Hut unlay, April 17, lf0 IT II R TIMI1H.H 12KAM)' IIUIINH, II A II N K Y 0 O U N TV , O It K 0 O N IUUST COW ritOVKH IT Tbe best cow of tho 1307 tested jo gdHOolatlon worlc In February gave mro thuii four times an much milk, .aa nearly three tlmon us much f At, ntho nversgo cow. Hor record (or 1 (!ny wns 1G78 pounda of milk ti4 72 pounds fat, Tho fat alono rx worth raoro than $40 for tho ,iwt month of jtho year. Tenting .jar bottor thuu guessing, -O. A. C Proas HullotlHB. (KIl.OUKN'H IIKT LACKB MILK MM lUCKl? TVI'K 11KHT FKRDKRH Aii 800 pouud low quality ntoor bought at 5 contH, fattened to 1000 pounds and sold at 7 cents, shows n Rain of 930. A high quality hoof typo 8tojr of tho satno wolght bought nt 10 cents, fattenod to 1200 and ROld nt 12 COtltS, BhOWB a Rill n of 904 $34 nioro than tho scrub's. It pays to handle quality typea, sayn H. J. FJolsted, farm livestock field man for O. A. O. 'H" "Tt "i T r nii.uuiiATH MILK PRODUCTION 1IY PKKDING tyv COWH Four children out of ovory ton tn OJtgun outsldo of Portland get no gllk in tholr dlot. Since milk la to normal dovolopmont of filldron Hb ubo Ib BOURht by the (tllil welfnro workers. In Jackson (cunty tho homo demonstration ogtnt and furiti bureau will cooper ate with tho Oregon Dairy council ud local organizations In a milk cjmp.tlK" Medford, May 5 to 8. 'biro nro bright lights in tho (ity i , which you may guide your itejm, Ami thoro tire bright nilntls Is tin1 rou nt ry which need no lighto to RUlJo them. Thoro'a a, dainty maid In this town who doesn't llko to bo kissed bo uho says. And she's bucIi a martyr! HP UltM NO tho PAINTHH House Painting Auto PanUg Sign and Pictorial Painting ..INTKKIOH DKCOllATlNO PAPKIU1AXGI.NG, AND TINTING Staining, Graining and Marbling FIH8T CLASS W011KMAN8H1P famy LtJfe, Nt. 77 L 0. 0. F. Will give a public danca at Tonawama Hall Monday Night, April 26 In celebration of the One hundred and first anniversary of the founding of the Order Public Cordially Invited Admission, gentlemen, $1 NO CHILDREN If - An Oregon family of four hud $100 a month to got along on In 1013, but hud grown into a family of ten with only $45 u month Income In 1020, how In tho world would It live? That is the Case With Tho 8tute University, the Agricultur al College, and the Oregon Normal. In 1913 they had 22G0 students; now thoy have G400. And 91 In ltl3 Is only as g'ood us 4G conts today, in purchasing power. If You Yourself Were Responsible could you carry on the work of tho College, University and Normal en I the h:i mo state support as. In 1913? You Could Not. Neither can tho Btaio University, the Agricultural Collugo, and tho Normal Hcliool do It. Will you not help these three Institutions to continue their useful and productive work for Oregon by voting on May 21 for tho Higher Educational relief measure? PU ftJrMtiwrmrnt InMrlrd Wy Ctln DjrMMnl In WbV of Ilia JUl Akiinni RUW CMillt far Hlikvr K4uUlUn In Oregon. 114 Nttock tech. Careful Feeding Dwrlnic Ftrat Thirty Day aftor Calf It Bom Increase Milk Flow Throughout JctatlOa Period I ft "Nothing wrong with our balance! Uicsterpeld HP! IK right balance of costly Turkish jnd choice Domestic tobuccos, propor tio'icd by experts tint's why Chester fields "sutisfyl" I.VAi9lflgMwMK.&JwM The Only "Real" Sales The greatest sale of the year 1920 is going on at this store, today. It commenced January I and will end December 31 and then another year of sales will begin. This sale is in force six days in every week. It is a REAL sale the only kind of a sale that REALLY COUNTS where splendid values are obtain 3(1 for every penny you spend. Ev ery day is t ur sale day, and every article we sell is down to the SALE price. We bu for cash, in large quantities, take advantage o all discounts, and give you better allies the year round than any so-called "special sale'' can give you. Every article we sell is a bargain at the price. Como in- MAKE US PROVE IT. (Special Information Sorvlco, U. 8. Department of Agriculture.) A dairy cow's yearly production dependa largely upon tho conditions of flesh at calving tlmo and upon tho fued and care she receives during the tlrat six weeks aftor freshening. , Tho dry .period boforo freshening gives tho cow a rest and tonoa her up. When a cow gives birth to her calf, it is Nature's plan for her to produce enough milk to feed her oit spring. Man has takon advautngo of Naturo's plan and by scientific feeding and care has lengthened the mlk-produAlug period, say dairy specialists from tho United States Department of Agriculture. Thu dairyman has found by ex perience that an abnudaucu of feed containing thu proper lugrodients tunds to stimulate milk production. He reeds protein, becauso protein Is tho principal constituent In the cas) In milk, and a cow can not produce a largo amount of milk without a largo supply of thu right kind of feed. Protein also makes muscle and supplies othor needs of the body. Another Important reason for feed ing protein feeds is that the nitrogen In protein feeds seems to stimulate the milk-secreting glands to great activity when fed liberally durlug the (Irs I few weeks after freshening. Production a Guide For Feeding In order to tako advantage of this Impulse to produce more milk, thu practical dairyman weighs the grain fed to ench fresh cow dally, and also weighs the milk she gives,. Ho slarM thu fresh cow by feeding G pounds dally of a laxutve grain ration, lie lucrcnsQs tho grain ration onuhulf pouud one day and comparot It with the pounds of milk produced during the next two dnys. If tho Increased amount of grain has resulted In a corresponding lucresao In milk, the grain Is again Increased ton the next day. This process is contluuud, and tho grain lucresuod every second or third day, as long as the cow contin ues to maku a prolltahlo Increase In quantity of milk produced. The lax ative foods are gradually jaken out of the ration after a few. days und grains substituted according to the noed and economy of tho ration. This method of working tho frcHh row up to glvoui larger quantty of milk may take from two to four weeks. The digestive and milk su crettng systems of soma cows re spond to liu roused feed more slowly than other. Uest results can not be obtained by allemptlng to bring a cow Into her full milk flow durlug the llrst wo?l following freshening Hvon though tho fresh cow dros not go off her fo'd her dlgostlvo system may be overtaxed mid the keon edge worn off liT appetite so her milk Itow Is not brought up to Its max imum. Checking t'p Hcoiiom v of Product Ion When milking the fresh cow. (ho dnlryman continues to milk a little longer than usual In order to stim ulate tho milk-HCcretlng glands to produce more milk. This Is simply tin Imltntlon of tho calf's efforts to satisfy Its appetlto and results In maintaining the llow of milk overj a relatively long purlod. After tho cow has reached her maximum ecoiiomlciil production a pouud or two of grain can somotlmes be taken away gradually wltlfout tho cow's decreasluK hor dally pro duction. If tho quantity of milk de creases, a portion of the grain taken away should bo replaced and this ration fed as loiif aa the cow's ws, How remains coitiitani. It Is the business of every dairy man to find tho maximum economical productive capiiclty of each cow In Agents for Cleveland Tractors Dodge Brothers Cars Firestone Tires and Tubes Universal Garage his herd as she freshens. This Is done by the method described. If it is found that Ike maximum econ omical production erf a fresh cow Is over C6 pounda telly, it will not be difficult to keep Iter producing at a SC. or 30 'p'ound clip for tho next alx months or. even longer. Hut, It 1'. practically I is possible te stimulate her to maximum economical produc tion if she in allowed to produce under her c&rmclty during tho finU, .10 diiy( of. the lacfaten -period, j e?i - Frank JphMoh Talks Irrigation District (Continued from page 1) the nuance committee that as soon as he can gut away froni court he would devote his lime to consulting with his neighbors and getting them to courlbute tholr sharu toward lb? funds necetiHiiry for the entertain ment' of the guests. "I'll glvo you $40 right off tho but J" That's the way ho felt about It and we must all fool the same way. Como out o KIGIITII UllADK KXA.MINATION DATKH School Hupt. Frances Clark an nounces the dates for eighth grade 'examinations have been fixed for May 13 and 14 and June 10 und 11. Tho program for examinations tiro: Thur sday morning arithmetic, writing. Afternoon -II I s t o r y, agriculture, spelling. Friday morning physiol ogy, lunguiige. Afternoon geog raphy, civil government, reading. TOO I.ATK TO OliASHIFV Here PltO.MPT service nud courteous treatment will nlwuya lie accord ed putrous of the llunm Hotel liarber Shop. Ilalhs nt any hour of tho day. C. W, Simmons. Prop, f o Wanttto be Delegate to National Convention. Lutille J; Aker,, who has been a res ident of Ontario and a practicing at torney In Malheur County for the past ten years, has announced, his candidacy for delegate to the Dem ocratic National Convention at San Francisco, on thu following plat form: "I believe In, the endorsements of of the ipleinlld actyevemeMts of tkj RomfcVallc Party and Wood row Wil son, iti standard nearer and leader dUinf right years of the moat try ing and 'turbulent times in tho world's history; the masterful and N. Brown & Sons O.-W. CASH MARKET Bums Hotel Building NOW open for business with a full line of FRESH MEATS Cured Meats', Ham, Bacon, Bologna, etc., soon By establishing "a market we hope to better srvp our past patrons who Have been taking meat from our auto delivery. Oltman & Withers upright diplomacy utilized bringing peace, freedom and justice to mil lions of enslaved people; tho emelent conduct of the war bringing early Boneo and victory to American arm; the progressive legislation enacted, including woman's suffrage and pro hibition, rendering America the most prosperous and harmonious nation on earth. I also believe In the pro gressive principles advocated by William Jennings Bryan,' the great Commoner, whom I boltevo the rank and file of tho Democratic and com mon puoplo In general, will draft In to service ns the uoxt candidate ami In cumbont of the Presidency." , Try Firestone Cords, Universal Garage. Adv. tf. o " HPKKLIIfG the PAINTRK House Painting Auto Painting ilgn nnd Pictorial Painting INT KRKM DIXXHtATINa PAPKRMANOINO, AND HOTTING FHirr CLASS WORKMANSHIP Staining, Graining and Marbling; rz i mm w mmmmmt SeaJtchjiig and Beralag Try FiroMono t'ord. Unlvcrmil Garage. Adv. tf. PHOTO Studio AMATKUIl FINIHIIING Dovoloplug and Printing Kodak KalargemeHtH ' from Snapshots, Cabinet Photographs Satisfaction Guaranteed or Monoy Itofuuded F.T.HUNT Open Sundays Only In former Sayer Studio Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here . S. Geer & Co: HARDWARE Bulk Garden Seeds Onion Sets Etc. v rArr "N t v tT t - Fai'm Machinery Case Tractors Martin Ditchers iKEROSENE z BURNING Gas Engines Bosch Magneto Early. Baart Wheat Alfalfa Seed GROCERIES Dry Goods Shoes VAIE TRADING CO. " CRANE BRANCH