J 9 ' A V V ' THK X 1 M K 0 i h i i i'i i M K It Ali I H V It N 8 , mar xm Maiurday; May 8, imo. kU I ''1 - Mi) tmy r- -? i Hk TK Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Hamey CUftty. SitlAN KYRD . . ' ' 'kui&r '.tf . art . , V'' suMdurnoH luyrtii HatuixLr My s. itno. The proposed KooMV.olt Bird Kof vuv bill which is pUblished in tills Umo of thQ paper in rfriothor attempt ni the part of V. L. Flnley and his l,ld to disregard tho rlnjhts of tho zeopla In their effort to foster a dream thing. Tho bird rofugo Is a tfno thing ho far as it room btjt it r.aouhi not bo permitted to atop thy trogress of n big country or Inter-! standstill for the put fWyvsarsand during the war ihrtleAi or Harney county prospering as did othor coun tlefl atid communities oft the bis pro fits created, by, tlieVafnnWTlTfM bRckjclW then haVo iiot even held' their nrnifii tho Htt-MlTKle, CjriunU 1 1,' m. j..a.' .... i .iii stancelWe'-been adch thai ns in (bin county linK profited, by the war. It has lest, In PfpkktW W oiforad in the forcer centers 'anil those whd we're hot making milch bu their homestead and farms, or who woro receiving thn usual wages pii tho ranches, went to the ship yards and big manufactt)riMg qohtera. Now Is the time for these people to re turn and they aro going to Just an soon as they And It Is to their best Interests to do so. We have bad fc few cone back already young men who were receiving' who found It wum more profitable to work out in tho country at n loss wugo nil (hey could Bavo raoro. Th; mind (hat we must be big enough to carry our part of the load. I. n i Miss Delia Vanilernobl I)lw-.Wor,d ' WMrreeelved to4ay in this city of tb$ aeain or miRSiuiJnua vaaaerpooi wxt iiiAMMU Un Diego, CrXS whertfjihe.wesalwithtber mother fr her be'aUlti After being there a short jtllfce site bad the Hue for the second fiwb aad difld April SiM was born at Barns, orefM sepwmiw.zi, if a" came te The Dalle With her, pur (tatsj'in 1111. They 'amoved to Hart-, land, Wain., In 18 IT. There Is Jeft tO mourn her death, her wether fend father, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Vand'er pool ne brother, Jesse Vanderpeol, one sister, Mrs, L, C. Moe, also ot Itartlaiid, Wash,, and another sister, Mrs. L. 0. Mee, of Henry, Idaho- The Dalles Dally Chronicle. , ; Mro with tho dovolopmont of a tur-.mino In rolng to provo true of tin iltory thut Is neoded for ngrlcultur uinit who has u farm, or othor intor 9.1 purposes. It Hhould never bo al-, cats. twod to make a swamp of an area of j T,u rrgftlou projoct miraullne r.nli land and a desert out of n lnrg-'nol ony bomo folk ,mck ,mt (T area of tliu same kind of noil Juit now people. Oilier thltiKS urb koIiik w Kimuy ine ammuon aim uuioy oi t0 fl,How th(, doV0l0pmont. It I aen who bavo no Interest In lrac-;g0(t to ,,rnR n,,out othor ,lulUR. ticaly conunorclal things. That's ; tr,H ..... ., ullrflC. ,lom,lu -ml be. a ra..y happen should this bill bolfor ,0)K WB ro not only g0,nf , ed by :he people of Oregon. It'httVn our forni,,P r.,denU hone but voted I.H.kt, Innocont enough on its faco a bjc ,ol of peop, , UiM9 tor that bill bus teeth that would, there , gQC te tki to brnK tnMa a big loss to Oregon and h-tBe8. We do not need te couldr " erM " ss- trt-.l tkl tar kv will t.V nf . t . . . . a - A - ms 'i ijn now aiiKKemra riq piacc ,bo,u.,v ln (h. --,.-- .Jlu.t. W4t AAsil4lA iA taaJ k mam ' ;.B,nr the control ot- cranks. 'i fact It would stop the ftricatten of llsurboy valley, and make werthleaa f hnndrcds of thousands ef acres ef Imd that oUierwUe will be support ; Ing people 'and many livestock. Mere oi this Inter. ' " "Who n one cottHlders tho groat pos ibllllles of this blK'eouutry and oh-t-orvort the trend of tho times, It Is 'apparent that tho time Is fast appro ! uohliu: for u chaiiKu in tho tldo nud cUlnjjH will bcRln coming back to us. : Tula Ih tho- case in respect to tho I wuather conditions and It will be I (mind ho in tho proposition of dc- order. We are going te hare aaw mills, railroads,' alfalfa mills, devel opment of the' agricultural rescoureei, of the eountry and this will mean more people, it will mean greater prosperity for it brings Industries that will attract nioro pooplo and thus add wealth and population to tho county. All wo need. to do is to work for blki;ur things and not allow our selfishness to Interfero with un dertaking thkt menu tliu advance ment of -the country. Keep things moVIng in tho right direction. Humombcr each has (his JAilDlNK NKW DIllKGibll Tho stato experiment station ht 0. A. 0., and tliC seven branch stations in tho dlfforout Oregon dlslrlbts, aro to have for director Jamos T, JnrMIno ii research spoolallst In tho U. 8 de partment of agriculture. Ho suV oeetln Dr. A. li. Cord ley, who bn.i served as both dlroctor of stntlon work and dean of agriculture over Hlnce JaincH Wlthycombo "withdrew lo flllj. the governor's chair. Thq school of agricu'ltare hKs krown to ... '...,, . . ....... i id man meiaoers ana sob ainaenis, 1 A. ...... 1 1 . . . ' . ana ie Riaivn wotk naa it'o fr, tended until each require ib. elre tine ef an administrator. ' i . . . '41 The new director baA.tho bestefl training ana a lenf ana rhccwniiw eiri)Bce In general ini UvWojp rorm leadership, l;e will begin his now duties abeut July 1, ' .jimt MilAlM riiWft iiyrieady to meet Atjn fs i " rVA ffMi&Mfo alwayi dttffis far forcuirtdmeni as, Xr -sM-5.J?2r Bought for cavth 'at imnmUirUmi fate your trade so'muclf that our trade marke ,is ft - r " T.")rJ4 l .wrnTRNS CASH STORE w., It Is. t'jlopment. We have" boon at u'part In this big work and keep in f. i ou Heard 1 V I THE NEW PHONOGRAPH CREMONA Plays All Makes of Record Now on Display AT . REED BROTHERS The Rexall Drug Store 7 & gSfa The first is difficult to eoncew, the second appears Impossible of attainment, and the latter ht nn al ternative to he dreuiled and shunned i Two facts stand out ns'lear ns money will not relinquish his ad van day. Tho man who Is nialjfiiK th0 tune, and tho mnn who Knot making it Is determined to havo It.' (mi Roits Neassret FaVraby.RceiYetl r nTmr it m m -m.-z -. i. must aanawrim 'iny tt r,vw " -m ' -1 -- ' ' 2 ,r rMNI'1 '21 i s. now divided Into three unfta, each Tie having a snlor 'ln'6laf. Tho I rimi i i 1 1 mi an in nil ir kiiu ball, vol j " - I ! MJ . ( , f. jley ball and 'other games. Chief Electrician Harris U. 8. N Next Sunday Morning, May M Mothers Day" will bo obncrrc6 it . i ' I ine sapiisi uourcn. a special KM--ti'.llt J'';..... ... iRoo wiii bo preacaca in nonor eTMrtl ana anew year myect ror vtaf 6 (Contlnaad froi InliTri uudy'd' -JUNK. OIMV Joyed Ja8t.lRai4ir& b( of the unci -ftfra, Mrs. Kggleston and Foli srlteIMI(fi Nary, gava us a verV Mterettlnf tali preb)em of taking up these deadly ' J 1l,' T , , , " T..N:T.crrierataolrml byanAmer. TTl fK' Uxr lean Naval Officer, and the resulting Xi.djy, kJJ tedloHs sweeping of the m'ine Nelds, ' . - formed the. main burden of the talk. The Sophomore party of, Inst week, ' I tendered to tho Freshmen class' proved a success, In spite of tho Weather, Woonlos; buns, marshmal in grnln-rulslng, dairying, hortW- lows andv "copious"' quantities of ture stockralslng, poultry protw 0. A., C. to the J Oregon Farmer coffee woro consumed. ! tlon, and other branches of agrkil'J The baseball squad Is working out.turc' Bavo i lUU MA 1 'page f ) Columbia Illver, The Dalles-Cullfor nla. Mt, Hoo Loop and'theH'orvalr llsAlsea nud Waldport' Highways. It nia'y b rtpUllly sIhiii that every count v In tho statu UMhterMtted and .l.V J. -hi l.J l... . . . iwftl - ... . i in hi M IfcWifiii Ban I li mnurttir.l TrXJ - ' HTtKtTCdok on. cvory day now. Prlnovllle will bring wrrtH rehldV5iaf bdW.' niWGHMfa, pack- ed 4mwm ahksi rshL do mdl In considering the meaiurA. '"ifX?' . J i . Iilrnur" ,.rthQ Oregon. Hosds and I ov-lop-' . ,. m yfitfJSLZiiih want AHSoclntlon, of which V - - t- - - - .. dtk! br MffiUMeir;,weiri ) t mi liaiimsi waiting T',f cOhrcv nnvaiiVtiV iff.' jfi mrs? "v t iarlv; Hniliiain Ctwmv Mar. u "a" helptrlng jichool, builf JJ,th nI.ii W4. Wkewi Und home Into vital contact, und;i ja nnniiavin wa a vninnuf in a vniuu '9 , timtlv Inmmt Ts receiving P1T' letters1 cemmend ,MtlMjf iJttWi o prMosed rfonstmitlonal,,, iinmidnient rafBuK tint ""- - -. r tabar' liuffihnlt from., to four pAcnit,. 1 AJfcj&te Ws.tMo' vry "TJils nni.MHlmentv r.idlrw!iio ad best'tlpatK)ifJii lOTV.r. I dltlonal taxnMi whatever." snlt. T),o Atoma) iWu.bi:'a r- Nelson nqnoy.if.Kugno. "As soon coptlCa fo"th Sonlot' on tho atf.llie pooplo realize (hat their prop' erty will' no stead a posslbl pl reallzu that their I'rof-1ve,JpAf:V!hvrtnO, ytfoSrlll nl not be taxed but that In 0 KlvoV 'HSVmV" f" sslblo levy, In tho event of Ul ComnHvuuwnHMt eiVruUeJ Jay 20. Thd Haccaleattrento sermoli will ' Ktfl-by;ttirliIWvjf.'a. Hughes. llvV.-". 'ii .0 . )il-. Iff .1 JHE VN1VIXSAL C 1 - i. ' i Kir. Farmer 7 Dp you Unow that you can opei-ate 3 mowers. successfully with' 2 men and a Fordson Tractor? " . " ' " Let Us Prove It Why not bring your light and heavy welding to us and have it done with acetelene? Nothing better to, keep away a dry summer thanthe Typo Z Engine. Our Stock is Complete. In our repair department we use nothing but genuine Ford parts and these, with experienced Mechanics you must have to get first class work' done. .When other electric lights f4ilypu,,can'8ee .Delco Electric Jights at . ,. - Burns Garage over a snappy outfit aid welbope.fo.rj ciosoiy contested games, lcememoer the dates May 24th and 25th. x n . WK PROMOTK LKCITtMAni rnojMrrs In MaHitar, Harrwr unM CmMIw, HTOCK KANCUM JL LAKCK FAB MM LA NCR TRACTS Pttlt COtdMIATMN ATTNACTIVK M)AN A rNVgVfMINTS Saved Oregon more than Hfjkh'er Erfiiration has ever coet rra Its very beginning In Orefeail auction, improved quality or pro and helped keep down tho I 'farm; garden, orchard and field. " Like the State University mutlef In: HiMr4Jiw;uRyjA(n of -ML . Ml . ' t kAf PHGJp Studio Develeptasf und lMnilng . . Kodak KHlMnrweiits frouiSiupyhotrt V ' t'ablnc ' Ifhotogr.iphs Satisfaction (iuaranteed or Money Unfunded F.T. HUNT Open Sundays Only In' former Sa)r Studio r helped demonstrate that Hiffhcr Edttoition of dir 9 help to the Country Distrlfi Hwt hlkfkrr rdnratlba is Oirgea cHpplrd by grrut larrraMH la anvc, by lark of buildings, by Uiel rn buylBK powi'r of the prcMrnt! support', and hy tho failure lift mUlitKo Nupjort to kvow. J You ur respectfully urged to for tho new milliiKii support bill May 21, tho Higher Educational rcl lief measure. S Paid ktWrUmn Uitrrl'rd kr Colin Of I kKU ml lk Mat AK nml KUW ComaifMl HlRltvr UutctUn U OniM, 114 rilUckl I ill ' ' . rf. .w. .. I U vv.. El f 1 bummer Months Nfti us i4 xmrH ( WATCH t OUR WINDOWS " f! I I r' Wis J?or Two Weeks Only .' n i " .'TiT j Ttji- ra jDeinnin luonaay, may xyu Malt Syrup 2 1-2 Hi can California Dried. Grapes lb 75c. 25c. h t Farmers Exchange 4 A. OTTINGER, Proprietor Burns, Oregon NATE FRANKLIN, Manager 1 a-j 'i. ,i ,s1