The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 06, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Saturday, March 0, 100.
T II K T I M H.IIE It A h 1) II If It W H t 11 A K N y Y COUNTY, 0 It 1-3 0 O X
wmo i oople aro vorltnblo kouIuhq-i
SO'"". n.. .11 .......l.l.i
. n...l ih. ,,nil!. tli
am nlhl Uiex mm imnmuu
r i in - .... . . .
.. iiiiiv npvnr iiiiiik ui lhiliiui
i.. iimir an.iu
rtf!I HI I III-" n'.w-f
.The On koii morchunts, nmnuruct
.... ..ii.t winners will do tliQlr inert
LI" " . A . . . . M
,iie loimimor, wui my ur um
(n in Piinilrt. Thov nrn'.oiilv
.nine f. r Mio cnuucu in pntvu uuu
tte produce JHt us kooiI pro-
..... , ii. State in the Union."
U . .
FH0T0 Studio
Dote oping and Printing
Ivndak KulHrgriiient.s
from Snapshota
('lll)lllOt Photographs
Satisfaction Guaranteed or
.Money Refunded
Open BundnrH Only
In former Bayar Studio
Tlio UImHob Llbrdry ilul) wh on
tortalnetV. by Mm. Fruu'cefi Clark and
Mra". Farm at tho formers homo on
Fob. ujf,. 1020. Tho m'co'Uni: wnu
well attended and wan ono, of thrt
moHt prblftnblo mootingi of tho year.
Tho next ninetlpg Will bo at this homo
of Mrs. Farro fill March 20, 1H20.
Tho following 'urogram wan given
In a moot delightful wny:
Tho -Unroln l'lay Drlnkwater,
Vocal nolo -Mm. Farro, I)lHeu,twlon
f Author Mm. Uouorhu, Heading
Mm. Faulkner, CrlllrieinH of th
Play Mm. Farro, Heading of thu
I Lincoln Play Mm. Faulknor, voeU
Nolo Mm. Cheater. Dullon, Lincoln
Play rh presented by the linker
Stock Co, Mm. Erancea (Jlark.
ThoMgh coat of clothing.,
Tho nigh codt of hou,
Tho high codt of tlvlng,
The high cont qt ,papr stock.
Tho high 'COtt&'Of. Ink.
ThohMh coBtVpfsheliV
andli$ t.
Tho hOW cob( of thin paper.
Think Ih over.
Farm Machinery Cas6 Tractors
Martin Dit6hei& u
Gas Engine '
Bosch Magneto
Early Baart Wheat
Alfalfa Seed
Dry Goods Shoes v
Taming a Candidate
Old politician!) chow on wlmlom
pmd mid aro allko an old maid with
ono foot In tht grave who fanuloH
Hlio l nwk'h bolter than "Sweol.
Mario" with tho glow In hor iduioke
that Hot n half tho town afiro. In
youth and homily wlmlmu In but rare,
mid U'h only fair Hint the old polltl
claim Bhould Impart r.omi of thu
trlckn that Swoot Mario (llrst tlmo
rnudldato) never knew anything at
all about and nlwayn did.
It Ib, thcreroro, miggonted an good
form and fair, thnt tho lluriiii Com
ical Club Invite nil candidate for
ollluo, and the public, to a gridiron
nmokur for thu million and wlndom of
all ngoH,
tie good uporls and accept, tliono
that don't want to takn phynlu can bo
. company for Hioho thnt do tako it,
nnd If anyone fnlln nnloop, be, hIio or
, they will not ho nwakencd by snor-
ing ror there win uo plenty oi huckb
ror ovoryhody to tako n Jump over.
All candidate will bo told about
a beautiful Bpot up Halt lllver, that
familiar placo whore grnH grow.i
green over tho graven of forlorn
hopon aftor a primary election, and
iiIho made acijualntod with an experi
enced pilot who will conduct him
thero Hiifoly.
1 Tho comical clulj will fix a plat
form for you, a cotnmn.n ono all enn
tund on and for, which will tmvo
heth tbo Old polltlcliimi and nwcet
Marie'a much worry and material;
It will bo for orfeclniicy and economy,
yet Allow thone tddectcd in November
to ge down to flalom next LogUbi
turo and auk for a radio in nalary,
and hIho provide for a nice clean cam
paign with plenty of Invlnlble mud.
Thero will bo a big iioIho and when
all U over you will reel like a pro til
after reading n booxo editorial in tho
late now.
Voter and morabir of lluniM Com
ical Club.
i;n.iovi:i lhap yi:ah paiity
A Lean yenr Parly wtiK" enjoyed nt
the hoibe or Mr. ami Mm. Olon B.I
wardH Ian! Haturduy night, Feb. 28tli.
Their home Ih about three in I leu mil
in tbo country and thin made tlx1
party mors enjoyable on account of
the trip out.
Among (bono prcftcut were Italn'i
llaukliiM, Jean Monroe, tleorge HiirIi
ct. Pearl llaukliiH, Until LiiMen and
Stella HuKhot.
llefreMbinenlK wero nerved at I'
o'clock and then the dancing wan re
r. ti mod.
Hvoryouo enjoyed tliemmdvcH tin
meiiHely and fell Ihelr f;ood tjmo wm
largely due to their hoxt and bottom.
Mr. and Mm. Kdwurd.
If II Ih clean, canltary and Invit
ing, he carrion I ho. good word arar.
Hut If It U dlngv. and III kept, bo
carrion the bud record to even great
er dUtMiiceK
siraiCruUUUU ;
I 8. M, Ilolton waa ovor from
W. T. Vandorveer wiih In town
from bin l'lnu Crook ranch during tho
week, ' '
l)r, Bmylh performed an opera
tion' on LloMl Beilweard ut tho King
honplliil the or thix wo.Mt tor
heriiln. Tho Mithuit h the Hon of
Mr. and Mm. HtoVe Boawoard of Ola
inoud. j
Nathan Drown waa among Hioho
from a dhdatico to attend the ball
irlvnii bv the American Lexlon UiHt
Saturday night. Nathan Ih now th
charge of the NurrowH Morcniitllo
Co, Btoro and itaya ho In having n good
tlmo working while Joo MorrlB Ih
away on a vacation trip,
Died Tho infant nun of Harry
Ooutdln died on Tuonday, Tho llttlo
one wan handicapped from birth, IiIh
twin Hlxtor having died Just follow
ing birth aud thu mother died from
Influenza a few , dny nftorwnrd.
While It In n nad bereavement for tho
fathor nnd other relatlvoH, It Ih well
to beur In mind tho frailty of the
little fellow and hbi hard chanco.
The body was lntorrod In tho liurua
Geo. H. fllr.omoro ban announced
bit candidacy for dltrlct nttornoy
In thin Ihauo or thu papor. Mf. Size
more holdn that ofllce at proHoiit and
wiih appointed to thu winie ofllce a
row yearn ago by Uov. We'st. He
hao been n practicing attorney of thU
city for many yearH nnd 1.1 woll
known to the voter or Harnoy coun
ty Oeorge will not likely ham any
opposition in hi own party in the
prlmtirUw therefore hla uowliiation
In conceded.
I) I K D TnKgrapc Information
wbh received here Tuonday morning
from Portland ttntiouncoliig that the
little daughter or Mr. and Mm. Ira
Malum bad died thero Monday night.
Mm, Mttbon nnd the little one left
here Hiinday morning by way or
llend. going to Portlnnd for special
latteiitlon to llttlo Irene. Hhe had
been ailing for noiiiu (line and the
mother had been at the Flroovod hos
pital in thin city for a time with hor
and Dually tho local idiynlclan rorom
meiidod xhe be taken to u HpoclalUt.
''ho little i?lrl wiih a little over a your
old. The bereaved relative have the
deep Hyuipathy of the people or (IiIh
The nniioiiiicemoiit of P. .1. flnlla
gher iim a miidldato for reprenenta
live ir thin dlntrlct In the leglHliittiM.
iipivaM In HiIh Ihkiio. .Mr. Oalliighcr
wiih a live wire In thu Irhl leglsluluru
iitiil the Kperlal Nimnlon recently hold.
He Ih an actlvo man uud taken n
deep IntoroNl In whutovor work be
undertaken. Among the leglnlatloii
be wiih liiHtriimeutal In Hocurlug
wan tho guaranty or Intercut on Irri
gation and drainage bandi, TIiIh In
of vimt 'linportunce to thin part or
tho Httito.hnd Ih already In operation.
Local peiiple will appreciate thin law
Aoro fhuy wheii the IrrlKatlon din
trlctn of thin rounty are ready for
Imndlng. Mr. Onlhmbor plodgen bin
bent crfottH ror the dlntrlct Bhould he
bo HUcccHHful at the election.
T(M) la ik to olahhiky
Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here
We are closing out our stock at
price tht are, in most instances,
f arbelaw present wholesale prices.
Stock' up now for future needs.
THete goods will not last long and
the first here are going to reap the
benefit of this sale.
We enumerate a few articles below with prices; every
thing else accordingly.
LOBT Hot ween llurin nnd Lawen.
one Inrge black velvet ladlen hat.
Finder plenno leave at The Tlnion
n Hornld oIIIom. Iteward. 3-C-Ilt
FOIt BALK - Prnctlcally new cream
Koparator. IIOO poiimU capacity, lu
nulru at Iluguy'H ntore. 3-C-lt
W'ANTKD- Woman to do lhlil Iioiihj
work aud look after a little child.
No wnHhlng. Inqurn of C. W.
LowIh at N. Ilrowu & Bonn Htori
or phono C 101. 3-G-tf
Notice Ih he'robv given that tin?
County Court or Harney fount) will
receive hid up to April 7, 1 020, "for
40 cordn bent quality Pino Wood nnd
.15 cord bent quality Mahogany wood,
to bo delivered at tho Court Houbo
nnd High School building, in IlurniT,
Oregon, on or before Beptomber J,
1920. A bond will be requeued,
and the County Court reierVe"the
rlvlit- lii rnlnct nnv or till htdn. tlllda
'will bo conaldercd for either or both
klndn-of wood.
Sealed blda nay b loft ut County
C)crx!a office.
Dated March C, 1920.
County Clerki
li try KirONtono t.onlH, riuverMii
I Onrnge. . Adv. f.
Collars, acb,
Beys SUrU
. . . t:io;
$2.50, 3.00
$ .75, 1.00, L2S,
. $ .50, .75, 1.25
Bays aul girU rUn, ftk,
$ .50
Mens rafcbers, pair, , $ 1.00, 1.25
Mm MMlerskkU, . . $ .50, .75, 2.50
leys tw piece iwkrwear, ssit, . $ 1.00
twktu slkti, $ 1.00, 2.M
ties, . . 5 .50 .75
Clothing Company
Hplrlt World mid A Future Life
10 contM
. Other Hide. or Death
'2H coiiIh
Hpliituallnm v. CliiiNtanlty
5 cent
. '
Vnu ulinuld leoarn tlio trillll
coucornlng thia grout quentlon
uppormoat - in tno minuu oi T
thinklnc nooDlu tody.
Southerrn Idaho Confirenco
; p. O. Box 719 Uolu9, Idaho,
Burns Hotel Building
NOW open for business with a full
line of FRESlrl MEATS
Cured Meats, Ham, Bacon, Bologna, etc., soon
By establishing a market we hope
to better serve our past patrons who
have been taking meat, from our
auto delivery.
OUman & Withers
ilia.? t ,..
EmartorSwm,il Sore,
IrriUtei, mm4 or
nruidiiJ. um Murine
L .XX 1
11 AltUwARE
Lead Bars
Hammer -Hatchet
AXE - -
Mattock -Sledge
- -
. S. Geer & Co.
Across from Postoffice
owned and operated by ex-
men, who give absolute
and satisfaction to
customers. Sells DODGE
Universal Garage
yours for
t :
(Mb sJiathea. Rfrakaa.Safe for
Free Bye aowi.