Saturday, Mny JW, 1M0. II E T I M 13 H - II K K A ! I) 11 U It N M . II A It N, K Y COUNTS, OREGON 'I ' m. it, 1 1 EAT With u s mmmmmsmmm It will Ims sanitary. It will be well cooked. It will be appetizing. It will be O.K. Others find it so, and so will you. White Cafe Nick & Marguerct Sasu, Prop. Old stand, Burns ' t'lATE TO CIjABSIM LOflTjjJ-A-fiaby'tt whlto umbroldorlod I pi m tho strocta of Burns, ; Vitllor bo flultabiy rewarded 'if rkiaroturnutt lo Mm. A, It, Olnon. 5-20, LOSTlW 9rd HiKO Kodak ill tliu laniunp nmu oi? mo utr.rpiuunt I Finder wUir'bu aultnbly rewarded ; IfjjfoKjto thlH olllco. 629 WANTED Quuntlty of soeond hand 1 & itnd 2 Inch galvanized plpo. J. 8. Taylor, Unvcrmil' QuraRoi 0-29 FOItKSALEJ8ehnffor plnno in good condition Mm; A. K. Htchitrduon. G-2B ,'I..1.,0 l-!uropV WaKiUn'n bunch or tinder, with every hrttlntV drondltiR thn time when nhothor wlll'npply thn torch. ' o 8 1 V. It I-1 N O tint I A I N T K It 1'nintitiK Auto I'autiu: 81rii mid IMo.lorlal I'ulntliiR . INTEItlOIt IlECOHATlNti PAPEHIIANOINO, AND TINTING StalnlnR, OrulnliiR uud MnrblluR KIltST CLASS WaUKMANBUlI' vHfc 1 Ho wlag, Pumping Water, HIGH HCIIOOIj BAJMN TKAM8 HAVE EVEN IIONOIW Tho Crook county IiIkIi nchdol biio ball team cama ovor from I'rJnovlllo lucompatjy wjirylbe delegation at toritilng tho ntockinori'fl convention nnd croHHed batH with tho jfarnoy ( county high school team on Monday nnd Tuesday afternoon. It' rained thn first day ad thoro wa .but few out to wltnoHH tho Bamo. Thoro wore but fli'o 'Innings plnyod that day bo cauHo of tho rain tho Ramo boltiR cal led nftho closo of tho fifth. Tho vlHltlng tunm wbh nucccHHfiil In thin, opening Ramo but tho followlnR day I tho homo toam trot Hh ntrldo and walked away with tho Ramo'. It In tfnforlunuto that wo nro nlt uatod ho far away from other nchooln that athletic, actlvltlDR uro. almof)t prohibited. It takoH mich a lonR tlmo to Rot to Ilurnfl from nny other RChool and fltich an oxpnnHo that It Im hard to not In touch wlh tho nthlotlcH It Ih hoped tho Prlnovlllo boyn may havo an opportunity to vlnlt ub nRain durliiK tho prcnont noanon. neflfl gonorally flndH that bunln own uro tho only onea of value WK PROMOTE LEGITIMATE I'HOJRCTS In HtUiHr, ntry & (Irnnt Ctanlln. We riiul Bren Par STOCK RANCH KS A LAK(JJ HARMS LABOR TRACTSIOR "COLONIZATION . W mttr ATTRACTIVK LOANS tt JNVKSTMKNTS Bur or Sftl. II Will I'y I 11 J.tJ CURRRY DRVRLOI'MRNT t AND IND COMPANT (MHI llnntlnrton Curt. Mr. 'V NUn IIMjt, VnU. Ontfk Tho wltio mnn llntonu to tho npln- PHOTO Studio ' AMATKOIt FINIBHING Devaloplng, and Priuting ' Kodak Kntarfccmcntn from Bnapuhota. Cabinet riiotORrupIiM Batlnfactlon Gunrantcod or Mono Hofundod F.T. HUNT Opon Hundayu Only In former 8ayor Studio WK mCGIAUUOE OH FOOD . Ita ahry lak. w Hnr writm Cmm Im t f Mm nfai M mntHt. W tommy lr. a jmtt rawrti m ftmr Solution-THE CLETRAC The Cleveland Tractor We will demOMstriite M BUKNH VIHITKI) I1Y AN AUtl'LANK KNGINKKfM HKGIN WORK uarsa bbh imr iui nri ayins , vg i " RtacklBM. One can in ro Port- a mmHi of tk Mlrtor. Bt thm land laat Sunday and waa Is avldU nyanay IrrlfatloR DUkHtt waa t9t tbe entire week, the UndinR field heW Wedaeaday at which tflW'tkW being aear the Wlllla StlrUag RMthorlr.ed the eaapleymentUf addl faria hoe,Jaiit east af toT, tiaai nlrl fMM in'Mi Into The machine made a remarkable thb rteld4ht 'once to work eut'aomn 'record comlnR in as it mado from',,, tnn deUllB neceaaary to compla ITortland to Tho Dallea In 5G mlnutea tlol or tno nVci.tlRatlon BURRCMted that bolns 15 mlputea Iohb than aiiy by Knalnocr Hammatt in IiIh report tfiftnift tutfrtHi. Lnnum lrnrii Tim . . j""-" ".v, .w... " or MMl wcok. DallcH to l'rlnovJIlo It wan but one 0nu torCti ot imn WU bo Ul0 ....... ...... u ........ .-w, ...... ..wu. !...- n(l ,,y Monday and will Blart work1 vlllo to UuriiH ono hour nnd GO mln- , ,,, lftU- r,tuurvntr uin. Tw T 1 V till IV B V psd "iVB. iMtlixr rriiu-H will hit mil. nt wnrlf lt T I fl V n.iflrAV lu tit.. nwiHti nf lli.i 'I'Tl Tl"H w I T I'l f t 1 1 I VVVVT I ' "7- - an noon n uioy can no Neoureu nun. maciiino ami u wuh puouui uy proorly outlltted for thy work. I N, II. Evami, tho youiiR man IiiivIiir, , , , n , 1 In. .1 i.rmv oviiiirlniin.t n n Innl tillril. ' Many of tho people of thin vlclnl(y t4t--4 H-r4t'-4 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 IM H 1 1 Ml It I II 1 1 1 1 I 17 AID DDTr17C PAAn CAOnC A GENERAL STOKE a far aaada tm Ymm eaaMa't pet Mttar valasa amywlMtre at aaytaiaur iiks uh i Iia E RE! ED General Merchandise UNI VERS At GAR AGE took riden In the plane, iwIIIiir over tbwn every day whlln It wan hpr;f The uharRo wan ?15 for 15 nilnutci.. Tho nownpaper man didn't that, nrlcu wan too much' for III limitedi mennn. , It to uuderNtood thu name people expect to return hero for Chautauiiua week when il Ih hoped tho price will, bu reduced o wo can all ride. , III.I.IK IS THK NO.MINKK k . ih'OH HKNATOlt I S. Geer & Co. lARDWAE Bulk". Garden Seeds-$ Onion Sets Etc. OI.ll TI.MK IIOUHK AND MITI.K MAN A'lTKNlW CONVENTION Col. il. C. Uallup.TifMe of thu .beat, Iknowtii horctt aiidvnWIe commlttalon men In thu entire Unltiwl BtatoH, who Iiiih been In tho bitHlneHH for n life time, wuh ainoiiR Iiioho who were, here for thu IiIr convention, Go!. Gallup wuh formerly located In Omaha, being the head ot thu I. C. Gallup Home & Mulu Co, Ho Ih now connected with tho Campbell ft Held ami WoHtoru Halo 8tnhloH Co. iiIho lie Iiir the reprofleulatlvo of tho 81. It n, a .Hourco pf pride and plean-' ,urc, tutho, pvopH of l(arney pouillvi ride na!(o itnd that their candidate fpr Joint Bonator- for laruey, Malheur and 1 Grant, countlea ban boon Huccdnnful. ' There ,were thre. anplranta for thU poHitlon. Hwovof then) from, VaK Jullen Hurle;, tho prenent icum but,; iind C,,.M. Cradall, formerly representntlvo of thin dir. trie J., Charlen W. Ellin, the Candidate from thia county In- reported to havo been eecoudMn the race1 In Malhuur county nnd his alraont ttnaalnoua vote In thlrt eduuiy overcome a blR lead Riv en Mr. Hurley in Gniut. If Ipn'ti likely fhut Mr. EillH 'WIll liavu miy, nppoHfou nt the (IoIIh at tho Novum- her election. 1 o ' ' ' STATE IIE.1I.TII OFFICEIC IIEIIE Have You Heard THE NEW PHONOGBAPH i-- CREMONA Plays All makes of Records Now oil Display AT REED BROTHERS The Rexmll Drug Store Dr. David N. Kobertf. of tho Slato Health Hoard, upuut a few day In our city durltiR the week. Tho Ren- I.ouIh Homo and Mule Market nndltluman held a meotliiR with th.o city Deeiing MowersRjajk; Binders and Hay Bucks Repairs Martin Ditchers Wiridmills TYPE-v ' )J 'KEROSENE z 1 BURNING Gas Engines Bosch Magneto Is' GROCEBIES; Dry Goods Shoes the National Stock VardH, of lllluoh, riienu uro the larRest liorKo uud niuln commliiHlon couveriiH In tho world. Col. Gallup expeetn to make hU ' heail(UitrterH In Nampu, Iduho, dur Iiir 'the prenent Hoaxon uud will he In thin territory froiiiiuutly HollcltlitR coiiHlRiimqutH for IiIh commlHHlon con. ceriiH. Ho atated In an Interview with a repreiientativu of thla paper that ho anticipated a Rood ntrong do mand for rauuu horneB durjflR the coraltiR aeaHoii, even moro fuvarable than lout, it Ih'IiIh Intention 'to 'have a apeclal train or raiiRu hornet, out ot Crane on July 29 for the 81.'' LouU AuRUnt 10 iiulfB.' The Coloiiel in alutod that we would see f better priced for ranR horaen eapectally fat Htuff, tbau for the pant aeveraTyeara, Col, Gallup will have an ad in the next i'iumu of thlH paper. nutliorltk'H and (IIhciihkoiI the health problquiH of thin community and mado uome utiRgeHtloiiH which will be followed JuhI uh rapidly a'- clrcum-, Htanceij will permit, I)r. Hobori; conferred with MIhh Howell. tin om- munlty nurse, and throiiRh her will) keep In touch with matteni in this county. 'j'lO ' A keen mind, a healtiiyhady and u willliiRnetui to do ahould. isaa te a Huccemi of any man but'll nfton HendH them., to jail iaHtefldiiuU' Yert, many people- acquire great fortunea honeatly. They are wlllod to then, Of courae, in the absence pf sugar w can always turn to our wtvoa for thu HweotneM our nuturea crave. You Can't Eat Bone YOU DON'T LIKE GRISTLE AND YOU DON'T WANT TO EAT TOUGH STEAK Buy Good Steak WHERE GOOD STEAK IS SOLD THAT'S HERE. O. -W. CASH MARKET Burns Hotel Building a Oltman & Withers . .... 1 i I i I II. .1. 1 1 , - ' 1 PM r. - . , 7. ME feome Specials Dress Goods Underware Silk Shirts Collars Gloves Shoes Belts . . ! Ties Groceries We sell everything to eat, Produce Fruit and Vegtables. : am .i'i it - i 1 hi 4 I 1 VALE TRADING CO. . CRANE BRANCH N. Brown & Sons