The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 27, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Saturday. March 27, 1MW.
T H K T I M R H H IS U A I) I) I! U It N H , If A It N H V COUNTY
crepe de
Full line of
silk hose, etc.
Mrs. E. F. Schwartz
Masonic Bui'diag
RtuilloH nto proceeding iho nnnio itft or toaehors In Oregon. For Bovoral
X over hihI DVorylhliiR In in perfect hni- yours commlttooH of tho uwioclatlou
,l,on' Imvo ntudled, tho quontlon from all
Tho Girls Qunrlot la eontlnulnir uukIor and Imvo compared conditions
f practtco and they gave un n nooctlon in vnrloUH parts or tho Untcd Btntos.
I Friday nftomoon. I 'Following Is tho wording of tho'
1 1 Our musical Bophotnoron and tholr resolution, As will bo noted, tho
class advisor are very Horrowful ovor .attempt linn been tnado to name a
T llin -. . ... 1 . . . . ...
, ho umn ui uim ui our iimiioH. wo minimum untunnuiR salary for touch-
X have only onu In tho school at pros-, era or standard qualifications, Iho
x -
T ont.
l Mario KkII has rotnrnod from' Los
X AiiBoles. Those dunking "Movlo" lu
ll formation ploaso refer to Mario.
Physical Culturo Is programing
nleply, thanks to Miss Anderson.
Tho Sophomore program was well
understanding, being, of course, that
districts more favorably iiltuatod or
with Rreator rouourcos will start the'
iiefcodulo at a hlghor figure. In fact
tho newspapers havo already report
ed a hair-dozen or more salary sched
ules, excluslvo or Portland, which aro
higher than that Indicated in the res-
iveep Your Eyes
C n . qiwnr ' HIMiy
T attoudod by a number or tho par
T'ontH and friends of that class. Wo olutlon.
woroughiy approclato tholr Interest. " Wo further recommend tho ostab-
In our school nffalrs, and It gives us'llshmont or a salary schodulo toward
an Incentlvo to glvo bottor programs
.In tho future.
Two or our morning oxorclnos this
week wero opened by short lectures,
X R,vn y Mr. Morso In tho Interest
J of the Armenian Ilollef Fund, and
Xi)r. Jones who gave an Interesting
talk on the opportunities or young
Tho Millinery class under the In
struction or MIhs Fronso aro pro
gressing rapidly. Thoy expect to
blossom out In their now spring bon
nets by Faster.
Tho Domestic Sclonco girls have
completed tholr houM aprons and
have started on Biddy blouse.
flmith, Clark, Uass, J. M. l)alton. J.
K. Loggan, Huston, Leonard, Sutton,
Chamberlain, Daltey Hayes, McPheet
era, Doaegaa, Luckey. L, Joaaaon,
W. Bard wall. A. W. nnni ifnh.
kiss aad C BUI. I Whon tnro ' auMclent number
Dr. mad' Mr. Hibbajrd. K.enU of Prod"ct completed, they will give
Hibkard. Poleaaa Skelaa, H. Oiwley, " ?h!bU,V dtoptar th'',r Work
Lulu Hayes, .ad Mr. and Mr.. Win ,e T t0 "y ,h,lt h w
Oowan were aUo preacul. "tlH fop 8"ay
It wa. quite a delightful party "'T? ?n Warm 00 thB Pub'
that the Freshmen gave In honor or!'0 Schol n,n,0' A" yot thu wuthor
the Seniors. The alrf. ret roo,.hM Dot P
noys I'tiyslcal Training class Is
which every school district in the
State should strive, providing, on the
basis or n twolvo months' contract,
a minimum salary or $10HO per
annum for every elementary school
teacher possessed or normnl school
training or not less than two years
beyond graduation from a four year
high uchool course and a minimum
salary or 1 1200 for ovory qualified
high school teacher possessed or not
luss thnn four years collogo or uni
versity training beyond graduation
from a rour years high school course,
aud that the maximum salaries be
fixed at not leas than 11800 and
$2200 respectively, to ba attained ky
virtue of coHtlaulag profsaaieaal lai
proveaeat, toagth aad Merit of aar
Tnn Associaiioa bus appointed a
('oaaaaltte to nake detailed auggea
tlons with regard to the working out
of the schedule ketween the mini
mum and maxlmua. This com
mltteo will consldor othor Items bear
(Jene Schworta, Frances Donegan.
Juno Dalton, Oludya Oyrd.
Tho Hev Morso gavo an Interest-
lag Ut lk to tho students laat Monday
lorinuR uvmiiu luuuiiiuuu i mo uoniors. roe girl s rest room
m exlatlug among the Armenians In wan Imntitlftiiiv ,.i.xni-Mn,i win.
ihp Fur Knst Tho high school will greens, varlnguted colored balloons col',u nlo"K laly nUHough on the schedule. Tho personnel
i . i . I'll II if lit I'ltlil II ml l n timiil frtttn uittt I it... .... . I i I.. 1 1 n
taiemni 10 rrnuer nuinu BHHiHianct. una Iho claBrt comm. olil mm ntul .v iniT luunumur m un iunun; nnuu
Tho fallowing ladles were among -liver. Tho evening was spent In all , ""r""""fl " lo l "' Hup-'rlntondent J. A. Churchill, ex-
IihuM r. c"t at last Friday's pro- sorts or games, such as "bean race.' i " , , mhiicio; county mciiooi Hupunntcnii-
.ram M lames Franklin. Kggles- "broad grln-Jump" and others. For- 1 i"y.bub',l:'r lrluklng fountain has ,,,.1 W. W. Creen. Pendleton, tM.alr-
un Julian Myrd. Molhorshend, II. C. tune-telllng was quite popular ,rr"0"-, 'i " capacity or so gal- mu; County Superintendent O. K.
throughout the entire evening; In ' 1,w" wm n,L" MrcisinitMi. Muikey. t'oqullle; County Huperln
'racl, the booth was never empty for , ,M," J,l,,u s lr Nu tendent Miss Twyla Head. Klamath
a mon.ent-lt may be the attractive ,r,0"d") c,x,om,0(, ,lur "rvl '", Knlla; Assistant City Superintendent
vv...v r ... t ..u ui.- ...Li ...... ,ul UH n r,'"l " IUrir- hasl o
i lltlllll llVlilltulVitlL 1II),imIihhI..,I ttta.... I
l)ett'oI.lght costs no more
to opt'ratti than tho old coal
oil luiurM. One gallon of
real oil gives you four tlaiu4
ji tnui It light when used for
fuel In Delno-Llght as It
i1vim lii coiil-oll lamps.
I'l.n mi hnnd for lui-ri-dmtr
Write ror Catalog
Burns Garage
Tfcere's a SilUM Ur Near Yh
nttracted so much attention. To top
J off the evening. Wesch-raroblt, coffeu
and wafers wero enjoyed by tho
guests, Kveryono present, cspnclal-
When ! Parents of this community can not
ly the Houiora, claim that It was the
nicest party given this year.
From our standpoint, our danc
last Saturday wus a hugo success and
we have been assured that overyono
else enjoyed themselves Immensely
the Seniors are. very grateful for tho
support extended us by everybody;
especially aro we Indebted to Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Page. Miss Krlchcsky,
Miss Frease. The Farmers Fxchaugo
lund I. H. Ocer & Co.
tlin now hooks ordered arrive wo will
have a school library to be proud of.
An art exhibit will bo held some
time In April. About 150 high grade
Iuiih uiiu wuiur cuiur prints iroiu
famous paintings. Plans aro being
formed to Interest the patrons of the
school In the project.
It bus been suggested by some of
the "alumni and alumnae" that the
annual meeting and senior reception
ho held on the evening or May 19th
aud a dance follow.
Orrly eight weeks moro.
A school to function properly must
ho In close harmony with tho parents
take too much Interest In our public
schools, To many of us nro con
tent to Just let things rock along,
trusting to thn teacher to do that
which should bo done. Wo do not
seem to remember that the teacher
annreclatos as well hs tho pupil, and
I that both will work truer to form If
' . i . . i .... . .. t.j
, wu ux.ciiu uur cuu)mriiiun uy ikkiiik
an active Interest In school affairs
Try l'lrvtoHo
Adv. tf.
, . , .,, ,. itho moro lutlmntu the homo and
an appreciation or Kdgnr Allan Po. i , , . . .. . ,, ..
' i school become, the better are the re-
Mfo of Kdgur Allan Poe IMauclw HllHf ipiine It assisted, rogular!
(loo.lman: Poem reading Frank ti,miauce sMmulalod and a health-1
Iteluamau; Appreciation or I'oo i,r tolll) pHrvads thu school when!
ltuby Hayes; Tin Hells, reading I, mmM ,llko lin autlvo ,lltri,H(,
Oladys Hynl; Helectlon by O rH, Tll0 ntlulI,,,IIIC0
Utiariet Aiarjorio iiyrn, Juno i;bi
' School
or patrons lust
H l K It h I N 1 the I'AISTKIl
House Painting Auto Painting
Sign and Pictorial Painting
Staining, draining and Murblliig
A Notes-Grace Hlalr. l T J.T sighing 1200 branded UN,
haHoball nractlce. Mr. McDade
Tea was served to all the visitors romHOH tH ,iOVc-lop a nine 'and
by the Freshmen girls. (sccuro some games, ir they aru ob-
The Sealor Freshman Party was taluahlo.
a great success. Kvoryhody had n
goofl time and we hope to entertain To
the Sophomores and Juniors some.
time soon.
tKveryono will agree thut the
Sophomore program on "8prlng" was
tho best one that has been given. We
Hoards Of FIiichIIom, ,'minty
Krhool Kupt. And Heads of
1 list ikt Hcljool:
bay chunky mare weighing 1200 j
wiui wmte race, nraiuieii kh, Not
Ify K. N. Ward, Narrows, Oregon.
FOR SALH flood seed barley. S
Whiting. Hums, Oregon. -Phono
No. 8FCC. 33-27-41
Thn Oregon State Teachers' Assol
ntlou at Its unnunl convention in
are all striving to come up to their ! Portland, December 29-31, 1912,
The scope of our Spring-Eaitcr Exhibit
expresies the spirit of this store in its de
sire to give its patrons opportunities for
securing all that is new in fashions in
Burns. 'Mi J so much beauty and variety
choosii y is ddlirjhtfully simple.
V .'i'ured and plain georgette,
d'oss sil!:s, embroideries, spring
and summer undergarments
Knitwear, rompers, dresses
and shoes for the children
N. Brown & Sons
adopted a resolution on teaidien'
Salary schedule with a view to stan
dardizing salaries and qualification!)
W'K HUY, raisu aud sell fur-beurlng
rabbits, and other rur-bonrlng an
Imals, List what you have with
us, stating your lowest prices on
large lot shipments. Thn Fur ft
Specialty Farming Co., C16-C1? N.
V. Ave., Fargo, N. Dak.
Farm Machinery Case Tractors
Martin Ditchers
Gas Engines
Bosch Magneto
Early Baart Wheat .
Alfalfa Seed
Dry Goods Shoes
Money to loan on Irrigated farms
and rituciioM at tt pet cent. Amortiz
ation plan 5 to 40 years time. You
Join no association and buy no stock. 1
Uan loan 9I)7500 to ono Individual.
So rod tape quick service, Mako
jour application now. Harney Coun
ty Abstract Company. I
Try Flit'dtono Chords. Universal
PHOTO Studio
Developing and 1'rliitlug
Kolak KnlnrKcmoutH
from Snapshots
Cabinet I'hotographa
Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Money Refunded
Opon Sundays Only
In former Sayer Studio
Adv. tf.
Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here
Burns Hotel Building
NOW open for business with a full
Curd Mt!, Ham, Baccn, Bclogn, etc., toon
By establishing a market we hope
to better serve our past patrons who
have been taking meat from our
auto delivery.
Oltman & Withers
. S. Geer & Co.
Bulk Garden Seeds
Onion Sets
owned and operated by ex-
' men, who give absolute
' 5 and satisfaction to
" customers. Sells DODGE
Universal Garage
yours for