The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 13, 1920, Image 1

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    li t lotion, rlt)'-W(i(M' mid
mmvci tVMem 4111 coming. :
ltcntltttlM ono of "Frlpudrt, fnm-
Hy, mill u Konl--whatv iVq
tan Hk?" Hrmv'(:tymH...
ly and Hums have fcvRtitt' to
progtv. , .
it.... i... i. .11:... ' 11 .
. 'whMi.rilioy wIMi.V jIf you. don't
- llcvcTbo 'Jhiics-IIerald 14
- 'f fie' phjce for your ml, It tn bo-
chhi yoii arc. sot willing to iw
your business grow.
NO. 20
IN INIlIt ATF.I) Good Exhibition. Witnd
At Tonawama; Another
New Concqrn Reported En
tering Field.
Pacific Live Stock Co. Is Not
Prospecting For Oil, But
For Stock Water In
Red S Field.
Tho wrestling mulchubetwoon Joo
Prlmo uiul Tom WlltlHlnVi last Hntur-
Water Properly Applied Will J. L. Gault Find Progressive
Add to Production on
Idle Swampy Land.
Spirit in Burns; Gladtcvy
oeo Awakening.
"It looks good to iico hucIi (i spirit
of progrowilon," Haiti J, L, tlualt,
Cost of Influenza Enirlmnir
WSmC Pal,'ent8 D-
nalc to Cause.
(Hy tlio Socrotnry)
Tho flu epidemic in Harney Cminlv
huh about run Hh courno, or rather
linn boon checked. Murine tho two
llolow Is pulillshcd nn nrtlelo oout
OttL llV llm Dnniirtimuit nf Imliiatrliil
day night, at Tonawama roultcd in a Journalism of tho Oregon Agrteul-, former eashlor of tho Klrut National
VlUtOry for llltf IOCHI lUml. nlthOUKll tlinil Cnllei'll. It lit llm..K uml if limit ,t ItnVita wlmn In. .
ii iook iim h long tlntu to put hh much Interest to hind owners of thin lu town for n short tlmo during thin ' months of Hh nwny it wan lirovnlont
1 v i .". m '" ' .""i ro vauoy. u continue an nrgumoiif, iti wcou. Mr. uuult In now located at to norno extent throughout tho county
V" 7 -J """uw" "0 Hocoim'invor oi propor moinoiiH or irriKntion apouuno ana ih mannRor or the Upok- out JJurna waa tho Hoat of ltn actlvl
.u i.imuuH. imil fluoum no hcodod hy local mini alio Cattln Loan Co. Ho npont bov- tl nnd Ii
t.fiVi. . ,K ",B P'l"' Mr. I who aro prono to Icavo tho wator and oral yenra an tho actlvo houd of tho
WllllauiB Hakvd for a roturn match I Moll iim It u (mliiv. Ii Mimwu frmn virui Nut Intlul III Ihlu nllv onil lin.'u
which wrh ftrranged far nexl h?riday, pomotial mid hclontino knowlcdgo olooo IntbroHt In tho advaiicomont 6t
iunrin iv, wiii'n iocai niKirtanien cx-
C 4a 1 .ItJiuMCJiMilai
Kroat I)Ir nlorloM aboiu oil
itcci to Mae another itooil ita Tim
ono last Saturday nlitht In iironounc
d tho beat exhibition over wltneiwod
in Uurm and Htur U kHlHteret
Hhowiln th .nMt.ipoiitit.,
Uocal pef() ffltretrtedin
aport are RHsurcd of KaodVboUt
ii d durliiK thu pn t week.
in in Ih to I ho envoi that the
Live Stock Co. wat niaklng
to Hlnk oil woMj n tho
a. Thin In doniod by Mr.
)i - nupt. In ciiarKi' of tho
c.'M "v bitsltiorts In thlH pnrt of thu
cojiitry Mr. (men atatcd to a rop-rt'H-iit.itlvo
of (his papi.T thla wool;
tlul ihorc wiih poiltloly no fouuda
tlo.i hr hiuIi a rumor. IHh coinpury
li I P I'.iriiiR to Hlnk Homo wolla for
m.k . tho Hood H flold and thlu will
to i. i by local drlllcra If thoy can
be ir.ritiM'd to do tho work.
llomur thoro la a poraiBtont
r n nu r uhil
Ami r' it boa
that tho Hwanip landn of thla country
tho country an ho Iiuh always felt
It had a Krnat futuro
"Tho peoplo, Hoom to liavo awak-'i
InltMl well will bo at tho John 1am k
plat, where tho atrouc How of rbh
a I'nuk Hovoral yearn bko. Ae
conlirK to tho story Goo. WliiRflold,
a toil i f tlio Into Sum WiiiKtlold who
forn " remded lu this city, wui
can bo mado to produce hotter and
nioro profltablo cropK by propor
drulmtKo mid tho application of .onod to tlitwinelvna and havo eotton
wator in rlsht proportlona to nro-itOKothor on''tho importanco or irr
duco n!HUlt. Head It: Uatlon. Thafg what you need and
DraluaKO and IrriRatlon of lho,lt la roIuk to mako a vast dlfTenincn
wild meadow and Idlo tulo landii of ( In the buflnona and development of
eailteril OrUKOII WOUld add llonr nun 'Dm mirrnmiillnp Inrrllnrv. Mv luiat.
tll ....-. . i . . " . . . . -. " -" . "
mi. i nmv. wan iiHinaiMi nro 111 Jan- million ioiih or nay to tho ntato'n .noun taken mo Into many jmrtB of tho
uaryby Ad Ountavo, tho champion of annual output. TIiIm rorm of rechiiu-'nortliwoBt and enpeclally tho Irrlgat
Argontluo and Mr. Wllllamn naya,atlon Inn beon proved foailblo for'ed district of Southern Idaho. It
that there are np hotter men play- much of thlH territory by lnvellKii-,iH alwaya found that theno commuill-
inn uio game totiay Uiau these two. tions conducted by the atatc collego (lien are proaperoua. Keep tho good
Mr. rrlmo han Rono to Ontario where experiment station and tho federal; work up and mako Ilamoy county
ho meelB tlm "Matikod Marvel" In a , bureau of hoIIb. Tho nndlncN nml It Himuld tm."
I match before tho Athletle Club of'r.eportH of tho Investigational work. Mr. Quail left yesterday morning
wwnno. i him siiowh tno cliihH or tho, extending over a long period of lime, 'for Portland going out by way of
contOBtanth. ihavo been published lu a station bul. llond.
mroa preliminaries were pulled lotln by W. h. rowers, chlof of hoIIu
on last Saturday night preceding the nt the college, and W. W. Johnson,
main bout anil they wvro all qulto nsslMtant.
satisfactory. Tho tlrst was between ! Of theso Innds .1fr.OO0 acred' aro
two school boys, Arthur Thornburg wlld'mcadow. tho mont of which av
thr'-foiirihs tons of
per aure por year. Tho
....2.. 'A..V. . n..ll.. i.ll-. t.. . ...
iiujiv won wu iii-ini.v mil', inn uo inn an mini nrniine. . i". ......
C,iur,u IMitTK Vm m IVII 1 CtwiM tU "HUI M lllllt lillllf
an Item In the last Crimo McCulhch The boyn put up a ithrm abput
good ucrap which was divided a draw, wild hay tun
am If.', leaved land west and south t1"'1 ""-"'"I"''' fiatia .rfliOrt for ule l.indg. ICO. 000 ncrcM, are pra
of Uwcu and will sink for oil. Tho :1"""" , n
Red Cross Visitor Suggests
Course In Home Hygiene
I MIhh Hllzahcth Tandy, a represent-
In Uuriis It nticnt Its forco.
Dcsplto the fact that no deaths in
IJuruay County can be directly chnrg
ed'To. Ihh dlseaso 11b victiniH wero all
pretty liard lilt, ospeclallly in tho
pocket book. And a blow lu that re
gion In these times of income taxos.
Tho flu dealt the Harnoy County
Chapter of tho Itcd CroHH a solar
At tho outbreak of thin epidemic
tho Kcd Cross prepared to fight It to
tho Inst ditch and if necessary to
rough up every nlcklo In its coffers
to do nd. Tho flu ban been fought
over the last section lino nnd ouj of
the county and tho Itcd Cross rami
darn near spending Its last slim dlmo
dour It. Ilulow Ih given a summary
of these oxpondtures,
Hospital equipment sup
plies, fuel, food, med
icine $ 88C.87
Salaries of Doctor, Nurses,
Orderlies. Currontor. etc. m42.G0
Transportation mid travel
ing oxponncH of Doctor
and Nurses 451. P.0
Transportation of PntlentH
and Supplies C8.50
Telephone and Lights
Hotel mid traveling expen
,'JRcady To Sow Crop That
Is Ripe."
Every Step From This Time
Must be Forward; There
Is No Turning Back
In Progression.
I A tn iiH rt.t t tl.LiI lu ! II. nllkt
iviliow and Arthur I.uuller. Thlo ncrea Ii only noma 265,000 tons Ulh:rt va uiv 'L i -' , r l uil irlv t.i
furnished lot of amusement to tho When thmv laiida are reclaimed by
eoplo who witnessed It. Following 'drainage ami properly Irrigated they S ,?
thl, Clyde Jeffrie and Harry Phil , mny be planted to alfalfa, alslke ami ! J ' f " c''fu "fLJ p! ,IP." h"J
llrw' wont three fast rounds whi-jl. timothy, and brought to produce two TLi I i .L-,,f"f.
. . . - munu iifiiviivi ail nun tuiintj iwt
..-......I . s t. i t 1 1 . ... 1 . . . . mnpw niuviiKi Ml nun vwiinu iwi t M i
bat.ii. k '.e project ami, was propnr-! '""V" l" ",u" . lx' i . .. Tr nir" " ,WIHI or ()"u montha to glvo Inslnittlons In lionn
e.1 ti a k the venture to tho amount! ,,,'! 0,", w,th - iU million lorn, hyg e no and car , ( f tl e Hh-k. Thin
of HOO0O0 If iioconnary. Mr. Wing- ,n V0i Thojo boy un vofyj The duality of ho domostlcaled C(,,, iM inducted with classes In
field Is able to do this If he desires as I c,vr t. wf" l"jt. , ' "'"''"i superior to that of the lhu' M,hQ() hol ,, ",!;
be has mndo a big fortuuo in thol,, A A1,wn olw referee fotlnnt e granneH. Thoy aro more pal- t;rMllM Hjh0 cllKaus ot 0(Jur wo.
inu. nf w.,.,i . I the boxing contests and hVank nliible, digestible nnd nutr t ons. iiH U...r. '
I .lllilli
The Leak piuco was ono of the at
tractive prospect for olV from the
first discovery of 'trace of it In thin
valley. Whether it is to be the scene
ot activities In yet to We definitely
shown but if any concern ia con
templating prospecting (or oil In tkU
valley that Is a goad place to ImhcIm.
Mosirs, Swain and Smith atruak
proepecta of oil while drilling a wU
Id the Hod S field Hveral yeara ago
and It Is natural that -when people
noticed fuel and auppJIea going into
tho field for the purpose of sinking
wells for utock, that they surmise tho
Intention was to prospect for oil. No
doubt If tho P. L. S, Co. Hhould strike
u flow of oil they would certainly
develop It aa the laud would certainly
le cf much greater value to them If
it pro 'ued oil than to uso It for
isUuk raising purposes.
St. Joseph Hospital
The executive committee of the
Hospital Association Joined by other
.Iroadmindcd and influential clt liens,
all stirred by high Ideals, love, of
country and humanly, and placing
the futuro of same above the welfare
of personal consideration, held a
WLMitlng last Wednesday evening dis
cussing ways and means for tho con
sunmtlon of tho project.
Men rnemblo the godB in nothing
tn mufh as in doing good to tholr
fellow creatures, find this body, jq
cognuirg that color and creed aro
une tr.Mnl and aceldeatal, 'have
plffji.rt tif orfofta' and "meana to'
p of the undertaking 'and,
H I i.y Mie influence of construe.
five nr, rrenerons minds, nuch aa
v' ' Hflnlev. Craven, Olson andt
w It wn, together with liberal
"f r' fr'iin the goneral public, can
i l
r.r.ntude fs tho fairest blossom
wiuh sprlngfl from tho soul, It
make' hnppy tho olovatod spirit and
crowdH man's brief span with do
Hg'itfui omotlonH and will bo tho re
gard of every nerson who lends ef
fort and glvofl substance in accord
ance to his means toward this noble
Wo collect, but we cannot enjoy;
o Inherit It Ib but for a day; we
learn, but wo havo no time to ubo
our learning; wo Jove it Ib but for
an hour: wo pass our youth in hope,
"ir mmihood in effort, and wo die
before wo are old; we are strong, but
ur htrength passes liko a dream,
o are beautiful, but our beauty por
Jsnes n a Bingj0 (jay, Let St.
ToRoph Hospital We our footprinta on
Jno ands of tlinol Jt will novor por-
Deyeney officiated for tho wrestling ohown by feeding trials and cheinl
tal anitl!'ieH.
3'ke turnn. craesare grown n hh
nverHgo filter cot of about '100
pounds per ton of dry matter, whlhj
tho water cost of tho wild grasses k
1000 pounds and upward.
In reclamation qf tule lands draln-l
agp precedes Irrigation. A channel
65 feet wide and 2C miles long has
been run through thu IlllUen valley,
and another of liko dlmensldns con
structed through the Chewaucan
marshe). In the Klamath basin
dykes havo heeon erected to hold
There will be a big crowd (a -wit
ness the next exhibition for there
promises to be homo fast bouts and
the main event will be well worth
o '
Along in Years But
Still Full of "Pep."
Mlaa-Tandy will dUctisa thu sub
Ject with tho committee tomorrow
afternoVh at3 U)kckat thuCunii.
iHorml club rooms. Tho teaching
nurse could also be used (o visit the
schools during her stay.
Miss Tandy discussed the subject
before the Commercial club last even
W. n. Jqlinson, otto of tho pioneer J
Commssloners llass and McKinnon
back the lako and river wntiir in held the regular March term of court
Hood hphsoii. and urtlfirlnl i.huminu Hast week. Thoy passed upon much
ranchers and stock men of tho Silver!" lo carry Incoming waters direct-'1"01"1 Wor wntl aoiK the order made
Crook country, was a caller at Thu y Into open water. wofr,?: , ., , , . nn ,
TlmoH-IlnrMld nm.i Thnmdnv. Mr. Irrigation Is rIvch the best of thn' , authorUcd to order 30 12
Johnson linn resided on Silver Creek WH meadow lauds, lurgoly hy the Inch culverts 10 foot king.
for manv veara huL formurlv llvml in wild Hooding BysttMil produced bv I'miriui. auorimy nuoweu a men
I may bo nt Pnlm Beach. New
York or Washington I). C. but mv
mind nlwayii revortB to my homo and
uio desire Is always there to cot
back and do somothlng toward mnk
Ing thin country bettor for tho peo
ple who nro to tak tho uctlvo nart
after wo havo finished."
That'll tho way "11111" Hanloy ex
pressed himself o a rorrosontatlvrt
of this paper thu other day after hu
had returned from a sojourn on tho
eastern coast. Mr. Hanloy had been
discussing with his attorney and oth
ers the progress mado toward tlo
Irrigation district during his after
noon in town and dropped down o
ths ofllco to say "hello" to tho fore.
Ho was asked what lie had beon do-
77.H.1 , lug and thu above wus his answer.
I "Wo'ru not going to refer to un-
ses Donlo CO. 00 ! finished business any more, but keep
1 Now HuslneBs boforo us from tliH
Total .2S8C.80 ttlmo forth. Tho man who wnnti to
llflsldOri thin an luestlmabln go l"''k has no place with tho pt,.
amount of supplies, norvlces and greH'o movement Jnnugerated a:
traiisportatton wero donated. this time," said Mr. Hanloy. "Wu
Tho use of thu IJaptlil riimouago i have beon dormant too long ns It I. ,
was donated by the ladles of the Hap-; 1 ' ready to go to a flnlf-h now and
tint church mid tho uso of the Pru.i-Uee thlu country discover Itself
byterlnn church by Kb board of I Mr. Hanley is taking a keen lntr
trusteeB. Those who In every way . est in tho proceedings Incident to I ho
ponuiblu aided the Red Cross dur-, establishing thu Irrigation district
lug thu epidemic nro too iiumcruoiin nnd thu formation of tho organization
and too modest to personally mon-.that Ib to put tho project through.
"rHrrlhg" the tw"o weeks campaign
against ne nu in the southern end
of the county every available auto-
He feels It a part of his duty beforo
he Juys aside Jilfl activity in commun
ity affairs to uld in the development
or this big country that has been Jils
California. Ho has advocated bet- "feeling dams across tho natural Kraphor for a period of three ami with shilling coiitenancol
mobile was utilized for the nurses homo for ho many years. It has been
visits to patlenta. The humble fllv-'a long cherished hope (hat ho might
vers and tho haughty super-sixes all I have an actlvo part in bringing,
lent their willing aid to tho causa I about a transformation of things and
and there Is not a bill on file In the,' now thut the tlmo is at hand he It
treasurer's office for gasoline, tires like a colt, ready to take tho bit In
or transportation from Fields, Dcnlo his teeth and go.
or Andrews. The stago drivers out It Is Inspiring to talk to "IJI11"
tholr arrival through seas of liquid Hauley when ho Is In that mood
mud from Wlnnomuccn (accent ou 'whoit ho has tho lighting spirit mid
the muck) would he pleasantly ro-; shows hln earnest doslro to get lu tho
ijueKtod to carry the Red Cross party hnrnesH. With utr organization such
with cough mudlclnu and cat- us Ih forming tho things he has lion-
oniel to Bomo sufferer thirty miles ed for Is soon to he a reality,
or ho accross the nag brush. l)ld "It Im't a proposition of muklng
they comply? Von lam tooting, .more money with me." ho rontlnuod.
ter inothods of Irrigation for years .wator ways. This system In waatoful : nionthn at a salary of $150 por
9 I ....1.. . m a . ... I IH f Mill
mid a couple of yearn ago ho and of WMtr a tends to drown out tho. montii,
Mrs. Johnson hpunt suveral weekB lu bust grasses. J U. Gould retained as Janitor for
California whert thoy had re- l niom prontaiuo irrigation or "u"nu BV ,
luring their younger days. MrJ'nme plants Is about 12 to 18 acre Mnrcli 15 to November 15, at a sul
n Is n keen observer and dur-Inches per aero, whllo that producing Mry.,o;r0 ,,e,r on"' ... ,
. stay In that part of the coun- "lura ylelda Is 18 to 24. L.."tJlJln0i..l,...,L An-df??". H 1
sided d
In ftala tilnV Irk It f nnwl
trv n.rt mv .,, tn Hif. The boIIb aro chiefly Ann silt loam others for a cqunty road received ami
. ...., .,.!.. I .1... i.i.j ji.. OR thn mouilnwH nnr! nou In tho tnln!rsrl TteWN.
ihpIh iirir.,i iim i-ad umi unud (ha marshes. Roth aro fertl o. butizthe iieaignatien or Jap MeKiHHen as
H,Ur.rir i,f rrnn.. t. iinnn biu loim U usually better aerated, litis "OS."' ; Y.'8WW: "wejded.- v
retaru ho wus tho moving spirit Id
organizing an irrigation district in
his neighborhood and has been one
of Its directors since.
Mr. Johnson expressed his approv
al of tho steps taken In this valley
a dark, deep soil slightly sloping h4V Jt cwmw rM prd".' viewed
ncAuri nn mn.t nr 1 1... v. 1 1.. ,.rtand aiMiUir 'rMdXiMitltlejMd for by
me eastern mid central OreirowrW "w'"n,u mKm
niaantaln nruu leu opened.
(Hit largest bodies of both tulo eraereu Myerikiea ;rer rn
niwi wnadnu initiiu nr.i ohinriv i iconHtructloH at 'Diamond.
in ui iiiu nieiin innuii 111 imn tbiio - ...... ... r ri...,u .... .1 i it All...
.i .1 i ...... Klamath. I.uln un.l Unrtxnv i.aim.11 1 OllO It. UaUCh Hltd It. Ii. AllOlJ
luwwru BiuruiK uiu wiuur iiuh tun- -.r- r ..w, " I ....i...i . . .l- i.ii.
atrnoflne- mnrtnt-n niftflmrth nt Irrlffl. ' UUt RMiliy Slllill er traCtB M In SOVer . "
unath tho Agency !wy ftM89 por rallo.
f.0.0p0 acres of,, Ilfl,ort of W Y" K,,,g fl
keop boosting.
'rhc political niinounceniont of J.
Cook win bo found In tiila issuo
" he Tlmes-IIorald. Mr. Conk la
f 'i tduced by friends to become
r- 'annulate for county Judgo. Uo la
l 'uiarly rijiallfled'for this position
' 1 i,m r-lenn rpgojij of the past und
'!JH well known buslnesBahllUy make'
Ji btrong niaii for'The'pluco.
i .li.. ......ii..... ...... .,.i niarmi cnniiiiiiH r.n linn ncmn
mm WW. in iwie oAuuuaiii awui uii "7 'V 1 ' Iri.uHiirer nniirnved.
Ho suld to Kut bo- i"f"tiw aim mamma uasiii ju.ouv, , , ,i 7. . . . .
.u nim.ii iv ....,,.. I ........ . . J . .V rMirlulliiii Miiltutmr mail uidu ilnnLiI
excessive dauagv'H asked.
tiftHBihirt it hurt rnmn limn tn jownr uiammn maraiios 47, ouo urns' .
in alio things move in this country nc r lp lnnda-yj.57,000 in all. Tho wri . T?J XT
cording to thin old tlmo boostor mid urKsiA,l"R,H body of moadow laudn Wiiere tO FUlCl INeWS.
ho wnntH to see transformation Iw-i'" i uarney county.
foro his time to pnua from life's' " "xperiineiu hihiiou iioipeu hov-
actlvltloa. "Put every offort hUhlnd "f1" "irmera estmillsli timothy and
hind tho live real estate men and while the Agency contains 30,000 ' 11 jr'"""
glvo thorn encouragement and all tho ncreH-of tulo lundn and upper and,l,,u,u"0 01
aid possible. It has como tlmo to Jowor Ivlmnath marahos 47,000 ucmk'
any movement toward development," "iHlkc i on Klamath reclnlmahlo IimuIb ' ".Kfi'l",,.. lant,a
said Mr. Johnson. "We huvu beoiii'11 1912, since which time many fnrm !"'' for wild lands
iinuioy reiuiy ror action
Hunker sees future hero
St. Josophs Hospital
Ited croufl expenses
Still full of pop
aBloop In this country too long. I .r" '"live Pl n nggrogato of many
know what wntor has done in Calif- j tloiinniul of acres Into tamo crops,
ornla, for I saw thut country when It Tho Investigations have beon thor-
wnfl nnt nnnrlv un nrnmlnlnir nn thin. ' Ollgll (Uld doniOIIStrato tllO feaS-
I know It will bring resullB that will' of Increasing tho agricultural
a kiiuw ii win uruiK runiuin umi win . V. iliiwl orna vlullnr
Justify the expense. Don't get scar- livestock production of Oregon K",'8"0'
ed and dispose of your real estate at " recianiuuwu m tuoso imui,
a low figure for fear of the expoiiBO , H ,,H believed that It will bo to the
of this needed development, for If "est IntoreHtB of tho ewamp land own
you do Bonie other fellow Is going or? to havo tho water Btored and ap
te reap the reward you are entitled ,pd Periods and gradually to re
to for your long years of patlont tho nntlvo growth with domoM-
waltlng und hardships endured in tlctea grasses nnd legumes. Tho
getting reudy for this now era of excess' water can thou bo used to do
thine:" ivelop .the liner textured aroaB.
Following drainage tho rank iiuihh
of tule can bo removed hy burning
T.nt Hntnrdnv a nnliflihnr wrntn
thlH ndlnn Hint 11 v!v! lint lind hnnnlOff. WjlOII dry 1111(1 Wllllo tllO Boll he
lnt nn tlm rnnit rint frnm tlilu c.ltv OW Ih lltlll moist OllOUgll Hot llO bo
and askod that noto ho made of it 'burnt out llurnlng off he tules pro
lu the clawillled columiiB. -It wan 'v,' altUo KV,l,,lble plant food e,'id
plncod Ihcro and Uio following morn-1 t0ll8 10 overcome any rnwnoiw or
lug a lady called' over the - phano ,fl0,,rnoi18 r M 80"' l n 1,8 cnr-
rrom ouf on a farni east of town I "'M, a"" 10 "void injury, mo iirot
that ho hnd found tho hat. Pretty V?. ' Plowing should bo of; only
oulck workiDom)U readtlieudaBB- iimdrnie (toptii. 'ro am nocny tno
'.it 'Ml 'f .".-""TVaal . '
7u.ii. in hi lu'Miat-i" wu '
continued on pago 5)
Commlsslonera court
Lois McOeo
Alzle was right
Irrlgatod crop rosultH -Thoatro
Do you know
As others uce us
Inter church movement
School Notes
Dank statement
Former teacher marrlco
American Legion Nowb
The Harmonica mystery
Legal mid Olaasjlqji
Political' ahnriuncemontH,
- .PAqs-niaiiT -
Local IlnpiioiilngB ,
- ir .
i "but a desire to f til 1111 my obligation
A number of donations hnve been to mnuTilud and do my part with my
received from ex-patients.
Abie Was Right.
To the Editor:-
, Recently you published a weather
Item in which you say that Mr, A.i E.
Drown Is your authority for the, state
ment that the winter of 18S1 was
JusttMke this last winter, with beau
UfiiljDweather during tho months of
February and March, with lota of
fain in April, and tho growing nea-i
son very favorable. Adding that Mr.
i iieigunorfl toward ueitering cnudt-
tions In my own community. It U
not a matter of money, but Boutlmont
a deslro to sow n crop when it U
During his visit with tho writer
Mr. Hanloy touched upon many
things of Interest, ills observation
during his association with tho peo
ple in (ho big centers; national nf
fars, including tho league of nations
and other such aubjecta. Mr. Han
ley feels 'that tho Unltod State
should not shirk n responsibility It
owes to humanity when It has shown
Its ability to tako tho lead u tho af
fairs of the world. Ho feels Preat-
nrriwn wow married In March of that
year hence his recollection of tho dent Wilson Is right In his contention
The older I Krow. tho more, am I
convinced that tho human immiory Ib
unreliable, and oBpoclally Ib ItMo'bo
for the league of nations and that It
Ib tho duty of tho Unltod Status to
take Its place among tho unions of
thu earth lu bringing about reform..
viewed with caution In regard to tlio Ho snya It is impossible for this coup-
weather of times long gono by. And try to withdraw from participation
What could a March bridegroom bo , In thu reroiibtructlon procuxs that it
expected to note or remember of the
weather In February or March?
It so happoiiB that I kept a dally
weather record for tho U. S. weather
bureau at that time at a point about
Ave miles from whore Mr. Drown
then lived, and as n matter of fact
the February of 1891 was about tho
vyoMeBt February noted In Harnoy
cpunty in somo 35 yoars mid much
of tho precipitation was in tho form
of sivow. Nelthor was March nt nil
dry. And April whb tho driest of
the spring mouths, but thu season ai
a whole was cortalnly a good quo, aa
Mr, Brown says, The precipitation
record for that season follows:
February, 2,70 inchos, March. 2.35
Inches, April, 1.57 Inches, May, 3,14
inches, June, 2,55 inches, July, 2,13
And the July rainfall was all dur
ing tho first week of tho month, and
all feu within a period of 3G hours.
1 443' Inches, Not much as compar
ed to mnny places in Western Oro
gon, where an much Ib froquontly
achieved In ono month, hut for Har
ney county, a record breaker. With
as good a rainfall each season, Har
noy county cpuld feed llolglum from
Its Burpluy produeta of thq arm mid
run go? . y
wt -'t't Very, truly yours,
i. ' .. - J. H. NEAL
really Is the duty of thu United States
to take tho lead, no it has proven ltd
ability to lend. Wo should enlight
en those foreign pooplo In tho ways of
n democratic government mid gtild
them to a happier condition in llfo.,
Lois McGee
Died Little Lola McOoo died nt
Boise last Tuesday afternoon. She.
was the daughtor of Mrs, Marvin
McGoe-Puvey and was ton years old
last Mny. She was born in this city,
n twin, and resided horo until last
year when thoy moved to Boise to
make their home. Tho remains were
shipped here for buriul nnd the fun
oral wus held yesterday afternoon
from tho Presbyterian church a Bhort
service being conducted hy Rev. B.
S. Hughes. This little girl la woll
remomhored by tho pooplo of this
city whore alio nnd hor twin slater
wore so loved tho frjoiula finding It
hard to tell thorn apart. Tho 'com
munity grlovo with tho boroavod re
latives. Mr. mid Mrs, Claud l)royu werp
up from Crano yostorday Jo' attend
tho funeral ot llttjo LolBiMcOooV