111 III E r i 5" El PAOU HI. ,T 11.12 I. M 15 H 11 H It A l H U It K M , 11 A 11 ft H ? 0 O 11 N T V , O It, ff 0a 4 Mrtwii 'J7.ju OUR NEW SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR . tun snm TgfiSMgMfi ' ' Jffllif. 1 ' I mm At r . --nsnsfj. r r- - awi - V.t '.W' O", W l ' 0V V. jj-- UAVY dLUES RULu, in WOMEN'S SUIT WORLD r Navy blue has always been con sidered a staple color In aulls, This year II Is the leading color predominating In both the eton 'and bolero. Navy trlcotlae and Jersey rookie and twine colors are I the material used In the two Imedela shown above. Note the leneft seams, double patch pockets (and fall skirted Jackets. The se lection ofbata has been followed tout very carefully. On tho left a Ismail flower bonnet xlunniH In all upring brightness. On the right a (oft brim roll Mllor; dark bluo .with n light struw fuclng. (I OP i J iK-WEST JOINS IN FARMER-LABOR M01 Politicians Must Take Stand Before Farmers ibTHIsbssbVt -A ' Ssn isbmL? 'ilassssssssssssM Br "SSaSSSSSiBS'lBSSSSSSSSSVSSASaB jiaWBBLABMSv SnBFlBSSSaaSSSBBiaBALaAJBn&. Bl BSSSSSBaSSaZaaSSSSSSl rJaBsBlBBBBBBBBBBBIlV B jjHtBflH SBBSBBBBBBBBa BSSSSSa. t.m ABMrleaa farmar la Into DOlltlca at. last Not along party lines, but In the open, where aay arty eaB have bla suFport, if the men standing for that party prove they will give legislation toward Brogresa of paramount agriculture questions Here Is the committee appolated by the recent National ram Board Congress at Washington, te Interview, investlgatf and report to the farmers of the nation through their various organizations, the attitude and support thai ,oua bo expected from, each candl (date and party This Is to Include candltlntes from pnufhlent down to tho humblest county position. Whose on the committee are, front row, loft to right J I) HouKton, secretary Wisconsin Society of Equity: O. S. Barrett of Georgia, president National Karmera" Union, chuirman, II D Cooper, New YorW .Dairymen's Leuguo, and Charles W lloltnan liuck row, left to rlKht. 0 Iff on! Pinchot, I'onnavlvnnia, Itural Progress Asxoclntlon, T O AtkcKitn. W Va . National arungo. Maurice. MoAuliiTn, preaiUuni KpruJ ers Union, Kansas, and Charles A. Lyman, ' , 'f Thb far-wtml 1h In with bothl in the national action of tnd i American uitiwoiuenl which der way In Hih ntcent congr CIiIcuko tll (Hit1 tlou l arid w . . MiUilL. tin- il liHtklns to i ill to K'l l h by ub-rlcss i.ir is Ojcst lo'. nrcjlili . noratlvo Til . .. list O P r - preali! nt '. n Leu tio. "QUIZ'S . w Q T. R.-REPUBLICAN IS SECRETARY OF STATE SBBBBBBBBBSU' viSBBBBBnSI BBS HgPPfPIIBW V7BBBBBBBn BB nalnbrldKO Colby, Now York lawyer, formor Itopublicitn und 'supporter of ltooaovoli in organ ization of tho Bull Moose party, In tho now eocrotury of ntuto in Prosidont WilHon'ti cabinet to huc ceod llobort Lauaing. Hla appoint ment faced a fight in Congress nnd was a big uurprlse to both Democrats and IlublicaBs, FARMER-LABOR BOD HAS ITS "WOODROW r Tlio Furmur-labor movement' hue Uh "Woodrow " At lonat thut wan tho conjmont on nl aldOH at Chicago recently, whonovor I)un cun Mclionuld of Bprlngfleld hovo into HlKlit nt tho Karmor-Lnbor congreua, Mr McDonald ia former jnosldont or thn llllnola atato Podurntlon of Labor, but now Bocrotnry-treasuror of tho Nutlon nl Cooperatlvo League, tie la an ardent workor for direct trading. A 2L jkW- r 7?ibvx i rBsssWnLi; . ,5. J.i. . A, f "V BBBBSffiSfC' '.ft . M'X XnsssML,J'.B.i ti .n . ntassssnm V "VI X U J" V - 1" V x iV SB , A WV tfV . .u 4