l VMiX. MK 41 iarmmtu;a P. G. WODMIOU9II OopjrtRbt SYNOPSI8. CHAPTUtt I. Cnplnln Omincr rcnlilcnt Ml Mm. IMckott'H Kxrel-lnr lumrillnit limine. In found tlonil In Ills bedroom, tin ' dcr clrcmnviunccs tltat itolnt conclimlvoly to Miilrlriu or murder. . . . CHAI'TKH 11. Paul Hnyilor, vntrrnn bend of ti lilnlily MiiTCMful dotoctlvo , itKOncy, la njipmilod to by MrMj l'lctwitt In nilcuvot to colvo tho mystery. On IiIm ntnlt bnyilcr linn a youim man. lilllutt Oaken, fur nltum lie wcs a proiiilnliw fli urn If III ilnoriiml Molf-i-oiilUtenie and I'KotlHtn t an lo t'llinlimtml. Hp Itirnn Hip time over to Onkra. wirotly IntjiInK 1 10 i jmii)u iiihii will full In trylni: to hoIvu the I mystery. CUAI'TUn lll.-OnlP talioa un his ro.n lilntiff In tin- Ijoanlllitf linuco uniltsr tliu iiiuiip of ,1am on Htirton, mul In a report In Snyder ndnillM lift In nfuulhK lllllo iKiailway, though ho. linn formed inany thcorlt'B. . CHAI'TKH lV.-Afcr following to this mil a number of ntmurd thr-nrlc. all of which of rourto comt! to nothliik'. OftHca has to uittiilt ho U battled. CHAPTEn V. The Mystery Solved7 t ' Two days liiler Mr. Snyder wit In ililRj police. There wuu ii IcloKnimJrt! (foroliin. , V ; . . It ramus follown: : "ITovc .sol veil Gunnur mystery. Ko 'turniiiK. 1' "Ou'Uch." Mr. Snyder rani: tho bell. "Send Mr. Onkes to me directly lio arrives," ho wild. He put his feet up on the desk, tilted liln cluilr buck, imd frowned nt tho colllni?. lie wns pained n And Hint tbe chief rmotlon wltli wh..h the telegram from Oakes bud affected blm was annoy ance. Tbe swift solitlnn of such tin npimreitlty Inanliiblo problem would roth-el the lilirlnt iTi-iyi on I ho agency, tint! there were pleliirwpie clrciim utiiiin roiiuerlod with tbe cast whb'li would make It popular with tbe uews impeniMiii mid lend to Its bflJitf ac corded ureal donl of publlelty. On the whole, no cm of recent yonrH projnlned to lvo tbo eney n blKer nrlvurtliMMiient thNU IbH one. Yet, In fplte of oil tbtH. Mr. 8n0or was minoyetl. It wns rldlenlonj nnd ltnprofoHHlonttl of lilin to bu niwioyud, but buniun nuture wuh too nirong for Mm. He renllr.ed now bow Inrwe n pnrt the deslrto reduce OalccH HClf-exteciil bad plnycd with blm. Looking tit tbe tiling honcxtly, lit owned to hlniHelf that he bud bud no expectation that the younK irmn would come within it mile of n reasonable ttolutlon of the tnytdcry; nnd be bnd calculated tbnt his fnlluro would prove a valuable piece of education for blm. For the profCKKtnnnl wuh mixed up with the unprofessional In Mr. Sny der'H, attitude toward IiIh iiHslHlimt. It wan not only tin n private Individual that be bnd hoped toee Oake reduced to humility by failure: be also believed that fullure would make Onkes n more valuable nxKet to tbe agency. OnkcH bad Intelligence. That be bad never denied. Mr. HnyderV Krlevance iiKnlnHt blm wuh tbnt be bad only nbout half tbo Intelligence with which be credited hlmxrlf. Ilia nKKrcHHlve belief In blmKClf Im paired bin utility as n detective. He needed breaking In, nnd Mr. Snyder had looked to this cnao to effect this end. And here bo was, within n rldlcu lounly fdiort ppnee of time, returning to the fold, not humble and defeated, but with flying colon. Mr. Snyder looked forward with np prcheiihlou to tbo young mun'n prob able demeanor under tbe Intoxicating inlluenco of victory. Ills npprehenHlonn were well grounded. Ho bad barely llnhd.cd the pecond of the Kcrlcs of cigar "which, like milestones, marked the progresH of IiIh afternoon, wllen the door opened and young Mr. Oakes entered, ram pant. Mr. .Snyder could not repress n faint moan at tbe Mgbt of blm. Ono gluncu wuh enough to tell blm tltat bis wbrut. fears were realized. . Vow people In tbo history of New York could huvo been no ploitHed with theniBelveK nH Oukc.s obviously was at that moment. He dlffiiKcd Hflf-nntlH-faction like n xcent. In Homo mysteri ous way .he seemed to have grown bigger. lie was fitlll tense, but bis tenseness now was that of tbe leopard returning from some Important kill, announcing Ids'magnlllccnco to the rent of the jungle. Ho eat down before Mr. Snyder bnd time to Invite blm, and the older man -looked with dismay at this slgnltlcunt sign of his Increased Importance. "I got your telegram," said Mr. Knydcr, Oakes nodded. "It surprised yon, ch?" Mr. Snyder resented tbo patroniz ing tone of tho question, but bo bad resigned blmselfto bo patronized und gave no sign of resentment' 1 Ono of tbo old man's chief virtues, which bad couipensnted blm. for u cer tain lack of ((OfiltiK In hi J) nitlke-up, was bis lovoI-boadednoMS and bis nblN Ity to ullow nothing to disturb hm nerlouHly, His oonso of humor hud saved him In u hundred dllllcult sltuu-tlof.-anitU-Huvtai blL'injJW, - s ii' i m Ilo renlized that OivU-h could no morn help bulng patnuil'lng lit Oils moment than a dog could help bark lug after retrieving Its master's walking-stick from a pond. "Yes," bo replied, "I must sny It did Htirprlse me. 1 didn't gather from your report that you bad even found a clue. Was It the Indian theory that won out, or did you calch Mrs. 1'lckott with tho similar Oukoa laughed tolerantly. VOh, that was all moonshine. I never rcnlly believed that truck. I put It In to illl up. 1 hndn't begun to think nbotU tho case then not really think." "No?" "No. I wits Just looking around It giving It the onco ovor." "And having given U tlio onco over " "Why, I took my coat off and waded in." "Von weren't long about It." Mr. Snyder extended bis cigar-case, ''l.lglit up and (ell mo nil ithout It.1 "Well, I won't pfiy I haven't iuni,d his," sold Oaken, pulling smokH. Slitill 1 Infill ill Ibo "beir unlng?" "Sure, llul tell, me llr.-f. who wn it thill did It? Wits It one of the hoard ers?" "No." "Soinebody from onlnlde, then?" Onkes auilled iiuiolly. "Yes, you might call It somebody from outside. Hut I had better trace my icuMinitig from the utnrt." "That's right. It spoils a story know ng tbo llnlsh. Go to It." OnkcM let the ash of bis cigar full delicately to the lloor, nnothiu"' aellor. wjilcji Hoeiued slgnlUcau't to, bis 'Oin nloyer. As n ruf(blH asslstan'ts, union Parlltjularly'sipleiisl'd with tbenueUes, 'used1 the uMi-tniy. "My Ilrsr act on arriving" be said "wns to bhve a (alk wllb Mrs. I'lekeit A very dull old woman." "furious. Shu struck mo as rather Intelligent." "Not on your life. She doesn't know beans from buttermilk. She gave mc no assistance whatsoever. "I then examined the room where tbo death liuft taken place. It wns much ns yon had described It. Locked door. Wlndo v hlKh up. No chimney. I'm bound to say that, at first sight. It looked fairly unproiullng. "Then I hud a chut uiib omo of the oihar hoarder. They bad noiblng to tll me that wan of the lettut tin. Mot of them simply gibbered. "I then nw up trylnif to irrt help from oiilsld. nnd rcvolvtd to rely ou my own Intplllgtnce." He amtled coiiiphiueutly. "It la h th-ory of mine. Mr. Sny dar. which I have found vnluable. that In nltie etiHos out of ten, rmnrknblo things don't happen." "1 don't aulto get tbnt." "I mini ii exactly what I fay. I will put It another way If you like. What I mean In tbnt the simplest explana tion Is nearly always tbe right one." "Well. 1 don't" "I have tested nnd proved It. Con sider this case. Was there ever n case which was more entitled by rights to a biwtrro solution? One was almost Inclined to believe In the supernatural. It occtned Impossible that there should have been any reasonable explanation of tbe man's death. Most men would bnvo worn themselves out guessing nt wild theories. If I had started to do that, I should have been gucssln now. "As It Is hero I ma. I trusted to my belief that nothing remarkable ever happens, and I won out." Mr. Snyder sighed softly. Oakes wns I entitled to n certain amount of gloat ing, but there was no doubt that his way of telling n story wns a little trying. "I bellevo in tho loglcnl sequence of events. I refuso to accept effects un less they nru preceded by causes. In other words, with nil due deference to you, Mr. Snyder, I simply decline lo believe In a murder unless there Is u motive for It. "The llrst thing I set myself to as certain was what was the motlvo for this murder of Captain Gunner? And, after thinking It over nnd making every possible Inquiry, I decided that there was no motive. Therefore, there wuh no murder. It was like un elemen tary sum," Mr. Snyder's mouth opened, nnd he apparently Intended to speak, but he changed bis mind and Onkes pro ceeded : "I then tested tho sulcldo theory." Whnt motive wns tbero for suicide?. There, was no motive. Therefore, there was no suicide.". This time Mr, Snyder spoko. "Say, my boy, you haven't been spending tho last few days In the wrong houso by uny chunco, bnvo you? You will be telling mo next time there wasn't any dead man." Oakes smiled. "Not lit all. Captain John Gunner wns dead' as mutton, and, ns the medi cal ovbleuco proved, he died of tbo blto of u krnlt." Mr. Snyder shrugged bis shoulders. "Go on,1' ho said. "It's your story. I'm listening." "Well, I won't keep you long, Captain Gunner died from snakc-blto for the very excellent reason that bo was bit ten by a snnko," i. "Bitten by a 'snake?" "By a kralt. If you want further. details, by u kralt which camo from Java." Mr. Snydor stared at him. , ."How (lo you know?" "Wio Jnow'; ' ,M. "DIM fyou soo' Uio.snnUo?" "No." ' f "then how "I huvo enough evidence to make a Jury convict Mr. Snnko without lenvj lug tho box." , "How did tho snnko get out of tbo room?" ' " - - 'iZJy tbo window.",.. t "" ' h - II i: U A 1. I 111 li NM i "Now do yotl nntkc Hint out? You say yourself (but tho window wits high tip." "Nevertheless, )t got out by tbo win dow. It's tbo logical sequence of events. That's proof enough that It was In tho room. It killed Captain Gunner there. And that's proof enough that It got out of tbo room, because It left traceH of Its presenco outside. Thcreforo, as tho window wns thoonly exit, It must bnvo gone out tbnt wny. It may bavo climbed or It may have Jumped, but It got out of tbo window." "What do you mean proofs of Its presenco outsldo?" "It killed u dog." "Hollo I This Is now. Xou didn't men Hon tbnt before." "No." "How do you know It killed Uio dog?" "IJeenuso analysis proved that It bad died from snake-bite." "Where was It?" "There In n norl of bark-yard be hind Ibo bonne. Tho window of Cap lain' Gunner'H room looks out Into it. It Is full of boxes una Utter of all sorts, nnd thcro uro u few sluntod shrubs scattered nbout. In fuel, tbero Is enough cover to hide any stiinll ob ject like tho body of u i og, mid Hint's why 11 was nol discovered at llrst. "Jvnlle, tho mald-or-Hll-wolit at tho Hxeclslor, camo on It tho morning after I had sent, you my report, wbllo she was emptying ii box of ashes In the yard. Nobody claimed tho dow. It wns Just an ordinary mutt dog. don't suppose It belonged to nnybony. It )uid no 'collar." "It wn'rt fortunate you happened, to think of hivlng the .aniil.vif made," "Not nt till. It wjim "tbo obiitis thing to do. It constituted n 'coincidence,, and' I wns on the lookout, for, that sort of coincidence. It supported my theory. , "Well, on I tiny, llm nnnlyst examined the body, nnd found that thu dog hud died of tho bile of u krtilt." "Hut you didn't llnd tbo snnlca?" "No. Wo cleaned out that ynrd till you could bnvo eaten your breakfast there, but tho snnko had gone." "Good Heavens I Is It wandering nt large along the water-front?" "Weil hope It has been killed. It Is not a pleasant thing to have about tbe streets: It must have got out through tho door of tin yard, which was open. Hut It N u couple of daya now BlncH It escaped, and thuro has boon no farther tragedy, mt I gueas It's dond. Tbo nights nre pretty cold now, und It would probably have died of oxpoaure. Aftyuay. let'a Iiojm m, "Hut, for goodness' sake, bow did n krnlt get to Long labuid, anyway?" "Tbero Is a very alinpln explanation of that. Can't you guess It? I told you It caiuo from Jnvn." "How do you know Hint?" "Cnptnln Mulb'r told me. Not di rectly, I menn. I gathered It from what he said. It seems tbnt Cnptnln Midler had ii friend, nn old shipmate, living in Java. They corresponded, anil oc casionally this man sends the captain n present as a murk of bis esteem. Tho last present ho sent blm wan our friend, the aaakc." "Whatr "He didn't know be wns sending It. He imagined ho wns sending n crate of bananas, without any extras. Un fortunately, tho Hnnko must bavo got In unnoticed. These unsuspected ad ditions to crates of bananas are quite common. You must bavo read about them In tho papers. It was only the other dny that rt man found a taran tula lusldo one. "Well, that's my case against Mr. Snake, und, short of catching him with tho goods, I don't see how I could have made out n stronger one. Don't you agree with me?" It went against tho grain of Mr. Snyder to play tbn role of admiring friend to his assistant's Triumphant Detective, but he was a fair-minded man, and be was forced to admit that Oakes did ccrtnlnly seem to have solved tho Insoluble. "I congratulate you, my boy," he said as heartily us bo could. "I'm bound to say when you started out I didn't think you could do It. It looked to mo, like opo of those cases we fall on, nnd keep mighty quiet about when wo are printing our reminiscences. You uro a wonder." "Not at all. I merely used wbnl wits God has given mo, and refused to bo led down blind alleys. And you must admit, Mr. Snyder, that I won through without Urn amateur assist ance of Mm. IMckett. which you rec ommended to strongly." Mr.. Snyder looked embarrassed, "Tbnt was Jum a little Joke, my boy. How did you b avo thu old lady? I guess she was pleased?" "She didn't show It. She's only half nllve, that wnmiu' Sbo hasn't sense enough to bo pleased at any thing. However, she bus Invited mo to dine tonight In her private room, which, I suppose, Is an lienor, It cer tainly will bo a bore. Still, 1 accented. Sbo inudo such n point of It." CHAPTER VI. Mr. Pickett Takes a Hand. For soma time nfter Oakes had gone, Mr. Snyder sat guiokiug und thinking, His meditations were not' altogether pleasant. Oakes, bo felt, after this would bo. unbearable as n mnn, and, what was worse from u professional vlow-polnt, of greatly di minished viiluo uu a servant of tho 'agency, t To n temperament llko Ofikcs n BPijftncliliu success ill such nn early Mnge In IiIh career would' lie illsus tvous. ' , . . , oiikos ns n dotccjlvo nnd, perhaps, ---' ... ns a, man, too was in mo ecnoonjoy stage,- Ho was being educated, What liSipfiSt; nwAM) 0.1 this pjilut 111 UlU 11 A It V 13 i C O t 'I V , O education was u failure wbbh should keep IiIb Bolf'Conlltlenetf In check, That bo should have succeeded so nwlflly und brilliantly In this matter of tbo death of Cnplnln Gunner wns nothing less than a disaster, To Mr. Snyder, meditating thus, thero whs brought tho card of u Culler. Mrs. Plckolt would be glad if bo could spare n fow inomontM. Mr. Snyder wns glad to seo Mrs, Pickett. Ho was n student of charac ter, and sbo bnd interested blm nt their first meeting. Sbo fell Into none of tho groupn Into which ho divided his fellow men and women. Tbero wits something about her which bnd seemed to him unique. Ho welcomed his second chunco of studying her nt close range. She puzxlcd Mr. Snyder, nnd when any ono or anything puzzled blm, he liked lo keep him, her, or It under observation. Sbo enmo In anil sat down nil Illy, hithmclru: herself on tbo oxtreinu edge of the cbnlr In which ft Abort wbllo berore young Mr. Onkes bud lounged so luxuriously. Her hands wore folded on her hip, nnd her nycn had tin penetrating stare which In the early periods of the In vestigation had disconcerted Elliott Oakes. She gave Mr. Snyder, an ex perl In -tbo dlmVu.i. art of weighing people up, n- c-lriKirdlnary ImproR slon of reserved force. "Sit down. 'Mrs. l'lckelt," said Mr. Snyder Kcnlully. "Very glad you looked In. Veil, so It wasn't n-unlcr, nfter lib." "Sir?" Tvo Just been seeing Mr. Onkes," explained the detective, "Ho hail told me nil nbout It." "Ho .! .no all about It," said Mra. rfeket.' drjy. A.r. 'Snyder looked at her Inquiring I". ler manner seemed more sug gestive than bee wnrds. "A conceited, headstrong young fool," said Mrs. IMcUMt. It wns no new picture of his assist ant Hint she bad drawn, Mr. Snyder bad often drawn It himself, but nt the present Juncture It surprised him. Oukiw, In bis Hour or triumph', surely did not deserve tills sweeping con (lelunalloti. "Did not Mr. Onkos' solution of tho mystery sutbfy you, Mrs. l'ickett?" "No." "It struck, inn as logical und con vincing." "You tuny cull It nil tbo fancy linmim von plrnae, Mr. Snyder; but II w" not the right one.". "Have you nn Hlternatlvo to of terV "Yet." T should Hbo to henr It." "At tho iH-npar time you ahull." "Whnt make yon no certain that Mr. Oiikos N wronc?" "Ilo takes, for .grunted whnt Irfn't possible, and makes bis whole case stand on It. There couldn't have been n snake In that room, because It couldn't have got out. Tho window was too high." "Hut urey tho evidence of tbo dead dog?" Mrs. Iickett looked at blm aa If be had disappointed her. "I had always hear you spoken of ns n man with cortmnn sense, Mr. Snydor." "I have always trice to ubo com-, tuon sense." "Then why rre yotl trying now to tnukc yourself bellevo that something happened which could not possibly bnvo happened Just because It tits In with something which Isn't easy to explain?" "You mean that there Is another explanation of tbo dead dog?" "Not another. Mr. Onkes' Is not an" explanation, Hut tbero Is an explana tion, and If ho had not been so bead strong und conceited ho might huvo found It." "You spenk us If you bin found It." "I have." Mr. Snyder stared. 'You huvol" "Yes," "Whnt Is It?" "You shall hear, when I am ready to tell you. In the meantime try and think It out for yourself. A great (letectlve agency Jlko yours, Mr. Sny der, ought to do something In return for n fee," Thero was something so reminis cent of tbo school-teacher reprimand-' lug a recalcitrant urchin that Mr. Sny tier's hciiko of humor enmo to his res ells. 1 "Well, wo do our best, Mrs. Pick ett.. Wo uro only human. And, remem-1 her, wi4,unrantco nothing. Tho public ! employs us it t Its own risk." Mry. Pickett did not pursue tbo sub ject. She waited grimly till he bad Mulshed speaking, und then proceeded to nstouisn Air. snydor still rurtber by asking blm to swear out a warrant for arrest on a charge of murder. Mr. Snyder's breath was not often taken away In his own olllco; as u rule, bo received bis clients' commu nications, strange as they often were, calmly. Hut nt her words ho gasped. Tho thought crossed bis mind tbnt Mrs. Pickett was not qui to anno, Tho details of tho caso were fresh In his memory, and he distinctly rccol-' lected Hint the person she mentioned had been away from thq boarding bouse on the night of Captain Gun nor's death, And, ho imagined, could, If necessnry bring witnesses to provo ns much, . . Mrs. Pickett wns regarding bini with an unfaltering 'fitn're To nil out ward uppcurauccH she was snno, "Hut you can't swear out warrants .without, evidence." "I huvo yvldeuco," ; "Wlut Jh It?" XIL l told yQU'UQW, you would .think It K OO V Hid t I wiih rut of my mind." "Hut, my dear madatn( do you realize what yon are asking mo to do7 I cannot make this agency responsible for tho casual arrest of pcoplo In thla wny, It might ruin me.( At tho lenst It would illlike me n InUghlng-stock." "Mr. Snyder, Union to me. You filial! lino your own Judgment whether or not to make the arrest on that war rant. You shall bear what I bnvo to say, and you shall co for yourself how It Is taken. If nfter that you feel .that you ennnot mako the arrest you need do nothing." Her voice rose. Kor the first time since they met sbo began to throw off tho Htony culm which served to musk all her thoughts and emotions. "I know who killed Captain Gun nor. I can prove It. I knew It from the beginning. It was like it vision. Something told nle. Hut 1 had no proof. Now, things have come to light, und everything Is clear." Again'! bin Judgment Mr. Snydor ryvMVTMVtfiifwvwTriMnri A Helpful Seed Book ILLUSTRATED WITH COLON PHOTOGRAPHS No wUo bcimI buyer will think of purchniilnif hlii re quIri'mrntT without Orst ronnultlnir this book. Jt tolls podltlVDly of the "IIKST HIJHOH roil T1IM Wi:sT.' Urlmfiit of authentic Information and coninlnlnir over 300 photo onurnvliiKS "bowing actual rcsultii from Lilly's Hoed. It In acknowledged to bo tho LUADIAO -WUHTKHN BUKD CATALOG. , hwqs afa aifaiiaTarf JJata wiiiTn The Hciittlo Will SOMETHING Happen to make you rich ? A rich uncle may rlie and leave you a roll, but few rich uncles have this habit. If you get rich the chances are you will first have to save enough money in order to make an investment that will pay. There are plenty of investments for the man with a little ready cash. But it is up to you to save cash. The best policy is to deposit a portion of your salary. A Bank is better than a hole in your pocket through which your money can slip away. Make our Bank YOUR Bank. CRANE STATE BANK CKANE, OREGON Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TRAUGOTT, Prsprleter REAL ESTATE LOANS BLUEPRINTS Fhre S ar G12S Words " In theso days of high prices, wnnt to hear. Wo, bavo thorn for During tho coming year wo will usp our utmost em'eftvor to dit-,. churgd our deep obligation to our ciiHtomersb'?octlnga,6iib3tn t In 1 reduction on tho prlco of ovory article wo ilcll, "yviiero it Is b ' ntiinly posslblo to do so. i . . Wo can not control -tbo prices in tho wholosnlo mnrkots, but u can and will continue to regulate our own profits In such u manner that customors will not only bo amply protoctcd, buUwlll bo nctua1'v favored in ovoy ealo wo mako. Wo bavo no woll rounded and glowing effulgence of thanks t hand you In u choice exhibition or rhetoric, but wo do offer you our slncoro grutltudo for your pntronngo of tho past year. It will lo our pleasure to eorvo you uvon more acceptably in tho year to come .1 Burns Cash Store Ladies' MonogramSt ationery Here 'lrfll't- (Uflli Itrit.t'j ii mil 'I'll., .. ... mii;.'uiU.iii which iiuiltea . HlvoiiesK. iio wnveied. "H II sounds Incredible" Kveii as he spoke he retnen Hull It bail Ion tr been n nr,r Hue, and ho weakened still lur "MP. Nrivilnr. I nillr vnti In uid.. Illiil itillrriint " , The dctectlvo gave In. "Very well." MrM. I'li'Itnft rniin. "tt vrill w 1 1 1 rmnn anil rlltin t ..... ........ ...... ( iioiiso touignt, i think i can w Villi Hint It will lm nnnilml Win .... . ..... . . iivi.ui,iii VFift come? ' "I'll come," eald Mr. Snyder. K (To be continued) When tbo local base-l 11 i i. i. .. ,i. ...... .... M !. j I.IL... , ehureh social 7 Who pay 'oi Hlreet assessments for pamif, main -ircot nt vour town? . J-JBBBBklf vim voi'u cuvy toiiay Chan. II. Lilly Co. Yakima Portland Burns, Oregon of Cheer ' words of ' cheer aro the ones you younjrK '' v '