T II H T I M R H - II K n A Ti 1 n U It N fl , II A It N R Y f'OCSITV, O It K 0 O If Hfdur'liiy, Mny l, ifnn The Times-Gerald H Ttm Lrtrgeit CJrcuUtlen Of Any V ' , NewjMiper In Harney County. JUK.1AN HYRD Manager SUBSCRHTKN RATES On Yr . Months i.i.ii Tln MooUui in 11.00 . i.oe .. .71 Hat unlay, Mny 1, 1020 AUJST WK TAKK A HAND? With tho tabor unions striking everywhere, and potlcomon nnd flro inrta getting luto tho gnmo, nnd every nws oIho demanding uioru pay. It tIU booh bo tlmcfor tho pronchorn "to lay nftlriu their blblud nnd tho ed itor to dl.tcnrd their ponella nnd nil join liiuidx in one grand runli for ithnrtor bourn nnd tnoro gold. Tho country don't want to bo to boll, nnd .it would htivo a hull or a tlino got il along without itn nownpapera. ", wo may hnvo Iq take tho plunge oven yot, wo edltora nnd pronehorn. Thvro'H very llttlo xport to bo hud in l'aiiiK tho piper without being able to dunce. o KHItlGiVnON 8YKTRM (MN'MTUUCTIOV HIMI'liK. Ion Including hnt, middy blotwoH nnd drOHHOH, An exhibition of tho flnlahod pro JoRtu will bo arranged for. Frank Loggan linn roturuod homo, nnd 1h looking moro cheerful. It will tnko a llttlo tlmo but Frank nayd t. ..Ml k ...I.I. .... oil ' nonr llakor, whoro tho noeoHidty nnd importancodtiltirPlfejRtlon In constant ly dotnontitratcd' to" him, nnd In uho tho owner of n lnrgo ntock ranch which ho In operating. in IiIh campaign ho promlnoit to tnnko n flght for Orogon'n ahnro of r....l.....1 ..ii.1u l. tl.n Trimuiirv nt Mm lin'll tin wIMi lln tlavf fall nntlon, which up to thin tlma have Oeorgo Jlughot' Is out for tho flon novor boon JUHtly nnportlJfftoV; Ho'Hoh? WKh(h' attack of Inrtnmntory promises equal rights to the public, rheumatism. labor and capital, nnd tho dovolop- Holeu Uoodtow Is also out for n mont of Irrigation, in I no and tlmbor tlmo unci or tho doctor's order, interests. I o Ho 1h n man of middle ago, vory nggroRslvo nnd nblo, nnd had a sou In tho recent difficulty In Europe. IIo is creating u favorable Impression wherever ho goes, and wo prodlct that ho. will bo nmong thoso present whou tho votes are counted. H. (J. H. S. Notes GKN13 SOllWAllTH HUIIV IMCKKN80N JUNK IMM'ON GLADYS ilYIU) '211 21 88 '2U (Ceatlaiatl froa page 1) ;bb directors ha to had u scsaion und tllscussod tho project In this tcrrl- I'linil I...V.. n.nlll.ul I... II...I. .1- rtu Hchwnrtx, Huston, Cook hnd Kggle Tho Hophomores hnvo had quite n busy week. Plans wero made and carried out that rando their "weonlo" "cootlo arithmetic," party Friday a complete lueceRH.- The lined ns follows: American Legion News While this paper Is going to proaa n largo utuuber of tho Huron boyu are on their way to Crnuo where they wilt hold a l'ont mooting tonight. Wo hopo to favor other sections tlrln summer. A-L Mnudo llalllngtou llooth told an uudlonco of soldiers nnd juillors Homo( Unlit irtrn Hint wlilln In ."rum... aim . Cat. had leurned tho llrst prlnclpnls of which shu do- We Meet Competition We are ready to meet it in Competition doesn't scare us. everything we sell. ' In quality of goods. " In price of goods. In aervice rendered. In courtesy extended. , In fact, we are always ready. tq go. as far for our customers any-other firm in town arid theri some ' We can do this, because ' We have the beet goods to be had. Bought for cash at bargain prices. Our salsemen are instructed to satisfy you We appreciate your trade so much that our trade marke is "THANK YOU." Gents furnishings at the old Williaim-Zoglntann location BURNS CASH STORE Watch Ham drew Watch Baras Grow -A-I outing, hold In "honor" of tho "Krosh" was attouded by a greater portion of the school I Sunday morning tho Senior cIurh with! tho Faculty nnd Modamcu They add to your troubles, They subst'ract from your pleas urea, They dlvde your attention, They multiply like hell. A-L Many people refuse to consider the that rallrcHid wreck jay. tvlfo find I woro In." . Hecond lied. "Goo. Out you told mo you wero net hart" I wasn't, but I had tho First It. presence of mlMt te kkk my rlfe la the face." A-L Remomber May 17-22 Is Meata ship week for tke Legion. Kitn service man te be la y that time iH nake oar prgaaiiatloa a. real powtr.; ,i.. iii.ii. . , Hton will dorort on a flsltln' trip. This ; : ..r " u"",0,"-vwo,,:pnrty will go in auto, to Spring appeal of. service men for govern., r " ""- 'creek. mentnl aid anything but "Oraft. OWIJX l J0.NKHFOli CO.VGHF.Ss' 8ni" nrn p curtain to be These same people, however wero J , " ' , hcrd--"the ono that got away I' Perfectly willing to strike for a dol- Klxuwhoro I s Issue npponn ,,,r H" ,,our 0,Khl hou'' ,,,iy' tin nnnouncemeut of OWon K. Jones ! From nil wo can gather tho I'rlno- olio P'O for overtlm.', elo. while Of linker. Oregon, who Is a candidate vlllo High Hnseball Team will oppose we wero uomg i nours siraigni lor The government suggests paid' up 'insurance, and ths would prove sat isfactory to many with famlllet that are now hard prested to keep up tnelr premium. A-I A ulr.lrkl niivmiint nt 11. 3C a duv for each day in service added to tho'l UMIIM ' ft. 00 received, mnnns n augmy small wage compared with tho min imum of 0.40 grunted to ship yard workers, et ul. j A-Ii ' Tlrst Hed. "I got ?G,000. out of FAIR PRICES - - - GOOD FOODS for Itopresontatlve In Congress from H. V, II. 8. In n two game series io "' 'lH'r and talcing n rhuncn Agl lCUltlU El UOl rfni.. ,n...-ii i.... f . i .m... )..i. i nt tin. Pnir LToimilrt Mnv on living to 'enjoy tho dollar. " .i.n iiioiiii.i, wijiuniiiK i'. J. OIIIIIUI , - : . f -r a .of lege, btate univer- sity and Oregon of Tho DnlUm. 21th nnd 25th. Our -A-!, demands of cohgress i. .,.., 1. 1.. ..i.. i... ... .1... i Hur Imvrt iirii nrnrl Irlni; hnrd and X I.. . i V... ..r .. V, o, n. nr America la nut for additional mon- Tieiiuhllmii vniim mi m fn,. iimt im hone to runder u good nccouul of .... ..v , ' ,. . uy, but Torn r hnnre to earn u'llvlng uas boon over tho Kustern Oregon themsehes. , ' ,. , . territory for many yenrs pnst: ho Tho Domestic Art nnd Millinery ... . ' . , .... ... . . c-vns nnd oporates nu alfalfa much clnsnes have completed several artlt I Have You Heard THE NEW PHONOGRAPH CREMONA Plays All Makes of Records Now on Display AT nt home nnd fattened up their purnon nt our expense and still hold our Jobs. ' ' ? A-r. Vt'S, we got u HO. 00 bono.1. It ilurn near bought a llfteen dollar hiiI Normal Tchool classes nro no overcrowded, rooms so qverloadcd, nnd teachers so few, that tho three Instltutons Mill hnvo to, cIoko the dtfor on nt lenut 1000 Ore-, THIS IS A GENERAL STORE -feut WE SPECIALIZE ON FOOD e lit always a fntr weather price In our bargain department for grocenei. Come in out of lha rain of profiteers. Wa have an umbrella with no lead in It. It ic poeketbooo proof grocery buying, and Si our oppor lurrlty for a Juit return on your money. 8ee mmr ample far maac t anler salts. Ya cnaNn't g;et hetter valacs anywhere at aaythln like the shtIccs. L. E. REED lAMAainl lieTAMAaUaMdllaaata I ai XYAvci. aica.aaaaU9 i ?TMHItHHHMtlKI IIMIHiUHIIH of clothe. Wouldn't kick If there gon boys and girls, nnd perhaps up hnd been two pair of pants with thai 'on twice that number next fall, un less tho new mlllago passes on May 21. support bill REED BROTHERS The Rexall Drug Store suit. I A-Ir I What we want Is for Connriyis to loan siilllclont money to bulldsomo of our Inrgu Irrigation projects.. loan iA sulUclent to build a shelter-and nocuro tools to work Wfth nod wo will repay (he loan and enrich tho na tion, "wi: Want a cianci:.'' Af Kor thOHii that live In cIUch we de slro a chance to establish a homo. - A-U-n I Many prefer a college education or vocniionai training, we reel una i. pur cent More Income I tho Government owes It to uho ss wo , ., , . , . ,. I I he fact that higher education In donated two years of our I ves n our , , . ., . , ... ,, ' , , . J Oregon Is in a cr sis cunnot bo sal 1 uiMi'iiiiiitMii nun in mi' iiiiiiiu in iiii'i "It Will Surprise You" says the Good Judge Theso tliit'o liiHtltutloiiN linvc, when ('onipaml nltli the yrur whi'it the pii'M'iit inlllMgo Mipport 1)111 WW paM'd, 150 per cent More Student ' but only 15 per cent More ClnwiroohiH -und Ichh than I pur cent More Income that It was light to secure enough to aaaWMsjaaaBaacaBBBaBaBja aeu akeaaKaBMBvaafjaaaajafjaB aaajasaaaaaaMaaaaaJaaaaMa aa n ilia aa aa tmt aMattJaaaaataaa THE UNIVERSAL CAR Mr. Farmer Do you know that you can operate 3 mowers successfully with 2 men and a Forlson Tractor? Let Us Prove It. Why not bring your light and heavy welding to ns and have it done with acctelene? Nothing belter to keep away a dry summer than the Typo Z Engine. . Our Stock is Complete. In our repair department we use nothing but genuine Ford parts and these, with experienced Mechanics you must have to get first class work done. ' , When other electric lights fail you can see'Delco Electric JJghtsat Burns Garage too strongly. You nro urged Ip work for the Higher Kducatlonnl relief measure, nnd to help It with your vote on May 21. I'iUI tiWrrlLrmcnl ltl l,y CoUn Oyni-nl In I Itfhulf nt Iht Joint Alumni H.IItf Cornmltle. tat I HUK.r Rdulcall.n In Or.gon, SI4 I'lltock Otock, Portland. When you learn how long a little of the Real Tohacco Chew lasts. How long it holds its rich tobacco tuste. The real satisfaction. The money saved. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. at Up In Two Styles RIGHT OUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco --y- " i - g-a III . . III I 1 During Summer Months We intend making speciaipf ne or two articles' every two weeks WATCH OUR WINDOWS For Two Weeks Only Beginning Monday, May 3, 1920 Malt Syrup 2 1 -2 lb can 75c. California Dried Grapes lb 25c. Farmers Exchange Burns, Oregon A. OTTINGEK, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager 3 3j 33 r t