The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 17, 1920, Image 1

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i " '
"Men willingly liclluvo Hint
which they wish." If you ilmt't
believe 'The 'rlincH.IIcrahl 1m
tlio placo for your nil, It Is do
cmhho you arn not Milling to ?;ce
your feufllncsn grow.
Iff frtltfntlon, city AvaU'r, ami
i (Krr Hynicni mi coining.
S ilmN oiio of: "FricmlH, fnm-
(17 nnI u Ford-what. more
BB urn.
ml Uiuiih hnvo bcfcuM U
NO. 25
w - S"" V v-. MrA-iUU;.-..
- 7,'." " ' "" ' '' -- -'jiiitt.iil. . .... . .
hlgc Biggs Passes Sentence
Upon Convicted Men;
Three Paroled.
Juilf, B'ggn of tlio circuit court
tkwttt tho r.'sulur Bprlng torm of the
court yi'itc. lay uftoruoon in order
tkt he a lit go to Crane laat night
tud chU iho morning train out. Ho
till bin ' open court nt -Vulu on
Monday - "Tiling.
Amokk ho important mat turn be
too the court nt the session just cloa
i a wore tlio buUh against the Irrl-
ftHon projects in thin vicinity. Threoj
Iftltj "'' Mod but onu wan dlnmltw
M at oiiro; another after argument
dcrldod by tho Judgo favorable
H6 the formation of tho "wot" dls-
Eirkt In which exception's wcro filed
h tho grounds of alleged Irrogulur-
at tho election and that Iho
petition wan not taken huforo the
proper authority. The third ault
u argued but not decided an tho
jtdge did not hav tlruo to go into
'it thoroughly It will receive hln at
tMlkm during vacation.
Yoiteiday afternoon tho Judgo
piMod mmtcncu upon several who
tod boon found guilty of crlnicr. Tho
kit was Hodney Davis who wan con
tided of tho crlmo of larcony by
btllee. Ho vrao sentenced to from
H4 to flvo yeura in tho penitentiary
William F. Uuehanan, a young boy
tho pleaded guilty o tho chargo of
itMllng a home, waa given a good
Ulk by Judgo Biggs and sentenced
to throe yenrn In the penitentiary but
jurokxl becauso of hlti tender years
b4 tho further fact that ho had bcun
in orphan for several ycara without
baring tho ndvantago of proper in
struction Judgo Biggs paroled tho
boy to lion. J. W. McCulloch, one of
the practicing attorneys of thin dls
trlct whoso homo la at Ontario. Mr.
McCulloch accepted hia chargo and
ado a nhort statement in open court
u to why ho waa moved to ask for
the boy. Later, J. K. Bltemore, the
Mock man of the Warm 8prlnga
wlfhborbood, who waa present In
ts court room and beard what had
trasaplivd, naked the court to let him
Uvo tho boy an ho could
trader bis particular observation on
the ranch and ho needed Juat audi u
boy. Mr McCulloch relinquished In
ror cf Mr. Slzemoro and tho boy
as taken out to tho ranch.
Sherman Cong, n young home
itea'dcr, who pleaded guilty to bav
ins taken ho mo fencing from tho W.
G How .1 placo on what Is known an
tho Ilur)" well .placo, wna given a
Kaxlnium ncntoncu of flvo youra in
the penitentiary und paroled. Tho
ffrQrt gavo tho young man nomo, ex
cellent advico and ho promised to
ke' restitution, He will return the
Jlre to tho placo from which it waa
C. A Downs was convicted of the
larceny of soroo whisky. Ho had
tan taken be.foro the justice court
tefore and fined S1G0 and given a
Ml eentonco for the eamo offonso,
8d in view of tho circumstances sur
roondlrg tho cuao tho Judge gava
him a I no of $50 and a Jull sontonce
ofnlx uonthM, but paroled Ijim In tho
tuatod f tho BhorlfT and further 1m-I-ost
I i i ond for $500 for his good
khav' r
her t discharging tho Jurora in
attenduiifo Judgo Hlggs had u now
framl jury drawn for tho full torm.
Those composing that body are: A.
K. nichardson, K. D. Dnker, M. H.
Brcnton, P. C. I'eteraen, Columbuu
O'ove, Wm. Tholmcr, Frod O.
Coanty Treasurer W. Y, King ro
uted a telegram yesterday" forenoon
tanouncing the death of bits alstor,
Mrs. Dr Kayger, at tho family home
near forvallla. He thought he
ould go down to attend the funeral
bJt aftor making calculatlonu fouud
k could not reach therq in tlmo
"PloHa ho could catch tho morning
rain out of Bond, and not bolus tu
m"Iar with tho road ou that way,
tecldr,i to uot go. Mrs. liuyjior wnH
t ono tlmo a resident of, this county
the early days, rosldlng in tho
Diamond section.
R. J. McKinnon.
U. J. McKlnnou died InHt Huuday
afternoon at tho hoHpltnl in thn city.
Ho had HUtfered a stroke of puralyHlii
during last week and his condition
was norlouH with llttlu liopo of iiln
JucoVorlng from tho Btroku becauau
Vt his advanced ago, but ho innlHtud
ho wuh going to got better. 11 In Hon
llobU Jr., and daughter, Mrs, Clovu
land, ciuno over from Van upon
learning of his condition nml as ho
Hueiuod to improve thoy rotumod
homo. Another dnughlur, Mrs.
Kmauuid Clark, arrived (from lior
homo nt tho While ilorno ranch Sat
urday night aud othcrn of his dill
droit living nt i. OlHtonco started hero
Immediately; tho oideat boii, 1M. J
arrived from his homo over lit linker
counly, but it wni aftsr his father
had pasHod away; Mrs. Lucy Hoard
also came from her homo at Hor
moda, S. D., but arrived after her
father had been burled.
Tho funeral waa held Tuosday
afternoon from the Daptlat church,
the service befog conducted by Kov,
J. J. Tlckncr. The active pali bear
era Included some of the pioneer meu
of this coMBiunity, Geo. D. Ha gey,
SlBaon LewU, J. C. Foley, It. fT.
Ilughet, Fred Lunaburg and I. H.
"Uncle Dob" McKlanon was ono
of tho noble men of this earth. Ho
was a good, conscientious muii who
commuuded tho respect of all his
ucquuiutances aud llwd a ilfu that
was an example to his fellow men.
During hia long residence in this
county, dating from 1886, he waa a
factor in tho upbuilding of the coun
try und was always found right on
any undertaking. He did not put
himself forward, yet ho was aggress
ive in a rauuuer that was convincing
to those with whom ho cntnu lu con
tact. Hia neighbors all loved him
and enjoyed tun company, many ot
them wont, to him tor advico aud
counsel which thoy Invariably .found
sound und worth following. While
ho hod lived to an advanced agu he
will nevertheless be missed by this
community and mourned by many
alucuru friends la addition to his im-
modlatu relatives.
Hubert Jackson McKinnon waa
born January 22, 1836 in Indiana.
Ho was miyrled on Nowtnbor 7,
18C7 to Kmlly Harriott Long at
Clarluda, Iowa. Thoy made their
homo fn the place Just named until
the spring of 18C9, when they moved
to MUuourli rumululng there until
tho fall of 1 S" i, thoy returned to
Clarlmla, Iowa remaining until April
1875, coming to Willows California,
and a fow months later to Hoddlug,
sumo iitato. In tho fall of 188C they
moved to thin place, slnco which time
it bus boon their homo until tho
don tit of the wife, which waa on
July 18, 1011.
During the past nine years Mr.
McKlnuou ban spent roost of his
tlmo with Ms children, of whom
thcro wore 12 born 7 daughters and
5 houb, quo daughter died at the ago
of little more than 2 yoaru and 2
sons utter reaching their manhood.
Tho children who remain to grlovo
his passing, are: J, B. McKinnon
Carson, Oregon; Mrs. Ida McCamboll
Whltomore, Calif,; J. It. McKinnon
Jr., of Van, Oregon; Lucy J. Heard.
Hermosa, 8. I).; Dora D. Clark, of
AndrowB, Oregon; Thos. D. McKin
non, of Cheiitam, Wash.; Kmmn
Allco Clark, of Portland, Oro.; Klslc
Ollvo Clovoland,' Van, Ore.; and
HshIo Clunuvn Smith,' Omaha, Nob.;
besides many grand children, great
grand children and frlendn.
Dlod at ago of 83 years, 2 months
and 19 days.
To build wtpoDslve dams and irri
gating systems for lundn only that
now have the bonoflt of water with
out Buch, would bo an absolute folly.
To HBk that landB not now irrigated
BhQUld bear the burden of taxation
incldont to formation of a district.
coiiBtfuctlon etc, would be an lnjua;
tico. Lot tho Irrigated and (produc
iiiK landu asaumo all financial re
sponsibilities In that respect and
tho conserved wristo water under tho
imnrnveil nvstem. when delivered to,
and paid for, by tho now nrld landa
pay a roaHonablo Intoront on tho in
vestment, tho Biuno an on any othei
legitimate business onterprlso.
Organization of Big District
Dcclatcd Regular And
Directors Proceed.
Yoiitorduy Judgo Illggs of the cir
cuit court confirmed tlio formation
of tho Harney Valley Irrigation Dis
trict and that organization can got
busy. A suit was filed contesting tho
confirmation on thn grounds Hint
there wan fraud practiced during tho
election and that the proceeding:!
had not bcun brought before tho
right tribunal. Thin wan not aside
by tho Judgo and tho district ban
ovcry right to proceed with busluusn
no far an that coiiit In concerned, tiu
court holding' that thn oxceptioiM
taken woro not woll founded.
This deposes of tho obstacles that
might have delayed tho rapid work
ing out of the details or tho project
und given tho directors an opportun
ity to go on and perfoct plans for
construction of the dams and neces
sary canals to properly carry out
the system of placing water on tho
William Hailey Secnres
Valuable Irritation Data
William Hanley returned last Mon
day from Portland whuro ho had
boon for a fow days on business, Hu
was out on some private business but
did not negluct to put in some licks
for tho Irrigation district whtlu In
tho metropolis,
"I had it conforonco with Hon.
Will II. King, who occupies tho pos
ition of chief counsol for the reclam
ation nurvlco of the United States,"
said Mr. Hanley, "and through him
locatod some data that is of consid
erable value to the irrigation district
and which we will get hold of. This
will be the means ot saving net only
considerable Axpease, but a lot of
time, an it baa been carefully com
plied and will need nothing but
Mr. Hahloy did not go Into details
an to tho nature of this data but It
will be forthcoming within u short
tlmo and will aid the onglnoern to
arrive at a basis of cost of the con
itructlon of tho Irrigation works at.
an earlier time than If it had to lio
gathered in tho flold.
It had boon arranged that n meet
ing of the directors and cbmmlaslor
urn of tho irrigation district would
ho hold upon Mr. Hanloy'n return
but u telegram called Mr. Olsun, n
member of the board of directors, to
Ucnttle thoroforo there was no moot
ing held.
o .
The team in charge of the cam
paign put on by thirty Protestant
church denominations In tho Inter'
church World Movumont, visited thin
city on Thursday. Owing to ho muoli
going ou demanding tho attention of
our citizens tho meetings during tho
day and evening wcro not as-well at-
tended an thyy would otherwise. :
Circuit court was In uusslon and mat-,
tors of considerable interest to many
woro at stako and therefore wna flrt
with thorn. Other things of n like
nature Interfered with u representa
tive attondanco. Howovor, tho move
Is ono that moots with approval aud
ono that should havo norloua consid
eration. Tho campaign Is given consider
able attention in thin issue of tho
paper on page six whoro thouo inter
ested may read. Othor matters will
uot permit going into dotalla In re
spoct to tho program given at tho
Presbytorlan church during tho visit
of tho team hero.
lira. Kllu Martin is sick at Dolso
whero alio wont noon aftor her
daughter, Nora, recovered from an
attuok of pnqumonla and Influenza
lriBt month. Mrs, Martin was con-
Blderobly worn out from illno)B lu 'and othor Iiho nppllancos,
tho family and the doath of oimj Tlio 'Vimes-Herald in certainly in
daughtorf Hor frlondB hopo Bho will cllnod to pongratulato tho neighbor
soon rogaln her health and return 'hood on tho acquisition of Buch a
home. (progressive cltlzon,
1 i
8. L. A1IM Spends Week in
Burns; Sees Big Future
And Slants o Help.
I), h. Allon of LoretiB, Iowa, spent
most of tho week In thin city. Mr. tolophono mcssngo at 2:40 stated
Alien has rodl oatnlo lntoro3ts In this, that a bridge had burned out Just
vicinity, boltig imsoeiutod with P. S. boyond Juntura and that tho train
Woittcnhllter"tn several good Hkod could not poiiBlbly roach Crano until
tractn of land, Ot rccont yoarB con tomorrow morning. It had boon cx
dltloiiH have not boon favorable to- poctod tho funeral would bo hold at
ward offering theno lands to homo tho Masonic hftll tomorrow after-
Hookers or Investors, becauno of dry
seasons, therefore they havo not boon
promoted or exploited. Mr. Allen
camo out to (Investigate present con
ditions and $1 consult with Mr. Wult
tenhlllcr, nJfwell as othors, in re
spect to MHtJPHttfre aad what tho pro
npects Wffftjlo begin a tubro inten
sive devlopottt of the country.
"You haH big undnvetoed re
sources here and I foel confidence in
a( great futttrt,' sl4 Mr. Allen this
morning bff4ak.lai: kU departure
for Crane wWe ha "will oatraln on
his homeward Journey. "I want tu
! a yart 6t that If possible; I am
not aw obstructionist, nor do I want
to bp Phieed in that class. When
clrcvimataRCM are nuch aa to per as It
my activity In a progressive wove
mont I aw ready to assume ray part
In thu gamrt and carry it through,"
Mr. Allely ban largo property and
business interests In his homo stato
and has always taken an active part
In advancing thu country In which
hu devotes hln attention. Ho owns
land in Florida and ho also has lands
In Alberta, Cauada, therefore bin In
terests arn varied and cover a wide
range. He Is In a position to bring
many dcslrablo investors into this
country provided he can cbnsclun
tlously do 'no.
Mr. AlleW frankly stated to a rep-resentatireakf-Uil
-paper that he had.
come to a tlnio in hlu life wbon ho
didn't want to assume any burden
that would be likely to cause him
worry and discomfort, therefore he
hopes to get his affairs In this vi
cinity in shape that he can 'most
effectively handle them and recom
mend them to his friends and neigh
bors in an effort to bring about an
Improved condition and. more pros
porous and contented homes. Such
an attitude should bo mot in thu
right spirit by this community, during her visit hero hold a
Mr. Allen given such support ni will 'noting wm, tho Library Club and
bring his full force of onorgy in lino discussed tho work. Mrs. Culluhaii
with progression.
Miss Fato, tho representative of
the Elltton-Whlte Lyceum System,
vrtio-wnrTrero iast week, Interested
tho cltlrens of liurns In a course for
tk,e coming winter anal aJx numbers
were signed for. These will como
during the school year beginning in
the lata fall and continuing through
tho winter. They consist of musical
numbers, drnmatlo and lectures.
Tho peoplo of this community aro
fortunate In scouring this course
Thoy approclatod the Chautauqua
last Bummer so woll that It has creat
ed a dejilro for more good things
along oiitertalnlng llpos, Tho touch
ers of tho Hchoola of nurns woro tho
moving' spirits In securing tho course
for next winter. Tho untertalumontu
will bu about ono month apart.
S, M, Ilolton, formerly tho nctlvo
man In chargo of tho Dolton ft liod
mor warohouBo nt Crane, baa dis
posed of that buHlnosB and has pur
chaod tho farm of Clydo Wolttonhll
ler two miles south ot the Experi
ment Station, This Is known as the
Frank Jackson place and ia one of
tho best producing farms in this sec
tion of tho country, being Heodod to
This paper ia informed that Mr.
nolton in making arrangements to
further Improvo the farm by build
ing a modern dwelling upon It' with
modorn convonloncen including full
husomont oloctrio lights furnace boat
Judge HL C Levens
Telegraphic, information was re
ceived hero yontorday morning from
Portland announcing that Judgo H.
C. Lovonu had pansod away at 5
o'clock and that tho body would bo
nhlppod homo for intonnont.
Mnny friends and rolatlvcn of thin
city have gono to Crnno to moot tho
jhoroavod wlfo and othor rolatlvoa
pwho aro on tho train coming up; n
noon but owng to this delay it Is
not certain.
Suitable obituary notlco will bo
published in this paper next issue.
PiUic ScUol Coitribites '
Tt Araeiiai Relief Find
Principal Sutton of the public
school of this city ha received an
acknowledgement of the contribu
tion! of the children of tho school to
the Near Kast relief. The children
volunteered to make contributions to
thin fund following the visit of a
worker in thin vicinity who showed
them conditions. The sum of $71.02
was raised without solicitation ou tho
part of Mr, Button and this amount
hf forwarded to the right officer.
This Is a very crodltablo contribu
tion and one that ban brought very
favorable coment from headquarters
for tho school.
( Drives fpr deserving cuuhos are
coming thick and fast and tho avor-
4 age individual Is wondering whero
ho will draw the Hue, They como
so often that ono Is kupt digging
continually. Tho local affairs of the
community aro going to havo first
consideration In the Immediate fu
ture, as thane must be met and taken
care of, regardless of tbo merit of
the outside Undertakings.
Mrs. Ida D. Callahan, president of
tho Federal Clubs of Oregpn, made a
short visit to this "city during the
week, leaving yesterday by way of
Crano for outside poluta to tho east.
She camo In Thursday from Hew'
Is n teacher In tho O. A. C. at Cur
vallls but is on leave of absence 1c
ordor that Hho may nttond her dutloh
In thn tifllce which iiho holds with
tho federated cluba of the state. The
lady wan a guest of School Supt
Clark while hero and she also visit
ed the Shattucks at tho Experiment
Station an she formerly taught both
Mr. and Mrs. Shattuck in tho school.
Mrs. Callahan Is a very Interesting
woman and very capable. She mado
a Very favorable impression upon
those with whom she camo In con
tuct and her visit resulted In good
to tho organizations which nho rep
rosouts, o
Tho TlmeB-Horald in receipt or
a communication from tho Van coun
try In which It In suggested that i
Btoad of roforrlus to that neighbor
hood aa "Clamlty" that it bo called
"nadlum Vulloy." What havo you
to say to that name? Spoak up.
Tho writer also statoa they had
. . .
aomo lino storms In that neighbor
hood rocontly, all night ralnn on. tho
2nd, 3rd and 4th, also two foot of
snow on the mountains botweon
Calamity and Dear Valley.
Tho cdmrannlcatlon further an
nounces that Mrs. Itacheal Gearhart
and her lit tie daughter, Josophlnn
Itacheal, have returned from Ontario
whore thoy had been visiting rolat
lvcn and frlondB.
fc'ju'ak up about tho name of tho
Ir.ii'.'tv. now. J ct'H get tho
oi tint ontlro pnlnhlifrbood.
. o-
Mrs. Luoy Beard, 1b hero frqm hor
homo lu Hornosa, S. D having como
bocnuso of tho doath of hor father
bttt'arrlvod too lato to atlond tho
funoral. Sho will visit for a time
before returning home,
Advocates Relive Work On
Constructiod End of Job;
Stockmen Coming.
Frank Johnson Is here from I'rlno
vlllo and ho hasn't talked anything
oluo but tho Irrigation district and
tho coming stock convention slnco
ho hit town, bo fur an thin shop
knows. Ho may havo talked land
miles or lon.nos to uomo peoplo nlnco
that's what tho. Oregon & Western'
Colonization Co. pays him for, but uo
far no any uttoranco In tho proscuco
of tho newspaper man or tho nhop,
it has boon irrigation district--or
stock convention.
Frank ia very much interested In
both. Ho knows from his observa
tions at Prlnovlllo with the Ochocn
project Just being complotod, and
the Warm Springs project over In
Malheur county, where bis company
haa a lot of land, Just what Irri
gation means and how badly It u
needed. He also knows what thn
peoplo of Harney county aro up
against when they contemplated en
tertaining the State Cattle ft Horn-1
Growers Association at Its annual
convention. "You've got your hand
full." That's what ho says about
the convention.
"For goodnosH nako, don't let thj
construction ond of the Irrigation
district know what tho legal ond 1
doing, You aro bound to huvo more
or less litigation," says Mr. Johnson.
"It in tho case every tlmo and will
continue the sumo until tho end. Ko
Irrigation district was over formed or
over will bo formed that will suit
everybody right off tho hnt. Thov
have to 'Hu showud.' Even tho fol
lows Inside tho district aro sometime
dissatisfied aud then around th't
edges you'll always tlnd hoiiio feller
who thlnkn ho ought to be lu and
has u kick coming. .It wan tho casu
on thu Ochoco and ou thu Warm
Springs. Never mind tlio pcnslmlM.
Ho In going to howl, but lot mu glvo
you a tip: Organize n bouncer club
und when thu fellow lets out u yell
on tho street, Just escort him right
to thu directors and headquiirtorn
where Information In first-bunded
Ml hM tnln. If there Is any
thing to his kick It will bo adjustud
if thoro Isn't tell him to shut hia
mouth and stop Interfering."
Frank Johnson has ho right
"hunch. ' Why not go to tho right
sourco with complaints Instead ot
making them to hccomt partiu and
ulkltig long and loud about IhluiM
o thu individual Vlio cun't como
ick at you becauso he doesn't know
the Inside Information? That's the
vuy neighborhood feuds aro kept
tp. That's tho way children do. Ic
an't tho way progressive "on the
square" business concerns get by.
Just try It.
"That bunch of stockmen aro com
ng fullforco do you got mo?" saya
Frank Johnson. "Oeorgo Kusaoll
lust got back from over In Lake und
Klamath counties beforo I left Prlno
vllle, and ho saya they're all coming,
and I know that Crook county h
coining pvor strong. ,Quoss I'd bet
tor toll .'urn to brljig along tholr
blankets though, from what you toll
Thut'B tho spirit Hint I? root from
ovory direction in connection wlh tho
stockmon'B convention. Burns Is tho
placo thoy have turnod tholr oyes on
In May and thoy'ro coming. Wo'vo
got to tnko caro of them. Now,
don't leavo It to tho other follow, for
Itn your Job Juat as much as his. All
tho available rooms havo not been
llstod with tho accommodation com
mittee'. That has boon learned by
tho writer during tho past two or
threo days. Ho knows of roomi
right hero in town that huYon't been
llstod. Skip Whiting haa volunteer
ed rooms out at httf ranch Iioubo Juet
across tho river. Ho can tako caro
of several of tho boyB. Eph Slze
moro, who ia hero doing Jury duty,
is going to bring in his camp bodt
and turn thorn ovor to tho commltteo.
Othera should do likewise We'ru
perfectly able to toko caro of our
Btockmon guesta If tho neighbors will
only do tholr almro and they'ro .going
to. .
Onn slock' man told a momber of
I (contlnuod on Inso i)