T It K T I M R S - II H II A h D HIIKNB, II A It X K it 0 It 15 ? ) N XL OiNiC You ACCiNHOeNTAUTlP-A 010 IS RHIHG ME f-Cm. TWJJ LOTS EVJ'MlttVARO MJlU C0M6 IHROUCH MERE AMD "AT M6 MlHCVfoO-0T T WAtfT YoO 7b GET ITHESC WT5WIU INCRtAWN VAIUC AT IN ON TWS - 50 TIC , fjm u y- HOME SWEET HOME by Jack Wilson "V CB LEAST TEN If HoU "THIN. fcU'lL WANT TH1M I t ft i Classified Advertising and Legal Notices Professional Cards Miscellaneous New 5 Saturday, May 99, ISM. aar:: - .i ... ' n ..i.jx.a im -v . . . i . i i M OUT VJITH TtW R6AL eTAT6 I TH II WALL A& TM6 . 0 I I yn PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 , DR. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Burns. Oregon.. Oftce u residence. Dr. Grlfllth's for mer liuntc. I'liunc No. 14 II It U H K K I ir Sivurman & Urunot's Former Olllco -Building ,no tfo. 10 Burns, 'Oregon .1. W. (1HAKY Phystciaa aad Surgeon ltur; Wi Telealiaaa Rl9,, 1HJNMAN DKXMAtY Physician mhI ttorgeeaw O..T answered promptly day or night Tkoae Craae Crane, Oregon In E. HIlinAltl) . 1 K X TIHT ill- tlra door oust plioto gallery Ilurns, Oregon ' ( II AHIJI5M W. Vxi.lH I. A W Sf.J4 It Hums, Oregon 1 r.irtlcoH In the State Court and 'font tlio U. B. Land OSlce J, 'ff AffCulloch ltobt. M. Duncan .MHMJI.tXK.TI Dl'NCAX . .Lawyer , Or' o aliovo tho U; S. Laud Otllce 231 ItNS. OKRdON II V, It M V V X .H C H M A L V. Allorney ut luiw f h and prartlco beforo 1'. 8.' tint Olliru a Hpeclalty t 0' Try H'dg. next door to P. O. Munis, Ort'Kon V I i h n .. II. li'e o li h i- il Attoi'iii'y-ut-l'tMVf ' I ut' Uttloti given to Collections r 1 'qi Estuto matters I 'Ire Intfuraiit-o Notary Public turns. Orogon , llltlTK It. KKHTHK ' Attoraey tit Lmw -y It'A 0ii-e Practice Land Scrip fer sale Valfc Orrwa J. nikH ) I (1 u H 4 S I Ott l?atf nurns, Orefta (i M c O L K h L A X r Painless Extractions Modern Duntlatry ESTRiVY y" Cattle 1 randed with 2 rar on left hip, 1" irked split lu for BALE 4 ton pltless Jny scalo, ft and crop off rv iiIhd cnttlo hearing the seal of tho Stute Seal raided S7 with h. r over top on er of Weights and MeaHitros.Prlca r rlb.s, murked 'dlt In right $00. Inquire at this ofllce. 4-24-tf. nd op off left. Ut rum: ono sor-' : r 1 work inaro bra- dod 7L on Ouy W. Cocklln Place In Bee's 23 & tin., and vented ou shoulder; one 24, T, 2 S R. 82 E Bouth of. Mddlo maro wlthh Btar in face I . iiln.l 1M.' inniliuiiiiil . nn Infl .n . I. 1 ; -Z : I i ay gelding and brown mare i randod 87 with bar over on Htlffe. - H J. McKlnnon, lov.'soy, Oro. 10 KB WARD Will ho paid for "the recovery of tho tduglo rootlug 'i -to with star in her fnco weight about 1000 pounds Und branded with 7 J K connected.-r-Mn'mlo j mond, Drowsoy, .Oregon, 4-17.. REWARD Eatrnyed from the, vicin ity of Wright's Point, ono black farm maro branded XX oit left nhouldor' And JHS connected ou right nhouldor. Likely headed for Buranlor range In Junipers botweon Potorson nnd B,gll ranches, but may stop north of Dunn fluid or on this old battle ground on Sllvnr Crook. 'Hold, notify or bring tr UuriiH. Suitable rewnrd. Jamoa II. Stowart. 6-1G . LOST LOSTBundayfteraoon, either on the street of Burns or on the road loading to the Hanley lane, a pair of spurn. Reward for return to Jaatea II. Stewart, Duraa. G-16 LOST Oa read hetweea Baraa aad the hridge la Haaley laae a leather aait caae kavlag J. L. Oarrett'a name ea It. Klader will pleune lea re at thla office. ' C-ZB FOR RENT NOW OPKN Rooming houne In Mary Caldwull butldlnir. Xln Clean bed. Mrn. M. O. WIdo.n. r3-tfj FOR SALE i FOIt SALE Cream neparator, at n,M- (contnlnluK 320 ncroH, moru or ImrKuiti.' tV M SalUbury. . e "b' , KOIt 8ALK--Work teim-nnd now haruenH. C. M. SulUbury. fi-8. j Attention Woolgrowcrs - 7 0 0 0 jncruH range lund, 400 acro4 under 'ditch 6000 ewea and 3090 Irimlm ifor Hale-Ideal location. WM. FA It UK. MILK AND crvam for nule. O. J Dent, Uurna Foed Bars, phone No. BHfi. 2-21 tf FOIL BALK 3 Inch centrifugal pump with about GO feet of 3 Inch pipe nad foot valve, nil lu good ' coudltlou. 100. Itiqulr ut thin oftlce. 4-24-tf. t 1 t TWO BTOItY, neven room residency, plaiitered, hot and cold water, buth and modern convenience, collar uud KaraK'f. in HlockGG. 3rd mldl (Ion to UuriiH, bolouglug to Mh. Knthur F. Schwartz, for Hole- WM. FA HUE The Robert CJIcn ranch lu Section t .!i:i. T. 25 K., E., for sale iitthe dute of tlris notice, which dated liiM).0O cjihIi. April 17, 1920. WM". IWRRK. , For Halo 12 horse-power Riusell I traction engine and hay baler, A bargain. W, A, Goodman. 1-3. i FOR BALE Tho ja'mes McManus ranch lu Sec. 13. 14. 10t T. 2C 8 li, it K nzu acruj, reuueeu 10 1 11000.00. Torms. WM. FARRB. (FOR SALE Te4d Cheek Protector, lactaa Statutard Typewriter. Fred WUJhMM, Buras, Oreaaa. tr. M A. JUW'VOK SALri A lUaKed -aupply af No. i rva pt aa gaa peu. naim at Gea. Hugey Wara or O. J. BlUla. tM. Wfi RUY, ntfae ad sell fur-hearlag rabbits, und ether fur-aaurlag aa IreaL). List what yau huve with us. gating ,.yaur lowest prleai ou lxiriie' lot shipments. The Fur ft Specialty Faming Co., G10-G17 N. . P. Ave., Furgo, N. Dak. "Tycho Bedln Rnhch See's 19 & 30, T. 24 8., R. 32 V4 K 100 acres 6r , fercd for 1300,00, Lake, l0 acres jwo.wv. h FOR 8ALB-Ouo Queen dressform; . . ...iiiiii.t. ittr ruin nnrl1 nun UIIU HUMIiUI -"'" . - small heater; ono Iron bod and springs; 3 Oak rockers; 0 loather bottomod Onk chairs; ono solid Oak desk: ono rango. Mrs, May Eggloston, Burns, Orogon. G-20 ' ,r WANTED i . WAN.TEDGIrl to do general house work for nmall family. Phono 1100 or write P. 0. Dox 246, Durns. G-8 BARBER SHOPS PHOMPT porvico nnd courtootiR troutmont will nlwuyn lio accord od imtroun of tlio Utu'itH Hotol Ilarliur Hho. llaths at any liotir of tho day. C. W. aiinmoiin. Prop. LEGAL NOTICES CITATION In tub county coukt of thk 8tatk of ohkoon for iiau. nky county In the matter of the entate of Ferd inand Frank Thoain, deceased. To AHauat Thoaw, Mr. Annlo Meyern aad Mrs. Caroline Haajtck, ailHRTINOS: IN THK NAMK OF THB BTATK OF OKKOON Yoa are hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court ef the State of Orecea, fee the Couaty ef Harney, at the Oaart Hoeai thereof, at Burn, Oretoa. Im the County of Harney on Thamday tho 17th day or June, 1120, at tun o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, thon and there to Hhow. cuuso, if, any mxIhI. why the Honorable 'William Ka"l'. .K.V...?' V.1.0 ""LS.0"',1' Hlinuld nnt tniiko nn nrdnr nilthnrlz j;IIK Bluj airoctluK Albort Oakurman. uidnilulHtrator or too uuovo onuueu 'otJtato, to hoII tho South half of Buc. 21, Two. 25 86uth, Kanso 20 K. W, liens ill iiwuui uiiiiwu niui 1110 inuui ui thin Court nnd nn by law required; uuti propurty bolni? tho real property belonging to the above untitled e tate. WITNE8H: Tho Hon. wm. Knrro. i JiuIku of the County Court of tho l Btnto of OroKou for tho County of Harney with tlio Heal of iiald Court afllxed this Oth day of May. A. D. 1 920. ATTK8T: Cheater Dalton, Clork. Lly C. K. Dlilmun, Deputy. XOl'iCM TO CltKDITOim In the County Court of tho Btnto of Oregon, for Harney County. In tho Mutter of the Entate or FraucU Parry Welch, 'eceaned. Notice 1 hereby given that the undomlgued hu heou duly appointed ladtulnlntratrlr. of the above named orttnto by the Honorable Dalton DiggH acting Judge of the County Court above named, and hax qualified a audi udailnxtratrlx. All pomonn Uav- lug clalmri UKulnut tho above named or ,ls nt itu ilro or byl"w to the complaint filed ugulnst inine So ..res..., he same .1 11? bov t,'t,,k"' or ?1 J before the last day of tho time pro-1 d no verified ax by law required, to tho luudertdkncd at hvr residence In ijurns. Oreuoii. within six months of JULIA A. SMITH, . Adiuliistratrix. 1st Pub. April 17,1020. 6th Pub. May TG,rJ20. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that ihn uudorslgncd has been duly appointed administrator of the entate or Nora E. Keatersou, deceased, by the Coun ty Court or tho Stato-of Oregon, for Haraey Couaty. All persons having claims agulaat said estate are hereby aetiSed to pre sent theai, duly verified aa by law re ft Hired, ta me at the oMca ef my at toraey J. 8. Cook, la Haras, Oregon, wlthla six sspnths from the date of thla aetfca. Dated this 22nd, day of May, 1980. GRANT KESTERSON, Admialttrator i i i ii i i i- .i i m urn NOTICE TO (rtUCWrTOBM lu the Matter of the Estate of Robert J. McKlBjHon, Br,, Deceased, Notice Is hereby givea that the undorslgnod has been duly appointed administratrix of the Estato of Rob ert J. McKlnnon, Sr., by order of tin County Caurt ,of Harney County, Oregon; Und has qualified us such ad ministratrix. All persons having claims ngalnst the ahovo named de ceased or Ills estatu are hereby not ified to present the same, duly veri fied as by law required, to thu undor signed at her residence near Van, Harnoy County, Orogon wlthlu six months from tho date of this notlco, which U dated May 29, .1920. ELSIE OLIVE CLEVELAND Administratrix. 1st. Pub. May 29th 5th pub. June 26th rr NOTICE OV HALE OK REAL PORPKRTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. William J. McKlnnls, Plaintiff, VH. . 9 Mott V. Dodgo, Heondant, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That uuder and by virtue of an order of sale mado and ordered in the, above entitled Court. and cnuso ot tho" 15th day of April, 1920, I the undemlgncd, Ilecelvcr or tho part' uemhip of Dodge & McKinnla, on Tuesday tho lut day of June, 1130, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of naid day, at fhe front door )f the Court Houmu In Durns, Ore gon, will Hull to tho highest nnd best blddor, for ensh, subject to tho inort--ages hereinafter described, till the right, title nnd Interest of uald pnrt uor.ihli' of Dodgb St McKlnnls of, In and to tho following described real property, situated In Harney County, Oregon, to-wlt: 817.01 Acrci, more or lesn, known an tho "John Garrett Ilancli" on Emlgrnnt and Hay Creeks,, nnd being the EMi 8WU! SWVi WU Bee. 14; SEVi See. 22; BWVi NW; W BW4; NWW NWW Sec. 23; Wtt HWS4 8o. 26; NH NWUl KVi NWU aad K BWU See. 35, all la Township SO Bouth, Raage . Baat. W. M.. Lota 3. 0, aad aad BKU NW4 See. 2, la Township 21, South, Raage 31, Rant, W. M. Together with all and singu lar the teaeaieata heredKaateata aad apparteaaacea taareuata heloaftac ar la aaywtoa apper Ulnlag. The ahovo described real property will b sold subject to two certain mortgages of record ngalnst said promise, to-wlt: A first mortgage lu favor of the Mortgage Company For. America In tho sum of 113,000.-! 00, with Interest thereon at the rato of 8 per cent, pur annum from Nov. 1st. 11)19, and n second mortgago ' favor of Jainoi W. Onrrutt, Trus tee, ou which thorn Ih duo tho sum or $4,000.00, with Intercut thuroon it thu rate of 8 per cent, por annum from Nov. 1st, 1010. Dated, Hume, Orogou, this 2Gth day or April, 1020. HULL HOTCHKI8B, Hecelvcr. 11 HU.MMOXN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. Jntuos Thomas linker, Plaintiff, vs. Marshall Hughes and Mary Hugh", husband nnd wire; also all other persons or parties unknown claim lug any right, title, estate, lien or Interest' In the real estate descrlb er In the complaint herein. De fendants. To Marshnll Hughes uud Mary Hughes, husband and wife, tho above named; uud all thu above named Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE shall, within thirty days from the OF OltEUON, you and each of yoUnr-t publication or this notice, rail are hereby required to uppoar nnd , ,,. , ,, ,,, ln .,,. scribed in tho order of publication rr,other effective meann said ground this Hiimnmiui. to-wlt: On or beforo, , , ,.,,,,,, cUt worms and the 3rd day of July 1920, said date, . , , , , .... being the oxplrallon of six weeks (Krasshoppers herein designated, the rrom the first publication of thin; summons: and tf you fall to so nus- wer. for want thereof Plaintiff will upply to the court for the roller de-; mnnded In tho Complaint, to-wlt: That you and each of you bo re- quired to sut forth tho nature or your claims in uud to the following uo- bo abased to such land, building scribed land: NWy WNE Vi.L,nrt nr Ano ,. ,mln n.l(, w. NBUSWU. and NWV48E Vi of dec Hon 34, Township 22 Bouth, Rango 31 East Willamette Meridian, In Har ney Couaty, Oregon; and that all adverse claims of yea aad each of you may be determiaed by a decree ef taU Caurt; that by aaid decreo it shall he declared aad,. adjudged that yoa aad each ef ,yeu have aaesUt or late rest la er ta saht la ads aid premises aad that the trtle ef the Plalatur to fd aad valid; That yea aad mmw at yea be far aver eajelaed aad debarred from as Kertlac aay claim whatever la ef ta aid iaada aad premises adverse ta the f laiatUT, aad far such ether re lief us to the Court shall seem meet and agreeable to equity, and for hbt costs aau auwurncRiBHiH ere in, .A.. II .1 A This summons !. published by, order of the Hon. Wm. Farre, County Judgo or Homey County, Oregon, niniln anil nntnriiil nn the 17 daV or May 1920, and, the dnto of the Unit publication of this summons Is tlio 22ud day or May 1920, J. 8. COOK and .1. J, PATBRBON. Attorneys for Plaintiff; Hosldonco and Post Olllco, I.nrHvOrego, HUMMONK IN THE CIltUUiT i (Min i w i tiri STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR-, HKi oouHTY i'etltloners. v Nannie Wald, Plaintiff, , Buoh b(J HCCorapttlllo(, Walter Wnld, Dorondant, by u good und sufficient boud to bo TO WALTER WAID, dotendant;- executed by one or more or tho potl- .Til?"13 ov'ml: 8TATfc tlbnors, with nufliclent surety, to bo OF OREGON You are jioroby requlr-i . ,.,..ho Cn..rt nni. made DttV. cd to appear nnd answer to tho com-.aJ,J,rovcd b the Court and made pay nlnlnt filed against you lu the nbovo !nble to tho county, In the Bum of entitled suit, on or bfiroro tlio InHt, $200,00 or sucti turther gum as tho dny of tho tlmo prescribed In tho court nmy (jjrect, conditioned that if tou:z o'bororo1';.',; ?' !,h0 p;m.inf7, be "? day of July, 1920; said date being; granted and nllowod. that tho potl tho expiration or six wooks from tho Honors, or porson executing, tho bond, first publication" of this summons; Himil pay all costs and oxpnnses that and ir you rail to answer, ror want b mourrod (Laws 1917, chop, thereof tho Pla ntlff will apply to, tho i " ' ' ra. n L nf Court fov tho roller prayed ror tu'hor or 20C, Pngo G89), By Order or complaint, to-wlt, for a decree of this Court dissolving tho bondn or matri mony now existing between Plain tiff nnd Derondant, nnd that tho Plaintiff have n decreo of divorce nb aoluta from tho Dofendnnt, nnd such other nnd further roller ns to equity mny pertain. This summons U published by or dor or tho Hon. Wm. Fnrre, Judge of tho County Court of Ilnruuy County, Oregon, mado nnd entered on tho 28th day of Mh-, 1020. Tho dnto of first publication of this jsummous Is May 20th, 1020.. Tlw, uaiu u inni iiuiiucnuuii oi iiu num- monu Is July LOtli, 1020. IIiaOH & IllOGB Attorneys for Plaintiff. Hosldonco, Ilurns, Oregon. NOT1CK T O KXTKRMINATH O It O U N D SQUIRRKL8, RABBITS, CUT WORMS AND OKABBIIOPRRS. Every person, Urai, co-partaarahlp, ceatpaay or corporattoa residing, on, owalag, leasing, occupy lag, poeeefui lng or havlag charge of t daaitaloa over any laud, building, wharf or dock Infested with ground squirrels, rabbits, cut worms or grasshopsjiorn in Harney County, Qrogon is heroby notified to boglu at onco to effective, son, who, on arcii ly exterminate nnd destroy nil nuci ailO.UND 8QUIUREL8. IIA11I1ITS, NvV NEUNW1,!, Section 28. OUT WOHMIJ AND OltASSHOP - PEU8. Formulas for tho preparation at 1 instructions for mixing the poisons host adapted for tho extermination of any or all or thu above mention ed Insects or rodents may bo had free or cost by communicating with tho olllco or tho COUNTY AGRICUL TURAL AGENT, at IIURNB, ORB. Tho COUNTY COURT has secur ed a large amount or Strychnine and Paris Green Oats and Dran and other Ingredients noqusnary for the prepar ation of the various poison mixtures. Communities desiring these pois ons may secure them In any amount desired at actual cost of the Ingred ients and mixing by applying to the County Agont at his oftlce in tho COMMERCIAL CLUU rooms at Ilurns, Ore. a ir any person heroin designated ,u " . . ,",H,,,U " :t,r,u,lcntu U,,d ,,Mlrosr' rAlnK to the method aforesaid, or by nuy county court or uarnuy uouiuy, uro gun will appoint a porson or persons to r0CeL.,i Wlth extermination nnd . f , rnunil HnilirPuio inradltatlon or such ground Hquirroia. , rabbits, cut worms and grasshoppers, and tho cost thereof Incurred will warf or dock and unless paid will become a lien against the same for tho extermination of said ground squirrels, rabbits, cut worms aad grasshoppers, The mast seaseaable time and meaner of distributing the potion may he determiaed by consulting with the Ceanty Agent. Thla aetlce la published parsuaat to the statata la such casa made aad prevtded aad . fer two ceaaecutlve weeks or three hieues, aad all per sobs described therein are required to take notice thereof. Dated and first, published this 24 iuv nt uav i aqn w L. B. McDANIKLB County Agont ror Harney County n NOTICE . Nntlin U herobv irlven by tho Couut UmtW.SEVi, Lot 1, Section a , Jow.- ,tlto following article of tho Road Law of Oregon will bchoronftor on rorcou. Paragraph 7. Uond Required of County Court Dated May C, 1921. CHEBTEIt DALTON County Cleric T LAND NOTICES NOTICE FOIl I'UHLIOATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICII. lhirns, Oregon, April 20, 1920. NOTICE Is horoby given that Kd- wnril If nnniimnlin. (if NlirrnWM. Orf- Adilltlotiol Homcstoud Entry. No. OD7I5B. for B V. Beet on 20. Town- shin 2G 8., linage 31 E Willamette Meridian, has (lied nottco or Inten tion to mako Final three-year Preof. to establish claim to the land ar described, before Register and Re ceiver, at Burns. Oregon, on the tad. day of Jaaeltaa. Clalauat aaaten aa Wtaeeaea: Charles Backas, Ernest N. NeMan. Clyde Easbree, aad Charlea V. Baa, all of Huras, Oregoa. V. O. COZAD. ReUter. KOTKCB Q FUB3HCATKBI UNITED STATES LAND OFKICB Durns, Oregon, May 20, l2t. NOTICE is hereby glren tha Al- ( boric Dondauw, or Wagontlro, Ore- .Townshlp 2C 8.. Jtnngo 24 E Wlll- ainotto Morldlnn, has fllod notlco of Intention to ntuko Final throe-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, beforo Register anil Receiver, nt Uurns, Oregon, on tba 24th day of June, 1020. Claimant names as WltnoAses: L. J. Addlngton, William Durgett, C. J. Woltcr, and R. Lincoln Hutton, all of Wagontlro. Oregon. V. 0. 'COZAD, Register. NOTICE OF PUHUCATIOX UNITED STATES LAND OFFICB nurns, Oregon. May 20, NOTICE Is hereby given that KfJIe C. Wilson, formerly Effl.J C. MIHer, of Llg Eddy, Oregon, who, on May 26, 1910, mado Desert-Land Eatry, No 047G4, for BWW, 'Section 9. Township 268., Rango 31 h. Will amotto Meridian, (North Malhear l.ako) has filed notlco or Intention to mako Final Proof, ny purchase under 3rd paragraph, Act Mnreh 4, 16 JG, to establish claim to tho lanR nbovo dOHcrlbed, Uoforo RegUtrr and Receiver, nt IlurnH. tnigon, on tho ,22nd day of Juno, 1920 Glnlmaut names an Witnesses: J. II. Henderson, and Alexander McIConzle, or Nnrrows, Oregon Charles Unckus, or Ilurns, Oregon., und Leo Wilson, or IUg Eddy, Ore gon. V. G. CO.AD, Register. (1818) Uurns 1G9 Serial No, 010868 NOTICE FOR PURL10ATIOX UniUMl' Htatcs Land Oftlco Uurns, Oregon, April 2Cth, 1920 Notlco is horoby glvon that the Northern Pacific Railway Company, whoso post of&co address R St. Paul. Minnesota, baa this 2Cth day or April 1920 fled la this oflke ta application, to select under the provisions of tho act ot Congress, approved July 1. 1898 (30 Stat. S97, 829.) Lot 6 Spr. 1. Twp. 23 South, Raage 39 Kaat. W. M. Any aad all persona clalmiag ad versely the laada deacrlaed, or desir ing to abject because at the MUeeal character ef the Uad. er aay eBr reason, to the dlacaaal ta appUaaat. uheuld SU their aSUavlts prejMat la thla aStce. oa ar hefere the IS emy of July 1989. V. O. COflAD, Register NOTIOK Wm ll'BMCATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Uurns, Oregon, May, 27, 1920. NOTICE Is heroby glvon that Wil liam F. Foster, whoso post-ottlro ed- dross Is Riley, Oregon, did, on the 30th day of July, 1919. (lie lu this (olllco Sworn Statement and AlU'llc- tlon. No. 010G51, to purchase thu Meridian, und tlio timber theroo", uuder tho provisions or tho act ot Juno 3, 1878, nnd acts nmendatorv, known ns the "Timber and sto-- Law," at such valuo ns might ' fixed by appraisement, and that, pur duant to such application, the laud and timber thereon have been ap- praised, tho timber estimated at 16.".Q fonco posts, 8c each, aud the la d 8112.00; that said .applicant will r fer llnal proof In support of hla ap plication and sworn statement on tho 2nd .day or August, 1920, bororo Riv glster and Rocelver, nt Ilurns, Ore Ron, . Any porson Is at liberty to prot'"t this purchase- before entry, or Iri tlato n contest at any tlmo before p.V ont Ihsuos, by llllng a corroborn"d aflldavlt In this office, alleging facta which would dofoat tho ontry, V. a; COZAD, Register