TUB TIMKI'H R R A ) D BURNS, II A R' it K Y OO.UNWj () IlKOON Pal unlity, April 1, IMMi Classified Advertising and Legal NoticesProfessional CardsPolitical Announcements rA,iirt-1 GOT TO OO GlV6 THE I VLLt LOOK fOR 'frfiZLf'liX Vkt I BHl OH CUCt UP,1' ALL vAK 11191 YftM - AMD Bom Pi i "jJ L iM"! " " " H " M 1 ! Mil I "1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS DK. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Hums, Oregon Office.it residence, Dr. Griffith's for mer home. Phone No, 14 ' ' ,t. t . It U B R K I , M . 1 . Dr Suurmun & Brunei's Former Odlco Uulldlng Ih(e No. UU Hunts, Oregon .1. W. GEARY Physician, and Surgeon Harm, - - Orrgoa Tulophona R139 RKNMAN DKNMAN Ph) Melons and Sutkcoim Calls auiwercd promptly day or night , 'Phono Crano ( 'ratio, Oregon I.. B. HIIUIARD i e'n T I S T 0111 1 rut door vast photo gallery Hums, Oregon ( IIAHLE8 W. ELLIS 1, A W Y K It II iruu, - - - Oregon Pra- th os In the State Courts and Wotv the U. S. Laud Office J. V MrCulloch Robt. M. Duncan M. I LI.OCH J DUNCAN lawyers Offli -tbove tho U. 8. Laud OtDcw !M ItNS. OREGON II K It M A V VOX 8 O II M A L Z Attorney uf. Law Co!i'-' and practleo before U. S. Ollico a specialty 0." u 1'rv H'dg. next door to I'. O, llunw, Oregon ( h .i . II. L o n a r d ttoriiey-itt-I.aw - Car tt iitlou glvutt to Col(ictlous J Kunl Estate matters I'lro Insurance Votary Public . UuriiH, Oregou ItRUCB It. KKHTER Attorney at Law Laud Ottue Practleo vLand Scrip for sal Vale, Oregon M. A. Biggs k i M a h n i a Q H lawyers Ilurns, OregoH ESTRAY KSTRAY From Donman ranch at( Harrliuan, ono brown standard, bri'i mare, with one yearling colt' nti'l one last sprlPtf colt (by iter); 1 this brand on right Hliouiuer. i f linn Imnffl nt tl ft!) I V Mil If Siler'u pluco. Hold and not-; u or bring to Dunn. Will-; pay rtMHonub'e foo, JAMES,' 1E ART, llur.. , Oro. 12-20 ; r'iRYED Ono v. I Ito chunky: mar t branded RR on loft shoulder, i vr-h'U about 1000 11m. Ono Iron) kmv yearling filly branded II : hanging on loft Jirv. Sultublol reward for- their recovery. Ed, Morgan, Iiurns, Oregon 1-241 j ESTRAYED Cuttlo branded with 2 1 Pfar on loft hip, marked split in I left and crop off right; ulo cuttlo ' randoil 87 with bar ovor top oin "KM rilm, marked split In rlghL M rrop off loft. Homes: ono jior f I work inaro brande(l 7L on 't'o and vented on sliouldor; ono saddla maro withh star In faco 1 1 nided TK connected on loft I'Miidor: two throo-yoar-old coKh 'uv Koiding aud brown maro 1 uidcd S7 with bar ovor on stlflo. H. J, McKlunon, Drowsoy, Orp. HSTRAY 1 havo a coming two-year om red houor at my place marked with crop off right and apllt In loft oar. Part of tho brand can bo mrtdo out but not sufficient to dlHtinKUlHh tho lnat part ot It. Tho brand fx an 8 with bar over It. Owner can huvu same by proving property, pnyhiK tho food bill and also paying for tltlo notice, Seotl Haloy, Nnfrow-j, Orcon. 2-28. ESTUAY Rod heifer, coming two, tnarkod with an upper cut In right car and under slip In loft, bruudml O on loft hip. Ownur may havo animal by prorlng properly and paying for thin ad and tho feed bill D. E. Morgan, Burns, Oregon. STRAYED From stable at Crano, Oro. brown and white spotted cow, half Jersey, very gentle, good Bilk er, two Months old spotted mabt calf. Any person taking, her up will' be paid liberal reward by phonfng or writing to Mary B. Davis, P. O. box 17, Crane, Oro. ESTKAY One chunky white maro, weighing 1200 branded EN, also bay chunky ntaro weighing 1200..thero show cattro, If any axlsu, why with white face, branded EN. Not ify E. N. Ward, Narrows, Oregon. FOR SALE MILK AND cream for nolo: O. J Dout. Hunts Feud Ilurn, phono No. U8I5. i-2l tf TWO 'STORY, sovon room reHldonco, plastered, hot and cold water, bath a'nd modern cottvoulences, cellai and garago, In IJIock CS, .Ird addi tion to Jlurns, belonging to Mrs, Esther F. Schwartz, for sale WM. FARRE FOR 8ALE COO acre well lutprovnd irrigated ranch, all fenced with convouieut buildings, house, cellar, barn, corrals and other oulbulld- , Ings; farm machinery aad work horses go with the place. Pari cash, balance on long time at 7 Iter coat interest, Seo A. A Trnni'iiM nt Itilumt Ptniilpi. llitulltv' Co. 2-2 8tf. FOR SALE Piano In first clanrf con dltlon, 975 cash. See W. J. Crozler, Hums, Oregon. .1-13-41 FOR SALE Early Daart seed or feed wheat. Daltou Oibbs, Ilurns, Oregon. 3-13-4-3 During tho cold weather car own ers should use nonfroozlng solution and avoid rrozon radiators, It Is sold ut Lampnhlro's Garage. The Robert Olen ranch lit Section W. Thomas, tho above named do T. S5 H R.aaji H., for sale m 1 fondants, and to each of yom 12(10.00 nisli. - . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE W3I. FARRE. OE OREGON, (tu, and each or you. 'are required to appoar and answer For Sale 12 horso-power Russell Ho eaniphilnt on llln against you In traction engine and hay balor. Aitho above enl'tled Court and cause bargain. W. A. Goodman. 1-3. within six weeks from thu date of FOR SALE Tho James McManus ranch in Sec. 13, 14, 1C, T. 28 S R. 24 E 320 acres, for 91900.69. WM. KARRIS. WRITE th Cof Caldwell to reeelvn frm Neveml Jm4re4 rwk betteai iM-krs ot m4ne. Kady mix ed plm 9 ipal. lhire IJasrtd 41 fH.10. MuK.toiMcra Mr, U. Le4rr I for SI cmjm, LaaKwi Irta tl kain very latent style fiUM f 44. FOR SALE To4d Check Proclector, ahw practically- sew N. 1 Hew IngtoH SCaadard Typewriter, Fred Williams, Rums, Oregoa. 3-itf. FOR SALE A limited supply of No. 1 fence posts aud gate pasts. In quire at Geo. Hagey Store or G. J. Hillings. 3-20tf, FOR SALE 11000 will buy lot 4 SW4 NW'4, WMHW'i, 800 2, Twp. 23 R. 33 E. Willamette Mer Idlun, 1 T 0 ucres. About 00 ncroi undor.plow. 'Fonco, 3 bales wlro. Wrlto'N. Elchner, 030 Miss Avb., Portland, Oregon. 3-20-41. 4 t FOR SALE Good seed barley. S. Whiting, HuriiH, Oregon. I'honu No, 8FC0, 33-27-41 j FOR SALE Youn Jeroy and Hol Hteiu milk cows; also somo grades. White Leghorn eggs for hatching, 1,60. L. E, Hlbbard. 4-3tf. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF UIDH FOlt WOOD Notlco Is horoby given that tho County Court or Haruoy County will receive .bids up to April 7, 1920, for 40 cords best quality Pino Wood and 3D cord host quality Mahogany wood, to be delivered at the Court House and High School building, in Huron, Oregon, on or before September 1, 1020. A bond will be requested, and tho County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bldtt. Blda will bo considered for either or both kinds of wood. Sealed bids may bo loft at County Clerk's odlco. Dated March 15, 1020. OlIEBTBH DALTON County Cleric. CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OK THE STATE OF OREOON KOU HAR NEY COUNTY In tho nutter of tho oslato of David Mlllor, deceased, TO, Eva Pollock, Sada Warntck. Ivan Kynlston, Herbert Kynlstoa, Wlllla Kynlston, Alice Nye, Ida McCahlan Lelaad Kynlston, Lester Palmer, Henry Palmer, Josephine Palmer. Llllle, Cherry, It. A. Mlllfr GREET INGS; YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO APPEAR in tho County Court of the Btato of Oregon ror tlt County of Harney on tho Cth day or April, 1020, at ten o'clock in tho forunoon of that day Ut thin and the Judge of eald Court shall not mako.hltt ordor authorizing and di recting tho Administrator, as by law reoulrud, to sell tho ruul property belonging to tho nald uatato at prl vttto sate to the highest blddur for cauli In hand, and dcaorlhed as fol lows, to-wit: KVj of tho WV4 and NWVi lf tho NE4 of Hcction HO and bcgluuliig at tho Houtheatit comer of tho 8Vy of section 26 and running thence west 208.7 feet, theucu north 417.4 feet, thoiico eAHt 208,7 feet, thonco sutttlt 417.4 feet to the place of beginning, all of said laud bolug In Twp. 24 south of Itaugo 27 E. W. M., Haruoy County, Oregon, and all of IMoek 4 In Cooper's Addition to the Town of llalsey, Oregon. WITNESS: tho Honorable H. C. Lov otu, Judge, of the County Court of tho State of Oregon for Harney Couaty with tho seal of said Court aMxed th:s 20th day of February, me. ATTEST: CHESTER DALTON Clerk SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNEY. MARY L. HILL, PliiltW. VK CLINTON E. THOMAS and LIN COLN W. WALTER, ro-partners as Thomas & Walter, Defendants. To, Clinton E, Walter nnd Lincoln i ursi punucauou oi mis aununons aud if you fall no to appear and aun wor for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to tho Court hereto and take Judgment against you as de manded In tho Complaint, to-wit: For tho sum of Five Thousand Dollars together with Interest there on at six per cent per anaum frem November th, 191 until paid, aad f the, costs aud dUbursemeats ef this action.. Also that the I'lalatIK will apply for the order of the Court herela directiag the sale ef the following described laaa which has teea attached ia thla preeeedlar, ( satis fy such Judgment as may be secured agaiast yeu, to-wit: 8UNWU8WU; UWViiWVi: NKK8WV4; N8K48W4; 8WUBEK8W4; See. 11: 8 8W4; NHKSWtt; WJiNWV ' 8W4 See 13 E NB Vi I West of NEV4 S SBWNEUNWW : WV4NBVNW4: t of 8E4 NWV4J HV48WM; WNW4 8B14J EViNWViBEV; WftflM BBW! SE'jHE48EW : SEV, SE SE 4 I W ,' SE 4 NW U ', 9oe. 14 NNHtfSEViSEM ! wjSEiSi2, : e Vi aw 4 SE Vi : N Yi N W SW V, SE 4 5 N Vi 8 W 4 8 W 8 E S'dN E 4 SE4 8E'; Soot 'on 1C, SV4SE'4 NE 4 NE 5 m W V NE 4 NE '4 : E N W 4 Nl?'4 : N j N W 4 N W 4 NE 4 ! S W 4 N W 4 NE '4 5 NE '4 S W 4 NE 4 : S V4 B Vi S W 4 NE4: flW'jj WWSE'4 NE4! WyjSWV4NWU; WVa 8E4BWWNEVi; 8E4: Soe tlon 22, UYj NE '4 : S W '4 NE V ; ' EVaWVjSEViNEVl : NttNB4 BE 4 NE 4 J S E 4 SB NB 4 ; E NE '4 SE MS S W 4 SB 4 5 N Vj NE 4 SB 4 BE VI : SE '4 SB 4 8B4; WVjNEViSWVir NW4 NE'4, Section 23; WN'j N W 4 ! NB t N B 4 N W 4 i W Vi 8W.V, NW 4 i W SB 4 N W 4 ! W j SW Vi NE 4 ! E Vi 8 W '4 NEVil WVi-SEViNEVi: NE'4 SEViNEVi; 8 4-CSEVi8E4 . NE'4 5 8 Vj S W Vi J N Vj S E 4 ! W Vj S E VI SB ; N ?i 15 Yj SB V4 HEV4 I SVaBEV48RV48RV4: Sec tion 24 EV4NWVi8WV4 Section 2G; WVNWV4 Section 20; All NVs.except W K V4BWV4NWV4 Section 27J 8BV48WV4: Lots 4 and C Section 34 all in Twp. 39 8. R. 30 E. W. M. NEV4 5 NB ViNWVi J SVaSWVi NE Vi BEVi J SV4BEV1 Suction 19 W)iNV48Vs Soctlon 20$ NVitSVi Soctlon 27; BftSWVi NE U N W Vi 8 W Vi NE '4 ! SBVi NWVi: wiflwyNWVi; v NViswvi; wvaNwviSBy: EN ViSE Vi ! BE VI BE 4 i NEViNEVJSWVi Section 28; BV&NWVil NE Vi NE Vi N W V4 J WV4NW , ; 8B Vi NW 5 B Mi WV&NWUSEVi Section 20; W7(,NV4: fl EV6NEViNEVi Section 30; all in Twp. 39 S. R. 3tf E. W. M. Lot 7 Sec. 2; 8WV4NBV4 '. BH8WV4: WV48BV4 5 V4 SE Vi : Ixts 1. 4, 6, Section 3; NV4NKV4; NBV4NWV4: 8EV4 NKV& Secttea 19; WV4NWV4 Seo. 11; HV48WV4 . 27; 8EV4 Sec. S3; Alt Sec. 34; NWVi See. 38; all in Twp, 40 S. R. 3C E. W. M. BVlSWVi 8ec. 28; NVfcNWU Sec. 33; BEViBWVi; SWVi SE'i Sec. 31; Twp. 40 8. It. 36 E. W. AL AR Sift:. 10 Twp. 41 S. R. 3 ft E. W, M. NEViNW'V; NWV4NEU See C, Twp. 41 B. R. 3C E.'W. M, 8EyNWVi ! Lots 2, 4, 5, 8oc. 10 Twp. 41 S. R. .10 B. W, M, All In Harney County, Oregon. TltlsSunimous'ls nerved upon you by publication thereof for six cjii- Kocutivo weokw In The Times-Herald a weekly nowspapor printed and pub lished at Hums, Oregon, by order of thu Honorable Daltou Hlggs, Judge of the- nbovo entitled Court, made and entered horoln on tho 10th day of March, 1020, Date of first publl- ration March 20, 1920, date of lust publication May 1st, 1020, this bo lug tho date on or before which you uro required to answer tin Com plaint herein or bo In default. Mcculloch a duncan Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residence Hums, Oregou, LAND NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUHI.IC VTION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Burns, Oregon, March 13, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that Jer ome O. Hoyt, of 721 Hawthorne Avo. Portland, Oregou, who, on November 14, 1912! made Desert-Laud Entry, No. OC400. for SWVi. 8ec. 35, T. 25 S., Lois 2, 3, 4, Suction 2, Township! 20 8., Range 28 E Willamette Mor lilliiii. dun flliiil unlli-K nt liitnntlnn to mi.. Pi.n.1 irnof. in- itiirniinHn tin. der act of March 4, 1916, to ostab- Huh claim to the ho land above doscr b- lie lauu ooe tiuscriu Ister nnd Kocdiver. a t , on thu 19th day or.l ed, beforo Reglst Hums, Oregou April. 1020. (MiilniMiii nnmitx itH M'Unoasas: Lee Davenport of Portland, Ore-' gou, Albert Truugott, Edward Mor gan, and Ubald Coto ail of Hums, Oregon. V. G. COZAD Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Burns. Oregon, March 18, 1920 NOTICE Is herby given that Charles Wilson, of Burns, Oregon, who. on July 1, 1914, made Deeert Laud Bntry. No. 97614.. fer 8BV4 8BV4, Section U, Township 26 8.. Range 99 K WUJelte Meridian, has tiled notice ef iatention to make Pinal Proof by purchase under 3rd paragraph, act March 4, 191S, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Reg Utter and Receiv er, at Burns, Oregon, en the Slat day of AprU, 1929. Claimant names as witnesses; Chas. Needham. Mattie Wilson. A. D. Huhn, and Chas. Uackus, all of Hums, Oregon. V. O, COZAD, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract I'ttbllo Land Snlo UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE Hurim, Oregon, March 24, 1020. NfiTiOB ih nereiiv Ktvon . ih directed by tho Commissioner or tho rnndldata for the office of county f;-;;-,;''-";"- ;uo aunernl Land ollico, undor provisions j clerk, subjoct to tho decision of tho 1 pr0nilso of material and social bonc or 8eo. 24C6, R. 8., pursuant lo tho runulillcan votorB at tho primary I nt. Irrluatlon and dralnitKo under nnnllcatlun of J, E, Blzomoru, Serial No. 010407, we will offor at public salo, to tho hlghost bidder, but ut not less than 3.00 por acre, at 10 o'clock a, m., on tho 5th day or May, 1920, next, at this office, tho follow ing tract of land: SBVi BEVi, Boo, 0, T. 27 8., R. 29 E W. m, riils tract Is ordered Into tho mar kot on a showing that thu greater clslon or tho republican, vot era i nt tho from taxation, and tho bunion or ta porllon thoroor Is mountttlnoua or primary eloclon on May: 31, 20, 1Hol H,l0,(l ll0 ftrly oquallmd inn rougu tor cuiiivaiioii. Tho tialo will not bq kopt oiion, but will bo doclurod elosod when Uiobo proseut at tho hour namod hnvo coau-. od bidding, Thu person making tho Highest nui will uo requtrott 10 tin inodlatoly pay to tho Receiver thqifor Shorlff. at tho Primary Eloctlon, amount tho'reof, Any peraons claiming ntlvorsolytho, above-described land nro advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before tho tlrao designated for Aale. V. O. COT5AD, Register POTIOR' FO f'UIIMOATlON. Isolated Tract Public Land Halo UNITED STATES LAND OFFfft' IluriiH, Oregon, March 24( 1020. NOTICE In hereby given that, us diroctod by tho CommlHslonor of tho Gonural Lnnd odlco, under provisions of Sec. 2465, R, B pursuant to tho application of M. 8. Davlon, Surlal No. 010132, wo will orfor ot public sale, to tho highest bidder, but at not less than $3.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. ro. on tho 17th day of Max, 1920, next, at this office, the follow ing tract of land: Lot 2, 8WV4NHV4, NHBKV4, Sec. 4, T. 30 8., R. 30 K This tract la ordered into the mar ket on a showing that the greater portion thereof Is mountainous or too rough for cultlxatlon. Tho sale will not be kept fen, hnt will be declared closed when those present at tho hour named have ceas ed bidding. Tho person making the .highest bid will bo required to Im mediately pay to tlio Receiver too amount thereof. i .... - -.1-1 I - POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COF.NTY JUDGE I hereby nuuounco myself as a candidate for thu ollico of county Judxe. subJuct to tho decision of the democratic voters nt tho primary election to be hold May 21, 1020. GEO. D. HAGEY. FOR COUNTY JUDGE I horoby nnuounru my candidacy for tho ollico of county Judge sub ject to thu decision of tho republican voters at tho primary election on May 21, 1920. R. T. IIUG1IRT FOR COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce my candadaer for the office of Judge of Harney county subject to tho wishes of tho democratic voters at the primary election on May 21, 1920. J. S. COOK FOR COUNTY JUDGE t I hereby aunouufH myself as a can dldato for County Judgo subject to decision of the republican voters ..rimurv i..-iimi on Mm- m I''W ol- - 0. R L HAgg '" COUNTY JUDGE juy purnuns ciiiiiiiuig nuvcrioiy too iircgon, t uerooy nnnuiitico ntyseic nbovo-doscrlbed laud ura ndvlsed to at a candldato ror tho Nomination ef lllu their claims, or objections, on or Sheriff, to bo voted on at the coming before the time designated for salo. i Primary Election to bu held May 21, V. O. COZAD. Roglstor 1020. Having consented to become a can-, Rcl 0 thu decision or the dem dldate for county Judgo. subject to ?crn ,c vo,orB of "ar ly Con?X ,l the decision of the republican votorn feV Rn".u" u,H.Lr. fnd.',l.tB of Harney county, at the primaries on May 21, 1920, I will state that I have no enemies to punish or friends to reward, nor any "ax to grind", l. ..1 I .I1..I.J M.lll .! I. mm see It sad will a. far as JwV ! To tho RIM TOters of Hat !!'i,"t.S!"i..!e!:LeJtney and Malheur couatiea:- members of the county board for tha best interests ot Harney county. Yours truly, O. O. JBTLRY FOR COUNTY CLMMK 1 hereby annaunce myself aa a can data for' the ofUe ef county clerk of Harney eeuaty, subject to the wishes ef the demeoratk) voters at the pri mary eleetloa on May 21, 19929. RALPH J, RIMER ,FOK COUNTY CLERK I horoby announce myself as a i candidate fof county clerk subject to the wishes of tho democratic vot-1 ors at the prlmury election on May to the District an honest service and 21, 1020. ' ' will take my oath of otllco unpledged CHAS, E. DILLMAN to any person or Interest. , I am a llbornl and not a roactlor FOR COUNTY CLERK 'ury or radical; and especially bo uh to I l.nrnhv n n nniiiiPft tiivmilr nu n PltbllO OXpOUllltUrOS. ECOIIOIUV - olectlon May 21, 1920. n niTnr.WY POTTER FOR SHERIFF I horoby aunounco myself uh n candldao to succeed myself ns sheriff of Harney county subjoct to tho do W. A. GOODMAN FOR SHERIFF I horoby nuuounco mysolf an a can didate for tho Republican nomination (May 21, 1020. B. N. MATHEWS, . FOR SHERIFF. I horoby announce myself as a, candidate for sheriff, subject to th wlnhes of the democratic votorn at tho primary election on May 21 1020. t. j, Mcdonald for sheriff I. hereby ntiuounco mysolf an a candidate for sheriff of lluruuy coun ty, HUbJect to tho decision ot the voters of tho Republican party at tho primary election May 21, 1020. If nominated nnd olcctbd I shall on force tho laws to tho best of my ability. W. CLARENCE LUCKEY FOR HHWHIFF I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for .nomination aaSherlff. subject to the choice of the Republ ican voters at the Primary Elect tos. May 21. 1929. J. W. CRAWFORD FOR SHERIFF To, the Voters of Harney County. Orogon: QittlAfr In IliA nnnrnvnl .tf I It a Ta I publican Voters of Haruoy Ccunty.i w . . ... - R. L. HAINES: FOR ASHEHHOIt I hereby announce myself as a can didate to succeed myself as assessor subject to tho decision of-tho repub lican voters ut tho primary eloctloa Ion May 21, 1029. JOHN L. CALDWELL. FOR ASSESSOR I hereby announce mysolf as a can dldato for the office of assessor of Harney county subject to tho decision of tho republican voters at the pri mary election on May" 21, 1920. GEO. W. YOUNG. FOR SCHOOL HUPKlttNTENDiWfT I hereby announce my candidacy to succeed myself as school superin tendent of Harney county, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election on May 21, 1920. FRANCES CLARK FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT I hereby announce mysolf as a candldato for tho otllco of Superin tendent of schools In Haruoy county "u l" no iiecisiou oi inu uepui Ilea u voters nt tho primary oloctlc ,0 ho hoId on May 2 ,920. M,ig 'MAUY GRIFFIN HUbJect to tho decision of thu Repub- oloctlon roil DISTRICT ATTORNEY for tho nomination of District Attor ney for Harnoy County at the pri mary election May 21, 1920. GEO. S. SIZEMORE I herewith submit nty candidacy to the Republican, voters of Harney aud Malheur Counties for the nom ination of Joint Representative ia thu Oregon Legislature la tH above dis trict. Should I bo nominated I will de vote my best energy and thought to securing legislation thai will be r benefit to this part of the state, aa.l to the state at Urge. P. J. GALLAGHER "FOR "JOINT "HRNATOR" I seek the republican nomination for Joint sona'tor for tho twenty-second Senatorial District at thu coming primaries. If nominated and elected I promts ;., ,., ....,., n. ,ii.wu nt.ti.. ... t special unHessmonts; good roads; pr.- Itoction or grazing lands and or tho" public rango for tho good of the live stock interest bh a wholo; bottorni9"t of mail service; improvement of Tt cllltloa ot branch lino rallroudti; ar.) umong tho Important local needa. Roads nnd postal sorvlco in country districts aro tho only vlalblo retures through thoso moans. On tho roregolng statement I tttk tho support or tho republican voter. CHARLES W. ELLIS, Hums, Pro. Don't, howover. got tho Idea that tho wholo world la going to pot. Tho pot isn't big enough to hold lt4.