The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 10, 1920, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Saturday, July 10, 1MM.
T II M T I M K 8 II E It A Ij I)
It U It X H
O II K a O N
Pngo Vtvm
profitable to ,keop more livestock on farming ' rnetlcon of others, corn por aero oml on tho dry lauds sur
tho farm, recognized tho premier ensilage crop rqumlliiK tho vnlloys, whoro aunimor
tt provides a convonlont and chimp could not bu grown Ut nil or ut host fallowing i . necessity mid whoro
ntororoom for roughago, preserving produced light yields ovou after BOod uvea wo Inst year most cropn dried
(Contlnuod from pngo one)
UM.lrnte o t.O of protlon.
1 . II I 4. 'li I.. . 1... .....t ..I . t t t t . . - - . . . , ....
In fattening uooi sioors u una dooiiii iu n tiucomoni aim paiaiauio torm. nun uuon nceumaleu by carorul aolec- out, hix to eight toiiH of HUtmoworH
ifinoiwlrntod that u rutlo of 1.0 pro-1 It combines mofo quality and Hon, wore harvested,
lien to S 0 carbohydrate Is most ec- groator profltB on tho Investment llosullti during tho prist two mm- Loss extensive, but oqunlly satis-
ct.omlral With young animals and. than any othur building on tho farm, sons havo domoiiMtratod tho fact that factory resultH woro bbtuiuod In Do-
drJry cuwk tlu most satisfactory ra-j Sllngo mado from Well grown corn, sunflowers will produce satisfactory rtchutes County as a roHull of the
IU has boon found about 1,0 protlun nunllwors, wheat and vetch, pons yields at elevations tort high for Farm llureait program nnd this
l? 5,0 or 0.0 carbohydrate. ' and oata, ryo or bnrloy, cut at Iho cornj that thoy will produco more Hprlng llfty concrete alios are being
Bulletin 131 of tho Montana Ex- proper time, fed In combination with tonnage por aero on tho iiummor fal- constructed, all of which will bo 11 11-
.im..nt Station says: clover, alfalfa or vetch hay provides low lands of the dry farm wheat od with sunflowers,
.-The ilgunw show that 100 pound ,l ornRO ration, succulent, palatable bolts and that tho ensilage Is prae
guntfowcr silage made from plants
and properly balanced.
Tro Oregon
tlcally equal In feeding value to corn made analyses
Agricultural College
of Wallowa County
VI .1 ........... ....... ..,tl. I ,( .....1 (. 111.. , . .. ., . . II I ii I
vitt In bloom, comparod to uihjuiwhh uiu turn m juiih, muni uiiHiingu anu n rcnuiiy consumed uy muiuowur ensilage ami us coinposi-
1 T amount of silage from Imma- l,rovonta wHt ' foodlng, Hnd anvos livestock. It Ih conceded by many tlou compared with middle western
" 'uui : " " :r .r labor.
(are corn, nnuuniu uiMuuAiuiuiviy iuu
uae total dry HubHtnnco; that tho
(jafldwor silage Is 0.24 pounds high-
In digestible crude protlon; that
ttera aro but 1.27 poundfl moro dl
jwtlble tlbur and nltrogon-froo ox
tract In tlio com silage, and that tho
titer extract Is practically the Vntno,
Ite proportion of dlgestable carbohy
crdi'H In Mie sunflower sllngo Is 1.98
tttlte t! corn silage It Is but 1: 12.11.
0e h'" 1 r-1! pounds of silage made
fMtn mutttrc corn contains 4 pounds
Bore tomt dry substance, 0.14 11h.
m dutiable crude protlon, 4.S7
pjouils more digestible ether extract,
ul nProgen-freo extract, and 0.33
pjunds more dlgeHtablo other extract.
Tie proportion ot protlon to carbo
of the most progrcsulvo farmcnt, that corn euslluge is, as follows:
It la an economical and satlsfact the development of sunflowers as tin
ory food for calves or any young ensllago crop Is the most valuable
stock, for breeding owes, brood sows otcuronco In wcitcrn ngrlculturn vHtnr
A li . til. i . . . . L . i. ..
in inci, ii may wen u mauo a pariHiuce tno introuuctioti ot nuaiia. frutteii
of tho dally ration for all farm nnl- Among tho farmer holding that ('rUde flbor G.03
mam. It Hbould nover exceed more pinion are sovoral In Wallowa Conn- pHt
Mlddlo West
IH. 4
1 1.00
Hunlloworfl are planted In Oregon
than ono half the dally ration. ,ty where tho first extensive feeding Anii
Any dairyman who can broak oven t f siinllowor onsllng'i took pluci. NitroKun
with a silo, can easily make 2(5 per Wallowa County 'h ono or the load-, tri
cent prollt by tho building and. pro-' lit livestock euutidw of the ftam. Hxlrnct
por filling or a alio. M5h excellent'iii nf moro than u
Prnnu unit n ttit f In Mm ultn il it r ' 1 1 1 1mt n.ioiiu uh.uiapI I i himiihuik i'. P. .
Ing weather that would make It Im- o )0 head of sheen and 2C 000 head of V Muf 0,1 ,,,,n,, ,u!1 ,,,M hm"
possible to euro hay or other rodder ,lltlo. The wln,r feed supply does J,1,0wud B,,J. wor f ,, U 'l1rl
in any other way. n.ot In most yearn carry the stock H"r,"K "iof a H,!,!,t o lm ll.r to that
As a business proposition, any through the winter and shipping to,,re,BW?for e0T,U 1 ,M' n,"y ,,
dairyman with a half dozen cows or neighboring districts .for winter feed-!1 0"" ' h c"ni ,";t;!r vor
more can afford to borrow money to , necessary. Ist winter. for!',r l' . -jtocory mollwU
build a silo, It would pay for Itsolf In instance J7C0.000 worta of ky was
purchasod In a nelghborlnr Ntitti). In
tho nnlchborlug couaty of Uaiob at u
lower elevation, stock raon bad been
rapidly Increasing the una of corn
i.JuiAd In Mm mat mm, nstptt ul t it eta
sjw,, h t u
P I. II a In ltt mm m I I
' 11 V ! '"J:? Tho Important f acton, of a good al
, the higher dltlW crud. d .b-olutaly alMI(tkt
pwtl of the sunflowfr would glvo fc shou,d
It in udvantnga ovor tho corn silage.
bo three time tho diameter.
followed Is to umo tho grain drill
with sufficient holes stopped up to
glvo the desired distance between
rows. Hcnt results aro Bocuntd with
rows thirty to thlrty-nlx Inches apart
ensilage aud were finding that two. ; IT
.... .Jry land the rows should never be
nulW from feeding rimiita. Thrt B-- o( COfn fltu ftndl - , closer than thlrty-slx Inches. From
wr.h sunllower silage Indicate hatllf. .Qf hfty a wd, J lwfln yTh,fl ,ook.,olght to wolyo pound of seed i .
h ti i . 9 I n n v a V A 1 m I 1 A I ftAAArlVrVlt v I flit VI III fa Ta W An O I n ul 1 f1
ni'itnrn nlnttla malfn n nil aim . I
r..lD .-... , bRianced fatjo,, d,Uy for tt 1000 lb.'ca llko
good business to Wullowa
tho rows, thinning to ten Inches apart
acu whoit the plants
foot In height. Cut-
llvnllitii Iu tilmllliir In Iriiiilmnnl nf
tvpfilii tnllnii. Luit.lnMiiiMj ia i .. ii.mlli,f.n .r,ii tit tlin1
hrher altitudes of Montana would " "7 ... ,n .,.,.,:;: " " ' " 'V.;"' n . . . . .rn crop. Under Irrigated condlt-
kkve t bo ensiled when Immature.! , . ' " ..... tlous. no water should-bo turned on
rt a nignrr nuir to ra.uo. oui with this forngo ration, a cow ; county ,on and the Farm Bureau ; 1 10 T"' l"m"
M bfit stage of nfa url ty for cut- lhan 20 of should take pi
Msg the crop we do not yet know. As ..... " ,,, nrnni,,,v ,, M .,. .
in n ut v . j' j nil HllUllr ill in l III llll lliu tmiiiv
practically all corn grown In tho
Iff f Kurci should bu used for com-
When digestible nutrients
of milk a day, the addition of """"Iuk in that county. Oats aud peas
pound or mixed grain for eacli live wt,ro nM kVUii a trial and Is some.
'T" mm,K of mlk w, UMmy ny Ul(lf J,,,, tn()ro u,ll?t.m, Va,U)y, (.l)rl,
JlflU I'fr urrv, iiiimii,'ii, mm mini h-
Mtlng ounlltles or tho sunflower An I(ulyMrt of mnnoroUl, report
Ue a dhtlnet advantage over corn ljf C0W.,Ht,nK IIHHOClutlon indicates
tor -Han- purposes In the mountain (,owH fi,(, h o rotluc,,t, u,,oul
n) of the West or in other see- . , ,, tirilllll4.n .,.
those that urn fed dry forngo.
lion of tin Tnlted States or Canada
vltu siniHIar climatic comlltloim."
the crop after the llrst of August If
growth has been continuous up to
that time. Cutting has been ilouo
when about three rourths of tho
plants are In bloom. Tho com bind
er can be used sucessfully In harvest
ing. In Wallowa County most of tho
crop hits been cut by linnd nnd haul-
Why A Silo .On Kvery ttinn Fine lino of Quality Clothing Just
I In. Mens Bulls and Trousers. N.
Careful students of agriculture Knrown & Hons.
x that In order to provide for tho
dilntenaiici! of iucrense of tho fertil
ity of the soil, livestock In some form
ihouM bu an Important factor; that
crop rotaMon Is the best known fact
or acaliM plant disease nnd Insect
pm: that to profitably carry out a
nem of crop rotation with logures
(Uy F. Ii. Italian!)
HuuitowerH for ensilage have pass
ed tho experimental stage In the statu
of Oregon, the eastern part of which
ii one of tlin crops In tho rotation, , roar n many ossontlal features
ibe should bo onough livestock on I to ,nrRH arnH Jn tho 0l(ven western
ih farm to consume all the forngo Htat(JH aml uro lh8 M,,rlng being
isd o portion of the grain. I i,li,iit,.l bv the hundrods of acres In
Such HviTH ty of crops Is nn assur- many ot tbo loading livestock coun-
t'-'(f aK.liiRt an entire crop failure, 1 u,;h, The reason for tho enthusiasm
cjih a often occurs with any single lies In tho fact that ensilage has In
tr:p . in 'eastern Oregon been recognized in
It pro!ib's f..r a better dlvMon of , many counties as valuable feed for
Ubor thr..'ii;hout tho year and for a stock cattle, dairy herds and sheep,
w.tluuin of Ineonie. but because or tho high altitude pro-
Tli- Mb. rnnki s It both posslblu and vailing In somo districts and tho dry
was planted. As a result the number
or silos Increased from four to thirty
nnd fourteen of them were filled
with sunflowers. The ensilage was
ted to dairy cows, stock cattle aud
sheep, proving equally satisfactory, m o
Tor all three oiasucs oi hiock. iuu
sunflower ensilage proved to be H'-Ir(( (jAIJ.ri H YH
perlor to that made rrom peas, and ' iMAUKr IH (tMm.
oats. At thu cldso of tho feeding sea-,
hou, checks weru made aud thu thirty
farmers went on record to tlte effect
that tin- thirty lli hail saved 1500
ions of bay worth $30,000. A sr-
Col. I C. Gallup of thu Campbell
& Iteed ft Western Rales Htnbles Co.
was hero yesterday from his head
quarters at N'ampa. lie reports the
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
les 01 H.m ..,.... .. homo market good and advocates tho
bring tho fnc.H before tho farmer of Hh t of rn Htuff of ROoa
the county. It did not require much f(,Hh Ht tnt, RK tl,,r, fft ft
time for the farmers to flgurn Hint If f()r wm(l t
they hnd hud 700 slos In the county JW tmt ymirllnBH nlu, nmr0H
last year It would have been unnec MllH, hoiihi tlmo In Boptemliur.
... imi.i'.'. in. .... , ,, ' , rangoments for a special train
nunrtersorn mil Iom do lars worth of (f (,rnu n Ju a8
hay. As a Ih" H.rm "'-Uw AllKHSl 10lh milo at St. he
.. i .- ....... ....!, ll,,. fnrnij In '
iinniir .o i v""" - col. (lallup was here to mnke ur-
a neighboring state to consume three
S for
nil In.
I t ....I. a t.i 11. nniiii tl Utllllnllllll
"""""" 1 ' For this sale Col. (lallup'H company
seed to plant UK) acres his year nm! mii u ipn, nf t() nmmH
more than u hundred silos have a!-,, C(Hn n( M Jl()m(s , l(jr
ready been contracted for to bo com- a(,Vt,r(t M)H , ,,avo :t0
plete.1 by harvest time. Several i.rj (f IBrM (,o(mty o(
the leading rarmers are erecting two wJ rnurn h((n( amut
,,r ,l,nro- 'the 25th to glvo the shipment his
Notwithstanding the ract that all ,M,nmn atteiitlou.
of the sunflowers last year were sub-, n
Jected to u temp'rnture oC 22 degrees. .-u tm Kakhl and Corduroy
on Juno II, somo largo yields weroi'roUHr. n, Urown & Sous.
obtained.. Upon well manured lrrl- 0
gated land, J. I Olllesplo of Lofitlne . New 7 Fool Oeorlng binder for
J cut as high as thirty-live tons per Sale, Including Tongue Trunks aud
aero. Tho average for tho Irrigated ITransporl. Price ?300.oo. N. urown
land was approximately fifteen tons & Sons. .
-JMWI - - .
crane Company
It. itlui.u. . f.t. ..... ..I... In niir l.aruatn Jcniflmanl for vrocerlei. X
Como in out of the rain of profitenr. We have an umbrella with no
ld in it. It Ik pockotbooe proof grocery buying, and U your oppor- J
(unity for a juit roturn on your money.
Sec eur lutmpleM far made te order nulls.
Yea coHldH't get better values anywhere
at anything like the prices.
General Merchandise
Red Star
Detroit Vapor Stoves
Costs less to operate
Sanitary-no oder or smoke
No wick
No excess kitchen heat
Fries, boils, or bakes anything
Will pay for itself in fuel saving
in a few months
A boon to the house keeper
J. S. Geer & Co.
Hums, Oregon, Juno HO, 1020
NOTICB is horoby given that Gor
don V. Hall, of Hlloy, Oregon, who,
on July 6, 1915, jnado Homestead
Kntry No 082C5, for SHtfSWWi Lot
4, Roc. ai, T. 23 8 Lots 2, 3, 4, G,
Bee. 0, T. 24 B It. 2G IS., and Lots
1, 2, Bee. 1, T. 24 B ll. 24 K. W. M.
has tiled notice of Intention to mnko
Flunl three-yonr Proof, to establish
claim to tho land abovo described, be
fore HogiHter and Receiver, at Hums,
Oregon, on thii 0th day of August,
Claimant nam en as witnesses.
J, T. Chonte, W. V. Sturges, K. ):.
Johnson, and Waltor Kussluger all of
Buntux, Oregon.
V. p. COZAI), Register.
Claimant names as witnesses:
lOllls Laughlln, of Supleo, Oregon
James Perkins, of Fife, Oregon I, II.
Fooly aud Crlsluy Fccly, both of Bun
loo, Oregon,
V. O. COZAI) Iloglstor.
Bophla II, Kgll, the executrix of tho
last wilt and testament of Anton
Kgll, deceased, has rendered and
presented for settlement nnd filed in
the County Court for Harney Coun
ty, Oregon, her final account of nor
administration of the said ostnte.
That Monday thu second day of
August, 1020, at ten o'clock In tho
forenoon at the fjounty Court room
In tho County Court House at Hums,
Harney Co., Orogon, has been up
pointed us tho duy by tho Court for
the hearing or objections to tho said
Until account and all persons hnvlng
objections thereto should nppoar at
tho said tlnio aud place and show
cnuso, If any exist, why tho said final
account should not bo approved nnd
Rxecutrix of the lut will and test
ament of Anton Kgll, deceased.
i r - -
Hums, Oregon, Juno S, 1920.
NOTICK Is hereby glvon that
Hiemcru L. Hans, of Hums, Orogon,
i who, on December 12, 1911 mado
Dosort Land Kntry, Serial No. 05746,
for NW'A of NB4, Section 22,
Township 2G 8., Hangc .11 K Will
amette Meridian, north of Malheur
Lake, tins filed notico of intention to
mako Final Proof, by purchase undor
Section 3 of tho Act of March 4, 191C
to establish claim to tho land abovo
described, beforo tho Iloglstor and
Receiver, or tho U. S. Land offlco, at
Hums, Oregon, on tho 16th day ot
July, 1020.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jnmcs P. Henderson, William
Nowton, Hans Hang and James Reed
all of Narrows, Oregon.
V. O. COZAD, Register.
lUttln May Tyler, administratrix of
the estate of B. F. Tyler, doceasod,
had rendored and presented for set
tlement nnd filed In tho County Court
for Ilamoy County, Orogon, her final
account of her administration of tho
Mil Id estate.
That Monday tho second day of
August, 1020, at 10 o'clock In the
forenoon at thu County Court room
In the County Court House at Hums,
Harney County, Oregon, hns boon ap
polntd as tho day by tho Court for
tho hearing or objections to tho said
final nccount and all porsoiiB hnvlng
objections thereto should appear at
the said time and place and show
muse, ir any exist, why tho said Until
necount should not be approved aud
Administratrix or tho estato of 8.
F. Tyler, deceased.
Hums, Oregon Junn 7, 1920.
NOTICB Is horoby given that Ira
K. Hurger, or Buploe, Oregon who, on
September 27, 191R, mado Homo
stead Kntry. No. 08308, for NWV1,
NtfBWVi. WttBKK. Section 21,
Township 19 8 Range 2G H.. Will
amotte Meridian, has filed notico of
Intention to mnke Final three-year Hut. nlnltn In (tin Innil
I rwui, ill ijniiiif.ini. w
above described, before Charles Bher-
mnn, u. 8. Commissioner, ni nis oi
llce. at Fire, Oregon, on tho 28th
day or July, 1020.
Isolated Tract
Public I.anil Balo
Hums, Orogon, Juno 4, 1020.
NOTICB Is hereby given that, as
dlrectod by tho Commissioner of the
General Land office, under provlatena
or Bee. 24CC, R. 8., pursuant to the
application of Roy Perry, Serial Ne.
01087, we will offer at public sale,
to the highest bidder, but at net leaa
than $3.26 per acre, at 10 o'clock A.
M., oa the 14th day of July. 1M,
next, at this office, the following tract
of land: BWUNKU. Sec. 32, T. tt
S, H. 31 PS., w1. M.
Tho sale will not bo kept open, hat
will be declared closed when theee
present at the hour named have ceas
ed bidding. Tbo prooon making tho
hlRhost bid will be required to lm-
mediately pay to tho Receiver the
amount thereof.
Any persona claiming adversely
thu above-described laud are advised
to file tliolr claims, or objections, on
or beforo tho time designated for
V. O. COZAD, Register.
Uot cakes, sausago and coffco 35c
Hot cakes aud coffco 20a
Doughnuts and coffco or milk.. 20c
Pio and coffco or milk 20c
Soup and coffee l&c
Bandwlchea and coffee or milk..
Chlllle with coffee
Tea. coffee or milk 10c
Short order steak or chops Sec
Kggs extra.. 1Q
Sunday chicken dinner 7Go
.. Homemade bread, plea and cake,.
White Cafe
Margueret Satu, Prop.
Old stand, Burnt
Some Specials
Dress Goods
Silk Shirts
We sell everything
to eat, Produce Fruit
and Vegtables.
M. Brown & Sons