1 TUB TlMKB-IIKttAIiD I U It N S IIAIINKY COUNTY, ORIIOOIf Hnturtlny, May 1, 1020 1 PLANT THEY'RE NOT COMING DOWN PIESERT MTO All US FEES WILL MY :. IITEIEST AID PIIWCIML OF 540,111,111 IMI ROUS Approximately 40,000,000 ol Hate road bond can be issued under n ,4 limitation on the present assessed valuation of the state, including bonds already issued. The constitutional amendment to be voted upon ;it the May 21 election provides for this 4 limitation. Interest and principal of the entire 40,000,000 of bond can be paid from revenues from nuto license fees and gasoline tax, based on conservative culinmtes of that income. - Following is an official estimate of the income to the State Highway Fund from auto license fees and gasoline tax, compared with interest and lrmcipal requirements lor the entire 40,000.000 ol state roau uonua. I'his table lias been audited and certified bv Whitfield. Whilcomb 6c Co., certified public accountants, whose attestation is subscribed below. 1 . .. . 'r .1 . 1 1 .1 .1 .-. . 11 1 1 11 venues ine ciaim mauc mat voting tor inc 470 state ruau uuiiu mini-uuu will not involve any tax on property, as principal and interest will be paid from the auto license fees and the jja tax, leaving an actual surplus above the amount required. OHICMI TABLK iuw .srnt ol Ktimatri Interne lo Stair Highway Fund Compared With Inlereat - and Principal Requirement to Carry SiU.UUO.UIH) Itenda. 5 tltlHUt'J NumUi Vfki l Al .lor V-tt iv2o,.io$,ooa 192l..l2f,0(J IV22..MJ.C00 t2J..IS.0UU . I70.0UU IV25..UO.OII0 2t..lS5.GCU tV..7..IV().0UU IV2H..IVS.O0O JV2V. .200,000 1910.. 200,000 4V3I. .200,000 IVJ2..:00,UOO 11 J.. 200,000 t.. 200,000 1 9 IS.. 200,01 0 .9 i fi.. 200,000 1937.. 200,000 !.. 200,000 1 V JV. .200,000 tV0.. 200,000 1 Ml. .200,000 t'2. .200,000 1 93. .200,000 144.. 200,000 1 94 S.. 200,000 JIH. .200,000 M7,. 200,000 .. 200,000 t4. .200,000 Molar Vehicle l.k'CIKf l'ct Net liuonie to Male lhylit) I'UI.J (itolmr Ps Nel Inroinc lo !uir r 'mid Vl,S75,OOO.Ou J 52J.O0O.0O l,.75,OOO.Ob 625.000 00 2.I4J.000.OO 715,000.00 J,J7w,(XKI.OO 790.000.00 2.SSO.O00.OO i 50,000.00 2,700,000.00 900,000.00 2,77,00.0O 925,000.00 2.HJO.000O0 V 50,000.00 2.V25.O00.0O 75,000.00 J,OO3,0Ol.U. 1,000,000 (tO 1,000,000.00 l,(li)0,0iO.Hl J,000,00.00 1,000,000.00 J.IWO.OQO.IW 1,000,000 liO J.OOO.OOO.OO 1,000,000,00 J.OOO.tOO.OC 1,000.000.00 J.000,t00.0" 1,000,000 00 ,ooo,ooo.o i.ooo.ooono 3,000,000.00 1,000,000 OO 3,000,000.00 I,00ii,00(i00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000 00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000 00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000 00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000 00 J.OOO.OOJ.OO 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 3,OOW,000.00 1,000,000 00 omriAi r.zrLAAiio.v or ti.-. I Uttl .PiUI'llt Otuiulnl It'flHIIf III Sl.tC Ht'l4f fund $2,IOrt.OO0.C0 - t ttrrr.oo 2,HCO,000.00 3,160,000.00 1,400,000.00 3,600,000.00 3,700,000.00 3,Su0,0IH).00 3,900.000.00 4,000,000.00 4,0o0.000.0t 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,OOi).0O 4,000,000.00 4.0OO.O00.H0 I.OOO.CO.'l.W) 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000,01 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000.000X1. 4,OOO,00O,J0 4,000,000.00 4,000.000.00 4,0UO,O00.0t) 4,000,000.00 lnlfirt ainl I'llllC.' K.tiiitfinrnl for l4tf0o,tr.u ItotitU $ 49 l,S 50.00 l,OI3,25-..CO 1,393,250.00 1,679,750.00 2,007,140.00 2,677,617.50 2,957,167 50 3.I49.IXO.OII 1,129,7 12.50 3,49,OJ;.00 3,396,114.50 3,1()8,192.5C 3,2I9,)42.5C 3,131,492.0 3,013,042.50 2.95I.J9J.JO 2,166,142.50 2,777,69.:. 50 289,24 2, 50 2,600,792.50 2,412,342.50 2.127.S92.50 2,21 M4 2.50 2,061,492.50 1,1(45,952.50 1,161,475.00 79J.275.0O SII.OI2.50 244.0W.09 5C.217.5u Siuplut It mail Oil After I'tyincnl ol IllUlt.l klltl IVinclpil J,6(H,I50.00 1,456,750.00 1,466,750.0(1 1,4110,250 1 1,392,660.00 922,11! 2.50 742,632.50 650,821). 570,257,50 570,94 5.01? 601,157.50 691.607 51 7H0.05-.50 S6'J,SO7.50 956,957.50 1,045,407 50 I,I31,K57.50 1,222.307. 5u 1,517,657.50 1,672.107.50 1,711,557.50 1,931,507.50 2,154,047.50 2.IJI.525.O0 J,204,725.(R 5,416,917.56 5,756,000.00 3,941 762.50 AiVOTIIKH GAMN PltKBKHVI. HUtiUKHTKD FOR OIIKOON According to Information Rlonn- od from tho Lnko County Hxniulnor tlicro in ft proposition on foot to make another game preserve In the louthonntern part of thla iitato nnd i part of Nevada. It would neoni his han been recommended by tho Portland Chamber of Commerce, Keating president of the Lumber mari'H Trunt company of Portland, Or. A. O. Trill fo Hclca, n number of national nocletle-, offlclalu of nomo oaster and nouthern Htates "and lumeroUM other aBaoclatloiiH nnd in dlvldualfl intereutod In the protocthn jf tho wild life of America." This preserve la proponed not for the protection of tho water fowl but to protect nagohona nd nntolopo. (t appoaro thoso bonovoiently Inclln )d pooplo fool that thono i;iuno birds tood protection nnd nro ready to olnco 1,00:1,120 acron in thin pro lorvo which would noL protoot or In tiny way nld cllhor the nnlinnlH nr lrdH. Tho unne homi nro protoetoil 'iy clound hoiihoiih which could ho ougthoncd If it wan found I hoy woro lot holiiK proporly protected. An for aiitolope tho Lukn cpunty paper polnto out that thero nro many IIioiih andn of thoin scntterod over n wide nrctt and to proporly protoct thnm It would roqulro an area many hun dreds of railed in oxtent an the auto lopn roama over a big territory In thla uad adjoining atatea. Dr. O. W. Fields of tho IT. 8. Illol oglcnl Survey laat fall mado a trip over the territory proposed to be converted Into a prenervo mid ro ported ho nw but nix antolopo on that Journey and thcroforo conclud od tho nnlmnla woro about iivtlitct, but at Hint time a party ho met counted 343 within nu hour uftur the Doctor had pinticd through n cer tain pnrt of tho country. If Lhoro lo roiiKon to protoct tint wild llfo of America that Ik foiiHllilo mid wheru It doon not roullrt with (ho actual development of the conn try nr tho livelihood of humanity. It Nhotild bo doun hut thnru hIioiiM be roiiHon In (Iiuhii offortH, of tho glorleu of our mothorn, but not all of tho word i Of tho Englloh Inn fjiicKu could do tlinm Junt.no. It In beyond tho power of our humblo pen. All honor lo tho niothor of man I May her dayn und hor Joya upon earth be many, and niuy hor homo In tho next world bo uno worthy of tho (.'nrntesl handiwork of God. Como to think of It, we nro qulto too busy to think. IUMANK AT 71 LAUPS Quality wheat b4t-rllw4MI a Ma aja4i a laata IUm. "AM l .m U MM. 'W i S7 t7TlS! iUaMaM1BMif itaiivim mt UM wmr m -Hamy tnW wMak tttfl aM4 WMk fa w in kmmim, Q&m 4a aa4 I'Alt.M HK.MINUKIIK HrnioitHl HuKKtlo) on Tlilnc Oflon Overlooked, mm Hccii by thu NiHlc College Fund (mm motor vehicle -iliicb (lie vehicle l ieg!nereiJuilierefoie llie net inrtnu per vehicle tTund i aniroziiniitel tidreu ilo!l.r ($15.00) per car which ii I iiiiiin dliiinn 3. The ailiniiiUtration iieniei of llie inuiiii vehlcl J . . . . .... uoiuian i rrpreiem inr nri income lo llie buir Mienvvay luemt feet (Chap. J 49, I mi I9I9). The I920 rej(itraif(o figuiei to date obtained from 3lr t'fUrv of Si.te't (.Hue iiidlvaie .u averac. liceine (ee nf iwemr dollars (5)70.00) ? tr irliide. I lir fav iiiovlde (but (teiuyfive per rem be returned in the county (rein veNiclr in ihr Plate lllgbt-ai ii the limine ued in mm (lirniei ol llie iiiulm vehk'lr imw will lir mrl iiuiii tire ireelpt from iiintorr)rle lirentei, chaiillert' liailKc, trsiitferi, etc. Cohiinn 4 repretriilt ilir liuimic from llie tiawiliiif Tax (Chap. 159, l.awi 1919) lo the "i llii;ln- KuimI. Figure ol.tainnl (nun ilir Sfrrelury of Slate's ollue Indlciie th' -vrfiiye vx per veliU'le hi 1919, a api'.rn-lm.iel) live diillar. ($5.00) ami Mill liKtirr ia Ixen iinl ii. i-iiiiipuilnj; C oliiiiin 4. Column 5 l llie totul aiiimmr nf the moinr vehicle licence fee. ami the (.atnllnt ii.i.nl mi ilir rMiniiilrd niinitier of vehicle u limh in C'liliimn 2. Column 6 i ilir amount reipiiieil rjcli vear to pa off (lit iniereM ;iinl principal at ma Oirii) n( State lliulintiv lioiul. tip in uu oiimilril ainnunt nf $0,000t(l00 (the approxi naie .moiim whicii imild tic imicd wild a I per mil Innli on (lie pte.eiil meed vilua tlon the ,tatc. Tlirtr fii;iiie are baeil nn ilioe painitn: I'liat (lie lul.ncc of die Si Million Dollar llnmls (('Inip. 423, Law- I V 1 7 ) , the State Co-opnaiive UmiiU $1,1(00,00. bV-ii.H-rr-fi, Chap, 175, I ,t I9I7I, and ill.- Ten Million Dnlla! Ilond. (Chnp. 173 I a VI9, no miMild nill lie told dnrinu tlir vr.ir 1720. Alio tu funlier bond will i.t idi . ridlmvt: 1920, 5 5, ib0,ni.W,V)2, $5,000,000; 1922, $5,000,1.00: 1923, $5,000,000 4924; $2,200.000 j a total of f40.000.000. . ..... All of the Imi.d lhu far atnhuricd sare serial homU and, except ihe Mrau-llar rci 4-ne, mature oiie-neniiMi euch ear after ihe liltli year. The Heun llarrcn ue inaiure 4100,000 each year begtmihn; vlth 1922. The Sis Million and llran.ltaircii i.ut draiv 4 per cent Inlereil. All other iiMim 4i(j per cent. Column 7 dhmv. the Mirplu. eMimated to be available each eur after meeting ohliua tioiik for principal and intrrot. The One-Quarter Mill lax (Chap, 2S7, l.am 19)7) mi the total aieed valuatlm 0(e i(te U not hon in ihi- table a. uu a,e of tlje tit.ilr lllubway Fund a llilr fiinti hi uied principally In meei ailmlnlitrative eipene. urvey in ily varloui cuiititlc-, en inrrin8 .upervi.ion of coiimj coiiMnicilon, ami dcixn and iuptciion of count) bridge and tiructiitei. ili JIHIUvIlV CERTU'V tlmt wr have examined thcnllinm ircoid. of ih St ate of Oii'HQi arcard income from Motor Vehicle lictn.e and (ioimr taxe and believe tie cyiucivative. Wc ci forth above in Animal HuHbundry: I'rogruHHlvo caltletnun are beginning to eoet do. horning and branding chute. Hnnn for.u modern chuto will be ftirnlahoil free by the college up on rcqunnt, I I'nrni MnnaKonieut; Whout grow em from Hovernl HuetloiiH of the ntulo nro urging cnngreHn to malutnlu IIk tululmuiu g u a ran tun on tho pnieu of whent. To glvo weight to audi do- aires aetunl fnclH are nlwayn convinc ing. Komo havu ound It iidvlmibli' to keep nrnrdH lo nhow rout of pro durtlon and actual form expuiiHiiH. ! Kntouiology : OardtuierH plinuld janpply tliuniHelvi" with cnlcluiu nr iMonato (i iid "llliick Leaf 40" to bi : propuri'd for tho IiiviihIoii of liitio. t.i Hiiro lo como. Tho arHenate may bo mixed with ulght tlinort its bulk of itlr-Hliicked llmo on Hlftud nxlum or "liuilur ilunt. A light application lo MMiPg p In ii tH at wookly intorvaN will Iprgo": p.'ovoir. njury. Poultry: Poultry rulnem nro bo Kluiiiiig to pick out the hoHt In) or. In order to hoc urn their nggn lor hatrhliig next yoiir'a laying Htoek. Kutomology: Iluforn putting nwny wooIoiih, f urn and otkon valuable gar inontH for tho nil minor, take procau-j tiou HgaliiHt lujury while In ntornge by clothing tnotliH, Thn matcrlaln to bo packed away vhould be bung In thn bright HUUHhlno for a few bourn, glvi'ii u good beating and then puck "d in pttHteboard vartooiu. A hand ful of naphthaline flake nhould bn iCttttirod through the foldn. After packing away Real the open ortgos with Htrlpn of gum pupen. Farm CropH:IttapponrH Hint many I fnrinorH nro buying exponalVM potato I need with tho Idea-of Increasing tholr picrcngo. in luulltlon nomu unjoin Mug HtutoH nlho hIiow IndlcntloiiH of IncroaHlng ncrougo Potntoim nro high and under IIiohu condltloiiH In acre ago. p-jaults, but It cannot bo Htntml for certain what tho planting tend CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS lMtEHIlYTKItlAX CHUUCH Huudny Horvlcon: Butidny unhool 10 A. M. Snuil the boy und gtrlH lo Hundny nrhool rrfiichlng at 11 A." M. Subject: II. 8, HUQKH. I'untor CliniHTIAN HC1HNCK KOCIfCTl Rorvlcoji nt 11:00 o'clock. The rooding room In thn churcr. Rdlflco, In open ou Tuesday and Kri day from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. Sunday Hchoot mnota ou Sunday at 10 o'clock. Pupils may bo admitted to Itt clnaaeM up to the age of Z9 years. Tho public In cordially Invited to the Church Hevlccn and to tho Head Ing Upon). . IIA1TIHT ClintCII Illblo School ul 10 A. M. - I'rouchlng at 11 o'clock, Kvunlng 8(rvpo nt 7:30. Prayer moiling Thurnduy, 7:30 P. M. Itov. J. J. Tlcknor, Puntor. Itenl ileuro .north of Court llouue, Pliom W121. "Try" Fln".tone Cords.' CulvcrWit (Inrngo. Adv. If .Mi UN (JK.VJJKHMNG, Homo pooplo Junt nuturally rnvol In tho Hpotllgbt. And that pon-lbly, it- tho rcaHon olbot pooplo can no mtdily dotccl tholr npotii. Job wan a patient man but tbtu Job didn't try to get rich quick, All men mako a nolna with tholr moiith.i, A few nay Homothln "Smooth as silk, eh? Same here" ChcstctftcUl CHESTERFIELDS re "hitting on all four" -smoothness, tflstc.quality nnd value. What's the good word, everywhere you go ? They satisfy f OUR RELIABLE PLUMBING Consider the egotism we adjective our heading with. REAL SERVICEABLE PLUMBING is something you seldom find because usually a patch isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new part. WE WILL NOT PATCH UNLESS we know that it is the best service we can give you. We get to the bottom of the trouble and repair it accordingly. CALL ON US WHEN YOU NEED WORK IN OUR DIRECTION DtONE QUIGKLY AND PERMANENTLY. Radiator repairing speciality BURNS HARDWARE GUYS sHift ill .Towolor. and Optloiuu b'nuvnvov. Ha- Wmcli ItrfMlHiig m NpcUlty oncy will be. I. TIIK MOTH Kit OP MA.V cilimatci above .ct forth in i-oliinim i to ?, both ticlii-jvc, In be further Certify that Im.cJ upon ilino' estimate! I he tabulatibiu column 6 and 7 are true and coram. VirxlAnd, Or egoa, April 14, 191a wnrf i'iixp, wiincoMii k co. On the nocontl Humluy In May thu imtlnn will obuerve Motliora Dny, Kvory one known Mothers' Dny ? why It Ih, when it la, nnd for whnt It Htniula. It uomou ah close to our hetirtH nn ChriHttunH or the Fourth or July, for It In tho day upon which wo' honor tho mother of iniin. Thn uriiiH of inotherliood form the crndle of tho human ntco'. They aro tho rock upon which wn rem onr liojiOH of tho future, the culdtnc atnr which IoiuIh luiii'Milty throiiKli tio perllH of infancy nnd into the safo harbor of mnturity . 1'ngoH upon pagou could be written Cure Spring Fever with n good HPHINtJ TONIC , NVAb KI'ltlMI HAUK.l'.ltll,ia (;t).MI'Ol?NI THY Al.b NVAL ItRMKDIKH AM) I'HKlMItA TIONH Ydit will bo dellKhtod with tho way they do their work The Welcome Pharmacy Nynl Htoro Urn IT FOV CMPV ' a ack of WMGLEYS Other benefits: to teetfi. 1 Other benefits: to teeth, breath, appetite, nerves. That's a fiood deal to itt for 5 cents! Sealed Tight-Kept Rifiht -The Flavor Lasts A8