The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 10, 1920, Image 1

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Hitmry County' timber ,U
nict for Immediate oxptoltn
Kon Mills fthOKld bo tHralnp
t out to aid in the recoiiruo
Lon work of tho Batiot,. Ia
.1 . .... .t.i.. a-u ' '
llnniny county'n rcscoutrcs are
attracting' tho attention of tlib
rntiru West. Irrigation, stock
raising, mlncHj oil and gas Pro
spect urn) apiculture all
awaiting development.
NO. 37
First Silo 1$ Being Installed In Harney Valley
v 1 ---,, ,
Tim J'rnt min to bo erected In Harney Valley han boon rocolvotl and Ih
telnR 1 mailed fit tho farm of Halph Poabody on 1'olnon crook a Bhort dls-!
Iidco ia t -f HuniH. Tills Ih an ovont In tho hlnlory of tho Htock Industry
In H'iii ut ' and l.icauno or tho wldo use mado of tho nllo In theno tlnyn
ThoT n, k IM, 'd dot-iuod U of nutllclnnt Importance to dovoto coiiHldornblo
ipxvA 1 1 t'u Itwno to thl Improvement. Tho urllolon on thin and other '
pages ill t with silage and tho hIIo nro all furnished by tho woHt Const
tumbtrir ABoilatlon, oxenpi thono otherwise nlgnod or credited. '
StockmfM l.ould road nil Micro Morion and consider (ho ndvaiitagOH of thin
wler . hod of feeding not only toek cult If, but beef and dairy cattlo,
iUwir .i ' ioku.
-they would demand a silo. Not only because thev relish
the rich, succulent silage, but because it increases their
ijsefulness to you.
j A silo enables a cow to produce more milk without
dditional expense. It brings more money to the farm
rilhout additional investment. It saves, tons of nourish
m stock food that otherwise would eo to waste. It turns
Ihis stock food into. food for human consumption, every
iojind of which is needed this year. .
h The silo is thepriginalnstrument of food conserva
tftn. It is'easy to buy. It is easy to build. It lasts a lifetime.
Recently tho experiment ntatlon of tho Now Mexico College of Aitrlculturo ."
roaaucico a aeries or testa to dotormlno tho food value of nllago In dollara
Bd cenla.
Two evenly baloncod lots of cows wcro nolcctcd four head In each lot,
Oso lot wiih fod 15 poundH of alfalfa por h'oad dally and 30 poundB of nllago.
The other lot wan fod all tho alfalfa hay thoy would clean up. Knelt lot wan
ld grnln alike ono pound for ouch fivo pound of milk produced. Tho
Hycrlmcnt cotiHlstod of two feeding porlods of 47 dayti oach, with u seven
dr latervalH.
Tho following flgurcH nro the rosult:
Cowg.fod (
" with ,,;V
Coft of feed 69.72
Valno of milk produced 121.38
Cot of milk per cwt .. , ,931
Ct of butter per pound '. .196
Further concluslvo proof of tho valuo of a nllo Ih nrovlded hv tlio remilt
, IWUU II I UU I'UI VUUIb tuifit
01 an Aynnrlmnnt rnnMi inmtiini.wl A T fl..M ....1 - a .. j 1 I .......
Iheillo publlcatlona of tho International Harvester Compau'y. In this, ex- inj; Ih low. Llttlo labor Ih roqulrod
.-.-.v... u.fiun ui mibh om iuu wuu BimKo unu 10 uuruH oi . HtorltiK or feeding,
aw cows were not Kivon any Hllago. Tho roHults woro:
Gown fed
t 88. S7
?i'i?r yTi "i
"In tho light of four yonrn oxnor
lonco Jn growing HunlloworH, It Iwih
boon found that tho most practical
way of planting' tho Hoed in with tho
ordinary urnln drill. A BiHHclont
niiinber of nond outlotH nhould ho
iitopod up to permit of planting only
lit rowu 30 to 30 Inchon apart. Tho
! drill nhoiild ho rogulutod no that tho
Ifitiudn will bo dropud to 5 Inchon
apart In rown. Tho not, for this will
ary with tho different drills, but
.with a Htnndard Van IJrunt tho donlr-
ed dlHtrlbutlon mny ho Bocurod when
J tho drill Ik sot to plant four pockn of i
Many People Gather at Hos
pitable Home on Sunday;
Fine Dinner Served.
Tho boautlful furm homo of Mr.
and Mm. Dan Varlon on Prather
Whoat to tho nrrn. PlntiHno. In l.llCrook Wtt8 0 BC0I1O Of U Vory HUCCOIUI-
way, rown 36 inches apart and neodn f,uI and c"J0'ab,e P'cnlc on last Sua-
to C Incbea apart In thn row. win WJ' inore wcre oolweon 150 and 200
require five pounds of need to tho
aero pn the averago. The largoat
yloldn wore produced from the carl
lost plantings."
In Oregon and WnBhlnetnn
nunrtoworB woro grown In'an exper
imental way In 1918. Tho results
I woro Buch ns to ntlmuhtto intorost
pooplo there for dinner and whllo.
flomo left for Burn early in tht after
noon to attend the baseball gatci,:'
others arrived later.
Thoro was no fortnal program to
spoil tho day for tho nolghbora who
gathered to spond thp day in social
talk and fun. Thoro wan an attentat
'and In 1919 a considerable acreage Kt 086 t,tne to "PU the afternoon by
I was planted for silage purposes. The a u,k 'rom e county agent and tho
jylelds were In a gonoral way very sat- newspaper man, but that caUstro-
Ufactory, varying from 10 tons per nn0 wafl averted by Mrs. McDanielu
aero under dry land conditions to threatening to atari all the Ford car
r0 tonn per aero. In tho hlghor ttl-!to Ki"K in low gear If any further
lltudoit, under dry farming conditions iKompt was made to got either of
tho average ylold por aero woro
greater than any other crop.
1'Ypdlng Vulun.
Whonover comparlnonu have boon
mndo with corn nllago, tho results In-
tho partlos to talk. That settlod it.
Tho Various had expected to havo
ns their gucHts tho ttago Urush Km
broidery Club with tholr husbandH
and a fow Invltod friends, hut thin
irou or hllngo-fiil cows from funtt of K. A. Htu-vt, prcsldi!ut(C.irntli)u
Milk lrMuctM Company.
dlcato that ton for ton tho sunflowor wtlB changed later by tho Invitation
nllago Iiuh u feeding valuo oqunl to holnK extended to the cltlzons of
corn sllago. .Ilurns and tho surrounding country.
In Wnllowa county where tho flV-! Kvt'rybodr who CrtUJ Provided Bome
erngo conditions nro unfavorable for tl,,nK loward t,)0 P'c'o Clnnor and
corn, nbout 200 acres of Hunlloworfl th,H ProV0(1 1,10 ronl fonturo of tho
woro grown for Nllago In 1010. Tho (,n' no.far bb tho nowspapor man
- JlargOHt yield roportnd was 40 toim
was concernotl. It wan Just llko
239 cown
216 cown
fed on
Peands of milk produced.., 1,232,674
Pounds of butter fat ., , 47,506
Value of butter fat , J 14,023.62.
wk ui invu U.HKb.UU
K P""t ( 7.137.59
Tbo averugo per cow: Sllago fod
uuouH oi miiK produccu w 6,700 .
Poundn of buller fat 220
Valno of butter fat $64.92
Cost of fufd 31.90
Ket profit 33.02
Whllo tin. dlfferenco In tho font of feed for tho Hllago-fod cows ovur thn
... . ,Q u. rt-j lujuu iuu viiiuu ui iuu iiiiiinr nil iiruuucitii uy i no niiokq
lxl cowa wan $18. 66 per head more a difference per cow In favor of tho
1 1 a.
A nl.ll... I ... ..... . ....
mwiimc upurfinoni at mo unrao Hiaiion mo uocona year rosimou in a
... ... T,v in IWIUI UI W4U DllllnU-UU WUVVt
Anyone with a pencil and piece of paper can figure out how long it will
i . i.ll. .. ii. i ..1
ui iuu ruie w ay lor-iineu, f ......
est molhods of ntorlng food. Tho found In. Spain, about 3C0 yeara ago. por aero, tho lowest, 10 tons por aero. tllu (,"H ,,f cll,,,ll'00ti when a party
original cost In low. Its contontn hayoj u ndap'ta Itself to a wldo rango of Tho avorago for tho 200 being nllght-' ,n"ml "J,,8t ,mt8" for wltnout ico
u high food valuo por cubic Wot. nii cream and cako no narty wun ovr a.
- - t . w -w - - - - " w v m HJ t AAA
noil and cultivation much llko tho urn who fed nllngo tho paHt winter oro "UCCCBS Ior cn,,d. Tho tablo ca
corn plnnt. It has bean extensively All enthuulastlc regarding Itn valuo. Paclty was not "UlBclent to tako caro
cultlvutod for Its needs, which nro Tho Wallowa County Farm Bureau'0' "", fo(nl Prov,led and hud to bo
very rich In oil. In thin country tho Iian adopted tho nlogan, "Ono thou- 0,,0,ldod lw'c boforo tho lunch tloo
nood han boon oxtonHlvelv lined for sand bIIoh on ono thounaml fnrm rr,vu' no oaiB provided wcro
Tho nllo often haven a crop other
wIho damaged or entirely lost. Knltis
not fin! mRy prevent curing early cuttings of poultry food. Owing to the abun- It han boon ontlmatod that tho feed- nbBO,uto,y h CBt It hun boon tho
""K" clover, ulfalfe, pean, oata or groHHen; danco of oil In tho noodn and tho Ing value of nllago tho pant wlnti-r
919,9-0 onrjy froata may catch tho corn. All 'woody character of tho mature Block averaged $1,000 per nllo.
38,503 I,.,.., 1... u. vnil hv llin nlln. Thnv run tnntii fur-mam In I In. ntlil.lln ui.iil ' i.. n. . ... ...
... ..... - - -. - " . w , ,.u mo , ! isunciimuN (jouni) i no renuili
I.. nl.f llluntl An.lllfl.. t liln.i I I. ... t. b .... i a m ,1 n ... ... t n I . . . . . ....
...i i.ut i umh iimnn u. nouiiivt iim-u kiuwii nuuuunvin lur iuu . i nniii in rrnwintf niiM rnniin. nun.
Owing to hnbltual uno of oils and flowern havo been no satisfactory
oily foods In KubmIu, more attention that tho Kami linronu linn ltinni'ir.
well organized and olllclently handl-!n '" Kiven to Improvotnont of ated a stronunun and unthuHlaptlc nllo
ed It In nn clump or cheaper to cut tho , variolic there than olnowhoro. Sun-'campaign. Tho Klrnt National Hank
material, push It through tho cuttor Howor oil han boon produced In com- of Ilend han volunteered to flnanco
Into tho nllo than It In to cut tho morclal quautltlen In that country for any farmer who wanted to build a
K.imo material green from day to day 1,10 'l,,,t hundred yearn. Thoy havo nllo. Thoy havo oIho necured Htvi.'ral
So ullage
Whan tho harvcAtlng of Nllago In
wiiy a hro
The nllo furniHhen succulent feed
'for tho winter months, fiucculonco
Tho nllo In tho balance wheel of atlniulnton tho appetite, aldn dlge-
and food It whole to tho Block.
It In OHtlmntcd that only 60 per
cent of tho food value li a corn crop
In contained In the grain nnd edlhlo
portions of tho ntalk. Tho farmer
who In without a nllo deliberately
wuhtes tho remaining 40 por cout.
A nllo on a dairy farm saves 50 to
75 per cent of tho umount of hay
othorwlno required,
Thoro In no nood for any farmer to
ho without a nllo in theso dayn when
wood Ih oanlly obtalnod nnd tho banks
producod a number or varltlon nonte- tonH of choice sunflower need, which
what different In elinractor. The vnr- furnlHhed to farmom at wiolr,Halo
lelle.i that havo provon mont popu- prlco. ,
lar and seoma host adapted to thin ,,, K,amillh 0ounty (l num,,pr of
coumiy In a largo, coarne growing frrnor nuvn oxporlmentod with tho
MrlwItliHtrlppedBoeduknowumlhu wId HUnnower which grown luxur-
fllllinilllHIl JUIHRIIIU. Ilpntlv n ,rv
goou rortuno of tho writer to havo
a chanco at for over bo long. There
wan everything that could bo ohtaln
od and plenty of It. nocauno of thrt
hr niitnhcr of gue.Htn It was necen
s.try to nerve cafotorla ntylo and tho
platm woro llllcd Hrst with chicken,
Mindwlchcn. plcltlo?, ollven, nulad, nnd
otlmr good thlngn nnd then the guo.stn
were nnkod to return when that was
oxhaunted for another helping or for
desert which cona!stP(l of oaken of
nvory description, p!o. cookies and ico
cream. It took ovor two bourn to
tnko caro of tho wilting hungry Uno
of people and give tho committee of
ludloH who lookod nftor the nerving
a chanco to Kot nomothlnir to out
At At "
inoj uno inuihemselvoH. During tho ontlro tlmo
In 1015 tho Montana Kxperlmont eut ftt t o nro or Htno I l rnl 1 ' U' 0"Ur0 Um
Htatlon tried out In a small way She . . . P 1 . B. ' .. . . ,l,ero WUH 11 o"ft stream of good-
gallon triod out in a small v,ay tl.o C(, niul u,n Kroo,,y by a km,B of naturod raillery amon.rt
growing of Sunfloworn under irrlga- nvoHtopk .. u,,u"u ,,,,lurou rniuery araongt
. " -it ..i. a.i ....
i. a l - u uflui un iinn iirnnininu n..uifit a.. . - ..a .
K-.w. . , . .," ....... ,..wr....- . w . art) rouoy. io ansisi in unanciug iiiohoi'"
W6U6HB crop and keeps, UllaVHaccu-i Slluue.' which In thfi.nnnirifriPiic.iMh. 1A...L A?..C. .i i. !ln ,tiffnrmit
- . . w j luim inK lll0 conioniu Ol IHO BIIO, IB roiiKit-
in......... . t- ..
...v. n,,u. ,vu la UAiiuu
i?e or srart .
The Bllo ii to the farmer tho Bamb
' ! iruiu jar in iq iuu mrii-
wllh a f lo it fi ponnlble- to havo
t'quiv..! nt of good pasturo or
ed by nil farm nijilmaln and next to
green, freHh panturo, In tho mont nu
trltoun roughngo that can be offered
to llvenlock especially to dairy
liqrda and.fattenjng cattle.
The nllo HupplomontH tho paBturo
for tho dry, Bummer months, avoldn
xl Krp. n foi'd every day of tho year cheek In tho growth of buef nnlmaln
a"i thus keep tho anlmaln in con- and prevents failure of milk flow In
t good health and at their high-.dairy cows when panturo dries up.
point of production, - - Tho alio provides ono of the cheap-
to luntall them.
(Uy O. Ii. Hiultli Agi'lculttirM)
Although the nuiillowor (Hollau-jof 44.1 tonn per ncro.
thus Aiinun) In a natlvo of North Am
erica and han grown in nearly every
gardon In tho country, It la only In
recent yearn that it han boon recng
nlrod nu a forago plant. Tho earllost
record of sunflowor cultivation Ih
tlon, Tho results woro so promising
that in 1917 thoy began Bomodnll
i. Holy planned work to tost tho rela
tive returtin from sunflowers plnnlfd
Tho hlghost yield they nocurod
from planting In rown 36 Inches a
part dropping tho needH 4 to 5 InchoH
apart In tho rowH, unlng only llvo
poundH to the aero. TUIa gave yield
Tho dlgentlhlo
nutrlo;itH n 1
t the neighbors gathored.
100 I Tlin I .1
pounds of sunflowor sllage'ls 21.4 to- mufiIc ln tho U0U90 whero n ,nB0 Wfl8
lal dry matter: 1,24 crude protlon;:Ht u,lr (UH,)08ft, ,, ,,Uor they ,tt
n unu uuur, nun niiruKun iruu
extractO.37 othr extract with a nu
tritive ratio of '8,9 carbohydrato to
1 per cont pfpfotleil.
Corn nllago han 26.3 dry matter;
1.1 crudo protlen; 15.00 crltdo fiber
and freo nitrogen axtraet; 0.7 ether
llulletin No. 13 1, Montana Kxperi
nioii t Station, glvos tho following:
d on tho beautiful lawn whoro tho
dining took pine. Thoro went,.,
groups of pooplo nil ovor tho place';
having a good visit aud'really enjoy-'-lug
tho affair. . '
A picture waBeoured o'fn Inrgo1
numhor of thdserproHont buPjt neom-i.
oMract, a mrlllvo ratio of 15.1 car- ed ImpoHnlblu to. get. thaiyrn'H "round-- ,'
tContlnued on page Hive) " I rContTnuod on pogo fourj
l.'oodtna und ltuabing "gumma' onenBllago ln Wallowa county
j. j "
Cown waiting for their (.Jingo.