1 Kultirtlny, Juno '20, HtfiO T 11 K TIMKH HHUA'lill II L'.'lt N H , II A II N H Y COUNTY,' O It K OOX WWHIDK OUHKUVATIO.NH . ,doojl.,jMi'r)l;r.'!ilt (Jim Hilt) .a, i nuni.ui m . iu i mi iiu nutnii. ..uimul iiviir !. Couiit&tent I your flefo and hlghwayHuiYBOo ir 1 "rir.-llwi'.1fiHnv .AT VUJ! 'V 1 i A auloudld and largely attended j meeting wnn hold in Callow Valoy oti .lu I O. Kolly Downs . . . . i Mr j, K. mchuihc Cull phouu No Georr.e Whiting loft Boniejsplondld jmiltM of airaira anu Italian ryu jrass In tills otllco thla week. OrnliopiiurH nntoniug out, many poUiiilm; thcmsome nro not, Immuilmto action ih roquiroti or au tf this i-t Ih lo bo orndlcatud. rolHon In any quantity desired ca to lint' it cost through the officii of ,he county Agont. Quick work -will save your crops. ' l'loiib of polsonod grain In also artllrtldf fr xqulrrol poisoning. ' If you arc irytiR to exterminate thin' post ind your neighbor cannot or will not, please notify thin ollico and stopB will ij tnkoii nt onco to hnvo tho work dOiu). This applies to allllttlo or big local residents or ulmentbo owners. It U fhp!'r for tho owners to do tho ork If Iiov can but If thoy cutnotj this oll'i iiu and will, although tho tost wt'l come higher, tuck, MIrh Sarah llowoll, MIhs OladyH This county In except Idnally free Ilyrd, Mrs. Obll HhnttuCk, ami Mr. from noxious woods but Hoverul In- and JIrn. County Agent, itanccs havo boon observed where Dancing wiih tho order of tho day Ihey have takun hold (mostly on nftor tho business mooting and a gen lands of absentee owners). The aUto t.r good tlmo wiih ha'd by every ono Wot Oregon provide neavy penal-(whllu the" Callow Valley ladloH vied tl for nllowlng Ruabian ThUtle, with each in hoHrk which could Tho organisation at Catlow Ib but;exumlnutlon! uiui ui iiiuny piaiinou ior y ino uoan III flnkl ty Agont aa noon us tho crop are eat of- the wa. However, if ft'uy -community .feqls that It wishes to.gai to Kother Boonor, the organisation can bo effected at any tlmo. -J-O- TlllltTY YKAltH AGO Mlnnlo Caldwell, Louisa Tujker, Kmmott Hoed, Madge Byrd, provldcUho moat tempting vluntlB for or Btonger, John Bayer, It. C. Lov tho jilunla repast Horvud both at noon ens, Kd. Hntiley, Jf. ,C, Wooloy, Jt C, and opening. , (Welcome, T.J. ShleAs, ppter Clom- TM (county agdntarid Julian Byrd ouh. I ty t alubvlud Hb oach'dfliW "in dlBpoalngt Hehool rortortf . Orado protnotionB, of (he good thfagB to eat with Mr. 1 2nd grade: Homor Itoe'd, ridlth Uyrd, Hyrd about four ploCos of cako and John iwok, Karl Fry, JohIU Looker. 111 inJlP V." tho Ctttlow Vnlloyllwo nlocen,, of hi Jn tho lead, all tk'b. Among tlio Btudonln of nr'd, 4 tit mid MntitUurmtrvraii nrriuilxtvl u-ltli t)u tlmo. " a " , t 'r In Mi irmil f. fci ' i - - r w - i n h yf v vy i fllbwlng offlcorB! 1 FroBldenl Vlco PrpHldont Oncar Hi'Crdlary-TroMBuror Mrs. Mildred OhniB , ;Tf (qifiV'i); 'Project lendura were anpoludjt liV.. , ., , , t Arigfllatt wollB-Irrkatipn .I..:. .."A. M. Ohms County Ifalr. Jobbo Uraden Itodent and lnoct Control a..'...'.!.;..). VV. W. Stoton Cooporal'lVo purchaBlng CharhiM Hockley MemberBhlp .. Mrn. V, 0. Kelly Tho following BpoakerH and visit ors from nuritH wero nreitoul: Judgo Wjlllntn Farro, Julian Hvrd, County School BuperintohdahtB IIlk ff-hool principal a ? and NOTICK OP HALE down and We arc informed a heavy todl thost' fell on lils aplno Cuuulng ifjjurlori IfrdDrwhlch lib died. .NOTICM'18 HEREBY OIVEM That ..u mr wna iiuru iu iuo umo ui i wll on the 10th dy Of July, 1M0, His death. lie Irf ulso BurvlVod by at my ranch north of Durna, Oregon, hie' mothori There wero no chldrenal 0' ot 10 o'clock in tho foroi Thf ;hod mutn, tn 'Pnrtiai,,! " ""11 to tho hlghcBt blddor for for interment. S'OTKJK FOII HIIW ON HOAI) CONi ' TJtACT WOltK nr.. it 1.1 w wave neon ohkou bo orton ai to,kow-tke einmlnatlbn Ib fo be given wkern a atudint gocu from a non- Tho following ' ItemH nro takon Ntandard or JBKuc(!redltod school In- from tho fllea of thin paper dntudito n Btandarihlirh m.hnni Hint w i ... : vi""- " Juno jn, ihuu. hire Bonding to .nil tho county Bluier M. N. Fegtloy'H mother arrived In .Intondontn, and (o all tho standard HuriiH Friday Innt. Frank Holder of Hock Ford vlHlted HuriiH tliln week. Many ieoplo como Into tit Ih nlllce high schools thin ruling: A ntandard high school does not prepare and give an examination nt ,the end of tho nchool year in the Bpeaklng of and praising the line 'various ubJocts lu which dupIIh. go- Mr, ami Mrs. J. S. Cook, Obll Stint-1 looni of logs In the river at tho pres-,inK from non-stniidnrd or nonnccred urn hiiu 01 uiu now Hiiwmiii wiiiuii ntqii nigh HchoolH, dOBlro to havo John Rayor will booh bo Bitwlng ln-crodlt. A pupil who wishes toMiuvc to lumber. 'credit for work dnno lu it rionBtnnd n ...... t . . 1 . . a a t .. t. I Movorai peopio in town hub wooK,,ird or nou-accredlted boIiooI nitiHt residents of Ilurnoy. nmong whom wo tnko au e.Namlnatlon lu the fnll in notice J. C. Iluckland alid H. Clay-ltji high school which ho daslroa to pool. C. A. Hweek returned Monday evening highly pleaacHl f rom u fitdiing excursion, having caiiffht a .acidly nutaber of little B8klM, wwHitaln trodt. ' ' -, I. & Beer &$o. At Bulk Garden Seeds 1 ' Onion Sets' Etc. Dr. llorton moved U Barns Uftt Saturday and Is now Teady to doctor your teeth ih ahy shaao you deslro, J. C. Wooley, a few days ago, got mi severe kick from a calf. The calf ! kicked him In the mouth tooneniug up a few teeth. Thu hillside to tho west of the bus Unpen part of town Is beginning to ! Irtnfr urim.it 1. 1 tier tllfn n tilftlllur flltim. iso mnny-wolls are being sunk, mt "hopl t,l,u dwr.lli.iRH going up show nivKivlug he exam nation becomes re- the progress the town . Is: " ".-" ".' i credit for two years of KiikIInIi upon litii records. Tho siitiin U lr(m with (From the program published 'f Very other subject. llie ruining iiu ui Jiiiy rvniiiraiiiMi .1... r..ll....l..... 1 HU IIIKi; IIU' uiiiun in,; . I Cupt. A, W. Waters, enter. Thn principal or tho high school i preparen tho questions and given tho examination, and should the Rtudont paaa thn examination, that hlgh school become rfyponslblo for the' preparation of Ike student In tho subject which It accepts an eh franco requirements to' that 'school. That is to say, .that if a pupil desires crciUl for two years of Kngllsh when ho goes from a non-standard high school or uotcaccredlted school into a standard high school, Iiu must tuku an examination In thosu two years of Kngllsh ns outlined by tho High HchonI Course of Study. Should he cash tho following described pornonal property, to-wlt: Ono brown gelding eight ycara okl, fGG.OO. One sorrol mnro hovou yearn old, lOG.OO. Motlce Is heroliy given that tho O.nl1 nrnnirlv In fnt (hn nut. County Court of Harnoy County will pnso of foreclosing a lien thorcon for iCeJve bids en rdrtd contract work ttiA bill, on the wtld property for i'ntll 10 o'clock A..M. July 12, 1920, h, ""P011"1 "ot ou PP"t ,M ... . . . ' Icle of mi d property. for tho construction of the new kf .. , , ' K. . . ..,.,. . Notice Ih hereby given In The Wrights Point Grade. Specification T1,n,ncrttia for a' rlod ot threo ma bo seen nt the County Clerk's conBccutivo wookn and by posting tko omco. .,. Tho .County -Court renorvcB sumo In three public placed within tho right to reject tiny or all bids, 8,d Precinct. Hy order of tho County Court June Dnto of nr8t Publication Juno 2Gth I 1 UiU. I Date of lntit publication, July 17tb, nana. Clerk. j, ia Diaas . 2.1, 1020. CIIK&TKH DALTON FAIR PRICES - - - GOOD FOODS THIS IS A GENERAL STORE -hut" WE SPECIALIZE ON FOOD It always fair WMlfcae Mta la mir barpaJa rlifiarlunt fr cracarics. ' rrrfHanr. W have m irafcraHa wkk aa n k. hi atf wrmtmn m 1m, aarj ( your iiwr. wrMtjr far a jut ralum mi yvwr i MWLUWLWLMWLU TMWMllMt L. E. REED general Merchandise stranger making. president of the day; Dr. Mel'heoters, I). U. Oracu and J. M. Vaughn, vice presidents; Cupt, H. Kolloy, orator: Mrs. C. A. Hweok, render of the declaration; grand miirshal. J. C. (larnjtt; aids, W, K. Grace, J. II. Huiitiugton, l'et- Very truly yours, J. A. (MIUHCIIIl.U Ktipt. Public instruction. -o- WOltK.MA.V OUCH FHO.M IN.H'IUKH , I . . -. ,.t' ,i i . . . n Owing to an overstock on certain lines We are forced to a SPECIAL CASH Joii.i Murphy died nt the St. ( Jouvph liOHpltal lust Saturday as u t result ofi injuries received -wlion a f shack blew down during a sevore' iwlud and electric Htorm two weeks. ago. , . j Mr. MUrphy wkh one of the pieu !at work on tl new hospital hultdltii; . nnd had tnkeu refuge In the shack, ' where Uiey koep heir tools, during tlie Htorm. The small shed blew It requires tin egg to hatch a bird and It ttvkes a bird to lay an egg, Now which was the Kve of,ls species the egg or the bird? o Get the MAGGOTS before they fict your gnrden and put to naught all your hard labor. fm Maggotbait will save your Cabbaoe, RadWi, Turnip and all root crop from thee daalructivc pests. Thla artlcU waa mad la rMBonaa to a demand by tha titral aubtle avarywhara and alao aa a protection ot Sr own Vrowlna; crop, of cabbaga. ato. " hf",,nu't -f axhauatlva raaaarch work and from tha beat """"J" Aea ebtalaabla frora Qovaramant and Stata, Ina.ectlclda KxBArta. Mb. cans with sifter tops, 25c each; also , 25-lb. bags, 12.25 each; postage additional. FULL DlRMOTIONfl ON EACH PACKAGH At year dealer'a or by mall THX CHA8. H. LILLY CO. HVITMa YAKIMA VnTVAltB HLLKNIHUHU WATATO WAHHAXT VMAi Two week Sale Not Ire Is hereby given that thorn nro stittlcleut fluids on hand to pay op ,il (lenenil Fund wnrrants hsuti!' unit registered up to and MucludtitR May 8. 1920. Interest ceuses .June 21, I960, I ' W. Y. KINO I County Treasurer t AT, ' X ' Commencing June 14, 1920 AT -STAND Hegjstered Jack and i Helglan Stullion at tho Withers, k Oilman ranch nine iiiIIoh east of Hums on tho Harney road Phono 9F01 Jack Withers. 0-5 r ' ' &aWZ L T 10 DISCOUNT On all Tiers Tubes And Accessories . ' a '.If . . MENU Hot cakes, sausage 'and coffee .35c Hot cake and coffee SOo Doughuuta and coffee or utlHc. S0o Pla and coffee or milk 20c Houp nnd coffee t lGc Sandwiches and coffee or milk.. 20c Chllllu with coffee 20e Tea, coffeo or milk 10c Short order steak or chops fiOo Kgga extra. .. lBu' Sunday chicken dinner 7Gc MHA1.H AT A I.I. HOl'ltK , .. Homeniadu bread, pies and cuke, White Cafe Nick & Margueret Sasu, Prop, Old stand, Burns ' UNIVERSAL GARAGE CO. Piano Tuning Howard Soule, of Port land and The Dalles will be in Burns on his annual visit about Juno 1st, and is avail- able for additional work, Mr. Soule is a skilled man. Orders may be left at The Times-Herald oflice. J. FELLOWS ' Some Specials ) Dress Goods , Underware Silk Shirts Collars Gloves Shoes Belts ; Ties Groceries We sell everything to eat, Produce Fruit and Vegtables. N. Brown & Sons J mm 4