The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 17, 1920, Image 1

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Hitrm'.v County's timber U un
ueet for humeri lii to oxplolta
(Ion Mills should bo turnltip
It out o aid In tlm reconstruc
tion work of tlio nation. In
u'.itlgute tlibl vlrKln field.
jlarnoy county's rcscoiircc.q are
attracting tho attention of tlio
out li Went. Irrigation,1 storl:
I'uIhIiiKi, liilncfit oil ami gu pro
spects ' anil agriculture all
awaiting development.
NO. 38
Delegation of Burns Citizens
Enjoy The Hospitality of
Prosperous Section.
A upr"iitnllvo of thin paper
made one of a party to isii thu Sil
ver creek country lut Haturda). II j
wna agrecsbly surprised to II ml some
of thi ll:.ost grain and grass crops
It ban i .i-r been his privilege to vluw
ovor in territory and burring thu
doprcil.ii urns or rabbits Silver crook
id going to bo hoard from this sou-
County Agent McDnnlolH, Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Cook, Mr. and Mm. V. M.
Sutton, .Miss Howell and Julian llyrd
of tho ranch ti6k placo hoforo wo
Htai'uul homo. Mr, Host Iiiih u Duo
crop. Mix fall and spring ryo nro not
to ho surpassed nnywhero. Tho fall
rye Is of uniform height and standH
hottor than hIx foot with nmnll Hlraw
BtoniH nnd largo hondM. Thu spring
varloly Jh oiio from aoori at thu I2x
porlmont Station anil Ih iih near per
fection a onu could fl ml. Tho lino
Hold of thin variety Ih to tin harvest
iid for seed an It Ih valuablo for that
and perfectly cloiin. Thin hIiIo oatH
Hhow up well ami will mako an tin
Harney County is Invited to
Inspect Season's Work
On August 8th.
Supt. Bhatttick o tho Kxporlmont
Method of Eradicating The
Weeds Provided by Law;
Applies to Towns.
Noxious woods aro getting a start
wheat f5lal,tm' n,,H I"""0'' Invitations to all ovor tho country. Thoy aro ob
lluliod below:
Cliaptcr iil0
To atnond Suctions G 4 5 8 , C 4 0 4 .
that day. All tho bUHlnoHH men of 0-1 05, f4 G7, and 0408 of Lord a Oro-
noy, Crane, Lawon, Nar-
... .i ii i . i .
iiimiHit I'riiii ii h win niuri iiiu w iifiii r i
Mr. licnt will have somo rourteon vuMl,,e nMIIMnl f"nuorH dny Kt,,UP," on Horvod on rarnni, vacant lands, along
lotion of nralnH and grasses for ox-MxK 8l T,,,,H (,ato ,H ti"mlay 1,10 r,,,",,H 1an,l ,,n 11,0 low""' Bomo
hlhltion at tho fair thlH fall nnd tho'"" Purposely Hot for that day In I complaint Ih IiuIiik mudo and furmors
follow who has hottor him to "go "r1,'r ll,ul thoro 1)0 110 0X(!UH0 Poiihavo iiHkod how to Htart a campaign
!llm tmrl at lint nitilnrllv tt fiiir ntHy-lln nrilli'iirn .limit. Tim In it fu tin It.
Tho garden was tho Inst placo to fmJ bo ,rcUI,t- , ,
visit and it proved equal to Un big , Kr "m ," fnr,n,,,K nr
field crops In variety, quality ana 'tockralHlnB In llarnoy county ouKht
..i,,,.,,,,.,,,,, t-i. nn.lnu ,..-it0 l tho Kxporlmont Station on
. v.. .... .. ....-.., I
rot nniin. tnitiirn. miHutum. Iinnnu.
i rt...... ...... t ... ...... Kf,. t .
u.nrii li.mi.ln vlnnu n.wl ..II "" vuihj, "U""'". - i"".
mmie up the party of UurnsltoH to lHhow iiiriy Krowtli and caro rows, Catlow, Ulamond, llllzon Drow- IHi IT, KNACTIJD IJY TIJi:4.IEO-
vlBit tlu favored SilVor crook, tho f . .. ! . , I,'.iuk- fl'V. AlborHon, 1'rlncuton, AndrowM, 1LB OF TUB STATU OF OHKOON.
wA-iir,n iioltiB an invitation from . : f 10 ,mrt yf or ., 10, - KnorouH I mi- 1)oMlo K,c,(la ! Suntux ouijlit to bo; Hoctlon 1 That auction 0408 nfju rond or highway adjoining mild
li. UHt to como .qyanud moo what i ..,,.,. v-nr. w :.ri Illlv'thro on that day. It should bo thu Lord's Oregon Laws bo nnd
.1 i. ...... "
llli' iirifciiiMii iiimu itiiiuKlll ilixnii. II r-
g.iiiltiiig a "fttrm htiroiiu. While it
i i i-. y Urnfr v'ltiitlm poplo out
i, . r. . tUy Ih'Ihk
in. i I K. there sr.
wood may bo growing, then nuch
notice shall bo served by pouting In
three consplcloiiH places upon said
proiulucH a dopy of HUch notice duly
certified to bo such by mild road sup
ervisor. Section 2. That section 04 CI of
Lord's Oregon Lawn bo nnd tho mimn
is hereby amended so as to read as
Hoc. C'101 If any person, persons
or corporation owning, poimesslug or
having care or charge of any land or
inmlB, Improved or unimproved, In
uloscd or uulnclosnd, in IIiIh statu,
shall knowingly permit or surfer any
quack gruHH (Anropyron ropons) pan-,
ny croMB. French wood, fan wood, or
scale wood (Thlaspl arvonso) gout
weed, Tipton wood or Kola weed or
St. John's wort (Hypericum perfor
atum) HuRnliin tlilfltlo (Sulsolnkall
trifKUH), Canada thistle (Carduus
arvonso), Chinese thistle, China let
tuce, or prickly lottuco (Lactuca
soarioln), cocklcbur (Xnnthlum spln
oBum), silver salt bush, (Alrlplux can
osconn) o grow up thereon, or upon
Former Superintendent Says
The Harney Farm Shuld
Have More Money.
John Martin, former suporlntoml
cnt of tho Kxporlmont Station at thin
placo, says tho ilurnoy Station in
receiving loss support than any other
station in tho United Stateii for the
scope of work done.
Mr. Mnrtln came in Saturday after
noon and spent a few days look ln:
over thu station and viewing crop
In general. Tho gentleman Is now
located at Washington D. C. connect
ed with thu Department of Agricul
ture. Ho is out on a tour In nn of
ficial capacity which takes him all
ovor the Pacific coast nnd middle
states wiioro ho visits tho experiment
eoHxIn lo get tho vlsltorn buck at ,blK,,Ml ,,ay ,,arnoy Hn,'0 ,1ro' ammuol so as to
nny time.
Fine cropn
wurn pomi from lire
I highway uji nnd down tho Sllvur
inw engaged
SUll .' n IIU1II- Prtnl, II ii ii liiKdlrnllr... I
I .1 .. .'w... .... ,..fii. ... iu. . v. Itnn
r RaiiiiTeii ni uiv urmiifif nan near,
W. fl. J ii - n il ;eo u id dUous
.ususu ytoro js no other liiHlltutlou folio w:
iih'riih mon to i no (lovoiopmeni nun Hue. G4ri8.
the uav.i i.i.Kfs uf urbanization.
.vr Mc lall knvu thtni .m Insight
i i i tie b' iih fit of a farm bureau and
v'l.-r visitors (llneUHHud hli.drod sub-'-A.
ThoMo prewint worn unanimous
In favor of organizing and Mr. John
eon Is to consult with his neighbors
and report to tho county agent tho
(Into on which ho is to go over and
Mr. Sutton and Mr. McDanlelrt
went ovor early Saturday but tho oth
er members did not leavu until Into
lu the nftornoon. Thu last party llrst
vldlted the J. S. Cook ranch on lower
Silver rreok to deliver soma supplies
to Mr. Fay who Ih In charge of tlm
ranch. TIiIh part of tho crook show
ed Homo very good crops but whom
the rabbits had a chance there wasn't
much loft for tho farmers to harvest.
Mrs. Fay biw a nlco lot of young
chickens and pigs and tho writer not
ed quite a lot of sunflowers that
would bo fine for oiutilngo If they
were within distance of Mr. Tea
body's silo.
After leaving that part of tho crook
tho party drovo to tho Grange hull i month; tho averagu monthly salary
but as it was not yet tltno for tho .of assistant teachers wuh $101; av-
tho flaum' ian,iB( and nuffor tho saino to stand iHtallonn and substations In tho Inter
i road as , nl (H bloom falls or its needs begin I eat of wheat culture. Mr .Martin
to form. Miieh norson. norsons or cor-1 wan agreeably surprised at flndin
It shall bo tho duty imratlon shall bo utility of n mlido-'thn station In such Hno shnpo, as ho
pnmpprity of Hamoy county than tho of each road supervisor In each road moannr, urn! upon conviction thereof 'cxporloncoiJ a very dry your durlnic
Experiment Slnllon. district In this utato, In addition to ! Hha1l, for tho llrst offonse, bo llnod Jiita Inoumboncy here, thoroforo dH
Mr. Rhattuck, linn Just complotud thu duties horotoforo proscribed byluot loss than $10.00 nor more than 'not oxpoct to Had such croiw as Supt-
the hurrwt of bis llrst crop of wlfaira law, to ascortuin from (lino to time $ftc.00 nnd for the second and imch jShaltuck showed him.
and find It Is g-olng betor thmi throe ajul know whether or not thore Is In siiltsequ'uit orfoimo nol Ios" than! "Frm day at thu station tlhuuM
ton to the acre which menus wlitht his district any wowl known as thu .$25.00 nor tuoro then $100.00, saldo at luusl two thousand peoplo
rr more tons pwr sere for the ynr. qtmck grass (Agrojiyron ropons). ! nt,(M1 i i,u recovered with costs, Inlthore." hbIiI Mr. rMartln In dlcuBllng,
MA KITS AN .VITAL ItKl'OUT I'" 8nrt" tll"t Irrlgatod crops aro panny cross, French wood, fan weed. I ull(j ft,.t0n to ho brought In tho name tho Importance of tho work at the
golnt; to ylold hwtvy and that hu will or scalo wood (Thlaspl arvonso), goat 0f tho state of Oregon for tho uho and Htatlon with a representative or tins
tho ovldonco of prosperity and pro
grMlvou(i8. Wo niled more shsIi pru
Rresslvu (woplw lu Ilurnoy county.
School Supt. Francos-Clark has rt- got a. much bettor crop off tho dry wood, Tipton wood or Kola weed, r buunfU of tho general fund of tho
contly inudu her annual report and hind than lu former youm prospects St. John's wort (Hypericum perfora
some of tho figures aro lutrcsllng. aro much better than last year at any .turn), death weed, povorly weed, or
Thoro are 11 III) children of school rate. marsh older (Iva axillaris), ItusHlan
ago drawing school money lu Harney i Mr. Shattuck hns recently Itives- thlstlu (Sulsola kail tragus) Canada
county nccordtng to this report; f.t.3 , tlgated and compared the figures on thlutlo (Cardan nrvensa), Chinese
boys ami C80 girls. , precipitation nnd flnt)s tho Htatlon1 thistle, China lottuco or prickly lot-
A total of 85 teachers wero em- has received about ono inch morn tuco (Lnctuca scurlolu) tumbling or
ployud In thu schools of Harney rnln fall during tho present yunr'jm mil mustard (Syslmbrlum nit
county during thu year Just closed. than last. Tills is a disappointment isslmum), cocklehur, (Knnthlum
Forty-nine pupils passed tho In soma respects as llurns has rocolv- spluostum), silver salt bush (Atrlplox
eighth grade during tho l&st hchool od ronsldern,hlo more rainfall than enncscons), and ho shall, us ho ascor
y'iir. jiast your, and this npplles gonorftlly talus that thoro Is any of bucIi wood,
Tho per conlugo of attendance Is to thu surrounding country. nudboforo nny thereof has shod Its
94 plun which Is a good showing con- Keep August 8 In mind and arr bloom or commoused to form seed,
tilderlng clrcunistHiicus, range to spend tho day out at tho HorV(, orauno to bo servud upon tho
Thoro aro CO orgunlied school dls- Station whero you will learn more owner of tho land or tho land adjoin
trletB in thu county; 45 uctlvo and re- nbout tho crops of Hnrnoy county inng n rood or highway to tho center
porting this m;hhoii. otie day thnn you will And out ordln-horoof, If ho ho known and rosldlng
Tho total number of library bookH nrlly In a year. Thoro Is the placo to wltlilu tho county, and it not, upon
on hand Is 4175. gut first handed Information and tho thn occupant of tho promises or to
Tho avcrago salary of teachers In right tip to tho future of your coun- tnu center of tho road or highway ad
one room buildings was $104 per try.
county where tho offense Is.commlt
tod, nnd such person, porsoiiH .or cor
porations shall also bo liable for all
damagos sustained by tho neighbor
ing land owners resulting from such
nogloct on thu part of such person,
persons, or corporation to oxtlrpato
and destroy such iioxIoub woods ho
foro thn same Bholl mature, to bo re
covered In an action at law In thu
circuit court of thu county where
such lands nro located.
paper. "Tlio peopiu oi iinrucy enmi
ty should turn out on that occasion
and really neo what Is being donu in
tho Intcrost of tho development ot
this country. Few roallru what It
means to tho country."
It was during this conversation
that tho expression was made that
tho Btatlon does not recolvo the iup
port It Ib entitled to. Mr. Martin
said tho Federal appropriation had
been cut off because of shortago of
funds; thu appropriation was cut by
Section .1 That section G1CC of , congress and somo of tho field work
Lord's Oregon Laws bo and thu same
Is horoby umouded bo ob to read ns
hud to bo curtullod, and idnco thu
was not so much n wheat Beetlon It
was one of tho stations nbondonod by
Joining Hiild promises upon which
said weeds or thlstln may bo, a notlco
Tlm clothing department of tho In writing notifying said owner or
meeting thoy wont on up to the nonm i oragu monthly salary of principals ii-na rnui, tunm i tmine mnvpd to- occupant of tho oxlstanco of said
. i t i w t a w www r - - - - - -
of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I. Johnson and was $155.
t Ii A.. t Th .if InnltAil In OliniUiS
ni i v siiv j nt'ivj lit i iuti 9 nuf'i'i
The newspaper mnn Is not In tho linn- "CONDITIONS IN1UCATK 1IK.H
'day from tho Lovens building to tlm thistle, wood or weeds, and In suoli
! now nddltlonal Just being completed notlco flhnlt glvo tho nnmo of such
It of refusing nny Invitations ot this
kind so Insisted Hint tho party go lu.
Mrs Jobimon was going to do what
most women want to do fuss about
Judgo Wni Fnrro and Coiumlislon
ers McKlnuon and Hass heavu to
ii'id got a lot of things for tlm vlsltora tur,,urt "am I'ortlnn.I whom they
' ....... A.. .. I I il. . 111.. 1..
to tit hut this was not permitted
, ' "K,Mf fi,d joining tho old stand of tho storo.' wood 'and tlm description of tho Innd
WILL SLOW TP ,rhu ft(,mon .v(iH tho storo'H much upon which sumo Is growing, or lu
larrer floor and shelf spaco nnd Is a caso said weeds or Ihlstlo nro grow
decided Improvement, Tlm pinto Ing upon n road or highway, n do
rutis front Is not yet In, tho glnss scrlptlon of tho land ndjolnlng oald
road or highway. 8ald notlco shnll
upon threat of leaving tho place
As It wnn u'i iail n mnnl lh:it WRH h(it
ter than nv of us would cot at homo l,,un,,l,,K ProRram In Oregon
and It was thoroughly enjoyed. Tlm"" t0 H,ow un for tlmo ,,0CnUH"
nownper man believes In showing 'r circumstances ovor which tho
his appreciation of good food nI1,i ommlsslon has not control,
doraotihtrated It by eating lots of it. . " of 1,10 Kontlomen who attend
As soon as tho meal was over Mr.!0'1 ,1,u mnotl ro,ortB Umt ihQ prt,s
Johnson went to tho barn yard and n,,t Imir,ut for ul -bonds Ib down,
soon returned with a big pall full of"10 I)r,co. Provulllng being ins tho
milk Tho newspaper man again dls-holghborhood of 87, cents, nnd with
sraeed tho bunoh by following Mrs. I"'0 '' vorythlng tho Com-
Jolm .on to tho milk house and tnlon fl,,jlB ,H "ut KtHB much
'Irl. king H quart of fresh -warm milk. mM0 tlin 60 "r eml 0,1 T0M,it
M n ni".ins of punishment tho party expenditures.
lm, ttned to load him behind tho car1 Another feature causing tho d1s
o t.v- grange hall, as thus thoy .Coiilliiumiuo of. work In ninny places
tK( LI u. milk would I churned.:1" tn twl that several of tho coun
M .Miti.r. (in spite or hlHdlHgraco-! lmvo -vhMl lmi' wl,h VU,oh
-najt he was very cordially in-'1" tlio -strito lu building hlgh-
i t . return ) ,wftya and In somo instances theiso
Mr V.bnHon'hu. mi at thu bosti!'Ou 11,0 Jlm,t P'1100'1
' a ih orooH and In former ! Uw "Promt court has dooMed
.1 of bin lana t0 )n'yronotconstitutlona , Uiererore
' ll...n Iknok ftlii fulfil '
mi of Knlu. but during re
. turned It lull) a grans
v. with alfalfa und sim
ile explained till was
1 " . i-.mse of lack of farm
' h'tnndlng tli Ih handl-'
t on has deveioiwd u
i 1 1 1 1 nl . r MAMA. I Ui.a.1
..U.I..Q . WWW i fVW. ... . . , .... . 1.4.
.. ..f 1 1... .Ai n-niliia. ' "fW"-"'t "fw V "
.,,.v i-... ..... . ,
from IjOh Ai!?eis ruuy to visit
went to attend u meeting or tho Stato not having been rocolved.
Highway Commission. According to TTmmmmmmmm
tlwsa oftlclals It In evident the road
Js go-
'these eouulius have no funds with
Mi-1 I ! I (a lkKAilAl fllftfl Ym n A ItM. I
Mr. and Mrs. James Albert ami
Tlicie ie co!l town, (nuidjy lowiia ami
'Jim icatcst of lliwc ficcortlinjl lo aulliontative jurveys
is the town tlul am Ik. !ivji1.x ujHin.
'Ilm towiiof OUltfi u (krfvvinladle town.
"J like in yom wwn"n uiiiliy uliopjaa mmaikttl
to liiims.. mm th oOicr "I con tjet enytiuMj on chilli I
WVfti lw.v 'u. rlwu;j rn'4iH' inwi any mLuscb.
llMl UoWhiImI letei ' tms t'rt t) - nwn cftfi bn Er
PFiDEf) utKNi thai umin-M Immug tlit- va!ue itw rsal
SRVIl! ii nKitinti i.-l t;-iio ui et tiuij itamf to -uUuk."
In litis Ju-iliiiv r tiun't. to' h)&y to r(tM0 itiffptj naui.
a fi i
VI", t
v-ftli.her little daughter, arrived here
d"s Ttwulgy to visit
Theyror'tnI"ly resld-
, ii l fit ko' un ns far
.,il I . I...I l-H -M.,l " , f,,eH
.t lUu luuotliw .at hu has fid lbh vl,!,"Uy' r- Mhm h
i of oata and ryo as well a tn MoKlnnon. TUp
'.entity of wild y, ,Alhor8 loft hero twotity-lvo yonra
wing tho ml'ltig somo of tho n. ftml "lV0 ,fllncQ r0H,,1"a ,U,?B,,f; L
roturuod to Hums but tho ornm- n oy ,mvo, y m, 1
Mr. Mr,nnii ,.,i mi.. ,Ilolr oWtnB '! " Bolng to
loat around, no is ono oi ino amesi
mnmbcrH, In point of servlco, of tho
local Odd Follows Lodgo.
"owui retimod to tho W. L. nost
uonio whoro thoy wero moat hosplt
ftl'ly entortalnod for tho night and
luo next morning u gonoral inspection
Flno haying woathor.
U0S! mmi rk uwcUJb
-winlih'tiotK- rn I f dieoiM M.f.fv(i
ins ttwls to I !- v- " ' " " V I ' l-U 'i A 1 1
'thm isi;Vl9VTllJU. f?iw inl Imeltstniij t' OUT
on uyeiy litislnusji aiitl juiMic Ijui in tins torn.
r... iir ii i.a n.A .i..iv nt thn coYonimont. iiowovor, mr
psr. ii nn. il n 1 1 u 1 1 iiii liiu iiutj we " -
each roaiV supervisor In each road .Martin said It is of great Important
. . . .. Ii M,i. n.tnlrnl nnrl nf I llli Rtnto MUVt
district in tho mnto 10 can a sum
clont number of laborers to cut down
nml destroy, hoforu tho samo has
to tho central part of tho Btato Mint
this work continue and thoroforo vr
should get tho ear of tho legislature
dropped Its bloom or commoused to ; for a groator appropriation. Mr.
form Its seed, nny nu..clc grass(.gr- Shattuck Is handicapped becaune of
opuron ropons) penny crons. French lack of fu.lB and It Is up to tho state
wi..fl. fnn weed, or scalo weed or l" provide It.
ninrHh older (Iva axlllnrlu) Huaslan I n Q n
thlstlo (Salsola knll tragus) Canndn,!roFNTV NTICT. URTX'UNS
thlstln (Carduus arvonso) Chinese
thlstlo, China lottuco or prickly lot
tuco (Lactucs scarlola) tumbling or
Jim Hill mustard (Hyaluhrlum nltl
sctmum) cocklehur (Xantliliuii Kpln
euum) sllvur salt hush (Atrlplox can
oscsns) found growing at any tlmo
hereafter upon any public lands In
his road district, and tho county
court shall audit and allow thu
amount of expenses nnd Just nnd rea
sonable chnrgoR of such work an
other claims or bills filed by tho road
BUporvlsors. i
Section 4 That section of 04 07. or
Lord's Oregon Laws bu aiuUtho samo
MIsh Snrn Howell, community
mime, arrived homo Friday from
Portland whero she had been attend
ing n mooting of community uurhOii
called i by tlm Stato Tuberculosis
Society. During hor visit lu Portland
Minn Howell gained much valuable
Information that will aid her in her
work in this county, especially with
tho babies,
The young lady roturnod to Silver
creok tho day following hor roturii
and has sinco been lookiug'nftcr local
cases In Uurns, She hopes to' get an
Is horoby umoiidod. so as thread as !0.iportul',,y , HKlUn vIat tUo south
",,u""' . .. . . . . jern part of tho county within a short
ouv.. .v n.... " ' . , 1 tlmo. She desires to dovoto her tlma
an muuieipai oorporatioun in iiiih
to any part of tho- county silo maf
bo ueoded during tho viicatfon p'ertotl
of tho schools und upon tho snlfanU
roHiimlng this fall sho will bo nhlo to
devote much of hor tlmu to tho' oh!
dron nnd from tho tuhool to U
homos or (ho pooplu.
stato to provldo for tho extermina
tion of said quack grass (Agropyrou
ropuns) penny cross, French wood,
fan weed, or Heaol weed (Thlaspl nrv-
ntiHo) goat, Tipton or Kola wood or
St. John's wort (Hyparlcum perfora
tum) death wood, poverty wood, or
marsh oldor (Iva nxlllnrin.) liusglun
thlstlo (Salaola kali tragus) Canada
thlstlo (Carduus arvaiiso) Chtnoae
(hlstln, China lettuce or priokly let-
timv (Iachioa sejirldln) tumhlluc or The city cuuucll i.issod an or.l
Jim Hill mustard (Byalmbrluu. nlt-:rn'o on July 3 with un omwig
isai ui urn)' cook lebur (Xauthlum Bpl-Jcltjuse itttuchcd f i ihuld hav. M .
somubi) silver slt bush (AtrJple i consuit rutlon oi tn - cm-sens,
onnenceuoa) within tlie limits of nuch deals with tlm-auttattoi. ot u..
corporation! nud any oit or lawn J town and covers re . brants, grower
Inoorporuted within this said orpoi'-' hotels, etc., but. partuui. ri.
Mluii; nnd any olty or town Innorpor- J toUeU. , , , .
Utell -within this State ueglectln or) Th- writer Um wn given to n-
VOf using to comply with tho provls- durstnud It M iMt strlr-gant "'l
loiut or this not shall hd liable to a would roqui bif outliy and mncii
forfelturo to tho county in which 1 trouble to comply with this ordl-i-
buhl munlQlpal corporation Ib sitimte nca. Vt upon ruling it tlio propi.Ai
ho served by dollvorlng to tho ocou-1 Hon sooma wltlUn reason. At nnv
paiit or pgrson Borvlng in ehnrgo of , rata it Is up to tho cltlzons to "
nntii iir-mtHOR or land jul lolnlncr said ,btiHy and comply with It, which.
road or'hlghway, a copy thoroof duly
cortlllod to bo Biich bo tho porson
serving Bamo, and ir tlioro bo no oc
cupant of such Innd upon which such
(Continued on pago fllvo)
means a oloanor town and a hQalth
ior placo.
Thoso Intorostod ahould read thlj
ordlmmco nnd nmko preparations to
comply with Us proviflloiiB within tha
timo limit.