The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 27, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    HaWlny, March 27, 1020,
r,voi3 1'oun
Do not always mean NEW
Many times, in this day of
underproduction, that suit or
dress hanging in the closet has
better woolen in it than can be
found in garments at twice its
cost tdday.
Bringing out all the soft,
clean, pattern of that old gar
ment making it look brand
Monday Reg. 55c walnuts 45c
per pound, limit 10 pounds
Tuesday Reg. 60c tea 50c
Wednesday Reg. 20c carnation
milk 6 cans $1, 12 can limit
Thursday Reg. 20c stringless
beans 6 cans $1
Friday Reg. 35c raisens 27c, 10
pound limit
Saturday you can buy any one or
all of the above groceries.
re w i a trait of this firm which has made our Cleaning and Repairing an
ART in this community.
Phone us to call today. L will be ready before Easter num.
Gents f wrnUhlngs at the oil Wllllams-Zoglmanii location
Groceries at thd same old stand
1 iw-
Watch Burns Grow BURNS CASH STORE Watch Burns Grow
9! StiffiS
i he Times-flerald
Hat The Largeit Circulation Of Kmy
'Newspaper In Harnejr County.
On Year
rW Manilla
fnll when Mr. Prima wits hurt by his
opponent nntl ltoforoo Dovonoy coll
ed tho umtch off. Tom Williams Is
Htlll Ritmo nnd wrltos to thin paper
from Ontario that ho would like to
meet Prime again Bomo tlmo tho win
ner to take all. No doubt ho can
Manacar f30re this fcftd ota so, although
1 'i. .-. nn nm an unicatful I hn eklil
V It W V -
leugo to Mr, Prime.
.". I.
Saturday, March 07, I WO.
Sotex Post Hui Seta
Tc Hare Atteitioi
New Forest Supervisor
Visits This Section
CK HI1II I1HH Ullieil Ul I11H rH- "It" iiuiiiinuniiui" - - ' '
In this city with tho Intention tho pnMt week In this section look
uIiiIiik permanently to prno- InK iovor thu rood Munition. Mr.
lUt. IllIKItKI
J , F;. II. aiuldock. division engineer
Dr. It. ( nmtrkl, who arrived hero for tho 8tnto Highway Commliislon,
bHt wiH'k and has taken up IiIh reH- with hoadquartorn at Duker, spent
lil on co I
of rouia
tleo general mudlelno and surgery, Haltlock went over tho route for tho
h a graduate of eastern schools. The post road between IhiriiH und Buutox j
young man Ih a graduate of tho mil- and will muku a report at onco. '
vrnlty of Wlneoiisln and a graduate Following this report J. N. ltlaliop. ,
of tho unlverHlty of Pennsylvania an engineer now on tno ground, wun
medical school. I his crow, will begin the Hurvey of tho
He was roHldont pnyslclnn of tho 1 Huriis-Buntcx route. At present Mr.
Pennsylvania honptal.. Philadelphia. "I""0!' a"'1 ,1,H n-lnla am sur-
h.tcr being chief resident and house 1110 wngm romi larnei
surgeon ut tho sumo hoHpltal. ,rnnd.
Dr. Iluerkl wan In tho army and I K- Hundols, tho engineer who
taught rructuro surgery In tho armytmM b-' ' reproHontatlvo of tho
medical school, bolng stationed lator 1 Highway Commission on tho work
t U. 8. hoHpltal No. It. doing norvo oiio between hero and Lawen.
oud brain nurgery. Recently Dr. . recently located tho Well Hill
Iluerkl haH been associated with Dr. I 'rkvt road and this In ready for tho
Stouurt of Holso, doing surgery and court to advertised j
medical consultation. ) "! "T , .
rrosioy mnywi win in iown iruiu
Diamond during tho week. j
I Mth. A. It. OlHfn and liaby daugh '
' Important hito now and legal Ur liuvo lrt for Seattle when, ihuy
notices i:roveutcd Tho Tlmen-Horald uxpuct to remain for four or II vo
making mention of thu wroHtlln. WCokM until .Mr. OIhoii can go out to
mulch between Joe rrime ana iom'nM( t)lum ri,on tho whole family
IntondH to continue Ihu trip to Ban
and Mouthoru California
worulor that thoy havo not followod
tho natural coumo and advanced
tholr ratcH to tho limit permitted by
And yot tho fact aland out cloarly
that thoy havo uot and havo ahown
W. W. Crydor, nupervlnor of tho inndoncy to do bo. Hut how llttlo
Malheur Fpret, with heaqMial:jjH-orcdlt is glvonthetBT -TSHofer.
at John Day, waa lu Burna yeaterday
nMtlBf with the ople ef this city
b4 ! sBMtlng with the ntock men
of tha coaauHtty. There heiag a
meetlRK of the stock aaeoclatlon yes
terday afteraoou.
Mr. Cryder aucceeda Cy. Dlnghara
aa aHBenrUor of this district. Mr.
Cryder Informs this paper that ho hn
beon connected with the forest nor
vice for seventeen, yearn and Is there
foro familiar with tho duties he hut
Tho gentleman
Congre, like the sunshine, has
ita periods of obscurity.
The raaa who speaks well of others
need never worry over what peoplo
think of him.
Tho big gray automobile, known
mado a favorablo nH ,l10 hlld Welfare Hpnclnl, which
ImpreHslon upon thoso with whom ho!ho Chlldron's Uureau of tho 11. H.
camo lu contact. Ho will bo over Dopartmont of Labor Is unlng to
amtin al tho filg omv,nllon of f.ofk ' hrlng the welfare mossago to babies
men in May. villages and on faruiH, has been
o 'Operating In a nutrition survey In
iouo of tho rural sections of Kentucky
(this is tho first nutritional survey un
dertaken by tho Children's Huruau,
exhibits. hkhviuh liir-
Ono family at a tlmo Is received VOUII DIHCIIAUOH PAI'KIM
oivi: ;hi:iit wiikkk dim-:
Hanks are slow to give credit and
the peoplo are aa proverbially slow'"1"1 11 ' ,lu,, l"ront from other
such HurvujK, in iiini ii nenKB in cun
iioct tho physical condition of tho
to give bankers credit for anything,
In thu universal complaint over ad
vanced vrlces of everything, there Is
one buslucim that has not taken ad
vuntugv of tho trend of tho times,
Hunks Imvn not raised nrlces to1
keep pace with every other line of'HUrv,,y lva complete picture of
business or professional activity. The
child with living condltons,
Although only 2G0 cases were
studied, and not ull of this number
received physical examination, tho
o 1
conditions among the children of this
mountain county, and thoTosults of
tho examinations, plus living nnd
dietary data will, It Is hopod, reveal
causes responsible for malnutrition
In this area, , Tho muterlal at pros
cut being analyzed und tabulated and
a renort will be nubllshed In thu
Without, doubt it costs any bank t,0MrM f fow moiltllM
banks of tho United States are charg
ing practically the same rates for
money as they did boforo the war.
Hanks themselves probably feel
the advanced prices as much as any
other one lino of business.
Into tho Bpeclal, which has all tho
iirlvni'v nt n connultfttlon room. In I
,1ra.ln, fnnm Ml lh and of tll'l ' TIlU Is JUt n WOrd ffOffl OnO 61
truck tho nurso secures the health' ""vice olhor" who UvoL,B:
nnd ofrcach- "W COUUiry aooui. sorao uiouuy iau
may be yours merer? ror me aaxn.
Bone or you migni boi kbow iuai im
War Work CouhcII ef the Y. M. C. A.
am U DV7V flSWWV SB maw wa, swwo-v va ,
thta county which will he siren ta
former service men who waat to coi
tinue their education.
All yon have to do, If you want W
go to school, to college, take a horn
study course or brush up In general,
Ik to cut out this clipping and raa
It, with your name and address, It
C. A. Kells. Hoora 305, Y. M. C. A."
Illdg., Portland, Oregon, and the "Y"
folks will do tho rout. Tho money
allocated to this county should be np.
tilled for within tho noxt thirty dnji
!or there Is a possibility of It beln
usud for ox-HorvIco tnon lu other
Hotter cut this out while you am
thlnkng about It and mall It to tho
Y. M. C. A., Portland, Oregon. .
Portland, Oregon.
No. wo can hardly charge tho pro
lltccr with sticking like a leech. The
leech Kometmea lets go.
history of the, family
child to bo 'examined, and weighs,
measures and prepare tho childroa
for examination.
In the confer ace-room in the
body or the car each child la given a
thorough examination by the doctor,
who advises the mother in hygiene
matters and urges the attention of
her physician If defects are found.
O '
Shortage ob IrrifatiM
Water is Noted
(Continued from pugo 1 )
by. foresight, precaution mid cooper
ation, of which wo trust wo mry h:io
ti full measure tho coming season.
In nry event, t us not oroi t'.'c't
(he fuel that nov: le a go,od tiaio to
SlscVisei's CmtHh
Here May 24-25
(Ceetiaeed freaa age 1)
Williams at Tonawaimi on Friday
ululit of last week. Joe was again
I... i.. ii. 1 i. in, imi ii u'iiu mil Kraiiclsco
I 1117 I II llll ( IIUH ll., a. i.m..
filial, because of an accident which points.
Incupiicltated him. I .io
,. . , i i . A young swain writes lu to know
The II rat fall was secured In ono" ' "
hour and twenty-eight minutes. lh l")w best to win a girl. Don t try
vlruKgli1 wuh renewed following this lot her win you.
thai does any volume of business (it
fairs as It did before thu upward ten.
deiicy set In.
m. -zn
tertalnment. 'There will also be
Indies present who will be guests of
thu ladles of this county.
Hhnutd tho attendance exceed that
estimated, or even If It comes up to
! expectations, It Is going to tax tho
ability of the citizens to take care of,
1 'PI i n I ii ti t nlflftti itt aie-ii I at illitl . . - a. aa a.
all twice as much to conduct lis nf! V"' "" . 7.. ... .""'retoro u is ur to an in ioko un
Mum iivuiiii iiniMin n iiimiiiiuii in ii ii (ii vo niirt lii arraiiKements ror t no
house-to-house canvass, mid tho iUng. Hleoplrg quarters must bo
iitiVaifiMit oviiiiiltiiif Ifiiiu u'nru f I Vim In . . ...ii
floral .....1 state taxes are great!,,,,, ()f , rh(, R ......o.n.nodut on of
er for then, In proportion than ,r u, Irtl(!k Irt mtm, llB ,
others and In most states hel ,s, ,U)(U WLM)ftliy (!,Illc wt( R R0V. J
sussed va iiaiion on asseis is nigner i -,,, ,i,np .....i -.. i ..i,,,,...,. , ' . ,., , ,,
ti.m. oii..,r .i.ikmox .r nroiortv .""imoiit doctor and nurse In cliargo l0 afTiilr and the eltlieiiK of Ilurus
than other .lasses of projort). I,(, oxninIno rlldroh and glv mothora uro nol ol,y Kol..g to aid lu a Una...
.Vl,h. ",!.i,-M.0 ""'""" 11 tft,j" advlco concerning thu care necessary ' ctu, wuy ))Ut uu0 'take active charge
... ....... ,or l)m wnrK mm AiiperviFD an arrau-, j(,Vooj.
aim viti n .uiiiiauj Jim nviii Killiiuiiin ni ititu " "in uu
Hchool Supt.
KKillTII (iltADI.
Krances Clark an
iiounces tho dates for eighth grade vr there Is an nvnllublo waiting
New line
Hamilton Brown Shoe Co. $
For Ladies
. Children
Remarkably low prices
examinations havo been llxed for May
1.1 and 14 and June 10 and 11. Thu
program for examinations are: Thur
sday morning arithmetic, writing,
Afternoon II I s t o r y, agriculture,
spelling. Frlduy morning physiol
ogy, laugungu. Afternoon geog
raphy, civil government, reading.
usually uuar a courthouse, town hall, ness to receive the stockmen lu a fit
lodgu hall or woman's club, where- ting manner on their arrival and Fine
make them welcomo and happy dur,
room which muy be used also for lug their slay.
Mini Optician
Watch lUinirlnfC Hpcclulty.
Easter dyes
Easter candies
Garden seeds
Fresh groceries
. Made to order suits
at lowest prices.
General Merchandise
Rest To Be Had
Freah and ready for
! customers every after
! noon between 4 and 5
Bread is your best food.
Eat more of it.
For Two Weeks Only
Begining Monday March 22, 1920
White Satin Flour, Sack - $3.75
100 lb Sack Sugar - - $15.00
Four Foot Pine Wood For Sale
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor
w i3 o 3flrg;