a burning hIiuiuo
keep our dear senators and con
greHsmon lu Ignorauco of this fact all
of thOHu months.
Tho small boy with a hook, a line
and a worm is never without Joy.
Ih good for a nibble or two,
We'd bat. to thluk that the amount
of hair a mau possossoa Ih an index
to .tho quality of his courage. Wlm.t
would we Huy of our buldhoadH?
It's no disgrace for a bravo mun to
admit that ho huu boon licked by a
hotter man. Only tho craven trios
to bluff It out nftorwarda.
With tho republican and tho demo
cratic candidates both lu tho Held
there will bo reiuim printed about ;
their ronpccllvo vlrtueu and iniqui
tleH. Tako both tho Rood and the
bud of either at a fifty per cent valu
ation and you will come nomuwhoro
near tho normal and mental ittatus
of tho man, for neither party could
elect either a nnltit or a devil prcH
Ideal of the United HttitoH. The ad
horiintH of each party have too much
common hoiiho for that. -
Atitrouomerri al Harvard unl vithII y
I tell iik Hint about IMlO.OOO yearn ago
l . . .
a huiiiU Htnr collldcil with a dark
nobiila. tho friction ciiiinIiik a great
coufliiKratlou, or flareup. TIiIm III
umlnatloii, according to tho antron
oiiicrH, Iiiih been traveling Ihrougli
npiico toward uh at the rate of 18(1,
000 iiiIIok a hocouiI, and In JiihI lie
ginning to bo noted through the mom
powerful toloacopo. Now what aro
you going to do about It?
The ('. T. U. Jarred the best
portion of tho earth when tbey put
old John liarloycoru out of ImihIiiohh
lu tho United HtatoH, but thene in(Iiii-
able, ('harming and altogether do-'
Itghlful ladle.i will be doomerto
many a Jar thunmjIvi'H beforo they
Hiirreed In forcing a syntem of felon- j
tlllc niatlng upon the romantic people
of MiIk cQiintry. Vou can't make love
by reHolutlon any more than you can I
prevent an old buck from making a
d. r. of hlniHolf In the presence of a
young filly. No, Hlr! Wo object,
without oven llrnt coiisultlig our
iTpn't worry over a little thing like I
having your sugar rationed to you
again. We humble Individuals should J
do nothing to Interfere with thns' :
unliable gentlemen who ho delight ln
exporting enormous quantities of J
sugar to Kurope at stupendous profits'
to tlioiiiHi'jvus, For how else can thoy
get richer quicker?
8orvicH at 11:00 oVUck.
The reading rjow in tho church
Rdlflce, Is opeii on Tututday aud Frf
lay from 2:30 to 4:39 p. m.
Suuday School meets gu Bunday at
10 o'clock.
Pupils siay be admitted to It
jlasMA up to tao ago of 20 years.
Tho public Ih cordially Invited to
tho Church Sovlces and to the Head
ing Room. ,
Tilblo School at 10 A. M.
Preaching at 11 o'clock,
livening Sorvlco at 7:30.
Prayer mooting Thurmluy, 7:00 r.
M, Rev. J. J. Tlcknor, PaHtor. Resi
dence north of Court House. Phono
Jowolor. and Optician
Flno Watch Repairing a Specialty
....... --a.jtt, .
m flm jPtf
Mm. Harding, wlfo of tho republi
can pronldonllal nominee, Htarted
fomlno tongucH to moving by wearing
a pair of frayed glovott after her re
turn homo from tho convention. Now
ir tho better half of tho democratic
nominee can bo perHttaded to appear
in publtu with a. pair of ripped Htoclc
lugti tho feminine flreworkn will be
ho illuminating wo men will havo
aniUHomout enough to last through
out tho campaign.
With tho elimination of Carranza
tho Mexican government uppcarH
eager to win the ,frlondHhlp of tho
United BtatoH, and tho introduction
of much needed American capital in
to that Htrlfo ridden country. There
in a way, If the MoxicatiH euro to
purnuo It. Make American llfo and
American InvcHtmont.i na nafo aouth
of tho Hlo (Jritudo as thoy aro north
of It, and recompoii u Amerlcann for
the Iohmoh thoy havo HUHtalncd in tho
pant. When that In done America
will believe In tho Hluccrlty of Mexico
but Until then all proteHtatloiiH of
rrlondHhlp niUHt be taken with a lib
eral application of Halt,
lu Japan the peanut crop In re
ported iih normal. In Amorlca It In
exceptionally good, OHpeclully lu pol
itical clrcleH.
TIioho alluring curven of tho fom
Inlno form aro npldly coantng to bo
attractlvo. The masculine mind Hoon
lonen Intercut in anything that be
comes common.
There arc mora than 3,000,000 Ford cara j'n daily service throurjhout tlic
vorld, and fully cip.hty per cent of these arc Ford Touring Cars. There are many
reasons for this, not the iast of which is the simplicity in the design of the car,
co 'easy to understand; likewise it is easy to operate, and mighty inexpensive,
compared to other motor cars. The maintenance expense is low, and it has won
nn unparalleled reputation for satisfactory service during the past sixteen years.
On the farm, in the city, for business and for family pleasure, it is the car of the
people, and the dt.r.and is increasing every day. Let us
in the
AH Within the
Large acreage
Hotwoon tho girl with tt protty face
and tho ono with protty munncni it
In not 1 1 111 c ii 1 1 for a xetiHlblo man to
make u choice.
It la no longer contddnrod hazard
oiih to buy u pig In a poke. If the
poko in made of cotton It In more
valuable than tho pig.
Llfo holdn a barrel of Joy for you,
If you want it. Hut It oxpocU you
to pull the plug out of tho buugholo.
Tho young man with a multitude
of idcaa often Audit that bin multi
tude ban becomo nothing but a Jum
ble. Wo havo reconnldored our hard
and faHt rulo of not publlnhtng tho
oiTunlonH of local pootfl. Wo now
mako a modiiHt charge of a dollar a
line, caHh up and no dlflcount.
Kvoit tho lowly but Useful nnglo
worm Iiuh not oncaped tho high cent
craze. Twenty-flvo contH a dozen
Ih a modeMt prlzo al Home flHhlng re-
U'h uultn Hporty to read tho bam)
ball nnwH each day but It would bit
even more nportHnianllko to pull oft
a game ourHolvex once lu awhile.
It In dldtrcHHlng to think that our
rich men havo to go to Europe to get
a "drink," and equally distressing to
thluk that many Europeans havo to
como hero to got something to eat.
have your order promptly if you want one. We can supply
you with most everything in motor car accessories, and v;e
assure you genuine Ford Parts and skilled workmen in our
repair service. Be fair with your caf ami it will give you
full value.
imi 1 - -i rr ii i ii . i i m
heart of Harney Valley
now offered at
to $110.00 an acre
Harney Valley Irrigation District
cutting hay. All with
Sales Office at Burns.
Don't worry over tho troublen of
your neighbor, The modern way In
to let him worry over yours,
i . .
M A It V a K I I" V I N
IteptiMlcitii Candidate
For Brliool HoHrlfitond.'iit
with a good ,
You will be delighted with tho
way tbey do their work
The Welcome
water rights,.