The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 13, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    1H PiUunliiyMarch 19, 1M0.
1? It M T I t BA U . it -
. . - - '- - A I r lb 1J Iff II II ,11 ill pw j II I II N IV. v ffi ri it v m ft t.4 r
- I..--. - . - t-i in- nni , ., 77 .. "v "T ' I" II ----- m-m mw w m . M.f J A w w j 41 m "V I If II I'i U W 1
1 HWHMM.II M nL . illllwl.BUli. j , , ,-,
TlmoH-Hornlil had a letter hut
iroiii ' vuijinr. iprmeriy
fliu 01 ,,1U P"iio :ncooi 0' 1Mb
BlU oi iiuu n iuriiier;iu mo HU-
.v'rr,ti country, Httiunir that ho
El recently booh mnfrlud to Mlcrf
who nuiit n popular young
jr of east Tennessee.',. Mr. CQlHor
'jtre l''1 r,U lnd tho winter
.' Tfimesxt'o nd naked thtvt The
Ijgej.Hi'n.lil bo Bout to IiIh iildrot
V Ho has Just written asking
t jdilroxs ho changed to another
lv,loinco in mo sumo Btiue ami fur
No. 800 1
74 w ' i! T'ftMtf "urns. Iltthu Stuto of Oregon, lit tho chm of
,miw w ajh
" J M. -m
Y Nkw's
llonitrt of condition of tlio II.AHNJOV COUNTY NATIONAL HANK nt
buslnois on February 28,1020..
(railage For Wild Lands
(Continued frera page 1)
jw should bo turned over almost
t A wide plow una tho c&tero -
If tractor have been used with auc-
oq. these lands. A corrugated
bail been found valuable for
i niarsa sotw to acre
OtU for hny will usually bo thn
crop, or before eedlnc down to
loir, oat N and field peaa nay be
one or two yearn to aubdiie
i kxI. Thosfl cror ylold throw o?
'it Iodh nn acre, aa a pertuaaent
tnUturo which hau been huc
Null)' uoed alnlke and timothy la
tcommenilt'd. Thin crop la not dlf
rtat to establish whero a firm, well
Nrel need bed In provided and
ItK good Inoculated Aced In uned.
lit practice of tteeilliiK without n
lir) crop mid kcopliiK tho ground
hbt durii'R Rermluntlou Iiiih hen
lt " -"fin. Thin sroi j-loldn
trla' j iivcmge of about threo
:i of hi' an aero and uffordH add
I'on' hN pimluro. On low-lylnr
j!jw i utotiiltahlo for clover, .u'd-
Ipaiii "I'Hitliy can bo harrowed In
1 efa ' Imbed without plowliiK up.
but ''ic rovement can bo had In tills
li? uu'ii better ilrnluiiKe and cohtnl
CHINK. fe4S brtyd ybur job and
Boo tho
Tho Y. Mtf.A. littntfqmplotod Its
plans for u complotd and comnrnli.ui.
r infortnhiK ua that ho oxnectod M'v rrdHpoudoileo CM! THO. itnrvlm.
, remain lliero loiiRor than nt flrnt '""""l nnv ynroy ,frei , qf chnrRo and
nKiiU'inieu. wo wihu to eontfrnt- receive HiijexCBiiopf cauratfiby mull In
4i, Mr CoIIIoe and assure him of y branoki.6fijstWdy,''deMlri.d. Ti.ii,
uoit wihiioh ui hib many trionUH
L'nnitrnl UroKon . whero ho and hi
. ... ... .. ..
;4e win no wuicomeu anouia they
l.Ut to coino nere to uutKh their
. V ,. tl
x ... .
Kr. mul Mm. Itnlph I'uvy -dealr
ttires their alncoro KratltirfA j
NfrlemlH In this vicinity wfc HtMrV
1 men coiiHidcratlon to thoih '4?
(IIM irjUK iiiuo JUKI :ilHH0U inrouRO.
j for the beautiful flowers LroUKht
rtitfCnsKui in imie uoia mcuce.
Loiuih and dlHc6uhtB,1nc)udlnB rottl8COltiitM...,...4r8,ail.41
Ovordrafln, unSoowrotl, ?7,7.9f
J . H. jjovctnineiit HecuHth'M owned: '
MOB, 11.12, II
nni'OHltod to heotiro olrcuhxtlonCU.H. IidiiiIh at par)
I.! I . ' 8ourQ u, h, tiopoflltn (par vnliio).
'oiikcu to pouuro pontal shvIiibb deprthltH
Owned add tinplOdRcd,
Witr savliiKrt Certificates mid Tlnlft ntuniim nntti.
ally owned , l.aci.iO
Total U. H, Uovoriimniit uitmirllliM
Other bonds, Henii ltle, etet
Socurltlofl, other than Ih fl. bonda (not Including v
8100K8), owned and unpledKod 3fi,720.G4
Tolltl hoiltlM. Ml'dlrltli-H. nti. fitllur I liu it If H
Btoolca, other than Federal Ronorvo llhuk .Htoek....
Btook of Fedoral Ilonorvo llnnk (50 per cunt of
HUhHcrlptlou) ,. , , . t
Furniture, and flxturoa t.:., .'
Heal, ejituto owned other thaH hankltiR houHo........
Mim iiUurfuiwiJ.
Imp mmmm wwfw mwiawp wvm w i
Cm m mam. Iiraana. Gramila
I A gfL- n. -i- . - . . t ' LJJ I
ia L I Jwl'st
W, Irm9 T wmfmmmmmt Jw ff flVHBIM
servo au well an HUccoed.
uommandor or Adjutant.
A Full Illfm-mnHnn t. X ... ,
lik h. nrfiT.' . '?"" ' Lawful roorv with X ..
,wr wo v u j uiniiL i ruiii i nil rrudii i . . . w ...... . viivu eniin,
pry Department coneornltiK the now . 11 V VauIt nMtl ,,ot amounta due from national
mrtd liberal lilnmi nt t.. oanKN
IK" . " " " w" Bllil llllivm M"IMi. .
wanco.,'uropJu uhd hod him. If
W over plan on roIiik Into buulnuHH
lor yourHoif,tnig Insuntuco will fur
nish you an excellent credit. Do not
neRiect mm. You may keen nuoh
amount of Innurauce nn you may do-
CoiigruHa has JtiHt pasMod tho Hok-
vi h inn WlllCn nrOVIlll'i thill Armv
HlfloH may be loahed to thn AmnriMn
L.eKion routs for coremon id nummbu
Juat na M0n aa the War Department
ran drufthe ueceeaary reRUlatlona
wo win of aaviaed and yon watch
thbi postntek nopie efthote rlloa,
Wont It see ."homelike" to
iKtuada eiftt aM'weiit oa maU atreet.
F-o-r-w-a-r-d MAHGHi 8-q-a-a-d
Duddlu DeWItt is still crlnnlln
around or crutches as a result of his
latent accident. Ills score is two' in
IluriiH. Would like to see his Armv
hoHpitul record. Say "Buddie" can
you tell un tho name of all your
Hurnen and what Ih your stamp bill a
month. If not too expensive would
llko to ko llfly-dfty with you.
The battlo lu still raging In Wash
ington over additional compeiiHatlou
Net nmounts duo from bankM, bankorn, and trust
compnnicH (otner than lunt two Itoms)
Choeka on other bnnkn In tho samo city or town
an reporting bank ,
Total of last three Items. $155,177.75
CheekH on bnnks located outside of city or town
of roportluK bank and other enwh itomn
Itedomptlon fund with U. 8. TreiiHtiror and duo
rrom u. B, Trennurer .A.
Interest earned but not collootod nppWxImato
on Notes and Illlls Hecelvablo not past due
13.1,0 54.1
. 2,350.00
MoiieV to I OHM mi It-rlim
ami liim lies at (I per cent, Ainot-tl.
niiou piau n w 4 yimrn time, You ,
Join no aiftocliitlon mul buy no Mock,
n joiiii ipii7(ru(i to ono Individual,
No ivd tapeto,ul!k ervlco. Make
ur iippiicnuoji now. Harney Coun
ty AbHti'.nct. tympany, i
try Firentonu CoiiU. Unlvcnal
Owwftf. Adr. tf.
1HOTO Studio
Developing und Printing
Kodak KnlarKcnieiitH "
from BnapehotH t
Cabinet Photographs
Hatlufnctlon Ouaranteod or
Money llofutided
Opun Bundnys Only
In former Bayer Mtudlo
Capital stock paid In......
Surplus fund
IlllllltflllOfl H.nnt. , a -
- fw.,,n , IDtf.tll
Less current expenses, Interest, and taxeaW...?. ,687.4"
Interest and discount collected or credited la ad-
ranee of maturity and not earned (uoaro-ha-tnl
Circulating notes outstanding
Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding ...4
Demand deposits (other than baHk dcpolte)Nii4C
Jttt Ut reM'rvnfdenoMlts.unYabli! within no iIuvhI
iii.iin.iioi uuniin nunjoiii lu CHUCK
Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days
(other than for money borrowed).
Total of demand doposlts subject to reserve 423,454.50
Time iliM.NtH Niihject to llexcrve (payable nftur
30 days, or subjout to 30 days or more notice,
and piiHtal Havings) ;
(VrtlflcntoH of deposit (illhor than for inonuy bur-
rowed) Jlm
I'ostal savings depoidts
for Hurvlco inon. All nartlen and Other time deposits
cliques uro agreed that wo aro ontl-l Total of time doponlts subject to Iteuervo,
tied to It, to enable us to enmnntu hiHt llireo Itums ssfl nns nr.
223,1 13.1 f
with the man that stayed at homo nlteil Htalen ileposll(other than pontal savlugn)
nun mane nigii wages. Tho only unnoa Htaten deposits,
IncludliiR diii'onltM or tl. M.
iiiHiiutsing oiiicurs .. ,
Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks sold for
chhIi and outstanding ...
Liabilities other than those above stated
(iucsmoii is now it can Do Klvon us
uvr i, in. ho provided. On tho uymnK uio-presoni snuity
t oui' i of wild nn.ndnw- minut flnaiielttl condition and proclritntliiK
n li.'i 'efii eHtabllshcd ogeth.r u ,"l or neV panic. HANU ON
!ih timotln by feeding out timothy "l "'J' wo Wl11 Kut ! l 'et
a i'nrr luiv on the land. Tho M" rtricnn peopie are jun
t wild meadows should bo the last " f'Hr uveii if. they.aru slow. Ito-
ImaiowimI no nml r,tNiiiin in iin.v nioinoor we-were threu years la o In
t tair rrrdurers and not so badly Ktl''K Inlo the war It may ho three
r.i or leveling. Clover will re- ?" ro my mm out wo uro'woar that the above stntninoiit I, trim, in n... r J.w.i. i.." .
- - - - - v " " u v. i. rt .t.i.ffi; ,1,1.1
1.18 1.34
State of Oregon, County of. Harney, us:
I, Li'on M. Ilrown, Cashier of thoifhove-na'tned bank, do solemnly
lilu n i meadow more permun- h"ie again.
hlr wl'tr,. the water tabli Is kont
lin be!(.iv tho level of tho bulk of s,,ml ln ,0(;1 Items for thin column
h root tern In much of this ll 1 01,1 commander.
ht Mil i der Held conditions can- . -A-L
Utt t.i i tends to bring moisture ,Iov; nftont that "budflfo" that Ii?h
ILnur. i e at' a distance oi 24 io joiueu yet. ite-upi ite-upl
It. f i ivo tho water table. Tim Don t lone the benefit of your uervlco
. . . ... .... I .
iter MDif should he at n distance -"P ie region. .
ii leam two reel liolow tho surfacn a-k
:rh? om of tho grnwlne season. y Crane boys dot those
Hi itir '.ould not be stagnant, membership cards from Dr. Vincent,
lih cd ii jlnage und control of ani1 have them ready, We are com-
jill-.i alf. lfa ran bo Krown on "K vor 16 Kt you soon.
Mthot 'Ids area. Since, the meadow -A-I
pum I ren ted or renovated nv-
rr low wum something of h rota-
Imiliou ' ho rnctlced. Whero the
Bute i , inlh a reasonable chance
m.t'Mrlng some small Krrtlns
toaM be rnw!i each year for seod
, - LKON M. I1HOWN Cashier.
auuscrinou ami sworn to neroru my, this 8th day of March, 1020.
J. J. Patterson Notary Public
my commission expires May 3, 1020
ing of billions of dollars In money,
and flounder out of the mens tho I'1
way wo can If tho Lord continues
to protect tlioxo who are so blind they
will not provide for their own pro
tection. I'ulversul training alouo will not
EnrN I i lo lug no tlmo. Al- Hufllce.
puju k (j.i ring undor u mountain " probability tho next great
war !-bi and with her ctirruiiev war In which wo tako a part will ho
rprirc UK at an alo'xmln: rate, fought mainly In tho t.r provided
hine.en i iw nt work building up we have an ndouuuto air fleet with
enurmoii imvv of the air for wiiiou to ngiu.
Kiirou turn in the next war, which t If wo have none well, tho
IW tl lrkliiK people ngreo Is not "lory will soon bo told,
my re rs nwnv. o
.Correct Attest:
WANTKD Furnished houno of I wr
or live rooms, Leave word at this
olllco. 3-1 3
KWTIti: YOt.'lt COPY
Hums. Oregon, March 13, 1920.
NOTICK Is hereby given that Jer
ome 0llnyt, of 721 Hawthorne Ave,
Portland, Oregon, who, on November
14, 1012. made Desert-Land' Hutry,
No. OlilOO, for 8 Wit . Sec. 35. T. 25
H., Lots 2, 3, 4, Section 2, Township
20 H., Kunge 28 10.. Wlltiimette Mer
idian, has filed notice of Intention to
Hplrlt World and A Future Llfo s mlcu Final Proof, by purchase
I 10
1(1 rents
Other Hide or Death
ii5 lent
Spiritualism vs. Christnulty
2.1 cents
You should leearii the truth
(oncoming this great question
uppermost lu the mlndu of
thinking people tody.
der act of March 4, 1016, to estab
Hull claim to tho land ubovu deserlh
ed, before Iteglster and Receiver, at
IluriiH, Oregon, on tho 19th day of
April, 1020.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Lee Danouport, of Portland, Ore
gou, Albert Traugott, Kdwurd Mor
gun, and Uhuld Cote all of Uunu,
V. U. COZAD Hoglster
K tula ml will not he cauxht nan- Are the morals of this nation In it
lotsliH will tako euro of her own. ntuta of rapid decline? One Is In-
oat of America the coun- clluod tothlnk so, from the muss of
If that lust the least and isalned dlHgustlilg dotnlls served up dully by
k mot li tho great war? thn city .newspapers. The city clr-
ne are sleeping again. 'dilution m iimuy upuiiiiu m a cuu-t i ,
We nro , ilni- ..nthiiir .....1 nrni.. HldorabUf extent, upon the amount of, Jn short tlmo during the present week
Southern! Idaho Coufironco
P. O. llox 719 Dohio, Idaho.
J. H. Hondorson wits' lu town for
III rr Um'u. f0 ,io nothing, un- "ttlloiillHni the editor can crowd I
lu are to tho wall with u ,mo pugoa. Legitimate newu.T
My v
l nu to . i , mr rieot HosIiik In ot,
V Iron , ,, r. dlri i tlnn.
Th "I 1 i i the miHt. we will sud
w i i ui). fovMrlshlv nto
II matin r of crlini' ul oxtntvuguueo.
f) n hui'drrd fo!i In Urn tiHelens
Lflflc of lives and tho Bquander- ovon a nowspaper editor.
from his homo at Narrows.
articles are tho last to he read,
No, don't ask us to think of tho
days when steak was 16 cents u
pound .and eggs 10 coutrt a dozen.
There aro limits to tlu memory of
fZeautiful Dress Goods
JLjp z-ZZ?. iggsa:flv- Tyy i 4- . a BBaBaaBaTmmSmammgmg mmmmmmmmmmtt
On Display
You airr to spend most of your time in buy
injr, not in looking for the things you wish to
By coming to us you will fin'd a'modern dis
play of beaut jVuI dress goods in all the latest
patterns, of the most durable fabrics, and priced
quite to your liking. w
Eveiything is at your hand,. and an early in
spection of this stock of womariWgoojda will
demonstrate to your entire satisfaction the wis
dom of our season's selections.
Brown 's Satisfactory Store
Burns, : , , ; ; Oregon
Farm Machinery Case Tractors
4 . Martin Ditchers
Gas Engines
Bosch Magneto
Early Baart Wheat' "
Alfalfa Seed
Dry Goods Shoes
Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here
Burns Hotel Building
NOW open for business with a full
Cured Meats, Han, lecen, BelogM, etc., soen
By etUblishinf a market we hope
to better serve our past patrons who
have been taking meat from our
auto delivery.
Oltman & Withers
. S. Geer & Co.
Bulk Garden Seeds'
Onion Sets
, I
i A
owned and operated by ex-
men, who give absolute ' 7
and satisfaction to $
customers. Sells DODGE : 4
Universal Garage
yours for