The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 27, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    .. March 27, 1U20.
II I') T V M 14 H H II It A Ti l 71 If II N H II A II N V. V C O r N" T V , O It MOON
Friends Notice
Big Change
In Her
VV Almost a Ncrtous Wreck
When She Bet an Taking
Tnnlac GainsThir
lecn Pound .
Sir t
nuuk 1
Wash .
Master Guiulny! Wu nil know
what It signifies. It was the day on
which Chrlnt aroso from tho dotal
and ascended Into heaven,
Let ub of this town mako It tho day
on which wo all arise to tho occasion
and go to church.
Tho church is the great stopping
ntono on thu rond to heaven, and
Christ lmH Mnzed n clour trail (o tin
It Christ could glvo his llfo for
mankind, Htiroly mankind can glvo
Easter Sunday in eommoinorutlon of
his Hncrlllco.
iim.... .. .1.... tk . t.i . t.
1 tiKi'im tnk m? Tun lie I' ""uv " 11 " "
.lined thirteen pounds In ,ur"" 1,1 lMn town-overy niuu,
,,1 my general health bus wo," " emm-wowm go 10
so much all my friends re- ,,,u'fch Knlop Hm",n:, I
now well 1 look," anlil Mm. I 1,,l,y v'"t "ovor,
ulmnhrnr. who riMli o nt ""u" -"" "ry umi-u
ily-llrat St., South Seattle, , ,ho (,uy" of vttrim
i i'iitly. continuing, alio said:
Strange, Isn't It, how quickly you
can dotcct whan a young man Is In
lovo? Tako, for Instunco, tho alarm
lng symptoms noted in tho caso of
but that would bo tolling.
Energy is a gift of tho gods, and
possibly (hat Is why nomo pcoplo
novor employ it.
Hut tho Impossible Ih ulwuys pos-
xllilrv In Amnrlftt. t lit tinniillilit In
"F i M:ir and years I havo HUf- Ma (ow
fore,l v M. nervousness and Anally, 8mU iimko ft iiIwin m
became -o badly run down I was on B Au , t(j
tho viruf of a comploto norvou c,iurch?
rrok.K Tho least llttlo excite., Thc 0(lor Wft)J Q wrt(J
nlt.t i ..also out of ho ordinary n nmj rhotorlca, clUl(jrlal on
would - -ft mo and It would bo (1iq n of 8( ,n.
oun fro I could compose my. gtond wo imj m an JumbJo hut
,f, 1 ,uld get but llttlo 1 1 cep. and UeaX HUBt,08t,on to tho ,)C0,0 or
,llBh, .Mr night I would lie nwako lhta commu,ltJ,
nil nlgu long and just roll and toss , An wo nr(j fm(y fo ,uko our ow)
from o o Hide of tho bed to tho othor rInccH n to rftnk 'of wouM
and would got up in tho morning t ,gt M,0I, ovur knowll
fHlnr grout doa worse than , who.. J( h,Htorytho 8l,oc(ttC,0
, wr . o ihmI. and In p to of alt I of ftn onlro conimunUy tnftrchlng (0
could ,1. 1 JuM kept getting wenkor chUfc fn wMf Qf Umt R0(Jil ma
I'rollmlnary plans have boon mado
for u tranucontlnoutal passenger air
ship lino, operating from coast to
count. Tho uoxt stop In tho proceed
ings, presumably, will bo tho an
nouueemont of tho customary HtrlUo.
And Htlll. Major Dulrymplo need
not fear for a Job. Itum robollloiiK
could bo worked up beautifully In
tho movies, and star mu-torn with a
reputntlou could commund nlmost
any price.
Tho high spots of Ufa appear high
only to thoHo who tiro unublo to
attain them.
Tho follow who "liltfl tho pace" In
tlmo generally finds tho paco hitting
Tho londoiicy of prlcow, wo nolo, Is
up onu day and up tho next.
Thoro aro nomo, wo sUHpoct, who
object to tho term "high cost of liv
ing." They only exist.
England and France should not
worry over what to do with the
Turkish emplro. "Mexico Is Jit as
bad and It Isn't bothering us aTbitf"
Homo day wo may oloct a congress
whom wo won't fool like cunning
three hundred and nlxty-flvo dayn In
llio year. Yeti, somo day..
Charity of course should begin at
homo, but it is not always that wo
find charity In the homo.
Tho wise man makes his own
cholco of a wifo.'and the nhrowd wlfo
allows him to contlnuo to think that
ho did.
modern photographer, of
! course, removes nil facial dofecln
from tho plcl'urobut only from tho
who gavo bis life for thorn.
Will YOU go7
nntl w. iMT I was also troumeu a
great 1 with my 8tomn"h. I bad
n vur "r appetite, and when I d!d
m.iii kt' ' forco down n little somc
IM' B It would sour and I would blottt
... .... . I ttll Imuit
I" T.UiO .rum mm uu,u ...U Amr!rnti nrn,ln.. nvnrl.l
u h lr tonne pains In my ..iomach tmt n prJcHt urfi n Kr0ftt ,,,, ,
n .,r ,,n moai i com, ....r. .y n,. Kuro0i This Is so because Europe
lh. I lout so much In weight, waa ,.,,.,, Wll rnn , ,nilko
' . run down I Just had to drag
ft,:, I and It was with tho grentoat
d '. u'j I managed to do my houno-
thoHO articles tbouiHelves fast enough
to kupply tho Immedltito demand.
Hut In time Kuropu will bo mak
ing nulllnlent for homo consumption
I ! ,d road a great dtU nbout (, win jmVo HU additional output
,Tt ' helping others and decided to for oxrort,
try It too and I noticed an Improve-! Iu ,inerlra wages nro nbnormally
m"-t 'i my condition almost as soon hRll ,lH urt, ujH0 tll0 r(iw nrnterlalH.
as I br g.ui taking It. At thla tlmo I T,0 cosl vt manufacture Is therefore
took ,i trip enst, and as Tnnlnc hndj.. the nky.'t
r n.n put on salo at that tinio , j i.:,lro,, j,dH)r Is much ohoapor
. I wa vUltlng I bad thc drug- nmj nrtlolQH can bo marketed at a
r ordiT mo some from tho manu- cait j,-ow tint! for which wo can pro-
fa ar r , us 1 did not want to mlaa ,jMn, (l0,I)t
n i ... lo dose for fear of losing ino j (mo wj,on Europe has rocover-
I r'Hl had already received from C(! America will bo required to corn
It Well, 1 continued tnklng It undiPoto wtl, tjl0H() countries for world
kept getting hotter all ho tlmo, until tra(lo America with its high cost nf
now I have a fine appetite and can (mnnuf,lcturo against Kuropo with Its
cat anything I want without suffer- low coaU
lg any bad after effects. I am1 Tuilt H tu- condition which tho
never troubled with pains or gas anil nrOHOnt lnsano price Inflation will
the improvement In my norvoua con- ,rnB about.
dltlon Ih simply wonderful. I hnvoj Tn0 ,nsfortuno of others has
gained my strength so that my',,,,,,-,, UM fortunalo today has cn
housework Is simply a pleasuro to rCHC(i uB beyond tho dreams of avn
mo To seo mo now no one would rjc)i
tMr.k that only a fow months ngo I Uut tomorrow it may bo tho re
w almost a comploto nervous and vorHO,
r' i ,il wreck. I think Tnnlac is a1 jt jg worth our serious consldcra
r r irkablo modlclno nnd I toll ovory t0li wi,oa wo hear pcoplo talk of
' 'v I get a ebanco about It." prices going still higher.
T lilac Is sold In HuniB by Itond j.jy,,,, Hhylook moots his Water
I'r tu rn, nnd In Crane by Valo j00 8()0,or or lutor.
Tr ling Co. Adv. -o
o 1 Womon ndmlro a manly man for
V't of course, can sen tho faults ),( etrength of character. Tho
i ir neighbors quite clearly; and "nlHsy" Is gauged by bis pocketbook
th' perchanco, can hoo ours (julto Kiono.
m dearly. It would seom, there
for', tho part of wisdom to analyze It Is noted, however, that Ibo
our own dispositions before attempt- "wise ono" who knows how to do
lng to pass Judgment upon those of everything very seldom does any
oi hers. thing. Wo have a few.
No, wo liuvo no objection to the
other fellows "also running" for
president provided they are discreet
and keep a nafu dlstuuce In tho rear
of our choice.
Thoro are no doubt somo husbands
who pumu) long enough to kiss thutr
wives n iiocond tlmo a fow, no
, doubt.
I And still, there nro Union whon tho
, works of (ho good worker aro not
(i'wii.vb good.
Ladies' oo"-'
Inlaid fcmiiirt, Reaity Co,
llAUi.l T', J'raprletur
IMione 30 i r
rna, Oregoi-
A Helpful
Seed Book
aulreraeau wUhowt'rt coasultlna- S5lvi?l U,U
Brimful of authentic laformatlon ana
ov.r SO? Photo, nsravlnif fhowlnr actual .rW"""""
Lilly Seed. It- U acknowledged to be ta IiBAOiwm
Tt)e Chas. H. Lilly Co..
Seattle Xaklnm rortlnnd
Illness Costs U. S. Wage Earners
Billion Dollars Every 12 Months
Tho nnnuftl sick bill of 30,000,
000 American wngo onrnon U
1 1,000,000,000.
Tho tlmo clork of tho nation
shows that each worker, through
nlcknesn, lows an nvcrngo of nlno
days. This means that tho work
ing time of tho nation Is decreased
by more thnn 850,000 yonre.
Half of tho bllllon-dnllar sick
bill represent wages loutsub
tracted -from tho total of earnings
expectod to flnanco the budgets of
millions of families. The othor
half represents the bill for doc
tors, nurses and medicine. And
tho total ! twice tlua amount
given annually la the United
States for all philanthropic pur
poses, in normal times.
This Is tho problem of Illness
nH It is presented by tho survey
now bnltiK mudo by tho Inter
ohurr.h World Movomont.
Tho survoy bus formulated c
program as n proposal for tho co
operative olfort of tlui evangelical
churchcB. An Increase In tho offl
cloncy and "capacity of existing
denomluatlonu) hoitpltnlH la the
first provision of this program.
Construction of 31 now bospltala
la the second. These hospitals In
cludo 12 general hospitals for
whlto people: twelve for negroea;
ono tuberculosis sanitarium for
Arizona; four hospitals for Incur
ables and two children's hospitals.
Our odlco dovil Is tho most pain
fully onergotlc kid wo ovor flaw. JIo
struck us for a fifty cent rulso a
couple of years ago, and now has tho
cheek to demand another ono. Who
wants him?
A young mun stood on a ntrcet
corner, idling away a fow moment
of tlmo.
Across tho way, on another corner
stood nnother young man, nlmllarly
' A lady camo down tho street,
uuutty and tastofully dressed. Blio
passed on.
"Thoro goos ono of tho Bwootcut
womon In town," romarkod tho flrnt
young mun to n frlond,
j "Sny, sport, that Jano's got Homy
flguro," Biild tho socond ono to hln
! Wo havo thorn both In this town.
Hut It Is nil a mattor of breeding
and tasto.
to make you ridh ?
A rich uncle may die and leave you a roll,
but few rich uncles have this habit.
If you get rich the chances are you will first
have to save enough money in order to mako an
investment that will pay.
There are plenty of investments for the man
with a little ready cash.
But it is up to you to save cash. The best
policy is to deposit a portion of your salary.
A Bank is better than a hole in your pocket
through which your money can slip away.
Make our Bank YOUR Bank.
20,000 Acres
water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices--one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company oregon
Mr Hgr
We quenoh thirst with fruit juioei
We.olothe thousands with wo von wool
f rora the flocks on our myriad hills
We- feed great hosts with moato oer
eals and prooessod vogo tables.
Wo sond to many oountrios tho front of
all food fiohos and our fruits grow
iu famo and domond aoroso wldo aroas.
Aaoooiated Induniou of Oregon
In lore Building
A flrmalcst'f Sri t problem Is 'to deckle how mucfi fitf em
rive for the money. Thi, end every other question in tire)
building, depends upon policies,
A super-tire, such as The Brunswick", carl be made only by m)
concern which knows well and appreciates that there is noth-t
ing exclusive in, tho tire industry except high standards.
Since 1845 the House of Brunswick has held first place hi
very line it entered. Brunswick Tires, as more and tnoro
motorists come to know them, will certainly, be awarded .that
(coveted place held only by thc superfine,
Motorists who buy one Brunswick usually adopt i for
complete equipment. Yet this is not strange, since, tho rst
pne so completely proves its superiority.
If the name, of Brunswick certifies to you, as to most men,
an extraordinary tire, at no higher price, would it no b good
feusbAcss .to .test one. or two Brunswick Tires?,
Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street
bbWbbbbbbbbbV sbbbbRbbSbhIbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbb
Sold On An Unlimited Mihagi
Guarantee Basis
Universal Garage
, ai mm-mmmm mm m m