The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 20, 1920, Image 1

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"Men' willingly hclluvo thin
which ilicy wInIi." If you don't
lioltovu Tho TlutcMInrald in
tho plnco for your nd, It hi be
cause yoii uro not willing to nc
your 1uNimHN grow.
Irrigation, c-lty WMtcr, anil
. sewer "vslcni all coining.
A i" . .... i
itciiilntW one mi "ith-huh, mm
niitl Kord what moro
....... nsk7" Hnrnov Coun
ty and Hums 'vo boMB :R
NO. 2
1 1
v I II , II
Committee Meeting Held on
Last Tuesday.
Representative Goes to Con
fer With Executives of
Associa ion Regard
Date of Meet.
A mooting wub called at iho olllco
of Chn. M. Faulkner Wednoaduy
f .morning hy A. K. OlHon for tho pur-
, pose of making further preparations
tnr ihi rnmliie runvuiilioii of tho I
- I ouuuiit iiiu iruniiicr'n miun ui nm-
Oregon State Cnttlo & Horse Growers nKlollt importance Mr. Ileelor statod
Association. Mr. Olson duels ho In Mn company would install a tester
tco busy to undertake to giv hla at for croam al tho jocni nHlm nnd
leutlon to tho many detail of ho con- ,hnt CMCCK8 for tho cream would bu
ventlon and has'uaked Mr, Faulkner ,mia wlu, brought In and tested,
to take charge of It. However, from tho first shipment
Tho dullnlto date of thin convon- , cn0CK wm follow with tho rotum
Hi a has not been sot but will llkofy of ,ho Cftn to , pro,iucor. Thin
be at a meeting of tho oiilcera of tho w,u ,,rovo n UR tnK for 0CHj tinlry
Association at Hnkor today. Mr.l,.01,0 HM lnwny o tMU farmcra aro
Faulkner has gone to linker to con-ot nro,mre, to finish their pro
fer with tho olllcera and flottlo with ,hlct , ,Jl0 wny 0f i,uttt.r, as It rc-
mciu i in- num. i u
will be put May 2t5th and 27th. stock men wero present nt
tho inciting Wednesday and tho sub
ject was pon over protty carefully
nnd tiM.ulve ulans mndo to caro for
the larg- number of people expected market for poultry anil ogija Is an
al the convention. Mr. Hanley wastothor feature that will create moro
ono of tho nctivo participants JnMho huslnesn In (his vicinity an people
illscuHslou and la of tho opinion that will, devote paore tlmo to raising
llurns must provide for tho acconi- J chickens with a sure mnrket. IIow
modation of between 2000 and 3000 ever, as a general thing thero aro
cueBts during tho convention and the
matter of housing and foeding taesi
w&s a problem tfeat eBgaged the at
toDtlon of thote preaeat. P, O.
Smith and C. It. Peterson were also
present and dtacssaed plans witk
those actively In charge of the pre
parations, il nns oeen aeciaea inai aaauionm
.in in- h.. nrv(if! for
It has been decided that additional
and this the committee will arrange soya 17. This Is ono of tho largest
with tho aid of Mr. Hanloy and Mr. herds owned by any of tho ntnto :o -Olson,
together wth other of tho big leges. "It Is," aya Prof. P. M.
itock men who aro showing a decld-j Hrandt. head of tho dairy depart
ed int.rrst in tho coming meeting mont. "an esFonllal part of agrlcul
and hav0 slgnlflod tholr wllllngnosai turnl college equipment. Thn herd
to aid In any way possible. While afforda an excellent opportunity ror
theio Plans have been outlined th'jy investlgallona to solve tho problonu
uro not mature and thereforo will of the dairymen and In training stud
not he glvon in detail. However, 'cuts to nil tho ranks of tho men
one featuro that will suroly bo a 'standing back of thin great Indus
fort of tho entertainment will bory." The gain all resulted from
some buckaroo wagona with the natural Increase with tho exception
ramp equipment and cooka to glvo, of tho Guernseys, part of which wero
the stranger within our galea reg-the gift' flV. B. Ayer, The herd
ular range hospitality afaould they supported H sale of Billk and aur
iNulro It. I1"" tock
One matter that la going to ro-
quire nttenllon la tho entertainment
of tbu Indies who uro hero during
Inn meeting and who will not bo tak
h.? nn active nnrt in tho bUHlnota
. "
BCflnIonn of tho convention.
Herons of tho convention, non.o
unusual stuuta will bo provided for
their amusemont. Ono feature of ,
this ,ao,lt. of entertainment that haa,"
lH.-n nact.cally decided upon Is i
Ytosiun of aaddlo horseu for tlio.
,e of ,he ladles during their stay In
There will be plenty of cars
hut for gonulno stock couutry bos
Pltallty there Isn't anything to com
Pare with horaoback riding.
ed to sproui unu h m.v
Capt. Hobt. M, Duncan haa oonor rhlzoctonla, noak 30 minutes. If
it ut tho head of tho committee to . j,,,,.-.!,,! anti sprouted do not
look after housine places and ho Is
'eolng to call to hia aid several of
the ladloa of tho town, Julian Dyrd
haH communicated with tho Elllson
Whlto Chautauqua Association with
tho purpose of securing ono of tholr
tbautuuqua tents in advance of th
event to bo used in whatever capacity
way be neceasury during tho conven
tion. Thero Is to bo another mooting of
the committee next Tuesday follow
ing Mr. Faulknor'B return from hla
conferonco with tho ofllcera of tho or
ganization at Hakor, Thla will bo
followed by somo rapid action by all
concerned, ospeclally the flnanco
committee and tho cltizona of
Hums will bo called upon to coti-
"(Continued oa page four.)
Establish Receiving Station
Here and Install TWcr
If Business Warrant.
Tho Huiolwood Crcnmcry Com
pany Is taking Htujitt to establish n
station In this city to tnko caru of
such products hb thoy handle. Thin
waa announced this week by I.
Heeler, h representative of tho con
cum who wub bora looking over tho
Mr, Deeler was here to Investigate
conditions and see what tho pros
pects wore. An goon as tho Uond
Burna Auto stage reHumcB Its rog
ulnr schedulo between tho two points
I tho Haxolwood wilt begin soliciting
ihu iipumuuu nut uvkiii nwiiuiiiui
tho cr0ttni, oggg, poultry, Veal, hog,
di..,.i.i v.....i.. -i.... ..
nUrcw too much equipment ami woric
jhut if tju,y CHn i,p tholr cream and
got a prleo that Is right thoy will de
velop moro dairy stock and that
bringing moro cah Into tho country
for local products. An established
not many more gga than tho local
market will take caro of.
Starting with 8 Ayrshire. 4 Hoi
ntnlna, 11 Jerseya and 4 Ouernreya in
191 5, tho O. A. C. dairy hord haa
in tn f.,mn1oAvrNhlri'in 17.
Hoiatclns 20, Jerseys 23 and (Juern.
Potato seed is best treated when
dormant unsproutcd' and not let
M.mi 10 dava beforo planting, say M.
flpcc,alUt of tho O. A. C.
":!"' ,,ntMtmB6nt. Dla-
corroslve ubllmato In
-n K,aafJ Jarf nn(l
of Wftter
,MW-w.u" , nt R.ftll
" JZ, " ! ' 77 bt and
' - n wm. 0. comont
UUim III nwn" -
contalnor, about 1 Vi bourB. If badly
diseaspd, 2 houra. If seed has Htnri-
. . ... i .,. ..., llttln up'lll
- r
iirii for seed
at all. The poiaioos
oi.nnifi hn dried and rosnckod in dla
infected Backs. Great care i urged
in the uso of corrosive subllmato aa
it is a doadly poison. No child or
animal should have accesn to It,
Treated potatoes are not fit for food.
o '
Arrangements havo been mode to
glvo a masked danco for tho children
at Tonnwama on next Saturday
night, March 27. This baa boon mo
custom for Bovoral yonra and tho
Httlo folka havo looked forward to
it Blnco tho mnaquorado lunt Satur
day night. Cash prlzca will bo given
tho llttlo maskers,
Board of Directors Make Permanent Organization With
William Hanley as President; Resolutions Adopted
Making Board of Commissioners Part of
Organization; Given Duties.
(Dy It. M. D.)
Tho Hoard of Directors of Hurnoy
Valley Irrigation District met again
on tho ICth and Mr William Han
ley filed hla bond and took tho oath
of otllco after which the Hoard pro
ceeded with Its permanent organic
atlou electing Mr. Hanley as Presi
dent. An Interesting featuro of tho meet
ing was tho drawing of Iota to detur
mini) who would hold tho ono, two
and three year terms. Mr. Hanley
drew first and secured tho two year
term and Mr. Graut Thompson was
second to draw and secured tho ono
year term leaving thy three year
term to Mr. A. It. Olson,
Mr. Duncan waa continued for the
time being aa Secretary tho Hoard
feeling that It was not quite ready
to select a permanent Secretary aa
tlm work of ho District had not suf
ficiently developed.
Tho question of permanent quar
ters for the district wau discussed
and put over until a subsequent
' Tho Hoard of Directors adopted a
resolution that Is inatlo a part of
their records creating a Hoard of
CommlHaloncra and giving thorn the
powers and duties of properly auth
orized agents of the Hoard of Direct
ora. The Hoard of Commissioners
Nearly all of our large Hospitals
like the Ht. Vincent at Portland aro
In charge of the Sinters of Mercy and
It is Inconceivable that anyone should
object to tho Sisters ef Ht. Joseph
who have consecrated their llv)s to
tho alleviation of human misery be
ing placed in charge of St. Joseph
Hospital at llurns.
Nn ono will fall tn recognlo the
mission of these sinters an one of
mercy, lovo and honuvolonco, whoia
Impelling motlvo Is to bring comfort
to tho heart, protect every human
r rout uro from helpless Infancy to d
crcplt old ago, to feed tho orphan
nnd nurso tho alok. Thero is no
plms'j of human misery for vhlr,i
they do not provide some remedy. ,
Tho sisters mako no, distinction of
person or nationality or color or
creed, for truo charity embraces all;
thoy do not labor for worldly gain,
but In every ono you havo a mluistur
ing angel moving along tho path of
duty, and like the angel Raphael,
who concealed his namu from robins,
the sister hides her namo from the
world. Her only umhltlon la that
tho rocordlng angol may be her biog
rapher; that her name may bu In
scribed in tho book of Life, and that
Bhi) may recelvo hor rccomponao from
Him who has said; "I waa alck and
yo visited mo, for as often aa yo did
It to ono or tho least of my hrothorn,
yo did It to mo."
Kvory fraternal organization and
every christian body havo beon and
aro today zoaloua promotem In the
work of christian bonovolonco, nnd
lot uf) nil Join and do till wo can in
the cause of humanity. Every maw
has u mission from God to help his
follow being and thero is one plat
form on which wo stand united and
that la tho platform of charity and
bonovolonco. We cannot, indeed,
llko our devlno Master, glvo sight to
tho blind, and hearing to the deaf,
and sponch to thedurab, and atrenght
to the paralyzed limb, but we can
work miracles of grace and morcy by
rellovlng the distress of the flick and
bring sunshine to heart that nro dark
nnd desolate,
R. A. Allen, superintendent of tho
construction on tho highway between
this city unci Lnwon, waa confined to
in.,, l.nunliol n fnw ilnva Milu
,weok. Mr. Allon wbb gasod whllo
In tho Borvlco over In Franco and ut
intervals ho is troubled from tho old
injuries rccolved during hla soldlor
dny, .,
Is tho same authorized by tho votofi
and Messrs, Hayes, Mothorshcad,
Miller, Smith and Welcome took tho
oath of ofllco unci aro now part of the
machinery of tho District.
The Hoard of Directors and the
Commissioners spent some tlmo In a
goneral discussion of tho varloui
rcaturos involved, particularly aa to
tho typo of worka to ho constructed.
All wero agreed that tho construc
tion of a reservoir was tho Drat neces
sity, tho location la to bo worked out
later. This no doubt will dopond
largely upon tho report of tho engin
eer and a careful weighing of all the
factors bearing upon tho project.
Tho Hoard did not select an Kn
glneor at thin mooting but In still
looking for the right man. It was
generally oxpressed that half of tho
brttlo waa In selecting tho prop"
i an for this important poat.
The Hoard adjourned to moil,
again March 2Hrd fonturthor dlscu
slou and Investigation.
No assessment ban yet been made
for preliminary expenses and this la
beforu tho Hoard and has boon taken
under consideration. Tho Hoard and
! Commissioners aro a unit that thero
l should oil) cent of cxpjui")
that could be nvnld'id i.iul that tho
, levy for preliminary expenses should
! bo Just aa light an posslblu.
Vleifal fra several angles It
appeaf'to 'the Forent Trotortlon
Conmlttee of the Portland Chamber
of Commerce that -elimination of our
annual Ioas through' forest flrel
must have the serious thought nn
cooperation of every citizen of Ore
gon and the whole Northwest.
In thla Western Country wo ure
Just beginning to realize that what
ban been long prophesied regarding
tho community valuo of our forests
Is coming truo. Extension of exist
ing operations nnd Installation of
many now onoa In well under way,
whllo plans nro being mado to open
up now sections In tho noar future.
What this munus to tho State
needs no explanation. Every citizen
shares In tho increased activity
whether he owns timber or not.
And back of all thla Hen tho In
disputable fact that we will profit
from tho lumber industry Just so
long aa there ia raw material to keep
it going. It la with thla in mind
that the Federal Government, the
Stato and private interests yearly
spend largo sums to. protect forests
against fire. Hut tho public must
get back of their efforts if the annual
losses aro to bo reduced. Forest
protection la not tho business of any
apodal class, It is ovorybody's busi
ness and ovorybody should make it
tholr business.
Attention has beon .called to poa
slbllltlca of Oregon having an ouor
moua tourist trndo. Forest fires nro
Insoparlbly linked with efforts to sc
ouro this for tho Stato. A smoke
lndon atmosphoro from July to Sep
tember tho tourist mouths means
Inability to show people coming hero
what wo havo to offor. We are told
thut tho autnmor of 1020 will see a
largo number of visitors here asldo
from thoao wo know are coming.
Shall wo let them go back East and
advertise our 8tute or view the uaual
blankot of smoke and accuse ua of
misrepresenting our attractions? It'o
up to tho people of the State to d
cldo this, to grasp an opportunity ov
cast it aside.
It ia with 'tho Idoa that here in
Oregon wo Bhould overbook no oppor
tunity that Forest Protection week
Ib bolng planned. Wo don't want to
wait until a lot moro of our tirobor
hi burned boforo uwalconlng to tho
fact that it la well worth saving.
Got tho campaign atartod in your
locality to keop out fires,
t)ircct Cut From Producer to
Consumer; Save Time
And Big Losses.
(Wilbur W. Wood)
Oregon Agricultural College, Mar.
1G, That nowspaner iidvurt."'UB 'r
tho sale of farm commodities Is com-'
Ing Into uso raiddly because It Ih one
remedy for tho wastoful and unsatis
factory methods, of tho distributing
system, la tho opinion of C, J. Mcin
tosh agricultural press editor of tho
Tho moat economical use of farm
tiroductM In liv thn vrownr nml whnn
he hna a surplus' tho most economical
users aro his neighbors," Bald Mr.
Mcintosh. "The most economical
way of marketing to his nolghborn
Is to market an nearly direct aa pos
"Sometimes growers supply tholr
nolghborn with their own surplus
products through long, devious, and
expensive channels, The potato
growcern of Coon Huy have oftou sold
their potatoos to tholr neighbors
through San Francisco commission
houses. Thero aro legitimate charges
for freight, storage, and commissions
which nro borno by both producer
uu.l consumer, n o pro. ucer gem
less than tho torn, mil price by h3
cost of haul and storage; whllo tho
and consumer. Tho producer go's
. . .
consumer pay tho term nal prlcj
pluM storage and rohaul. Tho news-,
nnnor Is an deal vuhlclo for euttlnul
across lots from grower to tablo."
Mr. Mcintosh condemns tho uso of
tho term "For Sale" In farm advor
tho term ror bu u- ui tarn n. vor-
llsementa anu nenoyes unu uio i.em
of salu a-houlcMm printed In hold fnco.
type in tho first line. Leading dealr-
able qualtlos of tho product should
ho given,
"Advertisements to be successful
. , ,,
must be based on reputable goods.
sayn Mr. Mcintosh. "They muat be
clearly and simply written and thov
should b well displayed. The quan-
tlty, quality, and place where in-
qulry should bo sent and the prices'
should bo given. Some additional
Information designed to create a no-
slro for tho product In likely to bo
Worth a great deal more than It cos's
to publish It."
Farmers and newspaper mon In
gonoral in orogon nnvo caaen an m-
torest In tho movement toward th'n
...... .. .1. ..!. , I .t nvnltAfjiM
l IO Ol HIIYUI linillh. II n
that a college bulletin will bo pub
lished soon on the subject of adver-
llslng for tho farmer,
. io,.-
, ,.. , ,
i oriianu aro oiuiohtuiihis .u .... . ...
' . -A1,.tc Hob that wero unablo to sccurw
natures to tho proposed 4 per com. ... , , ., ,
and 5 per cent Interest rate bill, but " to tako charge of tho -
thoy aro meeting with very poor ho X i0 eJort
7 , ii...i building 3 ntory Btono oxplalne.t
success. People reallio that Instead '
of lowering Interest rates In Oregon " "Vk
this- bill will produce a condition ml thol80 ab,0I to
undeJ which It will bo impossible to" ' charged or he -v cos ron-
.. r- i rpl.At.
rWra!T 7" "i:':,!l.nt that tho moro unfortunate wilt
-i i i i I., "to. ma t t i K rr
lug states at S per cont.
Tho present low prlco of Llborty
Honda on tho opon market prosonta
an Interesting phase of thla (situation.
Liberty Honda can now bo purchnBod
at a price which will not tho owner
botweon G por cont nnd G por cent.
If monoy could not bo loaned In Ore
gon at a greater rate than 5 por cent,
naturally porsonB with money to loan
would buy Llborty BondB Instoad of
loaning thejr monoy.
If this raeaauro should pasa, ovory
loan in Oregon which Ib now in offoct
would be callod whon it bocomoB
duo. Thla would moan the foro
closure of practically every Orogon
mortgage, and bualnesa housea which
have to finance themaelvea with bor
rowed capital, would bo forced out of
business. Ex
. o
C. M. Faulkner, preflldont of tho
Commercial Club, who baa boon ap
pointed to look aftor tho coming
Btockmona convention, loft Thursday
ovonlng for nakor whoro ho gooa to
coiiBiilt with tho ofllcora of tho Oro
gon Stato Cattlo St Ilorso Growora
noi oo .oaneu u j' " ' B Ul0 rlch without question of com
cont when It enn bo loaned In adjoin-.
Speakers Point out Necessity
Of Institution.
Impfvement in Line With
Progrcu pf Times; Need
Better Fac;JUiw to
Care for Sick.
(Ily tho Secretary)
Intrest In tho Club continued un
abated. ThoTnunIca! program at tha
inuetlnR last ovonlnir nrrnnrcil hr
Waldo Goer, Chairman o'f tho Enter
talnmont Commlttoo, consisting oC
saxaphonu, piano .and drum; by
Homer Hoed, Mrs. Harry Z; Smith
and Hollln Gowan; Heading "A
peasant boy of Franco" hy Mian
Krlchesky; Solos by Mr. Devenoy and
Miss Marjory Hyrd, waa much appre
Tho outstanding featuro of tho
discussion was tho St llosuph Hos
pital, participated in by Mossra. I. 8.
Ff &Ma
Ji()ft(1 Cjn(!or om, Jnnlog s
,, U.B. ,, llnnn
, iioucgaii. u was unprensuu upon,
mm M lr'rl lU)0f A
,.,. . . ,
. ... .. . ... .. .. ...
gross; but that other things wont
eqilully Important, such ua tho euro
of tho alck, aged and poor. Many of
wmh, nUo
(o of m monlll
. . tiroif,PMl, r ..iviiiMiinn.
but UmnkB ,0 UlQ fU of Runcrou,.
. f . . heru.oror ,1I1Vn tBt.
1 0 caro Qt t10tn( am tloy, denorvo
... .....
grcuv cretin, wo oagni, noveruioiw,
,0 avttnco ,n our metll0llH unil moaM
r fc f nur .
j fwUow crcaturc8j Futhr praacta
.... ,.. iVi(PV llHn
he ,aBt four ynn t,mt ,)0 had
. . rflQUOllled hm to Bocur9
nMvn tQ CQmQ horo Q ,ook Bftflp
patentH unt, ,a8t HMmmr VAn
ff,P.,..lut f,H1P.MiMlpr, r,0R1
the east, all trained nurses, It re
quired a great deal ol luiluonco t
get those slaters to cone hero, away
f , ,..,.,-..,,,
liouitM unci
- ,,, ,,,. ,
hey aro now Inado-
ciuately eciulpped and ask hotter f;
ellltlos so that thoy may ho ublo to
take euro of all; tholr lives aro con
sucrated to take caro of tho sick,
poor and agtul, and their services nro
frcu und gratuitous without expecta
tion of human reward. Ho knew of
four cities In Oregon with over 4000
Inhabitants and modern hospital fa-
IUII UI IIIU lunoil l"', i'.v
bo taken In and recolvo tho samo cam
Aa tho Catholic pastor ho assured
tho people that tho Institution would
ho non-soctartan and without Catho
lic Intluenco whatsoever that it would
ho a Bourco of prldo td tho pooplo of
Harney county and that wo could
point to It na our hospital bocauso wo
built it ourselves. Each ono will bo
aakod to contrlbuto to the fund and
glvon an opportunity to glvo what
ever they nro able.
Mr. Mothershead spoko In favor or
tho hospital from a puroly buslnos
standpoint; that thoro can bo no ar
gument against It from a "cty view"
and pooplo from horo go to othor
cities for surgical operations, not for
lack of medical skill or ability, but
from tho luck of means to tako car
of tho patients.
Mr. CoiiBor couBldored ub very for
tunuto in having tho Bisters aa many
othor places with good hospital fa
cilities wero trying to got thorn, and
pointed out thnt such a hospital
would havo boon very valuablo in
times llko tho lato opldomlcs.
Mr. Douognu elaborated on ro-
(.Continued ou page 4)