The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 01, 1920, Image 1

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    btlKiiUon, city water, ''nnd
newer nyntcm all coming.'
fetalmlH oiio of: "Friends," fain
Lifa. ami it Ford what mono".
V ' . 1 . ! I . . . . .... t .. . -
"Men willingly believe 'has
which jJiby wlh." If yon iJn'
bolloyo The 'Xlmcs-Hcmlil'i't
the filnro for your ml, It is be
caMwi you are not willing f ft mx
your buHlnem grow.
(Vnil HUMSH IIAVO bcgUH to
regress. - ,
NO. 27
Experienced Man Employed
To Make Rcconnoissance
Survey Immediately.
V, ( Hnii'iuatt, consulting ougln
at ot Sun h rauclsco, In oxpuutud to
irrivo in P-riw on n.t Tuesday to
itert th .Kl.ioorlng work on tho
lUrney lloy Irrigation District
(onstruu ii project.
This i iho information given out
li Secy i.jbt, M. Duncan following!
a recent meeting of thu directors of
U tllnflct,
x Mr. luimmntt In an engineer of
wWe experience, having boon con
ning Liu;inccr for thu Hoguo Ilivur
ration District at Mourorti: war-
Vnlloy, Goorvo Lake and CLowau
proJoctH In Oil Htitto and. a Urr
IB I 1 II' 1 III UBflh. Ul U1LTI.LT1 U JIIAli -M A
i! lit was assistant euslnoor on
Heuh-Hotchy project in Callfor-
nuuiBiuuiLi; nurrnir iiiiu uuiiihh
or more plans for conLructioii
ltd distribution or thu water under
tt project. When these uro sub
mitted tho board of director will do
rids upon tho plan to pursuit. Thin
till bo followed by detailed engln
terloi; work and hII necoKmiry data
tenpllcd In order that tho plann may
to luboilttcd to the land owners, und
It la bopod by tho directors that
ill detail work may bo complotcl
daring tho nummcr no that actual
fonitnictton can begin beforo winter.
However, considering tho magnitude (
of the undertakiiiR It ithould not hi"
larpriMnn that them) nro not roady J
Woro the winter. In fact, It would
certainly bo hotter to havo tho do
Ulla well in hand and know they aro
rlxht rather than make some of the
tfeaslve mintakee of our uelghborlax
KoJccU. Theo details are Tory
Mfitlal and should havo most caro
(al conAldoratlon. Tho bigaeiut of
tie project require this eonntdera-
Referring to flgurcn compiled by
John T. Whistlor while bo waft at
vtrk on thin project for tho govern
sent, ono flndx that he nutlmatcB
ipproxlinutely .165,000 cubic yards
f dirt to move for tho upper dam in
SUvIoh, and about 400,000 cubic
yards fcr tho lower dam. That's
emo J b and will raqulrn tlmo.
What wf Hhould nak for in reason
Mo economy hut stability in tho
CAnttrurtlrMi of IIiohh rofinrvolrn und
ItUroir,. . i,,n ti,n to work out
Ike (Iet.,,lh. notter bo one nHon;"1 "ot "'nch coW-nt leant ho far
loncer In Inipoundlnn tho wator than U 0 U. a. Dopartmynt of AKrlcul-
to have to do noroo of tho work over
Ualn at a groater foxponHO.
, This week C. H. Voegtly. the hard
fare man, received a uew, 'Monarch
!wtor and the mnchlne-was demon
fated by a former "Task" army
feaii. Mr O. C. Merger, for a day or
lo In Mr. Voegtly'n flold adjoining
km. It is now bolng operated by
Kannocd Voegtly and Is doing excel -
lt work in tlllUig the land. This
tractor is one of tho standard built
chir- and put out by a reliable
Trn rs aro becoming factors in
hrm work all over tho agricultural
lortloiis of tho world, Wo may
(ret the passing of tho borso but
ltro is no urgumont In favor of the
oW way of doing things other than
MHImont. Things are moving to
fat to attempt to keep up with tho
'ow methods of bygone days. Tho
factor is going to bo depended up
on more In the near future than at
Wewont. They aro able to do tho
crk economically and do so much
we than horsee that It la simply
P to tho farmer to use them,
Her, I). fl. Huches returned Mon-
from his trip to the Presbytery.
waB made Moderator of the PrcM
trtery which ts nuito a distinction
'or tho
local nnntar. llov. W. R
8"Io1(1b, formor pastor of tho local
Presbyterian church, was elected del-
elto to tho gonoral assomhly, Which
eet8 at PhlledolDhla. This Is n flt-
""8 recognition of a capablo map.
?r. Bhlolda will tako his wlfo wlta
4, on hla trip east,
W. M. Button, for tho past eight
years principal of tho public uchool
ot thin city, has purchased tho Chun,
Comogya residence property. Thin In
an attractive place for n homo ami
Air. Button Oxpuctn to nmko noma Im
provements" ,(lu,riug tho prooont soti
hoii. Ho w)ll moYo tho houso to an
other purt ot tho grounds and fix up
thu yard.
Mr, Sutton tins heavy property In
terests in Hprlngflold r.nd always
mtikcs a trip to that town ouch va
cation to look aftor lit h iifTittrH but
thlH vacation ho unys lio'll liuvo ,u
Hpoud nlont of tho tlino in uuilcltig
hla homo horo raoro to hiu liking.
( o
dihcovkkyof on
Tho finding or oil or gan in thin
valley tMaanRmueh teward Its ilovel
opraent; la m&to tkakvVht mere 1h
dUHtryltW, , Cheap, fuel Jt what la
neilel trlli.- abowt a weMlerful
trannformaUoa la the dry portioai
of the cohhtry that cunnot bo norVMl
by tho preaent water nupply for irri
gation purpeefl. In fact It In doubt
ful If thara In auftclent. watr to
corer th ealire valley froaa the river
therefer pttsaplng will bo found
Bocenaary to teclalm conaldcrnble of
the outlyliMf lands. As abundance
of water at a ahallow dflpth ban been
found aud the only drawback to thin
method of Irrigation ban boon the
nupply of fuel at a roaionablo outlay.
Klectrlo power ban bcon contomplat
ikI and there Id a feasible project of
thin character untjer counldorntinu.
Thin plan la te bring the power from
the Malhour river acroim by lMiio
creek. It will reqttlro a trannmls
aloti lino of eennlderabln dlfltanco
but eveu no U is claimed to bo fuas-
jbie, Howoever, oil and rrh productn
right on tho ground would bo far
cheaDrbota te tho uor and thu ox-
i,0nH otiibtc, ! available.
Kvoryoony ih nnxioun mr uw on
well to provo a ttuccni rnKiirtlleHR of
whether tbay have utock In Iho con
cern or not.
The fore jMirt of this week Wra.
Farro received hla commission from
Oovernor Oleolt appointing him
county Judge t Harney county, llo
at ouce took the oath of offlco and
anaumcd hie dalles. Judge Farro Ih
Judge only when wldrewwnl In bin
official capaelty, but otherwino ho In
sists ho'B Jnut "JJIlJio" to his numor
oun friends.
O ;- -
Hereafter H will bo "milk cow
turo Is concorml.
This deciHion marks tho termina
tion of a controrerny In which oty
moloKtBta in tho department havo
had not a llttlo inturott. Thoso do
fending "wilch" havo pointed to
scriptural ,u and certain ef the
clBBslcH'as entabllHhing procedenU,
whllo the oppwltion has contended
that dalrymwi, ranchmon, nnd farm
ers In general uso "milk" instead' or
"milch" almost unlvorsnlly. The ad-
vocato of "milk" aleo favored that
1 word because, thoy contended, Jit was
'WQre strlctjy-an Hngllsh word.whllo
"milch" was akin to Gorman; Hlnco
Americanization of language a woll
K jjioalii Is un nrtlelo In every pnt-
riot's ereod, it is thought that this
; ft8t Hally of Iho "milk" defenders
rc-jijoipod 0H much as any to docldo tho
question In their favor.
Theoretically tho war has made
tho world fiafe for democracy. In
reality It la not safo for anything
or for anybody.
Thoro Is not n country In tho
world In which tranquility reigns.
Hmoldoring unrest and discontent
are evoryvrbere. Political volcanren
uro on the f?)nt of eruption by tho
It will retiilre much wisdom and
sagacity and many firm hands to
'bring order out of chaos und mako
this earth rwilly habitable for man
tho rlohefit and the
croatoiit, uhould tako tho lead In a
dotormlned ntrugglo to regain intor-
national safety nnd, sanity.
No other country caSi do as much,
Bit Lost Over Three Years
Ago Recovered Making
Possible New Work.
wuni in uecuieuiy ino iiohi news
for many dnys from tho Dog Moun
tain oil well caiuo Thursday after
noon who n it wan announced that tho
bit that had boon loot In tho bottom
of tho hole over throo years ago hud
been recovered and thu obstruction
removed to further prosecution- of
work In tho hhiiio woll. This ob
struction has caused much grief and
delay in projecting for oil at that
When this tool was lost la tho woll
three years ago last Octobor the pro-1 ProJoct tha litsr Vrt of last week,
spocts were most favorable aud those"1,110 visitors observed the character
most Interested have been dllllgent
n their efforts to remove tho' ob-
Htructlon. The well was down over
3700 feet and the formation Indicat
ed that the cap rock had been reach
ed. Various methods and experi
ments wero resorted to with tho hope
of removing the obstruction but fail
ure after falluro met these efforts un
til it wan feared It would bo nuct-H-nary
to start another nolo In ordeo
to ascertain what was there. Now,
however, tho hole In open and drill
ing will bo resumed at once. In fact
work Is going forward at present, ns
t Is found other foreign material has
clogged tho holn more or lens and
this Is being removed preparatory to
getting ready to put down tho cas
ing and shutting off tho water. When
this Is comploted It is thu Intention
to continue tho holo down with a six td" ot up aud down stream
inch bit. I12C fcot h'Kli ""l ' 100 feet long
It In said tho four Inch bit thnt' "I' To splllwuy is built to
caused tho delay nnd which has Jubl wry about ttvn times tho amount of
been removed, In bndly battered and
bent. (. II. Voogtly will hnvo t
brought to town and placed on ex
hibition. Thousands of dollars hnvo boon
nxponded In tho prosocutiou ot tho
work at this well. It wnn
started under tho management of J.
C. Turney and many local people put
their money Into the venture. They .mat mo spiuway in roinrorceo con
havo beon discouraged tlmo and "oto ned throughout so that no
again but thoro wore always Uicbo j possible chnnco Is given to wash
who had faith In tho prospoct nnd
urged further offort. Sovornl man
hnvo spent much of their tlmo nud
what money thoy could oarn for thu
past fow years In prosecuting tho
work and thov nro entitled to whim
return for tholr fnlthfulnosH.
Promlnlng oil prospects havo boon
found In sevoral localities In thin val
ley nnd lonsos havo boon taken from
tlmo to tlmo and ono other woll
started. This season two now con
corns havo entered tho flold accord
ing to Information received in Hums
nnd new outfits will come In to pro
spect. The Dog Mountain well was
tho first to begin operatons and In
still considered by many to be the
best "hot". W. JO. Howoll and as
sociates aro "drilifng "at Bwan Lake
south and east of tho Dog Moutaln
prospect. Kncouraglng prospects aro
uIho found in that flold and tho work
there will bo continued during tho
Dr. Smith wnH called to Hnrnoy
tho other night to nttond Jack With
ers who had been kicked on tho client
by a borso, Ho was considerably
brutsocd but no bonos wore broken,
Leon M. Drown of tho Harney
County .National Dank loft Tuesday
for Haker whore ho goos to attend
a ceremonial of tho Masonic order
and tako some additional degreoH.
Later ho will continue his Journey to
Portland. Mr. Drown oxpocts to bo
absent about ton days..
Honry Dalton, assistant cashlor of
tho Harney County National Dunk,
arrived homo from Portland tho foro
part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dal
ton wont to the metropolis last week
for special attention for an Injured
eyo for tholr llttlo son, Eutol, An
operation was performed but It Is
feared tho sight of ono oyo hi des
troyed, Mrs. Dalton and tho hoy re
mained for a fow days longor that ho
might be under tho caro of tho spec
ialists a while longer, Tho llttlo
follow accidentally ran a pulr of
scissors into his oyo.
Local Men Fihd Difficulties
On Ochoco Project Not
Evident in Harney.
Construction nf tho necommry res
ervoirs and distribution of tho water
on tho Hnruoy Valloy irrigation pro
ject will bo vory simple and lnexpon
iilvo In comparison to tho Ochoco
project, In tho opinion of uomo of
thoao who vi.iltcd tho latter project
at l'rlnovlllo last week.
All tho directors and Socrotary
Hobt. M. Duncan an well as Com
mlsnloner 8am Mothershead. of tho
Harney Valley Irrigation District,
, ,niuto ttn iPct!on of tho Prlnevlllo
or wur n construction at tho
. .1 .. ..... .111-1 - I .tf-.-lt...
"' " uuchub mu umirnm-
Hon system. They found the ditches
were built of expensive concrete lin
ed ou, uldehlll and almost solid rock
formations One 28 inch syphon of
over half a mile was also necessary.
The dam, which loed three'Sf tho
roost valuable ranches In that terri
tory, will Impound about 45,000 acre
fuoU The construction of this dam
has beon accomplished under great
difficulties, ns It Is In a gorgo somn
160 font wldn at tho bottom and bo
causu of, the character of river bod
at the point it was necessary to ex
cavate 40 foot bulow tho original bed
of thu river to get a proper founda
tion to start tho structuro. Tho
structure Is dirt, clny silt and rock
which was puddled. Tho dam ex-
B" kndwn flood, which with tho on;
let Into tho ditch will carry ton tttnai
tho nmViunt of nny known Hood
which was' done us a safeguard of
nny accident that might arise from
a sudden flood or cloud burst.
This information was gleaned
from an Interview with Bocretary
Hobt. M, Duncan, who said further
back to tho dam structure.
"Tho dam was constructed by
hydraulic process," said Mr. Duncan,
"Tho hillsides In tho vicinity wore
'very rocky and therefore It was dim-
cult to find tho proper proportion of
clay nnd rock for binding elomoiit.
This hydraulic process is expansive.
Thu construction peopln secured elec
tric power from thu Deschutes Itlvor
and used two largo contrlfugiil
Primps with which to wash down the
sldohllls nnd slulco tho material to
tho dam site whoro tho water wns
drained off tho slit and rock put In
place. Tho structure connlu.tri of
about GO per cent broken rock atfd
clay dirt which gives it right pro
portions of woight, tho rock being on
tho faces, above and below, tho clay
center being Imporvlous to water,
"Tho construction Is on tho cost
plus plan," continued Mr. Duncan,
"nud when completed tho .dam will
cost approximately $360,000," tho
cubic yard cost being something llko
GO conts, Tho distributing systom
and othor oxpoiibos will bo about the
immo amount. Tho cost has been ap
portioned to tho lands ranging from
$7.00 per aero to tho bottom lands
that had a prior perfect wator right,
to $70.00 per aero on tho dry lands.
Tho district delivers" tho water to tho
hlgost point on tho bordor of bach
tract of land to bo Irrigated and tho
owner provides for Kb distribution
over his land."
According to Capt. Duucas the
land that Is being reclaimed under
this project is of a sandy rolling
character and tho experiments finds
Lthe average duty ot water under tho
system Is 1,8 aero foot during the
irrigating season, which allows about
8,25 acre feet to alfalfa and 1.25
aero feet for grain.
From observations the people who
made the trip nro undor tho impron
slou the duty of water undor that
project will bo much grontor than
hero bocauso of tho character ot tho
soil. Harnoy Valloy soil wlil not re
quire tho amount used on tho lighter
sandy soil over thoro.
,Slnco returning from rrlnovlllo
(Continued on iage 4)
Harney Lodgo, No. 77, nnd Sylvia
Jtobokiih Lodgo No, 43, I, O. O. F
gave a very enjoyable danco ut Ton
awama Monday night In celebration
of the annlvnrsnry of tho Order. A
largo numbor of guests woro pronont
and nil sooniml to enjoy tho uvaulng.
Dr. H, At. llorton, who bus boon n
mombor In good standing of tho local
Lodge for mora than 30 years, led
tho grand march that availing,
Quustn woro served with rofronh
monts during tho ovcnlng.
Frank Matnoy roturncd tho first
of this wook from a trip to his moun
tain places where ho took ho mo of his
stock to turn on tho spring ranga.
Ho says ho was agreeably surprised
at tho amount of Ice and s'now ho
found on tho north hill sides of tho
mountains and timbered section. He
says it Is not a lot of sight snow but
some decidedly solid ico that he
found up thoro and ho is confident
there will yet bo a big lot of water
come down for Irrigation purposes
later In the season, being no well
packod In the mountains the Ico will
melt slower, aud thus extend the
flood period longer than usual.
Messrs. V. Cawlfleld, James Ander
son and W. T. Vanderveor, who wore
here last Saturday to uttoud a meet
ing ef the stockmon called to dis
cuss ways and means for the coming
Cattle A Horse Crawrm Association
convention, statu they had Investigat
ed conditions to the north of their
stock ranches In the Van country and
found them similar to that described
by Mr. Matney. Up In the Logan
Valley and Dear creek regions they
report u big quantity of solid ico on
tho north hill sides. Cotufdorabbi
now snow hss fallen on tho Trout
crook ranga and tho Purlngton mill
which la-bringing down n quantity of
water at present und will out ' ijo
for a time.
The pooplo of tho Lawo i V2':toi
report moro witter in thut neighbor
hood than for the previous throo
yoars. Dalluy Hayes snys ho has a
big lot of wator at his place and A. B.
8waln reports thu samo.
. ' o
W. W. Crydor, superintendent of I
tho Forest in this territory, who himj
headquarters at John Day, and K, N.
Knvnmtugh, connected with tho for-J
vleo with headquarters at Portland,'
aro In tho city todny to meat with
local stock men. Mr. Kavivimugli Is
In elmrgo of thu grazing department
of tho Horvlvo. Tho gontteomon ox-1
pert to bo hero for several days.
Will llyram, tho Canyon Creek
Shorthorn brecdod, wan horo during
tho weak accompanied by his son.
Thoy were over on uomo business.
J. W. lllggn and Mrs. H. D. Hill
loft. Thurndnyut noon for tho south
orn,pirt of jho county to look after
some business affairs In connection
with Mrs. Hill's holdlugs and Mr.
Dlgga will nlro tour his own ranches
whllo down thoro, Mrs. Hill had
boon a guest nt tho Ulggs farm near
this city for n couplo of weoks be
fore starting ou tho Journey.
yr. nnd Mrs. Hnlborson arrived
horo Thursdny from Arkansas and
will visit for a short tmo. Mrs, Hnl
borson In a cousin to Mrs. Dr. W. C.
Drown, Goo. Simmons nnd Will
Nowtou, Mr. Hnlborson has a bro
ther at Summer Lnko and also re
latives In tho Wlllametto Valloy and
they expect to contlnuo on to noo
thoso other relatives and look over
the coast part of the country with a
view of probably locating In tho
west. ,
J. R, Loggnu und his son Frank
are homo from Dolso whoro thoy
wont to consult with specialists
about Frank's eyes. Thoy decldod
the boy had a toxic poisoning In his
system, contracted" In some mannor,
and that whou this was oloarod up
his vision would bo bottor. Our
roadora will rocall tho sudden man
nor In "vvhtol 'Frank began to seo
double Inst wuok aud had to quit his
studies in tho high school. It ex
pected that hla condition will bc
comu normal In a roasonablo tlmo
after taking tho trontmont glvon him
and woaring corroctlvo glasses.
Proprietor Farmers Excha nge
Looking After Business
Interests in Burns.
A. Ottlngor, owner of tho Fanncni
Kxchnngo, is horo from his homo at
San Francisco. Mr. Ottlngcr arriv
ed Wodnpaday night nnd has olnco
been kooplng to his room on- advloo
of his doctor, as ho has not been wett
and thu trip up was quite fatiguing.
Mr. Ottlngcr has largo Interests lit
California and although not as younr;
as ho once was, Is ready to make fur
ther Investments If ho finds condi
tions to his liking. Since coming to
Durnn he has Inqulrod Into tho Irri
gation prospects as woll as crop con
ditions for the pronont season and
found an optimistic trend In overr
rospect. He rccontly bought addition
al property la Burns, acquiring thn
Fry stone and bvlck structure ad
joining the present storo room oc
cupied by his grocery con corn, and
It In hoped he will mako some an
nouncement of adding to his acllvt
tlon in thin vicinity beforo be returns
If ho follows tho advice of hts
doctor, Mr. Ottlngor will remain In
hln room for several days yet beforo
venturing out on any sightseeing ex
peditions. o .
W. P, Davidson, president of tho
Oregon A Western Colonisation Co.,
In in toyn. He came in by wny ot
Prlnevlllo in company with Frank
Johnson and in spending tho day
greeting frlonds and looking after
business nffalrs.
Mr. Davidson Bays wo rhnuld rush
tho irrigation project ns rapidly as
posslblo as every day It In delayed
menus a loss. If tho dim was In
and watr conserved ho points nut
wo would bo raising bettor crops th(
hcuHon beside It would bo un incen
tive to a greater ondeavnr upon th.)
part of his company and othn to
got more pooplo in to till tho land.
Friends In thin city hnvo rffolvcit
thn aiinoiiuctMnuut of the nu.rraRO
of MUh Mary K, Godfrey to Mr. John
llbbert Knibloton, on Friday. April
1). Tho brido Is a vory popular
young ludy among tho former atari
ent.i or tho Hnrnoy County High
Pchool whoro sbo tnught a few yoaM
ago. Rho has visited this section
nIih'o at intervals aud has always met
with n lioarty welcome. She is on
accomplished young woman who U
much admired by a wldo circle of ac
quaintances In thu part of tho
o-.. '.. .
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Trlttka, April 22, a daughter. -Tbla
information was recolvod this morn
ing In a letter to a friend in this city.
J. J. Dunn, ono of tho boys who
aided In tho Into wur, arrlvod horo '
Thursdoy ovonlng from outdid
points, Mr. Dunn has a homostoail
near Crano and la leave from army
duty to look aftor It. Ho rodo borso
back from Condon to Durnn. The
young man wns In tho tank sorvjeo
with Don M. Tuylor und was dis
appointed whon ho found Don had
returned to Portland. Mr. Dunn Is
stationed ut Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sullivan wero
in town for a fow days during this
wook. Mr. Sullivan is now a travel
lnar ronresontatlvo or a tobacco firm
and makes TOgular trips to this city.
Mrs. Sullivan has beon In the em
nlov of W. P. Fullor & Co. for the
past fow yoars, formerly la tha Port
land ettlcea of the concern but lutor
trnrpferrel to Dolso where ho uh
bnndh'ae 'headquarters. She hss re
sinned her placo and Is taking a rest
which nccountB for hor visiting thla
city with hor husband. Mrs. Sulli
van was an oraployo ot tho local tola
phono sorvlco for a fovr yoars and has
many warm friends In this Uyowha
woro glad to havo hor visit tbomnlur--Ing
uer stay In town.