The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 24, 1920, Image 1

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, . .1, iU. ,
Irrigation, city witter, mid
t sewer n,vHtcin nil .coming.
ItewliiilH ono of: "Friends, fain
Br, and n Ford what moro
nuiu ask?" Harney Conn
y nnd Burns havo begun to
WMeii willingly believe tli
, wliiclijfcioy wInIiV.' Jf you ilnn'4
believe iTho Tim'cN.IIcralil l
tho place for your nl,'it Im
cauiio yon ro not willing to
yotur.buslnewi grow," -1
NO. 26
Judge Levens Had an Active
Part in Public Af fait s for
Many Years.
The uligrnphlc announcement of
; tho tlo.uh of Judgo H. C. Lovonn
which w.t ivcclvod from Portland on
Ytliay vi . t wook brought mid In
telllgonc tho many warm frlondH
of tho tl ed. Ills health wuh ro-
ipontlbl ror lie and lily ostlnmblo
wlfo to so to Portland a fow week
prtVlouH and immomlntely followhiB
their nrrmtl thoro camo encouraging
mwi ol tho condition of tho patient. !
The trouble with bis Htomach seemed
to bo yielding to medical treatment
ind i was iouna unnecessary to op-
trate for Unit but Inter compllea-
tnnitak It r niA.i m i 4 s nk.Ha..
iter appendicitis and Kail stoned. Hln
Vwkcned condition was such (bat he
sh not recover iroiu aw ruocic and
KmiiU'iii nmnnr nut ruiinw. aa n
j ' .... . .
ol aoimy ana mirogruy. iinnx
vmi waa among tho loading public
tun of Htvrnpy county. Twlco ho
wu olocted to tho position of county
Jodie, first in 1902 and again iu
UU, tho Inst tora net yet nxplrlug
it tho tlmo of his doath. Judgo
UTtnn hud alfto nerved as mayor of
Burns and school director of this din
trict. Hn was a membor of Durna
Udo No. 97, A. F A A. M., also
f Burns Chapter, No. 40, O. K. 8.
:r"6 . ,u 1
nT,u. Blc x00, an WTena;,,,,, rt.cognltJ hl abnity morl(ii
wb iuhiij warm iriunun. no was
(rk(ft lit bis stand for what he con
Mered rlpbt and no man was oror
'Molred by him In any busluusu
ang;tetlon. lis waa honest, open
inrtcd, Kenurous. He mot his por
Ma ohllcstloss an4 evcrcoRto dlfil
altl( lu a fsrsofal manner and In
ssi icsllag la abllt oSIm showed
Sm isras spirit. He did not court
tsattratlna er prate his opinion be
ta the people, but Quietly took his
ii fcr what he oasl4ere4 right
H kept it regartteM of eritlelsra.
n writer haf haowa Hank Ler
h for over thirty yoars and always
fund hlra tre to etory tenet of
nhood an4 what was right. He
(mIr a personal loss in the dnatu of
l frii'iid; a Ipss of not only tho
Wend but that of a man among mon
10 bod talonts that wore of great
Wneftt to Ii.h community, his county
nl hh rtnto. Had Hank Lorons
n fit lo umo his Inllnnnco in a moro
IKrrlvo wny ho would havo swny
ti morr neoplo to Ills wny of thlnk
ir and porhaps accompllHhod moro
tt Mh pt'rsonal wolfaro lu a pecun
way, but ho was unassuming
id it was only to those who wero
JUtamtoly associated with him that
ht bett of Hank Leress was brought
t the Biirfai'.e.
He will be missed in many ways as
Ms guiding ban dla times or aeed waa
to dopend upon when othera
e froplng and uncertain.
''Jadgo IoTenn had accuBmulated
t property Interests daring his
fwldonco In this vicinity. He owned
ny acres of fine land but bad ro
"ntljr (liHponed of much of tho real
"tetn and waa getting thinRa in
tipo Mi t would not require so
ouch U Mb tlmo, Ills personal hup
fe" i i llnanelal way domonntratod
it v to do thliiRH.
Horir ( Lovonrf van born In
"Blu (ounty, OreRon, on July 10,
!81. Ho died Jn Portland on April
X, 1920 aftor undergoing an opora
"n. Tho romalns wero brought to
Ms cltj nnd tho funeral servico was
Mnductfd by bin Brother Masons on
8audny afternoon from tho Manonlo
H. Ho i9 survivod by his wlfo,
lw two brothers, Will, who resides
n Southern Oregon, Grant, a rfisl
nt of tho stato of Washington, and
"no HlHter. Mrs. fl. n. Sheridan, of
BIw, tho latter being prosont to at
nd tho funeral. Ho waa married
to Maggie M. Wolcome on Juno 11,
1889 and they bad elnco made their
hmn in this vicinity, most of tho
time on tho farm near Durna. Mrfl.
kvcnH hns tho deop nympathy of tho
'"tiro tommunlty in hor boreavo
ftieut 0
A. J. McDonald was lioro from
Bakor during tho wook looking aftor
busiueea doal. ,
Several the guarantors In Wriin
of tho Elllson-Whlto Chautauqua
thin wock rocolvod lottont from tho
organization stating that tho Chau
tauqua would ho hold nt about tho
wtmo Unto thin year an last which
will bring It to Hunts tho luttor part
of June, This will ntoot with ap
proval ttH It Jfl roitlly tho IiohI tlmo to
hold t ho Chiiutaiuiuu otto wook
' onrllor than lunl v,.nr wmii.i i. ti.iini
Tho leltur rocltoa Instanco of tlio
coming program thnt will no doubt
bo uttrnctlvo to tho peoplo. , Among
othor thlngB mentioned In u company
of profonHlonnl actors who will nro-
duco tho comedy "It Paya To Advor-
tlno;" Hovoral pood lectures and some
excolleiit musical numborn. two of
which orn tho Kedulor Hvmnhnnln
Quintet ana quintet of Dixie's mo-it
talonted colored Jubilee aingers.
Doflnlto dato will be flxed within
rshort.tiuo and will be published.
EU.rH ih kntitl:d to
Charles W. Gills. Harney county's
candidate for the statu senate
Hkould have thu kyal support of thu
pooplo or Harney county. It is Just
that the oflee cowo to this county
because of present conditions along
tho lino of development and prosror
slon, besides both tho othor countiea
of tho senatorial district have con
ceded that Harney county Is entitled
to tho office for tho coming term In
all fairness to thu district.
Mr. Ellis lit a 'clean young man
whn Im r n n fi M rf in rnnmanit , tut I -
trlot with t4H and should recelro
Hall of
No. T,
A. ,. A A. If.,
April JMtb, 11120
Rwnpt front the srtkt Hirer f Life
to tho Ocean ! Heath on the sixteen
th Instant, severed the earthly ties
of our dlsllagalshed, true and gen
erous brother, Henry C. Lereas, but
be did not live ia vain, for, from tho
deeaylng'roortttl seed snail spring a
beaatlful linmsrtal flower.
H. C. Jjntmn was a man of mag
nificent perMRullty, or large and
opiti heart, soslal, hospitable and
tolerant. Ha reognlxcd porsonal nnd
Individual rights, but also tho duties
and obligations which ludivtdtiali
owo to each ether; bo was forceful
nnd had a wny of "putting things"
by homely illustrations and striking
utterances. His sterling worth wan
recognized by tho community and ho
was called upon to servo in many
positions of trust and honor,
To her who mourns him moat
doeply wo pan only say: Orloro not
thou Btrickoa heart, but
"Hope on, hopu over, after dark
est night
Cenes, fall ar loving light, the
laughing Iteming."
VnttArsally .Submitted,
J. i. O0 Q AN,
Hall of
Hams Chapter,
O. K.xfi.
April l, "1020
No. 40
On April 26 doath removed from
our mldHt Drothor llonry C. Lovona.
In his pasHlng wo hnvo lost a con
gonlal mombcr; tho community sus
tained n cruol Iohh bocnuse of his
trtlontH and ability us a cltizon and
public otlleor to servo his country
with credit and dlHtinction.
Whilo we suourn bis demise we aru
grateful for tbo past nnd bla llfo of
consclontlous devotion to tho cnuso
of right and justice. We Hhall con
tinuo to remember tho storllng qual
ities of manhood displayed in his un
compromising, courageous stand for
whatovor ho considered right in tho
face of udversd criticism ; bis Bound
judgment and udvlco in matters of
community importance; his oHtoemod
Thlu Order grlevus with his bo
reavod wifo and extends to hor a
deop, fratenral Hympathy,
Fratorriully Submitted,
LEON M. ililOWN,
Miss Annette Leonard Gives
First Hand Information
U. of O. Conditions.
Mian Annotto Loonnrtt, who la n
Htudont ut tho Unlvorslty of Oregon,
! "coniIy wroto n lottor to Mm. Clurk,
chool inijiurlntonilont, In which hIiu
R,vus HO,Uo Inoltlo luforniittlon In ro -
Hl,,!Ct t0 wudltlona at that Institution
l,tl lut'ldonlally putn
forth sonio
good argument in favor of thu mlll -
ugu tax bill. Tho young lady wroto
this lit connection with hor personal
nffaltM to a friend with no Intention
or expectation of It being publshed
but her friend decided she would Im
pose no confidences insofar as to per
mit thnt portion pertaining to tho
school to bo published, With "bltto
liencll ommisslons" of a personal
character thu luttor follows:
My Dear Mrs. Clark:
I'm wondering whnt the attitude
at home and In the county In general
is concerning the mlllago tax bill
that Is to be voted upon next oloc
term. I'm thinking that If you aro rank
ing any trips to tho country schools
now you might be ahlo to ilnd out
tho opinion of a great many peoplo
nnd meet up with arguments for and
I'm nlmost sum that literature
concerning tho bill has been sent to
tho otflcu and you bavo been made
acquainted with somo of the condi
tions horo, I might add in strident
'confidence, that condltlona are wori-e
than thoy aro printed.
Orogon must hnvo now build
Ings and sho must hnvo monoy to re
pair her old buildings. You should
see the over-crowded class rooms,
and you would ruallro some of tho
hardships that Orogon is mooting
with. Wo used a new llbrary.bcrL,
Our present library will not hold
oven S00 students and we have about
1400 enrolled. There haa been a
decrease In enrollment since the full
Thoro aro not enough living quar
ters for tho present enrollment of
students, Our hall Itsolf accoroma
dates about ISO girls nnd wo huvn
two annexe with about 30 girls In
each nnuox. Our dining room Ih full.
to oror flowing. Tho girls havo to 10, 1918 nt llolso, tho city being rop
take their turn eating cafotarla stylo jrottonlod by Mayor Luvons nnd Coun
at tho moil's dormatory a wook at a: oilman Mothorshoail. At each of
tlmo- bocnuHo wo can not nccomtuo-j those meetings Mr. Kcolor wuh pros
date all of tho girls in our dining! out.
Thoro aro a groat number of girls
living in private fumlllcs In town be
cause thoro Isn't enough roora in tho
hall here.
H Oregon doesn't got relief she
la going to havn to close her doors
ou some pupils who would liko to
enter because she will not have
facilities for them.
Also some of Oregon's best in
structora have accepted positions else
where because their qalary here was
I'm sure you people nt homo are
working for it and I think it would
be groat If you could have meetings,
and committees etc., by which you
could roach tho peoplo In tho country
nnd impress upon thorn why thoy
must deo this bill through.
Oregon's condition Is qulto path
o(Ih and I guosH similar conditions
exist at O. A. C.
I havo glvon u rogulan document
on "Why wo should aupport tho bill."
I nut abln to hoo thlngH, or In a way,
Interpret things from tho tax payoni
stand point. They perhaps fool thnt
their bunion la an much nu thoy can
carry, I havo hoard pooplo say that,
Oregon haa gono over tho top won
derfully well In wan work and I'm
Huro sho would not want to fall In
maintaining hor Institutions of high
er Education. Tho progression of
society demandB It would seem tho
progression of education. Porhnps
I mako a statomout that would bo
I nm nuro yon will Btipport It and
I hopo you will use your influouco
to got nH muny pooplo nn possible to
-voto. Thoy must register unci vote.
If Oregon could hnyo tho moattH to
Improve hor .coursoa I nm Hyro sho
would bo nblo to hold moro Orogon
students horo.
Debt Contracted Connection
With Proposed Bond Is
sue 3 Years ago.
niirnn, Orogoii, April 22, lDUO.
Editor of Tlio TlmeH-llorald:
At u apeclul iiea.ilon of the City
Council on Tuoxduy ovoulng, all ilvo
inuinburs lining prevent a warrant
as ordered' drawn liP favor of Koy'
er Ilroo. of Denver, Colorado, in (hu
.hum of JHyO.OO. This act has cnus
ed houio ciuniuont, uud for this roa
luoii 1 bollovu a full'statouiont of tho
facts should be made.
On Nov. 30, 1917, Hon. II. C.
Levens, Mayor, sent thu following
telegram to. Keeler Brothors:
"A eemwltteo from city coun
cil of Hunts wlil meet with rail
roud Interest) In Udiao Idaho
Tuesday December four 1917
regarding the building of rail
road to Dnrns aud would liko ,
to have a representative of your
office present should the propo
sition be;accepted by tho city It
will necessitate an additional
bond bwiuo wire answer,"
On January 9, 1918, Judge Levens
as Mayor sent the following tele-
gran to Keeler Brothers:
"When will your representa
tive be at Boise for Conference
on railroad contract."
On January 10, 1918, Keelor
Brothers sent tho following telegram
to Hon, II. C. Lovuns, Mayor:
"Our Mr. Georgo Keeler ex
pects to bo able to meet with
your representative lu Bolso
January "sixteenth. Kindly got
In touclitwlth your Bolno party
and let us know If this dalo Is
On Jnu.jjia, 1918 Jndge Levens
sent the fallowing telegram to (Cool
er Brother: , ,r
"January, sixteenth is satis
factory to all partlee consumed
for meeting at Bolsu represent
ative ef this ally will ha pres
ent." Tho first meeting which waa ar
ranged fer by letter, was hold at
Uolfio, with Bant Mothershead, J. H.
Loggau, and C. M. Uallsbury us coun
cilman roprenuntng the city of Burns.
Tho nocond mooting was hold on Jnu,
On tho 21st day of January, 191b',
tho city of Hunirt through Its city
council executed tho following con
tract: Burns, Oregon,
To thu Hon. City Council,
Burns, Oregon,
In connection with your proposed
bond, issun lu tho sum of 876,000,
we herewith submit the following
proposal: y
, Wo agroo to furnsh you with all
necessary forms for calling and hold
ing your election, forms of resolu
tions, ordinances, affidavits, etc., at
woll as blank bondu with facslmOo
slgnnturo coupons attached ready for
For nnd In consideration of our
Horvlcot lu tho matter, it Is under
stood and agreed thnt wo aro to 'be
paid fi.OOO, upon demand thorofor.
Iloupoctfully submitted,
Stato of Oregon, County of Hnrnoy,
City of Burns, ss.
Tho above offer of Kooler Brothern
of Denver, Colorado, accoptod by or
der of City Council of tho City of
Burns, made and entered of record
nt u lawful mooting thereof hold tho
21 day of January, 1918,
In connection with this mnttor tho
following bill of oxpoiiHii was pro
Hontcd by Koolor Brothors:
Burns (Orogon) City. r, N
(Continued on page 4)
Telegraphic information was re
ceived In this city WcdnoBdny after
noon announcing that Wm. Farro
had been appointed by Governor
Olcott as county Judgo to norvu out
the unoxplrod term of tho late Judgo
II. O. Lovons. Mr. Farro was not n
candidate for tho position, It coming
to hliU unsolicited upon his part, in
fact Mr. Farro had personally given
his recommendation to other men
whom hu considered fltlod for tho
partition, but when uskod If ho would
accept tho placo hlmHolf ho merely
told thoHO who coiiHtillod him that
t . r LL ( 'j-..t i a At .
no wouiu accept u u was uio wjhii
of tho people.
Mr. Farro will bo found ono of tho
host ofllcluls over serving Hnrnoy
county, is tho opinion of tliono who
know him best. Ho Is a consclon
tlous man who will do his duty with
out fear or favor. He Is well fitted
for tho position, besides it is a do-
serving recognition of tho abllllyj
and service ofa man who gavo his
best during the war period, in tho
way ef aiding In drives and organiz
ing the people into effective, workers.
Mr: Farre gave his tine freely dur
ing that, tine always to the detriment
of his private business and at a sac
rifice In a financial way. Tboso with
whom ho associated In that work are
wore than pleased with this recogni
tion of bis ability and worth. Ho
will bring dignity and efficiency to
tho office of county Judge and wo fool
sure the taxpayers will have no com
plaint at his administration of tho
affairs of tho county coming under
his jurisdiction.
Next Monday, April 2(1, Odd Fel
lowship will bo ono hundred nnd ono
years old In America nnd In rolobrn
tion ef (he event tho local lodges of
tho Order are giving a public dancj
lu Tenawnma. No attempt has been
mads te mako it an elaborate affair,
just a nlco home like neighborly
event that will bo enjoyed by tho
gueste and a fratornul gathering of
the membership of Harney Lodge
and Sylvia Rebekab Lodge.
II haa been several yearn since
these erganlxatlons hnvo appeared
publicly In any social way In Bums
and the members hopo to meet thotr
many friends at this social gathering
and enjoy the hoHpltallty of the
Order for tho evening. An ndmN-
Ion of $1.00 will bo charged to nil
Hovoral of tho resldonts of tho
acroago section toward tbo river
woro boforu thu olty council last
Wednesday night for tho purpose of
bringing tho road loading from town
to the river to tho attention or the
city dads, If It was a stroot tho roa
identa 'proposed that the city give It
attention and havo It Improved. If
It was a ceunty road, as somo con
tended, than they desired to bring it
beforo the ceunty authorities. Upon
careful Investigation of thn records
it waa definitely found to bo a county
road nnd the court will bo asked, to
gravol it.
Tho first public recital of tho pup
tlti of tbo Valalr Conservatolr do
MuHlquo of Portland was hold at tli-
Lincoln high school auditorium on
Inst Saturday night. Miss Kathlonn
Jordnit) of thin city appeared in this
rectal In throo violin numbers In
which sho waa given special praise
by thoso presottt and glvon excellent
notice in thu Sunday Journal. Sho
responded to encores aftor each of
hor numberu on tho program. Tho
youngMady has attracted wldo atten
tion from musical circles during tho
ontire school yoar in tho metropollu
according to nowspapor reports that
havo como from time to time. Htr
many admirers In Burns aro proud
of hor and rojolce at her success.
Ed. McKlnnon and his slator, Mrn.
Lucy Board, wore pnHsongorfl out on
tho etngo to Crnno Thursday ovon
Ing'on tholr way to their respective
homos nft'or vlBltlngw'th rolntlvcB
h thlB ylqlnlty for n fow dnya. Ed
had jiitjindod going out aoonor but
becnnioMir and had to ronlnln con
fined' to' bla room.
Inspect Construction of Dam
And Distribution System
Over at Princviile.
Directors William Hnnlcy and
Judgo Grant Thompson, Seerbfnrv
Robt. M. Duncan, Commissioner
Ham Mothornhoad, nil of tho Ilornoy
valloy Irrigation District; and C. A.
Hyrd loft Thursday morning for
Prlnovlllo whero thoy woro Joined by
tho othor director of tho dlatrlct, A.
R. OlHon, on an inspection of tho
Ochoco project. Thoy woro going to
visit tho dam which In fast filling
wllh water and to look ovor tho
lands to bo Irrigated and gather such
information as thoy might. Tho
party are expected homo this aftor
noon. Tho Times-Herald waa not inform
ed as to Just why tho trip was madu
othor than that it was to inspoct thn
work done on the project and mako
some comparisons that they Mt
would be of benefit to the local un
dertaking. A representative of thbi
paper was asked lo accompany tan
party but owing to tho shop being
short handed It was impossible.
Last Saturday evening a largi
numbor of the younger peoplo of thin
city wore guests of tho local member,
ship or the Elks at an entertainment:
and dancing party ut the Masonic
Hall, Admission was by invitation
and many responded and they are all
loud In their praises er the enter
tainment furnished thorn and thnik
thu Elks for a most enjoyable even
ing. Thoro were nineteen a a sum to tea
invitation onntltutlng all the Klka
resident In this vicinity. Net all mt
these men were preseat, hut those
present showed themselves to hi
good sports and tho best et bests.
In addition te tho dauelag .num
bers there were- several marten) sel
ections whlsh included vesal solos ar
Mrs. N. F. Rood, Dell Hayes, tbo
Mlnnes Loora and 'Helea fleedlow,
Mrs, Chester. Daltnn, Frank Devoner.
There was ulo u trio by ..snr..
,fnrry 'A. Smith. Gt'orgc Bhaw and
W'ntilo Goer.
Punch was rervod all durln thn
ivinng and following the "Mlstlo
Hour" of olovon o'clock a rafatpr
'ituchcou was nerved thnt wnn oni
of tho nleo features of the nffnlr.
Tho Elk boys aro vntod fluo fel
lows aud splendid by all who
had tho privllogo of tholr hospital
ity. e
Ilert Simmons Informs us he baa
rocontly disposed of his stoek ranch
nnd his stock to S. M. Doltoa who
will take possession nt once. ThU
is a woll improved ranch with much
natural meadow and adjacent to
vnluablo range. Mr. Bolton ban hU
sou associated with htm in his ranch
vonturoH in thin vicinity wo under
stand. ' This stock much 'in connec
tion with tho Improved alfalfa farm
oast of town will mako thorn nn ex
c6llout plant whero thoy con con
duct a profltablo stock buainosa. Mr.
SlutmoitH Informs ua ho is making nr
rangomontH to loavo for Washington
soon to Join Mrs. Simmons but it uot
doclded us to what ho will do in
At tho last mooting of tho eltv
and roaming chickens occupied n
council tho mnttor of looso stock
conspicuous placo on tlio cards. It
wnH decldod to Btrlngontly enforce
tho ordinanco respecting tho running
nt largo of Btock and tho raarshnl
will "boroaftor Impound such stock
promptly. Ho la nlao instructed ck
boo that tho lndiiBtrlouo hon is konfr
within certain ennflnoa from thlu.
tlmo forth until tho gnrdon Beason la.
ovor. Tho chlckon ordlunnco Is uot
a now ono aa it haa boon unlawful to .
allow chtckottB to ruu unrestrlctod;
for Bovoral yoara.
J This, Ib gnrdon woutjir.