The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 03, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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T II M T I M K H II K It A h l II U II N ft t ill A R N H V 0 O U N TV , ORKOON
HMHrriny, April , I na.-
Cooperative Creameries
Have Increased Price of
Butter ii This State
Quo effect of tho organisation of
" cooperative crouinorluR In Oregon ban
been n groator Incrcnno In tho aver
ago prlcu of buttor fnt hIiico 19111
tlinn In tho prlco of buttor prlntu or
Tho average prlco of prints In
1913 wan 102.7 per cont-tho prlco of
'fut, whllo In 1918 It hud fallon to
90.1 per cont. That It, mcamirod in
torinti of fnt nrlcofl. tho prlcu of
prlutri foil CO por cont.
Tho avorago nrleo of cubes In
1 h 1 5 wuh 94.1 por cont tho prlco of
fnt, but by 1918 hnd fallon to 88.3
pit cont ii loss of C.8 por cont.
A proper ratio between tho prlco
of butter fnt unci butter tins ono of
(ho thlngn nought by tho Oregon far
mors in establishing cooporatlvo
creainerleH, a outlined In the
survey of typical Oregon farmors
ereumerles, written by Brlc Hiiglund
tleld agent In dairy marketing, pub
llrhud by tho agricultural college.
"Thu prices paid for buttor fat
were in hoiiio ensen lower than tho
prices paid for butter," naya tho ro
port, "and It was held that tho bis
creuuiurles controlled both tho prlco
of butter fat and buttor. Tho farm
frs believed thnt tho best way to
compete with tho centrallxors would
bo to organize cooperative creamer
lc. Thoy froauently asserted that
the big creameries wero paying tow
prlcocs for fat, and giving low testu
mid Imtccurato weights."
It Is dltllcult, Mr. Englund -bo-
leves, to determine exactly thu part
played by tho cooperative creameries
In bringing tho prlco of fnt above
that of butter, but asserts thut the
gain was morn rapid after tho farm
cr rut creameries Into opuratlon.
Not all creameries organized olthor
under the corporation or cooporatlvo
laws of Oregon succeeded.' In order
of Importance thu following urn giv
en ns tho reasons for failure:
Small volutnu of business;
luelllclnnt management;
Suvoro competition;
Poor system or accounting;
Lack of loyalty among farmers
.In some cases farmers jumped to n
rommorclal creamery for nn add
itional ono cont a pound for fat;
Iiiflunclont credit;
Kxtonsion of too much credit.
"Investigations do not show thnt
farmers creameries have generally
been unsuccessful," concludes tho
report. "Kxporlonces of the 17
Mudled team to Indicate that cooper
ative creameries have In most casei
The entire survey Is well explain
ed in the bulletin "Survey or Typlcnl
Oregon Farmers' t'renmcrloH," Issu
ed by the experiment station. Cop
ies free on request to O. A. C.
Tho supremo court of the United
Stale has decided that Incomes from
stock aro exempt from Income taxa
tion. Tho fortunes of our rich men are
principally Invested In stocks. They
rarry no great amount of actual cash
In bank.
Tlieso rich men with their billions
of dollars worth or Blocks will pnv
no Income 'tax on tho enormous reve
nues from those stocks.
Thoy cun, ir thoy choose, Invest nil
or their wealth In stocks, thereby de
riving ii. Mr entire incomes from
them, and escupv 'ho payment of nny
income tax at all.
It costs In the neighborhood of ono
billion dollurs a year to run tho gov
rmment, and much of that amount
must bo rulsed by taxation,
If tho rich man Is not to pay his
just proportion of tho Income tax
We have no editorial comment to
mako on the ruling of the supremo
roi'rt. Thnt trlbunul Is .presumed to
bo the fountain head of justice, and
the law is undoubtedly as thoy hnvo
Save Your Eyes
Eye strain causes headaches,
nervousness and other trou
bles. I fit RluHAes accurately
and scientifically.
All Work Guaranteed.
. Oflice with Dr. B. V, Smith
Interpreted it.
But the (act that the rich man Is
to pay no Income tax on his onorm
ouo holdings of stock causos ono to
wonder if tho poor mnn la to bo re
quired to "dl? doopor and coufjh
Mo has coughed much as It is.
It would seem tho dnvH of the
profiteers are numbered. With
tho v.'iuer organlxed and Inlmt in
tho trados lined up to get action
through legislation, now com hi
tho great "Middle Clawi" Union
a reality it biui. Milton U Mow
house of New York City Is tht
founder of the union. Klvq mil
lion by I'm h a nutmborshlp o4l.
They hope to work with the
farmer and labor generally la
equalising living conditions.
Sunday Services!
Sunday school 10 A. M, Send the
boys and glrlu to Sunday school (
Preaching at 11 A. M, HUDjoct:
D. 8. IIUOKS, Pastor
Services nt 11:00 o'hck.
The reading room In the church
Kdlflco. la open on Tuesday and Fri
day from 3 s 30 to 4:80 p. m.
Howard Hated
Sight of Food
Now EaU Three Hearty Meals a
Day -"Says Tanlac Made
Him Like New Man
Tanlac la sold In nurns hjM
nrothcrs, nnd in Cretin bjl
5" 1
"I'm fooling so flno since taking
Tanlac that 1 want to ston and toll
Sunday School meets on Sunday at ovorybody what this modlclno hna
dono for mo," was tho enthusiastic
statement made tho other day by
Kred Howard, of 321 East Second
Try Flrcstonr
10 o'clock,
Pupils may be admitted to lta
classes up to the age of 20 years.
The puunc u eoraiaujr hiyiuiu in Ht ( Lo Angola, Cftl. Mr, Howard
the Church Bovicw and to the Read- l(J 0,uployod aB mottt worKup Uy tho
Ing Hootn. . I'hllllp Sonogram Motai Co., nnd is
woll known in San Diego nnd Los
Angeles, whore ho has lived for tho
past thirty five years.
first. I wan so surprised that I ask-'fine health that I can never
od him what In tho world ho hnd it enough'
boon taking that had built him up
so. Ho said Tanlac; that decided
mo. so I wont straight nnd got me a
bntttn. mid now I loll von It Iirm do tin I Trading Co,
tho work for mo Just like It did for
him and I cun do a bigger, hnrder
nnd hotter day's work than I hrfvo
.boon nblo to do. In years. And ent?
Why, oat threo big meals ovory day
and am still hungry; Everything
agreed with mo nnd I suffer no bad
nftor effects fit nil. Tho nervousness
has nil loft mo nnd I sleep like n top
every night and got up of mornings
fooling flno, I hnvo gained ton
pounds in weight and am in such
WE IHJY, raise and soil fur-bonrtng
rubbltB, and other fur-boarlng nn
Imnls, List what you hnvo with
us, ntatlng your lowest prices on
Inrgo lot shipments. Tho Fur &
Specialty Farming Co., G1G-G17 N.
1.', Avo.. Fargo, N. Dak.
PllOMPT service and courteoiiB
treatment will nlwuys bo uncord
ed patrons of tho Burns Hotel
llarher Shop. Hatha at any hour
of tho day. C. W. Blraaions. Prop.
LOST Auto tools In n brown can
vass case, betwom Auntie Kryu'H
homo in the lower part of town
nnd Tho Tlmes-Uernld offlco. The
kit nay have fulie', off on Main
treet or the streo In the Mtita
Fln,er leave at this
part of town,
THE 111111.15 ON NPJIliri'AIJM.M'
Ill'ntur 2: 4
'IIOor. li 13-1 ft
Hoyf 1 fi chap.
Isutah'S: 10-20
Hark! the hasto of evil gather
Wr tho last grim fight,
Darkness their habitation, rather
Thau pavilions of light.
Think you their pseudosclonco true,
Bringing hope and cheer to you?
Alus, tlt6 power hero we view
Subtly perverts thu right!
Devils working miracles to deceive
And exploit earth's mighty nations,
Who are falling now, to heed and bolievo
Ood's merciful revelations.
They would see but God In nil;
Nothing evil, just wisdom's call!
On presumptuous man ero long must fall
Hlghtcods wrath's vlsltntlous.
Shall thu living to the dead
Seek for guidance nnd light,
Whoso thought hnvu porished, their lowly lyl w r jx -,
Death's land of silence and night? Ps. 14 (if 3-4: 11 B:' 17
Tholr Hpirlts cannot round you flutter
'TIs ovll spirits that peep and mutter
And out of tho dust their falsehoods utter
To eternally slay and blight.
That llo In Edcu "Ye shall not die."
Is taught quite universally.
That the body's mortal, name can deny,
Hut does the soul cease to he?
Not ('end but sleeping, their rare Is run:
Their love Is perished, and labor done:
No portion forever 'neath earthly sun;
Ood only has Immortality.
Some mystic cults speak life to all,
Their pantheistic views,
The lllble h story of man's fall
And salvation's plan, refuse.
"Ye shall bo us gods,'' mere Idols of clay!
The proud "I am" In their hearts holds sway.
Hut Christ must bo thu life and tho way,
If eternal life wo choose.
"It was seven years ugo that my
stomach wont bnck on mo," contin
ued Mr. Howard, "and over since I
hnvo suffered with u complication of
troubles. Nearly everything I atu
soured on my stomach and gas would
bloat mo up until I could hardly
stand It, 1 got so I hated thu sight of
food, for It nauseated mo so thut -I
felt miserable alt da long. My
nerves wero unstrung nnd I was so
restless I would roll and turn in bed
all through tho night, and whon
morning cama I was so tired I never
felt like getting up, My work waa
burdensome and I became so exhaus
ted during tho day that I could hard
ly hold out till algal came, I spent
lots of money on different medicines,
but nothing did .me any good and I
kept losing in weight and growing
worse all tho time.
"Ono day I mot a friend I had not
seen In a long time who used to bo
thin, run-down nnd In bad health
Woll sir, ho was looking ho well nun
strong nnd had gained po much In
weight that I hardly knew him at
pot M n ria, A u.llll, AM
Iargost Stock of Hunters
Trappers Supplies In the Mori
wost-A-Kspcclnl uttniitlon
mall orders.
Send ono cont stamp for ctl
"Here's Something for Yon to RemenihJ
savs the Good Judcre
II Thoss 2: 8-12
Cell. .1: I
John lit 11-11
Eccl. K: S'C-10
1 Tim. Ift-IR
F.zk. U: 22
den. "rd rhnp.
John :t; 10
Eph. 2: 8-9
John 14: (5
I John 5: 12
Matt. 24: :ir.
Itctrlhutlon Is to many nn Idle talo;
A more fear tramp to rout,
Hut Ood's word remains, It cannot full,
Though nssallcd by scoff nnd doubt;,
Vlct'ry over death, the wage of sn, ... .,! ,23; Itov. 20: 14
Seir-rlghtcous ego's cannot win., . , v.
Only rnnsotned souls may enter-In. , Nahuni. 1: 9-10
When sin's fore'or wiped, . Hov. 21: 1-8 '
E. I. P.
"Here we are, in tip-top shape"
"VT'ES, and that's the way
Chesterfields always arrive
crisp, fresh and in prime shape
for smoking. It's the extra wrap
per of moisture-proof paper that
does it. Your Chesterfields never
become too moist or too dry.
0 9
with a good
TIONH You will be delighted with thu
way thoy do their work
The Welcome
Nyal Htoio
And nny man who um-s tJ
Real Tobacco Chew ill m
you so.
You get a lot more satisf:
tlon in a little of the R
Tobacco Chew than in a ki
chew of the old kind.
And it costs less to c
The full rich, real to
taate lasts so much longcr.n
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobus
tjonsider tnc egotism we acijecuve our neaamg wiwh
is something you seldom find because usually a patd
isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new
we know that it is the best service we can give yor
We get to the bottom of the trouble and repair I
Radiator repairing a speciality
Out of the more than 3,000,000 Ford cars, now in use1, about
sixty per cent have been sold to farmers. Probably no other one
thine has brought to the farm so much of comfort and profit as has
the Ford car. It has enlarged the social life, doubled the facilities for
marketing, brought the town next door to the farm, multiplied for
the farmer the pleasures of living, and by the same token the Ford
Touring Car has brought just as much pleasure to the residents of the
towns and cities, because it is an every day in the year utility,
answering the demand of quick transportation at low expense. A
family car without nn equal in low cost of operation nnd maintenance.
We solicit your order for one. We have the full line of Ford cars.
We carry the genuine Ford Parts, and assure you the best in
mechanical service and the most reasonable prices.
Mirk .