r 11 n t 1 m n f? ii m ji, A 1j d iunft, ha it n fit ooun tv O It K O O N n llBREN'S RIGHTS ' SppERMOST IN STATE Hundred Schioli Cities' i Oregon List Year Dui , to Teacher Shtrtage. r remimmUy needa teacher. ry locality are many peraoun who Biikc Kixxt truchorit but who do nter tli" prOh'HslAli. ' tio In cvury community there are tcr who Arn pintming ui leave to p'sewher ,ui icucn or u enior ir tiut tnfwilv becntiBO this teacher 4 . . . ...1 . I I -. the prrnoi. l wiiiioui iiumir in 0n t"l re tRli lit ahi ucip 10 mme uio ither slior There must ho noon of urso. TeaclKirn loach dtif tin ' u money. 1 noro musi bo m protection ngnlnnt the it con t'en Tor a now super ' ... l - I ... 1 ... ont I Hi" iR'n r.111 10 nun juh fibelr r 'I" at tiu xponoo or loom n. to bnllttli' them ho that Bui- nr.K In mlt-reapect. 0 ilii' rouuminlty know nliout It to anthlni, nliout ttT uo llin 1 of oach KPlmoi r.tiovv tlio urn cf the t-nehlng frrco? If they j,n uptodute, ni'onni'llphntl, gift ttiflif iI they encourage tier Mai")' ir ureases and buck hor '(stir iiihcnimiinuon . 1 many ttood touchem lnwo loft wmm.iiilty. and whyT That will the rluiy How tunny young p'eo tho would in.iko flno trtjrhcra are MtnPlliu oIh)' lumea !t Km n (lir h 1110 fires lit.ro -ip until : tht L JintH'rlnic dross nnd nil the AltnfM li It'll la itrlilii? home whim talent away freni homu Is vwi up, and then ae hnv.' rapidly utMchw shortage ben hie. a thins lit put Onion can remedy her condition by kt"'t&" for the Mnlll 11 .nontary wol bill, popularly known aa ta. 0 ttnj people have been urging tlio iitr on to greater production thin Ltea as a moann of reducing tho Slit of living. And thoro (hoy stop. ipptrontly tuny do not tnko Into. IwUtraton tbo'fact thnt the food iKnUtor l.x in reality tlio ono who rebblDR tho poor and niching tlio A In ordor to lino hla own pocket. It Is who linn dono moat to rorco Klcc of loodittutXa to nlwont pro- Withe hulhtH. ViTiat vru nt'td Ih an old tlmo curh ttbat Ih big enough and' cruol mh to bring tho Hpoculatorn to Lir knm nnd keep thorn there. DERAILS APPEAR IN CONGRESS HALLS JSSS yj HUT itine iivf.mii" 1.1 Wlngl nnd (h bolnR aupport- ifnr.ii mtfi Hmt ttia "nwrtprin 06 Hit hli'h coat of clothes to tt9 clown In this nlrturn In reHniin Upshaw of Georgia uomiiur uai or bouiii caro- I WUO hfiVn tnli-An vniva In wniv T&IU. on Nhnwn. until H f nt waics down, IT'S FUN WO KKH1 IIOUKi: Uh ju'at fun to live, nnd, house keeHi) In no drudgery 1 to ono who kBR had the practice hoUno training and course la uoutte. adtnliiHtratton kt O. A. C. At leant that In what Mra. 8. B. Kotaana, a graduate of 181, wrltetj to her Instructor, Mtaa A, Grace Joknaon. The way ahe kcepn tho houfip looking a big one of eight rooms fixed over nakett people" In qulro about her. maid, but Hhe has nono.' She. ddee all her 'owa work, lucludtng the family washing. And ltkon It, too. Yea, tho aubject furnlHhoa qulto a IHUo food for thought' for ono thougUt lit particular, that Amorlcri Ih not nuch 11 had pliUio after all, Tho country bocotncH stirred from ono ond to the otlinr. IluRlnoHn-nuf-forH, JealouslCH nro rntnpnnt, and Ufa long onoinlos nro cronted. Thnt in Kuropo. ' 1 a Now that woman hn boon given tho right to vote In many Htntcft, mero man Ih confronted with tho problem of inducing her to voto. o It pays to tako tlmu by tho fore lock. OtherwlHo It mny got you by tho nock. Granuestinthe World" He Sayi J. T. Hkky ftkUt Teniae Bmaum of Hi. Wife's RatRMirkaU RfKTwry "Wliat I havo neon Tanlao do fotj nay wue convinces no mat 11 in me grandeat medicine, In the world," was tlu Htalemont made recently by J. T. lilckoy, a well-known omployoo of Tnylo Mill, who liven nt 4023 Chicago St., Qealtle, Wnnh., In tolling of hla wlfo'ii recovery ellico' Inking Tanlac. "My wife htm boon In bnd Itctilth for over a year trouhlod with a had cuho of indigentlon ticrvoiiiuiOHri, hetidncheH and rhoumatiutn," contin ue,! lr. lilckoy. "tiho hardly ovor cared whother nho ato anything or not nnd when' nho did forco hor Holt to tako h fow bites it would sour nnd cauno hor to havo cramping pains, tins would bloat her up no bad that it prensed up against hor lungs nnd almout cut her breath off entirely. The Maxfer Ford Truck Attachment C. H. VOEGTLY, Agent Price $217.50 Delivered in Burnt 1 '.ji Note the big relief overload spring call and see one "Just as Man to Man" says the Good Judge You got a lot more genu ine satisfaction from a lit tle of the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the old kind. You don't need a fresh chew nearly as often, the good, rich, real to bacco taste is so last ing. That's Why it costs le to use jthls class of tobacco. St AMy msM wko usm the real ' - V Tomcco Chew will fell you that. Put tip in two styles y s jt ''Ay RIGHT GUT is a short-put tobacco , W-B GUT is a lonj fine-cut tobacco Save Your Eyes B!s. Kye fitrain aiusca'headaches, ftp rif a At a . 7"iumiuks anm oiner irou We. 1 fit tflafwi'K accurately ami KcientHicnlly. AU Wovk fiunrantced. MAUU1C13 SCHWARTZ Optometrist 20,000 Acres SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for Sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80- a Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon Ijor kIdnoyH wore badly tllsortlored and all tho tlmo nho wn complain-' Ing of a pain ih the aniall ot ner back. Bhb had rhouraatiam ' la her Etidon and through her back that gavo hor no ond of trouble and Made It hard for hor toC got about the house. Sho wan troubled .with aevere head nchoH and dtcxy apella and her nerves were no upftet that any little unex pected nolae would excite her. At night ebe wan ao reatleM aha could got but little aleep and an a result of all hor Buffering ahe Wan Irf a tain orablo run down condition. "Our daughter had taken Tanlac and it had helped her no rotnnrkably thnt my wlfo began taking It. It helped her right from tho ntart nnd t looked llkd it una no tltno beforo alio viia able to cnt anything flhe wuiited and digont It without tho letiHt bit of trouble. Tho rhoumn tlsm dlnnppcnred entirely and tho hendncheii and dlszy npo)J nro a thing of tho past, Her kidneys nro ir. good cnhditlon and tho palun In hor bnck havo about gono nnd tho norvouBiicHii has all toft hor. - Bho Bleeps sound at night and gets up fooling so flno ovory morning that It la an easy thing for her to do her houHowork. Bho has boon built, up in overy way and la ho much strong er that ahe looka like a ditforcnt woman," Tanlao Is Hold in 1 Dr.othors, nnd in Ornno Hums by Itecd Trading Co. Ladies' MonogramSt ationery Here Will SOMETHING Happen to make you rich ? A rich uncle may die and leave you a roll. , but few rich uncles have this habit t If you get rich the chances are you will first have to save enough money in order to make an investment that will pay. There are plenty of investments for the man with a little ready cash. But it is up to you to save cash. The best policy is to deposit a portion of your salary. A Bank is better than a hole in your pocket through which your money can slip away. Make our Bank YOUR Bank. CRANE STAE BANK CRANE, OREGON The Whole Secret o A Better Tire Simply a Mattmrofthm Maker' Po&rtW This you will realize once you t, try a Brunswick that a super-tir is possible only when the name certifies that the maker is follow ing the highest standards. For tire making; is chiefly a mat ter of standards and policies cost plus care Any maker can build a good tire if he cares to pay per fection's price. All men know Bruhswidc stand ards, for Brunswick products have been famous for 74 years. Formulas, fabrics and standards vary vastly in cost Reinforce ments, plies and thickness are a matter of expense. And these vari ations affect endurance. It rests with the maker how f af be wishes to go how much he can afford to give. For there arc no secrets nor pat ents to hold one back. To ascertain what each maker offers one must analyze and test gome 200 tires as our laboratories have done. Then it is a matter of combining the best features and building ac cording to the highest standards. Once you try a Brunswick you will understand how we have built model tires, regardless of factory expense. Yet Brunswick Tires cost you the same as other like-type tires. Our saving is on selling cost,, through our nation-wide organization. We realize that you expect more from Brunswicks, and we assure you' that you get it. ONE Bruns wick will tell you tho story. And then you'll want ALL Brunswicks. No ether tire, you'll agree, givts so much for your money. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDEtt CO. Portland Headquarters: 46.48 Fifth Street Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basts BBBBa aMwi8sSSmalak BBBBBbr BBNak ,3brB.bBuBBra E?BBBSBB' BSjS7!59BB&bTBL' Szv'A SBBvBSBBbt SJBBBVi fsflBsaLi!Bj tBV9'iL BYvEaVfaf BggflgSB' iKifesBaT BSflBBasM aaaaaaaaar bSjbh!bvAbbhbbb BBBSBBV .sHaaaaaaaar. DaBBBBtSBaallM Cord Tires with "Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Treads Fabric Tire in "Plasa," "Ribbed8 and "BBC" Skid-Not Treads. Universal Garage by Vnlu . A,lv Oflia- with r. B. P. Smith