The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 05, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    1 1
;,v n ti m i m H a -11 n it a t, n u v u s , n a it n w v c o v n ty ,
Saturday, .Tune 5. l'o, j
on, ,'m,u,iiilo crwmfro' mlluil
Tlitt horup trloil to unseat bin Cider,'
but Nigel held fast find ttt laHt they
were over the four-foot gate and away.
Then took place the mont notable' ride
ever known to thnt part of the world.
aad the ttuthor'w dewrlptlon recording
T Stlt aRTHUM conn qoixb
Hlr Arthur Connn
Doyln wns born
on May 32. IS lit),
In IMIntnirKli. Hit
f u tli nr. Chnrli'A
DoyU', wna un i r
tint of fiintniitli
ImnRlnnttnn, 'III
b o y went t
H to n y li urat uol
Ictfn, atitillctl li
Clermnny. n'nd ro
turned to tuko hi.
degree ut "FMin
liunrh unlvnrnlt
18 fllllp'H noMn
fur a tw.o voiirn
whaling trip In thr
nrotlc, trftvolvrt In
Wet Afrlcn. nm
finally Hottli'd na n
doctor In South
Tlla rptir Itnimlnntlon fomir
enni extirvfHiun In nhort atorlt
Htierloclc UnlmcH inudo hid first an
Ifcnrnnen In "A Study' In Hcrtrlet'
(1187) hut won hla Immennp popularity
in "The Ailvenlurea of Hhurlock
noimcn." Tho orlKlnul of thn Renin
detective wan Dr. Itoll of Kdlnhurnl
Mivuralty. Thn popular hero UveO
Mrain in TV Metnolrti of (Sherlock
neimefl, "Tne Hound of the Hiinknr
Ulen" nnd The- Ileturn of Btwrloek
Dr. Doyln drow ubundnntly from hla-
loricai aourcra for hla novels nnd
liajra. -Tho White Company," n atlr.
nnir romance, nrat Introduced Hlr
Nice i an an old man. In 1905 hU youth
waa portrayed In the book named for
Connn Doyle nerved In a field hoa.
pltnl In tho Houth African war. wrote
two book In dofenatt of the tlrltlith
army In tho war. and wna knighted lb
iioj. llo hna written n threnvolumi
History of the great war.
Hlr Connn Doylo la a large, nthlntlr
man. who hn never lout hi enthunl
aam for iportn. Ilia home In Hunan
Kngtnnd. In filled with trophic from
many port of tho world. Tennla nnd
cricket have kept hlrn fit for his
enormoua literary undertakings.
NIkpI cihirIu (luIUil t'Vrri'l nnd nvi!fi
(Im KiikIIhIi ))hiih; Inn m IiIm umi.v
wna mo Kiiltimt n iniiti Nigel Imtw'iI IiIh
life, of the King rind ho savcil hlhi. Ifo
went the Ferret to ilary at Conford,
with the mcHfflKe that the first deed
waa accompllnhed,
Nlicel then atorraed thn famouN caille
of m nrohinere, where lived tbe
J fltiri', thlH world Ih full of wit mill
humor Hut tho trou'tilo In moot of
uh are unnblo to toll which In wit
and which la humor.
It U a Kern worth reading: also It la1 v-ik. otti nM.
ffnn Imv ffA njlaTAl'at wWjtlct MiuMntaa A u ....
aau j v Aiinvi n 1 j viininvivii r
nere,M who waa aald never to let a
V:"t. "sfm "capo alive from hi caatle.
VTl' times fell upon Kogland In
Wj the year T.1I8, when the Kronl
plague doviiHtntwl tbu land. It
was durltiK thla period tlwit the story
of hlr MkcI tn ken place.
The house of Utrlnc, Ilka inuny an
other noble family, felt the huuvy hand
of inlafortuno; for ufter the lltiruttK'
war and Inwitulta with Wuverly Ahhfey
the men of the church iitul the men of
tho law left nothing but the niniior of
Tilford for thn reiiialnluu members of
the family, Lady Kriuyntrude and her
grandKon NIruI.
NIrcI Lorlng came of a race of
kerocH, bid grandfather having fallen
at tho battle of Htlrllng, and bin fnllier
In the sen flj;ht of Sluya. NIroI, IiIh
velan thrilling with the blood of n hun
dred aoldlora, waa Oiled with the do-
In? for ndventuru and combut ; having
Im?cu trained at the diwru of hla grnud-
inothcr In hUIII at iinnx, und courage.
ho became nlno n daring rider. At
tlinea n fierce bltternexH nsxnlled Nlgol
at the thought of the wrong done by
tho Abbot of wnverly, whom he be
lieved bud robbed the Lorlng of much
of their e.tnte.
On the flrnt day of May, tbe Festival
of tho ApoHtlca I'lillf i und .Iiiiiick, con
sternation reigned ut the Abbey, when
It wna found Hint n largo pike hud
eaten tbe cnrp In Abbot John'H llHii
pond. Nigel being accused of putting
-the pllien the pond. Abliot John and
tho aocrlBt, lirother' Snniuel, were In
rofimiltfitlon upon tho aubject, when
they were rudely Interrupted by it hur.r.
or excitement among the monks In the
dolHter. A white-faced brother flung
open tho door and rmdilng Into tho
room cried, "Father Abbot, nine, nliid.
Brother John la (lend, und the Hub-
prior In dead, and tho Devil Ih Iooho
In the tlvo vlrgato field.''
Now what tho brother railed the
"Devil" wna a great yellow borne, held
at the Abbey for the debt of bW owner,
Fniriklln Aylwnnl ; such d horse, if wits
wild, was not to b round betwixt the
Abbey nnd the Klu'H atnblen ut Wind
sor; ,
It wna a sorr day that brought the
lioro to tho Abbey, for no one there
could be found who would or could
ride IiIm or conquer him; he had In?
deed nearly killed tho Itrothcr rind the
Abbot John and tho jnonltp, Intent
upon neelng, with their own eyea, tills
terrjblo creature, hurried down tho
atalrs and gnlued thn wall of tho meai
dow, where looking over Ita tp they
beheld tho magnificent horHn atnndlng
fetlock deep In tbe meadow grass. Up
on this wild acene there arrived riding
hla pony tho young Hqulro Loring,
small of stature, but with iiiukcJch of
titec, and a noul of (Ire; hla face,
though tanned with tho weather, was
delicate of feature, Ilia wholo appear
unco made him a murk for thn sight of
any pasHcr-by, but at the -first glance,
tho brown face set In Ms golden hnlr
and benrd, and the daring light of the1
quick, rcckloKH, laughing eyes, jnado
tho One strong memory left behind.
The borso wna at the moment tram
pling hla latest victim und Nigel. spring
ing from h pony, waa over too wall
und it bnltlo with tho creature, prov
ing itmholf mister. Some dlscussUm
arose among the monka an lo tho kill
ing of tho yellow( horse, or t)io giving
iii i,lvi 111) II I II r-ll llll'Il I , lilt) IHMl
HiiggoHtlon finally won, und Nigel pro
eeded to further subdue the hereto-
i ifrr nnn inn rmimnnaT rnrrmh! a
I " m--w,-w w,,m
"The Doo that sped on Hlndo Head,
'I'lui fTontrll nn ln wlmtn
II ... ...; I( IIIU
Ann niroi on tho Yellow Horse
t At... . a . t i.. a
V win icuvo ine worm ocmpoe.
After a long biittlo of wills, the hortw
ws broken and conquered; ho fell In
the heather with a sobbing sigh, throw
Ing IiIh rider over hla head stunned.
j Tho young bVjuIro wna first to recover
.did kneeling by the panting, over-'
Wrought horse, he gently passed hs
baud over tint fonm-lleeked face, and
the whinnying I'.ommurs thrust his
lose Into I ho hollow of Nigel's band.
"You an' my borne. I'onnncrrt, ' Nigel
u bl-pered, ami laid his eheolf against
be craning head. "1 Know you, I'om
iiers. and you know me, and with the
Help of .Saint I'iMil wo shall tench some
other folk to know us both."
The monks of Wnverly Abbey held
tflgol. for debts and wrongs ngnltut
thorn nnd he was haled before the Ab
bot for trial, wns Judged guilty and
sentenced to Imprisonment: but when
they would have restrained him, Nigel
drew his sword, which angered tho
Abbot, who charged hla bowman to
draw hh bow und defend holy church
nnd her decrees. Trugedy was Immi
nent, when gnmktn Aylward. a famous
archer, came to Nigel' rescue, at once
attaching hlimelf (o the young HqulrVa
service, and nfterward following him
Into, many dangers. 1
Into the midst now came a man
whose appearance dominated thecon.
This waa the famous aoldjer, ,John
Cliandos, with a message to Nigel Lor
lng. 8nld Chandns, "Ho who comes
to seek the shelter of your roof la your
liege lord nnd mine, tho King's high
mnjesty, Edward of England."
While n guest at Tilford Abbey,
CliandoV stories Mlcjl tho mind and
heart of Nigel with n stronger desire
than ever for nd venture, nnd he begged
to go as Chandns' Kqulre, under the
standards of the King. Edward of Eng
land, to which Chnudos assented,
Nigel made his arrangements for
leaving home; they worn few nnd
simple, for he had only his I'ommers,
hla loyal Sam Aylward. and at the
last hit long-wlshed-for suit of armor.
and a huiiiIi amount of gold.
There was. however, one visit must
be mnde before leaving hmne, nnd that
waa to see Mary, the dauchter of the
old ICnlght of Duplin, living In the I
castle at Cos ford. Mary of the grave
eyes of brown looking bravely nt the
world ; the one whom Nigel loved.
At the shrine of St. Catherine, Nigel
and Mar said their farewells, and the
young Squlii' vowed to perform three
noble deeds of valor In her honor, ere
he catpe to see his Mary again ; but
that no thought of her should stand
twlxt him and this honorable achieve
Nigel sought constantly for some
deed to perform and lesser ones came
to hand frequently, but It was not until
he wns nt Wlnrhclsen, with Chnudos,
that his first great opportunity came.
It was found that the plans of the
attack upon the French at Calais by
the I'rluce'a army had been stolen, and
It was suspected that a cunning, dar
ing Frenchman, called the "Red Fer
ret," had taken them and was then
ulready on IiIh way across the Chan
nel. Nigel started In pursuit - with
Aylward nnd other followers. After
a ln"!I I'hnso njuUit hard-foii-Jit. battle.
Tkla country Is producing onu
glorious' crop of "favorite sons." Wo
uro fortunate, however, In not hav
ing the locusts at tho samo tlaao.
Hero at great risk of his own life,
Nigel rescued not only bis rnnn Sam
Aylward and other comrades, bill a
young Frenchman who fidcr. however,
died, praising his rescuer. Then 'news
of the second deed was sent to Mary
at Cosford.
had followed on with John
Chnudos In'o Hrlttany when, the third
deed was found. There had been hot.
furious fighting, nnd Nigel, riding I'om
mers, plunged forward, unsealing nnd
taking captive ono of the enemy. Hav
Ing the Frenchman ut his mercy, Nigel
might have Wiled him at mice, or held
him for ransom, but ho bad made n
gallant Unlit, nnd out of admiration
iitul pity the young Squire spnred his
life and let'blm go. only to discover j
later that he bad hud nt bin mercy
none other than King John of Franco.
When the Prince heard Hie story
from King John himself he exclaimed,
"For my part I had rnther have the
honor this Squire baa gathered, than
nil; tho richest ransoms lf France."
Whereupon the Prlnco with his sword
touched Nigel's shoulder ns he knelt
before him. and said, "England has
lost a brave squire slid gained a gal
lant knight nay linger not, rise up,
Sir Nigel." And a third message went
tn Mary.
Two months later Nigel arrived at
Cosfonl. and kissing Mary's welcoming
hand he said. "St. Catherine has
hroBght nie hornet"
Copyrights 1tt, by the Post rubllahleg Co.
(Tha Roiton Pot). Printed by permla-,
Ion of, and arrangement with, Double
day, Tage Co., authorlaed publishers.
Hr Chelet.
A Florence girl ssys she had rather
wenr n cow hell than lie bothered with
a chnperoo. Ildston Transcript
Some peoplo llvo for tiaaaselvos
alone, and tho world Is generally
Lglad to leave thum alone.
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It will be wall cooked.
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Others find it to,
nd to will you.
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March3, 1920 the Ford Motor Co. advanced the prices f Feed cart
because of the increied cot of Production. No specific annovaccat wat
deemed necessary at the time, but it hat developed that misrepresentations
and misquotations of these advanced prices have been nnd are being given
out. So to" safeguard the public against the evelt of Misrepresentation, we
herewith give the present prices:
CCA with dual electric tartfe mni litktiat
VOOU ytem $62S
Touring Car . $575
K . : 1 ' .... , , : Ih
V-'UlipC r 1 ,U i;itmu4iUiHMtobltriaii gfO
tQ witk dual Uctrk Urtiag ami Kktlg
Tw ayataaa awl eaawmUala riaai
rf,i lr ArlMaiaiia) eUadiar rtaw
t lUCK Vnailll (with BOMaMtic tier, and daaa.
(with pMtMMtic tiers and dcaa. riaai $40)
Thai ark ara aH f. e. a, Detroit
Pord.on Tractor $850.00 f. o. b. Dearborn Mich.
Burns Garage
'j . vl'