VAOK HlttllT ' II 11 T 1 M K K . It V. H U f II N H MEN WHO SHOULDN'T SAVE There are four men who shouldn't save their money.. We will tell you about the first man this week. Next week we will tell you about the second man and so on until we have told you about all four of them. These men will be des ignated as "Man Number One" "Man Number Two" etc. . MAN NUMBER ONE The man who is dead sure of his job for lifedead sure beyond peradven ture. Certain that his income will never be less, nor his needs greater than they are today; let this man spend his money as fast as he earns it and worry not. There are few though who have "life tenures" and you are not likely to be that man. HOW ABOUT IT? , , If you don't come in the Man Number One class wouldn't it be a wise move on your part to start saving now? We pay 4 per cent com pounded semi-annually on savings accounts and you can start an account for ONLY ONE DOLLAR First National Bank BURNS, OREGON The Bank That Belives in Harney County r MAP LOCAL 'PENEVG 1 LI j I Duwoy Koblnnon 'Ppnim Wiiflmiuilntt wiiu up from N. 1. 'Btoina days. Nuttor lino boon In from tho Mountain section for a fuw David Crow woh In town for a Mr, and Mra. E(l Kr woro ovor short tlmo during tho woolc looking from tho rftnch for u hort vlsll tlur. after l)Ulno88. ,jnj, t)lu wooj( having conio over to Horn Tuesday. Mnreh 23. to Mr moot Mm. KkII and tho glrU nftor ...... ... ' and Mm. Gcorgo II. Mariidon, at Can you City, a baby girl. Shu wolRliod 8" rounds and lma boon named Anna Luella. thoy returned from California. MIbsos Loora and Helen Ooodlow have returned from a vtoit to their grandparents at Donlo. Thoy nrrlv ed homo Wednesday night and Mian Leora has again taken up hor work la the tolophone office and Helen re samed her work In the high school. Mrs. A. Egll and hor daughters. Misses Leila and Mario, arrived homo from California last Saturday ovon lug. Mrs. Kgll had been In Califor nia for Homo time, having been cal led down because of thu Illness of hor eon Elitworth. MIshoh I.ollii and Mario wont down thu first of this mouth to Join their mother and hrothor for n short vacation visit and to accompany her homo. All nro on Joying very good health. Miss l.olla has resumed her place in tho First I Mrs. Olio Hoblnson made a trip to .Diamond last Saturday where sho I visited her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Savclk. .Upon her re turn sho wan accompanied by hor llttlo grandson, I'aul Suvclk. Judge Grant Thompson, one of tlto directors of tho Harnoy Valley Irri gation District, and C. T. Miller, a mnmbor of tho board of commission ers of tho same dstrlot, were up from their homo:i at Lawon during tho wnok on business In connection with tho duties of their respective of ficos In thu organization. Illologlst Horn loft tho first of this week for other pouts to do demon stration work in tho eradication of posts. Ho Iiiih it big territory to cover and will ho kept on tho go much of tho tlmo from now on dur ing tho season. Ho went from A. JO. Drown Is In from his rancl Mrs. Francos Clark, school nupt, was out visiting uomu of tho Hohooltf during this week. A quantity of furniture and house hold goods woro rocolvod this week by Dr. and Mrs. Uuerkl. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean woro up from tliulr home near Fields dur ing tho wook on businosa. C. A. Mllor, I. L. S, Co. enttlo foreman, was ovor from his head quarters in tho Drowiioy country you torday. Frod Smyth and his wlfo and his mother, Mm.' CiiboIo Smyth, woro In from tholr homo at Diamond during tho woek. . Fred Otloy and his daughter, ac companied by Mrs. McKllnloy Thom pson, wero dp from tho Lawon neigh borhood last Saturday. J. W. McCulloch of tho law firm of McCulloch &. Duncan, camo ovor from Ontario thu first of this wook and has since boon consulting with Mr, Duncan and tholr clients, , D. 13, Morgan has been sent to tho southern part of tho county again by tho Census unumorator to do ho mo special work In finishing - up tho enumerations In this county. Ilov. Wm. Ilntrd, Sunday School Missionary, who has hcun looking If A It N H V C 1 N T V O l j; a t ,. WMN4 HuMtid iy. Mnli IT. I i. Hncoul rtilu and slight flurry of imow ii to nn ii havo boon of vast bono lit to tho range. Wm. Uyram, tho Canyon crook stock man, was registered at a localJ hotel tho other day. Ilov. D. 8. Hughes made, a tour" of the Happy Valley section of thin county during the wook. J. W, Biggs arrlvod homo this woek from a business trip to his big ranches and stock rnngon In tho southern part of tho county. A. A. Holnamun arrived homo thin wook from California where ho had boon spending tho winter. Ho con templates remaining hero perman ently now mid will develop some of It Iff land holdings. Fred DoNoffo, at ono tlmo associ ated with Archio McQnwan in busi ness In this city, was up from Port land for several days during tho week, leaving on his return Thurs day inornng. Mr. DoNoffo wan horo on business and renewing acquain tances. Ho has not lost his interest In tho development of this big country and hopes yet to hu a factor when tho tlmo comes for somo big things. J. W. Huchonan was over from tho ranch Wednesday looking after somo buslnoss hut rnturnrd homo tho snmo day. Ho ban goten busy of late and ft rr,i ivn rrn tm imn&mtutHLiF.(imtmmie irM'iMi. Fur a -Greater Harney County a a after tho 'outlying sections of this keeps pretty close to homo. Joo Is' county for several years, Is 'n town I Interested In tho coming iitockmons HOW OFTEN WE HEAR the man who has saved nothing say "I had the chance of a lifetime a few dollars was all I needed but " The man whom opportunity favors is the zone who is strong enough to saVe while others spend. He does without little things to have great ones. This Bank Maintains a National Savings Department YOUR BUSINESS INVITED - Harney County National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY For a Greater Harney County and will occupy the pulpit at thu Presbyterian church tomorrow morn log. " Mrs. C. W. Lowls painfully Injured hor knoo recently and has to uso a crutch to get about her home. Their llttlo daughter, Itettlo, Is also III and had to bo taken to tho flt. Joseph Hospital becauso her mother was not.ablo to care for hor. K J. Coto a Hurveyor has arrived from Portland to subdivide tho lands of tho Pacific Live Stock Company which iire to bo sold this spring. Mr. Colo has had somo difficulty locating tho old Government comers , but thinks ho will hu ahjo to overcomo this without any delay, as his In structions aro to complulu tho work as quickly as pbMlhlo. William Honwlck, thu Follyfarm convention and whan discussing tho problem of housing guests said that ho and C-uorgo could taku caro of a lot of people if it come to a "show down," but no doubt they would rather remain closer to Hums be cause of thu evening entertainments Tho P. L. B. Co. olllces nro now lo cated in tho Masonic Dulldlng, hav ing been moved up from thu ranch during this week. With tho placing of land on thu market and tho add itional duties connected with tho Harney Valley Irrigation District, of which Hunt. Oleen Is a momher, it was found ho could not do all that was necessary by keeping thu officii at the Island Itanch. "llllllo" Cur roll, who' has briMi a deputy In thu county clerk's olllco for tho pant sov eral years, has boon put In c)iar.M of tho company oirtrus lu this city. Mr. -13 per Hichardi Owing to wholesale conditions, It MILK FOIl BALE,- is necessary that wo. do a strictly Pcr month. U. A. cash business. We will ask all our tiio nrlto of bread hns bei patrona to begin paying cash with all vanccd at Pngo'n Sweet Shop bo(l purchases beginning with April 1 Pago'a Bwuot Shop. siocKnmn nnu mercnani, was in un- Carroll is an energetic, doservlng city tho first Vf this week attending iyoug nmn ,, ,,.,,, nro K,a(, ho has a permanent position that la congenial, jamcu and John Qoarhart, Mi. llaydon and Jess Davis woro all over from tholr homo In tho Calamity crook country this wook on buslnobB. Calamity crook Is not properly nam ed, as this paper has pointed out in tho past, but tho name stlckB Jnst'tho name It is ono of tho real produc tive spots of JInrnoy county and" is more entltlod to being called tho ."Land of Milk and Honey." Why tho dovll don't tha follows who llvo over there got together and glvo It u now namo. Tho Tlmos-Horuld will mako it a point to havo a story about It overy week for u month following tho ovont in order to got tho nowi immo firmly established in tho mlnda of tho rcsidontH of Harnoy county, I to Wnsco, Morrow and Umatilla tc Mima business matters. Mr. Hon wick reports lino weather la his neighborhood but regrets It, berauso of lack of moisture. Ho fqcls It will require a great amount of rainfall to keep tho rango In shape for stock during tho grazing season. Zooth Houser, former U. H. Mar shal of Oregon, Is horo from bin homo In Umltllla county to purchnso a car load or moro of mules to sup ply somo of his neighbors In tho grain fields of his county. Mr. Hous er Is qiilto well known to many of Urn citizens of this county as hu for merly bought cattle In thin territory to feed during tho winter from his oxtonslvu. alfalfa fields. Of later Mr. Hoover has developed a line dairy herd and uses all tho for ago die raises. -(V- PAH) IXXJAI.8. HTOCKIIOLDRIIH MKKTINO Notice Is hereby given that the postponed annual mcetnff of the Stockholders of the Masonic Build ing Association, of Durn", Oregon, will bo hold at tho Masonic Hall, 'Hums, Oregon, on Tuesday tho 20th of April, 1920, at 2 o'clock p. m. LKOX M, UHOWN, Secretary " counties. Mr. Horn expects back horo for tho cattle and raisers convention lu May. to bo .homo National Hank nnd Mario has return- noro to I'cdmond and thcro hoiCr A. Hlco, Portland', City Huporlil- tid to her studies In thu high school. ,IJ oliMlulotl for I'rlnovlllo, then In- tondont R. L. Kirk. Tho Dalles; City miporiuiomioui u. a. uriscoo, ash land: M'hh Wlunlfrcd Dennis, Miss Josslo McGregor, both of Portland, Miss Gonevicvo dorrel), Hoff, Miss Alta Vita Ulack, Yamhill, and Miss Selma Johnson of baker, represent ing elementary grade toachors. Tho committee will submit detail ed report in- tho near futura which will bo mailed to thoqo receiving Uih) communication. Dressmaking Plain .and Fancy Sewing Masquerade Costumes Mrs. F. A. THORNTON In tho Loclier Hulldlng, ncrns street from Summit Hotel Phono O50 Wm. Farre Practice before U. ti. Limit Department uud Real Estate Indications nro that tho luro of thu lantl will attract many Investors to Harney County tho com ing season, LInUhkn how will tw kept before pros pvctlvo iHvofctont the en tiro XCUMm. Have You Heard THE NEW PHONOGRAPH CREMONA Plays All Makes of Records Now on Display AT REED BROTHERS The Rexall Drug Store ii ' vr.nw 1 Easter X An attractive showing X I of seasonable Millinery, I I in Dress and Taylored X X Modes on disolav X i j .... " i IT M.k 11 d Havo jour watch overhauled. Htai t I tho old clock to ticking, got that old ploco of Jewelry lu wearing order, iT r HTATKMKNT I havo found Mr. D. B. Morgan honoot In all huelncsn trammctlon with mo. Htatetnentn to tho con trary aro falno. MH8. L. F, YOUNO o Hlzo of tho loaf haa boon Incrca correspond. Ixiuvoh are now Hi .iuntoad of 16 and tho price lit 20 1 for ono loaf, two for 35c. Skli . delivery Soorvlco. Adv. M When nick go to Klng'n lio Hoot oqulpned eurgury in tho lnt uud graduate nurno in charge. I M. Crane, Oregon March 17, 1029 9:00 A. Huron Garage, Huron, Oregon. Effective March ('ellverloB Pearl oil ono cent per gal Money to loan on Irrigated and ranchvM at O per cent. At utlon plan ti to 40 yearn time. Join no iiNMicuttlOH and buy no i Can loan $37,500 to ono Intllrk I No ml tape ulrk kcrvlce. 17th advnnc.i nil V"r nnnlicMtlon now. Harm')- ly AUMtrart tympany. au.ii., Try KlroitoHO Garage. . CortLt. I'nlf Adv. I Ion and lied Crown gasoline two couts por gallon. C. T. FUItUBIt, Special Agvnt Standard Oil Cotupauy um tho tax rollrctor'M Matrment Tho Ilurnn Oarago will eontlnuo to "nt le with i nana mr iiNvmi'Hi w namr.- Oat of town taxpayer vho hh to pay their taxra will plciui noil gaxollno canh. at former prices for Adv. Mra. B. P. Schwartz In receiving her nprlng and summer rooda. Now goods arriving frequently. You aro invited to call and hmi thorn. NKY COUNTY NATIONAL UM Arrangementa have heen with the Sklena delivery servkvj deliver our meats to any pwti town. O.-W. Cash Market, No. C. 1-31. NEW WAIST FOR WEAR WITH THAT SPRING SyiT; o This is the waist and blouse season; the first thought of a spting suit means that milady will want all that is new and dainty in waists to wear with it. Mrs. Leiah Millar t Clinging silks, crepe de chine andi georgette waists, together with! dainty laces, drapery goods, ribbon,; etc., are among our spring arrivals; Ladies' and men's underwear Men's shirts Swell line of neckwear for men Dainty kimonas in serpentine crepe 511 Co) Lunahurg, Dalton & Burns, Oregon Havo your eyes fitted to IteadliiK. With Mru, SchWHrlx III MukohIc BmIUIhk glassoN, oo 0. M. HAL1HI1UHY Jowelcr, optician, i