The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 06, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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T II V, T I M M H II 10 It A Tj 1) 11 It HNS, II A It S M V V O 0 N T V , O II H 0 N
Report of the Condition of tho ',
First National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
At The Close of Business
Febraury 28, 1920.
Loans and Discounts 570,058,3.
Ovnrrlrnfta WW mr.R2'
U. S. Bonds and Treasury Certificates -Other
Bonds and Securities - - . - -Banking
House Fiu'nitureand Fixtures
Ijjiye per cent Redemption 'Iund - - -interest
earned and not collected - -
Gash, on hand and in other banks - . - -
0. M. ThompKOii wan
Thursday IooUIiik ufti
iiohh affairs.
tn I ho oily
O. Mi Uydcf of Ryder Ilrolbors,
printers, at IJuUor, wan In town this
wook looking uftor buuinomi affair.
A. 13, Drown wuh In town yenlor
Loo Hiiclianan linn tllniioeod
most of IiIh hottiiohold good" and In
making preparations to go (e Hood
Illvor where ho contompliitos local-
, . , ,. , ItobL Drlnkwnteor In a frequent
Miss Kugonla Hlblmrd urrlvod. vj(Uor fro, Cnin0( M ,J0 fiondMc(H tt
homo Innt night from her visit lo pttflHong0r car hoetweon that town
Portland, Salem and other Wlllam- lintl urnH( 0 WflB up ThH,ifty
otto po ntn 8ha roportn having had wUh a ,0H(1 of pnHHonKorfl.
a dollghtrul vlnlt. t
..,,. Harold Cnwlflold l holding down
Supt. 0. L. Dabcock of tho Warm ft clittr ,n tho n,r1B ,Ioto, bavm
Springs Indian rosprvnt Ion In over ,,, workn Wth 0. W. Blmniona.
looking after nomo land biinlnoHH for n, HOVortl, frlondH ,uul army oroI1.
Plulon In this vicinity, Ho Ih an- JcH nro K,Il(, t() wocomo j,, HB n arl
cnmnntllnil hv IiIh Wdmintrniiilipr. - , i. ,,.. ... ....
y o-", 01 mi miniiiuns iiiu in iiiiriin.
91 Arl i l'o ovor In a nhort tlmo to inako
X that bin homo, lie In UMinli plenHo.t
8.400.00 with IiIh purchase M li 1 clono to tin
.....1 ...... A.... ......... I
Clay Olomonn lion purchased an , j,unuH .follow. Hold represcnta-
arrcago near Homo anil expects to tivo ,)f n.u Wtloy n aii,,,, Mum0 Co.
In In this vicinity looking after tho
Intercuts Of Ills concern. Ho enmo In
lanl Saturday and has nluco boon out
In tho Diamond country. Ho will
I'onialn for a fow days longer boforo
rot urn Ink to liciid(tiartors.
9 Kflfl fifl l''ty ' conipnnen five. apron in u
HVsViV "Kl mto of miltvolloii with fruit.
12,852.40 iborrlCH and hay.
Sum Tlmbroll, tho pfllnlont and ne
ponunodatliiR manager of tho Valo
Tradim Co. at C'raiin. wa:i In town
Thursday viewing tho IniprovomontM
going forward In our city and ron-
Capital - - - 50,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits - - - - 105,473.50
Circulation 50,000.00
bills rayable (Liberty Loan Account) - -Re-discounts
with Federal Reserve and other
banks 121,948.22
Deposits ----- 462,209.94
Itliao IiUjxr, AHHtntiint Hlato lOnglu
eer, In ehargo' of (ho Water Manlom,
wan In thin city for a nhort tlmo dur
ing tho wook. Mr. Mipor caino tip
to uinkc an InvpudKullon of wntrr
graluiatlng tho ctllzriin of thin coin- (.niiiiionn In thin vlrlulty and to look
munlty on (ho nplrlt hI""vm In thn
way of progroHrtlon, onpetdally In tho
irrigation project.
tfOHN D.DALY, President
A. C. WELCOME, Vice President
E. H. CONSER, Cashier
J. M. DESILETS, Asst. Cashier
Uov 13. Hiiclmnan and Noni O. Mar
tin, both of lluriiH. Ornncoti. wnro
15,000.00 'married at tho Vornon hotel Tuo-
oay ai noon uy i no uov. w. w. van
DiiHPn. DoIho Rtatenman of March
I, Holh theno young pnopln aro well
known In thin vlrlnltv. Itoy In tho
pou of Mr. and Mr, (loo. L. Miiclianiin
and bin brldo In tho daughter of Mm.
Klla Martin,
Mr. and Mm, Obll Shnttlick arrived
homo hint Saturday from! Wanning-
ton 1). C, where (hey had been for
novciral wfekn. Mr. ShattuPk npout
bin 'time In tho Agricultural Depart
iiiout making up bin roportn and eon
forlng with olllclaln In conncellou
wttb IiIh work an HUpurlutoiidnnt of
the experiment htattou In thin nectlon.
uftor certain mat lorn which had boon
taken up at tho fall term of circuit
court, but upon Dinting the Irrigation
dlntrk'1 formed and everything work
ing hariuonlounly toward tho nettle
moil t of any dlnputen, ho wan advlHed
by attornoyn Interested that It would
likely bo uiinepoMHory. After confer
ring with Water Mantcr Foley Mr.
liiiper left Thurndiiy afternoon on bin
return to Halein. ''
PAH) M)(,'AI,H.
it n it li l n J
mnm uouiiiv national m
' of Burns, Oregon
Febraury 28, 1920.
Loans and Discbunts - - , -
Boncta-and Securities - - - -United
States Bonds -
Furniture and Fixtures
Real Estate Owned - - -Stock
in Federal Reserve, Bank ,
Redemption Fund - -' ...
Cash and Exchange
Capital Stock 1 it-. . - - . -Surplus
- .'A1
Undivided Profits - - - -
National Currency ' - - -Reserved
for Depreciation Liberty Bonds
Deposits - - '- - -
j - .
ri( it Jl .til
r i - -
K till
l I'll
no ri
y.a xiii
linn Jllnie
I Dr. D. V. Smith made a profennlon
al trip to Drewney TlinrHday.
i U. J. Wllllainn wan over from Sil
ver Creek yoterday looking after
i noma biiHlnoen mattern.
Otun Slzemoro wan In town Wud-nenday.
Drad, 0110 of the oub.taullnl
ntock men of tho Drownoy country,
'wan over Wednenday looking aflor
Virgil Moon and Tuft Miller wcro'Bomo bunliiCHS affalrn.
In town during the week from tho J.
K. Slionioro ranch. Mm. 13. K. Kirk, who ban been ro-
Hldlnir In Ibo Mm. Volmcr Iioiiho nlncn
N. P. Patternon wan In town thlnant fall, Is making preparations to i
wook calling upon the IjuhIiichh men. lake her dopnrturo.iioon. Mrn. Kirk
Mrn. 13. V. Schwartr. In receiving
her. nprlug mid nummor goodn. Now
goodn arrlvltu; froouyntly. You aro
Invited lo call and hoo thorn.
Whoii nick go to Klng'n hospltnl,
Dent iMiulpped nurgory In tho Interior
and graduate numo In charge.
Mrn. Hhnttiick nneut her tlmo Hlirlit
neeliiK. Aiiiuiik tho IntercHtliii! nlaceq
hIio vlnlted wan tho public oIIIcch of! Tho price of bread htm boon ad
the government, tho ("JiigroHrtloual 'vauced at Pngo'n nweot Hhop hut tho
halln, munciimn, etc. She had a do- nlzo of tho loaf bun boon lucrnanod to
llghtful tlmo. Mrn. Statluck met correnpoud. I.oavofi aro now 20 or.,
William llanley In the coiigrenHloual ilnntead of 10 itiid tho price In 20 rontn
building during their itny In Wanh-'for onn loaf, two for 3(ic. Kklonn
ington I Delivery Henrvko. Adv. 1-31
Try Firotonc
Adv. If.
Gentlemcn'n clnthen Inunderd and
mended; buttoiiH newod on; good
work; prlcen rcaHOimble. Mrn. John
Johnnou, at poulh end of Main ntrcot,
or loavo at While rvntaurant. 1-2-4. t
Out. of (own taxpayer uho Iclrr
ii h to pay their luxe will plcaso m-iii!
Ms the tuv uolleclir'M Miilciiient of the
amount due together with iiiMruc
tloiM for piiyinent of mimic HAH
Money to loan on irrigated
,tiiiA rHHi ni:n jii. n int r,Ri. ii
hIIoii plan ft to 40 jcim time.
jinn mi iiPMH iiiuiin itnii iiuy no
.No ml tpv iiick MTvlre.
At .
jHiir iiijiiiri4iifiii now. iiuriir)'
A IlLf Milff Ilk .1 .1 11'
Arrangf mentn havo been
w nil iriit nHiitiiu iiiinviirv hi pvim
town. O.-W. Cash Market,
No. fi. 1-31.
Ho Ih ropreventliig tho
Hurdwaro Co. of DoIho.
Horthrop ban a (lno farm near Corvallls whero
Islio ralnea pure bred block.
,.?lr " ,'MBt o o' Kd. Morgan wan In town tho other
.n, h liuriiiu nil) uiro IHiri l HUH ,,. 1,vIm. nnmn In tmni .Ixli.r. ,,.
imi,..mIii ......... . f ....r. ... ..w.i ..f.n
of pneumonia.
Gap llnnch.
wun nuuuriiiK irom a nevcro aiiaca lw,clal w,ii-W for tl.,. ,.mIUiiM nnnnw.r.
He came from thojutor j thu interior irt of thin roun
ty. Ho In going back to tho nnuth
em part of tho county at onco to do
norae work in tho natna line.
Mrn. T. J. McDonald wan operated
on by Dr. Smith Wednesday for
chronic appondlcltlu. Tho operation
wan performed at tho St. Jonoph hon
Cashlor K. L. Wallace of tho Crano
Pltal whero tho patient In recovering ","0 i? ,, " y " .
nicely. " day. Mr. Wallaco docHn't get up to
jnco tin vory often as ho hn qulto n
No. thero Inn't any (Jroon Hlbbo.i Joh "n hn ,1,nn,,M looking after tho
thlH wcok tin tho fnlinu- wi.n urrn.., growing bunliiOHn of tho luntltutlotj
that column ha" departed for pan- ho In In charge of. Ho In one of tho
turon now. We'll huvn to hiiIihIKuU t I'roKreiwiva young men 01 1110 coumy
porno other color affair at nomo f. ; "d In, alwayH on tho llrlng lino to-
to take tho jdaco of n... war" ""v"'l""eiu.
II 1 11 p
turo tlmo
Mollle Parker Innlf ilnntirtiim
lant Hnturdny for Canada whero ho
goes to look around. Several yearn
ago Mr. Parker made a trip Into tho
Alberta country and wan moat fav
orably ImproxHod. Ho has gone
back to mako a further Inspection
with an Idea thn ho may go thero to
make his homo.
D. C. C. Clrimth In recovering from
an attack of Influenza arcordng to a
telegram received by frlendH In thin
city during tho week. Dr. and Mrn.
Griffith nro Hpondlng the winter In
;aurornm for tho benoilt of bin
health and the many friends in thin
city oxprenned ronie concern when It
whh learned ho hud contracted In
lluonza. Hl brother, who In a
physician, went down from rfalem
to attend him and It In certainly
good news to learn of his recovery.
Fred I,unberg of tho ploneor mer
cantile firm of Lunaborg & Dalton,
arrived homo Tuesday night from
a vl'ilt to Loa AucelflH mwi .iii,.f
points of Interest In southern Calif-
ornla. Jlo reports having had a lino
tlmo. but glad to bo back on tho Job!
mm neip "oobi tor tno Irrigation pro
ject and do bin part toward tho devel
opment of this big country which ho
aa well as many other old tlmo resi
dents havo seen lying for so many
years awaiting tho organization that
would bring it Into rta own.
Win. Farre
Practice before U. Si. Land
DcpHrtHicHt and
Real Estate
Indications am that the
luro of tho land will
nt tract many InvcMor to
Harney County tho com
ing Mw,on. lilNtlngK now
will hn kept Iwfore pros
p4ctivo Invetorx tho eu
tiro Hcjiwon.
We are lucky to have these GINGHAMS in such
profusion, and we are going to pass our luck along to
YOU. To the practical, well-dressed woman they are a delight no
material so perpetually good looking, so durable, and so MODERATELY
PRICED. They will be welcomed by those who sew at home.
Plain and Fancy
Masquerade Costumes
In tho Locher Hulldlng, acros
slroot from Summit Hotel
Phono (150
DRESS SILKS, too-Messalines,
Satins, Taffetas, Crepe de Chines,
and Georgettes, in many beautiful patterns.
Trimmings to match. Silk Shirtings for Men.
for the most fastidious
Creations of
Muslin, Lace,
and Silk
Junt the thing for
under the new
Spring blame.
Spring calls for low
iihooB - cool, com
fortahlo and drensy.
Priced right, as
If you 'jrofor thorn.
No need to buy
shoos away from
homo when you
can oo tle'sQ bouui
les boforo tyyl"K.
Get Your Mask
For TheMasqurade .
Saturday March 13th
Thp Kexal! Irug Store
hi : 1 1 1 1 r
Staple and Fancy Groceries
.That Please Because Satisfactory
iw; nu: itilt: miM hlj r
Established 1884