The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 20, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Hntunluy, March 20, IIWO.
pxQii rouit
Irrigation, water and sewer, $50,000 hospital, business building, dwellings and as it has been our motto in the
past, we are going to keep ahead of all advancement by starting the first of the month on one of the most
complete department stores this side of Portland.
T H K T I M K H - II K II A li II II U It N H, II A II N K Y V O V N T V , O It H 0 O X
Just Arrived Gents Furnishings
In theold Williams & Zoglmann Location in the Levens. The great Deluxe Qual
ity Hata in the latest styles $6 to $10jCaps S-USO to $3.50, soft hats $1 to $3.50
We have the largest and best jasortment of ties that eyer was shown in Bums and
we ak you to come and inVpeciUhm buy, all O. K., you .willjuwe
sLmiMJ:0 about anyway.
Cleaning and pressing is our specialty
Six grocery specials for the coming week
Monday Red Mexican Beans 10 cents per pound Thumlny, Auorn Hour. ivg. 3.50 tit only $3.15
Tuesday White laundry soap 5c per bar (20 bar limit Friday reg 35 cent prunes 28 cents (101b limit to
to customer) customer) '
r Wednesday Regular $1 sack rolled oats 85 cents
fgj ociiurtiiiy you um uuy any ciii nit; ciuuvc asi;iiis
Gents furnishings at the old Wllliams-Zoglmann location -Groceries at the same old stand
Watch Burns Grow BURNS CASH STORE Watch Burns Grow
Mne Times-Jleralri.
W W a
H The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
On Year ... J2.00
Month 1.0(1
flir Monllu .... .... .. ,75
Ah a roHitlt of 25 poultry demon
Htratlun iiiuctlugH conducted lit C'uhh
County, N'ebr., undur tho illriMttlon of
tho county ugont, 800 uoiiluyum havu
New Hospital Given
Impetus by Com. Club
thulr honor by KrtiHliiiicn. Il way t liny nru going n largo altontl-1 Introduction cIiihh HlHtory Fran
promlMCM (o Ixi qui to an uvuut, and an to Ih predicted. Thu mualc will . Loggun; Spring Hour Marjorle
we'll lie tliuro--full force. jconunencu at 0:00 ahurp and "Homo ! Hyrd; Spring 1'ooniH Ralph 8wott,
Thu literary program committee Bweot Homo" ut 1.- Ikhnhv ou HprliiK JuhmIo Shupard,
liavo decided to prcnuilt lloburt V. A repair man from UoIho gavo the Vloluu 8olo Iliuol OwHloy accom-
Korvlco an the topic of their program typewriter an overhauling thin wouk jplnnlrtt, Marjorlu Ilyrd; Spring pooiiu
murkn mado hy preceding Hpcnkoni n April 2. Ah ho many an gnvu wo look for cloHvr harmony now. compoHod hy .SophomoroH Donry
been culled from 2,r00 Iioiin, 1,000
Htundurd-brcod oggH have boon aii WIIH p(.iHod to retort a mooting udmlrorM of Horvleo, It was thought MIhh Whonhlon ban lost that worried
brought In and hatched, and 200 with Mr. Craven of tho Kuntorn Oro- that thin would bu qultu hullablu and air.
eookorolH have beun olmngod, bought K0M ,jv mock Company who hud uppeallug. , Wo are uIho planning our program
or traded. Idonutod' $8f00.00 to-the now hmplt- Wo want to call tho KophomuroN and writing uHiiiyM for It and. alio
hi, lib alHii referred to plaiiM for muut riiui.iioii to mo Hpoiuug or tiio word
(lugs throughout thu county and thu "Sophomore" wo thought that
Swett; "In tho Time of Huhuh" ty
mixed uartotto Ada JohnHou; Itii
lit) Cowau. Junu Dalton, I.u I' y
.Toll iihoii ; School Notes Itollln Co
an. .
I.ydhv Tyler Iiuh been almoin n p t
Saturday, .Match 110. I DUO.
Amoricnn peoplo ar Mjffertptf from ' m"l,M,,r nt 'HtvaHtlng, cloning hU r- moino mumbor of tho chiBij would cor
liucullar dlxnuio- uii iimiitlubiu markH with nn appwil for a wbolo rert thin, hut roalku that "a wont
F. A. KuuHlur, oilltor of tho Contnil
craving for thu luxiirlcn of llto.
I '11 If lit WIIH Wllllll if U'M lllllt II Kllllll .. . .
rvgon i:ntorprl. whom commotion ' homo, plenty to oat, and to uuar.i
v. Uli Thu TliiuiH-llcrald will ho rt- and meanu of recruatlou and enjoy-! !
i .oniburud. mill hhowtt an Intorceat tit ' wi worn contented and happy,
old homo of nurnn 'gut tho more we want
At tho wookly luncheon of tho and thu moro w want tho moro
rrlnorlllo Commercial club hint FrJ fuvorUh our ulfortn to gut It.
I Wo novor havo ouough aro novur
If our uulghbor Iiuh a car, wu long!
for ouo JuhI a little butter..
ii joiiuh iiuh a iiouhc or neauty, i nccOKHurv
hearted Hiipport from thu potiplo of unto thu wIho Ih Hiillloienl."
xluy, Mr. I-'oHHlcr Introduced tho prop
(.iltlou of totophouu connection bu
t veeu Priuovlllo and Uurim.
"Doth cltloH, havo toleplioiiCH at the
(Continued frara page 1 )
gothur, wo ura a liuny 1iin of Krvh
Thu JtitilorH. though hundlomjKd or thlH week bucaiiHO of IIIiiush.
boouuHU or tholr himuII number, gavo Tl:i High hcIiooI t.oyn did not li
ft vory crodltablu prrormanoo hint tholr baauball gnnio Sunday, nn t
(CmiiiiiU Wiilmtur on tho Hpolllng Friday. weather would not pormlt It. Th v
or "Sophoinoru."- Kd.) Wu havu held two meotlngH IIiIh will play with tho gradu hcIiooI bo 1
Thu bell rlugH at 8: 30, 8:55, 12 week and wo appointed a committuu on tho I rut warm Sanduy.
12:40 and II: 15. TIiIh Ih Portland to Holed a cIiinh motto for iih, .p)l0 Volloy ball nut has recently
time ami wo aro making an effort Don't bua piker wo want Y-OU uoon mU 1n uUt ll0 jjnus ru markiJ
to liavu thu hdiool tlmu adopted In to attend thu 11. C. II. S. dance. off n yot,
nur," ,,w,u KI"B. om of tho members .... v ' nvnp . .
Among tho vlHltnn, at hut wcoka ' " HIUHtrlouH Junior clutw. ha ,f not Ju8t commro tho jjRU gd0ol
tflrla wlum Ihni' run wild nllinr L'lrl
rn aro planning to u.- .... , BW mi.i...i
if u iiuiuum; t mi tilt iiwn piiimihi
kcklng to thu Hides, PhyHlcid
Training Iiuh done It.
MMK irlbiftu qu'ltu " llboralljr tiiwanl Tlin Program wuro tho Miwilnine France lof,t ht,h"01'"
Clark. A. Morton. J. C. Foley. May, 1 "u JMI"
.homo of Joo Strcot. at Flfo," Huld, Smith want onu of grandour and ontiirtHlnment of thu utock men dnr- KKKltmton, 1'urrlngton, Natu Frank- l"1,1"!" Sunlor In Apjrll.. Wo'ru
.Mr. Ft'Hblor. "All that Ih needed l4 ,,"'","ptt,lJ,0-l , ig their vlnlt to our city. It Ih not '. V Voegtly and J. (lumber- f'r Mr, " '
mbout ulx foot of win, ..!, I,. r tr lf P' .H"U1 ,H Ht U,c' l,ou,, ,,r 1,10 . . . V. n ,, . Ilnir ll " "null on hluntH" on tho Sun-
muoui hix iuoi or wiru outHldu or .Mr. Mocml whirl, Mr. Joiiuh Ih not atU- oxjuctud that HiiriiH will llnanco It ""K- ' '
tatrcut's homo." hied until Hhu hiu HUpplantud hor. entirely, howuver, iih thu Htock mou Commencing thin wt'uk, lea will '
Jay II. Upton, republican candl-1 ir ono man In termcud our lead- H m.nviduulH and alno tho annncla- bu Horvod
Hlatf, for btato Honator from thu cun- jV'So" mln top9 f thu county aru going to hulp program .
tral Oregon dlHtrict. moved that l , A, n,,uil,,int.0 of ,,l0 COrt8mo., raM monoy for thu purpoHu. Wo ,ir,
If onu mun In termcud our h-ad- UH mdlvlduulH and alim tho annoi'la- bu Horvod In thu library after uach Notice to Sophomore glrln. I'Iuiiho
,io pntroiiM attending. tfttV ,,t,M,x 0I " M,K Wool cor-
urn HlixlntlHlv iiivnltlnir nnr .
ommltteo be appointed to huu If "thu of lUu Ih uot'unough. Wo must havo Tho TlmoH-ilerald Ih authorized to HW drlnkliiK fountain flf It over Tl Sophomoron think they're put-
I'aclllu Tolephonu company would not thu luxurloa, both for our own plea- annouueo that tho HtockmoiiH convon- K(,H here). With warmer weather U,,K 011 boUr I'rogrammu than wo
"TV'n Z!:iLWUn ot a " """ iuxu'T's i1"" wui ;" -r"M: ru:: ,,f ,,,!,ir ,u ,,an,, nM ,noro i,n-,o J,,,n,orH bul wo lh,nk il ca,,,t b0
ur. J. n. KOHui iiurt.. chairman ot ,H(, U(, w(j VhY)u(, , IhimIIiujih at tho muutlug of thu Com- lho WHtr m,uKol wm bo inuduquato. "
'Jllli llltlAlliwtH lilnilinl iln ,.u,ili..ii..i ... .... ..... .
...v..u.i, n.u unninuuiLu woman IIIIH OVur 1)0011 kllOWII to IHUrCIUl ClUII On Kriday lllgllt, .MnrcUl TlokiitM fop tint Hnnlor 1imr huvn Thn Hnnhnmnrn Prnerum. Krlilnv.
of tho I'rlnovllle club In co-operating reach thu end.
vlth tho DuniH
U rovumout.
body for this lin-
MIIIIoiih of people forego many ot
thu nocciiriltluH of llfo In ordur .oi
bunk In thu limelight of luxury.
Thuy aro IiivIhIi In adorning tholr
pornoiiH and thulr HurroundlugH at
thu uxpuiiHO of thulr tttomachri. They
enjoy thu titiHol or llfo and uuduru
thu prlvatlotiH uucuHuary In order to;
been on Halo tit Ih wcuk and from thu 10th:
Our great American giant Iiuh been
ideenlllir the :irlv ilnvu nt tint rnnnli.
........ ..... ....
lie. but now ho Ih beginning to Htlr. i uiuir vatitiy.
TIiIh giant Ih thu Amurlcan farmer.' Tho ago or miuity Ih dlHiippoarlng.
A commlttuo or huvuii prominent j That or frivolity Ih hero.
farm organization luadern ban boon .,, .... . ... , . .
mppolnted to iul. all pruHldcntlal r" ' ,y . " coiwl.larotl a
spirants a to thulr attllude toward ' Hh'"K- In reality t fi tn.iru or a
malum which he fariuor connldorH ot ,M MM' ll"''lst-' w t l nmllzu
.paramount Iniirtancu. i when economy oiuIh and oxtrava-
Tfi- r roportH iih to the attitude , bogltiH.
Him uaudfdaloH will go out tn j , ,m
i. .e mill oiih or larnjoru all over tho
i HU'.l atatuH, and will havu much
light with tint tiller of thu noil
a ton he go oh to tho pollH to vote.
Wo four thoro nru hoiiio inicoiiifort-i-to
hours nhond or our rrlundH the
(aiidldulos. Thoy are ronHonably ox
pert hi ntlH(ylng Mg biiHlnoHH and
MgiiiUev! labor, for both got the
jsra-.y wj.en they make a roar.
Uul Jiiwt how thu candidates aro
soli g to aatlHry big IiiihIiiohs and or
. K.i n zed labor on one hand and tho
f!in.or on tho other Ih a myHtory
difficult to aolvo at thin atago or tho
And tho rarmurH, hanging together
can rologato nuy candidate to tho
Hcrap pile In tho bat of an oyo.
Tke wIbo aan never obJectH to ad
verso crltlciiin which Ih froo from
rniallco, for it la tho source from
which much of hla wladom comoH.
H. C. ff. S.
(loiio Snhwurtr., FrnncoH DotiuKau,
J ii no Dalton, Qludya Ilyrd.
Thu Senior olattH Ih eagerly look
ing forward to thu party given In
tht Genuine
-.nrl AvniH
Swift's Bacoil'
38c. Lb
Weinstein Mercantile Co.
Lawen, Oregon
For Two Weeks Only
Begining Monday March 22, 1920
White Satin Flouir, Sack - $3.75
IOO lb Sack Sugar - - $15.00
Four Foot Pine Wood For Sale
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager
WjE&P Economy
trX in Fvory Cako j