The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 29, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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MIT' -
GSR. J 1 1 . r
I lift h:V , j .. .
T. I M 15 ,H
' Report of the Condition of the
jrij'fM UN VNJH DWnm
Loans and Discounts - - -
Overdrafts - - ,- - - -U.
S. Bonds and Treasury Certificates
Other Bonds and Securities - - -Banking
House Fur. and Fix. . -.Five
per cent Redemp. F'd - - -Interest
earned and not collected -
. Cash on Hand, .and in Other Banks -
Surplus and Undivided Profits - - - -
Circulation - - - - - - - - - -
Bils Payable (liberty Loan Account) - -Rediscounts
. with "l&deral Reserve and other
5 50,000.00
; 465,031.47
It 10 It A I-
It V II N S it
O U, R a Q N'
l. !n .., ..iiw.'-".iii'"ir''
r y
yf ,1lorn Wednesday, to Mr and
MrB.W. L. Lowe, a Hon
fathers, fall, Let j'otir polik.ul book
bo the Judfce.
How about vour losses from nmilr-
forest BuporvlHor Cryder was ovor. WT Tkl? offlb,, , CRtCMriif up wjlh
irom juun uny during i vuuvou'
tLloyd Jsknaon'g family hav, ov-
o the ra;aoa xeuowiag tuajeieaiBg
Ji u'
. Dr. arid )Mri. IIedM,, Henry WoJ-
coe. W. P. Allen and Wm. Jones
the demand for tho polnon. Coin
niunitien are provjdod for flrnt but
In a few day, Individual!) can liavo
all iky MlrV ot lo
thr mi&pMp MltaV.
k4t. tkt Weal pari for aetken
Id eradicate redenta tindor the Statu
were amonK our Juntura visitors dur- plece of nfe,,ted land rnuat bo clear
ing tho otock convention. '0j of pontHt information and blank
n Xf Tr .. ....... 14 Hl. 1. n .1 dm can be had from the County Asronf.
gnulng dopartmout of tho forost for clearing land oned by nbiiontooi
Borvlco In this Btate, was horo during or th"e refunlng to comply with tho
the tock convontlon, . C ,avr- Tho county furnlnhcs Iho pola-
on In nuch InstanccH nnd chargdtt U ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jamo Doncgnn nr- to tho tax account of tho ownurrt.
rlVod hojno lubt ovonliig from l'oit- PotittooH will bo a vnluablo .crop
WWjjd'wIioro tlioy hud buon to uttoml ti,H yoiir bo rtou't plant thorn without
tho wadding oi tlnlir diughtor, Miss Ami trontliiK thorn for Bcub nnd othar
'FoyGyfetter Harney County
The growth and continued iuccesa of
.the Harney County National Bank proves
conclusively that our service is broad and
of a high quality, evidenced by the num
bers of our-patrons, enjoying an association
with us.
r , .
1 .',trl'
Cannon to Nllu Uifvlngj
T. J. McDonald haa tonilored his
roBlgimtluu to tho ciiy council iu city
inarHlial and will bu Buccaudod by It.
L. HumoH, tho voturan man on that
dli:oaflC8, Tho following In ruconi
tnnudod nn tho boat trcmtmonlr
I DIhhoIvo 2 oiniccti of blclilorldo of i?M
mercury (corronlvo nubllinixto) .which r
Your , financial interests should have
the advantages of the same quality service
that is .proving s'o valuable to our present
customers. ,
can bo purclmaod ut your local drug
ntoro, In a little warm water, t linn
pour Into n wiMHitm vsnol or barrol ,
Jainou, Goorgo, J off and Frank containing 16 gnllonn of water.
Cawlllbid nro till In town. Tholr Cut tho potatoex nnd cover thor
brother, John 0 Ih vory 111 at hlu oughly with the HQlittlon bv dlpiHug 'tp
...1 I.. ..w- ItinM ,m.. ..... . .1... tK1
liiolno in this city and
IpruBtied for, his recovery
. V Ira QabrleUon, bbad of tho U. R.
124,716.55) Dloiogicai work in thin itato, Wuh
I here 'during tho week, tyoui nu as
Hifltant E. E. Horn and Mr. Junliton
"eW here.
JOHN D. DALY, President
A. C. WELCOME, Vice. President '
E. H. CONSER, Cashier
J. M. DESILETS, Asst. Cashier
Mr. and Mru. L. Woldonborg were
ovor from Canyon City during tke
Btockmon'a convontlon.
J. C. Deatty nnd bin non John wero
up from their home near Donlo dur
ing tho prosont woek.
then lay out to dry before plant
For small gardens '"orie half ounco
of mercury to 4 gallotiH of water.
Ito net in metal vcmmcIn.
A telegram l;ai boon received th'nt
tbe sugar beet eed for free dlitrlba
tlon throughout the county baa bech
M. W, Brecbunt and John Walkup nippta ana will aoon e here,
came down from Seattle the Other The purpono of dltrlbntlng thene
day, ' Joan came down on bunlneHrt "Wd la to learn tho extent of the area
and Mile came kloag to vlnlt with adopted to the growth of imgar beetn
hl friends for a abort time. Both In, Harney County. The naaes of a(
boya are working In Seattle.
M. J. Clftpp, a former teacher In
tbe high school of thla city1; In hero.
He baa recently ciosea a terra vi munlty squirrel polHonlng
school at lone, in Morrow county and puod 0(r , a fow AiyH
la here to look after aomo local nn
anclal intoresta.
least one good farmer in each com
munity wishing to plant these seed
la desired by the county agent.
Tliero will ne several big com
Mm. Onltormnn wn nmnnr
easiness viauors in town tuis weok.- a. H. I'ngo wuh in town for a fow
; K. L. Wallace of tho Crano State ' during tho week from his homo
Bank woh In town during the wcok.
j io wub uccoiupanieu up uy Mrs. wai- N0wt Lowln, on9 of tho old timers
cu of thin Interior country, haa,
Mr. and Mrs. Orovor Kvorltt of town for B0Vcrnl UayB nt0 nc
Nam pa wero bore during tho pant
week on a visit to II r. and .MrH. I).
F. Smith, Mr. Mverltt 1b u relatlvo
'(Che Smiths.
County Agent McDanlela Is still of
taa opinion that Harney county
euld have a fair this fall and Tho
Tlwes-Hsrald is, of the name opinion.
What do you tlk about it?
Readers of The TimonHorald who
tako advantage of tho clusHlllcd ndx,
both iib BollerH nnd an buyers, nro
profiting by It. Jlavo you lookod
over tho classlllud column yot thla
week 7
Frank Cuwlflold "la ovor from (ho
Harper ranch on a vIhIi with relatives
aud friends. Mrs. Cnwlfleld had
boon bijro for noveral days previous,
Tho TlmesHerald is not going to
attempt to mention particularly Its
many frlendH In from tho surround
ing country to attend tbe stock con
vuntlon, for thero wore too many to
glvo each particular montlon.
H. M. Morton curnu ovor from Bend
tho flrat of thin week, having mado
tho trip thrqugh with n friend, to
tako In tho big stock convention nnd
to visit with homo folks for n time.
Ho returned in hlu own cur on Thurs-
Arthur Qenry, a nophow of Dr. J.
w. uenry or tins city, was nmong dny acqonipftuled by Dr. Hoborg.
tlioHO to attend tho stock convontlon,
Tho young man wont from horo to; Ooo. N. Angoll, representing tho
Klamath county, Ho rosldea In Port- Oregon Farmer, a weekly farm joun-
land. n a l' that has ejulto a circulation In
'thla part of tho country, has boon In
v E. H. BatbrJck and family woro thu cHy for tho pMt WMk hlvJ
ampbg t.h;oso fronj tho south end of con0 n t0 attona (ho BtocKmen,8
?ountU? ?!Wth. Btock.c?- convention, Mr. Angoll romaqlerf to
veatlon. Mr. HHthrlek l;on0 flf M,o. gut Mpjfl nldulomi, pw H'totlBa q?
'H""P Bvviv this: part 0MI10 atato and from the
.naturo of tho data he has eocurcd wo
mayiafcnoct somu nrnttv sAmi ihihu
, , - , - ' r ..........
its wMero .ho.JriieTDtlDK. his enercv
V, to Wb brbd Ueefdattlai'J
ml ...... ' r .
.RnH,a"kn M.mnininVii ii.'nf'wn xunr10 that paper about liar
but wero doiug
'around ' In "card.
time from tho businosK of t)ie mpet
ingtd ' de'voto' o -setting buckaroo
paruiies or. horao ruccj.
R Hr .;rnnI1g ..Tho .local to'lep)iono ex'ebango IK
rhero wasu t any heou ,myi; Jt1 Mreak of juc)? ffl.f
A. D. Stauffor was another ope of
paHt'fow.duyH. Mm, Jtolm is ill nnd
MUs Loom (loodlow; has slicli a cold
iiiho caiinot s'poalc louilor than a wliln
por.' MIbh Olndyii Nicholson had In-
Harney County
National Bank ,
Capital and Surplus $100,000.00
Fot a Greater Harney County
No treafwaelag upon Eiy rfos.
Keep your atook eat ef mf t -lesn
by my permlselos. A reward
for conviction Of the violation or
this not I co. James ll. StoVari,
Grt your nam on the larger rg-
If you tu-o IntoroBtod In ncolng the
nqulrrols oxtorminnted In your soc-
'.I . I.. 1 1. ...I.L I
Thn rtntneutlon thftt Went to Bakor "u" lo"c" 'uur iUf Li-hn or OrMnn
to attend tho grand lodge of tho nd oo how much poison Is required KnH) ,,y Klmi nn
Odd Follows returned horao last ,or inM,r auumon 10 lanuu
Brtl.nB.k aft... .a.MM.HM t.Ma
rvun w..r... Hiia tlnrtlwnll. uwiiurn iiru nunum,
W. W. Qould, W. N. Monroo, Sher
iff and
They report
successful mooting.
Tho county will then furnish
Mrs. aoodman, Bart Slier. l vown ni co tnrougn uio omco
flno tlmu und'u very,01 11,0 goni at o pounds ror
J la dollar, ir you reel vou can mix
Jli Itho poIhou cheaper than this you can
Atty, J. W. McColloch camo overv,HJ tho 'following formula which jwl(
from Ontario yesterday nnd will g fivrf TosuftH Where jufhorH . wll), ojton
to Lakevlow tom0rroV In cdjnpany 'time's fulf. ' , , ...,..,
VI-1 Hi Hani. Tlnllt. M. :t)llnrAtl'. til!' U Mir n'.in tnl.U.nnnnfill' n tn.,d
with Cant. Iloht. M. Duncan, tht
other momborlof tho law flrm.Mo' lobk
after sono logul uiattoia.
R. L. Brelthuupt, fqrmerly wiuper-
Intondent of the e,xpormont 84ation
In ftlt county, but naw county agent
for Malheur county, was over for tho
sUwbj coBventktn. Mr. Brelinaupt
met xxv f hHj t,ra0 'rlendH
whle ere who gave him a lioarty
ouo Inhlospoonfiil of gioni
with ono half teacup of cold
Water, and stir Into ono half pint of
boiling water to make a thin clour
Nflx one ounce of powdered strych
nine alkaloid with one ounce of bak
ing soda (blcarbonated) and stir
with the starch to a smooth creamy
mass freo of lumps, Stir In ono
fourth pint of heavy com syrup and
one tnbloapoontul of glycorlno, and
finally ono Hcnnt toasponuful of sac-
U-dato prko lUt of aeveral Imadml
ploroH mrsr. puaj daily Hddrr
Mrs. Qerstell and her daughtor,
Mrs. Hyland together with tho lu,t- carlho. m
tor',H llttlo daughtor, who havo 'been Apply to 12 riuartn of oats nnd ilx
visiting with Mrs. H. 1 , Schwartx thoroughly lo coat each kornol. .
and family for rovcrnl week's, loft I Each quart of poisoned , grain is
for tholr homo In Portland yosto'r- stilllclont for 40 to : CO baits
Cnpt. and MfH. A. W, Qowan took
, tholr dopnrturo Wednesday after-
I.I . .
the old timo atock men of thla coun- 1l"""v,i UWU,,K a "'"
ty to corao to tho convontlon during ,,ut nflor work quit to
tho foro part of this woek, Ho wa'""?pt n l'0"'"0" Htenographer
iot horo for tho entire session, being 'wUh ,Cou,,t' AKnt McDaniels. Tho
delayed, but ho made up for lost boar(l ,mH "red fronj, thoso hand
timo after hh nrrivul. ,Cftpa but "'"ookkoopor, MIbs Loona
Thompson arid Mm, Nollleo Hoed fin
Mr, and Mrs. C. K. Kenyon wero,0" to tho aid of thu dlstrosa
ovor from their homo at Wolaor, inlgnals, as did also Mm. Blunch
Idaho, durlnc tho stock convontlon. iBobinBon.
Tho Konyons formorlylved In Burns
and it is needless to say thoy mot
-with a hearty welcome. Mrs. Ken
yan's mother in now living In thla,noon B0,ng out W ot P'""".
city, be,ing ot tho Homo of her son, tormor 5 routo t0 Portland for
Clarence Luckoy. (apodal modlcul troatmont, the latter
'to Pendleton whero she will visit
C. E. Arnoy, Wostern Immigration I with hor daughter, Mrs.. Vf. O. Mc
nd Industrial Agont for tho North-' Klnnoy, Capt, Gowan has boon con
urn Pacific Hallroad,. wub one of thoso 1111011 ,0 his room for several weeki
to attend tho Btock convontlon, Mr. "Howlug nn operation and hia case
Arnoy bus. boeii attondlng those con-'d'd not ro8pon.d to treatmont of UIb
entlons from tho flrat nnd qlao local physician eatlafuctorlly, thoro
follows tho Btock shows nnd other foro U was (hjcldod that ho go to
gatherings of tho otockmen through- Portland to bo undor tho euro of a
out tho entlrn Northwest, but stated HPoclalJaU Oapt. Gowan has onjoyod
lie had novor witnessed a more in- vory good Health for many years up
teiiBoly Intorortlng and profitable untll recontly 'nnd It la hoped hp will
vuuvuiiiioii i;:oru uio ono in mirnn.
t'.ny morning, Mrs, Schwartz accom
panied thorn to tho 'metropolis'.
Androw Irwin was, ovor from Bak
er for a 'fow days during thb woek
visiting with hi' former school mutui
and frlendj, Androw has fully' re
covered hM health arid 'stood well In
his flfhoo classes te )ast yearHo
loft for hjo;thlH;Wofhlng,;golng
o'ui, ,ip cox rM.A?- '' 8
Hughes; who' jria drjng' througlr lu
his: auto." ' V fw
M4srlbVHdNIaJr !famong the
fyMtT-Vrtrtera frolu rrlnaylljq,
MJ'iftidj i?.6br0;aHsl8laHt of
F, 'A -Fal 6n' l(ls ;riejwspaper nt
Prlnevlllo wid '".jlta proved hersfilf
a 'good' novopa'pop rejwrter uu s,ho
noVor jnlKs'oir Hny thing of thoPoU
ventlon .during thq two day,i. fusion
except a short timo nt tli.o reception
gtvon tho vlnltlng lad!n at (iio Com
morclal cub, Prlnovlllo Is f'ortu
nati( In having two such enoretlu
people working on thu publicity end
of tho Job for they'll mako It go
PatitintN rcelro.tlifl het of care"iit
Uio Flrj)ved Maternity Jfoftpltal.
r ' Ladfofl! Thoso whd can wear slio
3, 3 or 4 'shoes. Look Into Luna
burg & Dalton'a window and seo
what you can buy for 12.85.
Try Fimrtono Cord.
Garagp. Ailr. tf.
When sick' go to King's hospital.
Beat equipped surgery in tbe Interior
nnd graduate nurse is charge.
11-2 2 tf.
Mm. E. F. Schwarts Is receiving
her spring and summer goods. New
gqods arriving frequently. You are
Invited to call and nee them.
Are, your teili yelleV do they haw
deyMtta.of Mate a4 tartar upon then
at the guia warglat I make a
apeUHy ef eeallng aud cleaning ana
Bleaehlng ieeth and yea 'will be nr
prised to Know what the latest inW
orn methods can do to make you leek
younger and Better.
Dr. U. McClellan Odd Fallow
Bldg. Ittcm 3.
' Wo will iteen have
buynrx for
Munbrr tA
ftOMAO JtflfC OlttlM HC9C
ranctiea rnaf atly ue-leedL Come Vt
and list year property Iloray
County Abstract Co. .
PracUMMtra ll. Land
Real .Estate
ImlieatkHtM tut that tho
lure ef the Umd will
attract maay lavwrtors Co
llarae? County the com
Ins; mmmoh. LUtingv now
will be krpt hre lhtoh
peeihre' kiveetera Uie en
County Agont L. B, McUanlels
Flno Rains,
Crop Prospects Good.
Everybody poisoning squirrels.
Livestock meeting big success,
Rvarvhnilv coins' linmo with frnah
... w aw...a ...... ......
Scores of visitors at County, Agents
' Less livestock but betteri-i-moro
food for winter. '
First National Bank of' Burns to
erect, n demb'ns'trntiou silo,
ProgreBolvo bankers wide awako
boys and BlrlsHlloago nuij purp bred jllyivo your vuteh overliauHxl,
GIlOUNDr ' '
to thank tho Republican
.voters- for, tho. support given, me at
the Trlmary election May 21, though
defeated' I am n6t discouraged1 aud
aHHUje. ybu I ahull 'at; tho fall elecViqii pUsli tho )loiuban. .tckel
over t,be top. ... ", i' ,,),
' 'Respectively yours ,
-r. T
focojcr that sumo hoartlnosi,
mttlo Homo boinbliiotlon, ,10h! tho old dock to ticking, got that old
Don' beljovo lu "Book furmlng" iloco of Jewelry in vfcnrlnj; order,
do you7' 'N6lther does tho County Havo your cjos fitted to Heading
Agont. NavbrtholoBs niddorn lheth- "glasses,' iicip C. M. ALISUUBY
ods ,pay wlion thoBe usod-by your Jowejcr, optician,
- i i .
Bend .fe Burns Auto Stage
All Tourinff Cay
Leaven Vurns everu Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Special attention given passen;er8
Quickest and cheapest route out
Perishable foods, Express or any freight shipped
via. Bend in oucare given prompt attention
Bread Books
Save pxpheyon y'our bread, pur
chsses by taking bread boblc.
$4'.J5 for a 25 loaf boolc.
$8.50 for 50 loaf book.
Save 3c. on each loaf.
Ice Cream from Real Cream
Fountain Drinks u
i Cofne To Us
and we will save you menay on your gcnwal needs
Our stora buy ia uaattti censaqucntly w are able
to sacura prices fo yeu tkat lesser buyers can't touch
We are specialists ia a general way.
' Our counters offer daily bartrains in women's wear.
kitchen accessoriesVfancy work' and o on through I
cne list op popuiar.Hruciea tor me nmc.
Evcrythiny - iLjV
Anybody i
LunaburKalton & Co.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H t