'I H V I M h S. II tl A J, l II V It X H , il A H N K V (' O if N TV , O It W CI O N Hiiitinluy,, ApHl tit, 1020 umnm aw to MAKE BOYS FARMED? Neglected Youngsters to Bn Given Thorough Training in iMechanlcs of Farming. SALVATION AfM OPENS STATE RESCUE ME FOR UNFORTUNATE GIRLS OF OREGON With thorough appreciation of thti value to t ho statu ot trained agrlou!, turiBtn, vornod In modern methods anu with a knowledge of applied, mechanics 1 aecoHHary to modem farming, the Salvation Army In ItH Homo Horvleo I'rogram for Oregon, pinna to mnlto useful farm hiuttla, If not furm cxportH. ; at many nvglet'lcd nnd dopondont youiiKBtoro. Throughout tho',Htnlo thero are olvn hus whcno ngon rangu from hovoii mid eight to flftonti yearn, who will htivo no futuru npttrt from poverty and wuiipitiiitlvo Ignor nnco and probably criminality. Op pottuult'en Mich uh those to he offorod by ,tho Industrial and AKkiuluiral iichool tht Salvation Auny y'tma to mlnblltdt nt North Yamhill, on the 100 ncro farm oil whleh now Rtnnd the buildings of the Hilltop Scott school will open beforo theso 1adti a uuoful lifo. Ilrought up to mnnltood In clean surrpundlngn, with dally liiBtructlcJii In nrdtnnry hcIiooIIiu; and proctlrnl In ntrtjctlnn nnd prnetlcu In-forming.' the -yoniiKRtorH will not only bo.Hvod frorr "bad cltlronnhlp hut given nji.houorulilu prt)fCHMlnn or Undo with which to earn ' their own wny as men. At.thc-y.nmhm ncjiool, tolw pattern t il uflor tho famous hytton pchool con ducted by'tlt.o Malvtttlon Anny n Call- 1 foniln,abolh boy nnd glrU will fnd ll tho onnontlnl's of preparation for llfo'fl battle. The glrln will ha taught riewlng, hounohold duties', cooking etc. Tho hoys will bo trained In Hoveral trades and In farming, hortlculturul and animal husbandry pursuits- and modern farm mechanics. And whtlo their bodies and mlndn are being trained their responslbllltler- as cltlztnn and inomborH of noclot will not bo ucglocldd In faot, one ( tho strongest teachings of the Salv tlon Army Is Americanism, Th nchool Is non-sectarian. Through tho efforts of the Snlvntlo Army In Portland, several boyn hav boon taken from up Htato Orogoi towntr and placed at tho Callfornli farm school temporarily until tht funds mado available by tho flnanclu I campaign, May 1 to May 10, provide for thu opening of tho Yamhill school County ndvlKory boards In every rutin ty In Oregon nro helping tho Salvntlnn Array In this great work with children f.H tFVVV-j.. I f . Wi; ' wmi i rV 111 ) i MwwwwnrwiMiaiiaiiifciarfl".viWMnn 1 ' 1 t , -' Solvation Army neicue Home and some of lis babies. Tho Salvation. Army, as one of tho hlR foaturos of Its Homo Service Program for 1020, has taken ov.or and opunud tho White .Shield homo Ip PprU lirtld as u'nfnoTio and matetulty home for unfortunate glrlu. . It 1m n xtato-wldo hointr, whenvundcr'lho most pleasant surroundings, with expn't modleal care .tho young muthor Is helped to shapo her life anew,' Lust jeiir, In the went alone, 1948 glrlH turned from tho nlghtmiiru or despair to such Salvation Army Hunetnarlun as this, Of those, 9d0 were rtttiriiel to the homos they left In tholr shame and, through tho offices of tho Salvation Army worker, wore welcomed and their burdoun lightened for them, Tho Portland home nursery now echoes to tho delighted cooing of more than a Hcort! of babies whose in o thorn aro sheltered under Its roof and taught how to go out Into the' world and win h clean living for herself and Imr baby, SALVaiIUN ARMY PUNS BOYS AND GIRLS INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL SGH001 SALVATION ARMY TO SERVER ALL OREGON Itisiness Men of Every County Join Wilh Corps Officers to Extend Helping Hand. A sorvlco born of servlco by men and women whoso lives aro dedicated to that survlco, a service not for gain for It pays Its workers poorly, is to lie placed nt tho disposal of even th" smallest community In Oregon through tho expansion of tho Salvation Army Homo Servlco Program for 1020, Slncu Its splendid sorvlcu among thu American troops abroad brought to the attention of tho homo folks tho kind of work tho army has been doing quietly In tho slums or tho larger cities, demands from all quartern havo flooded In upon tho army until It has been forced to double and treble Its efforts. It has been compelled to expand bo jrond city lines and uxtend Its servlco to the remotest districts of the statu. ABd In those out of the way places - the army la solving one of tho greatest economic problems, handling at tholr sourca and provuntlng many of the ills that rosult from poverty and wrong teaching. In every county of Oregon ono nnd sometlmos two advisory boards have been formed of biiMlnuss , inou nnd citizens of'thoHo counties, Thcso men aro constantly In touch with their communitloH and Judgu when and how bout tho Salvation Army can ho utiliz ed to Horvo tho citizens or that corn, munlty, A word to headquarters brings the Salvation Army worker to takn enro of the mun or woman, boy or girl whose misfortunes have over whelmed them. In the roscuo nnd maternity homo In Portland tho unfortunate girl mothers of Orogon find a refuge and sanctuary. In the boys and girls homo to be established at Yamhill tho life of the aeglected child Is shaped and the boy er girl prepared to go out Into the world and win his or her own way. In the Industrial homo In Portland many derelicts aro made over Into self supporting men and women, who are no longer a charge upon their county but an asset to tholr com munlty. In tho relief branches of tho work done by thu army many cases of pov erty and sickness are handled an nually. When tho call for help comes thoro Is no Investigation of tho worth. Inoas or tho subject, Help Is given and Investigation mudo afterwards. Froo omploymnnt burouus which ox act no membership fee, find work for hundreds of idlo hands and while work Is being found seo to It that desorv lag mon seeking honest employment Mo not starve. MmwmimmimMmmmmHMrtam ' aH waBnamatsMiwMaMBMBMaNBMMmiMMMBa View of Ulihop Bcott school and Salvation Army boys bolnj Uught orchard work at Lytton school. One of the big phases or tho work the Salvation Army Is doing" In Orogon to prevent the ills nt wrong teaching and poverty and to strlkn at the rout or tho do?pilr and grief round In tho cities, Is the training nnd cam or dependent boys and girls. One of the Items or the budget to bo rulsed for the Sslvullon Army work In Oregon provides for the purchaso or thu Bishop Scott school at North lamhlll as an luduslrlul and agricultural school where neglected kiddles will be educated and mado efficient workers sn that whon they go nut Into the world they will be an asset to society and not a charge upon the communities of which thoy will be members, The 1000 acre farm has n walnut grove and other orchards, and, under proper care of agricultural experts who will teach thu boys, Its productivity will go far Joward making tho reboot self supporting. Tho school Is In no sense to ho K pfnal or reformatory Institution nut on tho other hand It Is intonded to provide sound voartlopat education for ynuugutors who, without It, aro on tho road ,io bad citizenship. . . SALVATION ARMY RESCUE WEEK MAY 1 'TO MAY 10 Following tho mooting or tho ad visory board representatives In con volition In Portland March 17, John L. Kthflrldgo, appointed to tn post of stnta piculdont or tho , fiimnciul pause or tho Homo Sorvlru program or 1U20, started to form his commit toos under county presidents through out tho stato. The dates or May 1 to May 10 were picked for tho fluunriul campaign to meet tho budget or $281,000 approved by tho convention, at whloh wero roprosontttlvos or nearly every county. Tho period was doslguod as Itescuo Week becauso all or the funds raised during tho period will bo devoted to tho work or rescuing the poor from their poverty, thu unfortunate and downfallen from their slough of de spond and tho girl mothers from their betrayal. The work is curried on among peo ple in all walks of life, among chil dren, among young men and young women wl o have fallen behind In tho raco of life, among old mon und old women wl.ose yoarB aro drawing to a ( lose, Tho work of tho army Is always constructive, Throughout forly yours of work It the slums of larger cities tho organization has dovolopod linos. or sorvlco that no other organization would or could eutur upon, SALVAT0N ARMY" MAKES WEN GF'Sfi'dAL OUTCASTS following a well known rule the Salvation Army, In 114 Industrial homes, Is litkluu thu elu.iu or man who early finds his wny to tho poor house and rehabilitates htm, u-nkes him over, gives him confidence In hlmsolf and turns him over to employment that enuh'ios him to sustulu hlmsolf. Tho County Government makos 'ts "down and outs" habitual Indigents, It makes them a monthly allowunco of money or goods for which It re quires no servlco, Tho Salvation Army takes tho samo man aud gives him, not money, but work. It pays him money lor his work, and renews in him tho knowledge that conscious and directed effort Is entitled to and will bring him commensurate return. It bathes him aud wins hha again to clean habit and thought. It builds up hit. strength and his morale until ho is fit ugaln for tho fight with thi orld. Thon It finds him employment and sends him forth to work that ho Is ritted to do, Hero In a nut ulioll In thu ctory ot tho Salvation Army's Induntrln! Homos aud thu story or tho. Industrial Homo in Portland, whero scores or men from i,U over tho stuto havo fouud themselves. It Does the Work' Waring Declares 1. Has Gained Twenty-five Pounds And Feels Fine Since Taking Tanlac. "1 know what I tun talking about. when I say thero is one ruodlcluu that will do ovorythlns;thoy say It will, and that'll Tiuilau, ' was tho on thuulustle statement mudo roconlly by Frank Waring, a woll-known raiichinnn living nt Suduanlsh, Wash Ingtln, a town twolvo mflcs from Scuttle. 'I gavu Tn n lac a fair .trial, " cou tliluud Mr. Waring, "and I want to lull tho world that It did thu work. Several yours ugo my health brokr down and silica that time I suffered ho much Hint I hardly know what II was to bo five from pain. 1 had in digestion no bad Hint I did not caro to oat, for 1 knew If 1 did It would ciuisu mo mlHory iHterwards. Tho little I forced down soured on my stomach nnd bloated mo up with, gas so had Hint I felt nuiiHoated and mis erable I had rhoumatlnm In tn shoulders nnd right arm so that I iind no uho of my arm und II wan Im possible for ml) to pick up anything to work with. My kidneys were nil nut of order, nnd'iny back was weak nnd pained mo so bad that If I stoop ed over II wna agony for mo to try to straighten bar.k up again, i wai badly coustlpnted nnd subject to Mivero headache epulis. My nerves wero all on edge, and whon I went to bed I would ro.l and toos nearly all night long and could hurdly got any slctp nt all. I v.i., torrilily run-down tco weak to do n day'ii worl. nnd never thought I would seu n well d.iy again. "Hoveral of my neighbors wore taking Tanlac with such tine results Hint I started taking It myself, nnd In no tltno I began to fool bettor. My appetite came back, aud tin every thing 1 nto agreed with mo 1 Mailed fcnlnlug In weight nnd strength. My digestion was never bettor and tho arts has stopped forming on my rlon hcIi. I mii no longer coiiHtlput oil i' ltd don't Know what It th in i "i r have n ftoitlache. Thn rhcu ma tin m In my arms und nhouhl'Ti litis loft mu completely and I can usj my nrm.i' us good as 1 over could. My kidneys nro In fine condition uuu thn pains in my hack have till disappear ed, aud I can now do ns big n dnv's work as any man, My nervoi are us steady as a clock and at night I sluop like a log, and whon morning comes I gut up fooling just fine. I have gained twenty-Ovo pounds In weight, am In holler health than I have been In yoarrt and I can never say too much for Tanlac." SUMMER FKUl&S FOL LOW TAFFETA LINES Summer frocks are carrying out tho same lines as are now be ing worn in taffetas, as this new sketch from the metropolitan shops shows. Of course the big wide summer hat will rule su premo onco the hot days get here, but 'It la surprising the number of small hats shown for suamer far mnlnr w.-.r. (Communism would kill all am bition) Tholr oldost son is COMMON 8ENSB. (Tho world Booms to havo loss of it than ovor) (Grab all you can la tho character istic of tho times) Tho Imby la OPPORTUNITY. (Muybo. Who cures?) Let's tako tho opportunity to imy right hero that tho parenthetic re marks In tho foregoing aro porhupi pessimistic but truo. Millions of poo do not want to work. ' Hut our bats aro off to thoso who lovo their, work, Ood bless thorn i 'Millions aro talk ing Ilolshovlsm, but ambition still stirs tho breasts of millions. (Jommon fjonno In nbiXHit from great inn of tho freo talk mid cant of tin' ift but thank God! common not t still tho.rulo In our rural coinr? mi. Itlon. And so 1b character. Opportunity 'In tho word Miat makpii for tho world progress, at; n always will". After nil, It's a pretty good old world and wo hopo to see it rersver full health pretty noon. 4 A ooriouo unoitployitont til tor. tlon nrooo. Ex-norvlco non woro vlthoul work, -an ro gon'n manufuoturorn inoronsod tho naBhor . of tholr omployoon. A groator output followed with-tho'Vitton-dnnt problem of finding u rtoritot. Thonur kot wan found - tho .oxoollonoo- of -OXfi". ron'n prpduotn oreatod donand und carrlo'd uo "ovor, tho top". "" -i,r i -.. Aosooiated Industries of Orocoa . Just Where and How Is the Money to be Spent? A businesslike Answer t a businesslike Question THIRTY denominations cooperating in the Inter church World Movement have budgeted their needs. No business could have done it more scientifi cally. They have united to prevent tho possibility of duplica tion or waste. At least a million dollars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual campaigns arc joined in one united effort. Each denomination has arranged its budget under six main heads: 1 roa Tin cHuncirs work AT HOMK. Air or oflUmicoina undtr thli lita-l, Cenildcr only on. rivaanna naif million p!r In in Unlltd atlcnntvn tado4 wilt iha Bnsllth limutii. Wha I to carrr forward thl vattwotkof AmaiUaBliaUaalttlia cburtltdMi n4f 2 FOR HOSPITALS AND IIOMU. hvry ytrthautndtfnntnd wemn tcrloiuly III ar turntd away from Church haaallala btfaui ef lack of room. Tha clilldrtn'a harota r comrlll o turn away mora clilldito than tlity can rlTa. POR HJOIIKR EDVCATlQN,Of O thtiiOfivO American-at uent In IllalltuUona of lililiar arad. cne Irtlf t In' IntUtulloha founded and aupportaJby lhChurchr.Mny of tlirac-Ir.atllutlona tia v lia nogreat (ndowmsnt campalfna, but thr-lr need ar Jmt aa nrcrilne at Ilia nrcda of larger (clioola: and you tiav only to rrodtlirlr llitol alum l.landalumnafttoniemurMl eVMluo of their contribution to America. 4 FOR RSMOIOUS TRAfNINC). At Itait IZAMipOOchlldrrn and y oun yrople undr 2i yara of aaa ara an tenna American Ilia ltbaut any rll(lauttralalrtcat all. Remember Ins tha faith el Waahlncton and Llncaln, da you think thai America wHIcoDilnoala sreduca Waahlnc ton and Uacalrua If faltk die aut Tib bearta It youtW SPOa THB CHUaCH'S WORK IROAD. taftaenta cam Srct frnM' Orient thirty ytere at nearly aH plasa ar Orlantal plat". S Hoe Chtna haa nly an phylclanoavry4e,Geaep! tha Orient will cantlnu to b a menace. So long as ana-third artha bablraaflndla die bafor tbelr tec ond yrnr our own babte ara not eafr. A Chrletlan devtor or teacher aotjt abroad U worklns for America aa truly i though lia workeJ at home. 61'Rr.ACHXRS' GAUARIH3, Th rrraclierl callej th "lorgotten man." and well he may 'be, Klftu m.t ot trn preachr.ra ara paid laea than JiO a week I Each denomination has its own detailed budget, and will administer its own funds. Your pastor has copies of the budget: examine them for yourself. In the week of April 2Sth-May 2nd you will bo given your opportunity to help. You can do it with the full satisfaction of know ing that every dollar of your gift haa ita post assigned to it in advance. Every dollar for better America mndu better world. When your church calls on you give and give with your heart as well as your pocket-book. Unltad Financial Campaign April 33th to May and EOTERCHURCH "World Movement of Shbrth Jmenca fnilUsih tftkit uJvtrllitMtHt h mtJt ftulilt lhmth ti, (h fir, tin tlilrij dtntmlmtthmt.