1 , Vt - - 4 -r fj,itnnii.v. ataiTh so, loao, T U K T I M H H . II IJ It A h I) II U 11 N H , II A It N 14 Y COUNTY, O It K O () X PACK FIV merican Region News Leonard Lochor, our Pout Adju! 8omo mon nro always complaining OK OHKOONt you, and tnch of you, uutt la limvhiK for a visit outaldo for that luuk to iiRulimt thorn. It In nro renulrocjl to appoar ami unawor the noxt tun dnya or, two weolca, and Is brotiKhl ubuut through tholr If10 -,'Ullt n l)lo aialn you hi OPPOUTLWT.IKM 7l!e ortRon California lands will i.nH ...illml thorn open to service mon ami women ' imv llth. and for alxtv davu fol- tlmt ( ate thoy will havu a rlcht to file. A-L, NORTH PLATK nnd 8IIO- . ...i mnn nn Mnrrli fill, ntiti Ivnl v ilml nnrh &IM Krt lull rv3F t w ddHnxsn t" aervlco men 60 daya bc- e general entries are allowed. A-I, OrrOHTt'NITY D 0 K S NOT i . " - - ------ , i. i. Hut lnnplf Unit wtm Intnmlnil rou. It mlKht pay big to luvoa- . il..ui nrnlnnt A-Ii Ipformnt'on haa Just boon recolv- i ...uilr.. tin, N'litlmuil circiinlziitlon ., Wnm.nii Auxiliaries to the Amer- :n I.eslo Our Auxiliary will bu -A will bu tho poliitH favored. A-L Huh anyone heurit of a Wnrahlp vlaltlng Murahfiuld In the paut three yuara? ... 1 ' ' Why does a fttllor have n awoot heart In every porl, add how? -A-L How one In Miirahfiold It no uhl ability to cupu with tho ordinary oh Htacles of life. o- llrat publlcutloh of 'thla HuniindiiH and If you fall no to appear and una wur for Want thereof the Plaintiff Well, anyway, wo will bo itltul to havu an Aaalatnnt Adjutant, or Ad jutantoas'pa It were. o l'OINTKHH ON rouiinY HO 181 N AND 1 IXTUltKH City nowHpaperH fro(Uuntfydoyoto v, nn,y t0 ,U, cMtl horo1" "J"1 nin.o, 7. ,1 . hiku Judgment ngnlnHt you na do much apaco to tho promotion of ,numloJt, , Complaint, to-wltt beauty eontuala. Aa tho end drawn Por tho huih of Five Tlioummd uour the eontoat waxoa warm and thu Oollara together with Interest there- exoltoinent reachoa fover heat. Peo ," ut "lx CV) i'or .",.l"u,!,, fro"I iin ,., , . . .1, .i ,. November tlth, 1 0 1 until puld, and Pie bo to Broat lunKtlui to uld tholr fnP , ,,OKlH lllld (nMillll.H,,mmi,M r frelndH who aro In tho runnlUK. Even tniu nniinn. ' I married men aro drawn Into thj AIbo that tho Plaintiff will apply whirl and an thi.ir iimii in nvninit- for the order of tho Court heroin lnit tholr favorlto bumithm lint nrn Hrnitliii!r tho Halo of tho following K moir raoriio boautloa. uut are ,1t,H(,rlbc(l ,ttlui whloh llHrt ,,0l)ll tho wIvob tho favored onea? Thoy tiohed In thin procoodhiK, lo aatla- ahould be, but thoy are not. Tint fy auch Judgment ua may bu aecured true husband conaSdora no woman nRWlnflt you, to-wlt: 1IIDINP VMNIMi CMHtMft WMli! ItlMiklai Mi NmIIm MHt MUflM lot Ktfl more boautltul than bin wlfo ho auoa no lmpurfectlona und ho con- 8o1oct a looalou thnt bn.i natural atdura no other woman In thu run-j dralnago aayiyf'roij',thfi building, hilug with hor.' Yea, thoro are a fowi A dry, poroun-BolIi'lHueh aa and or! aitdi bliabanda, but you -'never- h- ' gravelly, louni, ! preferable to u cluy . thulr wlvoa parade In tho public print ' to aatlafy the uurloua. soil. In moat localltloa thu building ahotild face tho houMu hb thin Inauron the grcatertt'auiount of Buullght dur ing tho whiter. Allow at leaat 3 aquaro feet of Hoar apaco per bird. Proper vuntilntlon and nuullght We Americana aro nufferlug from , a txjoullar and apparently Incurable! malndy. Wo uro afflicted with to-i much "favorlto aon." Look al thu presidential fluid today. In atinoat every ntato aomo favorlto aon has hN menu u dry houao and healthy bird. rod u ,n hl' t,l, HKhminK will Tho partial open-front uoubu la Mlr,k ,l T roHUlt la, tho all-lm-conceded to be tho boat typo for moat ! l,ortttl,t 'o"ot of rjualf luatlon bo .,,. i,....' IroinoH Hocoudary to that of Btato Un, Julia Smith haa JiiHt rerolv.d ...., J pride. Thoumiuda of people, through . . a i ft i i- m m km & i w ft ft Am ft ft ftft n u n 1 1 i: i r ft Lft ft w . - - mJ that to n towMn btf adoi)tod tQ vt.'mlataken notion, of local patriotism :aMm. of i rancla lorrv NNolch 1uI,orl ft , f()r proHll,(mt niy i.,r. frniii Mnri'li Hill. Tho lorn I i... ,.. ... - 1 ... ... ,, .... not' away wiwi mo unuger or laintoii ,,,v w ,,v ivt ioi k tula matter up with the - - l a Kwl, f00W, jt proventa Urn I ll... a - Plill. I ll I ............ al... v.iinyai i iiutuiriurn ui iim' .tni L.a l"ivn mi Ftibrunry itui wun . . . .... . A. ,. I.. . ... 1 1 II ..m, rt , nu fit. owing lower and Importance of . i I. .1.-. ....,.!.. J tOM Olitl we imiuie iimj puuuu m- M.t thnt doiM not render ua com- ,jnt ti.rii't -A-L Of the ton 1 V. W. on trial for The rooata should bo built on tho aamu level, 1' feet 0 Inchon from tho floor, with a dropping board about 8 InehoH below thorn. 0 bod 'rooata may bo made of 2 by 2 Inch material with upper edges rouuded. Tho neat may 1o plared on tho ldu walla or under thu dropping donrda. It la beat to havu (hum giving of proper consideration to tho ulalina of thoau who do poaaoxa tho ueccaaary quulhlcatlotiH an omla! alon which Hotuu day may prove dla aatroua to our welfaro aa a nation. Hut, then, It la Amerlraulam up to .date. n i Home political ngllatora can never; open their moutha without railing' iiviiliiui "lilt- liMultuiuH " Tlmv ill, lint 1 it murder of Lieut. Orlmm at CW larlcuned, aa tho Iiona prefer a ae- o (,oiiMd(jr th(j Krt,uln,5HH , trtlla on ArmlHtlce day, when three iMtti were Killed ana aovcrai worn . , .., ....it... voamieiii Keveii wunt iuuiim Kuiuy oi rrur'i iiy'kii'u iiiuiiitri uuu uimjj . . . ..A r r ' ii i i-i . A-L ',iIIch are Jubilant over : r it la conaldored a real v their dirty noclw. l !:iii a campaign of fur- r i, ., 'iKHlllIll to tttvo ihoio . I .1)11. A I' -I "labor Jury" waa annl Sinttlo by thu H,jd elc - on thu oaau. and report i altera the I. W. ,V. In at .Seattle. Wonder what ih-lr "-,i, waa. It will bu uotel that I' Ii a matter of record that Uftiiy or Hi so called "labor Jury" eluded place In which to lay. Unit ed State Department of Agriculture. o 1 Otlt COMMUNITY HPI1UT i.-r . r .i . ion: f: W-lll 1 id it, r maw Occasionally, but not often, ve bxnr of aoniu community which la hleaaed with u raro arlrlt tho spirit of llvo." Hut It la ho raro aa to bu al lien, lutjluuutloua and-,IHHt 0n.ii:aUtont In thla day of al.nrp practices and bunco game. There la much of that proeloua aptrit f ip thla town, but theru la room thla country la thu reault of thla aamu big hualneita. What wo need i In reality la a atroug curb for tho, corporations nut extermination i and protection from iloinorullzlii'j oualaughta of radlcallam, Corporal lutereata ahould be adeiualuly pro 1 anil prlculuia tooled and overlaatlngly . curbed.! 'llvo and lol .Tlmv ahould bo permitted the rlulit , to a fair profit mid prevented by rig-! Id goveruinunl aupervlalou from ox tortlou and prollteurlng. Thu name can bu valtl ' i org.mlxud labor, of ag-' rluultiire. ai,: of uvory otbor legit Irnalo Inter il. TIkii, and only llien for more, Wo have fully our aharo of good , W ideal condltlona pruvall In thU will and loluraiicu. but we could cul tivate nioro with honor to ourolves and profit to thu community. Life lo each of ua coualata of what wo iiiaku of It, Wo can caat.the aoft rnya of aunahlue and happlueaa over J.J . .. . .... a a t. his uui iiiuii'l any iiuri ui iiiu irrai . ..,, ..... -.. nn n.... b!.tii ii, ueii lino negau putting 111 thHr -tlniotiy. V h a I verdict WOJM 'XP"Ct? A-L ThU vciii t en n not bu to harahly (Oinleiiiit,'., To date no oxpluuntlon U at haml I'xcu dug tho weak kneed Jury iliiii i rougbl In auoh a verdict la tbo f,u . of the ponltlvo teatimouy that tu r s aa no covert act by thu trvlci m'.. that the defendanta opnel t ilc.i'Hy murderoua flro with oat provorat on or Juatiflcatlon from ibrw divergc'it polnta upon men In uniform and unarmed. A-L We wo iler If theru waa intimtda with tho ahudowa of greed and ava rice and luaatlablu longing for IIiono thlnga which wo may not poaneaa. Thla la our homo tho place whero moat of our Uvea will bo.apent whore memory la alwaya dear to ua. Rhall wo Book to raat out what theru la of the aplrlt of greed, and auaplclou, and ungenoroua rlvulry iiuiong moii7 .Shall we aupplunt It with one of kludueaa, of tolerance, and of good will toward each other? Shall wo tnaku honorable thrift tho watchword of our community? It la "tfio "TdeuT oxlatnncu, and Is Hon by tl.. I V. W. that reached tho Poaalble to rtE.cpmraunlty whore tho Juror. w wonder If the Juror-: W0tf hwvtW will and tho courage thought a different and a Juat ver- - 'ow tho Ptu of honor ftnd K"' atct that would hang tho guilty !ufl wherever It may load. would r ... i in their bolng fired on 1 " "jT" " ' . from am', i, PubTle olllce la a public trual, viewed by muny with much dla-truat. country. TOO LATH TO OLAHhUKV Hole WANTKD Fiirn'lahed houau of l.iur or five rooms. Loave word at thU olllce. 2-i:i FOIt BALK $1000 will buy lot -1. BWW NWU, WlSWVi, 8ec 2, Twp, 2.'l ll. B. Wlllametlu Mer idian, 1iU ncrea. About 100 acroH, under plow. Pence, .1 balea wire. Write S, Blchner, fillO Mlaa Ave., Portland, Oregon. II-20-41. oihr ilesrn. i.'lii 1 Khe , t iii their bolng fired 011 ii laiit will bu (rod on for murder in thu llf'it 10 bo hoped that a stiff in ho found that will 1 Ibi- r Juat deaurta. HU.MMONH. IN TUB CIUCPIT COUIIT OF TUB BTATB OF OltBOON FOIt TUB COUNTY OF 1IAHNBY. MAItY L. IIII'.L, Plhitlff. YH CLINTON B. Til6MAS and LIN COLN W. WALTBIt, co-purtnera aa Thomaa A Walter, Defendant. To, Clinton B. Walter and Lincoln W. Thomaa, tho above named do fondunta, and to each of you. IN TUB NAMB OF TUB BTATB BNWViBWVi 5 BWV&BYVUi NBViSWVil NttSHKBWtt: BW4BBWBW45 Boo. 11 : .BVj BWy.l NBV4BWW; WV6NWV4 HWVi Uuo 13 BV4NBV, ; Weat of NB M J BB tfNH W NWM'" WKViNWVi; B94 of BRM ' N W Yi S M Vj B W ; WW N W BBVil BViNWViBBVl ; Wy48 HKYti BViBViBBViBBU i BB Vi BBViBBU; WUBBKNWUI yee. H N V4 NB 14 BB Vi BB J WUBKKBKli B B W Vi BB Vi 1 N V4NWV4BW VJ BB Vi : N Va B W K B W Vi BB Vi ; B Vi NB Vi BB Vi BB Vi : Buctlou 1R, 8VBB Vi NBViNBUS WViNK ViNB Vi ! " B ft N W Vi NB Vi : N Vi N W Vi N W Vi NE Vi ! BWVi N W Vi NB Vi 5 NBViSWViNBVi; SViKViBWVi NB V4 5 BNWVi; WViSBV NB i : W Vi 8 W U NWVi 5 W Vi BB Vi BW Vi NB V4 1 BB Vi ! Bcc Hon 22, N ViNBVi 1 8 W Vi NB : B Vi W Vi 8B .i NB Vi '. N Vi NB Vi B K V, N 13 VJ 5 B B Vi B B Vi N B I i B , N B V, B B Vi ; B V U B B V, 5 N 'j NB V, BB BB '4 5 BB V BB V, 8B'4; WVjNBViSWVi ; NV NBV. Bed Ion 2.'J; WiNV3 NWU; NB ViNBV NWVi 5 WVi B W Vi N W U ; W Vi B B Vi N V Vi : W Va BWi NB VI J B Vi 8 W Vi NB Vi ! WVi-BBViNBU; NB't BB M NB Vi : B 4-5 8 B ' BB Vi NB V4 ! B Vi BW Vi 5 N Vi BB VI 5 W Vi B B , B B Vi S N V. B Vi B B Vi BB", : 8 H BB Vi BB Vi BB Vi 5 Sec tion 24; BUNWViBWVi Bectlon 25; WVi NWVi Bectlon 20; All NVi except W Vi B Vi B W Vi N W Vi Bectlon 27; BB VI BW Vi ' Lota 4 and C Bectlon H4 all In Twp. 3D B. II. 3! B. W. M. NB Vi 5 NBViNWVi; BViBWVi; NB Vi BB ll ; B Vi BB U Section 19; WftNViBVi Section 20; NViBVi Hoctlon 27! BViBWH" N B Vi N V ", B W , N B Vi ', 8 B VI NWVI! WKBWUNWli ; Wi N Vi B W li ! W- Vi N W '4 B B VI ; BNVbBB Vi ; B B V, B B ; NB V, NB 4 BW V, Section 28 ; 8 Vi N W V, J N B ' N K 4 N W V, 5 W Vi N W , ; B B Vi N W '4 ; B Vi WViNW'4BB'4 Bectlon 29; W Tu N Mi ; 8 Ii K Vi N K 4 N K V, Ruction 110: all In Twp. 31) S. It. 30 B. W. Al. Lot 7 Sec. 2; BW'NBVl; B li 8 V V, ; W Vi 8 B 14 ! 8 B '4 BB l' i Lota 1, 4, fi, Section 3; N ViNBVi ; NBVINW'4; 8BV1 NB Vi Section 10; W I, NWVi Bee. l(l; BViBWVi Sec, 27; BBVl Sec. 33; All See. 34; NWVI Bee. 35; all hi Twp. 40 B. U. 35 B. W. M. BViBWU Sec. 28; NVi NWVI Bee. 33; SBVlBWVl; BWll HB'i Bee. 31; Twp. 40 8. 11. 30. B. W. M. All See. 10 Twp. 41 8. It. 35 B W. M. NBViNWVi J NW ViNBVi Sec 0, Twp. II 8. It. 30 B. W. M. BBVl NWU: I'OtH 2, 4, 5. Bee. 19 Twp. 41 8. It. 30 B. W. M, All In Hdrney County, Oregon ThlaBuminona la aerved upon you by publication thereof for alx con aemillvo weeka In Thu Tlmea-Hornld a weekly uowapitpor printed and pub Halted at Ilurna, Oregon, by order of the llouorablo Da) ton Illgga, Judge of thu above entitled Court, made and entered heroin on thu 19th day of March, 1920. Date of flrat publi cation March 20, 1920, datt of laat publication May lat, 1920, thla bo lng the date on or before which you are required to anawor tho Com plalut heroin or be in default. McCULLOCII ft DUNCAN Attorneya for Plaintiff. Ilealdenco Ilurna, Orcgdn. Hope, with aomo of ua, never dloa. There la alwaya a poHalblllty that congreaa muy aomo day adjourn. 1 "B eautiful Dress Goods On Display You aim to spend most of your time in buy hr, not in looking for the things you wish to purchase. By comiVi to us you will;find a .modern dis play of beautk'ul dress goodsinr all the latest patterns, of tho most durable fabrics, and priced quite to your liking. Everything is at your hand, and un early in spection of this stock of woman'?' goods will demonstrate to your entire satisfaction the wis dom of our season's selections. Brown 's Satisfactory Store Farm Machinery Case Tractors Martin Ditchers "KEROSENE TYPE 7 BURNING Gas Engines Boich Magneto Early Baart Wheat Alfalfa Seed GROCERIES Dry Goods Shoes VALE TRADING CO. CRANE BRANCH Money to loan on Irrigated farma1 and raiicliea at II per font. Amortiz ation plan n to 40 yearn time. You . Join 110 iivsocliitlon and buy n Mock. Can loan ji:i7,noo to 0110 Individual. No ,red tape quick ncrvlco, Mako tout application now. Harney Coun ty Ahhfiuce Company. Ad.tf. Try Klrcalouo ConK Vnlvcranl GatKgw. Adv. tf. 1HOTO Studio AMATHOU FINIHIIINO Developing und Printing Kodak Enlargements k from Buupahota Cabinet Photograph Batlafacllon Guaranteed or Money Refunded F.T. HUNT Open Sundays Only In former Buyer Studio Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here O. - W. CASH MARKET Burns Hotel Building NOW open for business with a full line of FRESH MEATS Cured Metf, Ham, Bacon, Bologna, etc., toon By establishing a market we hope to better serve our past patrons who have been taking meat from our auto delivery. Oltman & Withers 1 L 1 . S. Geer & Co. HARDWARE ABM Onion Sets Etc. SERVICE GARAGE i; owned and operated by ex- "iffi SERVICE men, who give absolute SERVICE and satisfaction to customers. Sells DODGE vv.." BROTHER CARS and FIRESTONE TIRES Universal Garage yours for SERVICE Huriis, Oregon