The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 13, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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T .11 15 T I M H H - 1! V It A I. I) H V UN'B, H A It N K V C O 1' X T V ,
O H 15 3 0 N
Mntimbiy. March in, 1",,
' 'w tK , ...
v.. -
Taxes can now be paid And those of. our -patron a
who' wish us to attend to this business for them
should notify us promptly. "
We will be glad to serve you in this respect.
' Payment of the first half of the. taxes -must he
made by April. 5th, and if this is, done, the last
half need not be paid until October 5th.
First National Bank
The Bank That Belives in Harney County
Klbort Ocorgo wub In town yester
day.. I
Cecil IrvtnK wait a business vls'tur
to our city yosturduy.
O. 0. Jotloy was hi town during
tho wook.
Horn. Snturrtny, March 0, to Mr
and Mrs. Frank Cattorson, a tiiuign
W; J. Altnow, ono of tho ploieor
stock men of tho Drowsoy Huctlon,
wan n business vlaltor to our city
during tho wook.
John Darsey wan in town during
Nino rain last night.
John Graves was In town today.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery nro
visiting at tho homo of Mm, Mont
gomery's inolhcr, Mm, Carllo PaVkor,
County Clork Chester Walton mado
flying trip to Bond thin woek whoro
ho took tho degrees In tho Klk'n
lodgo. Ho wan ovldontly treated
well, nt any rate ho shown no seam
from his encounter with ho goat.
Mrn. Jam Mahon l In town, hav
lug como ovor from tho ranch for
mimical treatment, sno naving nioii-
II iiii.iiiri "i - .
1 1 .1. ..i..m.. ...ill. lit !.. nit ii mill rfipnlHlV CAUSIIIK a Pftlll-
dmiuhlor nnil looklnit aftor flomo bus-.Nil wound, 8ho wan accompanied
Inoao affairs.
W. O, Host, formerly a rosldoont of
tho Bllvur Crook country hut now llv
Ing at lloud, wan calling upon frlondu
lit thlH city yesterday,
over hy hd daughter, Mrs, Claud
Last wook in mentioning thai F.
A, Fnsnlor hnd loft us to tako up
work In Prlnovlllo wo ntntoa no nan
. . . , been with this ofJlco ovor allien ho wnM
There will bo a special progi-am at .lmBHil" froni tho army. Wo own
y mooting of tho HitHturir H ar next Vwnu IU, npoloKy. Ilo wan novor
iinduy evening i.nd all momliurn aro i.,,,,lnBH0,iM rrnni (,o army hut re
ged to ho present, colvod an hmiorahln dlHohargu Just
I... . . . I.
A. F. Jackson, for oovoral yoarn a no uu ninor !"
rcHKloill or nun hocuou, i.m niuoimy
of aoatllo, In In tho city thl wnok
looking nfior Homo uusiiionh amiirH,
Victor Clovoland on mo ovor from
tho family homo nhoro DrowMov yni-
t it t.... ii.. .....i i.i- ...... iiit.i.iti. Iloli" lnKlimmi 'I'lin tnllnt
f i, v.;, ii;iiii,T nun inn nun ounii mu h,ii;h huh .........
up from tholr homo nimr Donlo. Mr. had heon ovor thoro for novoral wookn
lloatty Hald thoy had iilto a hIoj of vlnltliiB hut wantod 'o como homo
. . iT . .1 ..J . 1 t .A ...111. 1.1..
inuuomtu in ii in nomo nun year I'm ami i:oi mmv wnn nm ninni
... Iff 1 . Ill HIlllA M.lll. 11
all liavo ronovorod,
Cunt. A. W. (lownn uudorwKUl. all
oporatiou tho othor day for hladdor
Undo Itoh" In ittlll nulto nctU'o In
Hpllo of iiko.
Mr. and Mm. Ralph I'avoy, who
trouble. Although ho Ih rathor ,ad !rafno OVor from Iloino with thn ro-
vahced In yonrn ho Htood tliu ordeal malnH of tholr llttlo daughtor for In
,woll and In rerovorlng iiaHnfactorlly. torment hero, loft Immediately for
.mi-.i.i...' if..i. I ! tholr homo again following tho cor-
"Daddy Koerh nan up fio n L ,w- , M ,.,,, Mc(Jpo al((0 (.amn
iMi In company with I. Wu oV,,r frollt N,iniJlIl , compuny wllh
liint Saturday, " )addy' camo up to , . , . r .i.mlned fnr n Mhoit
visit with homo folk it hoford return-liig.
Kemp Ilardlrtty wiih In town for a
short vlalt during tliu week.
Kd Houthwortlt Ih over from I'.cnr
vulley looking aftr -iirno luiMiioaH
inturoHtH In thin vicinity.
Roy Moullen linn leaned tho Clay
CloinoiiR rcxldenco on hln acroagu;
adjoining town on tho north and will
movo out there. Roy Hiiyn hu has
wanted to be a farmer In a Htnall way
for a long time and now luiu tho
chanco. Ho bought Clay'a cow and
In going Into tho dairy buitliicHH with
JuMt hlrt own family uh cuutoiutirn,
Roy Dunyard enmo over from
AuBtln the foro part or thin week.
He in now employed over In tho hhw
.rail! town and Is kept qulto buvy at
Ills task. Roy enrao ovor In reaponno
to a tolegram that bin brother'a wife,
Mm. Jamim Iluuyard, wan dangerouH
ly III. Ho wan glad to find tho
patlont better on his nrrival. Bho In
at tho Flrooved honpltal.
IllollglHt Horn took his departuru
th Ih week for Jordan Valley over In
Malheur county, whero ho goes to
mix Homo poison and aid In a cam
pulgu agaliiHt the Hugo ratH. He ha
n uaiitlty of poUou ireparod In this
Kuctlon for the eradication of tho
MHts and oxpoctH to bo back hoiiio
tlmo later to give further aniilBtaiico
if necfpary. Ho will iiIho bo horo
In May to attend tho convention of
fitock men.
Ilert Rower wan down from hlit
t'ow Creek ranch Wodnesday.
James Fellows left Wcditeaday for
Crane on hln way to Portland and
other points after looking after ImihI
nes In this vicinity for a short tlni".
Renders of The Tlmeri-IIerald will
llnd tho aiiuouncemcnt of Charles W.
Kills an n candidate for the olllre of!
Joint senator In this Issue. Mr. KIIIh
bus been a resident of tho district
for several years and Is well known
to tho people, having practiced law 1
during his residence. Ho is a cap
able, aggresslvo and deserving young
man who will do his duty without
favor. Mr. IClIls was mi active work
er during tho war period an a mem
ber of the Red Croon, being chairman
of tho Huruey County Chapter for a
part of tho tlmo, aUo as ono of tho
actlvo executive commlttoo In charga
of liberty loan and oilier war drlvos.
Ho Hhould have tho support of every
voter of hln party In thin county and
wo have no hesitancy In recom
mondlng him to tho voters of thn
other two counties of tho district.
Grant and Malheur. Should Mr.
Kills be tho representative of the dis
trict in tho next seoslon of tho legN
lauro wo feel coulldont his constitu
ents, as well as tho slate at largo
would havu no complaint to mako.
oher boys,
M. T, Ash wiih down from his
mouualn homo for a short time dur
ing tho week. He has been keeping
pretty closo to his Job getting nut
wood for tho pant several mouths and
doca no come to town very often.
Kd. Lauithllu was over from his
homo In tho Ruck Creek country
during tho wook visiting with hbr
family who aro living here during,
tho school year, and looking after
nomo business alfalrs.
F. G. Kelly was in from Callow
ilurlug tho week but wo did not get a
chance to talk with him. Ho evi
dently wns In Homo hurry as the unvs
paper man got ono sight of liliu nt a
Hon M. Taylor, secretary of Har
ney County Chapter, American Rod
Cross, left Thursday morning for
Portland where ho goes to look iff tor
uoiuo private affairs and also to con
fer with Red CrosH ponplo connected
with tho Portland Chapter from
which place the nurses came who aid
ed In the Influenza epidemic In this
city. Mr. Taylor expects to bo nb
sent a couple of weeks.
. . - M M.M I. m -m ttr rtft r in mii rin m
( ii in rrjn rxsn rxrn irn rjn irn it- n ir 'ii ir 'ii r -ii if ii ir r'i r i irriiii ;iur :i
w ni i . rLJM i f j i ' til i ii i i i i i .
'III r At VIA. V &.J UVJX M- -JM. A. 4 Hf I W W T
ail. w W f
. . v i i ... ii. mi .1 T ii i..
v 1 1 i it iiiiiki i i ii mi i'ni. . i w m ijftaac-iiu.r
I rVVill V- - - "(I J
r . i ii ir i. 1 rii. i
jipnciB is ciueaviarcn locn.
This Bank will cash your coupons when
due. -L
This Bank maintains a NATION
AL Savings Department and pays 4
per cent interest on savings.- -
Harney County
National Bank
For a Greater Harney County
irD . .
m vrwn ivuu wvn iin i-'ii i. -m -n i-n i-'ii irn ir 11 iru in irn if-
" .- ."7T.-T- J-TJ . ... -
3. h. Gualt, formerly cnshlor of tho
First National Rank lit this city but
now general managor of tho Spokana
Cattle Loan Co,, spent a few days in
this city during tho week vlnltlni;
-with his many old tlmo frlonds and
looking after sonio business affairs.
Mr. Gualt had been In southern Idaho
on business and took advantage of
tliu opportunity to como In here. Jlo
reports his business in flourishing
condition. Mrs. Gualt and tho boys
lire reported Mijnylng good hcMlth.
Local stock men and those In
chargo of tho convention for tho 1
utock mon to he held In this city dur-
Jug May are anxious to get a definite '
date set. Tho local mon liavo asked
for May 20 and 27 hut this has not :
been decided upon as yet by the :
oiiicern of the organization as at tho
tlmo Mr. A. R. Olson put tho matter
heroro them Mr. Pollmau, tho presi
dent was 111. He has recovered since
'but nothing ban been received as to
tho action of tho oltlcers on tho pro
posed date. Ah soon as this Is set
tled tho local committee will got busy
on arrangemontH and entertainment.
Wm. Farre
Practice before V. S. Land
Department mnd
Real Estate
JndlcnttonH am that the
luro of tho land vlll
attract many Inventor to
Harney County Uio con
lag Muuion. Listing bow
will bo kept boforo pro
pvctlvo inventors tho ea
Urn Mwton.
Plain and Fancy
Masquerade Costumes
In tho Locher Rulldlug, acres,
stroot from Summit Hotel
Phono GCO
Mr. mid Mrs. (Veil Rennntt and
their little children were guests of !
Mrs. Runnett'n mother, ,Mr.i. It A.
Miller, for a few days this week. Tho '
Dennetts reside in Hllviou valley n;ul
are well known to tho people of .this
city where both attended icliool.
ln post ollko was moved tUlu
week Into tho now building being
erected hy J. M. Rounnorbllu. Tho
quarters aro not yet entirely com
pleted but when finally arranged
they will bo convenient, oKWclally In
being lighter for tho employee' of 'the
oglco. (
Geo, W. Young has announced hln
capdldacy for county assessor in this
Issue of the paper. Mr. Young In
ono of tho pioneer men of thin county
whero ho came as a young mnu hack
in tho early 80's. Ho Is qualified to
fill thn oltlco to which he aspires and
has many frlonds throughout tho
county who dexlro his election.
Jifrs. John Darsey has u lion that
layn ono of tho biggest eggs one can
Imagine for a fowl of her alio. Bho
lays overy other day and from tho
size of the egg they nro evidently
double yolked. Wo suggested that
Mrs. Darsey save nomo of them and
set ilium with the notion of hatching
put twin chickens.
Rov. R. S. Hughes hnn returned
from attending the big conference at
Portland In which It is hoped to bring
together more closely the prodcstnnt
churches of tho world, Hu ntnton
the Inter-Church World Movement Is
ono of tho blggost things ever under
take hy the (religious bodies and
(hat ho Is confident It will bring good
results. Ho In going to toll hln con
gregation something about It In his
eorniou tomorrow morning nt tho
Presbyterian church.
MILK FOR BALK. 13 Jier quart
per mouth. R. A. Richardson.
Mrs. K. F. Schwartz Is rocolvins
her spring mid mi minor goods, Now
goods arriving frequently. You nro
Invited to call and see thorn,
Gentlemen's clothes laundcrd and
mended; buttons sewed on; good
work; prices reasonable, Mrs. John
Johnron, at south ond of Main street,
or icavo nt Whlto restaurant. 1-24.
Tho prlco of bread ban boon nd
vnnced nt Pago's P.wcot Shop hut tho
size of tho loaf bus boon Increased to
correspond, Loaves aro now 20 ox.
instead or HI and tho price Is 20 routs
for one loaf, two for 3fc. Bklous
Delivery Scervice. Adv. 1-31
Any merchants or others having
outstanding accounts against tho
Harney County Chapter, American
;Red Cross, will kindly mall stato
! monts of samo to Don M. Taylor, Sec
retary, Rums, Oregon.
Whon sick go to KliiKV.bospltnl.
RoitvMqulppad surgery In thVintorlor
and, graduate uur Ih ch'imfc.
J .'!M2tf.
.Money to loan o'n Irrigated
. A -
at Ion ntuii rt to 40 xrtwn tltnr.
Join tto iiMrintloii fuiy no
tft.... fl..kb. C?T PUUI .II-
o rcu lttpv-u-iulck horviro.
- II J . tW..m. i
t - J - w
(y ilM tract Cimimiiy Ad.t
M l 1 I -
d'ariiKC. Ailr.
i Out of town taxpayers who
m.h to nav their taxca will ol
us tliu tav collectors Matemetst
.lia.h inlllt In
f f I I II til, llll' FL, J fil
lions for payment of Manic -XKV
a t.. .... . .
with tho Skleun dollvcry scrv
dollvor our meats to any ri
town. O.-W. Cnsh Market,
No. 5. 1-31.
Get Your Mask
For The Masqurade
Saturday March 13th
The KexaEI Brug Store
Page's Quality
Is Her Pride
Kvory HOUHKWIFK who ban
ovor TIUF.l) Pago'n quality
,wants it again and AGAIN.
A round, full lOAl-' with
that Indefinable IIOMKY tlavor
which cansos hubby to re
mark; MWlfe, I seo yoti'vo been
It A KING RR HA l to,
YOl' K,OW!
l!le a hii'Ko' loaf, "
2 for at
-a ..".'
Hot of family- fools!
ffHRrt.' TffffffiffffH
ffffffffffffffffB' "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffv
I have mM my dairy hmtd and am
back In the jewlery store ready to
do watch repairing, eye testing, etc.
Your eyes tested for reading glasses
92.50 and up.
Wedding rings and gifts of all kinds.
Tours for quick service as before.
Beginning Monday, March, 8th.
' . ''
i,y, .'
, , r i ( ,
t' I ' i.V
,s...u '.- - ' 't '