v. 0 if?:" H;iltinlii,v, May H, Kio. . t," , iX. J. ' .I..,., In " "liJL" tl' i it vi ,ATTfVi?tr 4 mask - . .'4 1U 3". oacce 1 " w4zft''tff heir fruity ar bank -the other day arid iouna uii -someone naa ixcn ncr ravings oi UmrafBIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS. ,M THere are people io every commujjUy who ' handle their money in the same, foolisal.unprp , y '".d&veway. , fWi The money in the Fruitrjar wag Idle , It was Out Of Circulation , ,, ,It was Rendering No Service to Anyone -. MONEY PLACED IN BANKS: M 1.HI...L 1..H.t... . .... .... LI.V IIa. n i' i.iijiiv yiitiui nun nun nji iiuin inn iiurn-TT vTi hotna'iit Laweu Tttaaday. 1 ' ; . 'AK. Ulchirdjoiv ktifl ajoud to Tort iana toh; iiusinessj . .VT-. L . ' 'I i t .Is more safe and is a basis of credit. Adds to the stability of the individual, "'' the bank -and the community. .. Aids in carrying on business industries and the employtpent of labor, Arid, banks are reaching out to help the farmer enlarge his herds, im prove 'his equipment and increase production. ,vj. NOW STOP AND THINK ABOUT 1T1 'Boost yourself and your com- munity by Banking your Sav- ' . ing8. We pay 4 per cent compounded semi-almuallvy i.' t and you can start-on account FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR First National Bank BURNS, OREGON (i. .the'Bank That Belives in Harney County ftxtendpd btlnlnei' trip to Boattle'niKl otkor BortkirMi ptn. ll'fti. Hayes it iAind t hlii bod fl LI. . t. J 1 I . i. - ii iio mriu Ruan wiin nn aiincFi m( apotted ttirtoTt Ho In doing on welt Mark T. Ifonr arrived hnro thin. week rrom; l'orlinndv Mr. Jlanor If riri bid tlmtvfrlnd of A, X. TrmiROtt and oo mew to form a jmrtnornhtp with him In the real entnto buulnonA.' L. Ci Hradflold, who him Junk rc covi'red . from r noviro nttnrk of npottdd fovur, In ublo 16 ho out oil tlio Htri'utM and kohMp with hln iimny TrlomlH. Lou lind n hard time of it Unit In fiut runalnliiK hlH HtruiiRth. Alqho Moyorn, formtirly a rol dont of llnrnoy, dlml at Modford on Krlduy oP last week, April 30, Thin Information wan given tin by Mr. IJowor who Tctiw tho family qultii Willi. Thoy moved to Mqdfbrd lut yoor. , Ur Uki jlMgktiiri day t H4 -liJi ''Ml' WJ10 MIrh iho to WAD II erM an In I'ortlaid. wr4 mvm rvtaUrefl 1 K For aiGreater Harney County MIUNG PEOPLE ta rr tf tits a ttniir r laanAtil 4- viiah warns,; so ppaDie oi puanin mem 1 I LOCAL Otuii 8Umore was la town Tueii- dny. Adam QuorKo apent u few daya In ;"!Mr. ,Tlot'hMrJfi'6 his farm i,01, n thin clly durlnK the wMk u ,, 7 7 jKucnL oi roiaiiri't una irioiiim. .te. Mahon wu a.buiines visitor '. Toin.HowHnr waa'down ro hU mnK ta.we.k-. . . . ranch homo injar Htu-noy latrt. Mon- Ti' AUfn"ba8 boen In town this ik. nonry niackwcii has liuon In thin vicinity 'for tho nait noviral -;ayH looklnir aftor no mo huHlmiBB affair !io In buylnK cattle. , A. n. Olsen, of tho I'. L. H. Co., took 'kit-dpartre flaaday wi'ornlni? for' tattta ' whore he jcocm to Join kin wifo and llttlo daHghtor. TIk Httlo onV haa tin irlinaaly 111 for iwitral mtykn aidubl wan rnponnl ble for Mr. OUm .anala ,olnK out te Join tkem. ' I . f. Mm. M. Vlreovml t4k her dnpart ura Wfdnwday for Portland arroan paBliHt by hr IIMIa 4aicktflr, llaxal.' The trip was m4o t9 muhU wltfe rpcclallntfl rtw4ti$ the chlMn hualth, tke aftnr ffta of tho ln onta hvlnic hr In a bad condition and it U nxpoctd a dolkato oper ation wilt be noceiaary. i j X Mrs. L. K. McDalRftls' and bnr tw Hons. Jaelc and Huddle, arrivad h'M Wodniavy ovcnlsg tr7.r Walla WtUtiv 'Ht)iU thV.,wiro 4Ltho new ivaat. i - H Mr. U- yUfMat him aha.waala u;ateailt atr Mr Miaty iiaty Charley Davln tW fopreHentlnir H. T Vki'ckwell in purckMlng cattlu in atila.cauntry. W.fr8; Riddle waa In tbwn from his Mountain , ranch durlnK thin OwIiik t tk Irty, which VJH; from, iahathif . doqlro. I candld'aoy far. Jude,(to;tha a pcraoaal I m anhtk-ar WiWiff U the repuhllcaa .lakiv 4ar-ii pijia tkai If. la'aiar'sia' aaaia I will ef tha ..AiMtM ftHi all daWmanatal Hki haa of Z L. ' a 1 , n - y;-r V L ( . ' 9 ahead in the world as a Savings ac- niinf. -John Jacob Astor. eKJavc no hesitati6rt' about op .eriilW: a savings account ,; here with nW-oo: ) II. . , agtaapjl aaafl.' aji toMamaAaaaMalkL omla to Vmllarny cmbihiWT1i im nero tlmlTTo tako up his Hrvl -B.SS, HuRhea ban beoh Hfiloct- i-to kiVIb 'tkn' tra'duallMK addrAis Mny r h kffbthrKradf ctaftft on May It. L. Hnlni'S wan In town durtflK the weak havlni; comb over wJllfiK.' H. Urown from the fltolna MoMftlh country. tbwn thiH Week froni" IIib. .rniii.-li tr r 4 r " j ' - r T 4ttbnd a rajiiR of the 'dlru.nWs of he Irrlgatlou dUlrlct. , ; J. C.HnrrlH, Chief Klectrlclun, and , T. "Warner, C.'H. M wore horo for a ,fw daya during tho week on ro , , irttlRg uty for tho navy. They did BHiad atjy addltiopa (o the iiavyv B'rkfi' -I.I-... ' 'Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Cook, Mr, and re.-W. B. HuHton, Mm. May KkkIch. and Mra. K.T- Schwartz took tho ' L IT. Drown, tho Rtelns Maun. tain shi'ip Krowor, was in town ' pr la nw .days, during tho weak lopklnK : v u uuta iiuiii taint f .vaw aalll' property n Kmlgrant creok Mr. and Mm. A., .8. Hwaln hnvn i- Wa4aai4y had- ben up look- Kono.to .thq ranch homo noir LiiYftH 7' ,.attajr(hp bunnesH.pr.VKuttlnK tiHijwburo-ho wll( look fiftvr tho Irrlga- , .1 1 .2 . , I ,u.Jk.MM ... tlrin n till alnilr ' n 4 (rumiivnn iui mo nuiuiuiT run I ." ""v hum;, , 'JHdKo.; Grant Thompson 'wh inLf. Frank KoHtpr rnturmd homp.th'j roro part of this wiu,k from J.0jo(inlxl Arlzpija,. wmro ho uponi tlio wmler, He made. thp' trip p(fr'oiirLoij AVihirf In Dp C. C, Orlinth' rar, the latter a?ul family coming homo from thbr sojourn in Callforn.li liy Irulri, cod ing oh-by, Balemund Portland wbern thoy visited for a few days, Frajik, mot them at Ilond with tho car lifter. Leon M'. Urown of tho Harnoy County National Hank arrived home Monday, evening Jfro.m, Bke,r .'hero ho had been attending r meMlaieZof )lor high Hchdot clans and tho tho Masonic 8hrln6 order. IfSVlll -taachers on a pienje and fishing ex-1 many others wore initiated In tit -e41tlpn last Sunday. They spent , higher degrees of Masonry and ho the day on upper Poison creok whera! reports a very Interesting and pro r.a ne lunchoon was enjoyed, Hagojlltahlo time. Mr. Drown alatcd t)tat M4l..H .11... ....I I . ...1 I At . ' . - - uiniuruuii, ruca roupu clown uiaj a inun loan or Masons with all IJu hill but no Huh caught. Thoy nil -paraphernalia came up from Port ..fcd a fine timo though. Maud for tho occasion. counaT,N wltaliPY i dtlM. r Mrs. M. H: Ilowrr In dwn 'from h homy at Harney visiting 'with htn daughter, MrtC;, Loggan. Mrs. Ilowtr .Is enjoA'inr gopd health and state she wlll.kly spend most of the. summer In Ibis,, city, Sh Ip one of tbr highly respected pioaec wofBttii of hU section and, 1,1 is with weaswra ni friends learn of f m ijfnilon'' remain be(p for the aur. W . . J. bbrir 4 what IMWk.'M Mil) ",; ' Hffiney County ' Kr -National Bank L 'OWPSTATES DEPOSITARY ( KOMa-COMB Aaeoa km. I Mi for tor aaica- L. Blott 5-l-2t. U ovrreftA iirk color M in It wak'Wft ii the Com- Jli.L I i il rQ : yoangfr tm iiiflg. isiHt'ir.fK trio iiiua.r I A eh 04 with nMM ti aaaraUl dihL hih aehl art iMbi. .Tke owner Laave 'thW eV. 4-17. .Whan akk Ip,tf ...KJM?koplUl. CM IwmmI 'skry ftliiU taterler imauiit'iuruuiauku . I-- TTm v" K04 tj eatl anal aaa tkaaa , TOCKrRANCiriiimKT 1' Mat mar OfWCjT AkaTVMi OWa Try Flrfwtane Oerdn. ' rsi W wlM aa & jfc 4rv? V Wm. Fi ivj.a. iMaawiM are uuw i aaaract aaair'UTiwtow'.ti I laarairy Oaa4r the raav fainr mm om. UaUagji aaa yrMl.th'kfffi' .hrfotti arw- i. LADIES! We have juit receivedand have on dupjay a fine asabrtraent of the very latest in eveninr, and street drMtei. . beautifully designed and artis . .fJf .orn"ntd with beads and other 'touches of trimming to meet the needs of fem inine fancies. A perfect fit Guaranteed. Prices very reasonable. Coaae in and see them. BURNS CASH STORE Levens Hotel Bldg. it . , aaaaaalak ' aBBaaggggagghagB, afBJBBBaaakff . T' f in?aeejappsjiafl agggaTgW - 9a1" iLPI I 1 H ' :. 1BBBBBBBBBB1 aBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBT III IS1 LaaLLLLLLLLV I laHaaaaMKiaHHHiKBMBatt 'fw . v. iv ."aaaar aai -mmmrn aa i jt v ' r . av .air i 1 9m .c it HaaMaW )2aUaaaBBBBBaiaBBB I V i . ix i . a; va- ii"''V"iJ Haviigr watch ovfrlmiikd. Htai t 1771 ' ,Cnl.,'jw 5. tho oKTOodt to.tkkliiK, K't lat old ; ; I ,LJe J, f! . jileco of Jewrl' in Wearing order.. J -i f 3 1 1 jiiiTo jour oyoa nttni to ilnming A . alHIIf L( .MajMH Jeweler, oiitlvlan. V L.J ft - t rX: r li' w ra n m it? x' : f Ili f I raWWS DEPARTMENT a i in f.-uiM i ii. a i ii l i aaai . mi it Jji aUgngBJgflJfiHBalinanPll nan w.fan n..i.i 01 j teta fris 4mo 5fai I. R. 8CHANNO WMHILL. O. 8. rKTEl80Nt Praps. 'i . ' AUJFmrm Car k KV;; ?0:, MAKING REGVLARCHEDVLE L . u-r vu.m Spec 11 attention iiveii Mtssenrers PeihabIcjroodifExpreMjor Wy freight shim v t 'vjsuciiu ui our care trivcu oroniDi aiicniioa n. HEADQUARTERS, REED BROS. DRUG ST( fgjjJf 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 M ,H a M I ' I 1 1 i I H t I II HI BY BJING QUALITY 4 t I There is a difference ia skoee, Tke shoe of ox looks geed when vou buy it, and retains tke appearance " araality as long as you wear it. "The "cheap" .shoe looks good when you buy iM tmj in m. tuuri nine, ana a wrecK King oerore you ' K r a ', That is tke difference in ahn r.j and there is difference in the shoe than there is in the price. A GOOD shoe will last twice as lone as a " aad a GOOD shoe does NOT cot twice at much one. Figure it out for yourself. ' See us tor GOOD shoes only GOOD shoes at rt "f" BRATE price., TEey r the' season's beet it t in mmm.w pcic rre). we we jchoss) these and , papular make. " " STORE Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. . TMiiiillmnininM'"ii","miimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii hhiiiiiiiiw