il If A It n K;fep) 'V N tc o n I! (I O X 8nttirdny, June 5, iftiio, T II M. mm " i. II U It N S ,n session this Mrs. Chester Dnlto'n has gono to Portiuml on a vacation, trp. I Utxl UuEl UtsU ilcil Ucu Utdl Utdl VaU Ueii Veil Ilea VMJ Veil Uuu van yeu uaj um uou uilu ucm ueu ucu v a Ua School BUpt,. Clark 'made 'ii flying (rip ovor t,o l'rlnbvillo tho latter part Horn At tho Flroovod hospital on iiy 4, to Mr. nnd Mrs, Arthur Pagoj Foi2 a Greater Harney County M soil. Of lust weok ro turning Wednesday, weok. MAN When a Wants Money .11 THANK YOU The best stand-bys in the btisirieiM world we the rough-rimmed comrades, called .dollars, who give you strength and confidence. FOR READING , It costs nothing to save, but it may success if you do not save. THIS AD. The issue is before every young man and woman. This bank affords you the oppor tunity. We will be glad lo welcome you among our depositors. First National Bank ; ' . BURNS, OREGON . V i i r LOCAL, Uorn To Oliingo, at tho Flrooved May L'Gth, a daughter. JlJorn To Mrs. Paul Warner, May 10 nl tho Flroovod hCHpltnl u uon. W. T. Vandorvoor Ih ovor from h'lp clock ranch on IMno Crook. .Mr. Kill HciiiiKlt niwl Itwt rlill.l. Mr. and firs. Polor Iron havo gono lo Canyon City to visit The weather tnnn linn boon half way promising rain for the punt fow dayn but much as we nued It ho has not mado good. ho sago rat poisoning cruiindo Ih progressing most. natlHfnctorlly how that cdmmunltlos havo'' takon tho mattor up and aro using n sys tematic method. (loo. D. Hagoy contemplates a vlnlt t. IiIb daughter Mr. Gull Uarnui over at Nampa In a Bhort tlino. Hp vant to' got over thoro for n visit bofore Chautauqua week. Rvory nowepaper Hint Iiuh made comment upon tho recent convention of tho Btocknion In ihln ('Ity has pralo .... .'.'.-..' .;'........ ......... on mu aiwur nuti given minis union credit for tho mannnr . In which II wna handled oo successfully. V Mra. Chns. Hockley hint hooii In town from her homo at Oatlow for 'i fnw dayn vlsltng with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Pago, and tho now tmhv boy that recently arrived In tho Pago family. MIhh Mabel flklens, one of tho com mercial studonls In tho Harney coun ty high school, ,h uHftlidlng In the county ctork'ti olllco taking- tho plow of Itfrn. Chester Dalton. who. tint gone o Portland oit a vnca.tjoijyli'lt,, .' iPrj'ticlpnl MeDl'do In arranging (o place, workmen on tho Job of mak ing noma needed Improvements on tho high tUdmoriitilldlng and grounds during J ho vacation period' The work will bo dono under IiJm .npo'r vlulon. Married At tho dloptlst purson- 4 Pom Ma '22 tm Mr, and Mm. Charley Moore,'. atthe Flreovod hos pital, a son. CharloH W. Ellin has" gdno to Kh- torprlsd on htmAtiwy and from thoro oxpected to go to Portland. Hugh Wltasoll Was In town thin weok. It has been several yoarn Ml title fie vlsltod this part of tho coun try but ho ntlll flndn many old tlniu frlendn hero t Mrs. Tom AMon, who has boon con fined to her hod at tho St. Joseph hoiipltnl with an attack of pneumon ia. Im recovering clowly. Mrs, Allen haa had a hard tlmo hocauHo of ho Ing overworked at tho tlmo tho at tack cuino upon her. , Mr. nnd MrH. H. h, Hos aro mak ing arraugomentH to leave noxt Mon day for a camping trip through Cal ifornia. Thoy mado a similar trip !ai.t fcnFon mid found this recreation ho phtiiHant thoy doclded to do tho mine this noitHon. They expect to by abxont some two months. Tom Allen camo In from Lako- vlow IttMt Sunday morning. Ho wan over' thoro on business and whllcf lo was -'Informed by' wlro each day m. to tho condlthrjt of hls,wlfi wjio wa3 mirroring rrom an attack of- pnou- iiiiinln, he hncamo iii'Xlmiw and drovd over on Haturdny hlpht. HIGH QUALITY .if. .4t VERY "few tmngs can be substituted successfullV' "' ' We have r ea'soh to know Harney Coun ty Rational JBank Service is one of - them.. '' ' The Home of Banking by Mail. ' '. i A per cent interest paid in., . ' ouiy Sayings Department UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Harney County National Banhr Capital and Surplus 4l.$100,000.00 i. . . For a Greater Harney County County Agent .MoDonlols loft tho foro pnrt of tho weok for union whoro utock nho parttoulur object In going to that con vent (on wlilch ho wjll dlnidona to tho boys or Harney county on bin roturni ,i. l.lll 1 k .1,1 II. V4. 1 . I wmi ivvn -riium w j irmjj 1 " 1 dniinuif a nr iitnn tttin inrini iitinn (Iim w. .--.-. - - -; -. . r - - n t i ii ci I'll ti t n a wi ii t i innuit ... k. k A . I iiiii Hiitim I ' . . i - " .. t. ...i r . spocumy oi wi nrnna cleaning m . i ' iiiffHiMiini: LPnLii hiiii viiii win hi wr. ago Juno 1. Charles C. Parlies aiuhMac Is.n livo wire ami a niair it win r pay tho boys to "tie to" to Just keep hospital. will; rolatlvos nnd frlondii for u tlma. J , I ... ...ii. .'I. ... ,),hJ ...n. . W. Clevongor has feono to Vulo uly Sheriff Plult Itaudall mado a.llyl und Pnyotto. Mrs. Clovonger U t llntrli) ,1a Denlo Thursday return tuivj, lia.nii, iaMiiii'.ti umiu tuiiun-. Jllg IIOIUO. 1 110 IOIJ0W lllg 1111). ..... -. -.1. . . I ' ' ... nnuri ing a si visit hero. .ridd 'fso was. In town during-tho 4 C. W. Drlnlovater Wfts o'ver from, wbok from thq P. ranch having como' Drewj-oy Wednesday liiookUjg t(tjir.o'f" ticauiiu or tho Illness of his some. I.usIiiOhu nffalrs In Iho eMirtv iwifo who Is eonflnod to her room ul Ho wai. aCt'ompauied wlfo. over by his I nM) homo or her sister In this city. C'has. Newoll, one 'of tho pioneer teachers and ranchers of this sec tion, was greeting old time friend Ib thin city tho foro part of this week. Mr. Newoll has been absent during tho winter. , Mrs. Chas. Johnson was n passor ger In from Portland ' with Frak Dlbblo last Wednesday. ' Chai. re rnnu Day exerrlso ontltlod "Tho imalnod down us ho wunted to tak J Dawn of A 4Tow Day" Is being pro'd,, tl0 j,K shrlnur's celpbratlon in pared for that occasion. All aro uu,t city soon, cordially Idvltcd to attond. I Mrs. II. II, Edwards, mother of W. I). Parkor and fatnly aro ovor jjra, c. Lewis. Is hero frqm hr from tholPhomn it PalHloy on a visit jf,omu Klamath Falls on a visit, with relatives and frlendd. Mr. jMrB, Edwarda has visited t his section Parker formerly resided in this vlcln- j tho pftHt ,,,1 jmrt mxny fr0nds to ly whoro ho wus ongagod In tho greet hor. stock buBlness. Ho and his family Frank Johnson came buck from Malheur counfy Tuesday ovonlng after accompanying W. P. Davidson oat that far, and has rqturncd to Prinevllje. Th Paptlst Curch and Sunday Rchoo will obiarvo Chlldrons Day, tho second Sunday in Juno, a Child- Mr. and Mrs. Clinn, Rohn havo gono to Nampa, Idaho. Mrs, Rohn Is taking her vacation from hor dut ies on tho local tolophono switch board at this tlmo and Charley so cured Fred Taylor ,to take thargo of his barber shop In order might have a vacation .joo, that ho Mrs. M-, Flroovcd'flnd her chil'dron always recelvo a hearty welcoma from old tlmo friends when thoy comfj over. U is hoped thoy will re main until after tho coming Chautau qua wetk. Frank Williamson, opo of the for mer active stock men or this e,oun,ty. was up front Donld Wodpesday look Iiiet ufter Homtv business afflilrs. Mr.1 !'. ." . i ' . . J. . 1 ......... i i.n... iir..,n...ini ai.r. .. ...l WUllamson pas illspOMpu 91 ns siong il.u",u" "miu hiimctuii, ... intereats and has retired ,to a AiuUpx daughter Hazel had leeli irfPorl lifo. Hd spomls Jis wlhWrnn'Gallfl lnl Wherbvtho llltlo girl undeYwfent omla'niul HVda n'rriiM'g'lrig-hK affalr.a treatrtwht rrom, a upeelallst for lior so as to make atf ondedl visit in 'Karl, thp tfon; had boon awiiy tho co;ist wIthoi't having'. to. Totuni ' Anzn -tho wlutur, spon'dlng oJ. too soon. Mr. Williamson is ono of. or tho tlmo with rehUlvoa Iji Colo tho best known men of this .county rodp but going Inter to California, to Portland to join his nnd cuirio home reclining years, ' I with them. nod has many friends who wish him, Ho camo on onjoyment and contentment in his mother and sister Going out for Fish? Come to us for fishing tackle See our supply of Rods, Lines Flies, Hooks Leaders, etc. REED BROTHERS The Rexall Drug Store Fannto llalloway, Ituv. J. ,J. Tlckilu performing tho ceremony. Mr Mrs. llarneu 11 rw residents of U10 Princeton segtlon. where they wi'l mnko their homo. , Dr. L. IJ. HIbbard a'ld his wife loft 'yei'terday inortilug for Portland and other points In tlio Wlllamotie Valley. Thoy will bo- absent Omo tondays and upon their rotu'rh v'l bo accompanied by their poi'Mov- ollyn who has been In school In Port-j land iliu pi'ut year. . . .1 " John Smyth and Ills sltor,r Mn'r- Jorlo havo arrived hero fromPort- laud they had been In rchool during (ho past year. John whb a student at Hlll'n Academy. Th-jy worn accompanied homo by n young pchpoj friend who wljl spoud a part of hjs vacation wh them at their hore at Andrcwn, Mr. and Hr" P Cecil found it neceinary to jako thfilr little daugh ter to Polite tho foro part of this week on advlco of their local phyul clau to havo tho attention' of a spec ialist becauso or ear trouble. Mr. Cecil has returned homo leaving his wire nnd tho llttlo ono In HoIho for further treatment. Miss Vera Keony has accepted 11 position In tho Luuaberg, Dulton t Co, store., taklpg tho place of Mm. Mildred McCormlck who had to re. sign p order to go to hor homestead. MIhs Keenoy s a tougher and former ly resided In I.ewldtou, Idaho. Hor parents came hqre last fall with a younger daughter and have beep living In Burns 'since. Marrled-Tuesdoy, June 1 at tlw Suintulji Jlotiil in this city .Wllllum W. Miller and Ida M. Arnold, llivi Ji .Jk Tlcknor 'dmelutlhg. M'r. Mllidf Ih ,qho qt tno prosperous frtrpiera. e tho DriiWsoy 'sectl'o'n w'hpre "I19 ho.v rowldod tor many jcars. Ho bolongc tq a 'pioneer family and is a highly respected citizen. Ho and his bfldo will .mtfke jholr" Jjo'nfo pn ' his farm Drowse)'. .. . f .- Miss Heloi) Puringto.n- topk lnr do- purture yehtunluy tin. route to Pond let'on wheru sho will visit for n time with relatives and friends, going lnt er to Portland to bo present at tho Urn ml Lodge of tho O. 15. 8. and the Shriuo week, Miss Purriugton ox poets to attond summer school dur ing tho present vacation but has no, doclded upon what school sho will attend, Tho young lady has boon omployed to tench again in the high school in this city tho coming- year. Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Short have gone to Portland. A telegram was received the fore part of this week announcing that their daughter, Mrs'. Krik, bad died and they have gone to attond tho fuiipral and will perhaps bring tho little dairghtor, Francos, back with thorn. Mrs. Krjk hud vis ited hero a fow yoarn ago and Is ro memberod by many or tho citizens or this cty. Tho llttlo daughter was hero ror ono cqhool term wUh hor grandparents audits woll known and loved by her young playmates, . . X.llt!H.i:il inn 1GRLII M.III1 VLIU Will III Mir. lor conv.mon 01 mo x""i' 01 1 jirliwl to Knpw what the latent orir.?ietiio(is can 00 to mane you look ;' ' lyoungor and Better f 1 ip fi nim nil t tint i.- 1 im WHITI-2 TODAV It In mind. I (Jet your natiii on (In; Inrcst rcu. Mrs. Hunry Dalton ami hor nttio,ul(11. ,in,K 11M In Maho or Oregon sou Hstol arrived homo Wednesday jn.a.u i.-rt. ,y rrtiirn miiU h n- lo-diito price 'list of. evera! Iiiindnvi (Dlilg. Rum 3. rrom Portland whoro thoy had hoon for tho purpose of hnvlng tho tioy'-iJ lU.c(.M nlrM,t UWI, tlny , o.voi taken care or. 8T()CK HANCIIKS AAN'M) CO-OV HTOHi:,' OAlii)WKMi -.1- Y Ladlesj TiroHjj who. CAn vwr' slzo .1, 3' or shoes. Look into 'Luna-j ourg t& Daitoira window ana see what you enn buy for $2.SG. Try Klre.Htono Cordf. Universal Garage. Adv. If. When sick go to King's hospital. Host oqutppod surgery in the interior and graduate nurse lu charge. 11-zztr. Mrs. E. T. Schwarts Is receiving her spring and summer goods. New goods arriving frequently. You are Invited to call and see them. Tho llttlo fol low had tho mlxrorluim to rim a pair itt hushom lu bin oyi ji row weolftj ago and he wan 4aken to a wpoclallst Willi tjy hope of. jtavlt'g the sight. Tful j' P,itl(.t rcct'lvn )ii Inwt of ryl 1,1 couhltloniDiy injured 'mu iiim;(Ho rireoviil .Maternity Uosjilfal. JLr I .. . .... .....1 1 .... puysiciau lioius om miim m 111a nuv Ing out uf It after a whllo. ' Mrs. May ggl'oston and her family took their departure Thursday morn lug tor Holse. whoro she expects to mnko her home. Mrs. Egglosion has added that territory to her lifo insurance business and because or the greater population decided it best to maku her headquarters there. Bh) still retains this territory and will bo hero at intervals to look xattor hor clionts. Tho best wishos or a hosto of friends go with her to her now field of activity. J. M. Dalton and family went to Prnrlo City yesterday whoro thoy will visit for a few duya, vlth XJmlr dnughtor, Mrs. Alma Davis Upon their return to this city they will immediately depart for California, where they will visit with their daughter, Mrs. Ludwlg Johnson, for p fow weeks. Mrs. Dalton and tho throe daughters will all go, Jim promised to bo the personal repre sentative of Tho Times-Herald at tho democratic national convention at 8un Franclscl, bo our readers may look rorward to a good report of that Important event as, Jim Is a truo bluo democrat and will uso his efforts to ward Inducing tho delegates to select a Vlnner tor tho nominee at the coming election this tall. ll'. Ill a.nla. l.itlf. .. ... ....I. .M ... 1111 lll.l n.7!r.l liniu n l.l.l.llir VI ! buyer' for M'me iHrrtt clni htotk 1 . ...... irnncneM. rcuiMttiHmv onrtvi. coniA in . JmiiL. IInt"yonrw' property llarwy L 1: ICouritr, Attract Co. , J Havo your watch overhauled, Start tho old clock to ticking, get that old pleco of Jewelry iii wearing order, Have your oyes fitted to Heading glasses, see C. M. BALISHUltY j jew eler, optician. Wm, Farre Pfctle ltf r U. S. Land UtparliHet and Real Estate Iii(lli'Mtkii"ir7 that the mr of mm laail will HUrHcf MMMjr lnvetor to Hwrny CfttMy tk com Irk mmimmu lMttin haw wW Im keyi Wfere proH pective iay ton hm eu Urn Bend & Burns Auto Stage II. It. SCHANNO, WES HILL, O. S. PKTEKSON, Preps- All Touring Cars , NOW MAKING REGULAR SCHEDULE Leaves Bums every Sunday, Monday, Weinfday, Friday " Special attention given pataejAf era, Quickest and cheapest route out Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped via Bend in our care given prompt attention iiuAUHUAmuno nmruw uxvvio. UJrVUVi O J, vfivLU Bread Book$ Save money orr your, bread pur- - -chaies by taking a bitad 'iopk,'1.' $4.2Sfora2S loaf book.' $8.50 for 50 loaf, book. ' 4 Save 3c. on each.Joaf. g Ice Grenm from Real Cream ' Fountain Drinks PAGE'S SWEET SHOP ... 1 . . .. 1 Come To Us and we will save yHi money on your general neetU Our store buys in quantities consequently we are able to secure fHricerleJiyav tkat lesser buyers can't touch We are way. Our counters offer slaUy bargains in wensen's wear, kitchen' ac'teWries, fancy -wetk ansl se en through the list of popular articles for the home. , Everything for Everybody a ii.:.... for Anybody bJQl 1 Limaburg'i Dalton & Co.