The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 27, 1920, Image 1

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    Wit fjftnu$
' - i I. .1 i I.
Irrigation city -water, ami
r-wcr system nil coming,
ltcntluds ono r: "FrletulM, fam
ily and a Vnn what moro
i,,n inmi Hiirncy Coun-
(y and Hums havo begun to
- "Men willingly bcllovo tlml
which they wish." If you ilon'c
bcllovo Tho Timcs-IIcrahl is
the placo for your nil, It in Ins
causo you arc not willing to j-co
your business grow. .
NO. 22
MAY 24-25
Committees Now nt Work on
Details for Meet.
Tax KoRpilalil.y of People to
Properly Care for Vast
Number Expected; but
Latch String Out.
Tho annual convention of-the Oro -
con Hint i' Cntllo and Home Hulsord
Aworlntion will be held In Hums on
May 21 nnd 25.
C. M 1'aulknor nrrlved homo from
linker the Drat of thin week, after
meeting with tho executive com
mittee of tho association, and Htated
the above daton had boon pet tied up
on. It Ih now up to tho c tlzena of
llurney county to tuko caru of this
blc gathering of Htocktnon in a man
tut that will reflect credit to the
county and bring pralno from tho
Tliltom. Thnt It la about tho hig
hest job ever undertaken by tho peo
ple of the county la realized by those
who are actively in churgo of tho
ercnt. Thore can bo no falling down
on thin job, either, as wo havo ex
temhxl the invitation and we must
make good. In order to do this It is Ilurna thoy realize that theso wowon
necessary thut every citizen of tho aro beat adapted to conduct a boa
county take an active Interest In thojpltal properly and economically who
affair and do their part. have left fathor and mother and
When one consilium tho stupen-. homo and havo consecrated tholr ,tnl
ilous undertaking of entertaining ho outs their ability their strength and
many people nt one time, practically
Joubllnc thrt nonulatlon of Burns
during tho aesslon, it is rather stag
crlng, Theso visitors must bo
hooted and fed and given such Inter
taintaont as Is necessary for the occa
sion. Mr. Faulkner called a meeting of
citizens of this town and visiting
stockmen on TueHday evening at tho
Commercial club rooms and gave a
detailed report of his conference with
tho executive olllcom of tho stockmen
and n-ltetl tho several membors of tho let's all get together and put this,
committees to got busy at oncu on j thing over nnd Homo day you will ho,
their ropectlvo duties and havo some glad that you subscribed na generous
tone rctu method of action In opera-jly uh you could to 8t Joseph's HoBpIt-
tion j i t as soon na posalhlo and Hiat
ta li wjtiM bo expected to get ru-
Mi I n mimed tho following on
comii'lt'i en-
Flr.tiice K. II. Conner, Loon M.
Drown K. L. Wallace und Julian
Actommodutlons Hobt. M. Dun
can, Vm Farre, I. B. Goer. , ?
CotnmlHFary Orover.N. Jam'ewoji,
Charles W. Kills, Joo Thompson, Mrs
K, F. Schwartz, Mrs. James Lap
ihlre, Mrs. Julia Rralth.
KntPrtalnmont Waldo Oepr, I) M.
McDado, 10, J.. Mustek, Miss Helen
I'urlrgton, Mrs. Harry Z. Smith.
Hft'ptlon A. H. Olson, William
Han' P o. Smith, Sam Mnthcrti
liel J imoa J. Donegnn.
( ' Marshal T. J. McDonald han
Iit' r a rninmlttcumnn to work
wit'i 1 coriirnlttoos In whntover lj8j, mj itin; Miss Llhblo KreehOH-
I he muy II ml time to do. Mc.'ky( nintory and Kngllnh; MIsh Hazul
1' i nlhy on nil occislona and has n,.imi tmii nnniiiittlc Art:
h'w j i nrovon udiml to It.
- - i'
It Is not expected that theso com
mittees will do nil tho work for this
occasion, but thoy will bo oxpectod
to take the loud In the work and thnt
every other good cltlzea will glvo
uch assistance as they nro callod up
on to do.
This is an occasion whoro all of
Harney county Is to be -host to a big
gathering of men of affairs. The
attenduncu will not be confined to
local men but will include offlceri
and representatives of the big pack
ing (oucorns, tho U, S. Department
of Agriculture, U. 8. Biological Bur
voy and representatives of tho state
Inntitutions. It is not ontiroly a bus
" ' affair, nor is It social, as sor
lou business matters will confront
Hie delegates during- tho business
H)PH of tlm nim'lliu' Imf ttinHfi.
mm m., i.. u ,..., wi.Uio capacity of congressman
must furnish them with somo on-
(Contlnucd on page ii
Tho progress of any community in
measured to u grout oxtont by Its
ndvunco atoiiK civic linen, tho Nova
tion of Uh standards and tho beauty
mid unofullucss of Its public Instltu
Hour. All tlfcso things dopond upon
tlm pooplo of tho community Rotting
tegother In n hroadmlmlod and pub
lic Hpirltod way, and forgetting thotr
own Rinnll intoroats, subscribing gen
erously to tho bigger things that tend
to promote tho general welfare.
Hurnn needs u hospital. The only
way for hor to get one is for all her
cltlr.eiiH to pitch In and hutld one.
Even though It niny cout uh noma
sacrifice It Ib n real need and wu
must have It. Therefore whon you
are called ujion to do your bit, do It
cheerfully and do not begrudge It
becnuso you yourself tuny bo tho una
that will nvod and appreciate a good
hospital In your hone town or coun
tv. Vi-
nurua ib very loritinnio in iirviiik
tliu Bisters to run thin honpitnl along
tho moat up to dato an well na econ
omical llnou. There uro ttovornl
other cities of Oregon far larger than
IluriiH which arc trying to get Sisters
for their honpltala and cannot sue
ccod. Lakovlow Is going ahead nnd
building a nplondld honpltal in tho
hope of getting nomo Bisters to run
It. Tho Dalles, La Orando and En
torprlao are all trying to get Bisters,
and are putting forth every Induce
ment for them to coino but no far
none of them havo auccooded. Tho
city of Salom han recently offered tho
Bisters of Mercy one hundred thous
and dollnrs If they will hut como and
opott a hospital within her limits.
The peoplo of theso clttoa are not
Catholics any moro than aro tho co-
pie of Burns, but llko tho people of
their Uvea to tho service of the sick
and the poor. '
Why don't tho Bisters build their
own honpltal? Perhapa they weuld
if we would let then, but we t?n't
want there to. We wilt wore Hun
appreciate it if they will be willing
to run OUH hospital. It will be our
hospital in every sense of the word If
wo build It. It will be open to all,
nmctlcInK physicians and to all'
patients rich or poor, young or old,
.Christian and non-Chrlstlnn alike, ho
al Hulldlng Finn!.
A mottlng of tho board
was held during this weekaa 'tho
preseVt 'teaetiers were, all re-elected
wlfh ahn increase in thlr salaries.
D? M. McDade was elected prlnelfml
and will devoto his tine entirely to
tho upbuilding of tho school follow
ing" tho closo of tho present term.
Outaldo of tho regular' period of
study nt tho Bummer courso at tho J
UnlvorHlty of Oregon Mr. McDado ox-i
pects to' put in his tlmo working In
. . ..... ...i i ... .1... i
Jlariioy couuiy in mo iiiiuresi ui mw.
i.nni mIk tiinn A mliti-unii. Vac.
iuunu pjximti-
Miss Margaret Whcaldon, Commer
cial; Miss IIoloo Purlngton, Commer
cial. Tho high Bchool Is making rapid
progress ut this tlmo and tho patronH
aro pleased " with the work of tho
presont Instructors. It la certainly
with much satisfaction that hey have
boon elected to continue the, work
noxt year.
. o i
Owon F, Jones of Hakcr", a can
dldato for congress In this district to
N'ck Blnnott, was a visitor
to this city during tho week. Tho
gontloman made a very favorable
Impression upon thoso with whom ho
enmo in contact as ho Is an able man
and would servo this district well In
Ho Is
going to rocolvo eonsfdornblo support
from tho republicans of this section
toward tho nomination.
Shows Spirit
i, March 24, 1020.
To Landowners of Proponed .
llarnoy Haaln Irrigation District.
(lontlomon: ft
On learning that you woro to hold 'a mooting on tho 2?th Instant
tho Uunrd of Directors requested permission to nttuud and prenenl
tho position of this District to you, agreeing thnt after maklilg our
Htntement that wu would withdraw from your mooting thnt you
might dlflcusH mutters without restraint. Wo did not receive this
Invitation bunco wo wrlto OiIh letter, requesting thnt It be road and
given consideration.
Wo belluvu that tho Intention of all parties Is sincere, nnd that
nil ii ru working toward onu end, development. It is now a ques
tion of procecduro. Harmony should ho our watchword. Litiga
tion, bickering, cross pulling, only result in expeuso and delays,
tho delayH being the renl expense In retarded development. Fear
ing thnt tho creation of two districts at this lime would result In
working nt cross purpoaea is what caused your landowners to voto
against your district at tho election of February 21st,
The Hoard of Directors of this District, and all tho landowners
thereof, aro sincere In their deslro to develop to their fullest capaa
Ity tho water resources of Bllvlcs Itlvor by the construction of res
ervoirs and canal systems, Whon a surplus of waters aro obtained
tho district will sell this surplus on any equitable basis to dry lands
most available, nnd this menus a largo part, if not nil, of your pro
posed district. It seoms necessary that this district should do all
this development work In order to protect tho present adjudicated
water rights, which are to bo served first. (
On March lCth tho Hoard of Directors of this District by resolu
tion dlVected that negotiations bo oponod with Mr. C. 11. McConnoll
and llarnoy Haaln DovulopmentCo. for the purchase of auch data
as might bo avnllnblo and of value to the District In its proposed
work. This was communicated to these parties but no response hnn
boon received,
The feasibility of tho project and tho cost of construction bus
never been nn Ishuu. The only Issuo presented to date has been
that some doubt tho sluccroty and purposo of tho two largest land
owners within tho District. This point wo refuse to argue but sub
mit that In all fairness wu Hhould all work togothor until such time
tie HOinoono breaks faith with tho pooplo or district. At present
every promise has been fulfilled and tho District Is organized nnd Is
progressing as rapidly as Is possible. Our meetings uro open and
you nro Invited to attend at any time and your questions will bo
Wo submit, gentlemen, thut wu uro considering your Interests
with our own; thut tho quustlnn of solflsh gulu Is not Involved.
That after tho present water rights nro cared for, us thoy must be,
there will bo a surplus for a largo nren, the extent of which cannot
nt this time bo determined. ,
Why not meet with tho Hoard of Directors of this District nnd
discuss thctu matters. We bollevu that,yu will be fully convinced
that our Interests aro Identical and that wo can and will serve you
as fully as It Is posslblo for you to do for yourselves.
The foregoing letter from tho Hoard of Directors of Harney
Valley Irrigation district to tho dry land owners is self explanatory.
It Is logical, businesslike nnd just that tho producing lands In tho
present district boar tho burden of original cost of construction nnd
expense Incident thereto, Instead of taxing those who enjoy no
remunerative Income from tholr holdings, nnd when water la avail
able, hqII tho surplus In dry land owners at fair nnd equltablo rates.
Humors of threatening litigation to delay progress of develop
ment uru about, but it la luruncelvnblo that such be true. If so It
would bo a calamity and could only emanate from au Implacable
nnd dlobolluil foe to actual development.
Tho good faith of tho Companies Is not In question, tholr intnitiy
and abilities aro at our service and real development In tho hands
of the people themselves.
Burns Commercial Club
Passes Restlntiois
(lly Tho HccrcUiry)
A most plouBlng program for tho
meeting was provided by Waldo deur
consisting of iuubIo by Mrs. Bmltli,
Homer Hoed, nnd Rollln Cowan;
Uccltatlon by Mm. Faulkner, Bolo by
'!loy Johnson nnd Claronco Luckoy;
iititwiliit. Iiv Inn f'rink mill rnnltntlon
" -
by Henry Ceor.
J, W. Hlggs made an eloquent ploa
for support of Bt. Joseph Hospital ,
and on motion tho following resolu
tlou Introduced by Mr. Mothorshead
was unanimously udoptud:
"WhorouB an organization known
as tho St. Joseph Hospital Hullding
Association of Hums has been per
fected, and Is now actively engaged
In promoting the building and equip
ping of ii modorn, GO room hospital
In tho city of HurnB for tho use und
benefit of tho whole peoplo of Har
ney county, and
"Whoreas this club recognlzos tho
urgent nee,d of such an institution
in Harney county, und this matter
having boon explained In detail to
this club ut tho lust rogular meeting
theroof, thoreforo
"Ho it Hosolvod that tho numH
Commercial club, in regular mooting
assembled, does hereby go on record
as voicing Hh uuquallllod, approval
of this laudablo undertaking, and
pledgo to said Association Its hearty
support and co-operation."
Tho various committees in chargo
of Btockmeus convention in Hums
of Fairness.
May 24 and 2Cth ruported organiza
tion with doflnlto plans and methods
of procedure under consideration,
President Faulkner explained tho un
dertaking a big Job and urgod tho
co-operation of all tho people.
Mr. McDado addressed the club on
two Inltlatlvo tax moasuros In, rela
tion to education, to bo voted on at
Primary election May 21. Ho point
ed out that our safety lies in tho
public school, and his remarks woro
received with serious consideration.'
Mr. Doncgnu called attention to
Honator Chamborlaln's bill to estab-
llsh a Forest air patrol for Oregon,
with substation nt Hurus and u com
inlttuo Donegnn, Duncan nnd Lamp-
shlro was appointed to prepare res
olution offering desired local Biipport
for tho bill.
Mr. Duncan performed n rnthor
unpleasant duty In calling uttontlon
to a vonomous editorial in tho Port
land Journul on March 16th, attack
ing Pacific Live Stock Company, and
to tho fact thnt n nuwBpnpor Is "a
moulder of public opinion, that It
can mnko and unmuko communities
and retard development of a coun
try a commlttoo of three Duncan,
Dr. Illbburd and Mothorshead was
appointed to draft n resolution con
demning tho editorial, with request
that further comment bo made only
after Investigation und bnsod( oil
' ' o
D, T, Noron, who reconlly enmo to
this city and' associated with A. A,
Truugott In tho roal ostato business,
Informs us ha Is. well satisfied with
his, now locality and1 considers this
country groat.' '
"Use hoiuo real salsomnnshlp and
get tho surplus puro bred bulls out
whoro thoywllf do somo good for tho
othor follow as well as yourself,"
urges I), B. Hullock, of tho Wisconsin
Collogo of Agrjculturo, who ban boon
aiding In tho campaign to improvo
tho qunllty of Wisconsin hords.
"How many 'armors nnd brooders
ndvortlao in rural town papers tho
fact that thoy havo half a dozou bulls
for sale?" ho asks. "Not vory many.
Porhapn not ono In fifty," is his ans
"How many got prlntud a Hot of
tho stock they havo for Bale and hoiiiI
this list to county ngorils In this and
other states or avon to secretaries
of breeders' associations of thnt par
tlcular breed in this stato?Not vory
many. Perhapa not even ono In n
"Here, we believe, is a golden op-
rtunlty for breeders of puro bred
cattto to beoH their breed In tholr
county,' to atsiet many to get started
, with hotter stock, and to boost the
Hotter Hull Campaign In their com
"LU'b soli thorn and not Just wait
for somo ono to como nnd buy thorn."
And Mr. Hullock might havo add
ed that tho Hamo Is truo of many oth
or things tho farmer has to soil, from
chickens to acres. Hundreds of
thousands In this country aro bene
fiting by their use of printers' Ink
by constant use. Why shouldn't tho
farmer mnko advertising servo him
and bring him profits?
Hev. Warren Morse, with head
quurters in Portland, was a vlsltur
to this city over last Huniluy and oc
cupied the pulpit ut tho Presbyterian
"church both hi tho morning and
evening service. At tho evening
servlco ho gave an Illustrated lucturo
1 on the Near East Kellef, showing
conditions In Armenia. Hev. Morse
Is at the head of the drive for tho
relief of the hungry and desolate
people of that country and his mov
ing pictures made a decided impres
sion upon thoso who saw them nnd
heard the Hoverund gentleman speak.
Following tho servlco ut tho church
the films woro tnken to tho Liberty
Theatre and thrown on tho screen
following tho regular program there.
Them Is no doubt of the uccevslty
of roll'if to thoso down trodeu peo
ple w'.io havo been haraHHCduud mur
dered by tho Turks for o limns
years. The war has devastated thulr
country leaving thum homeless nnd
starving. Harney couhty's quota In
tho funds for tho relief of theso peo
plo Ulfa little over $1500. An at
tempt will be mado to meet this
quota, although there aro many.
things demanding tho attention or
our citizens und their purses. All
worthy causes should bo given sup
port and llarnoy county citizens uro
willing so far -as within tholr power.
Ladies Library Club.
Tho Ladles Library , club was on
tertulned at tho homo of Mrs. Wm.
Fnrro on Saturday March 20, 1020.
AHor tho buslnoss'mootlng a most
favorable report was heard from the
Hums Public Library,
Tho following program wbb given,
Criticisms of "Llttlo Visitors" by
Mrs. Faulkner.
"Llttlo Visitors" by Mrs. Frances
"Hoses of Plcardy" song by Mrs.
Al Welcome
Dainty refreshments .wore then
eorvod by tho hostess.
Tho next meeting of tho club will
be hold at the home of Mrs. Chas.
Faulkner on Sat. April 3, 1920.
. o
This wook Lute Parker traded hla
ranch up the river to Clyde Cowing
in exchange for 100 head of cattlo.
As Boon as ho can arrango his affairs
M,r, Parker will glvo tho now ownor
possession. This la a good stock
ranch and ono that rocolvos Irriga
tion. Mr, Cowing will conduct hh
stookrnlBlug plant on this ranch. Mr,
Parker has othor land intoroata in
tills vicinity whoro ho will, conduct
his business,
State Engineer's Office Givea
Out InfoimatiQn!
Disputes over Water Should
Be Kept Out of Court;
Water Masters Under
State Engineer.
(From Stuto Knglnoor'o Ofllco)
Tho supply of wntor for Irriga
tion according to tho present Indi
cations will bo far below normal this
season, in fuel, it will not bo sur
prising If 1020 proves to bo tho dry-
est season of rocoid for IrrlgatlonlsU
tho heavy snows of early December
seem not to havo reached to nny
marked degree tho higher nltltudes.
In nomo soctlons, It foil on unfrozen
ground and wns almost entirely ab
sorbed by tho soil, whllo In other sec
tions tho reverse wns truo nnd un-
usunl floods followed tho melting of
the snow.
Hoports from various soctlons of
tho Stnto indlcnto a very light snow
full In tho higher mountains upon
which wu must roly to mulnlalu our
Irrigation streams and fill our reser
voirs. It teems, thoreforo, not too
early to check up on our available
supply and to tuko such practical
precautions as wu may to avoid un
due shortngo for tho Irriguted crops.
Tho uso of water early in tho season
serves a double purposo, It ralurates
tho soil, much of which remains to
supply the plunts, and also servos as
a reservoir, tho water gradually re
turning, to tho stream as seopago and
maintaining Its flow for tho benefit
of thoso below, which In turn enabl
tho upper approprlator to longer di
vert wuter without Infringing upon
prior rights.
Tho hlnie when Irrigation can bi
commenced to advantage dopouds up
on the condition of tho crors and soil
and Is far better known to tho Irri
gator In fiuh particular locality than
anyone oNo. Tho fact remains how
over that the Irr'sutcr with hla usual
ewxa of spring work does not al
ways appreciate until It Is to late,
(hat there may not hu tin nmpla
supply of water to raise a full crop
unless ho starts In early. It Is par
ticularly necessary that lrrlgator.1
with the later rights take warning
nnd make the best possible uso or th4
water when tho .sumo Is available.
Ditches should bq cleunod out and
propnred for usq ns early as possible,
so that' water juny bo applied us soon
as coudltlons In tho respective local
ities wil penult of tho beneficial up.)
of tho wuter. .
Under tho slatute, tho Stuto Kn
glneer has chnrgo of tho distribution
of the wttturs of, tho. various strcam-t
of tho SI u Jo to thoso untitled to their
use as established by tho Btato Water
Hoard or tho courts,
roxtrema shortage of wntor often
brings about unforeseen condition
which render the equltablo distribu
tion of water a dlllleult mattor. How
over with tho confidence and cooper
ation of tho water usors, theso pro
blems become simple, nnd It Is tho
desire of tho Stnto Engineer to at all
times work in closo cooporatiou with
tho water users,
Tho water mastors who havo Im
mediate chargo of tho distribution
of water under tho direction of tho
Btnto Engineer, aro roqulrod to dis
tribute tho water strictly in accord
ance with tho docreea of tho Stnte
Water Doajrd and tho cojnjlts. In
ciiho of a misunderstanding or dls
nuto with tho wutor master, it Is urg
od that tho mattor bo not imraodiato-
ly takon Into tho courts, but roferrcd
to tho Btato Engineer. Every ef
fort will bo mado to adjust tho mat- ,
tor with duo respect to tho rights of,
nil concorned. Even though tha
wntor supply should bo as short ua
present conditions Indicate, much
can be done to rollovo tho situation
(Continued oh pogo four.)