II- Irtlifiitlon. city witter, ami t . M'stem oil coining, 'I'". .... Itl..l.....l.. "Men willingly believe - Him which thoy wish." If you'dnn'i belicvo Tliu Tlnicffllcrrilil It the plnco for your net, l( Is. lm ca'uno yon tiro not wllllni; to your business grow. ' i.ia nnn in i' i ai;inir.. man- ami n r xjni"7"Wnni - Htoro It. t i r - - i - VOL XXXIII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 3, 1920 NO. 23 THE PASSAGE OF EDUCATIONAL TAX BILL Says Institutions Crippled Unless Vote Favorable. ,, ;liltrpt In tho concern mid Is -on b'glior educational nx fl,llllUy workng (o ,ho ,,ol(ori)onl r u levy of 1.20 mills of , hH mu, fh mml Q of tho Oregon Agrhni..(Jlli No 0M ,oi!lclont is hlH brother, ct calling cr thr re i tra Coll ... u.....y o. Vro.;(,liarl()Hi W,J0 , counpc(o(, wMh t,(J ami Orogon Normal HOhool It Ih votod upon May itittlonn wilt bd' crippled i luratlon to thousanda t ihn vmiM? men and women of tho , , , , , , ' it n in dij av aa a ta an 1 1111 i - . . 0IU - - , i aUd Ahlwitt. n ftiitmr In thn ITi.lvAr-i According to Abbott tho Unlyorally On-con is id a cruicai conauion 10 This yenr xaw hundrodn of for- to tho Unrvornlty followlr.K tkclr a . a J a . At. ( n. a ni sitv icn I uiPinrr vim sin thi) Knuluatca of ittatu klffh Ull l kU In.iniBw.. Ikl alM. nt (hAPA 1m it tkitatn tin I iimib mm a v Ha W V W k Boer paci. equipment or noro (Hcheri. Tho Unlvrralty now hui iU ling bulldlnR nd equipment to tire tor louu Biuuenis mat u nau 7 ft U now clowa aro held Ip nil taetho cou" of JournnliBm In tho Orn taiWInm from eariv mornlnr until on choo nnd holda the position of kfllMlnrn from early mornlnr until iU early tiveulnR and cheap, Inex pmlre unnuoA havo boon addod to of tho buildings to houne tho The educational welfare of Oregon taundfl tlm speedy relief of O. A. C. Ike Unlverxltr of OrcRon and thn Ortfon Normal which havo been (rippled by cnunoH over which they lire no control, nnnioly an lncrcao la attendance of ISO percent in ceapftrlaon to an Increase la nlllago I - ' . ... rlM in operating cont mb4 the fallen taring power of tho dollar. In other word, the three iaatttu MeM are trying la 1120 to train two ui oneha1f time as auay atadata ono-balf tho lacoaae, m coMaared vhh 1913. The University of Oregon aeeda buildings for tho geaeral science, (r comrocrco and economics, for aeaschold nrt, for Journalism, for Ike fdiool of (Hlucntion and for llbr rr ttudy It nocda ulno dormltorlos ad a student hoHpltal and Inilrmnry (or houklng condltionH, too, aro ox- hemcly crowded which roqulroa (ho nrlctrt of caution to provont tho'n" ipread (f rpldemlcj. -Tho total cost of all the buildings at tho Unl "nlty Is IG50.000, which is bill 150.000 more than tho cOHt of Uncoln high school, a single bulld js. in Portland. Actual statistics bw an incrennft in AiLnnnaiiM or I ficr Citnt nt thn TTnlvvmltv and (V c. during tho past seven yearn alte th) lucreaso In clnssroem aaaee tbo Bumo period has been 1C per it. As n renult of tho high cost of Ilv- lr and tho inability of tho Unlver 't; to pay higher salaries the state I losing much of its best faculty at;rlal who ure loijvlng for tho col kseu tf r ihcr Btates or going Into other t'.rrnH of business. Tho Unl mlty throe of Its best profcai on la r ,rtn numujy, nr. Vtrren H. 8m ,,r c, H. Edmondson and ')r- J , Si'luifer. All threo mon t(,ok i l(,, , paying double tliolr I'nlvtr iv H.ilary and in ono cane tho Increase ,ii balary wob nearly threo tlmea u largo. The average Investment in bulld ,n6s per student for the United States was 99C, according to statis tics compiled In 1918, but tho aver se for tho University of Orogon In 1920 Is only $322 and for tbo Agri- vuuuro coiiego only 300. The joint waya and meana commit tee of tho last legislature after 'con IderlnK carefully the orjala at tho three InHtltutlons, recommended to 'ho legislature a levy of 1.2 mills for the Agriculture college and the Unl slty tnd olx ono-hundredtba of n m'H for tho Normal. Tlio legislature was iprovonted by 'ho elx per cent tax limitation for votliu; tl. o appropriation Itself so It' charged from tho Emergonoy Hou 'oferrfl the bill to tho people Uo-lpltal and havo not yot boon returned, cuuse t, e levy of 1.2C mills could not'l'leano brlK lUom In "f 'lt become effectivo until 1021 and b- (Uoutlnuod oa tags four.) FORD MEN OO TO CONVENTION J. K. Loggan and 0. W. Loggnn, both of tho DurOH Oarage, Jott Bun diiy morning for Portland whoro thoy go 16 attend a convention of Font mon called for tulr. wook mill next, John- Loggan )iuh boon iirsoo lutud with tho Hum Curago for til my years and bus bucomu u val uable mini to that concor i In tho no hunting department. Hi take m moohnuleul department, Tho hitler gooH to tuko further work In that ond of tho game anil both will return to llmlr rummr t lv tiniiltlniiu In 11 ... . uoiiur Riuipo w mo concern man no j . aw a . ..a vaaraa n.H a i ttur i w unit in h part or uie vronucrrui iu;r- . . . i v a t vi a, w a va v I'vynivi 1 1 v u ,, ft Wa. thftt Kot. ,hQ pu,,0 co. (doilco. It abould bu followed by othem. U. f 0. Jenilbt Sttint Visits Here Ulth Abbott, a Junior In ths Unl Tornlty of Oregon, ban been Npendlujg the pant wtek la thin city, being out on vacation. Mr. Abbott is taking editor of the Emerald, the school paper. Tho young man sootnn to look upon hia ch6sen occupation In n Kounlble way and 1ihh tho stuff to make good, -0- - SEEKS CO-OPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT C. M. Faulkner Discusses the NtMd of Closer Relation With NeigkaMM-s. The completion of the Irrigation project In Harney county means al aiost as much for Ontario as it doe for Dumb, and therefore Ontario and tho 8nko Klvor valloy should be In terostcd In promoting tho dovolop niont of tho great Interior." That Is tho mwiHttKO that Clwrlcy M. Faulk ner, president of tho Hunm Connnor clal club left with Ontario folks in intorvlow nt the Mooro Hotel Sun- day night. Invited to HUKkinenN Convention Mr. Faulkntir Ih particularly In terested Just now In promoting tho nlockmen'fl convention which will bo held in Hurria In May. Hums Is pro paring to muke this the largest and most notable gathering in the ate tory of tho association and la laying Itself oat to make the oecas4bn ene that will be remembered. Mr. Faulkner laid., ttret on(.the need for co-operation between thin aectlon nnd Harney county so that a road syHtom may bo comploted that will nctually connect the two val leys for un all year' road and wjll bring travel thru central Oregon Ontario ArgtiK . O-tr- 1 i APICAL KOU MONMOUTH. Tho jioopTe of Monmouth were ayaln distrubod by tbo out break of tho O, N. S. Students. When n serpentine took the utoroa, post olllce and buuinesB nectlon of tho town. Each etudont sang hla plea for tho mlllage tax. Tho sorpertlno ondod back of tho Dormatory, where u bonfire lighted tho town and hot doga nnd buns were nerved on atlckB. Tho grovo was nlso nllvo that night wll yells of '20 and 21. Tho town pwa no chance for poaco until tho students leave Thursday on their Easter vacatlpn. Some-say peace enn never be until YES! I is written on May 21. -o- ' KE! OROSH ITEM Sovoral Red Cross HlankotH wore loaned to patlontH that wore dls- this olllco (ih thoy may bo badly need cd ngaln, We -W"pt account for this property. GRAND JURY FINDS FIFTEEN INDICTMENTS Makes Recommendations . to Improve High School V Building. To tho Honorahlo Dalton HIkrh, Circuit Judgo for thu Ninth Judicial mliitrlct Btatu of OroKon. j Wo, thu Grand Jury, regularly om- pauuiioa, ueiT to minimi mo iomow Idr: Wo IiUvo licon In huhhIoii flvo days. Wo hnvo dlllcontly etuiuirod Into all nclB violating thu lawn that hnvo coino before uh. Wo hnvo roturnod tlftuen (15) trno blllu nud two (2) not truo bills. Wo havo Inspected tho varlouH oltlcoH In tho Court Houho nn far na our limited, tlmu would permit, and wo And Baton In well kept condition. Wo llnd that tho HhorlfT'H olnce Is uutlrely too small and Inadequate to take cam of the business that U handled through thin oMce. Wo re- commend that an addition be built on to tho Sherin'a olllce to relieve this condition. Wo havo not visited tho county poor on account of qunrnntlno, but we havo mado Inquiry Into their con dition and It In our belief that tiamo aro woll taken euro of. . We havo vlriltvd tho County High Rchool, and wish to commend tho principal and toucher for tho pro gress that Is being made und for tho good nplrll manifested by tho pupils. With reference to tho High School HulldliiK. wo llnd that a great many repairs and Improvements are need od. It is (fur opinion that tho pres ent High School building is entirely inadequate for tho purpose for which It In bolng used, but for tho present wo recommend to the County High School Hoard that such ropalrs be mode as aro asked for by the princi pal, Mr., M.cldc, Wu respectfully submit this, our Una! raoort, and beg to bo excused. DART BILKlt, Foreman ciiARLRfl maas AMSX ROOKIIS OUANT KKHTKHSON II. F. CAMUKLL I. 8. OEEK C. A. HARLAN. ORGANIZING ViW INTER- CHURCH WORK HERE II. O. Btono. director for tho ntian rini canipaiB" oi i World Movement In Eastern Oregon was in Hums last Saturday arrang ing for tho organisation of Harney county for participation in this nation-wide activity. Ho wna in con fororTco with Rev. R. S. Hughes and prominent laymen In this community and nn elllclent organization was ei fected. W. J. Croxler being rondo chulrmun of tho drive. Tho national campaign of which ttiiu lu u nurt will be the largest pro ject of its kind over attempted. Morn than 30 Protestant denominations uro nsBOclatod in tho Interchurch movemont and directly Interested In tho campaign to ralHo funds which will bo applied for homo nnd foro)gn iuIhhIoiih, Aniorlrnii education, . roUg inim oducatlon. linsnltnlH and- homes, American mlalsterlnl relief nnd sup port, nnd special ItunjH Including war relief, etc. On April 15-1C county conferences will bo hold at Hums and Crano nt which delegutos from all partH of tho county will bo In attendance. Rev. HughoH, who is county convenor for the field department of tho Inter churc Movoment, will bo In direct chargo of convention arrnngomonts. A visiting "tonm" of four or flvo mon and women, recognized church load ers of Oregon, will prenent a full con sideration of local problems facing tho Trotostant churches , together with tho results of tho world-wide survey JUBt completed, Tho Important effect which tho successful completion of the program planned by this organization wilt havo not only upon tho .rollgloua life but upon tho wholo social struc ture of America, Is winning for tho movoment tho support not only of tho loaders in tho churchos but of prominent Inymon nnd loaders of thought who have' novor previously assisted in religious offort. . ; O. Ira Mahon was in town this week. STARTS TROUBLE FOR IRRIGATION DISTRICTS Claim Fraud in Elections of Both Districts; Seek to Annul Charters. Threo suits wcro (llod In tho cir cuit court (luring thn week having for thulr purpoiio tho tying up of tho Irrigation niovumunt In thin vicinity. One Is lllud to annul tho formation of the "wot" district on tho grounda of Illegal ugreomoutfl. This null further recltos that thu petition wuo not brought boforo tho propor court, because It was heard before Judge Loveiin only without tho two com mlsslonem taking part In the delib erations. Another seokn to havo tho election la the "dry" district set aside because el fraud, In that un due Influeace was used to defeat tho proposed district and that votes were cast by aartlee net entitled to voto; the third le suit against the big corafeani,,tk.I. L. 8. Co., the Will lam Haaley Camnany and the Har ney valley Improvement Co., the lat ter a Haaley aaheMlary, asking that the charters of the corporations be annuled becauae of their activity In defeating the formation of tho "dry" district by use of large sums of mon ey. Just what effect this la going to have on the development of tho coun try remains to be seen. Tho matter will hnvo immediate attcutlon and It Is expected disposed of at the term of court now In cession. o AIX WOOL BUYERS ARK WAITING 1X)R ORDERS (Tho Orogoulaii) Thu wool market In thn northwest Is slow In opening and tho soason Is oven more backward than Inst year. Shearing is under way In the Yakima country, paftlculnrly around Klona and MabtoiO but no transfers of the rroasbreda have been announced yt About 6000 fleeces havu been taken on contract at Arlington by a Boise speculator nt a prlw not reported und little buying III' other localities by interior speculators Is heard of, but tho regular Uoalers have not entered the market. The future is too uncertain, in their view, for any early buying movement of tho cus tomary volume nnd with tho govern ment snlcH und auctions of Import ed wool, tho manufacturers aro not showing their usual Intercut lu tho new territory clip. An uniiniincomont by the war de partment shows that from Novem ber 23, 1918, to ditto, 388,021, C9C pounds of wool wcro disposed of, for which thn payments were $299,141, 518, nt an average price of 59 cents a pound for this period. The aver ago selling prlco of 59 cents a pound ia 12 cents less than tho total aver age purchase prlco of 71 cents a, pound. Tho total uvorago selling prlco of 8 cents a pound Is 5 cents a pound less than the cost to the government for total wool sold to date. m I . - ...... I .. . I It I nil Iaiu. grado wools In the world, for which fow pooplo at tho' present momoni havo any market deslro. Recent cablo ndvlcos frdm South America report that two-thirds of tho Argan-i tlno clip, for tlif h season ia atlll un sold, Also ono-balf of tho clip of Uruguay-is unsold still, Redldes tho English government la withdrawing from the Colonial auctloni. in Lon don und olHowhora lurgo quantities of low cross-brod New Zealand and Austrian wools, which aro not wanted, Evorywhoro the demand is Lfor the line wools, becuuso of tho sustained popular clamor for fllvV goodH. In this country there( afe considerable quantities of low South American wools hold privately in addition to the large stocks of such wools owned by tho government Consequently thoro Is no pressure to buy such wools In Argentina on tho part of the American Importers and the continental Importers, who for merly took quantities of these wools, aro not in a position to absorb very much, It Is reported by cablo that Aub trallan wool grovyoru may seek leg iBlatlou to protect tho now clip. The trado doos hot know Just how to in- (Continued on page- 4) ORAM) JURY IN HKHHION Circuit Judgo Dalton Biggs arriv ed over from his homo at Ontario on Saturday night and was' ready to open an adjourned term of circuit court Monday morning and Clio grand Jury couvonod at tho- sumo time. During tho week Judgo Ulggo linn hoard some motions nud argu ments on nevornl law and equity cnHoa nud was present to rovoivo any report, Jtl,Q, grand Jury might havo. . TjuuVsWry llioro had boon several indlctmouts brought In among thorn bolng two against Rodney Dnvln, ono for beating n board bill and the other charging lurceny by ballco. Tom. Dalloy has been Indicted on two charges of larcony of calves. Frank Mclluruey is also Indicted on n chnrgo of larcony. The court sustained tho demurror filed In tho adjudication of water rights on Silver Creek. This milt was brought asking for adjudication hut the court held thnt the applica tion should be made by a .water user. Ton days are given for further filing. a. o State Hsfkway Eifffeer Here hu&ctin Rods 8tato Highway Engineer Nunn apent a few days In this jrfcinlty dur ing the present week, leaving for Portland Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Nunn waa here to Inspect some of the work already done on the highway between' this city and Lawen, also to go over tbo proposed post road bo tween hero and Buntex. Mr. Nunn wan accompanied by Division Engineer Kolley of Tho Dalles. Nothing was given out for publication nn to location of tho routo to Suntex or any of tho new work uuder consideration. o COUNTY CONFERENCE IN BURNS APRIL 15 Intrchuch World Movement Team te Illustrate Talks Wkh Lantern Slides. Tho Harney county conferonco of tho Interchurch World Movoment will be held lu tho First Presbyterian Church on the evening of April IS, the first bobhIoii starting at eight o'clock, according to County Chair man, H. S. Hughes, Pastor, who has the local arrangements for tho con ference lu churgu. This Is ono of tho conferences which will bo held lu every county In Oregon during thn early part of April. According to present arrangements the conference will Include representatives from each of tho Protestant churches of county associated with the Inter church "World Movement und any other church membors or friends of the churchos who may wish to at tend. Tho team of speakers who will havo chargo of tho program at this conference were trulued at a speak ers' trolrtliiK conferonco which was linld In T'nrilriml on Prldnv. March 2Ci T,oy wlll have complete store optlcon equipment and will present tho sumo HlfdC3 thai wora'us'od In tho stntd pastors' conforenco In Portland lln March, At this conferonco, which U an outgrowth of the statu pastors' con ference, nn organization will bo mado for financing and Improving tho local churches und to mobolizo tho Christ ian forces for their part in tho cam paign to raise Orogon's quotn of tho budget to bo secured during tho unit ed 'simultaneous campaign April 2G 'to May 2 -Jo carry out this pro gram in ita many details thoro wlll be sot up a county church organiza tion, This will be headed by a coun ty advisory committee, composed of the pastor, a man and woman worker from each church in the county and chosen representatives of tho for ward movements of each denomina tion. MADE CITIZENS OF TUB V. S. Tho following wero granted their naturalization papers by Judgo Dlgg on Wodnosdny of this wook; Otto Johnson, Albert Dondnuw, A, H. Olasoj, John R. Cono and Jnko Aschbackor, : HOME BOY FIGURES IN WAR ROMANCE Herbert Irving Reported As Missing But is Located; Has Scotch Bride. Horbort Irving, son of Mr. and Mra. Robt. Irving, hna bcon located by tho Red Cross of Now York nftor being missing for tho past few weeks. Sovernl days ago tho local Rett CrosH Chapter rocolvcd u tolcgrum from Red Cross northwest headquar ters nt Seattle, stating that a wiro from Now York had boon received to tho oflTcct that Horbort Irving, for merly connected with tho radio nor vlco of the navy, hud been mlsslm? from that city for a time und that hla Scotch war bride was worried. The telegram asked the local Chap ter to get In touch with hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irving, and as certain If they had any late word from their son. Upon communicating with the par ents and brothers and sisters of Herbert they were much surprised t learn that he bad a bride at all, ha not having communicated with then the fact that he had been married. At first they were somewhat concern ed respecting the fate of tbo boy but later It wan found hla mother had had a letter from him since tho data of his supposed disappearance. Herb ert has been with tho big steam thin concern slnco receiving his discharge from the navy and it wua thought ho might bo on a voyage on notr.n steamer. A lotter received Wednesday by Cnpt. Robt. M. Duncan, chairman of tho Homo Service section of thn local Red Crosn states Herbert has been located and that a lotter Is In transit. "Dum" Irving, as ho In familiarly known to hla former school mitten lu tho Harney county High school, if one of tho first Harney county boy to enlist. He did not mako any show of It but quietly went away and volunteered boforo he mado his in tontlon known to oven his mother. He is a line kid with lots of get up that will take him through jlfo. Hit parents and brothers and sisters nn particularly deslrlous of knowing more of his marriage nnd his Scotch bride. He'll have to come through with thu vtory now that It Is known to home folks. o PREVENT STINKING KMt'T IN WHEAT j "Don't delay treating spring wheat Heed for stinking smut!" ! TIiIh is the message of cereal spec ialists In tho United States Depart Intent of Agriculture to spring wheat I growers In the Northwest, whom slinking smut or bunt of wheat I prevulent and annually causes great losses. Stinking smut of wheat may ba prevented readily by treating tho soed with formaldohydo or with blu-j-stono. Formaldohydo is very gener ally used in tho region cast of tho Rouky Mountains. In tho Pacific I Coast States bluostono Is moro com j inonly employed,, because It usually I gives very much better results; this ,ls doubtless because soil infestation occurs in that region. Tho hoHt method of applying tho formaldohydo solution U by thu ho called "dipping method," which Is na follows;' Prepare a solution of for umldohyde, using 1 pound to 40 gal lons of water. Placo somo of tho solution In n tub or barrel; pour tho grain to be treated slowly into the solution, stirring thoroughly, so that tho smut bulls and trash may float M the urfaco and be skim mod off. Drain tho solution off from tho seed and pour it out In a pllo nnd cover with sacks or canvas for C to 13 hours. Do not allow tho seed to ro main In the solution moro than 10 minutes. Forty gallons of the sol ution' Is sufficient to treat 40 bushels of grain, After removing tho coven from the grain spread it out to dry. It Is necessary to avoid contamin ating tho seed nguin. It must hot ho placed in smutty sacks, nor sown with a smutty drill, Sacks, bins, drill, etc., may bo disinfected by washing thoroughly with a solution of formaldohydo of 1 pound to 10 gallons of water, V' t