The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 10, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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1'ago ICllght.
T H U T 1 M M H II K It A !i I)
It t 11 . H
II A II N H Y (' O lT N T V
O It H G O X
Saturday, July 10, Ui i
Report of the Conditipn of the
At the Cloie of Business
JUNE 30th. 1920
S t.lnnl
... - $593,427.95
- - 555.37
U. S. Bonds - - r - - 97,632.60
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts -
Other bonds and Securities
Banking House Fur. and Fix. 7
Five per cent Rcdemp. IVd ,,- '
Interest earned not collected -Clash
on hand, and in other banks
, Capitol --
'Surplus and Undivided profits - -
Bills Payable (Liberty Loan Account) -
Re-discounts with Federal Reserve and other
$ 50,000.00
Ideal haying weather and tltu far
mers nru making tho bent of It.
Follow tJiofio Unit know and. buy
your g'rocorlos at Drownu Quality
Qeorgo Oilman had htn loft arm
broken last Sunday evening by fall
ing from a horno.
Now 7 font Docrlng binder for Balo,
including Tonguo, Trunks and trans
port, prtcu fnoo. N. Drown & Bonn.
NMrs. M. II. Rrouton returned homo
Wodnosduy qvuning front Ontario
whom h)io had boon visiting with hnr
son, Chester Smith, and family.
Misses Loom and llolon (loodlow
Chan. Johntioii 1h homo from Port
land where hu had boon for several
wookH. ,
Mrs. Fred Omyth wua over from
hor homo at Diamond for a abort visit
with rolatlvcH and friends tho lattor
part of this week.
Mm. Alvln Hurburt undorwout an
oporation at tho King hoHpltal thin
wook, Dr. Smith porfonnlng It. Hho
in roportod recovering vory satisfact
Mr. and MrM. J. Wi .FarHon, par
ents of Mm, Ohll Shaltuck, aro over
from tholr homo nt Payotto, Idaho,
Mm. Hhuttuck In recovering from n
Hovoro operation at tho King honpltal.
John flayer returned last Saturday
lort thin week for I.os Angeles whom from a vIhII with li fit daughters, Mlis
thoy expect to remain for an Indull-lllnloti at Spolcnno, and Ml mi Dorothy
JOHN D. DALY, President
A. C. WELCOME, Vice President .
J. M. DESILETS, Ass't Cashier
y Mr.
and Mrn. II. V. Schmals havo
from a visit to outHldu
Engineer fltubbloflcld nrrlvod up
Dick Smith and wifo went over to
Ilend Wodnonday whoro thuy expect-
ed to moot his mother who wan coin-
lug up from Kugenu to tipond a few
r weeks with them during tho summer.
Ceo. Cawlflold and family havo
gone to Paisley to remain for several
wookn. Jim Iiunyard, Mrs. Cawl
field's brother, has a big hay contract
over In that neighborhood and
on, tho Itond stage Wcdnosday and George went over to help him taku
will spend noma time hero looking care of It.
after some engineering work. I ... , .... ,
Qeorgo Dickson, flold ropresenta
Mm. Wm. Farro left Monday morn- tlvu of tho Hoino Statesman, spout a
Ing for Canyon City where sho will few days in this city during tho woek
visit with hor rootbor and othor re- renewing subscriptions and getting
latlvos for a few woeks. Kuthrino new ones for his paper, Tho States
has already gone over. -man has many renders In Hums, In
fact morn than any other dally pa
Tho new office rooms of tho Harnoy jior WH it is the very latest news we
Valley Irrigation District and also can got.
for tbo P. L. 8. Co. offices, havo been I
oomplotcd in the Tonawama Dulld-I- Word was received bore during tho
Ing and aro now occupied by tho re- w,,ok by relatives that Kllsworth
Bpoctlvo tonantn. KgH had been married since somo
I time In April. He left horn and wont
Mrn. Culp, mother of John and to California during tho winter and
Lloyd, arrived over from her home has been connected with the moving
on tho Deschuton Wednesday oven-'picture Industry alnco. Ho was mur
ing to spend a few weoks with her rled in April but did not let his re
relatives In this vicinity. Mrs. Culp lathes In this city know anything
formerly resided In this section, i about It until this week,
Mr. nnd Mm. John Darsey amir H. F. Johnson and family are hero
their daughter and Mrs. Darsoy'a'on a visit with relatives and friends,
mother, Mrs. C. O. "Auntie" Tryo, ar- They aro at present guests at tho
.Tlvod homo-Wednesday, evening from home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chan. 12. Mc
a tour of the summer ronorts and l'heoters. Mrs. Johnson had been in
mountain places in 'Grant county. I-Jugono whore tholr daughter Miss
ittendlng the state
the past winter
thor rosldos, going later to a moun-.hut thoy are now out to enjoy the
tain resort and then homo by way1 vacation porlod and decided to dovo(o
iiunf'i;. iuv; iiiuii iiutiiih nuu n jiui i ui him uiutj iu Wluir 11111117 lllir
..a tfno tlmo, , v Inoy county friends and rojativo?..
They drove flrU, to John Day and Dessell, has been at
I'xalrlo CJtV'Wheru lira. Frye's bro-1 university during
ifcte time
lw. W. Urown wan liero frotu his
biock ranen ror a any or iwu mo roro
part of this week and while iu town
ho disposed nf his wool for 12 cents
per pound delivered at Crane. Thin
i.i considered a good sale.
Mr. and Mrs. V. h. Suelllng came
over from their Lake county home
last Saturday and on their return
took tholr daughter, Mrs. C. M.
Faulkner, nnd her children, with
them to spend a portion of the Hum
mer. Geo, I,. Huchunitu nnd Ills sonlu
law, Harold Johanscu, wre vU'tnrs
Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. .lohannon
aro visiting, with tin lluchanaim tat
presont, having come down J rem
their home In Washington for n
II. It. Schanno of the Ilund &
llurtin. AUto 8tngo reports u very
dlsasteroun fire In Ilond tho fore part
of this week. Several buildings cov
ering two or threo blocks woro
burned, including two garages where
many cars were destroyed.
h, L. Ilreedo, a motion picture rep
resentative, was here Thursday in the
Interest of his film house located in
Portland. Mr. Ilreedo formerly rop
resonted a paper house In Portland
and had made thin territory (ln for
mer yea'm, therefore was not a
Mr. and Mrs. McMahan wore down
from their Hoek creek homo Wednes
day evening to meet their nler.e, Miss
Maggie llllyou, of Artorla, n'ho came
out to spend a portion nf her vacation
visiting with them. The young lady is
a teacher In the schools of Astoria.
Tho pnrty wont on out to the ranch
that same evening.
Walter Wlnebargor accidentally
shot hmsolt through the hand on
last .Monday by tho discharge of a
shot gun when ho allowed the stock
to strike the floor while he had bis
hand over tho munlo. Tho hand Ib
not seriously Injured according (n
tho physician who dressed the wound,
theru being no bones broken,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Henderson
came up from tholr home at Narrows
Wednesday en route to Albany, go
ing out by way of Horn! and over tho
Cascado mountains In their car. Mr.
Henderson Is reported to havo re
rontly purchased three registered
bulls from Heck & Son, of Idaho.
The animals woro recently brought to
Crano whore Mr. Henderson received
them. Ho Is 'going to exhibit his
stock at the fair thin fall.
al Portland. The latter has IIiiMhkI
lrr high school
ItncdV College.
.ovlt liiid will onluV
Gene Melvlu, a former resldoul. of
thin city, Is here on a visit with re
latives and friends. He In an uncle
in the Iteed, hoys, Grover JumoHnn
and Austin Goodman, Ho left here
M yearn ago, hut finds several of his
former acquaintances,
Mr, and Mm. Arable McGowau
en me over from their stock ranch In
Malheur county yesterday. Thoy havo
Just put up the Unit crop of alfalfa
and it was so hot thoy decided to
come over where they could havo
nice cool nights to
llorn Wednesday, July 7, to Mr.
nnd Mrs. Arthur Turner, twin bpys.
Tho larger boy lived only an hour ot
so, causing grief to bis parents and
relutlves, but tho other boyaiid the
mother are doing due at tho Hums
Maternity hospital.
Hy I. K. .McDanlelw County Acnt
Kverythlug pointing to u good
Icouuty fair.
September 30th and Octobor 1st
and 'Jnd.
Havo samples of your best crops.
Get your livestock of all kinds In
Ladles and children given special
consideration In premium list.
Ask tho County Agent to holp
arrapge for community exhibits of
grains, grasses, root crops, etc.
Speaking of a silo reminds us that
It is an economic waste to ship cream
to Portland, Seattle and Idaho points
and then ship butter back. This of
fice Is in touch with parties who will
Report of the Condition of the
Harney County National Bank
JUNE 30, 1020
Loans and Discounts 489,486.96
Overdrafts - - - - 207.77
Bonds and Securities 125,253(0o
United States Bonds ,. 34,500.00
Furniture and Fixtures - - - - - - 4,601.77
Real Estate Owned 1,000.00
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank - . - : - - 2,350.00
Redemption Fund .1,175.00
Interest Earned but not Collected - - - - 7,300.76
Cash and Exchange 160,316.71
, ' - $776,19212
" liabilities .
Capital Stock - - - - , 50,000.00
Surplus - 52,000.00
Undivided Profits 13,787.34
Interest and Discount Collected not Earned 233.55
National Currency 22,700.00
Reserved for Depreciation Libery Bonds - 2,495.49
Deposits 634,976.44
Married Sunday, July 4tb, at the
Daptlst parsonage In this city, Clar
ence Douglas 8wacker and Miss Huth
K. Harbor, Hov. J, J. Tlcknor per
forming tho ceremony. Iloth these
young pcoplo are woll known in this
vicinity, the bride having attended
Fine lino uf Quality Clothing Jait
in. Mens Suits and Trout-era. N.
Drown & Sons.
No trospasslng upon my prnmltct.
Keep your stock out of my field an
tho high school during the last your. loss by my permission. A rowaM
Mr. Swacker wan one of tho boys j for conviction of tho violation of
from this territory to respond to tho 'this notice James H. Stewart
call of his country during tho late
war. i'
laiiiirr hgtnty
Klvo cents each will bo paid for
Itabblta killed within tho boundaries
of our farm north of Burns. This
offer stands for 30 days, and count
will be made on our placo. Adv
July 8, 1020.
6-1 G.
Wo will soon havo a nunilM-r nf
buyer for wrao first class stork
ranchrw reasonably priced. Como In
ami IM your property Humr
County Abstract Go,
Try rircNtono Cords. Universal
fliinitrn. A,lv. tt
erect a creamery Jf assured of cream Finn lino of Kakhl and Corduroy
nt prevailing prices. Aro you Inter-: trousers. N. Ilrown & Sons. Adv.
out for
Come to us for fishing tackle
See our supply of Rods, Lines
Flies, Hooks, Leaders, etc.
The Rexall Drag Store
a nlco rib' roast for tho dinner you
want to bo cupoclally good. That
will sottlo tho moat part at onco.
Tho rich fragranco aa it comou from
the oven, tho. molting tondorneaa of
each mprsol will nuroly prove tbo
meat the. cholcost to bo bud, Our
moats aro worth more than otuoru,
but wo don't cburgo more,
ested? If so let tho County Aner.1
hear from you.
If you are milking ten cows, a
small silo will pay you and by breed
ing for fall freshening you can havo
a regular cream check coming In
each month, Instead of a spring and
early summer proportion as is now
the rase with most of you. Tho silo
Is not tho cure for all Ills a farmors
pocket Is heir to, but It will fill the;
milk pall and put fle.-h on tho steer
nt less cost than anything that has
uver been tried. j
From the standpoint of livestock,
farm apd other exhibits already pro-1
mined In addition to a big list of!
sport, races, riding contest, bulldog-
lug and a score of other attractions
now holng lined up by the committee
In charge, there Is every reason' to
bellevo that Harney County will not
fall far behind other counties In stag
ing a successful fair this fall, espec
ially when the late start Is consider
ed. If you havo tlio Interest of, your
community" at heart, , get .In. and boost
nnd nn,t only luko, an exhibit' your
self but assist In arranging for a com
munity exhlblti
Stetson Hats $0.00.
N. Urown &
Mrs, A, I). Jones Is now In chargo
of tho Smth rooming hotuo adjoin
ing tho Colo hotel. Sho will bo!
pleased to moot hor many frlondH
thoro. C-12lf.
Win. Farre
Practice before U. S. Lnnd
Department and
Real Estate
Indications are that the
lure of the land will
attract many Inventors to
ILurney County tho com
ing eon. Listing now
will bo kept bnforu pros
pective Investors tho rn-
Urn waMin.
Olrl wants Work'. Phono l)l41.
Bupt. O. h. Habqock of the Warm
SprlngB Indian Reservation, accom
jianldd by his chief clerk, R. M. Smith
and Iir. 'c. W. V. HadoBky, arrlvoi
in. this, pity tiro first of (bin week Mr.
,Babj!occ mukedlrrouuont visits to this
vklnlty'nH hi? Into tho local Pluto ; In
dians under his supervision; orTnth"
or, ho' ls'pxpi'cted to Jnok after 'the
wjdfarn of the' roving, bands of this
territory. Ho waa hero recently and
found So mahy of tho Indians with
eyo Infection ho derided to ask for
special medical aid after discussing
tho situation with Miss Howell the
community nurso. The la.tter prom
ised to do follow up worq and try to
assist tho Indians in caring for their
oyoa following tho nccoBsary opera
tions, Dr. Radosky conflnos his practice
to tho caro of tho Indians of tho Uni
ted States, being constantly In the.
employ of tho Indian Department.
Ho travols from place to place aB his
Borvlcos aro roqulrod nnd Informs a
roprosontatlvo of thlu paper that ho
baa oporatod on ovor 1500 Indiana
during tho present Bprlng and Bum
mer. Ho finds tho IndlaiiB roqulro
caroful attention to tholr oyoa, mnny
of thorn having trachoma, but ho also
flndu other uompllcatloiiB.
Mr, Unbcock'H ehloT clerk tmont
Hovorai clays woruim; out tho faintly Have your watch overhauled, Start
hlntory and relationship of tho Indian tho old clock to ticking, got Unit old
in this Bootlon, Thoy havo. had al-pleco of jewelry in woarlni order.
lotmonta and with deaths it Is a tank .llavo your eyes fitted to Rcadiim
to keep In touch .with rolatlonshlp3 'hIhssob, see O. M. SAJLISJiUIlY
and trace tho propor holra to property Jeweler, ptklu,
Bend & Burtis Auto Stage
1 To mi it ff Carn
Lcavcti Hunt every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Special attention given passengers
Quickest and cheapest route out
Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped
via Bend in ourcare given prompt attention
Baaauutfi ' i'Vaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaMM4f aaaaaaaaaaaBh
This was the night aftof-hls mother
treated him to a plata of our cream
Hrlug tho yonngator horo nnd maVo
hlin happy. It'a rofroahlng, hoalth
ful and nourlflblng. ..Many flavors to,
chooso frpm all good.
j Come To Us
and we will save you money on your general needs
Our store buys in quantities consequently we are able t
to secure prices to you that lesser buyers can't touch
We are specialists in a general way.
Our counters offer daily bargains in women's wear,
kitchen accessories, fancy work and so on through
the list of popular articles for the home.
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co,